Installation of electricity meters: installation features



The main devices for reading indicators of used electricity, water and gas are meters. Installation of electricity meters can be done with your own hands, but it is better to entrust this task to specialist electricians who have the necessary skills and knowledge. If necessary, it is possible to install the metering device on a pole. This publication will discuss the types of devices, preparatory work before installation and connecting the device.

Electricity meters can be installed in residential premises if there is state verification

Installation of electricity meters: general information

The modern pace of life and the constant rise in prices force citizens to seriously think about total savings. Not least in the matter of saving is the payment for electricity and other natural resources. Therefore, in recent years the demand for the installation of electric meters has increased significantly.

Meters are installed according to clearly regulated rules

Most residents of our country, having performed basic calculations, have concluded that installing electricity meters is a very profitable way to save money, since the meter provides great opportunities (compared to the traditional tariff method). First of all, paying according to the readings of this device allows you to pay money only for the raw materials actually used, and also helps you fully control your expenses. Even when you go on vacation, you don’t have to worry about a huge electricity bill.

Helpful advice! A meter for recording consumed electricity is an extremely necessary device in every apartment and house. In addition, according to Russian law, premises in which electricity meters are not installed must be disconnected from the electricity supply.

What kind of meters are installed?

There are various models available for electricity metering. The most common devices were induction meters. However, these devices are outdated and are gradually being phased out.

There are electronic electricity meters with an accuracy class of 0.5. They can operate in both single-tariff and multi-tariff modes.

In the private sector, where electricity is constantly consumed throughout the day, the use of a two-tariff meter is justified. Especially if the heating is provided by electricity, and at night the area near the entrance needs to be illuminated.

And when using a washing machine with a delayed start, you can get even greater savings. Therefore, the installation of a two-tariff meter is justified.

From July 1, 2021, the installation of smart meters is recommended. They provide electricity metering and data transmission to the dispatcher automatically.

At the same time, the dispatcher remotely monitors electricity consumption in real time. In addition, smart meters allow you to monitor the status of the network and inform the dispatcher about an illegal connection or attempt to steal electricity.

In turn, through such devices the dispatcher can turn off or limit the supply of electricity and change the daily tariff. These are promising metering devices.

They are now recommended for use. And from January 1, 2022, EMIS devices should be used everywhere.

Thus, now power engineers have the right to choose the type of meter themselves. So far, the law only recommends the use of “smart” devices. Mandatory installation of automated control systems will be carried out only from January 1, 2022.

The Resolution stipulates that the purchase of equipment and installation must be carried out by the organization supplying electricity at its own expense.

If you install an “ordinary” meter now, the energy supply company is obliged to register it. Replacement will be made at the end of its service life.

In some regions, scammers take advantage of the fact that residents do not understand the laws and sell them equipment.

Choosing an electricity meter: classification of devices

Technical progress does not stand still, so modern technologies have been introduced into all spheres of life. The electric power industry is no exception in this regard. Therefore, the choice of modern meters for accounting for used electricity is quite wide.

Mechanical meters are cheap, but they have significant operating errors

Devices are classified according to parameters such as operating principle and number of phases. Each device has its own technical characteristics and features.

Depending on the principle of operation, there are the following types of electricity meters:

  1. Mechanical devices are the most common option. The mechanical parts of the device move due to the electric current that passes through the meter. The number of rotations indicates the electricity consumed. These devices are cheap, but they have significant operating errors.
  2. Electronic designs are more modern devices. The amount of electricity used is recorded using a special microcircuit or semiconductor. The received information is then transmitted using sensors. These devices work much more accurately, but their price is higher.

Depending on the number of phases, electricity meters are single-phase and three-phase. The number of phases of the device must correspond to the number of phases in the network. However, in some cases, three-phase electricity meters are connected to a single-phase power supply. If there is a three-phase network, only three-phase devices can be installed.

Electronic devices work much more accurately than mechanical devices

Technologies are developing more and more, and it is now possible to install new electricity meters that are capable of metering used electricity at several tariffs. So, there are:

  • single-tariff devices that count only according to one tariff;
  • two-tariff devices - meters that divide the day into two tariff zones: day and night;
  • three-tariff meters that take into account electricity consumption depending on three time intervals: peak, night and half-peak.

