Sauna design standards: studying the key provisions of SNiP

When designing, constructing and operating baths and premises of a built-in type of dry heat, that is, saunas (hereinafter referred to as saunas), according to fire safety and sanitary rules, one should refer to the same standards. Moreover, there are rules that require compliance even with private sauna construction. If you plan to become not only a guest in the world of high temperatures and steam, but the owner of an establishment that provides such services, you need to become more familiar with the requirements of inspection structures, primarily the SES (Rospotrebnadzor) and the State Fire Service (State Fire Inspectorate).

Requirements for saunas

When designing, constructing and operating baths and premises of a built-in type of dry heat, that is, saunas (hereinafter referred to as saunas), according to fire safety and sanitary rules, one should refer to the same standards. Moreover, there are rules that require compliance even with private sauna construction. If you plan to become not only a guest in the world of high temperatures and steam, but the owner of an establishment that provides such services, you need to become more familiar with the requirements of inspection structures, primarily the SES (Rospotrebnadzor) and the State Fire Service (State Fire Inspectorate).

The effect of heat on the human body

The temperature and humidity in the bathhouse have a strong impact on your well-being. During your stay in the steam room, your body temperature rises. During the first 10 minutes, the skin warms up, and then, in the next 10, the internal organs. To ensure the correct process of sweat separation, it is necessary to wipe it from time to time (read: “The right sauna - how often to visit and other recommendations”).

As blood circulation accelerates, pressure rises. The bath is useful for people who suffer from blood stagnation in the extremities. However, for those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels, the steam room can be harmful.

Also, visiting the bathhouse is highly not recommended for those who have cancer, asthma, epilepsy, ischemia, or diseases related to the brain.

But some diseases can, if not get rid of, then significantly alleviate their course, provided that you regularly take procedures in the steam room.

These include:

  • frequent colds;
  • obesity;
  • allergy;
  • circulatory disorders.


There are quite a lot of regulations regulating the activities of bath and sauna organizations.

  1. ZPPP No. 2300-1.
  2. SanPiN 1.2. 3150-13 (a document regulating both the design and operation of saunas).
  3. SNiP 31-05-2003 (rules for the construction of housing and communal services).
  4. SP 118.13330.2012/SNiP 31-06-2009 (requirements for public buildings).
  5. Federal Law No. 123, pay attention to table 11. This law is a technical regulation of fire safety (fire safety).
  6. NPB 110-03 (list defining the types of knowledge to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing systems and automatic fire extinguishing systems).

Before starting work, make sure that local authorities have not provided you with a SNiP specially developed for the city or region.

SES requirements

According to the new requirements, saunas are prohibited from being placed in the basement or basement of multi-apartment residential buildings. If you say: “how is it possible, we saw bathhouses built in a residential building” - you will be right. There was no such ban until 2013. But newly built establishments must be built according to new rules.

Requirements for the placement and premises of the sauna

When designing a sauna, you need to follow an internal layout that allows guests to move sequentially: from the locker room to the sauna. Sanitary rooms are equipped with changing rooms.

On the territory of the sauna you can mark out rooms to provide additional services to clients:

  • manicure and pedicure rooms;
  • enterprises selling related goods;
  • cafes, billiard rooms;
  • swimming pools (up to 100 square meters).

If you plan to place such establishments in a room with a sauna, you need to familiarize yourself with the legislative acts regulating their activities. For example, when arranging swimming pools, do not forget to look at SanPiN

Saunas must be equipped with internal engineering networks:

  • running water with drinking water (hot and cold);
  • ventilation;
  • heating system;
  • sewer network; in the absence of centralized wastewater collection, it is necessary to install local treatment facilities.

Lighting in the sauna must comply with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1/

The decoration of the sauna premises should allow the walls and floor to be washed and disinfected.

It must be resistant to aggressive factors:

  • high temperatures;
  • constant humidity at an increased percentage.

All surfaces from floor to ceiling must be smooth, without cracks and especially without traces of mold.

If in previous years it was allowed to seat guests on soft sofas, then modern saunas have to get rid of upholstered furniture. All surfaces of cabinets, benches, etc. made from smooth, easy-to-clean materials.

