Making shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands: step-by-step guide and video instructions

Popular wisdom says: “there are no generals in the bathhouse.” However, one quick glance at the shelves in the bathhouse is enough to understand which of those present occupies what place not only in the bathhouse hierarchy, but also in the registration card file of the local clinic. A person with good bath experience and good health sits comfortably on the top shelf, a newcomer with youthful enthusiasm and a sparkle in his eyes settles in the middle, an avid but weak bath lover, whose heart muscle has been undermined by a chaotic life and family troubles, hesitantly huddles at the very bottom, closer to the exit. . Polk actually has a lot to say. Let us take a closer look at it.

What size should shelves be for a bath?

Experts have established acceptable dimensions for shelves installed in bathhouses.
The development includes floorings that allow you to sit comfortably during bath procedures, sit on them or lie down. The main parameters were derived based on the person’s convenient location:

  1. The average length of the shelf was calculated so that a person could bend his knees when lying down. It turned out to be 1.5 m.
  2. So that a person can sit comfortably on the shelf at full height, the length was set to 1.8 m. Then the legs no longer have to be bent at the knees.
  3. In addition to standard parameters, there are custom sizes. Since it happens that a person is taller than average and needs a longer shelf to enjoy the process, he feels comfortable in the steam room. Lengths up to 2 meters or exceeding this parameter are selected.
  4. The smallest parameter for the width of the shelf is chosen to be 40 cm. This can be the size of the bottom shelf on which you stand with your feet and which plays the role of a stand. You can stand on it, but you can also sit on it when you need to cool down.
  5. The width can reach up to 60 cm. But such benches are not comfortable for steaming while lying down.
  6. The most comfortable width shelves are 90 cm. A person of any size can sit comfortably across them, tuck his legs in, or lie down.

An important role is played not only by the properly constructed structure of the bathhouse, but also by its internal arrangement.

Purpose of the shelf

All procedures in the steam room are carried out in a horizontal position.
Bath procedures are performed while sitting or lying down. There are several reasons:

  • in a standing position, the head heats up much more than the body - by 10–20 degrees, which is harmful to health;
  • in a lying position, the kidneys will secrete more water, which makes the procedure easier;
  • muscle relaxation is a prerequisite for relaxation;
  • You can steam with a broom only when you relax your muscles, which cannot be achieved in a standing position.

The shelf is a seat with a width of 40 to 90 cm, on which you can sit with bent or extended legs, recline, lie down with bent or extended legs. Preference for one position or another is based on health and experience in bathing procedures.

Design Features

Frame for a shelf
A shelf for a sauna or steam room in a bathhouse made of logs or logs consists of 2 main elements: a frame and a flooring.

  1. Frame – support for a stationary or collapsible seat. The device is simple: racks and supports are connected with jumper boards and the structure is secured to the wall. You can find an option close to a stair stringer. Finnish saunas are often equipped with shelves in the form of a railway shelf.
  2. The flooring is the basis for the seat; it consists of wooden slats installed in increments of 1–2 cm. A solid seat cannot be made. The flooring is attached to the frame. The collapsible folding structure is not fixed.

The shelves are complemented with backrests, side rails, and bath pillows to ensure maximum comfort.

Types of steam room shelf designs

Depends on the area and height of the room.

The standard placement of benches is along one or two walls, parallel, perpendicular to each other.


They are of the stationary type. They are more common than other species.

The shelves are fixed to one wall where there is no window. A multi-tiered structure is created according to the principle of steps.

This arrangement is convenient because with each tier the degree of heating increases.

It is important to take into account that the distance from the ceiling to the top shelf must be at least 1.2 m. This distance will be comfortable for a person to sit or hover

In addition, the upper tier is attached above the line of the heating boiler or stove.


Another name is a compartment shelf. The principle of arrangement and operation is reminiscent of wall shelves on a train, which can be folded down when necessary.

Suitable for a steam room with a small area. The shelves are fixed on two opposite walls parallel to each other. The upper shelves fold down, the frame of which is formed from support legs with transverse crosspieces.

There is an option for fixing without racks, as if in a hanging position. Used for light weight loads. Requires competent calculations. Not suitable for DIY production.

To remove the pull-out bench, it is lifted towards the wall and lowered to its original position to open it.


They are also called collapsible, folding. This mobile design is convenient in steam rooms with a small area. Simplifies the process of drying the flooring.

The upper and lower benches are completely removable.

Corner (L-shaped)

For small steam rooms, corner benches are often installed.

They take up little space, but are not inferior in comfort to other types.

The upper and lower elements are adjacent to one partition along the longest wall, the middle ones along the short one, which is located nearby.

There can be 2-3 steps along each partition.

Selection of materials for manufacturing

When choosing a material to make shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands, you should immediately forget about metal, plastic, glass and other modern options. Only wood is used, and the requirements for it are quite stringent:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high resistance to the destructive effects of moisture and heat;
  • uniform and high density;
  • no pungent odor or resin content.

