Ladle for a bath: types, manufacture and features of use. Bathhouse bucket: instructions for making a DIY wooden ladle

Types of ladles needed in a bathhouse

If the stove has a mounted or built-in water tank with a tap, it is easy to fill it into a bucket or basin. Another option is to draw boiling water through a hole in the lid of the container. This requires a fairly spacious bucket with a long vertical handle. Its other name is scoop. The length of the handle is selected based on the dimensions and shape of the tank - the deeper it is, the larger it should be so that water can be extracted from the very bottom of the tank.

Advice! The required number of scoops is determined based on the number of visitors - if there are several people in the steam room at the same time, one scoop is not enough.

In a traditional sauna, watering the heater is required. The ladle for this purpose is selected with a long horizontal handle. It is necessary to prevent burns. Even a little water, falling on hot stones, turns into hot steam. A hand that finds itself in this zone runs the risk of getting a very painful burn, which is subsequently quite difficult to treat. A long handle is especially necessary for a bucket if the stones are open, access to them is not entirely convenient, or a tank is located nearby. There are models of ladles with a perforated surface - holes in it allow water to be evenly distributed on an open heater. But their use is not convenient for everyone.

Advice! You can use a ladle with a medium-length handle to add water. It will be safe if the stones are covered with a flap and there is no danger of getting burned.

The bathhouse also requires a ladle for dousing, which has a short handle for convenience. Its minimum volume is 0.4-0.5 liters. For children, you can buy several smaller pieces - they will be more convenient for little ones to use. The required number of ladles is determined by the number of steamers.

History of the origin of the ladle utensil element

The history of the ladle goes back thousands of years. In ancient times, our ancestors began to use it in their households. And they continued to use it in the 19th century. An interesting fact is that these dishes were not used for drinking water, but for intoxicating drinks. The oldest ladle dates back to the second millennium BC and was found near Torzhok.

The first koshas were made of wood, and their production in ancient Rus' was well established. They began to be produced back in the 10th century. During the period of the 16th-17th centuries, the production of ladles in Rus' was carried out mainly by peasants in serfdom. But there was no specific template for making these dishes. Each region had its own design style so that when trading, among all the variety, one could easily find a ladle made in that particular area.

The first koshas were made of wood, and their production in ancient Rus' was well established.

For example, the Moscow ladle was made from a special influx prepared on roots and trunks; it was also called burl. This ladle was shaped like a boat and had a very flat bottom. Always framed in silver. But in Tver they were prepared exclusively from the roots. And their nose was not straight, but upturned, and at its end there were always three horses. That is why they were always called “grooms”.

In the old days, each event had its own special ladle, and it was impossible to break these traditions. Therefore, there was not a single family, hut or home that did not have a variety of these dishes. In poorer families, the ladles were quite simple, but in the rich, the ladles could be decorated not only with silver, but also with precious stones and inserts.

In the old days, each event had its own special ladle.

There was even a special ladle for rulers, it was called a mansion, and its bottom was decorated with a double-headed eagle. Only members of the rulers' family could drink from such a ladle. To this day, such specimens are of cultural and historical value.

Choice of material

The most traditional option is wood, which has low thermal conductivity, which will prevent you from getting burned on the ladle, is environmentally friendly and fits perfectly into an authentic interior. Mostly oak, aspen or linden are used. To increase their durability, impregnation with linseed oil or wax is used.

Metal buckets are widely used. These are extremely durable products, but have high thermal conductivity. To protect yourself and other steamers from burns, a metal ladle must have a wooden handle. For the manufacture of bath utensils, non-corrosive materials are used: stainless steel, brass, copper.

The most economical option is buckets made of heat-resistant plastic, which are produced in large volumes by modern industry. They can be safely used in a bathhouse - the products are absolutely safe, it is impossible to get burned on them. The only drawback is the aesthetic component, but this depends on the interior design.

Important! The use of glass utensils in the bathhouse is unacceptable! It’s easy to accidentally break it, and then cuts cannot be avoided.

Modern industry offers combined buckets with plastic inserted into a wooden base. They are durable and practical.

Brief description of the design of a headrest for a bath

The future headrest for the bath should be a glued wooden structure of two vertical sidewalls connected to each other by thirteen transverse strips. The ends of the oval-section planks are inserted into the corresponding grooves of the sidewalls and glued with heat-resistant wood glue.

