Do-it-yourself chimney damper - drawings and manufacturing procedure

Here you will learn:

  • What is a gate valve
  • Functions, purpose and characteristics
  • Main types of gate valves
  • Making a gate valve with your own hands
  • Tips for choosing a gate valve
  • Installation features
  • Gate maintenance

Do-it-yourself chimney damper - the drawings of this device are very simple. The gate can be made of a retractable or throttle type. The material for making the gate is cast iron or steel.

DIY chimney damper installation

You can install a damper for a fireplace or heating unit in one of three ways:

  1. The damper is installed directly in the fireplace insert. It is placed at a distance of 100 centimeters from the heating device, which makes it easy to control.
  2. Combining the damper with other elements of the heating structure without the use of additional fasteners. This installation method is called “pipe to pipe”.
  3. The damper is installed in ventilation pipes. It is used to prevent the fan motor from overheating during operation.

Installation must be carried out in the closed position of the gate to prevent excess load on the engine.

Since there are a variety of models of stove units and fireplaces and heating using them is carried out in different ways, each of them requires its own type of valve.

For example, for a stove operating on gas, you will need a classic rotary-type throttle valve or a rotary automatic damper, since they are capable of blocking the chimney pipe completely and then the flame will not be able to escape outside.

At the same time, rotary valves should not be installed when installing a sauna stove, since when closed they will allow steam to pass through, and in the open position they are very difficult to clean.

As a rule, a damper for a fireplace or stove unit is sold as a complete set along with a chimney. But there are smoke exhaust structures without a damper, so you can make one yourself by buying elements for it at a hardware store. The main thing to do before purchasing them is to decide on the required sizes.

It is better to buy valves made from stainless steel. The main part of the gate installation is the shell. The gate contains several shells.

Slider lever position

When the fireplace is operating, the damper is either half-open or open. The gate is completely covered (the closed position is the rotary valve plate across the channel) when trying to switch the fireplace to a slow combustion state (But fireboxes that have a gate are not always suitable for operating in this mode!). In some models of fireboxes, the damper is designed to fully open before opening the door (mechanical locking). And even in the “closed” position of the fireplace damper, there is a movement of flue gases and air through the channel (the system is determined by the standards, which is why manufacturers of fireplace inserts and chimneys initially make a loose damper).


When operating heating units, an important aspect is the correct adjustment of the traction force, which affects the efficient operation and safety of the heating system. The sliding element, even with full penetration into the chimney channel, does not completely protect the bathhouse from the penetration of carbon monoxide. Closing is carried out after the end of the firebox, the firewood should have time to burn out and become covered with an ash layer.

If this is not followed, there is a risk of inhaling harmful gaseous substances. As carbon monoxide leaks out, it fills the room. It should be remembered that installing draft control devices (vane, deflector, weather vane) does not exempt you from regular cleaning of the pipe. If equipment is not cleared of soot in time, unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the chimney structure and the presence of sufficient draft force.

To control traction, a formula has been developed for calculating the optimal value for the gate element, which is called the “alpha” coefficient. When setting the required value, uniform combustion of wood materials is ensured with minimal ash formation.

Is a valve needed in a sauna stove?

Definitely needed. Good draft in the bathhouse is the key to successful construction of the stove.
According to experts, it all depends on the design of the sauna stove. If there is a chimney, then there is no doubt about the need for a damper. The oven damper is used in all types of ovens. The principle of their operation is a little similar, so you shouldn’t bother. A gate is definitely needed. If combustion is only carried out thanks to the supply air, the valve is not installed. The gate will help you save on fuel, getting the most out of every run. The fuel will not be wasted.

DIY installation

There are three installation methods:

  1. The damper is installed in the fireplace insert itself. The gate valve is installed at a distance of one meter from the heating device, which makes it easy to control the gate valve.
  2. The second way to install a slide damper is to combine it with other parts of the heating structure without the additional use of fasteners. This installation option is also called “pipe to pipe”.
  3. The third way to install a damper is to install it in ventilation pipes. In this case, a gate valve is used to prevent the fan motor from overheating when it is turned on.

Please note: the installation procedure must be carried out with the gate installation closed, and not open, in order to avoid excess pressure on the engine.

These main three methods of installing a slide damper are constantly used in the construction of chimneys or ventilation.

For example, a stove with gas heating requires a classic butterfly valve (rotary damper) or sometimes an automatic rotary damper, since it completely blocks the chimney, thanks to which the flame will not come out.

But it is not recommended to install rotary dampers when building a sauna stove, because it will allow steam to pass through when closed, and when open, the rotary damper is very difficult to clean.

In most cases, the damper is sold together with the chimney as a complete set. But there are chimneys without it, so you can make a damper yourself by purchasing its components at various construction stores.

Please note: It is important to determine the required dimensions before purchasing. It is best to buy gate valves made of steel material

The main part of the gate installation is the shell. The gate consists of several shells.

Tips for choosing a gate valve

It must be remembered that the correct selection of an element such as a slide damper is reflected in the future not only on the draft indicator, but also on the safety of the heating system, of which the chimney is a part. Installation of the damper is carried out on any model of fireplaces and stoves, except for the most modern ones, which have a deflector.

The main recommendations for choosing slide valves for smoke exhaust communications are as follows:

  • If the heating device operates by processing gas, it is better to purchase a rotary valve model. This is due to the fact that such models exclude the possibility of completely blocking the smoke exhaust channel. Thus, the heating system will be safer. The chimney, which removes combustion products from the gas stove, must be closed by at least 40 percent during operation;
  • There are heating systems that operate intermittently (periodic). A closed damper installed in such a heating structure, as a rule, allows steam to pass during supply, and an open damper contributes to the formation of a large amount of soot on the pipe, which is located below the plate;
  • It is strictly not recommended to use rotating elements for installation in sauna chimneys.

