When is it necessary to cut birch brooms for a bath?

Since ancient times, the Russian bathhouse has been something mystical. It was not just a place to wash, it was leisure, disease prevention, and at the same time a mystical and sacred place. The Russian bathhouse is a true symbol of the Russian spirit and way of life. And as popular wisdom says: “A bathhouse without a broom is like a rocker without a bucket.” The Russian bathhouse has always been based on three different brooms: oak, birch and juniper. This article provides information about birch attributes for a bathhouse. So, birch brooms for a bath: when can they be prepared?

The healing effects of birch branches

In Russian steam rooms, fragrant birch brooms are most in demand. After all, the branches of this tree are quite flexible, the leaves do not lose their elasticity even after drying. The described characteristics are preserved only when the process of cutting branches and drying them is carried out properly.

During paired procedures, healing leaves come into contact with the human body, absorb sweat and waste products, as a result of which the pores are effectively cleansed. Subsequently, the skin breathes well and intensively absorbs beneficial components. Typically, a birch bath broom is used at the very beginning of the steaming process, so that the medicinal plants used later have a better effect.

Bath procedures using a birch broom can effectively cleanse the skin Source profilaktika.tomsk.ru

Alternative options

Birch is an excellent solution for a bathhouse. It contains all the useful substances, valuable components and healing properties that are fully revealed in the steam room. If you are not a fan of birch brooms, then they can be replaced with bunches of other tree species. An excellent alternative to birch:

  • Linden;
  • Oak;
  • Eucalyptus;
  • Bamboo.

In their structure and properties, oak and linden are not inferior to birch. They also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, improve the functionality of internal organs and help remove toxins, salts and waste.

Eucalyptus will fill the steam room with the delightful aroma of pine needles and enhance the inhalation properties of the bath. For the steam room, you can use any type of tree, the main thing is that during use they do not leave marks, burns or cause pain, because the bath should, first of all, bring pleasure.

An oak broom is a storehouse of useful properties. It has a healing effect, improves the effect of the bath and promotes cleansing and healing of the body. Properly collected and prepared brooms will bring many health benefits.

A bamboo broom is an excellent massager. Very often used in SPA procedures. Such types of massage as: Creole and Old Samurai are widely known.

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Time to harvest birch brooms

It should be remembered that it is advisable to collect such plant materials from June to the first half of July (inclusive). The weather on this day must be clear and dry. Additionally, you should wait for the dew to dry. According to old beliefs, the best birch broom for a bath is made from twigs cut on Trinity Day. It is for this holiday that the trees are already gaining strength, the leaves are painted a rich dark green color, and they accumulate a large amount of valuable substances.

The main requirement for plant raw materials: the foliage should not be hard. In the second half of July, the trees begin to prepare for the autumn period, and the season for harvesting birch brooms ends. If it starts to rain on the planned day, the hike must be postponed. You cannot cut wet branches, as they will most likely turn black and acquire an unpleasant odor.

To check the readiness of the raw material, you need to pick a leaf from the tree and run your finger along its outside. The leaf should feel velvety to the touch, as if it were covered with light fluff. If the surface of the leaf is rough, then it is too late to prepare brooms for the bath. You should also not prepare branches ahead of time. Leaves that are too young do not adhere well to the branches, so they will crumble when dried, and the product itself will quickly lose its usefulness.

If catkins appear on a birch tree, then the period for harvesting birch brooms for a bath has already been missed Source zhiznrastenii.ru

When can you start preparing

According to old traditions, the process of preparing attributes for a bath should take place on Trinity, most often this is the 50th day after Easter. Most likely this date will be in early or mid-June.

However, as for more precise dates, birch brooms must be harvested in the second and third decades of June, before catkins appear on the birch trees.

The time for preparing birch bundles of branches can be determined by the condition of the birch leaves. The upper side of the leaf should not be rough; the leaves should be very soft and velvety. In addition, it is important that the leaves stay firmly on the birch tree and do not fly off the branches.

Rules for harvesting birch brooms

When making bath accessories with your own hands, you need to follow the following useful recommendations:

  • High-quality bundles can only be obtained from young, strong branches with elastic, succulent leaves. The latter's plates must be smooth; damage and pest infestation are unacceptable. An important point is the absence of earrings.
  • The branches need to be thin, they can withstand mechanical loads better.
  • The collection of plant materials for the preparation of bath brooms should be carried out in ecological territories that are located at a distance from highways and industrial areas.
  • To get a high-quality, functional workpiece, you only need to cut the lower branched branches.
  • Cutting the material should be done only on a sunny day, in the second half of it.