This is interesting! This division of the day occurred due to uneven loads at the substations. Electricity is generated around the clock, and sudden surges in electricity consumption negatively affect the operation of substation equipment. Maximum loads occur from 7 to 9 am and from 6 to 11 pm. Consequently, the cost of electricity during peak hours is higher than at night when consumption is minimal.

Depending on the number of phases, electricity meters are single-phase and three-phase

Features of connecting a single-phase and three-phase meter

Small one-story cottages are connected to a single-phase network. It is taken into account that the installed power does not exceed 8-10 kW.

In two-story houses, where the permitted power is 15 kW, three-phase meters are installed. In this case, they try to distribute the loads evenly among the phases.

The connection diagrams drawn up by the design organization are taken into account. The main difference is that with a single-phase connection, installation of additional grounding is not required. As with a three-phase connection of a private property to the electrical network.

It is necessary to install additional grounding. The layout, location and design of the grounding are indicated in the project documentation.

The differences in the connection diagram of a single-phase and three-phase electric meter are minor:

  • To connect single-phase voltage, you need two wires, zero and phase, which are connected to the meter;
  • For a three-phase connection, a four-wire network is used. Three phases and zero;
  • It is recommended to install an automatic machine in front of the electricity meters. After it, automatic machines are installed that protect a group of consumers. For example, lighting is connected to its own circuit breaker, and the sockets are protected by another, etc.;
  • If there is a ground connection, it is prohibited to connect it to the neutral wire.

In some cases, it is possible to connect a three-phase meter to a single-phase network.

Replacing electricity meters: reasons for installation

Most often, replacement of meters occurs as a result of the following reasons:

  • mechanical damage to the device body;
  • technical malfunctions;
  • outdated equipment;
  • Damaged seals or their absence.

In most apartments, the installed electric meters are old models, that is, they were produced back in the 60s of the twentieth century. The developers of old devices did not expect that apartments would be so filled with household appliances. The daily life of the modern population is unthinkable without a microwave oven, washing machine, air conditioner and other household appliances. Consequently, there is a large overload of the meters, which may result in their fire. The situation is further aggravated by old wiring, which is also a fire hazard, which entails danger for the residents of the apartment.

In addition, the places where old electricity meters are located are often covered with cobwebs and a lot of dust. Old fasteners and sagging wires often dishearten apartment residents. Therefore, sooner or later, the owners decide to immediately repair and renovate the house. Since the old meter does not fit into the new interior, there is a desire to install an electric meter.

It is not customary to install electric meters in apartments yourself

The desire to save often involves the need to install new modern electricity meters. The engineers studied and took into account the multi-tariff electricity metering system. Consequently, anyone who owns such a device will be able to save about 30% of the usual monthly payment.

Helpful advice! The replacement or installation of an electric meter must be carried out during the repair or modernization of the energy supply system in the house. Typically, the service life of these devices is about 16 years, and a technical check must be carried out once every 24 months. After the specified period has expired, the device must be replaced.

How to choose the right electric meter

types of electricity meters can be used for household electricity metering:


  • induction devices, the operating principle of which is based on simply counting the number of revolutions of the disk. This type of device is well known to all consumers, since all devices used so far belong to this type. They are distinguished by their simple design, ease of use, affordable price and long calibration period. The main disadvantage of these devices is their low accuracy. It should also be noted that their use does not imply the possibility of switching to a multi-tariff electricity consumption metering system;
  • electronic devices characterized by compact size and high accuracy. The main operating mechanisms are built-in microcircuits, the functioning of which sometimes malfunctions, which leads to the need for repairs and unscheduled inspections. But at the same time, these meters can be used for multi-tariff calculations, which promises tangible benefits to the consumer, who can choose a convenient and rational mode of power consumption.

However, when choosing an electric meter for installation

in an apartment or house, you need to take into account the features of the facility’s electrical networks and, first of all, you need to take into account the number of phases connected to the house. The location of the device must also be taken into account. For example, electronic meters on the market are represented by products with mechanical and liquid crystal display. For those devices that will be installed indoors, this factor is not particularly important, but for devices installed outdoors or in a cold room, meters with an LCD screen are not the best choice, as they may fail.

a single-phase meter is mainly used

, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of four terminals for connecting cables: one pair each for incoming and outgoing wires.

