Types of brooms for a bath - features of selection and preparation

A broom is the main bath attribute. It is he who creates the unique flavor and atmosphere of the steam room, because if you take bath procedures without it, the bath will not have any differences from the sauna.

The preparation of brooms in Rus' is a whole tradition, rooted in ancient times. Experienced bathhouse attendants know what time of year they should harvest raw materials and which branches should be selected to make really high-quality brooms. Therefore, in order to get a traditional Russian broom, you need to know a number of nuances, which we will talk about in this article.

Main types of bath brooms.

How to draw a broom, broom, mop, dustpan step by step?

How to draw a broom, a broom step by step?
How to draw a mop step by step?

How to draw a scoop step by step?

Sometimes, for some purpose, there is a need to draw a mop, broom, dustpan. This is not at all difficult to do. Let's look at the simplest diagram of drawing a broom, which will clearly show us the whole process:

As you can see, everything is simple. And here is a video lesson on how to draw a broom step by step:

A few pictures for variety:

Now let's see how a mop is drawn step by step - it's even simpler:

Source of the article: https://www.bolshoyvopros.ru/questions/2146387-kak-narisovat-venik-metlu-shvabru-savok-poetapno.html

What are the symbols of the bathhouse? How to draw bath symbols step by step?

How to draw a bath broom, basin, hat, tub step by step?

What is included in bath symbols?

What are the symbols of the bathhouse, how to draw them?

The bathing ritual from ancient Rus', first described by the chronicler Nestor, has survived to this day practically unchanged, and the attributes of this sacred rite have not changed either - a birch broom and 6 other varieties of it, a bunch of well water, a washcloth, a brush and soap. Soap has only undergone significant changes; now it is made not from lard with the addition of linseed oil and ash, but from other animals or artificial ingredients with the addition of perfume. In addition to the birch broom, wormwood and nettle brooms, as well as oak and linden brooms, and in the northern regions juniper brooms were widely used in Rus'. Now you know what kind of broom and how to draw it.

The symbols of the bath include a bucket of water, and its accompanying item - a ladle for splashing on stones.

No bathhouse would be complete without firewood, so we draw them too. These include the ax and the symbol of fire. And to the fire - smoke and heat. This is what we got.

So I thought that the symbols of the bathhouse include the heat on the stones and the ice hole. It is drawn like this:

Source of the article: https://www.bolshoyvopros.ru/questions/3584935-kakie-simvoly-bani-kak-narisovat-bannye-simvoly-poetapno.html

Steaming birch

The most popular type of bath attribute. After the birch branches have completely dried and tied them in the form of a broom, you can begin processing.

  1. A day before going to the bathhouse, soak the broom in cool water; there is no need to immerse the handle in it.
  2. 15-20 minutes before visiting the steam room, pour out the cool water and change it to hot. You should keep the broom in it for another quarter of an hour.
  3. For greater benefits, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus to a bowl of water. To prevent the leaves from becoming too steamed and falling off, do not keep the broom in hot liquid for more than 15 minutes.

If you use a purchased broom for bath procedures, you should pay attention to its quality. Since store-bought ones, unlike home-made ones, are dried in unsuitable conditions, it is necessary to check the quality of drying. If the branches are very crumbly and break easily, you should immediately start using it.

It cannot be soaked; just douse the branches with hot water several times. After this, the broom is dried directly over the bath stones and lowered into a basin of warm water. For greater benefit, it is recommended to cover it with a tight lid.

Experienced bathhouse attendants advise starting to steam a broom a day before going to the steam room. The exception is poorly dried bundles of branches.

Cool pencil drawings for baths (23 photos)

The bathhouse is a phenomenon of Russian culture that no foreigner has ever experienced! Pictures about the bathhouse partly help to understand the culture of light steam. But a bathhouse is not just a separate building where you can wash yourself! Firstly, the bathhouse is a place of ritual for cleansing the soul and body. And also a kind of health resort, where existing ailments were expelled, the body was warmed up, preventing diseases. Light steam is inhalation and a way to remove toxins through the pores on the body. Pouring cold water, rubbing with snow or swimming in an ice hole is a boost of energy for the coming week and the best method of hardening the body. And birch brooms are an excellent massager! Next, we suggest you look at cool drawings about a bathhouse.