As for thermoaspen slats, difficulties may arise in purchasing them. If you still manage to get thermal aspen, the headrest will look really cool!

Choosing a bucket from an aesthetic point of view

There is practically no need for expensive bath utensils. But if you are concerned about the design issue, you can simultaneously purchase composite buckets and buckets and select similar buckets for them.

If the interior contains wood and metal, it is advisable to choose utensils from a combination of these materials - they are practical, safe and will fit perfectly into the interior. In case of extremely limited financial possibilities, you can choose quite original plastic buckets that will look natural in the bathhouse. But, when adding water to the stones, it is necessary to exercise maximum caution so as not to touch very hot surfaces.

The shayka has long been used in the bathhouse to supply water to the stones, douse it in contrast, and steam herbs. You can make this multifunctional accessory yourself from wood, following the instructions below.

How to choose the right one

Wooden ladles look organic in a bathhouse; when heated, they convey a light aroma of wood

To avoid burns, bath scoops are made entirely of natural wood or metal, such as brass, copper or stainless steel. The main condition is the presence of a sufficiently long and necessarily wooden handle.

Depending on the functional purpose, bath scoops come in three main varieties:

  • Models with vertical and long handles. Allows you to draw water from a tank that is not equipped with a tap, or from a barrel.
  • Models with horizontal long handle. Designed for watering stove stones to regulate temperature and humidity levels in the steam room of the bathhouse. Thanks to the long handle, the risk of burns is completely eliminated.
  • Models with short handle. Used for water procedures in the font. These scoops are lightweight and fit very comfortably in your hand.

Scoops for a bathhouse need to be selected in different sizes: for supplying water to the stones - with a volume of 0.2–0.3 liters, for collecting water - from 1 liter.

The range of such bath accessories is very diverse. Scoops differ in shape and volume, and have a variety of finishing options, including cutting and metal inserts. The main criteria for the correct choice of such an accessory are the ease of use of the scoop, its practicality and environmental friendliness, as well as aesthetics, safety and durability.

Features of sauna cages

You can’t do without this accessory in the steam room.
It is used in almost all bath procedures. This universal product can be used to supply water to the stones in the steam room, contrast dousing, stirring aromatic oils in water, and brewing herbal healing infusions for inhalation. Bath bowls are made mainly from the following materials:

  • Linden
    . Products made from this wood are practical, light and comfortable. They heat up more slowly due to the low thermal conductivity of the material. In addition, linden contains phytoncides - biologically active substances beneficial to the body. Due to the absence of tanning components, the water in such a vessel lathers easily.
  • Oak
    _ Such gangs are very strong and durable, although in some properties they are inferior to their fake counterparts. In particular, they heat up faster, and the water from them lathers worse due to the tannin content.
  • Copper
    . The design is easy to use and maintain. It is equipped with a wooden handle to prevent burns.

Most often, wooden utensils are used in the bathhouse, since wood has optimal performance characteristics for an aggressive environment. Wooden bathhouses are more environmentally friendly and safe. It is impossible to get burned by them. In addition, they fit harmoniously into the interior of the steam room. However, such gangs require special attention and care.

Main differences

First of all, this is the length of the handle and the volume of the bucket - two main and fundamental criteria.

Buckets with a long handle are designed for watering the heater. So that when you splash water on the hot stones and hot steam is formed, this steam does not burn your hand, you just need a long handle, which makes it possible to keep your hand at a safe distance from the source of steam. At the same time, such buckets have a small volume, about 150-200 ml, which is exactly the amount of water splashed onto the stones at a time.

At the same time, buckets of significantly larger volume can also have a long handle. They are used to draw water from a deep vat, and are especially convenient when the water level in the container is not too high. At the same time, the long handle also protects your hands from accidentally touching the hot wall of the vat.

For scooping water from small containers (buckets, buckets, tubs, steamers), scoops and ladles with short handles will be much more convenient. You can also use them to prepare steaming teas, various infusions for aromatherapy, and steam a small bunch of herbs. They are also used for dousing, especially scoops, which have a vertical handle and resemble a small gang in appearance.

Buckets and scoops of large volume and with a short handle are already an individual bath accessory; their number should, as a rule, correspond to the number of vacationers.

The remaining differences between sauna ladles and scoops are less significant and are rather constructive, not particularly affecting the purpose of the accessory.