As can be seen from the table below, coniferous wood (cedar, larch, fir, spruce) is quite small - but the high resin content makes them unsuitable for use in a steam room. If you want to enjoy the aroma of cedar or larch boards, they can be used to decorate a relaxation room; in a steam room it is better to use linden shelves for a bath.

The density of wood is usually determined at normal humidity; at elevated humidity it increases, thereby changing thermal conductivity. However, on average, when choosing a material, you can rely on the data in the table.

According to aggregate data - the absence of resins, low thermal conductivity and relatively high density - three “budget” wood options are usually chosen: linden, aspen, alder. The fourth option, African oak (abashi or abash), with other higher parameters, is disappointing with its high price, twice as expensive as linden.

On sale are usually prepared boards for shelves in a bathhouse, already sanded, with rounded corners. Its width is convenient for installing a set-up bed of any width; the length is selected as a multiple of the full length of the bed or its half. When planning to cut boards yourself in order to make a bathhouse shelf with your own hands, you should remember the need for careful processing. To prevent warping and cracking, we take into account: the width of the board should not exceed four times its thickness.

Mandatory rounding of edges and corners, sanding until smooth will help avoid damage during operation and extend the life of the lumber.

How to treat shelves in a steam room

Processing boards (beams) to create a bathhouse environment is not limited to mechanical

It is more important to protect the wood from moisture with a special impregnation. The usual options - drying oil, primers, varnishes, paints - are excluded

The reason is that when heated, the substances begin to emit harmful fumes and unpleasant odors. The lack of constantly running ventilation in the bathhouse and high humidity, combined with high temperature, create a risk of intoxication of the body.

To avoid problems, bath shelves are treated with natural non-toxic impregnations:

  • acrylic varnish on a natural basis, designed specifically for baths and saunas. Apply in two or three layers after sanding and washing (drying) the wood surface. Includes antiseptics, available colorless and tinted;
  • special impregnations and antiseptics. Depending on the type and capabilities of the manufacturer, they provide a greater or lesser degree of preservation of the wood after processing. They are applied to the prepared surface in two or three layers, have no color, penetrate deeply into the fibers;
  • linseed oil, pure or mixed with natural beeswax. Despite the high cost, this composition will protect the tree from rotting, cracking, delamination and swelling as safely as possible for health. Before application, the surface is sanded until smooth; the composition can be applied with a brush, roller or thick cloth (cotton, wool, linen). The proportions of linseed oil and wax are 5:1...2:1, depending on the desired degree of protection. The composition is applied heated to a temperature of 35...45 degrees, this promotes rapid absorption, after application the surface is polished with a thick cloth;
  • beeswax, carnauba, special protective waxes with synthetic additives. The method of application and surface preparation are specified by the manufacturer; bee and carnauba are usually used heated to a liquid or semi-liquid state.

The choice of natural impregnations allows you to ensure the necessary durability of the sauna shelves and at the same time create a pleasant atmosphere of natural odors in the steam room.

Choosing the type of wood for making benches and deck chairs

To determine suitable raw materials, consider the following:

  • The use of softwood lumber is contraindicated. Otherwise, when heated, resin begins to release, which sticks to the body.
  • The wood must be resistant to conditions of high humidity, constant temperature changes, and have high-quality antiseptic protection. Otherwise, the shelves will rot and quickly become deformed.
  • There should be no chips, burrs or other defects on the surface.
  • Low thermal conductivity of the material is necessary so that the benches do not heat up and this does not cause discomfort for vacationers.

Let's look at the properties of the most popular breeds that are suitable for shelving in a Russian bathhouse.


Very popular among residents of the private sector due to the availability of raw materials and low price.

Other benefits of aspen include:

  • resistant to moisture;
  • does not rot;
  • does not deform;
  • has healing properties;
  • cleans the air of bacteria and germs;
  • does not require maintenance.

It is generally accepted that products made from aspen restore strength, give vigor, and act as a neutralizer of negative energy.

From constant exposure to moisture, aspen can change its shade to grayish.

Thermal aspen

Thermal aspen is wood that has been treated with high temperatures (over 200 degrees) and steam.

Resulting in:

  • The humidity of the raw materials has decreased.
  • Essential oils evaporated from the structure, which means the material became more resistant to fire.
  • Density has increased. Therefore, thermoaspen absorbs less moisture.

Thermal aspen does not swell, does not rot, and lasts a long time. This material is considered a reliable decorative option for finishing bath rooms. Thermal aspen shelves and furniture look very beautiful.

Disadvantages: fragility and high price.


It is characterized by increased resistance to moisture. Has a strong solid structure. It is chosen for the manufacture of furniture, decoration in saunas, open verandas and gazebos.