How to knit birch brooms for a bath correctly

A bath broom is assembled in a special way

When making a broom, you will need strong twine to tie the rods and pruners or a hatchet to straighten the handle. The whole process can be divided into several stages

How to dry brooms correctly

You can often see how cut branches are immediately tied into a broom in the forest. But it is better to dry them in a warm, ventilated area before tying them to reduce the likelihood of mold formation. To do this, you need to spread it out in a thin layer or hang it for several days in a ventilated, dark room.

Sometimes the workpieces are covered with dry hay. This method not only helps protect against diaper rash, but also saturates the product with the aroma of dried flowers and phytoncides. Final drying occurs during storage after the product is fully assembled.

How to assemble and tie a bath broom

Properly dried branches emit a subtle, pleasant aroma and have a pure green color. Before tying, they are inspected, the leaves in the place where the handle will be, as well as yellowed and diseased ones, are removed.

Basic assembly rules.

  • When assembling, thick stems are placed on the inside, and thin stems on the outside.
  • Fold in such a way that the upper plane of the leaves of all branches faces the top.
  • A bath broom should not be round like a broom. Rather, it should look more like a fan or a small fan. This will allow you to better massage and steam the body.
  • Inside you can insert sprigs of aromatic herbs or other trees, for example, currants, rowan, mint, juniper, fir or spruce.
  • Before tying, make sure that the broom fits comfortably in your hand and that its handle is not too thin or thick.
  • It is better to choose strong natural twine for fastening. You should not use wire that heats up in a bath and can also scratch it.
  • It is not recommended to tie the handle tightly right away; let the stems still dry. Later, closer to autumn, they will dry out in any case and you will still have to tie the fastenings more tightly before visiting the bathhouse.

There are several ways to tie handle bars.

  1. Ordinary. The handle is wrapped several times with twine and tied with a simple knot, preferably in a bow. Because as the branches dry out further, the fastening will probably have to be retied. Such a sling is usually made in two places on the handle: closer to the leaves and at the lower end.
  2. Tight fastening. To do this, the twine is folded in half, wrapped around the handle, the ends are threaded into the resulting loop, tightly tightened, then separated and pulled in opposite directions, tied with a regular knot.
  3. The broom is divided into two parts, which are folded in an x-shape near the handle. The twine is wrapped several times in a vertical direction, after which both parts of the broom are folded into one, tightly tightening the handle bars. The top and bottom are tied with a regular knot.

Wood and pebbles

Linden lining is perhaps the most popular material for interior decoration of rooms with high temperatures. Pleasant to the body, aromatic, with a healing effect - perhaps the best thing is lining with embossing, which imitates various types of decorative coverings: snakeskin pattern, bamboo, etc.

The decor of the bathhouse is in eco-style - walls lined with boards, and benches - in a “set” for them. An interesting idea is a wall-mounted firewood rack inside the bathhouse. Firewood for the stove is laid out in the form of panels.

A wall lined with pebbles will also decorate the room. It can also be used to finish the floor in a washing room. And if you don’t skimp, you can make a floor out of coins.

If you want to save space, a lifting floor will help: if you wanted to take a shower, you lowered it, you decided to swim, you raised it.

How to choose a bath broom wisely when purchasing

A quality product has characteristic features.

If it is not possible to make a broom yourself, then you can purchase a ready-made one. They are sold in specialized departments of stores; you can often find sellers hanging out products along the roads. They are inexpensive and you can always choose an acceptable option if you know what to look for when purchasing.

  • Shake the bun. If the leaves fall off, it means that the harvesting or storage technology was violated.
  • The leaf should be dry, but not overdried.
  • The handle should fit comfortably in the hand, the rods should be cut at the same level from below.
  • The product emits a pleasant aroma.
  • The leaf color is rich green without mold or dark spots.
  • The bunch is neat, without branches protruding in different directions, well leafy.

Lighting and accessories

The best lamp for a bathhouse is one made by yourself. A chandelier in the shape of a stork's nest looks unusual and original. Materials: frame for a bouquet, braided with decorative raffia straw using wire. Natural antlers decorated with a lamp are also a suitable option for a natural style.