Here we can distinguish two large groups: wooden buckets and metal buckets (including combined ones).

Technology for making wooden sauna bowls

To make a bathhouse with your own hands, you will need a block for preparing rivets and material for hoops. For this, wood or hot-rolled steel strip is used. For safety reasons, in order to avoid burns, it is better to make hoops from wood.

Rules for splitting lumps for a gang in the bathhouse

First, you need to select a part 5-6 cm longer than the planned rivets, then we carry out the work in the following sequence:

  1. We split the chock into two parts. In the process, gently tap the ax head with a log.
  2. We split each resulting half in half again. We try to make the split radial. This will prevent the rivets from cracking in the future.

We should get blanks for rivets 5-10 cm wide, and for the bottom part - 15 cm. The thickness of each of them should be about 3 cm.

Drying and processing of blanks for bathhouses

Before starting processing, you need to dry the prepared parts for about a month in a room with natural ventilation.
To work with them you will need a sherhebel or a plane. We process in this order:

  • We prepare a template from a narrow board. We cut it out according to the finished product.
  • We plan the outer surface of the riveting. We check the curvature using the template.
  • Repeat the procedure for the sides.
  • We go over the side surfaces with a jointer.
  • We cut off the inner side with an ax or plane.
  • We make two rivets 10 cm longer. On one side we drill a hole with a diameter of 2-3 cm. These will be a kind of “ears” of the gang into which we will thread the handle.

The rivets can be of different widths. All of them can be used for crafting.

Making a hoop with a lock for a gang in a bathhouse

We will make the rim of the gang wooden. To do this, let's choose bird cherry. We carry out processing in this order:

  1. We cut the stem with bark into four parts.
  2. Using a circular saw, we cut out a strip with a width of 15 to 25 mm. At the same time, remove the bark with glass or sanding paper. This should not be done before, since the wood will crack prematurely in this case.
  3. Knead the hoop on a round log. If necessary, thin the hoop a little, but do not overdo it. At the ends it is better not to make it thin at all.
  4. We wrap a rope around the rivets assembled end to end.
  5. Mark the location of the hoop with a pencil.
  6. We stretch the tape over the structure. Mark the location of the lock along the edges of the tape with a pencil. It is important that the distance to the edge is the same.
  7. Remove the hoop and make a mark on the inside.
  8. We mark the castle. Divide the height of the hoop into three equal parts.
  9. Along the upper length of the tape, measure a distance equal to two heights of the product. We connect the extreme point with the first height mark on the tape.
  10. Along the lower length we mark a segment equal to the height and connect it to the lower division mark.
  11. Parallel to the last segment drawn, we make the second one from the top inner point.
  12. Using a knife, remove the triangle obtained along the top length.
  13. We make cuts along the perimeter of the outlined pentagon.
  14. Using a semicircular chisel, we form a groove along the cuts made.
  15. We repeat the markings and cuts on the inside of the tape.
  16. We bend the tape into a circle, making ledges one after another.
  17. We pull the resulting ring onto the assembled gang. For mounting, you can use a wooden heel.

When the product dries out a little, the hoop can be removed, processed and stuffed again. The handle of the structure is made from bird cherry using the same technology.

How to make sweet clover for a bath gang

Before you begin constructing the bottom shield, you need to clean the inside of the frame by making a lower morning groove in it.
We make the bottom in this order:

  • We drill holes 1.5-2 cm deep in the rivets. We knock them down with nails.
  • We plan and joint the outer surface.
  • We cut out the bottom along the perimeter of the gang with a margin of 1-1.5 mm.
  • We clean the surfaces with sherhebel and cut off the chamfers to seal the connection in the groove made in advance.

To install the bottom shield, the hoop should be slightly loosened. Each side is inserted into the groove in turn. For density, you can tap with a hammer. At the same stage, a handle is threaded through the ears.

Making your own rounded headrest

Before you make a rounded headrest for a bathhouse with your own hands: drawings for the product should be prepared. You also need to purchase:

  • pencil and tape measure;
  • drill plus drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw (wood saw);
  • sanding machine or sandpaper;
  • wooden slats 40x20 millimeters;
  • wood for the sides;
  • screws.