More rarely, for household metering of electricity consumption, a three-phase meter

, equipped with 8 or more terminals. As a rule, such devices are installed in country houses and cottages, the power consumption of which is much higher, including due to the operation of powerful electrical appliances.

An important criterion for choosing an electricity meter is the accuracy class of the device - for household devices, the measurement error should not exceed 2%.

Connecting electricity meters: features of the work

Many people are interested in the question of how to install an electric meter. In most cases, the installation or replacement of electric meters is carried out by special organizations that install and configure the devices. The price of installing an electricity meter by employees of such companies is too high and is not always affordable for the average consumer. Therefore, if you wish, you can install an electricity meter yourself, without the participation of a certified specialist.

If you violate the rules for installing electricity meters, this can lead to an accident

To do this, you must comply with safety requirements when working with electricity and know the rules for installing an electricity meter. Taking this into account, you can avoid problems such as accidents, fires in the house or substation, and electric shock.

Since an electric meter is a complex and complex device, its operation can therefore be affected by external factors, such as high humidity, temperature, and aggressive chemicals. Typically, all installation requirements are met when placing the device in an apartment. If installed on a staircase, you will need a special box for the electric meter.

Helpful advice! It is not recommended to engage in the installation process without the necessary qualifications and knowledge of the law. Violation of the rules for installing electricity meters can lead to an accident.

Reasons for installing a new electric meter in an apartment

The vast majority of equipment providing power supply to residential buildings built during the Soviet era is now hopelessly outdated. A similar picture is typical for the countries of Eastern Europe. To this day, in houses built in the sixties you can find bulky electric meters that operate with a clearly audible hum, large ceramic fuses, and electrical sockets from the middle of the last century that have served for decades. All this morally and physically obsolete equipment characterizes the general condition of the electrical system of residential buildings.

An equally sad picture can be seen if you look into the electrical panel: dust and many years of cobwebs. If homeowners are planning various alterations, installing an electric meter, or renovating the apartment as a whole, then this is a good opportunity to update the entire power supply system. There are several reasons why it is necessary to install a new electric meter in an apartment.

The most important reason, perhaps, is the insufficient capacity of the old network, which is not able to cope with the increased load. The life of a modern person is unthinkable without a large number of electrical appliances: their combined operation significantly overloads the system, including the meter, as a result of which some areas fail, and even a fire may occur. The situation is further complicated by the fact that in many houses not only the electrical supply systems are outdated, but also the fire safety systems.

Another reason that encourages installing a new electric meter in an apartment is the opportunity to save electricity. Today, differentiated tariffs have been introduced that allow you to pay 30% less for electricity. To use such a two-tariff system, you will need appropriate equipment.

Electricity is consumed unevenly throughout the day. Peak loads occur in the morning and evening, with a particularly large difference observed in winter. At night, for obvious reasons, electricity consumption is minimal. In order to somewhat smooth out such surges, an incentive system has been developed that makes it profitable to use electricity at night. Consumers save by running washing machines and dishwashers during the discounted tariff period.

Installation of a new electric meter in an apartment can also be done in the following cases:

  • The meter readings differ sharply from those recorded previously, or the values ​​are not reflected on the display at all.
  • There is damage to the seal on the electric meter or other signs of tampering.
  • Presence of mechanical damage to the casing or display.

An external inspection of the electric meter can reveal its malfunctions: cracks in the casing, broken glass, missing seals, uneven rotation of the disk or chaotic jumping of numbers. All these cases are a clear reason to contact the management company and call an electrician.

How to install an electricity meter: installation location

Installation of metering devices must be carried out in specially designated places: in cabinets, niches, on panels or boxes for electric meters. To install the device, it is necessary to equip the wooden or plastic shield for the meter with a rigid mount.

The installation height of the meter above the floor should be from 0.8 to 1.7 meters

The device is installed at a height of 80 cm to 1.7 m, but in case of urgent need, the installation height can be reduced to 40 cm. Below this figure, installation of the device is prohibited.

Particular attention must be paid to the installation location of the device if the electricity meter needs to be installed in the garage. Typically, such a room is not heated, therefore, the device must be resistant to low temperatures and moisture. There are meters on sale that are designed for installation in unheated rooms. Such devices are also useful for dachas or houses that are heated inconsistently in winter.

Helpful advice! It is very important that after installing the device, comfortable access is provided to the cabinet, drawer or niche for inspection and repair of the electric meter by maintenance personnel.