If you prefer something more modern, you need to choose lamps like these, hidden under the “torn off” planks of the interior decoration. An old basin used as a chandelier is another innovative solution.

We create a romantic mood with the help of candles. But bathhouses require special design. A basin or trough and ladles will do again.

In general, a basin in a bathhouse is a universal item. It is worth making such “shelves” for storing bath brooms, towels and other bath accessories. Wooden pallets can also be used in steam rooms.

Wicker baskets are also great in this role: large ones for the floor, small ones for the wall.

From “warm” natural materials you can make a wide variety of decor that would be appropriate in a bathhouse and sauna: boxes woven from grass, reed, rattan, fern, corn, bast shoes and other items.

The best hanger for bathrobes is one made from branches or small stones as hooks.

Oak processing

Oak bundles are considered the second most popular after birch bundles. In addition to a large number of useful substances, such brooms are more durable.

They can be used in a steam room 3-4 times without any problems, but only if they are processed correctly. It consists of giving the bunch a flat shape so that the leaves generate more steam.

To get the desired result, you will need:

  • immerse the bunch in cold water overnight;
  • when going to the steam room, wrap the broom in cotton cloth and place it on a shelf in the bathhouse for 10 minutes;
  • After this, the bundle is taken out and doused with hot water several times.

This method allows you to achieve softness and reveal the aroma of oak leaves.

If fresh branches are used for the procedures, they do not need to be soaked in very hot or cold water. It is necessary to hold such a bunch in warm water for 3-5 minutes and immediately remove it. The dried bunches are first rinsed with hot water and placed in a barrel of cold water for a few minutes.

After this, it is taken out and immediately placed in a bowl of warm water for 15 minutes. After removal, the bundle is held over the stones for several minutes so that excess moisture is removed and the room is filled with a fresh smell.

Bathhouse: interior in Russian style

The interior of a Russian-style bathhouse will be complete if you complement it with decorative accessories. These can be bath brooms, embroidered curtains, wood products - figurines, spoons, mirrors, clocks made from wood cuts.

Tapestries made from medicinal herbs, moss and roots will decorate the walls and fill the room with aromas. They can be woven using a hand weaving device called a reed.

In addition to aesthetic value, herbal rugs and tapestries also have a healing function. A bath mat made of willow bark helps against skin diseases and sweating of the feet, and relieves inflammation. Using a tansy towel as a compress in a bath is a well-known folk remedy for joint pain. Applied to the head, it relieves pain and helps get rid of dandruff. Nettle cloths increase vitality. Tapestries made from several types of herbs (wormwood, peppermint, yarrow, St. John's wort, sweet clover, etc.) cleanse the human body of harmful microbes and have a tonic or calming effect.

Herbal products woven on a reed are strong and durable. The only condition is that direct sunlight should not fall on them. The natural aroma of tapestries can be enhanced by sprinkling them with water. For the same purpose, they are hung in the steam room.

Useful decor for baths and saunas are decorative jars with sea salt and colored sand. If you look closely, you can see a pattern of mountains, sky and deserted beaches. And when you have enough of this decor, you can use it as a scrub.

The more shades of salt and sand you have, the more interesting the “landscapes” will be. Coarse salt and sand make paintings in jars worse.

Gizmos felted from wool will also make the interior of a bathhouse or sauna more soulful: a portrait doll on a wire frame, brownies that protect the owners, humorous hats.

Toys made of bast or straw are suitable for decorating a bathhouse. We suggest making a symbol of the coming year - a goat. And let it give you a new portion of good luck, health and happiness with each visit to the steam room!

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When to harvest birch brooms

Harvesting birch branches must be done in a timely manner.

The quality, aroma, and healing properties of the broom significantly depend on the harvesting time. The deadlines are given differently. But the tradition is a week before Trinity and 2 weeks after it.

The second half of June and the first half of July is the time when the maximum amount of phytoncides and nutrients are collected in birch trees, which will later be used for the formation of seeds, growth and bud formation for the next year.

The plant at this time is maximally filled with strength and vitality. Its leaves reach a large size, but are still tender, juicy and firmly attached to the stem. The branches contain a sufficient amount of oily substances, therefore they are elastic and elastic. All this allows you to get a useful, gentle and durable steam attribute of a Russian bath.