Helpful information! It is possible to get rid of periodic rashes on the skin surface and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands if you regularly use a bunch of oak branches. It makes the skin clean, fresh and silky. When to prepare oak brooms for a bath: late August - early September.

Harvesting birch brooms for baths should be carried out in environmentally friendly areas, far from industrial areas Source s1.fotokto.ru

​Rules for collecting birch twigs

Since this is most likely your first harvest, find out in advance where the nearest birch grove is located, so that then, choosing the right moment, go straight to harvesting.

The most suitable place is a shady lowland, where it is quite humid and at the same time not wet: near a river, lake or at least a large stream. Look for young weeping and curly birch trees - the best for making bath brooms.

It is best to cut branches with pruning shears: choose lateral, low-growing ones, those without earrings. It is advisable to be thinner and straighter, the optimal length is 50-60 cm. In addition, choose branches with forks at the rate of 2-3 pieces per broom; they will give it more strength, as has long been noted by folk craftsmen.

And be careful, don’t get too carried away in a barbaric way with just one tree—it also needs branches to live. Better a little, but from more trees.

Correct knitting

After timely collection of high-quality plant raw materials, its assembly is carried out. When preparing brooms, the following rules are usually followed:

  • Knitting is made from elastic, flexible twigs with well-developed leaves. All insufficiently blossomed, damaged leaves are removed in advance.
  • The branches must have more than two branches so that the finished bundle is voluminous and thick enough.
  • For assembly, you need to take branches about 50 cm long and no more than 5 mm thick.
  • The diameter of the handle of the finished product cannot be more than 6 cm.
  • Knitting is performed immediately after harvesting the brooms. This will prevent their premature deformation and drying out.
  • The recommended handle length is 15 cm. High quality products are ensured by multiple ligation of branches with twine near the foliage: a handle with a free end is much more convenient to use. It does not slip out even with intense movements.

Advice! For knitting brooms, a rope is used, with which it is easy to form a comfortable handle. This will prevent damage to the surface of your hands when using the finished product.

The finished bundle of birch branches should be thick, with a comfortable handle Source zen.yandex.ru

Rules for making bath brooms

Which branches are best to cut?

The quality, aroma, service life and softness of a birch bath attribute significantly depend on the correctly selected branches and the correctly selected preparation time. Such brooms are able to hold leaves for a long time and not “shed”. Bundles of branches of high quality are always fragrant and durable.

It is important to prepare bundles of branches in dry weather, without dew, rain or hail.

The place where birch branches are cut should be clean, away from roads and the city. It is better to choose two-year-old branches growing right next to the ground. It is best to use garden pruners to cut branches.

How to tie

Most often, in the process of harvesting brooms, a special “sheaf” technology is used. Using this technology, the branches are not collected chaotically, but into a single structure: the external branches are protection for the internal ones. This unique structure is covered with meadow hay on top and stored in the barn for the required time. The branches are only taken out for trips to the steam room.

Birch branches prepared in advance must be laid out on burlap before the tying process. Withered branches are selected, from which a product of the required thickness is knitted.

Preparing branches for linking:

  1. The process of removing all branches and leaves at the location of the future handle. Recommended handle length: 1/3 of the length of the entire product.
  2. The process of laying thick branches inside the bundle, and thin ones outside. In this case, thin branches need to be wrapped slightly inward. The entire bundle should acquire a flat shape.
  3. It is important to ensure that when tying a broom, the leaves are directed in one direction. Thus, at the end it should look like a fan.

The prepared broom handle is processed by wrapping the stripped part of the branches with rope. It is necessary to wind the entire area without branches and leaves. The ends of the branches must be carefully trimmed to the same length.

The most suitable handle length for the product is 15 centimeters. You should not wrap a rope around the handle under the leaves to achieve the volume of the bundle of branches. The resulting broom will be able to fit most comfortably in your hand, and will not slip out of your hand during bath procedures.

How to dry properly

The process of drying birch branches is very important when making brooms. An attic or barn with a heap of hay would be a great place to store branches. In an urban environment, you can use a closet, balcony or mezzanine for storage, having previously packed the bath accessories in special paper bags.

A drying procedure on the roof of a barn is possible. Before this, you need to spread meadow hay on the roof, put branches with small gaps on it, and another layer of meadow hay on top. The branches must be turned over daily for a month.