First stage. First, the sides are given a rounded shape, so that later the slats that serve to support the head are attached to them. To do this, two rectangles with a length of 400 and a height of 100 millimeters are cut out of a wooden blank 25-28 millimeters thick. Marks are applied to them with a pencil.

The maximum height of the first edge of the sidewall should be 100 millimeters, and the second – 20 millimeters. Connect the marks together with a rounded smooth line. According to the markings, two parts are cut out. The edges of the sidewalls are processed with a grinder, all existing roughness and irregularities are carefully rubbed down.

Second phase. The slats should be cut into elements of the required length. Since the width of the headrest should be 450 millimeters, they are made of the same parameter. You will need to cut 8-9 pieces using a jigsaw or hacksaw. The edges of the slats are treated with sandpaper. The resulting surface is made absolutely smooth.

The final stage. The structure is assembled. Holes are drilled at the ends of the sidewalls, and a rail is screwed to each of them using screws. Metal fasteners should be embedded in wood because they become hot at high temperatures and can cause burns on human skin.

10 mm gaps are left between the slats, which are necessary to ensure moisture drainage and air circulation. This is important when wood tends to heat up.

Features of using wooden piles in a bathhouse

A manufactured or purchased product must be prepared before first use.
To do this, fill the bowl to the top with cold water and leave for several hours, then drain the water, rinse first with hot and then again with cold water. The same algorithm must be followed before using the tub and ladle for the first time. After procedures in the steam room, to extend the service life, you need to:

  1. Scald with boiling water.
  2. Wash with detergent. It is better for these purposes to use traditional non-toxic substances without flavors, for example, baking soda or a solution of mustard powder.
  3. After washing, wipe dry with cotton or waffle cloth.
  4. In the future, you need to store this accessory away from heating devices and sunlight.

To save time, you can buy a bathhouse. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the wood. It is better to give preference to products without plastic and metal inserts.

How to make a pile for a sauna - watch the video: The instructions given will help you understand the question of how to make a pile for a sauna with your own hands. Following them, you will gradually make base rivets, a bottom shield and a hoop with a secure lock. Such an accessory will please the eye and look harmonious in your home steam room.

Carrying out health procedures in the steam room is impossible without bath accessories. In particular, to perform douches or create steam, you must have a ladle. This accessory can be purchased at a special store or made independently.

Purpose of the headrest

Thanks to the presence of shelves and benches located in one or several rows, you can enjoy the heat in the steam room while lying down, and for greater convenience, add a removable sauna headrest made of wood. This accessory, shown in the photo, serves as a pillow.

Procedures taken in a lying position have a positive effect on the condition of the spine and muscles, relaxing them. When using this accessory, which is placed under the head in the bathhouse, the positive effect of visiting the steam room is enhanced. It can be straight, round or curved.

Types and material of sauna ladles

There are models of different sizes and shapes. Buckets are classified according to the type of holder:

  • With vertical handle
    . Suitable for scooping water from a boiler.
  • With horizontal handle
    . Used for dousing. In the absence of a ladle, such a ladle can be used to supply water or a decoction of herbs to the heater.

Usually the bucket holders are long.
This is necessary for ease of dousing, and also to avoid getting burned by the steam if you have to pour water onto hot stones. According to the type of container, buckets are:

  1. Carved
    . They are cut from logs. Such models look aesthetically pleasing, but require special care. In particular, a wooden sauna ladle should not be left in a dry room, otherwise it will quickly begin to crack. To extend its life, it is recommended to fill it with water between uses and keep it wet.
  2. Composite
    . The capacity of such a ladle is a small “barrel” and has an original design. This model does not crack, but it must be stored in the same way as the previous one - in water. Otherwise the ladle will dry out.

Traditionally, these accessories are made using:

  • Tree
    . According to its performance characteristics, this material is optimally suited for use in a steam room. It is environmentally friendly and safe. However, the product requires careful care for a long service life.
  • Stainless steel or copper
    . Practical and convenient metal buckets can be used and stored in any conditions. Their only drawback is that they get very hot. Metal products can cause burns. Therefore, most often, for safety reasons, such buckets are equipped with a wooden handle.
  • Plastic
    . It is highly undesirable to use such models in a steam room. If the ladle is made of low-quality plastic, it may suddenly become deformed upon contact with hot water. Although polycarbonate products have high heat resistance.

You can purchase a ready-made production model or make a sauna ladle with your own hands.

