Shelves in the bathhouse: height and width dimensions for different types of bathhouses and design options

About terminology

However, you will have to start by clarifying exactly what the places for sitting and lying in the steam room are called. In the singular we say “shelves”, and not “canopy” and not “shelf”, and in the plural we say “shelves” (emphasis on “and” - polki), and not “shelves” and not “canopies”. IMPORTANT! What do you name the yacht... this is the answer Google will give you to your query. If you ask illiterately, you will receive materials written by illiterate people who, most likely, do not understand the subject at all.

Steam room interior

Although the main quality of a steam room is its effectiveness and convenience, appearance also matters.
Therefore: finishing of all elements is carried out taking into account not only safety and comfort, but also aesthetics. High-quality surface coatings, including oil-wax, can reveal the texture of wood and emphasize the laconicism of thoughtful forms; the use of one or more harmonizing types of wood for decoration increases the attractiveness of the interior

When choosing materials, it is important to consider the correspondence of the color scheme of furniture, walls (ceiling, floor) and stove; Correctly selected lighting (hidden or semi-hidden lamps of a suitable style) and a rational choice of accessories will help make the procedures more enjoyable.

Differences between Russian baths and saunas

We have said so many times that in any national bath everything is thought out to the smallest detail, or rather, that there are no small details at all. Temperature, humidity, air exchange rate are values ​​so closely related to each other that a change in one leads to a violation of air conditions as a whole.
What does shelves have to do with this? Yes directly. At different heights from the floor, the temperature will be different; right at the ceiling it is hottest ; this is where the hottest air and steam from the stones accumulate, if the owner practices a Russian bath. But is it necessary to make shelves under the ceiling? But who cares - the Finns will be interested in this, but the Russians have no need.

Therefore, what the height of the shelves in a bathhouse should be depends on their number , and the number depends on whether it is a bathhouse or a sauna.

The simplest option is when the size of the shelves in the steam room of a Russian bath is determined by their single-tier arrangement, that is, one or two sun loungers (the latter is only possible in a spacious steam room), on which it is convenient to lie down at full height, and this is somewhere around 2.0-2 .2 m with a shelf width of 90 cm and a height from the floor of 75-90 cm.

ATTENTION! The height of the shelves in the bathhouse from the floor when choosing a single-tier option is determined either as the height of the upper edge of the stove + 10 cm, or according to the height of the bath attendant who will most often steam - measured from the knuckle of the thumb to the floor.

Such a shelf may be accompanied by a movable footstool, which has a height of, say, 40-45 cm, that is, approximately half the height of the shelf. With such a bench, the design becomes conditionally two-tiered, because it allows those who wish to sit on the bench as if on the lower tier.

In general, from what has been said it is clear that the most important thing for a Russian bath is to have a lying place, convenient for the steamer and the steamer.

The steam room itself must be arranged in such a way that the steamer’s broom can freely pick up the steam that has accumulated under the ceiling and lower it onto the body of the steamer.

It is possible, if the ceiling is high, to make the structure two-tiered, that is, so that the steamer with a broom stands on the lower tier (in the design described above, he stands on the floor).

A sauna differs from a Russian bath in the high (90-100 degrees) temperature of dry air (humidity 5-15%), which is the main means of warming up the body - in a Russian bath it is heated with steam . People come to the sauna to sweat. And this happens better where the humidity is lower and the temperature is higher, that is, higher from the floor.

BY THE WAY! It is better to sweat while sitting, which is why Finnish shelves are narrow and three-tiered.

In general, it is clear that the Russian shelf is wide and with minimal tiers, while the Finnish one is narrow and reaches the ceiling

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