Who pays for the installation of an electric meter in an apartment?

The natural question is, at whose expense is the work being carried out and what is the cost of installing an electric meter in the apartment? The answer will depend on several circumstances. The initiative to replace equipment comes from the property owner, but payment for equipment and installation may be borne by other organizations. The fact is that the rules in this regard change periodically, and the latest innovations are currently being considered. But they have not yet received legal force, and, most likely, the existing rules will remain in effect until 2021.

  • Installation of an electricity meter in a municipal apartment

The owner of non-privatized housing is local authorities. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owners of real estate, that is, city authorities, must deal with the operation of electricity metering devices.

Citizens living in such apartments on social rental terms are required to pay for the electricity used on time and monitor the condition of metering devices and electrical networks in the apartment.

Often representatives of management companies, referring to Art. 543 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, they are trying to shift onto residents not only the responsibility for the safe operation of electricity meters (which does not raise objections), but also their replacement. But the truth is that electricity is supplied to the apartment through the energy receiving installations of the house, which are on the balance sheet of the management company and are maintained by it.

Consequently, the end consumer cannot be considered a subscriber of an energy sales organization. This role is performed by the management company, which operates the electrical equipment. Thus, the costs of replacing an old or broken device must be borne by the management company.

If, based on your application, the management company is in no hurry to install an electric meter in your apartment, then you need to send a complaint to the housing inspectorate.

  • Installation of an electric meter in a privatized apartment

In a privatized apartment, the owner is responsible for all equipment (Article 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This situation applies when the electric meter is located:

  • on the landing or in the common corridor;
  • in the shield inside the apartment.

But the management company can also, at its own expense, change electricity meters throughout the house as planned.

  • Installation of an electric meter in a communal apartment

Meters in communal apartments can be placed in each tenant’s room, or one common one can be installed for the entire apartment.

The easiest way is when residents have their own individual appliances and pay only for electricity for their needs. If the meter is common, then consumption is divided by the number of residents. It is possible that one of the residents does not pay the bills, as a result of which a debt accumulates, which all residents of the apartment will have to pay off.

To install an electric meter in a communal apartment, you need to find out through the management company who supplies electricity to the house. Then you need to conclude an agreement with the supplier, on the basis of which their specialist will install a meter in your room and connect it to the general network. The final work is a report that indicates the serial number of the installed equipment. After this, you can pay for the electricity consumed using receipts that will be sent to your address.

In accordance with clause 7.1.59 of the “Rules for Installing Electrical Installations,” a communal apartment must have a common meter through which electricity is supplied to the common areas. If you install an individual meter in your room, they will not enter into a separate agreement with you. You can open your personal account only if all residents of the apartment have metering devices in their rooms.

To install an electric meter in a separate room of a communal apartment, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. But this will allow you to pay only for the electricity that you use yourself, and not depend on unscrupulous neighbors, because they will not have the opportunity to transfer their debts to you.

The installation of an electricity meter in a communal apartment is paid for by the property owners.

Who should install electricity meters: let’s understand the situation

All issues related to metering of used electricity and related equipment are resolved in accordance with the requirements specified in various legislative documents. They set out the procedure and features of repair and replacement of devices, as well as rules for operating the devices.

After installing a new meter, you need to submit an application for sealing to the energy supply company

Monitoring of the correct operation of the device, as well as maintenance, is carried out by power supply companies. Replacing an electricity meter is possible only after submitting an application for replacement of the device to this organization. To do this, you need to have the following documents with you:

  • passport;
  • document confirming ownership.

The installation of a new device must be carried out by a qualified specialist, since a person without experience can not only make critical errors when connecting, but also completely break the new device. Only a specialist knows how to properly connect the electric meter.

It is very important after installing a new device to submit an application for sealing to the energy supply company. An authorized person draws up an acceptance certificate for the meter and seals the device.

Helpful advice! The cost of installing an electricity meter, regardless of the reason for replacement, must be paid by the owner of the premises.

Installation of the meter must be carried out by a qualified specialist

Owner's procedure

Installing a new meter requires certain steps. They are not much different if the meter has expired or has broken down and needs to be replaced with a new one.

There is a certain procedure that the owner must follow when installing the meter.

