Answers to the crossword puzzle My Family No. 45 11/22/2021 (1093)

Japanese sauna, what is an 8 letter word?

The correct answer to this crossword puzzle question is the word - minamoto (8 letters).
If you turn to Wikipedia, then Minamoto, in medieval Japan it was the name of a group of clans that descended from those children of the emperor who were denied the status of princes.

The Japanese bathhouse is not only a culture, but also a way of life, and it was in bathhouse establishments that the Japanese exchanged news and made future plans. We know that Japanese public baths are called “sento” and before the advent of private bathrooms, entire families of Japanese bathed in them. There are also sento in Japan, which use the waters of natural thermal springs with open-air pools.

But the “sento” bath does not suit us in terms of the number of letters, so we choose another type of Japanese sauna as the correct answer: “minamoto” . After all, it is in this word that there are eight letters stated in the question.


1. “Those who are afraid of a joke do not trust their own strength. These are the Hercules who are afraid...” What word is missing in P. Valerie’s statement? 7 letters, Kullanswer: Tickling 4. An accidentally spoken word, a slip of the tongue by a speaker. 8 letters, Kullanswer: Disclaimer 8. Baked goods made from rich yeast dough in the form of a small thick flat cake, in the middle of which there is a filling of cottage cheese. 8 letters, Kullanswer: Cheesecake 12. Secret unseemly actions taken to achieve some goal. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Intrigue 20. A man with dark blond, brown hair. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Brown-haired 21. The story of Prince Myshkin, told by F.M. Dostoevsky. 5 letters, CullAnswer: Idiot 22. Newton's binomial, an algebraic expression representing the sum or difference of two monomials. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Binomial 23. Fast and successful advancement in career activities. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Career 24. One of the oldest cities in the world, located in the Ararat Valley. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Yerevan 25. Italian writer, literary “dad” of the fairy-tale onion. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Rodari 26. The hero of the novel by I. A. Goncharov, beautifully presented on the silver screen by O.P. Tabakov. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Oblomov 27. “Unbroken” motorcyclist, a young man thundering his “Java” at night. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Rocker 28. A liturgical rite in Orthodoxy, performed at the request of the believers themselves. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Treba 29. Horse gallop among the Cossacks, as well as fishing tackle in the form of a purse, a cape net attached to a long pole. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Mantling 30. A braid with threads, soft fibers, laces or any other pendants hanging on one side. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Fringe 33. In Hinduism, the descent of a deity to earth and his incarnation into a mortal being for the sake of “saving the world.” 7 letters, Kullanswer: Avatar 36. Royalty for a literary or musical work. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Royalty 38. The set of environmental conditions, the environment that accompanies any public activity. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Entourage 39. A cabinet on a ship around which the anchor chain is wrapped to reduce the speed of its movement when the anchor is released. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Biteng 42. “So trouble came to me - the starter stuck, - now it’s not driving, but ...” (V.S. Vysotsky). 7 letters, Cull answer: Fidgeting 45. Section of mathematics, arithmetic after the “invasion” of the Latin alphabet. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Algebra 47. Behavior, course of action, inclination that has become ordinary and constant for someone in life. 8 letters, Kullanswer: Habit 49. A Portuguese professional football club from Lisbon that plays in the Portuguese Primeira League. 8 letters, Kullanswer: Sporting 53. A transcontinental state located in North Africa and the Middle East. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Egypt 56. A thin wooden plank for covering the roof and for sheathing walls under plaster. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Shingles 58. Developed by custom, the traditional procedure for performing any important ritual actions. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Ritual 59. Need, need for something, requiring satisfaction. 11 letters, Kullanswer: Need 60. Believers, led by clergy, parishioners. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Flock 63. A series of prayer requests pronounced by a deacon or priest during worship on behalf of the faithful. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Litany 64. A strong and sharp gust of wind, usually accompanied by a thunderstorm. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Flurry 65. Chairman of the house committee in V.V. Bortko’s film “Heart of a Dog”, beautifully played by R.A. Kartsev. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Shvonder 66. An ethnic and social community of people connected by tribal relations, territory, culture, language and self-name. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Tribe 67. A liquid product of petroleum distillation, used as fuel for internal combustion engines. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Gasoline 72. Part of the running mechanism of a watch: a fork connected to the pendulum and serving to ensure the uniformity of its movement. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Anker 73. The protagonist of the satirical play by V.V. Mayakovsky "Bath" 13 letters, Kullanswer: Pobedonosikov 74. What is the name for performing a piece of music at full volume of sound? 5 letters, Kullanswer: Forte 76. The last period of the Stone Age, characterized by a settled population, the emergence of cattle breeding and agriculture. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Neolithic 78. A ghoul, a ghoul in popular belief, who cannot stand an aspen stake and a silver bullet. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Vampire 80. A scientist who studies the structure and development of cosmic bodies and the Universe. 8 letters, Kullanswer: Astronomer 81. An external stone semi-arch that transfers the thrust of the arches of the main nave of a Gothic temple to the supporting pillars - buttresses. 8 letters, Kullanswer: Flying buttress 82. Wild berry, well known for its healing properties and original taste. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Blueberry 84. A bunch, clump, comb of some fibrous substance. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Okhlopok 86. A terrible miser, a disgusting miser, ready to hang himself for a penny. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Scary 89. A lens in which spherical and chromatic aberrations are corrected. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Aplanat 92. The second largest city in Poland by population and area after Warsaw. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Krakow 96. An artistic product made from thick woven threads. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Macrame 101. Exactly so, according to V.I. Dahl, they used to call it a diamond. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Adamant 103. Stormy weather with rain, thunder and lightning, so beloved by F.I. Tyutchev in early May. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Thunderstorm 104. “A person like ... is often more sad than tragic” (G. Simmel). 5 letters, Kullanswer: Ruin 105. A mountainous region in Central Asia that gave the world the most alternative medicine. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Tibet 106. And the affectionate name of the cold northern wind, and the painting by I. S. Ostroukhov. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Siverko 107. The respiratory organs in humans and vertebrates, which are primarily affected by the coronavirus. 6 letters, Cull Answer: Lungs 108. White liquid secreted by the mammary glands, a drink prepared by nature itself. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Milk 109. A medical institution at a military unit for inpatient treatment of patients in need of hospitalization. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Infirmary 110. Sports competitions in specially prepared cars or motorcycles to determine the accuracy of compliance with a given schedule of movement along a specific route. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Rally 111. Soft twisted wool yarn used for embroidery and knitting. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Garus 112. The process of harvesting, which used to be called the “battle for bread.” 5 letters, Kullanswer: Harvest 113. Southern deciduous tree of the elm family, genus elm. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Karagach 114. “..., therefore, they have only guests for a hundred rubles, and even the skinny groom sings and jumps” (V.S. Vysotsky). 8 letters, Kullanswer: Smotriny 115. A model that something must correspond to, satisfy according to its characteristics, properties, qualities. 8 letters, Kullanswer: Standard 116. A white or yellowish fatty substance used for making candles. 7 letters, Cullanswer: Stearine