A rotating device is the most suitable option for a gas-consuming system

Note! The chimney damper is a shaped part of the chimney service, so if you purchase everything necessary for laying a chimney, it will be included with the pipes. Such shutters can be purchased at any specialized store or ordered using an online store on the Internet.

Experts recommend carefully measuring the cross-section of the smoke exhaust duct before purchasing a gate product. Perhaps this is the main thing that needs to be done before purchasing a gate.

Main functions and characteristics of gate valve

For the heating system to function properly, good draft is necessary. The gate valve is the main element of the chimney design with which you can regulate the movement of flue gases through the pipe.

With a good level of thrust, 100% fuel combustion occurs. Lack of natural ventilation in the chimney can cause smoke in the room or fire. Therefore, a slide damper installed on top of the chimney ensures safe use of the entire heating system. Installation of such a device is carried out when heating with solid fuel or gas.

Traction adjustment is carried out using this method:

  • increase – open gate valve;
  • reduction – closed damper.

When the stove or fireplace stops operating, the damper closes completely. Install such a device at the beginning of the chimney. To ensure free operation of the valve, it is installed on an uninsulated section of pipe.

Different types of chimney valves

Slide dampers perform three main functions in the chimney system:

  • traction level control;
  • adjustment of combustion intensity;
  • covering the chimney outlet.

The installation of dampers on the chimney is carried out only if the combustion process is carried out without the supply of supply air masses.

The design of gate valves depends on various indicators:

  • pipe cross-section value;
  • the temperature value of the flows passing through the chimney channel;
  • type of heating device and outlet structure.

Gate valves are mainly made of stainless steel. This steel does not corrode and is highly durable. Stainless steel chimney dampers are resistant to chemical active formations inside the pipe and can withstand high temperatures - nine hundred degrees. They are produced with a thickness of 0.5 to 1 millimeter.

Stainless steel chimney valve

Sometimes dampers are used on chimney pipes made of cast iron alloy. The main quality of such a gate is strength and durability. But still, the material is inferior to stainless steel - due to their heavy weight, cast iron valves are installed only on brick chimneys.

When making a damper, the plate covering the chimney channel is carefully polished. The smooth surface of the product allows you to easily clean it from accumulated soot.

Purpose and types of these devices

The chimney valve, or, as it is also called, a damper, is designed to regulate the draft in the chimney. The operation is performed as follows. During combustion, the valve closes a certain section of the chimney channel. By reducing or, conversely, increasing the damper area, you can control the air flow in the chimney and, accordingly, the flame strength in the heating device and draft. After the combustion process stops, the valve closes so that air currents do not carry away heat from the room. However, even in this state, the damper should not completely block the chimney: this is contrary to safety standards. The systems must be installed on almost all types of heating devices except the latest models, where the draft is adjusted automatically using a deflector.

In their shape, chimney valves must very accurately reproduce the cross-section of the pipe. There are two different design options for gate valves:

Retractable. The simplest and most reliable design. Moves only in the horizontal direction. It is most often installed in steel or brick chimneys. It is a smooth plate with holes that easily moves in the guide grooves.

Rotary or throttle.

The device rotates around its axis, as a result of which it can open or close the smoke channel. Installed in cases where the retractable damper cannot be used for various reasons.

Retractable option. During the combustion process, the gate valve opens. The ability to regulate the overlap area of ​​the smoke channel allows you to adjust the draft. After the fire goes out, the damper closes

The throttle gate valve rotates around its axis, closing or, conversely, opening the smoke channel. Installed in cases where the use of a retractable damper is not possible

The required system option is selected based on the design features of the chimney. In addition to the type of device, the material also plays an important role. Most often used:

  • Cast iron. It produces very strong, reliable and durable products. Traditionally used to make devices. The main disadvantage is their heavy weight, so such valves can only be installed on brick pipes.
  • Stainless steel. Lightweight, durable and corrosion-resistant material. It does not affect the heat transfer of the heating device, therefore it allows you to achieve maximum efficiency of the stove. Steel gates are usually polished to provide a smooth surface that prevents soot from settling. Installed on any pipes.

Operating principle of the gate mechanism

The mechanism includes:

  • frame,
  • gate,
  • stand,
  • sealing elements,
  • stuffing box seal assembly.

The force by which the movement of the gate is regulated is transmitted through the rod.

Tightness is ensured by strong pressing of the gate element to the seals by the pressure of the moving medium. The design of the gates may include a retractable or non-retractable stem. Fixed stem is widely used when installing gate valves in confined spaces.


Gate valve bodies can be cylindrical or rectangular. They can be all-metal or prefabricated (for example, welded). The housings can be equipped with a removable bottom cover and a through gate. The housings are made of high-strength cast iron, non-ferrous metal or alloy steel.

The material from which the valve is made has a direct impact on its resistance to aggressive environments. Thus, cast iron elements are less resistant to the effects of:

  • diesel fuel,
  • motor oil,
  • gasoline,
  • industrial oil.

In order to reduce the cost of the valve and increase its resistance to aggressive environments, combined valves are used - the body is made of cast iron, and the gate is made of alloy steel. If cast iron is exposed to an aggressive environment, it is coated with epoxy resin for preservation purposes. In some cases, in aggressive environments, gate valves with bodies made of high-strength PVC are used.