Larch is an expensive species, so bathhouses are not often decorated with it.

Alder (black alder)

Alder is the optimal raw material for making steam room benches yourself.

Its advantages:

  • high strength;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability;
  • wear resistance;
  • does not deform;
  • does not change color even after years;
  • perfectly tolerates temperature changes and constant humidity.

More expensive than linden. The structure is uniform.

To contrast the colors in the steam room, you can assemble racks of light and black alder.


Linden is often used to decorate steam rooms. It has a pleasant aroma that has a relaxing effect on a person.

Among the advantages of raw materials:

  • it is convenient to handle;
  • a light weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • smooth surface;
  • even over the years it does not lose its attractiveness;
  • tolerates temperature changes and humidity well.

For homemade shelves, it is recommended to take thoroughly dried linden, otherwise the structures will begin to darken.

Linden is more expensive than alder, but in terms of quality and properties these species are almost equal.


It is distinguished by soft and easy-to-work wood. Solid poplar has a light brown, sometimes white tone. Light in weight.

In terms of resistance to moisture and temperature changes, it is inferior to other breeds.

It is customary to make furniture and carved decorative elements from poplar.


The main advantage of maple is its strength. Products made from this raw material are difficult to break or damage, they do not crack.

Other advantages:

  • long service life;
  • ease of processing;
  • affordable price;
  • resistance to moisture, wear;
  • homogeneous structure.

Examples of maple with a beautiful texture are the “sugar” and “bird’s eye” types.

Abacha (abashi, abash)

Abash has gained wide popularity in recent years for finishing and making furniture for baths and saunas.

This is the name of African oak. It differs from other breeds in a lot of advantages:

  • The raw material tolerates temperature changes well.
  • Due to its strength, it can withstand heavy weight loads.
  • Looks beautiful.
  • Lasts a long time.
  • Does not rot, does not crack.
  • When heated, abash emits a pleasant odor, which has a positive effect on the human respiratory system.
  • Wood without knots. It is easy to handle. The surface is smooth.
  • Even over time it does not lose its original appearance.

In the absence of high-quality ventilation in the steam room, the abash begins to darken in places. This is expensive material.

Abash is considered to be the leader in decorative and working properties among wood species that are suitable for creating sauna shelves.

But benches made from budget alder or linden will look no worse and last a long time.

Step-by-step instructions and manufacturing stages

It is quite possible to make sauna shelves with your own hands if you follow a simple sequence of actions.

The most important thing is to pay due attention to the quality of materials, the reliability of fastenings, as well as the surface treatment of the benches


The first stage involves installing the racks.
They ensure the reliability of the finished structure of the sun lounger.

For the top row, they usually use from four to six racks with a length of one meter and a cross-section of 1 cm (more precisely, you need to calculate based on the length of the beds).

You can fasten the racks to each other using wooden blocks, which are located along the entire perimeter of the bed. In order to securely fasten the racks to the wall, you should use the longest dowel screws.

Important! To arrange the racks of the upper shelf, you can use unpolished timber, the main thing is to make sure that there are no chips or cracks on it.

Bearing beam

After the racks are securely fastened, you can focus on arranging the directly supporting structure of the shelves in the bathhouse.

This is a very important step, since this design supports not only the weight of the people who will be on top, but also the weight of the shelf itself.

That is why the cross-section of the supporting beam must be at least 5x10 cm.

The top row of this design is installed across the length of the upper plane of the bed. The width of the step depends on the thickness of the boards used to arrange the shelf.

Attention! The thinner the top boards of the bath seat, the smaller the step between the supporting beams.

In order to ensure that all visitors to the bathhouse are comfortable enough, the width of the top shelf should be made at least 60 cm, optimally 90 cm.

Front surface

After the load-bearing structural elements are completely ready, you need to take care of the upper bed.
The boards for it must be prepared in advance, that is, carefully sanded and processed. The optimal thickness of boards for arranging the surface of a shelf is from three to six centimeters. They should be attached at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. This is done to ensure unhindered circulation of steam and moisture.

Next, we’ll find out how to attach the shelves in the bathhouse to the frame. To ensure your own safety, it is recommended to use wooden wedges. They need to be inserted into holes previously prepared for them.

You can fasten the boards both along and across the sunbed. The second option is more economical, since in this case the installation of additional support bars is not required.

Important! Under no circumstances should you leave the caps of metal fasteners on the surface of the shelf, as this can cause burns.

In order to avoid danger, metal elements are driven 5-10 mm deep into the board.

Lower tier

The shelf located on the lower level must be installed at least 30 cm from the floor level.

This rule applies to those cases when the lower seat plays not only the role of a step for the bath attendant, but also the role of a sun lounger.

In order to install the lower shelf, you need to attach four wooden blocks to the posts of the upper deck. This quadrangle acts as a frame for a shelf in a bathhouse.