Basics of Japanese bath traditions

So, a bath in Japan is something different compared to everyone’s favorite steam rooms, stones poured with water, and birch brooms. To some extent, these are large bathrooms. At the same time, the healing and rejuvenating effect on the skin is no worse than in traditional Russian baths.

Today, the Japanese bath comes in three types:

The first two types involve individual use at home, or are used for visiting by 1-2 people at the same time. Sento baths are public baths that can accommodate more than 100 people at a time.

Regardless of what the Japanese bathhouse is called, what size it is or what it looks like, the philosophy and meaning of such establishments are the same. The therapeutic effect on the skin is not heated and humid air, but hot water or sawdust (in some cases, pebbles). Actually, the filler was selected precisely on the principle that it should accumulate heat well and warm the human body.

Sento device [edit | edit code]

The building in which the sento is located looks like a Japanese temple; at the entrance there is a blue noren (Japanese 暖簾) curtain, on which, in addition to the name, the hieroglyph 湯 (yu, hot water) is depicted.

As a rule, sento has male and female parts (compartments), their structure is identical. Modern sento most often consist of the following rooms: a changing room in which visitors leave their belongings, a separate room in which visitors wash thoroughly, and a room with a large pool of hot water that is common to everyone. Water temperature is about 55 °C.

Login [edit | edit code]

Although there can be many varieties of architectural design, the most traditional one is shown in the figure on the right. After the entrance there is a compartment where shoes are removed, which is continued in the form of two divided curtains (or doors) on the right and left. They lead to datsuiba - a place where they undress, separately for men and women. The female and male parts are very similar and differ only in small details.