It can be made from a thick rolled plate having sealing

parallel elements. The knife element has a through hole obtained by drilling. The diameter of the hole should be equal to the diameter of the pipe to which the gate is attached.

The gate element may have a pointed edge, which may be at an angle to the hole being closed or close it directly. This allows you to separate the elements of the gates:

  • for knife
  • and guillotine.

The sharpened element of the knife allows you to easily close holes through which a viscous or solid medium passes. The possibility of closing the pipeline opening as quickly as possible depends on the size of the sharpening.

High-strength alloy steel is used to make knives. The knife is polished, ensuring the easiest possible sliding along the sealing elements and the tightest possible connection to the edge of the seal or pipeline. High-quality polishing helps prevent braking or jamming when blocking flows of media containing a large number of solid inclusions.


Two types of seals can be used: metal, synthetic components.

  1. In the petrochemical industry, nitrile rubber is used as a sealing material.
  2. When working with oils and fuels at low temperatures, a sealant based on a rubber mixture and SKN is well suited.
  3. Silicone-based sealants are widely used in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

The seal ensures a tight seal on the top of the device. Its padding consists of cotton fiber, synthetic polymaterials, and graphite-containing material.

Types of connection to pipelines

The devices are attached to pipelines by:

  • flanged,
  • wafer,
  • welding connection.

Strengthening the tightness of the gate with a wafer or flange connection is enhanced by means of special gaskets.

Principle of use

The main thing is to choose the right device for your stove and learn how to use it (even though it is very simple). An important nuance is that when the furnace is idle for a long time, you must keep the damper closed to avoid foreign elements getting in there.

The damper also separates the insulated part of the chimney from the non-insulated part. The gate is usually installed at the beginning of the pipe. At the end where the pipes are well insulated, installing a valve is not recommended.

What functions of the damper have we derived?

  • With its help, traction is adjusted.
  • It protects the chimney from temperature changes.

Despite the simplicity of the design, there are different valves. The design, material and dimensions of furnace valves play a role.

By design

  • Retractable. This type of plug is the most convenient. It is a chimney nozzle with a retractable plate in the middle. It is this plate that moves freely in the grooves of the chimney. This type of damper is most often used in brick stoves. But it can be installed on others. This design is easy to install and does not require installation costs.


Gate valve and its disadvantages:

  • In some fireplace systems it is the only combustion regulator. This is bad.
  • With a direct chimney from the firebox, it is difficult to clear the soot channel (through the firebox).
  • Knowledge is needed - an understanding of the chimney, the operation of the fireplace, the combustion process and modes, changes in draft and consequences.
  • Over time, homemade models may “stick” (when heated or if pieces of soot are stuck in the guides). Often, in a chimney, the damper on a sandwich stove pipe can jam due to uneven thermal expansion of the outer and inner pipes. Sometimes, the gate “sticks” due to improper installation.

Gate maintenance

The gate, made of stainless steel, is usually polished to perfect smoothness. Soot settles on it poorly, but still settles. Therefore, it must be cleaned periodically.

The horizontal valve can be cleaned simply by pulling it out to the maximum and applying a special solution. Rotary - cleaned through the chimney with a special plastic brush. You should also ensure that the damper moves freely along the guides. It is allowed to periodically lubricate them with an anti-corrosion compound.

Valve selection

The valve for the chimney pipe is selected depending on the following parameters:

  • type of device;
  • material of manufacture;
  • sizes.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Types of valves. Their advantages and disadvantages

Depending on the design features, there are:

  • retractable dampers (picture above), which are a piece of pipe with a moving plate. This type of gate is characterized by ease of installation, low cost and the possibility of self-production;
  • rotary (throttle) valves. The smoke channel is opened by rotating a plate located on a guide in the center of the pipe section. A rotary valve is less reliable compared to a retractable damper, but can be installed not only on a chimney, but also on smoke exhaust pipes, for example, from a fireplace.

Throttle valve for chimney

As a rule, retractable structures are installed on brick chimneys, and rotary ones on steel chimneys.

Selection of damper material and dimensions

In addition to the type of furnace valve, it is important to take into account such parameters as the material of manufacture and the dimensions of the device. The chimney damper can be made:

The chimney damper can be made:

made of cast iron. This type of material is the most common in brick chimneys, as it has a high margin of strength and durability, and is also not affected by the negative effects of moisture, soot and other deposits. The only significant drawback is the heavy weight of the structure, which complicates the installation process of the device;

Gate made of cast iron

stainless steel. The lightest, but no less durable material if processed correctly. Steel is easy to clean and is not subject to corrosion or high temperatures. As a rule, butterfly valves for steel chimneys are made from steel.

The dimensions of the gate are selected depending on the internal cross-section of the pipe. The density of the chimney overlap can only be achieved if the specified parameters are fully met.

How does the installation work?

The rotary damper for the chimney is installed as follows. The height of the product is determined by the craftsman based on the actual structure of the furnace. The minimum height is 0.9-1 meters from the floor, and the maximum is approximately 2 meters. As a rule, installation does not take more time and proceeds in several successive stages:

  1. Selecting the installation location and setting marks on the bricks that need to be trimmed.
  2. Cutting bricks using a grinder.
  3. Fixing the chimney partition with masonry mortar.
  4. Brickwork according to a row pattern.