Dried branches prepared for future brooms are most often tied with rope and stored thrown over something. Brooms can not be knitted immediately, but stored in the form of blanks. Before going to the steam room, it is enough to take out the required number of branches from the blank and make a product from them.

Drying technology

In order for the bundles for the bath to serve for a long time, it is necessary to choose the right time for harvesting birch brooms, tie them properly, and dry them properly. In practice, several simple methods of drying such products are used, each of them requires the implementation of almost the same rules.

Products made from birch branches are dried exclusively in the open air; the place chosen for drying should be dark, protected from the sun and strong drafts. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, leaves lose their elasticity, shape, and rich color. A ventilated attic is good for drying. It is recommended to hang the bundles with a handle from the base and place them on a horizontal plane.

In places where bath brooms are dried, drafts should not be allowed, otherwise the leaves will dry out, become brittle, and lose their beneficial properties. Source domskotom.net

Frequent turning of fragrant birch brooms guarantees their high-quality drying. At first, the products are laid out at a distance; over time, they can be placed more densely. This arrangement ensures proper air exchange.

If the bundles are dried in the attic, they are carefully hung from the logs and left in this position until completely dry. The roof ensures uniform drying of the foliage and preserves the shape of the bunches.

If you follow the technology, the bundles of birch twigs will turn out dense, fragrant, and the foliage will retain its rich dark green color.

Expert advice

To make the process of preparing, storing and using birch brooms as comfortable as possible, follow the advice of experienced bath attendants:

  • It is better not to use metal wire to tighten the broom. It heats up quickly and also does not provide the necessary adhesion during the steaming process.
  • If possible, it is good to place brooms in a haystack under a canopy for winter storage. Dry grass perfectly controls humidity and also provides good air exchange.
  • Do not dry the broom in the open sun. This way the foliage will not only lose its color and shape, but will also lose all its beneficial substances. Steaming with such a broom will not be a pleasure: the branches will be prickly and the foliage will fall off.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to prepare birch brooms yourself, you can buy them. But here it is important not to fall for an unscrupulous seller. An excellent broom smells pleasantly of dry leaves and is free of obvious signs of damage in the form of black spots.
  • Don’t rush to throw away “bald” brooms. Carry out resuscitation, saving raw materials. Carefully disassemble each broom into branches, then remove those branches that are devoid of foliage. Collect new brooms. Perhaps they will not be as fluffy, but they will be soft and fragrant as before.
  • Do not harvest branches after heavy rain. The foliage should be well dried naturally. Also, do not make the cut on a very hot day between 12:00 and 18:00. Foliage withering from the heat is unlikely to please you with a pleasant aroma in the bathhouse.
  • Try making a few brooms with buds. Some people like this method of preparation even more.

Experiment, get healthy, make your own sauna preparations. Nature has gifted us with an inexhaustible supply of strength, but we must be grateful for every twig we pick.

How to store

If the preparation of birch brooms is carried out in accordance with all requirements, then the finished products will certainly be of high quality. Then all that remains is to preserve them correctly. To do this, you should find a cool, well-ventilated room. As the latter, it is possible to use an attic space, a barn, a storage room, or a balcony. Improper storage of such bundles can lead to complete falling off of the leaves and deformation.

If the preparation of brooms was extensive, a large number of products were obtained, they can be placed on the shelf in batches. To prevent the leaves from stagnating later, the folded bunches need to be ventilated periodically: change their location. When storing on the balcony, additional protection from the sun is required. Otherwise, the leaves will immediately turn yellow and fall off completely.

If you properly store birch brooms in hay, then over time they will become even more useful and fragrant Source i2.wp.com

How to choose the right one when purchasing?

If it is not possible to make a broom yourself, then you can purchase a ready-made one. They are inexpensive and in terms of quality you can find an excellent option. To do this, you should know how to choose the right broom when purchasing:

  • Turn the bunch leaves side down and shake a little. If a lot of leaves fall off, it means that the harvesting technology was violated.
  • Touch the leaf; it should be dry, but not crumble in your hand.
  • A well-made bundle should fit in your hand. The lower branches are specially trimmed to make it comfortable to hold.
  • Smell the broom: the presence of a smell of dampness or mold is a sign of improper preparation and violation of storage conditions.

The bunch should be tight, but not too tight, so that the air can circulate and the leaves can ventilate.