Datsuiba [edit | edit code]

Inside the locker room, between the entrances, there is a bandai (番台) - a raised platform 1.5-1.8 meters high, where the attendant sits. Below this there may be a service door from ward to ward that is used only by staff. Above Bandai

Usually a large clock is hung.
The locker room measures approximately 10 x 10 meters, has a tatami floor and lockers for clothes. Sometimes it also has lockers for bath belongings of regular customers. The ceilings are high, 3-4 meters. The wall separating the female and male halves is two meters high. [ source not specified 3628 days
] Changing rooms also often have access to a small Japanese-style garden and toilet. There are often vending machines selling ice cream and drinks here. There may also be scales for weighing, and sometimes a stadiometer. In some very old sentō, the weight scale may be graduated in the old measures of "momme" 匁 = 3.75 g and "kan" equal to 1000 momme = 3.75 kg. Accordingly, the height meter in old sento can only go up to 180 cm. All kinds of advertising can also be posted here. The women's section may have cribs or changing tables, as well as mirrors. Decorations and advertising are different for each half.

Bath area [edit | edit code]

The bath area is separated from the locker room by a sliding door so as not to lose heat. As an exception, in Okinawa, where the climate is very hot, there is no door. The bathhouse is usually tiled. Near the entrance there is a small area where you can take bath benches and basins. The hall has a sufficient number of places for washing, on the sides and also in the center. Each place has two taps (Japanese: カランkaran

) - for hot and cold water and a hose with a shower head. At the end of the hall there are bathtubs, usually with several compartments with different water temperatures. In Osaka and Kansai the baths are usually located in the middle of the hall, while in Tokyo they are usually at the end. The wall separating the men's and women's departments is also about 2 meters high, the ceilings are 4 meters high with large windows in the ceilings. In some sento, the dividing wall (rarely) has a small hole, long ago used to allow members of the same family to pass soap to each other. On the wall at the far end of the room there is usually a decoration - a painting depicting Fuji or a traditional Japanese landscape, maybe a European landscape, river or sea views. In more rare cases, there may be a group of warriors or naked girls on the male side, and children playing or a beautiful beauty on the female side.

Features of the furaco bath

Furaco is a barrel-shaped structure divided into two parts. The larger one contains seats and a heated filler is supplied there for procedures, and the smaller one has a built-in oven (electric or wood-burning) that will heat the water to a temperature of 45-50 degrees Celsius. For the first visits, this is too high a temperature, but later the body adapts.

A visitor to such a bath must immerse himself in the water so that its upper boundary does not reach the heart. Even with this arrangement, the pulse increases to 120 beats per minute, and the pressure rises. Accordingly, you need to be more careful and follow the rule of placing a barrel in the washing compartment.

If you carry out the procedure correctly, you only need to be in the barrel for 10-15 minutes, which is enough to have the following effect on the body:

  • stimulation of metabolism and immune system function;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • treatment and prevention of diseases of the kidneys, joints, lungs;
  • toning the skin and opening the pores;
  • removing toxins and waste from the body.

You can enhance the effect on the body by adding herbal extracts, aromatic oils, rose petals, etc.

After the visitor leaves the barrel, he is placed on a couch to rest. According to the rules, the body must be at rest for at least an hour. This time is enough for the body to relax, the muscles to tone, and the nervous system to calm down.

Social and cultural aspects[ edit | edit code]

Voyeurism [edit | edit code]

Most sento have a raised platform - a bandai - with an attendant who has a clear view of both halves. Most of these workers are girls, since the male part of visitors rarely objects to this, while female visitors will not feel very comfortable with a male servant. True cases of voyeurism are quite rare.

Children are allowed into the department of the opposite sex, for example, a little boy and his mother in the female half, or a little girl and her dad in the male half. In Tokyo, the age limit for this is set at 8 years for boys and 13 years for girls, but in other prefectures it may be different, for example 16 years in Hokkaido and 5 years in Hyogo.

What is the difference between the Ofuro sauna

Reading advertisements, many people want to know what it is - a Japanese sauna, but in fact it is just a bath complex, where there are not only traditional furaco barrels, but also sawdust ofuro. Ofuro is a rectangular container into which sawdust is poured. In essence, this is a box made of special wood treated under high temperatures with an equipped electric heating system. This design can even be assembled independently at home.

As a coolant for such a bath, cedar or linden sawdust mixed with aromatic roots and herbs is used. This mixture is moistened and heated to 60 degrees Celsius. After heating, the visitor must immerse himself in such a bath up to his neck for 20-30 minutes. This time is enough to remove toxins from the body, which will subsequently be absorbed by sawdust.