DIY damper

This product consists of a guide frame and the valve itself, but how is the chimney damper itself made? Initially, you need to calculate the internal cross-section of the pipe or chimney made of bricks. In accordance with the measurements, sheet steel is prepared, the thickness of which is approximately 5 mm. This is for a rectangular valve. A 25 mm wide fold is prepared on one side so that you can simply pull out the damper. Each cut is properly sanded. At the same time, reduce the size of the product by a couple of millimeters on all sides. This will allow the damper to move freely in the chimney itself. If the damper is placed in a brick chimney, the frame can be prepared from good steel wire. Choose a diameter of 6 mm. To do this, the wire should be bent in a U shape, fitting it to the hole. You practically made a chimney damper with your own hands.

In a situation where the chimney is made of steel and has a rectangular shape, the frame is made of a steel strip 3 mm thick and no more than 40 mm wide. The strip should be bent lengthwise, not forgetting about the gap in thickness, after which it is cut in a couple of places at an acute angle and given the shape of the letter P. The ends of the prepared profile are combined using a couple of pieces of metal, placing them in such a way that the valve blade can move freely between them . There should be a rectangular frame for the gate with corresponding grooves. In addition, the internal perimeter of the frame must be equal to the cross-section of the chimney. But with a rotary gate everything is much more complicated. That's all, the damper for the chimney with your own hands is ready.

What material is better to use a gate from?

Chimney valves are most often made of cast iron. True, the material is heavy, and then installing a cast iron gate is quite difficult. Yes, and it is only installed on brick kilns.

Steel gates are made 1 mm thick. What makes steel good is that it can withstand temperatures up to 900°C, has a special mechanical density and is resistant to corrosion. Also, the steel is smooth, and is even specially polished for this purpose to a shine, and therefore soot does not settle on such a gate and does not create a problem. And most importantly, it has sufficient thermal conductivity. This valve closes the chimney by 85%, and carbon monoxide is completely removed.

Frequent errors and problems during installation

To install the throttle valve, it is necessary to make markings on the pipe in order to drill holes according to the welded valve structure.

To do this, you need to measure the pipe using a measuring tape and make marks for future holes. After making sure that the marks are symmetrical, use a drill to drill holes for the future rotary handle.

The throttle valve is installed as follows:

  1. A steel damper circle with a welded tube is inserted into the chimney pipe.
  2. A metal rod is threaded through the drilled holes in the pipe through a small tube, the end of which is secured with a bolt and nut.
  3. The end of the rod is bent using pliers for a rotary handle.

Installation of a retractable damper in a brick chimney occurs during the masonry process. To do this, after 6-8 rows of bricks, a layer of cement masonry mortar is applied, on which a wire frame is installed with the open side facing the performer. You need to insert a latch into the frame and bring it into the closed state.

The frame is covered with mortar on top and bricks continue to be laid according to the standard pattern.

Today, there are two main ways to install a damper on a chimney:

  1. Installation in a fireplace insert. This installation option implies the location of the gate product in close proximity to the heating equipment. As a rule, in this case the distance from the damper to the heating apparatus is 1 meter. This arrangement is very convenient for regulating the valve.
  2. Connection with other elements of the heating system. In this case, there is no need to use additional locking elements, so this option is quite common. This type of installation can also be called “pipe to pipe”.

The above options for using valves for chimneys and ventilation systems are used everywhere. It is worth noting that today you can find a huge variety of stoves and fireplaces, which differ from each other from a constructive point of view. This variety of heating devices also influenced the range of gate valves.

  • Installation of a valve in an insulated area. Under the influence of thermal expansion, the damper may jam;
  • Installation of a cast iron part in a metal chimney (cast iron weighs a lot);
  • Using too thin steel or stainless steel with a low nickel content for the manufacture of valves. Such a product quickly deforms under the influence of hot gases and can burn out;
  • Installation of a gate with a non-smooth surface;
  • Installation of a valve without a hole for carbon monoxide release;
  • Installation of handles that do not allow monitoring the position of the valve (applies to rotary elements).

What is it and what is it for?

Damper (from the German Schieber - damper) is a device for completely or partially blocking the movement of gases in the chimney. It has been used since the appearance of the first Russian stoves. Made from cast iron or steel. In modern engineering it has found application both in smoke exhaust structures and in ventilation systems.

Damper functions:

  • Regulating draft and maintaining heat in the room.

The chimney is closed after use to prevent warm air from being drawn from the room into the chimney. Using a damper, you can reduce or increase the working cross-section of the chimney.

  • Saving fuel consumption.

The valve can be used to regulate the intensity of oxygen flow to the flame, and accordingly increase or decrease the efficiency of the heater.

This statement is true only for furnaces and boilers without blowers and forced air supply devices.

Home manufacturing technology

Qualified specialists always emphasize that even a novice craftsman can make a rotary and retractable gate. After all, in order for the finished product to perfectly cope with its main task, you need to correctly take all the necessary measurements

If the finished damper fits tightly into the chimney, then over time it may jam, as it will be exposed to high temperature. And when there is a large gap between the valve and the pipe, it will be difficult to regulate the intensity of the draft during operation.