Next, the boards for the surface of the bench are attached using the technology described in the third stage.

Processing, impregnation

It's no secret that under constant exposure to high temperature and humidity, wooden elements in a bathhouse deteriorate very quickly. It is for this purpose that the final stage in finishing the shelves in the steam room is the treatment of all structural elements made of wood with special substances.

Information. To treat shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands, you should use only environmentally friendly substances so as not to risk your life and health.

Regular flaxseed oil is considered an excellent protective agent against fungi and mold, which is why it has been used for many years to treat sauna shelves.

To treat the shelves in a Russian bathhouse with your own hands, use a solution of turpentine and beeswax.

Protective substances should be applied in at least two layers, but it is worth remembering that it takes about eight hours to dry one layer.

After complete drying, the bath shelves acquire a matte shine and a water-repellent surface.

To see this, look at the photo below. The wooden element on the left was treated with special protective substances, but not on the right. Therefore, it is always better to take care of protecting the shelf in the bathhouse with your own wooden hands.

Types and designs

There are several popular types of canopies: The first of them is considered the most common.

  • These are ordinary shelves.
  • These are ordinary benches, both in small steam rooms and in large spacious rooms;
  • The popularity of beds is somewhat lower, although they can be found in various bathhouses;
  • Finally, a sun lounger. It is no different from its “beach” counterpart. It can be easily adapted as a bed or chair.

Thanks to this functionality, their presence is very appropriate, but is not traditional for the interior decoration of a Russian bathhouse.

When decorating a steam room in the style of Russian traditions, do not forget that there is no need to decorate the bed with decorative elements, which can also cause injury. Everything should be as simple as possible.

A small selection of configurations indicates a small space in the bathhouse. Only in this case it warms up quickly and does not require a large amount of fuel resources.

Therefore, an ordinary rectangle best satisfies the needs of craftsmen.

How to make a sauna bench

The dressing room needs a full set of furniture, including benches for sitting and resting. But in the bathhouse they have two specific functions: they are used as a lower tier or for sitting next to the shelf. It is very convenient to keep bowls and brooms on the bench.

Tools and materials

The tools needed are the same as for previous products. Additionally, you will need a flexible ruler to draw a curve on the seat supports. The principles of manufacturing and subsequent processing of materials are also no different.

Table: bench materials

NameSize, mmQuantity
Pine beam for legs.100x100x30001 PC.
Pine board for sitting.25x100x30005 pieces.
Self-tapping screws for wood.501 kg
Wooden plugs for self-tapping screws.Diameter 10At least 10 pcs.
Impregnation for wood is waterproof and pyroprotective, oil-based, ecological.According to the specified consumption per m2

Manufacturing procedure

We begin work immediately after preparing all materials.

  1. We cut boards and timber according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing.
  2. We draw a curve on all the supports under the seat: we step back on them from the bottom edge of the board 75 mm from the edge and 45 mm in the middle, connect the curve using a flexible plastic ruler.
  3. We cut out the supports with a jigsaw.
  4. We remove chamfers on the boards intended for the seat, lower drawers and beams.
  5. We process all the parts with a grinding wheel using a drill.
  6. Assembling the seat box. We recess all the screws.
  7. We insert the remaining supports into it and fix them.
  8. We mount the boards on all six supports. Don’t forget to drill holes to deeply recess the screw heads into the seat. We close the holes with wooden plugs.
  9. Then we put timber legs into the resulting structure and fix it with self-tapping screws.
  10. We strengthen them with lower drawers on four sides, recessing the screws. We make our task easier by placing a piece of wood under each drawer. The bench is ready.

Bath shelf size: correct calculation

Before you make shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands, you should carry out many calculations. It is necessary to decide on the number of tiers. Recently, more and more owners of steam rooms are making two- and three-tier shelves. Single-tier shelves are traditional for Russian baths. Multi-level benches are more typical for saunas, where people sit rather than lie down. Next, you need to decide on the dimensions of the structure.

  1. Height. This parameter is selected in such a way that the steamer can easily work with his hands and does not have to bend too much. Experts recommend placing shelves at the level of the bend of the thumb of the hand lowered down. The height of the product ranges from 70 to 90 cm. Many people like to take bath procedures while sitting, so it should be comfortable to lie and sit in the steam room. A distance of 110 to 150 cm should be maintained between the shelf and the ceiling.
  2. Lenght and width. A bathhouse is a place where a person wants to relax as much as possible, so the length should allow him to lie down at his full height. On average, the length of a standard shelf is 220 cm and the width is 90-100 cm. Traditionally, the product is placed along the walls, and their number largely depends on the size of the steam room. If you are the owner of a large bathhouse, you can double the width of the shelf so that 2 people can sit on it at once. Before you add more shelves to your bathhouse, make sure that it will not take up too much space and interfere with the steamer. In small spaces, the “compartment” option is often found. In this case, the bench with the shelf is attached to one of the walls; if necessary, the shelf is folded back and secured to the bench. It can be easily returned to its original position. Often there is an option when a stationary shelf is combined with a mobile bench.