The number of hangers and seats in changing rooms is calculated based on the capacity of the establishment, according to the principle: each guest has a hanger and a seat. It is to this room that representatives of the epidemic are especially picky. supervision. After all, clients who have just arrived and those who have already washed themselves “meet” here.

Sauna room set

In addition to the sauna itself (a place for thermal procedures), the enterprise must have additional premises:

  • reception (hall);
  • dressing rooms;
  • staff rooms;
  • household rooms (for storing equipment, linen, disinfectants, etc.);
  • toilet rooms.

Separate premises are provided for staff, including changing rooms with furniture. Closets are required that allow uniforms to be stored separately from “street” clothing.

When designing a sauna, you need to provide separate linen: “clean” and “dirty”. The former are equipped with cabinets, the latter - with racks for storing linen. Furniture in linen rooms should be designed for regular wet cleaning.

Requirements for conditions in the sauna

The sauna premises must be maintained with a microclimate that meets the requirements of the SES:

  • dressing room - 25-28 o C;
  • The washing room should not cool down to more than 25 o C.

It is also allowed to use air conditioning devices to create the most comfortable conditions for clients. Faucets with mixers located in shower rooms, or rather their number, is also calculated based on the capacity of your establishment: 1 faucet + 1 cabin for 8 sauna seats.

The sauna is equipped with shelves for clients made from materials that are not hazardous to their health.

Ventilation system requirements

The ventilation system in the bath-sauna complex is performed with a mechanical start. It is necessary to ensure the influx of fresh air and the outflow of polluted air. Ventilation systems must be cleaned and treated with disinfectants at least once every 365 days.

Requirements for water supply and wastewater

The water supply system must be designed to ensure an uninterrupted supply of both hot and cold water that meets hygiene standards.

Draining wastewater without preliminary treatment (if there is no centralized sewerage system) is prohibited. The drains of this system must be cleaned regularly; clogging is unacceptable. Under no circumstances should dirty water stagnate on the floors of steam rooms and showers.

Requirements for equipment and inventory

The sauna should have separate and labeled equipment for cleaning different rooms. In the locker rooms and rooms intended for washing, marked containers are installed for storing bath accessories and collecting used linen and accessories. Containers must have lids. Each visitor must have 2 basins (one of them is “foot” with the appropriate marking).

Requirements for sauna workers

All service personnel undergo:

  • medical examinations (preliminary upon entry to work and regular ones during work);
  • training and testing for knowledge of sanitary standards.

Information about medical examinations and certification events is entered into individual medical records. Each member of the visitor service team should have such books.

Rules for using the bathhouse

A steam room is a place where a person can not only restore his psychological health, but also prevent colds. Despite the enormous benefits of visiting, it is contraindicated for people with certain diseases and disabilities.

We do not recommend its use to the following persons:

  • Suffering from neuropsychiatric disorders.
  • People with impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Having problems with the kidneys and liver.
  • Persons with skin diseases.

Having monitored how many degrees the bath should be for a normal stay, and what readings the thermometer shows, it is recommended to rinse with clean water without using soap. This product washes away the protective layer of the epidermis, which subsequently becomes very sensitive to high levels of heat and humidity.

We also recommend using special hats and not getting your hair wet: wet hair will increase the area of ​​heat transfer to the body, which can result in heat stroke. Those who are worried about their hair should also not get their hair wet, otherwise their hair will quickly dry out.

You need to go here reasonably full. Before visiting the steam room and during rest, it is recommended to eat light food such as salads, as well as drink herbal teas. It is undesirable to drink carbonated water and overeat. Maintaining normal well-being is possible if you know what humidity in the bathhouse should be optimal for a particular visitor.

If stones are watered with herbal decoctions, then clean water must be used between each spraying session. In addition, you need to water in small portions of 200-300 milliliters of liquid.

Seasonality is an individual concept. Some fans of this pastime prefer winter visits, others – summer ones. In the first case, this is logical, since steaming the body in cold weather is very useful and pleasant. In summer, this procedure will help the body adapt to increased atmospheric heat, cleanse it of toxins and strengthen the work of the sweat glands. As for the time of day, this is a matter of personal preference. Morning visits to the steam room are suitable for those who are used to invigorating themselves in this way before the start of a working day. Evening treatments are used by people who need relaxation before bed.