Multifunctional butterfly valve

To make this type of gate, you need to use a steel angle of 30x30 mm, as well as durable sheet steel, the thickness of which is at least 1.5 millimeters. The manufacturing process itself consists of several main stages, which must be implemented in strict sequence:

  1. Initially, you need to take measurements of the inside of the chimney. This is done in order to avoid mistakes during the manufacture of a frame from a corner, which is fixed with a welding machine.
  2. On one side of the frame, exactly in the center, you need to drill a small hole (7-8 mm in diameter). It will be useful for the rotary axis.
  3. A similar hole must be made on the other side of the frame.
  4. The plate for the damper must be cut from a steel sheet. This part must fully correspond to the internal dimensions of the manufactured frame.
  5. To make a guide axis, you need to take a piece of wire with a diameter of 9 mm and a length that will exceed the size of the frame itself by 7 cm. You need to cut a thread on one side of the wire (a die is best for this task).
  6. The finished axle is carefully threaded into the holes on the frame and secured with a nut.
  7. All cuts on the plate are processed with a grinding machine and inserted into the frame.
  8. At this stage, the master must weld the axle exactly in the center of the plate.
  9. All that remains is to make a comfortable handle for the guide from high-quality scrap materials.

Universal device

Modern gate valves include the valve itself, as well as a special guide frame. That is why, before starting work, the master must measure the internal cross-section of the pipe or brick chimney. In accordance with the available measurements, a neat rectangle is cut out of sheet steel (5 mm thick). A small longitudinal fold is made on one side, the width of which should not exceed 30 mm.

These manipulations are necessary so that the finished damper can be conveniently pulled out. Each cut must be polished, due to which the dimensions of the product are reduced by 2 mm on each side. Such actions by the technician will ensure free movement of the damper inside the chimney.

When the damper is made for a brick fireplace, the frame itself can be made of thick steel wire, the diameter of which is within 6 mm. During this procedure, the metal blank is simply bent into the shape of the letter P in strict accordance with the existing measurements.

If the chimney has a rectangular shape and is made of steel, then it is better to make the frame from a metal strip 2 mm thick and up to 35 mm wide. The prepared strip is bent lengthwise, leaving a neat gap along the thickness of the plate. Only after this can small cuts be made in two places at an angle of 45° to give the workpiece a U-shape. All gaps in the places of cuts must be butt welded.

To connect the ends of a homemade damper, you need to use two pieces of metal, which should be positioned in such a way that the damper blade can pass freely between them. At the end of all these manipulations, the master should come out with a rectangular frame with grooves for the shutter.

To make a valve in a round pipe, you need to take two identical metal sheets 2 mm thick. Round holes are cut in the center in accordance with the diameter of the chimney. The valve plate must be manufactured separately. After this, the sheets are connected to each other using a welding machine.

It is necessary to weld only three sides around the perimeter so that the holes of the finished valve on the pipe match exactly. A gap of 5 mm must be left between the top and bottom sheets. At this point, the damper manufacturing process can be considered complete, since the craftsman can only insert the valve and secure the finished product to the chimney.

Progress of work on installing a stove valve in a brick chimney.

  1. Let's try the valve “on the ground”.
  2. We cut out recesses in the brick for a more precise fit of the valve frame.
  3. We install bricks with cuts on the chimney.
  4. We install the valve.
  5. We measure the bricks of the row above the valve. We cut out recesses in the brick for more precise fit and pressing of the valve frame.
  6. We install bricks with cuts on the chimney, clamping them onto the valve frame.

1.Try on the valve.

Standard valves are designed for 250*120 bricks and a joint size of 10 mm.

In fact, often the brick is smaller and the seams are thinner.

Therefore, it is better to play it safe and try everything on in advance.

We prepare a row of bricks on which the valve will lie.

In my case, the frame rested against the lower ribs and did not fit into the channel.

Using a pick, I knocked down the interfering ribs on the inner surface, after which the valve fell into place.

We install the prepared row of bricks on the chimney.

This is ordinary masonry, no different from the masonry of the stove body and chimney.

We place the bricks on the stove masonry mixture.

We install the damper on the chimney.

It is advisable to place a thin layer of kaolin or basalt cardboard under the valve frame.

Due to the high thermal expansion of the metal, a small gap will always form between the frame and the brick.

A thin layer of non-flammable insulation can eliminate this small drawback.

The insulation will prevent the passage of carbon monoxide between the frame and the brick.

We measure and cut out the bricks that we will place above the valve.

This is the most difficult operation in the entire process of installing a furnace valve .

The beauty and reliability of this unit depends on how accurately you can measure and cut out the recesses for the valve frame.

I measure and cut each brick separately, but it is possible to do everything at once.

Here it is important to cut out the slot evenly for the movement of the valve tongue.

This cut will be visible on the outside of the chimney, so you should treat it with special attention.

We install bricks with cuts, pressing the latch frame.

When installing on top of the tongue, I place cardboard.

This is necessary so that the masonry mixture does not get on the tongue.

After installation and hardening of the mixture on the chimney, the cardboard is removed and the tongue moves freely.

Why are there empty seams between the bricks?

I built this stove for further lining with a colored mixture.

Brick hob, no oven. Colored stitching.

Masonry stove mixture and jointing mixture are different materials.

For further high-quality color jointing of the stove and chimney, you need to scrape the seam 1-2 cm deep.

I immediately leave the seam a little unfilled to reduce the work when unstitching.

Selecting a location option

There are several ways to install a gate, each of which has both pros and cons. An important factor is what the chimney is made of. But modern masters prefer to use the three most common options:

  1. Installation in a fireplace insert.
  2. Fastening using the “pipe in pipe” method.
  3. Installation in a ventilation system.

The damper can be installed in the ventilation system. If the master has chosen the “pipe-to-pipe” installation type, he will not need to use special fasteners to securely fix the damper with the fireplace elements.
The location of the damper in the ventilation system completely eliminates the possibility of overheating of the fan motor during active operation. Modern manufacturers offer ready-to-install chimneys that are equipped with all the necessary devices (the slide damper is no exception). In this case, the part must be used in strict accordance with the recommendations established by the manufacturer. Otherwise, you can make a chimney damper with your own hands and at a more affordable price.