The maximum effect on the body occurs when the two types of baths described above are visited in one complex. To do this, the visitor first immerses himself in a liquid bath - furako, and only then in a sawdust bath - ofuro. Upon completion of the procedures, you need to relax, drink herbal tea, or even become a participant in a Japanese tea ceremony, if such a service is provided.

Japanese sauna Yasuragi

You've probably heard about the Japanese Ofuro bath, but as it turns out, it is part of the more ancient Yasuragi sauna. Nowadays, few people turn to history, preferring to call all Japanese steam rooms the name “Ofuro”. In fact, Ofuro is nothing more or less than the name of one of the barrels of water that is used for the soaring ceremony. The Yasuragi bath came to us from Japan in a slightly modified form. This sauna has its own sacred traditions and rules that allow for an unusual steaming process. This bathhouse takes its origins from the traditional religion of Japan - Buddhism. Therefore, the indigenous people firmly believe that Yasuragi is able to cleanse their body and soul from filth and sins.

Soaring in Yasuragi occurs in several main stages. First, the body must be cleansed of external dirt, so that it will be easier to subsequently cleanse the soul. The visitor must wash in a Japanese Furo barrel, which is filled to the brim with water heated to fifty degrees. After the external dirt has been washed off the body, the visitor moves to the next barrel, called Ofuro, where the temperature reaches sixty degrees. It is Ofuro, according to the Japanese, that cleanses the soul from sins.

In ancient Japan, such saunas were located in the homes of high-ranking citizens and they often enjoyed the steaming process. But the poor were forced to go to public baths, where the water could not be changed for a long time. Therefore, this sauna was not the most hygienic place. By the way, in such a bathhouse, fires were lit right under the barrels so that the temperature in them would always be high. Such hot water not only helped rid the body of toxins, but also prepared the spiritually developed Japanese for sacred meditation. After all, hot water relaxes muscles very well.

It is very difficult for an unfamiliar person to visit the Yasuragi sauna. After all, it does not consist in exposing the body to steam, but in placing it in water at very high temperatures. Some even call Ofuro and Furo barrels, cannibal barrels. After all, sixty degrees is real boiling water. That is why you need to first go into the less hot Furo barrel, and then into the hot Ofuro. Often, heated sawdust soaked in aromatic oils was added to barrels of water. This is not only useful, but also very pleasant.

The Yasuragi bath has an amazing effect on the body. It can open all pores, charge the body with health and immunity, prolong a person’s youth and tighten the skin.