Why a ladle?

One-handed trowel

You have probably more often encountered the use of a trowel to carry out the process of applying plaster. This is quite true if the surface does not have a large area. It is quite convenient to take a small amount of mortar, carefully apply it and immediately level it, especially for quick-drying gypsum mortars.

Tip: It is not recommended to use a ladle to pour gypsum mixtures. Since they, having a short hardening time, form growths on it, which significantly interfere with the work.

But, if you have a large amount of work ahead of you, then it will be much faster to throw in the required amount of plaster using a larger container and level the cement layer using a long rule according to pre-installed beacons. This is where a plaster ladle comes to the rescue, as it can simplify and speed up the process of leveling walls.

Features of choosing a bath ladle

You can purchase the finished product in a specialized store or order it online.
It is advisable to have several ladles in the bathhouse for different purposes:

  1. Several people can be in the steam room and washing area at the same time. It will be convenient if a bucket is provided for each vacationer.
  2. There should be a separate model with a long horizontal handle for supplying water to the stones.
  3. It is more convenient to draw water from the boiler with a ladle with a long vertical handle.
  4. For dousing in the wash compartment, a product with a medium-length handle is optimal.

It is recommended to give preference to safe wooden accessories. They will not be cheap, especially the models made by folk craftsmen. But you can be sure that they will not burn you when heated.

Why does a housewife need a ladle in the kitchen?

A ladle is one of the most convenient types of kitchen utensils. With its help, you can quickly and easily prepare breakfast for the whole family. You can cook porridge for children in it or prepare light soup or jelly. There are special small saucepans for children.

A ladle is one of the most convenient types of kitchen utensils.

More often, housewives use ladles to prepare sauces. Do you want to make your life easier in the kitchen and simplify the cooking process? Make a choice in favor of saucepans.

Technology for making a wooden ladle for a bathhouse

To make a sauna ladle yourself, you must initially decide on its size, length and position of the handle, material of manufacture, and type of container. Having chosen a model, it is advisable to initially make blanks from thick cardboard.

Selection of material for a sauna ladle

First of all, choose the type of wood you will use.
The best options for these purposes:

  • Linden
    . Practical wood with a pleasant aroma and original texture. Ideal for making all bath accessories. Does not rot or crack. Suitable for processing.
  • Oak
    _ Strong and durable material. It has an interesting rich shade.
  • Ash
    . Light and fragrant wood. Withstands large temperature changes.
  • Mulberry
    . It is moisture resistant and durable.

To make a wooden sauna ladle with your own hands, it is recommended to use dry wood.

DIY carved sauna ladle

This method of making a bucket is considered simple, but it will require certain carpenter skills and a set of tools.
Decide on the type of wood and start processing. Let's look at how to make a carved ladle for a bathhouse:

  1. On thick cardboard we draw templates for the bottom of the bucket, its top and side walls. It should not be too large, as it will be difficult to carry when filled with water. However, if it is too small, you will have to draw water more often. The optimal size is up to two liters.
  2. We cut out the blanks and mark the edge contour lines on the wood with a pencil.
  3. We perform rough cutting.
  4. We mark the outline of the sides and top and make a cut according to the approximate outline of the bucket.
  5. We process the resulting workpiece with a round chisel and remove excess layers of wood.
  6. We form the handle of the product using a chisel.
  7. We process the inner sides with an adze and go through it again with a large chisel.
  8. Using a wood knife, we cut out the handle of the desired shape and the entire product. If you have artistic skills, you can make original patterns as decoration.
  9. The inside of the product is treated with cranberry.
  10. We sand the outer surface with coarse-grained paper and move on to the inner surface.
  11. Use chisels to cut out decorative patterns if desired.