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There are three main options for placing the damper in the chimney:

  • pipe-to-pipe fastening;
  • placement in a fireplace insert;
  • installation in a ventilation pipe.

Brick chimney with damper

If you place a gate valve in the outlet pipe or in the furnace firebox, that is, build this element into its design, the damper is placed on a section of pipe as close as possible to the heating boiler. This guarantees ease of control and ease of turning the valve. This is explained by the fact that the handle will not touch either the portal or the cladding area. If it is located according to the “pipe to pipe” option, no additional fastenings are required for connection with other elements of the furnace.

Typically, ready-to-install chimneys are offered, which are equipped with everything necessary, including a slide valve. In this case, it is placed in the system in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. If it is not provided for one reason or another, it is quite possible to manufacture and install this element yourself.

Deflector for the chimney pipe (with photo)

To eliminate backdraft in the chimney, it is recommended to use a deflector.


Look at the photo: the chimney deflector is a mechanical fan that sucks smoke from the chimney shaft.

It is also necessary to look at how the gate is located - a special valve with which the draft is controlled. One damper should be located in the chimney duct, and the second, as a rule, is located either in the stove or in its door. You can try changing their position.

Modern deflectors for stoves are:

with a flat top;

equipped with an opening lid;

having a gable roof with two slopes on the pipe;

with a semicircular top.

Deflectors with a flat copper top are often located in Art Nouveau style baths.

Basically, sheets of galvanized iron are used to make deflectors, although recently you can often find deflectors on sale in which the metal is coated with enamel or even a layer of plastic.

Some models of deflectors must be inserted with the door facing the smoke collector. To do this, you need to place one edge on the wall, carefully lift the second and lower it into place. For ease of installation, the plates should be removed from the rear and side walls.

You can choose a model in a store, or you can easily make a chimney deflector yourself. Before making a deflector for a pipe, read the detailed description of the stages of work.

Before you begin directly making the deflector, you need to decide on the material from which it will be made. It can be copper, galvanized iron or stainless steel. Despite the fact that copper is a fairly expensive material, it is better to opt for this metal, as it is resistant to atmospheric conditions. This is due to the fact that the deflector is located in one of the most inaccessible places in the bathhouse, and frequent repairs will be problematic.

Before making the deflector, it is necessary to draw on cardboard a development of all the main parts, including the cap, diffuser and outer cylinder. Then you should transfer everything to metal and cut according to these patterns using special scissors. Next, you need to connect the parts to each other using rivets, bolts or welding. From a strip of metal you need to make brackets with which the cap will be fixed to the surface. A reverse cone should be attached to the cap. Having assembled the deflector onto the chimney pipe, you can proceed to installing it on the roof. First you need to fix the lower cylinder using bolts and nuts. Using clamps, you need to secure the diffuser to the lower cylinder, and install a cap with a reverse cone on it.

Why do you need a chimney damper - what is a damper, types, installation rules

A damper is a damper, a valve for a stove chimney, designed to improve draft in it. This part is made of metal. It is installed at the stage of construction of the chimney pipe and ventilation passage.

Draft is of great importance for the functioning of the heating unit. When it is strong enough, the fuel burns completely, resulting in reduced costs. When the draft is poor, a fire can occur at any moment, and to prevent this, install a damper for the stove or fireplace.

You can install a damper for a fireplace or heating unit in one of three ways:

  1. The damper is installed directly in the fireplace insert. It is placed at a distance of 100 centimeters from the heating device, which makes it easy to control.
  2. Combining the damper with other elements of the heating structure without the use of additional fasteners. This installation method is called “pipe to pipe”.
  3. The damper is installed in ventilation pipes. It is used to prevent the fan motor from overheating during operation.

Since there are a variety of models of stove units and fireplaces and heating using them is carried out in different ways, each of them requires its own type of valve.

For example, for a stove operating on gas, you will need a classic rotary-type throttle valve or a rotary automatic damper, since they are capable of blocking the chimney pipe completely and then the flame will not be able to escape outside.

At the same time, rotary valves should not be installed when installing a sauna stove, since when closed they will allow steam to pass through, and in the open position they are very difficult to clean.

As a rule, a damper for a fireplace or stove unit is sold as a complete set along with a chimney. But there are smoke exhaust structures without a damper, so you can make one yourself by buying elements for it at a hardware store. The main thing to do before purchasing them is to decide on the required sizes.

t one row of bricks. The gate plays one of the main roles in the chimney, the purpose of which is to regulate draft. Good draft means that the efficiency of the entire heating system will be excellent and fuel savings will be obvious.

Before making the design and installing it yourself, consult a specialist who will calculate the draft level of your stove. For this, professionals use a special formula. Take care of yourself!

What is a gate valve

The German word Schieber in Russian has not changed either its pronunciation or meaning. If we talk specifically about stove heating, then a damper, as well as a damper, is a shut-off device that blocks the chimney channel.

When arranging a smoke exhaust duct, a valve is installed in the upper part of the base, which is located in the room, so that, if necessary, it is possible to manually regulate the movement of gases, and at the same time the quality of draft.

This is what the gate looks like when extended. When retracted (when the stove is already heated), the valve is almost invisible, only its “eye” protrudes outward.

A damper on the chimney duct is required for the traditional version of a brick stove. By retracting it partially or completely, you can reduce the draft or block the movement of heated gases.