The sizes of the shelves are selected depending on the position and number of people steaming

How to cover shelves in a bathhouse

Since the furniture and decoration in the steam room are exposed to high humidity, they require mandatory protection.

The exception is baths with good ventilation, where the wood quickly dries naturally without losing its shape and beautiful appearance.

To avoid rotting, deformation, and premature deterioration, wood is treated with special compounds:

  • Acrylic varnishes. Create a protective film on top. They tolerate high temperatures well. They don't peel off. Non-toxic. Suitable for processing wood in baths and saunas.
  • Impregnations. Antiseptics perfectly resist the process of decay and the formation of fungus. Increases the resistance of raw materials to moisture. They penetrate deeply into the structure, thereby significantly extending the service life of products.
  • Wax, linseed oil. The wooden surface is rubbed, acquiring shine, becoming resistant to moisture, with a pleasant aroma. It is recommended to apply in two layers. The validity period is short, so in a year, or even earlier, the procedure will have to be repeated.
  • Bleach. It is needed not for protection, but to give the dark wood a lighter shade.

Products that contain chemical components are prohibited for use in baths, since when heated they begin to release toxins that are dangerous to humans.


To make shelves of the required size for a suitable number of people, you should prepare the necessary tools and materials. To work you will need:

  • wooden boards from the selected wood species;
  • wooden beam;
  • stand boards for fastening the structure;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • corner;
  • nails.

At the initial stage, the instructions provide for assembling a frame for future shelves.

Assembling the frame base and installing the flooring

The wooden frame base is assembled from 10 prepared beams with a cross-section of 5 × 7 cm and 5 rack boards for attaching shelves. The beams for the frame are mounted vertically and fastened horizontally to each other using strapping. Fixation to the racks is carried out using a paired connecting element.

To provide additional strength, the structure is additionally mounted to the wall surface.

Smooth boards pre-treated with an antiseptic are used as flooring. Installation of boards is carried out in compliance with the technological gap between them of 6 mm. For the lower shelf, 3 boards are used, for the upper bench - 7.

Next, the flooring is installed on the prepared frame with fixation using self-tapping screws, which must be recessed 5 mm deep into the wood. The fastening elements are driven in from the reverse side of the shelves. The boards are laid with a gap at a slight inclination of 2 degrees.

Fixation of the structure

The shelves are fixed to the wall while maintaining a gap of 11 cm. The bottom shelf has a movable structure mounted on special mechanisms - runners, which simplifies the process of cleaning the steam room.

The photo shows a step-by-step algorithm.

In places where the wooden frame of the shelves comes into contact with the floor surface, special rubber gaskets are installed for additional waterproofing.

What tools will you need for the job?

Tools for working with wood
To make shelves you will need:

  • wooden beam with a cross section of 50*50 mm for the frame;
  • planed boards with a cross section of 20*120 mm for flooring;
  • wooden nails and pins for fastening;
  • screws or self-tapping screws for fastening the frame;
  • saw or hacksaw for wood, drill for drilling holes for choppers;
  • plane, sander, sandpaper;
  • tape measure, plumb line, pencil.

Steam room wood does not need to be treated with antiseptic substances. It is allowed to use wax and oil wax for protection.

Pull-out shelves in the steam room (sauna)

A convenient design option is a pull-out type of shelves. It allows you to sit comfortably on the upper tier with your feet on the lower one. Also, the lowest shelf slides in, which frees up the passage and increases the space for movement. Steamers use a pull-out shelf to place a container with water for supply, a steamer with brooms, etc.

To create shelves with a sliding mechanism, place bars on the end walls of the room. The next step is to secure the axes. Attach one end to the block on the wall, and the other to the end of the lounger (from the inside). Then put special wooden strips on the axle, which will act as levers. We make cuts on the upper parts of these planks (at the corners), which will allow the mechanism to work easily and freely.

The thickness of the bars that are fixed in the wall should be the same as the thickness of the end elements of the board. According to the principle of operation, this mechanism resembles the device of a sliding sofa. Therefore, when designing it, be guided by an already familiar scheme. This mechanism allows you to extend the shelf to almost any required distance. The lounger is supported on the legs.

The main condition for installing fasteners is careful camouflage of metal elements. Under no circumstances should any part be placed on the surface of the wood, otherwise there is a risk of burns. Recess the caps of the elements as deep as possible into the surface of the shelves. It is also possible to place the screws on the back side of the wooden device.

The safest (and also environmentally friendly) option is to use special oak wedges. They are hammered into pre-prepared holes. However, this method is difficult to implement and requires strength, dexterity and experience.