How to make a composite ladle for a bathhouse

You can make such a model without any special cooperage skills.
To do this you will need a board, a handle, a base and a metal rim. We adhere to the following instructions during the process:

  • Cut out a plank measuring 1 x 2.1 cm.
  • We grind the sides at an angle of 12 degrees.
  • We trim 15 parts, 8 cm each.
  • We mill a groove along the bottom of all planks; its depth should be 0.4 cm and width 0.8 cm.
  • We round off the sharp corners of the end sides. These will be the boards for the product.
  • Let's prepare the handle. To do this, we use a planed board, the dimensions of which are 1.5x7.5x38 cm.
  • We cut out the part into a convenient shape and round off the sharp corners.
  • We drill a hole at the end with a diameter of 0.8-1 cm and thread a loop of rope into it.
  • From a planed board 1x9 cm we cut out the base and grind the circumference to 0.6 cm, and to the radius - to 0.8 cm.
  • We drill two through holes with a diameter of 0.4 cm in the main board. They will be used for fastening with sharp self-tapping screws with a pressed washer (0.4x2.5 cm).
  • We assemble all the individual planks around the base, driving the bottom into the lower pre-made grooves.
  • We compress the structure using twine.
  • We prepare two hoops. To do this, we choose cold-rolled low-carbon, soft, steel packaging tape, measuring 0.4x0.2 cm.
  • We make three holes in the prepared hoops with a diameter of 0.16 cm for construction nails 0.16x2.5 cm.
  • We fill the first hoop from below at a height of 0.5 cm.
  • We shorten the nails from 2.5 cm to 0.8 cm and attach the top hoop at a distance of 1 cm from the top edge.
  • We fix the handle using self-tapping screws with a pressed washer.
  • We lower the ladle into the water for a while.

After the wood swells, all the cracks will disappear. Such a product must be stored in water to prevent drying out.

Caring for a ladle in a bathhouse

A copper bath ladle can be operated under large temperature changes and stored in any conditions.
But wooden models require more serious care. Following these simple rules will significantly extend the service life of accessories and help keep them in their original form:

  1. Before using it for the first time, the wooden ladle should be soaked for an hour.
  2. It should be stored full of water away from the sun or heating devices.
  3. Cleaning wooden products with chemical detergents is strictly prohibited. It is better to use mustard powder and soda for these purposes.

What a sauna ladle looks like - watch the video: Our recommendations and discussed features of each type of ladle will help you, if necessary, choose a suitable production model.
Although a multifunctional and original wooden ladle for a bathhouse is not difficult to make and design with your own hands, if you take into account all the nuances of the selection of materials and the work process. How to make a wooden ladle for a bath with your own hands in the form of a small barrel, we will consider in detail in the presented article.

The figure shows the design of the bucket in section:


Metal hoop.


It is made from a wooden plank measuring 10 x 21 (mm), the side edges of which are ground at an angle of 12° with an inclination towards the center. We cut all planks to a working size of 80 (mm). From below we mill a groove 4 (mm) deep and 8 (mm) wide. Round off the sharp corners of the end faces.


The number of planks can be any, in the example under consideration – 15 pieces. Let's calculate the angle of inclination of the side faces: 360 / 15 / 2 = 12° It is advisable to choose such a number of planks that the angle is an integer. This angle is easy to set on processing equipment.


We will make it from a planed wooden board 15 x 75 x 380 (mm). The handle can be of any shape, the main thing is ease of use. Round off sharp corners. At the end of the handle we will drill a through hole into which we will insert a rope loop.


We cut it with a jigsaw from a planed board 10 x 90 (mm). The end of the bottom is ground around the circumference to size 6 (mm) to a radius to the center of 76 (mm).

Assembly order

, or how to make a wooden ladle for a bathhouse with your own hands:


In the board to which we will attach the handle, we will drill two mounting holes Ø 4 (mm) at 4.2 x 25 (mm).
Gather all the planks around the bottom so that the bottom fits into the grooves of the planks.
Compress the assembled structure with twine.
From steel packaging tape (cold-rolled low-carbon, soft) M-T-Sh-0.40X20, we will make hoops.
In the hoops we will drill three through holes Ø 1.6 (mm) for construction nails P 1.6×25.
We nail the hoop from below at a distance of 5 (mm) from the lower end of the bucket.
We nail a hoop on top at a distance of 10 (mm) from the upper end of the bucket.

Despite the fact that many traditions have been lost today, the Russian people’s love for the bathhouse continues to exist. It is known that visiting a bathhouse restores mental clarity, strengthens the immune system and nervous system, helps cleanse the body and even lose weight. In addition to practical benefits, spending time in a bathhouse with loved ones is a very pleasant experience.

The high-quality design of a bathhouse is no less important than its practical operation. It's always nice to spend time in a room filled with beautiful and useful objects.

If you have a personal bathhouse at your disposal, you can take on the process of decorating the room yourself and enjoy bathing in a beautiful and comfortable room. This article will provide bath decoration ideas.