The damper is fully retracted when the stove is heated and gases harmful to health stop flowing into the channel. There are known cases of deaths of people who were burned by a stove that was “closed” early.

If you are late in closing the damper, the heat from the heated bricks will go into the pipe, and the temperature in the room will quickly drop. A timely retracted damper is a guarantee that the house will be warm for at least a day. As you know, in village houses during the cold season the stove has to be lit every morning.

Factory-produced steel gate valve with a diameter of 200 mm. To simplify installation, it is sold together with a piece of steel pipe, built-in.

There is an opinion that dampers, which are mandatory for brick stoves, are absolutely not needed for steel stoves (although they are offered by manufacturers), as well as for models with an installed deflector.

The argument against their use is the fact that the chimney quickly becomes clogged with soot when the damper is closed. Its upper part is cooled by cold air entering the pipe, which, when in contact with a hot steel pipe, forms a large amount of condensate. This situation requires more frequent chimney cleaning.

Types of gate valves

Since chimneys are different, our gate valves are also different from each other. Basically, this difference lies in the form and method of functioning. There are several types of gate valves:

  1. A horizontal gate valve that retracts. This is the most common type of gate valve. Inside the structure there is a plate that is retractable; it is thanks to it that the cross-sectional area is regulated. Most often, this design is used for brick chimneys. To prevent the smoke channel from being blocked 100% in the closed position of the element, small holes are made in the plate. This is done for a reason, because the creation technology complies with fire safety. The peculiarity of the horizontal gate is its simplicity of design and ease of installation, as well as operating efficiency.
  2. Rotary gate. It also has a second name - “throttle valve”. The design is radically different from the previous version. It is made in the form of a pipe, inside of which there is a metal plate. Only it does not extend, but is located on a rotating axis. The device is equipped with a removable rotating disk, which becomes unusable over time. However, due to the rotary mechanism design, it is easy to carry out repairs and replace the part yourself. The valve is located inside the chimney pipe. The principle of operation is to rotate the plate located inside. The advantage of this gate valve design is that it is easy to operate. The home owner will not need to constantly monitor the position of the gate.

Since the second option is more difficult to implement, this chimney damper is not made by hand. Most often, it is the first option that is created – a horizontal valve. I would like to note a few more nuances. A gate valve is needed for wood-burning stoves and other heating equipment that runs on solid fuel. If we talk about gas boilers and those operating on liquid fuel, then the damper is needed more in order to protect the chimney structure from the penetration of atmospheric precipitation, debris and animals.

If we talk about installing a rotary valve for a bathhouse, then it is better not to do this. Why? During operation, the structure will partially allow steam to pass through when closed. And it is difficult to clean when open.

There are three ways to install the gate:

  1. Installation of the product in the fireplace insert. For this purpose, it is installed at a distance of 100 cm from the heating device (stove, fireplace, boiler), which simplifies operation.
  2. The pipe-to-pipe method is based on combining a gate valve with other elements of the heating system, without the use of additional fasteners.
  3. Installation of the valve directly in the ventilation pipe. The purpose of such manipulation is completely different. The valve is needed more to protect the channels from the penetration of foreign objects, debris, sediment and animals. This is done to protect the fan motor.

There are two options for how to proceed if you need to install a valve. The first is to simply buy a kit and carry out the installation yourself according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The second is to make a damper for the chimney yourself. We will consider options for creating both a rotary and a horizontal device.

How to choose a damper for your chimney?

The damper is installed on all types of fireplaces and stoves, except for some new models, where combustion is already regulated by controlling the supply of supply air, for which a deflector is used.

In a gas stove, the damper must be installed rotating - it will completely eliminate the risk of completely closing the chimney, and the flame will not accidentally jump out through the ash pan. If you do use a damper, then make sure that there is always a gap of at least 30-40% of the cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney.

It is also not recommended to install rotary dampers on sauna stoves with periodic operation, because the damper always allows steam to pass through when closed when supplying. But take note: some stove workers believe that when the rotary gate is in the open position, the pipe below it is quite difficult to clean later.

Main types of dampers

According to manufacturers, a damper is a specific device that is designed to control the draft force in the smoke exhaust system of heating and cooking stoves, as well as in fireplaces for a country house. The popularity of this product is due to the fact that the good combustion of the filled fuel, the removal of the generated smoke, as well as the rate of heating of the room depend on the draft. If the house is heated by a stove, then it is the damper that will provide the fire safety function.

Pull-out model

This type of chimney damper is considered one of the most reliable and powerful in terms of operation. This part consists of a smooth plate on which there is a small longitudinal hole. The movement of the damper occurs thanks to special grooves in the chimney. The installation process occurs only in a horizontal position, the traction force depends on the position of the plate. It is used in brick stoves, as well as in modern chimneys made of steel pipes.

In this video you will learn how to make your own gate:

Cast iron products

The material itself is distinguished by its strength and durability. Most often, this type of gate valve is used for the manufacture of durable furnace valves. The only disadvantage of this product is its heavy weight.

Throttle option

The gate is presented in the form of a durable metal plate, where a special guide piece is welded in the center. Mounted inside the chimney. The end of the guide must be located outside. The traction force can be adjusted by rotating the plate. Among experts, such a product is considered not very reliable, since over time the welding joint weakens, which is why the damper opens slightly in random order. But despite this, a rotary damper is often used in steel chimneys.