Essential oils are used in some cases to prevent respiratory diseases or other health problems. An excellent remedy for inhalation are eucalyptus brooms. Experienced visitors must know what the optimal temperature in the bathhouse and steam room should be. Beginner users should trust the advice of professionals.

Specialists are always happy to help their clients choose not only accessories, but also a suitable stove. In the company's catalog you will find a wide range of equipment of various types. If necessary, you can contact a Fehringer employee via the feedback form or by ordering a call.

Requirements for ensuring epidemic well-being

These requirements imply:

  • monthly activities to exterminate rodents and parasites;
  • ongoing elimination of defects in floors and walls (as cracks form);
  • weekly general cleaning;
  • routine cleaning during the working day;
  • the final “promenade” of the cleaning employee at the end of the working day, the last cleaning is done with the mandatory use of disinfectants.

The SES will definitely check the disinfection log and the consumer’s corner in the sauna.

Calculations for the dressing room, washing room and rest room

The main rule when arranging ceilings is to ensure a properly comfortable stay. To prevent the cold from penetrating into the steam room, the floor in the dressing room is lowered by 10-15 cm. Thus, the ceiling in this room will be higher. The washing floor is lowered even lower so that water does not splash into adjacent rooms.

Recommendations from experts for the bathhouse construction stage

When building a Russian bathhouse and knowing for sure that it will have air-conditioned and pie-type steaming, experts advise making a special pocket specifically for the pie. Part of the ceiling and walls (up to the level of window and door lintels) at approximately a distance of 50-60 cm from the finished ceiling is covered with a good vapor barrier. This pocket will be sealed, no steam will leak through the cracks, and the cake will hold up throughout the entire session unless the oven is constantly generating steam.

State Fire Supervision Requirements

At the design stage, familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of the PPB. They should be taken into account both when planning premises and the alarm system in them, and when choosing sauna cladding; for example, the use of resinous wood is strictly prohibited. Deciduous trees are preferred.

Premises requirements

The walls of the steam room are made of durable material (brick or concrete, that is, type I fire partitions are installed), the ceilings are made of type III (reinforced concrete). A separate exit from the dry heat room to the street is required (not to the reception, staircase or somewhere else).

The volume of the dry heat room is strictly standardized:

An electric heater (heater) is selected based on the volume of the sauna, provided that it consumes no more than 15 kW. Permitted continuous operation is eight hours. After this, the electric heater should turn off automatically.

Additional requirements for it:

  1. The control is mounted in front of the steam room.
  2. All cables are made with the maximum degree of protection and heat resistance.
  3. The heater is installed at a distance of 0.2 meters from the wall to avoid fire.
  4. A shield with a 5-centimeter gap from the ceiling is mounted above the heater. The shield material must be fireproof and prevent overheating and destruction of the ceiling.

The maximum permissible temperature in the sauna is 110 o C. The steam room room is under no circumstances sealed. You need to leave a gap of 3 cm between the floor and the door. This allows for a flow of dry, hot air into the room.

PPB: basic requirements

The dry heat room itself (steam room) is equipped with a deluge (dry pipes connected to the water supply system are installed around the perimeter of the “steam room”). The control is installed before entering the dry heat room. Some designers propose to “close” the steam room with “sauna” type heat sensors with a PTLM wire; this system is triggered at 150 o C.

Showers can be classified as rooms with wet processes. They do not install AUPS. Smoke detectors must be installed in locker rooms, administrative and service rooms. In these rooms, it is prohibited to use coating materials that are easily flammable and highly smoky.

The following fire extinguishing systems are acceptable for saunas:

The presence of additional, more stringent requirements may be due to the large throughput of the enterprise, the presence of additional premises (billiard rooms, stores of related products, cafes).

Personnel requirements

It is unacceptable to allow persons under 18 years of age to operate sauna equipment. All workers servicing sauna equipment must be trained in safe working techniques and know the safety regulations.

  • rules for turning on/off equipment;
  • main types of problems;
  • their actions if any malfunctions are detected;
  • their actions in the event of a fire.