It is possible to mount a special backrest on the wall for future shelves. It is made of three boards that are attached to vertical posts. Thanks to this backrest, the risk of skin damage or minor burns in contact with the steam room casing is eliminated.

Maintenance during use

After each use of the bathhouse, you need to let the wood dry.
The shelf is cared for while maintaining the bathhouse.

  • Remove debris, leaves from brooms, and excess moisture from the floor and shelves. Take out all containers with water.
  • At the end of the procedure, the room is ventilated for 4–5 hours to completely remove moisture. The sauna is ventilated to reduce the temperature.
  • In winter, it is recommended to heat the bathhouse for another 1–2 hours, and only then ventilate it.
  • Towels and robes should not be left in the steam room to dry.
  • It is allowed to use acrylic varnishes marked “for steam rooms”, impregnations, and wax for finishing.
  • To restore the color of darkened wood, it is treated with bleaches.

The shelf in the bathhouse is the most important part of the steam room or sauna. It's easy to make and easy to care for. No need to decorate the shelves.


Once the dimensions of the future shelf have been determined, you can begin planning the location of the bath furniture. It is worth remembering that, for example, in a traditional Russian bath it is customary to steam while lying down, and the shelves consist of one or two tiers. Another thing is the Finnish sauna, in which visitors, as a rule, steam while sitting. There should be at least three tiers, which means the distance from the bottom tier to the ceiling should be much greater.

A correctly drawn up diagram before starting installation work should greatly facilitate the work of the master and subsequently allow those relaxing in the sauna or bathhouse to enjoy the steam room with maximum comfort. The diagram should show all the dimensions of the room, and also note where the equipment, door and window openings are located.

It is worth taking into account many nuances, such as the fact that curtains should absolutely not be installed under walls with windows, because due to hot steam and high temperatures, the glass can crack and injure vacationers.

Shelves can have unique frame legs onto which the flooring will be placed. However, this is not a prerequisite, but only one of the options. You can make shelves without racks, then the wooden frame will be attached directly to the wall.

It is important to remember that the shelves should never fit tightly against the walls. Indeed, for wooden bath furniture, free air circulation is very important, providing the wood with complete drying and protecting it from rotting processes and the formation of fungus and mold.

Therefore, during the installation process, a gap of about 10 cm is left between the flooring and the wall (pieces of timber are first attached to the wall, onto which other frame elements are subsequently attached). The screws used for fastening should be carefully sunk into the wood so that their heads do not remain on the surface.

It cannot be said that the options for shelves are very diverse, but if necessary, depending on the size of the bathhouse room, you can choose the most suitable furniture. For small rooms, for example, you can find space-saving options. Folding shelves, which are made in the manner of shelves in trains, are suitable. Another option is folding or retractable shelves. When assembled, they look like part of the wall and take up almost no space. There are also removable shelves that, if necessary, can be brought into the steam room and put in place, or can be removed.

What to make better from: choosing the material

What is better to make? It is clear that it is made from wood, to which, in fact, there is no alternative, but which species are most suitable? We have already written about this, so now it will be very brief.

Coniferous species should absolutely not be used in a sauna where temperatures are high, in a Russian bath - if desired, and in mixed modes it is also not worth using at all.

Cheap aspen and linden are worthy competitors of expensive abasha , because in addition to low thermal conductivity, it is not highly resistant to water, mushrooms, etc.

You can experiment with other hardwoods, taking into account their thermal conductivity (the higher the density, the higher the thermal conductivity - the easiest way to decide by eye), rot resistance and other characteristics. For example, oak is dense, but does not deteriorate in water. Like larch, which, by the way, does not emit resin.

DIY bath shelf

Choosing material for bath shelves

  • Linden
    . Heats up slowly and dries quickly. The wood has no knots, it is easy to process, does not crack or rot. When heated, a pleasant amber appears. There are no traces of sweat on the surface. Has healing properties. The only drawback is that it gets dark quickly in the steam room.
  • Aspen
    . The most popular material among bathhouse attendants due to its low cost. In folk medicine, it is considered a material that absorbs negative human energy, a healer of mental adversity. Disadvantages include the ability to rot from the inside; it is difficult to externally identify defective boards.
  • Abash
    . A tree from Africa, accustomed to high temperatures and moisture. Heats up slowly and does not lose color under extreme conditions. The wood is knot-free and easy to process. The only drawback is the high cost of the blanks.

Design options for shelves in the bathhouse

  • Stepped shelves
    . Installed in a large steam room for large companies. The flooring is placed along one wall in two or three steps. The top one is the hottest.
  • L-shaped shelves
    . Designed for medium-sized steam rooms. The lower and middle shelves are located on one wall, the middle one on the adjacent one. This design visually increases the volume of the room.
  • Shelves-compartments
    . Suitable for small buildings. The floorings are placed one above the other. The top shelf can be folded up and secured in this position.