Russia is a large country with different climatic zones. Therefore, there may be one time for collecting branches in the conditions of the European part of the country, another in the north of Siberia, and a third in the conditions of the south of the Far East.

To more accurately determine the timing of harvesting, we advise you to additionally focus on the condition of the plants.

  1. It is recommended to start harvesting during the period between the birch flowering and the formation of catkins. At this time, the leaf is held most firmly on the branch. You can check by pulling the tip of the sheet. It may tear, but it should not tear off the branch.
  2. You can also visually determine the time suitable for harvesting by looking at the underside of the sheet. If it is of sufficient size, it should be like fluff, velvety and soft to the touch. If you feel roughness, it means time is lost.

A broom prepared early quickly crumbles and after steaming it becomes unpleasant, soggy and slippery. It's good if it's enough for one use. And harvested late will be tough and can also quickly lose leaves. Therefore, it is better to finish collecting branches before mid-July.

If you are late with the deadline, no problem. Just prepare a little more brooms so that you have enough for the whole winter. Because they will probably deteriorate faster due to the leaves falling off.

Cool pencil drawings for baths (23 photos)

The bathhouse is a phenomenon of Russian culture that no foreigner has ever experienced! Pictures about the bathhouse partly help to understand the culture of light steam. But a bathhouse is not just a separate building where you can wash yourself! Firstly, the bathhouse is a place of ritual for cleansing the soul and body. And also a kind of health resort, where existing ailments were expelled, the body was warmed up, preventing diseases. Light steam is inhalation and a way to remove toxins through the pores on the body. Pouring cold water, rubbing with snow or swimming in an ice hole is a boost of energy for the coming week and the best method of hardening the body. And birch brooms are an excellent massager! Next, we suggest you look at cool drawings about a bathhouse.

This page contains the best videos on how to draw a bath broom with a pencil step by step. If you want to learn how to draw from scratch, just start doing it daily. Try to understand what direction of art you want to develop in: illustration, concept art, graphic design, children's drawings, animation or something else.

If you don’t know yet, then our site will help you decide. Just look through the pages and try to draw what is shown in the video tutorials. If you have any useful tips on how to draw a bath broom with a pencil step by step, please write about it in the comments. In this way you will help us and many other people.

Once you have the basics, you can move on to learning about perspective, composition, color, and lighting. A good artist knows all these aspects, but you have to start somewhere.

Source of the article: https://dom-srub-banya.ru/kak-narisovat-venik-dlya-bani-karandashom/

Steaming pine broom and juniper

Spruce, fir or juniper tufts have a bright aroma, heal the skin and refresh the air.
When using this type of broom, you cannot use dry bundles; only fresh ones are selected. First, they need to be soaked in hot water for 20 minutes.

In this case, it is imperative to cover the brewing container with a tight lid. After this, the branches will be ready for use.

The remaining water can be used as a rinse aid or soap. But this can only be done by people with insensitive skin.

Using the same scheme, it is also recommended to brew brooms from eucalyptus or linden. Be sure to use only fresh bunches.

Cool pencil drawings for baths (23 photos)

The bathhouse is a phenomenon of Russian culture that no foreigner has ever experienced! Pictures about the bathhouse partly help to understand the culture of light steam. But a bathhouse is not just a separate building where you can wash yourself! Firstly, the bathhouse is a place of ritual for cleansing the soul and body. And also a kind of health resort, where existing ailments were expelled, the body was warmed up, preventing diseases. Light steam is inhalation and a way to remove toxins through the pores on the body. Pouring cold water, rubbing with snow or swimming in an ice hole is a boost of energy for the coming week and the best method of hardening the body. And birch brooms are an excellent massager! Next, we suggest you look at cool drawings about a bathhouse.

Main mistakes when preparing and using birch brooms

The quality of a broom, its usefulness and aroma depend on many factors. To get maximum pleasure and benefit, try to avoid the following mistakes.