The modern Russian market can offer the buyer a lot of unusual decorations for this room. But in addition to buying accessories, you can make bath accessories yourself.

In order to learn more about the possible decoration options, we recommend searching on the Internet for photos of bathhouse accessories created by yourself and drawing ideas from already created rooms. So, how to create bath accessories with your own hands?

Care Tips

Methods of caring for bath accessories directly depend on the material they are made of.

  • Wooden products require the most careful care. They cannot be left without water, as the wood dries out and cracks, cracks form, and water begins to leak. During periods between uses, the ladle should be filled with water and should not be placed in a sunny place or near heating devices. It is unacceptable to clean wood with chemicals, because the porous material will absorb the chemicals, and it will be impossible to completely wash them off. The best way to clean wooden accessories is by applying baking soda or mustard powder and then rinsing with clean water. They should be stored in a damp state so that the wood does not dry out.
  • Metal scoops require minimal maintenance, but copper and brass products are not cheap. In addition, they oxidize and darken over time; they need to be periodically cleaned with special products to restore their original appearance. Stainless steel is much more practical in this regard: if such a ladle is kept clean, it always looks like new.
  • Modern models made of polycarbonate , highly durable and heat-resistant, just after bath procedures, rinse thoroughly with clean water and wipe dry with a cotton cloth.

If bath accessories are chosen well and kept clean, then every trip to the bathhouse will give visitors pleasure, complete relaxation and a lot of positive emotions.

You can learn how to make a sauna ladle from a log with a knot with your own hands from the video below.

Article on the topic: How to dig a hole for fence posts with a shovel

Bath broom

Perhaps the most important element of the room. The best solution is to make a broom yourself, then you can have no doubt about the benefits of the product and its environmental friendliness. Branches of any tree or medicinal herbs are suitable as the main material.

The classic option is tightly tied oak or birch branches, but they need to be prepared correctly so that the broom holds tightly. It is better to pick branches with young foliage around July.

For the bundle, not too thick, but flexible branches of approximately 40-60 cm are suitable. Of course, you can use shorter branches, but tying them together will not be so easy. In addition, short branches may fall out of the bundle. Now let's start making the broom.

Before joining the branches, you need to clear the lower part of the branches from small twigs and leaves. Remember to shake the branches from time to time to maintain their volume.

The branches must be connected with twine or other strong threads. Tighten the initial bundle closer to the end of the branches, and the second one closer to the top. The right side of the broom, divided into two parts, should be pulled to the left through the bottom, and the left side to the right through the top, then the branches will be firmly connected and will not carelessly stick out in different directions. Do this several times.

For the second bundle, you need to choose the same thread, but longer and tie it even tighter. Check the strength of the product and, at the end of the process, evenly trim the branches protruding at the end.

After making the bath broom, you should hang it in a dry, warm place to dry, for example, in the attic. You can wrap the leaves in paper to make them more brittle. Of course, you need to hang the broom with the handle up. You can store the product in a closet or drawer, preferably away from dampness, otherwise it will begin to mold.

Another way is to make a broom from medicinal herbs. Nettle, lemon balm, mint, and wormwood are good for this.

Bucket for bath

A convenient wooden bucket is actively used in the bathhouse for dousing. Of course, you can buy a ready-made bucket, but isn’t it more pleasant to use a product made by yourself? In addition, your guests will definitely appreciate your work.

So, to create a wooden bucket you need the following materials:

  • planks made of oak, linden or other material you like, approximately 40 cm in length and 1-1.5 cm in thickness;
  • blank for the bottom 2-2.5 cm thick. It is better to choose a diameter of about 25 cm;
  • two metal hoops;
  • carpentry materials.

First step. First you need to start processing the cross section of the bottom. Grind it down to a depth of 1 cm.

Second step. Make indentations for the bottom on the boards. Their depth should be approximately 0.5 cm and width - 1.2 cm. These recesses will be attached to the bottom of the bucket.

Third step. Use a plane to process the longitudinal edges of the workpieces. After this, connect the boards to each other and secure them with a hoop. The width of the hoop should be 5-7 cm. Under it, after about ten centimeters, fasten the second metal hoop. After making a homemade bucket, make a handle. You can make it from thick rope.