Dimensions of shelves for a bath

  • To lie on a shelf with your legs bent, you need 1.5 m.
  • 1.8 m is the average size for a lying position, but everything is decided by the height of the owner of the bathhouse. If there is space, the size can be increased to 220 cm.
  • The width of the bottom shelf is 0.4 m. The size is sufficient for the bathhouse attendant to stand on it and wave a broom, as well as to sit and cool off.
  • For small steam rooms, instead of a rectangular bottom shelf, a step in the form of a right triangle is made. One leg of the triangle is placed along one wall, and the second along the shelf.
  • For seated shelves, a common width is 0.6 m; you can lie on them, but not comfortably.
  • The reclining seats are made 0.9 m wide, the size allows you to sit across the step with your legs tucked. If the size of the steam room is not limited by anything, the shelves can be made double, then you get floors.
  • The dimensions of the shelf in the bathhouse and their number are selected based on the recommended size of 1.1-1.2 meters between the ceiling and the top flooring. With this size, it is convenient for the bathhouse attendant to swing a broom, and the visitor can not only lie down, but also sit comfortably.
  • The height of the first step (distance from the floor) is at least 20 cm.
  • The height of the steps is 40-60 cm. The range allows you to provide the required number of steps of convenient sizes.
  • Another guideline when choosing the size of the distance between steps is that the surface of the flooring with a reclining visitor should be at the level of the thumb bone of the lowered hand of a standing bathhouse attendant. On average, the height of the shelf is 70-80 cm. This is a comfortable height for the bathhouse attendant, at which he does not have to climb or bend over during the procedure.

Methods for attaching shelves in a bathhouse

  • Self-tapping screws are preferable to nails.
  • Recess the fastener heads into the wood by 5-6 mm.
  • If possible, install fasteners from the underside of the shelf.

Bath shelf assembly technology

  1. Make a sketch or drawing of a bath shelf with dimensions, taking into account the previous recommendations.
  2. Cut structural elements from blanks.
  3. Carefully sand the boards and beams and round off sharp corners.
  4. Place the beams vertically and fasten them together with thick boards. Install rubber pads under the vertical beams for waterproofing. The distance between the beams is no more than 60 cm. The frame can be fixed to the wall or left unfastened in order to remove the structure from the room for drying.
  5. Between the beams, attach thin cross beams on which the flooring boards rest.
  6. Attach boards to the frame to form the deck. Leave gaps of 1-2 cm between the boards, and secure the flooring itself with a slight slope for free flow of water. The boards are chosen thin (within 20 mm), the proportion of thickness and width is 1:4, in this case the boards dry quickly.
  7. The flooring boards can be left unattached and removed to dry after using the steam room.
  8. Leave 10 cm gaps between the boards of 2 and 3 tiers and the wall.
  9. Seal the space between the levels with wooden slats with 2 cm gaps between them. This space is often sewn up to reduce the volume of the heated space when steam is let in, but the boards will take longer to dry. The choice is up to the owner, but you can seek advice from experienced bathhouse attendants who will tell you how to make shelves in the bathhouse - whether sewn or not.

How to make shelves with your own hands - step-by-step instructions

After developing the drawing, you can proceed to preparatory work.

Materials, tools

Materials you will need:

  • Bars or thick boards for the frame. Standard section – 50*50 mm, 50*80 mm, maximum permissible – 100*100 mm.
  • Edged boards, lining for flooring. Thickness – up to 25 mm. The width is taken no more than 4 times the thickness. The quantity depends on the fastener pitch. The recommended fixation step is from 1 to 2 cm.
  • Fastening elements – galvanized self-tapping screws, steel corners. To make folding shelves, stainless steel hinges are also used.
  • The smaller the cross-section of the frame supports, the more often they will have to be installed in order to evenly distribute the load.
  • The wood used must be free of defects. The surface is checked for roughness.

Tools you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • construction mallet;
  • hammer;
  • tape measure, pencil;
  • chisel;
  • jigsaw;
  • sandpaper.

Next, you should start making future benches.

Build process

It is necessary to pre-cut the supports of the required length and transverse lintels (the length is determined by the depth of the shelf).

The assembly steps are as follows:

  1. The frame is made from the top tier, close to the wall.
  2. Support bars are fixed to the walls along the edges of the future shelf and in the gaps. This creates a binding belt.
  3. Opposite these supports, a second row of racks is placed in parallel and connected to the first row by transverse jumpers.
  4. The supports are fastened together using the same horizontal jumpers, forming an external frame.
  5. The frame of the lower tier is attached to the outer trim. The procedure is repeated step by step in the same sequence.

It is faster to assemble the frame using steel angles, but craftsmen believe that cutting into half a tree is much more reliable. To do this, a groove is cut along the edges of each element, into which another element with a protrusion of a suitable size fits tightly.

To minimize the effect of moisture on the supports, before attaching the flooring, rubber or plastic gaskets are fixed to them.