2. And the fastest horse running, and a mining enterprise - all in one word. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Quarry 3. The pen into which the shepherd drives his bleating herd. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Koshara 5. U M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin: each of two gluttons fed by one man. 7 letters, Kullanswer: General 6. A popular holiday salad in our country, named after a French chef, as well as a great English actor, whose level of skill, it is believed, has not been surpassed by anyone in the world. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Olivier 7. Forty-second President of the United States, accused of perjury in relation to his relationship with intern M. Lewinsky. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Clinton 9. A jump in ballet during which the dancer's legs quickly cross in the air, touching each other. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Antrash 10. Not only the chapter of a book, but also the process of “cutting up” property during a divorce. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Section 11. “And in our rooms the commissars sit, and our girls are taken to...” (M.M. Zvezdinsky). 7 letters, Kullanswer: Office 13. Lack of the gift of speech, the ability to speak, which, as they say, in the case of Turgenev’s Gerasim has a symbolic meaning. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Dumbness 14. Import from abroad of goods, technology and capital for their sale and application in the domestic market. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Import 15. An exotic plant from East Asia, which is called the “golden tree”. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Aucuba 16. Artificial marble made of polished gypsum with additives, material for wall decoration, architectural details and sculptural decor. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Stucco 17. The northernmost active volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Shiveluch 18. The oldest astronomical instrument for determining the meridian is a vertical pillar on a horizontal platform. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Gnomon 19. A crocodile with a narrow long snout, living in the rivers of India. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Gavial 31. The largest English writer and poet of the late Victorian era, author of the novel “Tess of the D'Urbervilles.” 5 letters, Kullanswer: Hardy 32. “Bear! Bourbon! ...!” — these were the words Popov’s widow rewarded the landowner Smirnov in A.P.’s play. Chekhov's "Bear". 6 letters, Kullanswer: Monster 34. Benefit, advantage, one’s own interest in the business, associated with making a profit, additional income. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Benefit 35. This medicinal herb of the Norichnikov family is also called grace, horse tinder, bloodstone and moknets. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Avran 36. Popular domestic theater and film actress, film director, screenwriter, TV presenter - ... Litvinova. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Renata 37. The city of German winemakers, the oldest city in Germany, called “Northern Rome”. 4 letters, Kullanswer: Trier 40. The largest river dolphin, living in the Amazon and Orinoco, which uses echolocation to hunt and navigate underwater. 4 letters, Kullanswer: Iniya 41. This is a printed periodical publication, which publishes materials about current events, was introduced in Russia by Peter I. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Newspaper 43. “Medicine is the art of doing ... about the symptoms of a disease based on the causes of death " What word is missing in E. Ionesco’s statement? 5 letters, Kullanswer: Conclusion 44. The main entrance to both heaven and hell. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Gate 46. And the satellite of the planet Uranus, and the protagonist of W. Shakespeare’s tragedy “Othello”. 9 letters, Kullanswer: Desdemona 47. Ticket for a numbered seat in a long-distance train carriage. 9 letters, Cull answer: Reservation card 48. Italian artist, founder of the realistic movement in European painting of the 17th century. 9 letters, Kullanswer: Caravaggio 50. “... knows no more than you, but his ignorance is better organized” (E. Dale). 9 letters, Kullanswer: Professor 51. A device for reproducing sound recorded on a record, invented by T. Edison. 9 letters, Kullanswer: Gramophone 52. A number system for large periods of time, based on the periodicity of the movement of celestial bodies. 9 letters, Kullanswer: Calendar 54. The path through the mountain range that gave the name to the story by V.P. Astafieva. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Pass 55. A person or organization that has the right and ability to use the services of a telephone company or computer network. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Subscriber 57. In linguistics, a word that is opposite in meaning to another word. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Antonym 61. “Humanity stands on... between mortal despair and complete extinction. Lord, grant us the wisdom to make the right choice!” (W. Allan). 8 letters, Kullanswer: Crossroads 62. Conveyor for lifting bulk cargo vertically or at a large angle to the horizontal. 8 letters, Kullanswer: Elevator 68. Ancient Greek sculptor and architect of the late classical era, one of the first to give preference to marble. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Skopas 69. What did Eugene Onegin replace corvée on his estate with? 5 letters, Kullanswer: Quirk 70. A metal strip curved in a semicircle that serves as a handle on doors and chest lids. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Bracket 71. Russian poet, theorist and one of the founders of Russian symbolism. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Bryusov 72. A set of provisions that reject faith in God, in supernatural forces and in general any religion. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Atheism 75. Ancient Greek mathematician, author of the first theoretical treatise on mathematics that has reached us. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Euclid 77. A short literary work, a brief description of life events. 5 letters, Cull Answer: Essay 79. A term indicating the precious metal content of a piece of jewelry. 5 letters, Kullanswer: Sample 83. A small board on which the artist mixes paints. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Palette 85. Premeditated reprehensible intention, one of the forms of guilt. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Intention 87. The top waterproof layer of the roof of a building made of tiles, slate, roofing felt, roofing felt. 6 letters, Cull answer: Roofing 88. A movement in art that aims to faithfully reproduce reality in its typical features. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Realism 90. A section of a railway line that connects adjacent separate points. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Stage 91. A chemical warfare agent that irritates the upper respiratory tract. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Adamsite 93. An aircraft that combined the design features of a helicopter and an airplane. 7 letters, Kullanswer: Autogyro 94. The path of movement of a celestial body, the “track” of a planet or comet. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Orbit 95. A small essay in a periodical, as well as an integral part of the Criminal Code. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Article 97. What is an inventory, a written list of something, usually called? 6 letters, Kullanswer: Register 98. The name of the fisherman Shiryaev, which turned into “Igarka” and gave the name to the port on the Yenisei. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Egorka 99. The eldest son of King Priam of Troy, leader of his compatriots in the Trojan War. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Hector 100. One is a sorcerer, sorcerer, spellcaster, and the other is a young Belarusian singer and composer, winner of the “Star Factory - 6” project on Channel One TV. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Sorcerer 101. In ancient Greek mythology, a titan who held the firmament on his shoulders. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Atlas 102. A hard and shiny calcareous stone, usually with a beautiful pattern, used primarily for sculptural and architectural works. 6 letters, Kullanswer: Marble

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