To do this he must:

  • Contact the energy sales office with an application, which will be reviewed within 7 days;
  • To do this, you will need the owner’s passport or a power of attorney if the application is submitted by another person;
  • The inspector will require proof of ownership. It is necessary to provide a purchase and sale agreement, deed of gift, etc.;
  • Permit, technical specifications and project for installation of electrical equipment. Ground loop test report. It is provided with a three-phase connection;
  • A date is agreed upon for the inspector to visit to check the correct installation of electrical equipment. The inspector must arrive no later than 15 days from the date of filing the application;
  • Electrical equipment is being installed. It can be installed on its own, if the owner has the appropriate skills, or by an invited electrician;
  • An act is drawn up in two copies; if installation and commissioning is carried out by a third-party organization, the number of acts will be three. It indicates the owner’s data, meter type, primary readings, seal number.

The acts are signed by all interested parties and take their copies. The owner must keep his copy. It is presented to the inspector during inspection.

Electric meter on a pole: features of placement and connection

In recent years, the option of installing electric meters on a pole on the street has been very often used. This is especially convenient for energy supply company employees when taking readings. In a private house, if the meter is located inside, readings can only be taken if its residents are present. When placing the device outdoors, the situation is different.

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Let's consider some features of the location of the electricity meter on the pole:

  1. Anyone who has skills in working with electricity has the opportunity to install electricity meters on a street pole. However, the right to connect electricity to the device is limited to representatives of the electricity supplier only.
  2. If the electricity meter is installed outside the premises, namely on a street pole, by representatives of electrical networks, then there should be no complaints against the consumer. Even before the start of installation work, documents are prepared that indicate the requirements for the installation of a specific metering device and the balance sheet boundary.
  3. Installation of an electricity meter on a pole is carried out only with the consent of the owner of the meter. In private houses, the balance sheet boundary is not indoors, but outdoors. In this case, the exact location must be determined by the relevant technical documentation.

Installation of the meter on a pole is carried out only if there is consent from the owner of the metering device

Helpful advice! Very often, electric meters fail due to burnout of the terminals at the junction of the wires. It is very important to pay attention to the tightening of the screws on the clamps. It is recommended to re-tighten all screw connections before installing the cover.

Stages of installing meters on a pole: process features

At the first stage of installation, you need to agree on the specific location of the electric meter on a street pole. The main condition is the optimal location of the device from ground level. According to the norm, it should be at a height of 0.8 m to 1.7 m. In some cases, for example, to eliminate the possibility of vandalism, meters are mounted at a height of more than 2.5 m.

This arrangement is not very convenient for the work of power grid employees, since taking readings at the expected height is extremely inconvenient and almost impossible.

The electric meter should be at a height of 0.8 m to 1.7 m

To install the meter on a pole, you must perform the following steps:

  1. The input line must be de-energized. The organization that supplies the energy agrees to carry out this process.
  2. Grounding must be provided. This condition is aimed at ensuring that all electrical appliances in the house continue to operate safely.
  3. Connecting wires. The electrical wires are first connected to the circuit breaker, after which they should be connected to the electric meter.
  4. Wiring is connected. All wiring in the house is done at the last stage.
  5. Sealing the device. After installing an electricity meter on a pole, you need to invite energy network workers to seal the device and register it.

Helpful advice! The implementation of each stage must strictly comply with the rules and regulations that are established for working with electrical appliances.

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Installation of an electricity meter in an apartment: cost of work

Usually, installing an electricity meter does not cause any particular difficulties and can be done independently. As for professional connection, the pricing policy is quite varied. The price of installing an electricity meter in an apartment is influenced by such characteristics as the type of device and its technical parameters.

Before replacing the meter, a specialist must carry out preparatory work

To figure out how much it costs to install an electric meter, you need to consider the following criteria:

  • device modification;
  • type of electrical network;
  • features of connection conditions;
  • the need for additional work;
  • number of connected devices.

Before replacing the meter, the technician must complete preparatory work.

Helpful advice! How much does it cost to install or replace an electricity meter? Most often, the price is 50% of the cost of the device itself. However, the final amount may vary depending on the complexity of the work and the qualifications of the craftsman.