Additional recommendations

Use air heating sensors that automatically turn off the electricity supplied to the heater when overheated as a supplement to RCDs and automatic machines. Use basalt/mineral board as thermal insulation material. Treat wooden surfaces with fire retardants at least twice a year.

Fire extinguishing systems in saunas can be manually started. The first ones are not very good due to the human factor, the second ones are prone to false alarms. To correct the situation, it is recommended to use not only smoke detectors, but also temperature detectors and flame detectors in conjunction with them.

To avoid fire in the sauna it is prohibited:

  • install homemade heating elements;
  • leave the heater running unattended;
  • use additional heaters in the steam room;
  • use electric ovens that are not equipped with thermostats;
  • close the gap under the steam room door;
  • dry clothes on the heater.

During the design process, check to see if there are separate safety regulations developed for saunas in your region.


Maximum possible temperature

Depending on which room a person is in, the temperature regime will change. There is a locker room, a dressing room and a steam room. In each subsequent room, starting with the locker room, the temperature rises. The temperature difference between the dressing room and the steam room can be more than 40 degrees, so you need to be careful when entering the latter.

The locker room usually creates a room temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius. In the waiting room it is 27-30 degrees. And in the steam room, the temperature regime is regulated depending on the wishes of the client, as well as the type of structure.

The temperature rises gradually so that the body adapts to new conditions. If there is a swimming pool, the water in it should not be warm. The best option is cool water (from 15 degrees).

There is a dependence of the time that a person can spend in a steam room on the temperature. For this purpose, a study was conducted. There are some results on this matter.

  • At 71 degrees Celsius, the body can withstand steam room conditions for no more than an hour.
  • As soon as the thermometer rises to 82 degrees, the exposure lasts for 45-50 minutes.
  • At 93 degrees, the maximum residence time was about 30 minutes.
  • If the temperature is around 100 degrees, then a person can spend no more than 20-25 minutes in the steam room.

Normal breathing is maintained up to 110-116 degrees Celsius. Then there is simply not enough oxygen. Record holders can sit at 130 degrees, but not for too long.

Maximum temperature tolerance may depend on the body as a whole. Some sit in a bathhouse for hours at a temperature of 70-80 degrees, while others cannot stand it for even 10 minutes. Additionally, endurance is determined by the experience of taking this type of procedure.

It is imperative to monitor the temperature in the steam room so that such a procedure does not lead to undesirable consequences. Devices are usually installed in the room that record temperature and humidity levels. If there is insufficient humidity, it is recommended to pour more water on the stones. When you feel unwell, it is better to go down to the bottom shelf and sit away from the stove.

Sauna design standards: studying the key provisions of SNiP

Author: darkdreamer · Published 04/10/2018 · Updated 04/11/2018

It’s hard to believe, but many still don’t know what the main difference between a sauna and a traditional bath is. Let's conduct a small educational program: the sauna is a dry-air procedure, and the temperature in the steam room is approximately 2 times higher than in a Russian bath. From here we draw a completely reasonable conclusion, which will be especially relevant for those who want to build a sauna: in order for everything to work out, you should carefully think through all the nuances and abandon improvisations. Your ingenuity should give way to cold calculation, based on strict adherence to the prescribed standards for sauna design. What are these norms? Is it possible to build a wonderful sauna without damaging any of them? All this will be discussed in as much detail as possible in today’s material.

First visits to the bathhouse

A trip to the bathhouse requires careful preparation of brooms and other things necessary for effective steaming. There are several main types of brooms:

  • Birch trees have a beneficial effect on the human bronchi, heal the skin, and help restore muscles and joints.
  • Oak - have a calming effect, perfectly restore the skin, reducing its oiliness.
  • Eucalyptus - are a good prevention of respiratory diseases.

For convenient use of a broom, it is recommended to acquire special mittens. When the optimal temperature for the bath is reached, everyone sits on shelves on which sheets need to be laid. You also need a second sheet to wrap yourself in. It is mandatory to have a hat that will protect your head from overheating and keep your hair in normal condition. Treatment headgear is made from felt and comes in a huge variety of shapes available. Terry towels are used for drying, and it is best to walk here in slippers that are not afraid of water.