Fourth step. Fill a bucket with water. If water pours out of the cracks, don’t rush to get upset! After some time, the wood will swell, the gaps between the boards will become insignificant, and you will be able to freely use the bucket.

Buckets, troughs and basins are made using the same scheme. A little trick: in order to increase the service life of a wooden product, you need to lubricate it with flax oil or wax.

How to make a headrest massager

To ensure that this accessory for the steam room not only provides a comfortable stay, but also brings health benefits, you can make a special design yourself. This headrest will massage the neck and back of the head.

The following materials will be required:

  • wooden panels for creating sidewalls measuring 450x120 millimeters;
  • polished round sticks for slats with a diameter of 25-30 millimeters.

The tools used are the same as when assembling a round product, and the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The sides are given the desired shape.
  2. Round sticks in the amount of 10-15 pieces are cut to the required length - 350-400 millimeters.
  3. The sidewalls are connected by round planks according to a wavy contour.

Some expert advice:

  1. To avoid mistakes, when making a product you need to use a drawing of a headrest for a bathhouse.
  2. The accessory is kept in a ventilated room.
  3. Headrests should never be painted.
  4. Products are made from well-dried material.


There is a wide range of sets of bath accessories, which include brushes, washcloths, peeling stones, etc. If you want an original product that satisfies all your preferences, make it yourself.

A washcloth is necessary for body cleansing and wet massage. This procedure is not only pleasant, but also beneficial for the body. Sponges can be of different hardness, sizes and shapes. You need to choose a washcloth based on your personal tastes.

To knit a washcloth from natural materials, choose the wool of goats, sheep or any other farm animals. You can also use linen. The yarn for the washcloth must be thick, since the product itself is subject to mechanical stress, so choose the appropriate size of knitting needles or hook.

Most often, washcloths are knitted using the “checkerboard” or “tangle” pattern. The main part of the washcloth is knitted after the handle is ready. The handle must be tight, otherwise it will lose its appearance immediately after the first use. The product will not be so tough if you pour boiling water over it.

What can be replaced

Traditional wooden scoops can be replaced with hybrid scoops, inside of which there is a metal container. Such buckets are convenient, durable and practical, but their price is higher than their classic solid or composite wooden counterparts.

After the first use of the ladle, it should be washed using soda, mustard and scalded with boiling water.

As an alternative to wooden ladles for a bath, you can consider ladles made of high-strength heat-resistant plastic. Despite their durability and sufficient reliability, such models cannot be classified as aesthetic products.

True lovers of the Russian steam room still prefer wooden products. Cooperage or carved scoops made of natural wood have always been highly valued for their original appearance, practicality and pleasant aroma of Russian forest.

Special DIY bath soap

In order to make fragrant soap with your own hands, you need one hundred grams of soap base. Melt it and mix with aromatic oils, such as jojoba oil. Add 3-4 drops of glycerin and a few tablespoons of dry seaweed on top of the base. Finally, add essential oils, such as fir or tea tree oil.

Mix the resulting mass and pour into molds. Soap molds can be completely different, but we recommend using the original molds. Then, in addition to the wonderful smell, the soap will also be beautiful.

This soap will cleanse your skin and make it softer and more moisturized. After swimming you will feel absolutely wonderful.

We hope that you have decided which bath accessories are best to make yourself. In a well-equipped bathhouse you will enjoy not only bathing, but also a pleasant time in an environment that you created with your own hands.

Notes[edit | edit code]

  1. Dal V.I.
    Kovsh // Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. — 3rd ed. - SPb.-M.: T-vo M.O. Wolf, 1905. - T. 2 (I-O). - Stb. 323. - 2030 stb.
  2. 12345
    Shangina, 2003.
  3. ↑ Shangina, 2003, p. 389.
  4. ↑ Skopkar // Great Soviet Encyclopedia. — 3rd ed. - 1976. - T. 23. - P. 516. - 640 p.
  5. ↑ TSB-3, 1973.
  6. Dal V.I.
    Skobkar // Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. — 3rd ed. - SPb.-M.: T-vo M.O. Wolf, 1909. - T. 4 (C-V). - Stb. 194. - 1592 stb.
  7. ↑ Russian Izba, 2004, p. 312.
  8. L. Spirina.
    Ladles, bowls, brothers, cups... (Russian) // Antiques, art and collectibles. — 2007. — January-February (No. 1-2(44)).
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