The cost of installing the meter is affected by the number of connected devices

The procedure for installing an electric meter in an apartment

Before installing an electricity meter in your apartment, you must obtain permission from your local service provider. In this case, you must act as follows:

  • The consumer writes an application to the energy sales company at his place of residence stating that he wants to install an electric meter in his apartment. After this, within a few days (maximum a week), his data is entered into the state register.
  • The service provider then issues a resolution authorizing the procedure for replacing or installing the electric meter, on the basis of which the consumer is issued a certificate for the purchase of a new device. You cannot purchase an electric meter in a store or energy sales company without such a document.

Each device is accompanied by a passport, which describes the main parameters and characteristics of the device. They must coincide with those indicated in the certificate of the energy sales organization. The device passport must be kept permanently, since data on inspections by controllers of the service company are subsequently entered into it.

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Installing an electric meter in an apartment with your own hands is only possible if you are a qualified specialist and have the appropriate permit with the third form of electrical safety. Otherwise, you need to invite an outside specialist. Installation of an electric meter in an apartment is carried out in the following order:

  1. The device is de-energized by turning off the input circuit breaker.
  2. The meter is unsealed and the casing is removed.
  3. The wires are disconnected from the device taking into account the color scheme.
  4. After the electric meter is completely de-energized, it is removed from the wall.
  5. Unscrew the bolts in the device body using a Phillips screwdriver.

Installation of a new device is carried out in the reverse order. The installation height of the electric meter in the apartment should be such that it is convenient for the consumer to use it - approximately at eye level. Upon completion of installation, the equipment must be tested to ensure its functionality. To do this, turn on several electrical household appliances. If the electric meter is working normally, then it is sealed.

Electric meter connection

Meter connection diagram
After completing the installation of the device in the selected location, you should figure out how to connect the electric meter to the existing network. The sequence of operations carried out before connecting it:

  1. First you need to de-energize the home electrical network by turning off the voltage with the input circuit breaker.
  2. Then you will have to remove the cover on the meter panel, first removing the seal.
  3. Directly below it is a line of connecting terminals with a set of conductors.
  4. It is advisable to take a photo of the entire contact block, recording the order in which they are connected.
  5. Then you can disconnect them and free the electric meter from its fastenings in order to be able to install it in a new location.

If the conductors are not marked by insulation color, they must be labeled with numbers corresponding to the contact number on the block.

All subsequent actions are related to the direct connection of the device to the electrical network. They are performed in this order:

  1. A cabinet or panel is mounted at the selected location, which is then securely fixed to the wall.
  2. A harness is supplied with the marked strands of the old wiring or with a new wiring diagram if the device is being installed for the first time.
  3. You can begin connecting the pre-labeled conductors to the numbered meter terminals.
  4. Care must be taken to ensure that the screw fastenings are tightened all the way.
  5. Upon completion of these operations, you should invite a representative of Energosbyt, who will register the installed device and seal it.

In the passport of the electric meter, a note is made about the time of installation, and the readings officially recorded at the time of its commissioning are also recorded. Only after this can we consider that all work is completed and the installation of the electricity meter was carried out legally.

Organizational events

Installation of an electric meter must be carried out in agreement with the energy supply company.
The need for work related to the installation of a meter, as a rule, arises in the following situations:

  • in case of breakdown of the old device and the need to replace it with a new product;
  • if you wish, move the device from one place to another (from the corridor adjacent to the neighbors to the apartment or vice versa);
  • when switching to a multi-tariff metering system for the purpose of energy saving.

Regardless of the reasons for carrying out such work, each user must thoroughly prepare for it. First you need to write an application to the supplying company with a request to install, replace or move the meter.

Situations are possible when Energosbyt officials demand a change in the location of the device - move it outside the apartment or house, for example. It is important to know that any requirements related to restrictions on its location within the premises violate the law, which does not specifically stipulate this condition.

Further actions boil down to making decisions on the following important points:

  • selection of the type of meter that meets the requirements of the PUE and is suitable for specific operating conditions;
  • when connecting to the power grid for the first time after approval of the application, you should obtain technical specifications for the installation of a specific model of metering device;
  • If you are installing a new device yourself, you should worry about inviting a local electrician or company representative, who must confirm that it is connected correctly.

Compliance with the requirements for organizing the upcoming work is the most important condition for the legality of installing an electric meter, regardless of who performed it. If at least one of the points of the PUE requirements is violated, independent installation and connection of the electric meter will not be considered legal.

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