Common Mistakes

Inexperienced bath attendants, when preparing brooms for a bath for the first time, often make mistakes. This happens due to a lack of experience, necessary knowledge and skills. It is possible to prevent such problems if you study other people’s common mistakes:

  • The collection of birch branches is not carried out in a timely manner: too early or late. This subsequently reduces the quality of the finished products.
  • Birch branches are cut on a rainy day or before noon, when the dew on the leaves has not yet dried.
  • The process of knitting prepared raw materials is disrupted.
  • The requirements for drying technology are not met: the bundles are exposed to the negative influence of the sun.

When preparing brooms for a bathhouse, only a few strictly comply with all the requirements. To prevent the mistakes described above, it is worth following all stages of the technological process and storing finished products correctly.

Important! After the first frost, harvesting plant materials (cutting birch branches) is strictly not recommended. In any case, it will only be a waste of time.

In order to avoid mistakes when drying birch brooms, it is important to familiarize yourself with common mistakes in advance Source sad9.ru

Using a broom in a steam room, procedure and rules

Visiting the steam room is a responsible procedure

When using a broom, several health procedures are performed at once:

  • massage
  • skin cleansing
  • relaxation
  • aromatherapy,
  • treatment

The action begins with warming up the body. In this case, the broom is used as a fan or fan. You can perform the operation yourself, but it is better if it is done by a partner or a steamer. Then you can relax and get maximum pleasure.

Then they stroke the body with a broom on the back, sides and legs. Then there is whipping from the neck to the feet inclusive, again stroking and rubbing the body with a broom. Similar actions are performed both in front and behind.

It is possible to warm up problem areas by holding a heated broom for several seconds. To do this, you can hold it over the heater, near the stove, or wave it under the ceiling, where the hottest air accumulates.

A few simple rules for handling a broom in a bathhouse.

  • To prevent the broom from drying out, it must be moistened periodically.
  • You should not whip with all your might. We do this sharply, but easily.
  • The broom should not be excessively hot, otherwise, at high temperatures in the steam room you can get burns.
  • After the steam room, rinse the broom with warm water and place it in a shaded, ventilated place to dry.

"Competitors" of birch

Naturally, not only white-trunked tree is used as bath paraphernalia, but also other types of trees, for example, eucalyptus, oak or linden, and even nettle, although it is not a tree.

So, now let’s look at what advantages the above trees have:

  • Oak - brooms made from it can be found much more often than birch ones. They will become an indispensable equipment in the bathhouse for people with very oily skin texture. Oak has a drying effect on the skin. It also successfully fights high blood pressure (hypertension). These brooms begin to be harvested closer to autumn, since the tree itself begins to bloom during this period.
  • Association with linden is balance, balance, calm. A linden broom relieves migraines and headaches, and helps well with VSD, as a result of which the first listed problems appear. It also has a positive effect on the body suffering from insomnia, quickly heals wounds, and helps to recover from colds.
  • Eucalyptus tincture is a must-have for true connoisseurs of Russian baths. It is usually used to water the walls in the steam room. Eucalyptus serves as an antiseptic; it warms up the bronchi and can be inhaled for colds and pneumonia. A broom made from this plant speeds up recovery and fights bruises and skin inflammation.

The healing effects of a birch broom

A birch broom has long been used as a universal tool for bathing procedures. The beneficial effects of a broom on the human body are manifested in the following:

  • effective cleansing of the skin from accumulated toxins, acne and dead cells;
  • improvement of blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • elimination of aches in muscles and joints due to rheumatism and high physical activity;
  • air aromatization and prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

To get the maximum therapeutic effect from using bundles, you should know when you can prepare birch brooms for a bath.

Properly prepared products will help get rid of frequent pain in the back and muscles, improve the condition of blood vessels, relax the nervous system and strengthen the immune system. Their main healing property is their gentle and gentle effect on the bronchi, as well as the prevention of allergic diseases.

When and how to knit birch bath brooms

Experienced bath attendants know all the secrets of this process. And we will be happy to share them with you.

Craftsmen knit brooms only if necessary, and the collected paraphernalia are stacked on top of each other (in layers), while the upper branches are “protected”

central. This so-called “sheaf” is placed in a warm place (barn or balcony), covered with a towel.

So, how is knitting done:

  1. The branches should be selected to be the same length and placed carefully. The widest ones should be placed inside, the thinnest ones should edge the broom itself. In the place where the handle will be, remove sharp burrs and knots from the branches.
  2. Now we apply a strong rope and tighten the broom.
  3. Afterwards, we knit a knot and form a handle. We make it from a thin rope, then wrap the ends of the branches with cloth, this is the so-called “protection” from small wounds and calluses.
  4. Mostly the dimensions of the finished product range from 40-80 cm. If its dimensions are outside the range, it will be inconvenient to use.