Before your visit, you can steam your feet, which will allow the blood to drain from your head and relieve your heart. All preparations for the visit should take place at a calm pace, since the bustle that arises during preparations can negatively affect the mood in the steam room. You should not expect that the steam room will become the place for a grand feast, since drinking alcohol and overeating during the steam room is prohibited.

A few rules for beginners who don’t know at what temperature they can steam in a sauna:

  • Before entering the steam room, it is recommended to warm up or swim in the pool for 10-15 minutes.
  • It is worth remembering that you need to breathe through your nose here, since the sinuses in the nasopharynx reduce the heat of the air before it enters the bronchi and lungs.
  • Do not rush to use a broom until your body gets used to the humidity and heat.
  • The broom needs to be soaked for a few minutes, or doused with boiling water.
  • After leaving the steam room, you should wash yourself with cold water and rest for a period of time that is twice as long as the time spent in a hot room with a high temperature.

If a person wishing to warm up has health problems, then before the procedures you should consult a doctor.

Where to begin

So, at first, a timid thought about construction finally took shape into a completely mature and serious intention. Well, it’s time to get down to the most important thing - and this is not purchasing the necessary material, no, no. First you need to draw up a thoughtful project plan for the future sauna. And so that it turns out to be more than just your stupid fantasies, take into account the basic design standards when developing it. All of them are spelled out in a set of regulations of a technical, economic and legal nature - in fact, they are what are taken into account during any construction on the territory of our country. Briefly, this code is called SNiP, and it is this that we will take today as the starting point for the construction of a sauna.

Private or public?

Surely, the difference between a private and public sauna is easily understood by you even at the semantic level.

Public saunas are those that are created by individual entrepreneurs or commercial organizations to attract customers and subsequently make money. They can be either built into a large building or made in the form of separate buildings.

Private saunas, as a rule, are built as an extension to the house. Or in the form of separate buildings. They are used by a limited number of people and cannot be a means of making money.

SNiP provides different standards for the design of private and public saunas, and if you want to carry out the construction correctly, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with their key provisions.

Russian bath: temperature regime

This steam room has a low heat level (60-70 degrees). In order to prepare the room for the future ceremony, it is heated from one to several hours, depending on the size and type of stove (stone or metal). If there are any defects in the building - rotten crowns, leaky floors - it is very difficult to achieve the desired temperature regime.

Additionally, you can warm up all muscles, joints and internal organs using brooms. They create a massage effect, and natural oils of juniper, oak, and fir increase the overall tone of the body.

Fire distances

Compliance with the prescribed standards during construction helps prevent the movement of fire from one building to another. For example, if you have set up a sauna in a separate building, and next to it there is a country house or a country cottage.

The distance to the fence, as well as to the neighbor’s bathhouse or sauna is also taken into account. The final norm depends on the type of materials used to decorate the walls of the sauna.

  • to the fence of the neighboring plot - at least 3 meters;
  • when finishing with brick or concrete blocks, the distance to the neighbor’s sauna is at least 6 meters;
  • when finishing with any other materials - at least 8 meters.

If the sauna is located in a residential building

Very often, a sauna is integrated into a residential building. Therefore, when designing, you cannot do without SNiP standards. And they are clear:

  • the sauna is isolated from other rooms of the house by partitions made of safe, non-combustible materials;
  • It is ideal to use concrete or brick as such materials, and it is convenient to make reinforced concrete floors

Some people make their own sauna on their balcony. Before deciding on such an initiative, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons, and also make inquiries with the housing authorities.

Important points of interior layout

Often craftsmen try to make a stove themselves, trying to save on construction costs. However, the design standards for bath rooms (as well as sauna rooms) are very strict in this regard. The oven must have:

  1. factory production;
  2. automatic protection;
  3. turn off every eight hours until completely cooled down;
  4. switch off at a critical temperature of more than 110 degrees Celsius.

At the same time, for finishing a steam room in a sauna, it is recommended to use those wood species that do not emit any flammable resins at all. For example, hardwoods are great.

Among other recommendations, which in some cases can be successfully perceived as safety standards, we can note the installation of a metal pipe around the perimeter of the ceiling, which is connected to the water supply of a residential building. In the event of a fire, all you need to do is turn on the water and the fire will be eliminated very quickly.

