In a bathhouse, a broom is more valuable than money! About what types of bath brooms there are and what are their benefits

The oak broom is one of the most popular and beloved brooms in the bathhouse; it is difficult to imagine a traditional steam bath in a Russian bathhouse without it. From time immemorial in Rus', oak was considered a symbol of Russian strength, and therefore an oak broom was more often used when soaring men. Oak is durable and if you choose the right oak broom, you can steam with it not just once, but several times, it will not lose its properties. Those who like to steam “from the heart” should buy an oak broom for a bath, as its large leaves give off hot steam.

Oak bath brooms

  1. Prepare a sleigh in the summer or when and how oak brooms are prepared for a bathhouse
  2. When to prepare and collect oak brooms for a bath?
  3. Process of collecting raw materials
  4. How to prepare an oak broom for a bath: knit, dry, brew
  5. How to properly brew an oak broom for a bath
  6. What are the benefits of an oak broom for a bath?
  7. As a conclusion

Everyone has long known firsthand about the healing properties of the Russian bathhouse.
In addition to a pleasant pastime, it is also a cleansing and healing of the body at all levels. But this happens not only thanks to steam, but also to a properly selected broom. Its effects on the human body will differ depending on the branches of which tree or shrub it is made from. In this article we will talk about the most important bathing tool made from oak branches. We will tell you how to properly steam an oak broom for a bath and what its benefits are.

  • 1. Prepare a sleigh in the summer or when and how oak brooms are prepared for a bath 1.1. When to prepare and collect oak brooms for a bath?
  • 1.2. Process of collecting raw materials
  • 2. How to prepare an oak broom for the bath: knit, dry, brew
      2.1. How to properly brew an oak broom for a bath
  • 3. What are the benefits of an oak broom for a bath?
  • 4. As a conclusion
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    Prepare a sleigh in the summer or when and how oak brooms are prepared for a bathhouse

    In order for the hike to really bring you benefit and pleasure, you need to learn about several rules. Of course, you can find oak bath brooms on the shelves of specialized stores, but to be sure that it is collected at the right time and connected in the right way, it is important to do it yourself.

    If you are an avid amateur, then preparing oak brooms for a bathhouse at the right time will not be difficult for you. But if you are a beginner, then it is important to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of this matter. Let's start by collecting branches.

    When to prepare and collect oak brooms for a bath?

    • Season

    To make an excellent accessory for an experienced hairdresser, you need to go for it in the summer in mid-June. But if you have the strength to endure, then it is best to wait until July, then the broom will be simply excellent. The thing is that the leaves are still strong and full of vitality; at the end of August, if the summer was debilitatingly hot, they begin to dry out and even fall off. But not all areas of our vast Motherland have the same climatic conditions, so the timing and duration of the raw material collection season may shift. The main thing is that the branches are juicy and the leaves adhere tightly to them. But still, the time to prepare oak brooms for a bathhouse does not last long, so you need to have time to find a nice day.

    We choose a day for a hike in the forest. The smart decision would be to go in the first half of the day, but when the dew has already disappeared. The weather should be dry and clear; if it is cloudy or even raining, then it is better to postpone the trip.

    Photo from the site

    Process of collecting raw materials

    It may surprise some, but in order to cut suitable branches, it is important to carefully select the tree. Never collect sprouts that are already broken. The twigs should be flexible, and the leaves on them should be large. This will make subsequent knitting easier.

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    It is important to remember that you are not a barbarian and do not want to cause damage to nature, so you need to work with pruners carefully, cutting off the side branches and not injuring the young oak tree. Take some branches from different trees, don't leave them completely bare. Hold the tool at an angle so that the cut is oblique. The length of the twigs should be about 50 cm.

    It is better to choose an oak tree growing in the shady part of the oak forest. A good sign indicating that you have come to the right tree is burdock. Also good are those plants that do not shed their leaves in the cold season; there is a chance to make a very durable broom from them.

    Photo from the site

    Contraindications to visiting the bathhouse

    Despite the benefits of the Russian steam room, some people should not visit it. The list of contraindications includes:

    • Mental illnesses.
    • Oncology.
    • Cardiovascular diseases.
    • Problems with the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
    • Tuberculosis.
    • Arthritis.
    • Postoperative conditions.
    • Blood clotting disorders.
    • Skin diseases in the acute stage, including rashes of various nature, eczema, psoriasis.

    Pregnant women should use the bathhouse with caution. If you are pregnant, consult your doctor before visiting the steam room. Despite the fact that in the past all women visited the bathhouse due to the lack of a bath and shower, high temperatures can harm the course of pregnancy. If there are no deviations, with the doctor’s permission you can go into the steam room for a short time. There is no need to add steam or take a steam bath. Benefits of a Russian bath Russian people need a bath like air. You don't need a reason to visit the bathhouse. We need a reason, because our grandmothers also said that the bathhouse cures all diseases. Many doctors confirm their words.