To lay the flooring:

  1. Take a 20*120 mm edged board. Length – 3.5 m.
  2. Laying is done perpendicularly, along the frame posts.
  3. Fixed with pins or wooden nails. Step – 1-2 cm.
  4. The corners are rounded and carefully polished.
  5. An alternative is to secure the boards with galvanized screws from the inside of the frame so that they point outward.
  6. External screwing of screws from top to bottom is allowed, but the caps must be carefully sunk into the board so that when heated, the person sitting on the shelf does not get burned.

Vertical cladding between tiers is not required and is optional. But it’s better to do it if you want to give the whole structure integrity and strengthen it.

Vertical cladding also has its disadvantages. The main thing is that this becomes an obstacle to the wood drying quickly and complicates maintenance and cleaning of shelves.

In Finnish saunas it is customary to make a backrest above the top shelf. You can buy this accessory ready-made or assemble it yourself.

The partition is covered with slats up to 2 cm thick in increments of 40-60 cm, on top of which boards or lining are fixed.

Sanding the finished structure

It is necessary to sand the boards so that they are comfortable and safe to sit on. It is recommended to perform both before assembly and after its completion.

This is done with a sanding machine or manually with sandpaper, gradually moving from coarse-grained to fine-grained paper.

After treatment, the surface becomes smooth, without burrs or knots, which means it will last longer.

Dimensions of shelves for baths and saunas

The pleasure of using a steam room in a bath or sauna largely depends on the design, size and location of the shelves. In this article we will look at the main dimensions of the shelves in a bathhouse designed for people with a height of 160 to 185 cm. The dimensions of the shelves in the steam room of this sauna were specially selected for maximum convenience and comfort.

First, let's look at the main types of designs and proportions of shelves for a bathhouse. Most often, in traditional Russian baths, located directly on the ground or with a cold, uninsulated floor, there were three levels of regiments. In modern steam rooms or saunas, where the floor is well insulated and does not blow on the legs, there is no need to arrange three levels of shelves. In order to warm up well, two levels of shelves in the steam room are quite enough.

Diagram of the dimensions of the shelves in the bathhouse (click on a larger version of the diagram to open in a new window)

New book about the bath!

Now let's look at the main dimensions of shelves for a modern steam room in a bathhouse or sauna. In the example shown, the shelves are made of African abashi deciduous wood, which has low density and, therefore, low heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Therefore, the abash warms up slowly. At the same time, abashi does not have knots, has excellent water resistance, hardness and retains its geometric dimensions during fluctuations in temperature and humidity, which makes it an indispensable material for arranging shelves in baths and saunas.

However, a serious disadvantage of Abash wood is that this material can cause contact urticaria, allergic rhinitis and even asthma, especially among professional sauna builders who deal with Abash wood dust. [Information sources: Kanerva L, Tuppurainen M, Keskinen H. Contact urticaria caused by obeche wood (Triplochiton scleroxylon).

The height of the sauna from the ceiling is 208 cm. This height is quite enough for a comfortable stay and movement in the steam room when it is well heated.

The length of the shelves in this sauna is 202 cm. This size of the shelves allows you to comfortably sit on the shelf while lying down. The length of the shelves can be longer - if the size of the steam room in the bathhouse or sauna allows

Please note that there is a gap of 3-4 mm on each side between the wall cladding of the steam room and the shelves - a margin for wood expansion when heated or moistened

The height of the lower level of the shelves from the floor is 45 cm.

The height of the second (upper) level of shelves is 88 cm from the floor, or 43 cm from the lower level of the steam room shelves, or 120 cm from the ceiling of the steam room of a sauna or bathhouse.

The width of the top row of shelves is 70 cm, allowing one person to lie comfortably on the shelf.

The side shelves serve as a stand for bowls, basins or for placement in the steam room in a sitting position. The width of the side shelves is 40 cm.

Dimensions of the articulation area of ​​the L-shaped shelves in the sauna. Between the flooring boards of the shelves we leave a gap of 3-4 mm on each side.

Approximate dimensions of the area for joining L-shaped shelves in the bathhouse.

Laying abashi boards diagonally enhances the look of the sauna.

Basic dimensions of the back of the upper level shelves. The dimensions of the back of the shelves are adjusted to the height of people from 160 to 185 cm.

To mount the backs of the shelves, a 2 cm thick abashi strip is used.

General view of the shelves in the steam room of a sauna or bath. See how to cover a sauna or bathhouse steam room with clapboard.

Read how to make Siberian shelves for a bathhouse from massive half-logs. Such shelves remain cool for a long time, and after heating they retain a pleasant warmth for a long time. Special connoisseurs of the bathhouse cover the shelves with sheets, on which they lay hay mown in the morning dew and cover it with small branches of oak and birch. The feeling of floating on such shelves is absolutely fantastic!

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