To ensure that the brooms do not lose their shape and beneficial properties, it is necessary to comply with the deadlines for the procurement of raw materials. Let's talk about this in more detail.


Is it possible to arrange a broom from birch and herbs in the form of wormwood and tansy?

It is possible, but you need to take into account the drying speed. If the herbs dry quickly enough, the tree cuts will take longer. You can place tree branches along the edges and put herbal mixture inside.

If it rains constantly in the region, and birch already needs to be harvested, what should you do?

You can cut it after the rain, but before decorating the broom you will have to dry the branches manually using a hairdryer. The faster the branches dry, the better it will be for storing the broom.

Is it possible to prepare an oak broom with acorns? They say that they create an incredible aroma in the steam room

It is possible, but as an experiment. The fact is that during the ripening of acorns, the leaves themselves are deprived of nutrients and become hard and rough. It is unlikely that anyone will like to steam with such a broom, which even after a good steaming remains hard.

Is it true that a birch broom with earrings is more useful in treating certain diseases?

Earrings dry quite well, but are poorly stored when dried and often fall off when steamed. The leaf of a birch broom is valuable, so it is better to focus on its degree of maturity. If its inner side is soft and tender, then you can make a cut.

Are brooms made from willow?

The vine does not exhibit any special qualities, does not produce aroma, and bends very much when steamed. Nothing remains on the body except stripes. Willow, from the point of view of benefits, is not considered in the bath business.

Massage technique

The main pleasure will come from a proper massage in the steam room. It's quite easy to do. Depending on the product, the twigs need to be steamed or left fresh, and then proceed to the procedure:

  1. The broom chosen from the prepared ones must be thoroughly moistened with water.
  2. The collected branches may be hard; initially, the pats are carried out gently.
  3. It is important to control the temperature and avoid overheating.

Basic techniques can be learned using simple pictures. Stroking, patting, dispersing steam. It is very important not to rush, soaring should occur gradually. This is a technique for relaxation, not additional stress for the body. It is very important to choose the right basic techniques to avoid any damage to the skin or burns.

In the morning or evening?

As for the time period, expert opinions differ. If we turn to a botany textbook, we will understand that the active movement of nutrients through a tree occurs in the early morning after sunrise. Accordingly, if you cut a branch between 7 and 10 am, the foliage will have maximum benefit, which will be preserved and open when steamed.

Now let’s look at the opinions of two parmasters who “ate the dog” in their business.

Bulat Siraziev , a famous bath attendant in Tatarstan, claims that it is best to prepare brooms after 4 pm, when the movement of nutrients in the tree is still active, and all the excess moisture in the leaf has already evaporated under the influence of sunlight. Such a broom will dry faster and will be stored well for many years, and when steamed it will not shed leaves or give off an unpleasant musty smell.

Daniil Petrovsky , who is engaged in bathing and at the same time maintains his blog on YouTube, recommends making the cut in the morning, when the dew has disappeared, considering 9-11 o’clock the best option. In his opinion, this way a maximum of nutrients remain in the broom, which in the bathhouse will “create the magic of healing,” allowing a person to get rid of worries, worries, fatigue, problems with the musculoskeletal system and the heart muscle.

Both methods have their advantages and in practice it does not matter at all whether the branch is cut at 11 am or at 12. The main thing in this matter is to wait until the dew dries and the leaf warms up.

Useful properties of birch wood

  • If you use this bath attribute correctly, you can cure aches in the body, muscles, and joints. Such health problems can be caused by severe stress on the body or rheumatism.
  • The face is cleared of acne.
  • A favorable aroma emanates from the heated branches, which is very useful for those who smoke or suffer from asthma. In this way, the bronchi are cleansed of harmful substances.
  • The smell emanating from the leaves has a positive effect on the human body, thanks to such beneficial substances as essential oils and phytoncides. All this helps to overcome a sore throat or acute respiratory infection.
  • After a body massage, metabolism and subcutaneous blood flow improve. In the first case, lymphatic drainage occurs, which destroys the “orange peel”, i.e. cellulite.

Properly prepared sauna attributes improve the general condition of the human body. He immediately feels that his mood is high, lightness throughout his body. and Especially, it is useful for older people. After steam baths, the body will remain in good shape for a long time.

photo from the website banya.ru

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