A separate issue is the placement of the sauna in the basement. Safety standards imply this option only if there is direct access to the street from the basement. Moreover, the exit should be both directly from the steam room, evacuation type, and from the equipped locker room. Otherwise, not a single fire inspectorate will sign such a project plan for you.

Attention should also be paid to the fact that the cables must be thermally insulated and designed to operate at a threshold temperature. If you use a heater, be sure to build a heat-insulating shield over it - use reliable fire-resistant material for manufacturing.


What indicators should a thermometer have for a safe visit to the steam room?

Acceptable threshold

Graph of the relationship between temperature and humidity in various baths around the world

As we can see in the graph, the Finnish sauna is the driest and at the same time the hottest. The heat in it can reach even up to 120 degrees Celsius, which is possible precisely due to the minimal humidity. While in a Russian bathhouse that uses water poured onto stones, you will not normally tolerate a threshold of plus 80 degrees.

You should know: the recommended heat level in a sauna is from 90°C to 110°C. Anything higher can be harmful to your health, so you should not exceed this threshold without the necessary preparation.

That is why it is necessary to visit the sauna with a completely dry body; water accidentally left on the body can burn you at a hundred-degree air temperature.


Device for measuring temperature and humidity in a steam room

The temperature sensor for a sauna is usually installed at a distance of ten centimeters from the ceiling. It can be either mechanical or electronic. Often it also combines the functions of a barometer.

If you use an electric stove-heater, then a device installed above it connected to a rheostat will automatically control the heat level in the room, which is very convenient. Installation is easy to do yourself.

Electronic model, including a set of additional functions

The price of electronic samples is much higher, but health is not cheap. You should keep this in mind when choosing a thermometer.

Some important SNiP standards

6.18 A dry heat bath (sauna) consists of: a dry heat chamber, the area of ​​which is determined at the rate of 2 m2 per place, but not less than 10 m2 (not counting the airlock at the entrance to the chamber), the height of the chamber is 2.2-2.3 m , capacity should not exceed 10 people; dressing rooms at the rate of 1.5 m2 per place in the cell, but not less than 12 m2 and a toilet with it for 1 toilet; shower with one net for every 2 places; rest rooms at the rate of 2 m2 per place in the cell, but not less than 12 m2; a contrasting bath with a water surface 2x2 m and a depth of 1.2 m, usually located in the same room as the shower room.

3.7. When designing, it is recommended to install the heater directly on a concrete floor with a thickness of 100 mm or more. Before installing the heater, it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation using brickwork with a thickness of at least 12 cm (other similar heat-resistant materials can be used). The distance from the heater to the protective material must be 150 mm according to the standards, and the distance from the combustible lining of the steam room to the heater must be no less than 70 cm vertically and 50 cm horizontally.

3.8. a complex sauna must be provided with a separate evacuation exit to the outside;

Features of different types of baths

The most common type of modern is the Russian steam room. In it, the heat of the air reaches high levels, but 50-60 degrees Celsius is considered optimal, and the humidity level in a bath of this type is approximately 70-80%. It usually consists of several main parts: a dressing room, a steam room, a washing room and a relaxation room. This class of premises is also divided into two types: “black” and “white”.

The first type involves equipping a steam room with an open fireplace that heats the walls and stones. The smoke emitted by the fireplace is released through a window, door or ceiling hole. Heating here is carried out with wood, which heavily smokes the walls. Such “treatment” of the steam room is considered a good disinfection. There is a peculiar atmosphere here in which the smoke heats all surfaces evenly. Such a bathhouse warms up for 2-3 hours, and in the classic version has a combined steam room with a sink.

In the second case, a tank is used to heat water and a stove made of stone or metal that releases smoke through a chimney. The stove is mainly heated from the dressing room, and its rear wall heats the steam room. This is a modern, familiar room with light wooden walls, equipped with all the necessary appliances and accessories.

The efficiency of firewood combustion depends on the quality of the stove used, which is important for saving wood. Fehringer stoves are distinguished by high quality metal alloys, which allows them to be shaped to increase heat transfer.

“For a white bath, a wood-burning stove is perfect, as it allows you to create a comfortable atmosphere, optimally reflects the climate of the steam room, and guarantees the achievement of the required temperature and humidity.” VÖHRINGER plant employee

What can cause a fire?