  1. The leaves of branches collected very early do not hold up well, and those of late ones too, and they become stiff.
  2. Branches collected in rainy weather may become moldy and darken, which indicates their unsuitability and low usefulness. Most likely, they will not cause any harm, but the mood will be spoiled, the smell will be wrong, and there will be less benefit.
  3. When cutting branches, do not forget about the plant itself. Try to take a little from different trees rather than removing all the branches from one.
  4. Do not cut branches where there are flowers, they will be tough;
  5. You should not cut off the thin protruding ends of the branches at the top - they are the main working part of the broom.
  6. Do not wash branches after harvesting branches.
  7. Drying and storing in the sun or in a damp room is unacceptable. In the first case, the leaves will burn out, dry out and become brittle; in the second, they may become moldy.
  8. Stems with shoots in different directions are used, they are placed haphazardly, the leaves are small and sparse, and some are damaged by diseases and insects.
  1. We do not pour out the water in which the broom was steamed. It's good to splash on the heater. The steam room produces a pleasant smell. It is also good for the body. Hair becomes silky, hair roots are strengthened, and dandruff is removed. But it would be better to brew a specially prepared small bunch of branches in boiling water for this, rather than the main broom.

Wood and pebbles

Linden lining is perhaps the most popular material for interior decoration of rooms with high temperatures. Pleasant to the body, aromatic, with a healing effect - perhaps the best thing is lining with embossing, which imitates various types of decorative coverings: snakeskin pattern, bamboo, etc.

The decor of the bathhouse is in eco-style - walls lined with boards, and benches - in a “set” for them. An interesting idea is a wall-mounted firewood rack inside the bathhouse. Firewood for the stove is laid out in the form of panels.

A wall lined with pebbles will also decorate the room. It can also be used to finish the floor in a washing room. And if you don’t skimp, you can make a floor out of coins.

If you want to save space, a lifting floor will help: if you wanted to take a shower, you lowered it, you decided to swim, you raised it.

Bathhouse: washing design

The feeling of freshness will be created by the design of the sink in a beautiful natural style. Wildlife has a powerful calming effect. Therefore, in one case, the designers used large logs with untreated granite, in the other, they lined the inside of the wall with stone and tiles.

In such rooms, waterfalls from the walls and large shells instead of traditional faucets would be appropriate.

Fans of minimalism and new life for old things will love a shower made from a large garden watering can.

Lighting and accessories

The best lamp for a bathhouse is one made by yourself. A chandelier in the shape of a stork's nest looks unusual and original. Materials: frame for a bouquet, braided with decorative raffia straw using wire. Natural antlers decorated with a lamp are also a suitable option for a natural style.

If you prefer something more modern, you need to choose lamps like these, hidden under the “torn off” planks of the interior decoration. An old basin used as a chandelier is another innovative solution.

We create a romantic mood with the help of candles. But bathhouses require special design. A basin or trough and ladles will do again.

In general, a basin in a bathhouse is a universal item. It is worth making such “shelves” for storing bath brooms, towels and other bath accessories. Wooden pallets can also be used in steam rooms.

Wicker baskets are also great in this role: large ones for the floor, small ones for the wall.

From “warm” natural materials you can make a wide variety of decor that would be appropriate in a bathhouse and sauna: boxes woven from grass, reed, rattan, fern, corn, bast shoes and other items.

The best hanger for bathrobes is one made from branches or small stones as hooks.

Methods for the “lazy”

You can use this method of processing twigs if you don’t want to tinker with a broom for a long time or if you forgot to steam it before going to the bathhouse.
To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Place the broom in a container of hot water for 2-3 minutes, tightly covering it with a lid.
  2. Take out the product and under no circumstances shake it off excess moisture.
  3. Hold the broom over the bath stones for 10-15 seconds.

In this method, the calculation is based on the use of hot water and steam. The leaves and twigs will become soft and will be able to release a sufficient amount of beneficial substances.

You can also use another quick steaming method. It is a little longer than the first one, but also does not require much preparation. For processing you will need:

  • The tied branches are placed in warm water for 25 minutes; there is no need to cover the basin or steamer with anything;
  • after this, the product is removed and hot water is poured into the container, into which the broom is then lowered again; a lid must be placed on top;
  • The broom should stand in hot water for 30 minutes, be sure to turn it over every 10 minutes so that the heat spreads evenly.

The second express method also allows you to fill the steam room with woody aromas, while purifying and refreshing the air.

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