There are several variations of the gate

High quality stainless steel gate

The advantage of using this steel is that it is not at all afraid of the negative effects of corrosion, has a long service life, is lightweight and does not affect the efficiency of the furnace. The process of cleaning the chimney is significantly simplified, since soot does not accumulate on the smooth polished surface. In addition, stainless dampers can have absolutely any shape, so they can be installed in both brick and steel chimneys.

Installation of furnace equipment

Installation of furnace equipment

It is installed during the process of laying the furnace mass. The grates are installed below the level of the combustion opening on one row of brickwork with a slope of 25-30mm towards the combustion door. The slots between the grates should be directed along the length of the firebox. To ensure that the grate does not destroy the brickwork during thermal expansion, it is laid relative to the brickwork with gaps of at least 5 mm, which are then covered with sand. It is unacceptable to fasten grates using mortar.

Fire door

- one of the weakest links in the brickwork of the furnace. It is installed with a gap of 5 mm around the entire perimeter of the combustion hole. The gap is sealed with an asbestos cord followed by filling with a clay solution with the addition of salt. The combustion door is secured in the brickwork using metal quotes made of sheet steel 3-4 mm thick or a wire, which is attached on four sides to the door frame. The quotes are fixed to the back of the brickwork, and the wire is laid between the bricks and sealed with mortar. In order not to increase the uniformity of the masonry, the fire door was installed so that its top row coincided with the horizontal seam.

Blower door

attached in the same sequence. So that it is less affected by high temperatures, it is installed without a gap.


installed so that it is blown from all sides by hot gases. On the firebox side, the oven is lined with brick on edge, and coated with clay mortar on top. They fix it in the same way as the door, filling the gaps with asbestos cord and mortar.

About the stove valve: fine-tuning and how to make a hole in accordance with the standards so as not to “burn out”

One of the most important components in the furnace is the valve of the main chimney, installed in front of the chimney after the smoke channels of the convective system of the brick furnace have ended. Today there is a wide variety of their designs on the market; rotary, overseas ones have also appeared, which are rightfully liked by many users. However, the classic of domestic production does not go out of fashion - the most common type of cast iron valve, consisting of a frame and a “tongue”. In the photo you will immediately recognize it, a timeless model, it is present in most stoves and is familiar to everyone since childhood. Stove-makers who repair stoves also sometimes encounter problems such as jammed valves, which is typical for old stoves. This is also an excellent reason not only to change it, but also to modify it wisely, as they say.

Despite all the refinement and extreme simplicity of its design, which has not changed for decades, it can also be modified, and sometimes it is even necessary. Today I will not consider the case when it is located deep in the furnace mass (body), but will talk about a small modification when it is installed in close proximity to the smoke duct - at the beginning of the chimney. In the photograph, the beginning of the pipe has a cross-section - the so-called “five” - of one whole brick: 250 x 120 (without taking into account the thickness of the masonry joints). Sometimes stove makers put a lock on the tongue to prevent the user from accidentally removing it - this is reasonable when it is located deep in the masonry, but in my purely subjective opinion, it is unnecessary in the latter option. However, in order for the owner to understand to what extent it needs to be pulled out and at the same time understand that the chimney chimney smoke channel is completely open, you can, after marking it in advance, drill a hole in it, which will visually make it clear that the channel is completely open. The hole is clearly visible in the photograph. By the way, in this way, another problem is solved - according to current safety requirements, in order to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in chimney valves, a hole of a certain cross-section must be provided, which is not available when the fittings are supplied by the factory. Often, stove makers simply cut off a small corner at the end of the valve tongue and do exactly the right thing, but do not solve the problem, the solution to which I proposed above.

The size of this hole , according to the currently valid Code of Rules 7.13130.2013, is defined in paragraph 5.9. at least 15 x 15 mm . The shape of the section is not specified, although it is clear from the indicated dimensions that it is a square. It is also obvious that it is not forbidden to make it in a round shape - simply drill the tongue. You can determine the equivalent diameter for selecting a drill using elementary formulas known from school.

Additionally, you can offer a simple mnemonic device - you see a hole on the valve, the hole is like the letter “O” - which means “Open” - the smoke channel of the pipe is completely open. We pushed the valve in as far as it would go - the channel was closed, and the oven could not cool down. They are afraid that the stove will dry out because of this hole. They also should not, since it is too small and when the flue gases are still quite hot after the end of combustion, the effect of blocking the small holes occurs due to the increased viscosity of the heated gases. This is a well-known physical effect, which was also mentioned by one of the leading companies, a manufacturer of metal furnaces, when reviewing and criticizing “Buleryan” type structures - around the walls of the firebox there are convective tubes designed to serve for more intense heat exchange between the walls of the furnace and the surrounding air of the room. This mode of operation of the furnace was questioned based on the analysis of furnace processes using numerical mathematical modeling methods in special software environments.

If you liked my proposal for modification, you can implement it by removing the tongue and drilling a hole in it with a metal drill according to the previously made markings. Cast iron is quite easy to machine (although there are exceptions, apparently it has to do with the specific formulation of a particular charge at the enterprise), this improvement will not take much effort and time from you. However, if you wish, no matter where you are - be it in the most remote corners of the Moscow region, or in the center of New Moscow, you can invite a stove maker to perform this and other work on tuning your stove.

PS If you were looking for information on how to insert a valve into a stove, then the best answer and solution to this issue would be to contact a professional stove maker.

PPS If you are really looking for a professional stove maker, then I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this section of the site: stove laying

In order to install the valve, it is best to prepare the bricks in advance by marking them and sawing the necessary openings or grooves if necessary.

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