Even the most competent sauna layout cannot guarantee the occurrence of an emergency. Especially if the sauna was commissioned many years ago and is regularly used for its intended purpose. Over time, the wood used for wall decoration loses moisture, which dramatically increases the likelihood of fire even at relatively low temperatures.

An unfortunate combination of factors (the stove did not turn off in time, overheating of the air in the steam room) can lead to a critical fire hazard. Therefore, there is a very specific recommendation - to completely change the lining inside the steam room every 6 years. And even though visually it remains just as fresh and reliable: you will never see the deformation of its structure with the naked eye.

What else should you pay attention to in order to prevent a fire hazard?

  1. gross errors in the installation of furnace equipment;
  2. no cuts or concessions when integrating the stove into the steam room space;
  3. improper operation of the chimney;
  4. malfunction of the electrical equipment used;
  5. incorrect connection of the irrigation system to the general water supply channel, etc.

How to visit the bathhouse

It is also important to pay attention to how correctly the procedure is performed. The most important thing is to do everything regularly.

Experienced specialists give several recommendations:

  • If a person visits the steam room for the first time, then first you need to be there for 5 minutes. There is no need to use brooms immediately. If there were no problems the first time, then over time you can gradually increase your stay inside the steam room;
  • If a person often goes to the sauna, then he knows that he should not be inside the steam room for more than 30 minutes. If the sensations are uncomfortable, then it is better to leave;
  • It is not recommended to stand all the time, as this can lead to heat stroke. The body should be in a position in which it will be comfortable, and the lymph will flow properly when the legs are raised. This allows you to reduce the load on the heart. If it is not possible to lie down, you can simply sit down so that your legs are placed at the same level as your torso;
  • To ensure that the body warms up evenly, it is important to change positions. But you need to breathe exclusively through your nose;
  • you cannot rise sharply, you may fall or lose your balance;
  • The temperature of the steam room can be varied, but regardless of this, you are allowed to enter there a maximum of 4 times, no more. After each stay, the next one should last a little longer;
  • It is important to perform contrast procedures between sauna visits. It is recommended to use a broom for patting when a person has visited the sauna for the second time;
  • If the body is warm enough, you can massage. However, before the session it is not recommended to drink cold drinks or go into neighboring rooms. When the massage is completed, the visitor should take a shower (warm) and wash;
  • You can leave the bathhouse when your body is completely dry and cool. You cannot leave immediately after all the procedures.

A selection of ready-made sauna plans for use

Of course, the proposed options are not a panacea, and they must be agreed upon with regulatory authorities. In addition, most of them require correction when transferred to your site. Take seriously the minimum distance of the sauna or bathhouse to the fence or to another structure in the neighboring area. However, this is not a problem if you know the theoretical part and are well acquainted with the standards for integrating a sauna into any living space.

Temperature increase

The temperature in the bathhouse and steam room is usually kept within 60 degrees Celsius without harm to the human body. Its characteristic feature is high humidity, due to which the thermal regime should not exceed acceptable standards. Overheating is controlled by opening air dampers or doors.

Adding water to hot stones increases the humidity of the air, thereby increasing its heat transfer, which directly affects the sensations of vacationers. Experienced bathhouse attendants know how to achieve “light” steam. This occurs when the stones are heated in the enclosed space of the oven, and the door is opened only to add water. In this case, steam is extracted from the stove. A special feature of steam in a properly heated steam room is its dual state. This means that it is on the verge of the liquid phase, retaining droplets of water.

Entrance to the steam room is carried out in stages. Each zone has its own temperature, which gradually brings a person to the warmest part. There may be a difference of 30-40 degrees Celsius between the first and last room. The scheme also concerns humidity, which gradually allows a person to get used to the steam room. Once in the last room, we increase the humidity in the bathhouse to the desired level.

According to a number of studies, the time a person spends in a steam room depends on the heating of the air. At 70 degrees you can steam for about one hour, and at 100 degrees this figure is more than halved. Each steam room should have reliable measuring instruments that demonstrate accurate indicators of humidity and heat. It is recommended to refrain from using mercury thermometers and give preference to biometric and alcohol options. The humidity in the bath is measured with a hydrometer.

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