    How to prepare an oak broom for a bath: knit, dry, brew

    If you brought home a fragrant oak armful, then the first thing, before the branches begin to dry out, is to make the product.

    It is better to get rid of branches that have lost most of their leaves during transportation or have cut off unhealthy or dry twigs by mistake. The thickness of the broom is determined by the handle. On average, its girth should be 3 or 5 cm in diameter. And its length can be selected individually, so that it is comfortable to hold, preferably with two hands.

    There are two options for knitting oak brooms:

    • Create a ball shape. You collect oak twigs in your hand like a bouquet, thereby making the broom look like a voluminous hat.
    • A flat broom in the shape of a “shovel”. It is created by evenly laying branches on top of each other, as if in layers.

    When you have formed the product, it needs to be dried so that it serves you faithfully. If you choose a flat shape, then feel free to place the accessory under the press and let it lie in this form for 24 hours. Then we hang it from the ceiling or beam in a dry, ventilated place to avoid rotting. But the sun is contraindicated for such products; it will simply burn the leaves and kill all the beneficial properties.

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    In the apartment, balconies or a garage can serve as drying space. After the process is completed, the brooms need to be carefully wrapped in paper and placed in boxes until the next trip to the bathhouse.

    Many people are often interested in how to properly soak and steam an oak broom for a bath? In fact, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. Such products are not scary if their owners are passionate about it, but everything has an expiration date. Oak bath brooms are enough for about five uses. Next, it is better to get rid of them before the branches begin to injure the skin.

    Photo from the site

    How to properly brew an oak broom for a bath

    The secret of this procedure is simple. Before steaming the product, you need to immerse it in cold water for 15 minutes, and then sharply immerse it in hot water. But you shouldn't use boiling water. It's taboo! Depending on how hard you want the broom, you vary the time period when the product is in hot water. The longer, the softer. Men prefer to soak the broom for about 15-20 minutes; for delicate women's skin, it is better to soften the broom for about an hour.

    It is better not to throw away the water remaining from brewing the product, but to use it either during the steaming itself, or afterwards to rinse the hair, since the broom transferred part of the healing properties to the water.

    You learned how to steam an oak bath broom. Now we will tell you why it is worth choosing a product from the branches of this particular tree.

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    Is it possible to take a steam bath with children?

    When vacationing with children, you may want to share bath procedures with them. If such a culture is held in high regard in a family, no questions arise. If a child visits a bathhouse for the first time, take into account the recommendations of doctors. Doctors believe that going to the bathhouse should be postponed until school. A seven-year-old child and older children will tolerate the heat more easily, and in case of discomfort, they will tell their parents about it.

    When going to the bathhouse with children, be guided by their appearance, well-being and behavior. High temperature conditions are prohibited. The child is low weight and has a thin layer of fat. The baby's skin turns pink within a minute and overheating occurs too quickly. To avoid it, the child should drink warm or slightly cool water in the steam room. Regular ablutions will help you cope with the heat more easily. The water for them should be warm. A contrast shower for an unseasoned baby will do more harm than good.

    Before visiting the steam room, it is necessary to warm up the adjacent rooms. In this case, the child will not freeze on the way out and will remain happy. After the steam room, the child needs to be wrapped in a terry towel. The main thing is to listen to your child and control his behavior. It is impossible for a child to spend as much time in the steam room as adults. Two minutes will be enough, especially for those who visit the bathhouse for the first time or rarely visit it.

    What are the benefits of an oak broom for a bath?

    Oak is a powerful plant when it absorbs all the power of nature with its huge roots. In addition to the magical forest aroma, at high temperatures the leaves release oils that nourish our skin. An important component contained in carved oak leaves is tannins. This is a natural medicine for healing wounds, cuts, burns. But you should understand that you can enter the steam room if the damage to the skin is minor.

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    If you decide to take a steam bath and wonder what the benefits of an oak broom are, then the answer is simple. When you are doused with steam with the aroma of oak, the pressure returns to normal. If you have trouble falling asleep or are nervous a lot, then this relaxation session is for you.

    The use of such a product improves blood microcirculation, this occurs due to the massage effect. An oak bath broom is beneficial for people trying to lose weight.

    The beneficial properties of oak accessories in the fight against skin diseases such as acne and acne are undeniable. This procedure effectively cleanses the pores and improves the regulation of the sebaceous glands. Thus, the results from vaping last for a long time. Essential oils contained in the leaves soften the skin.

    You can call an oak broom a kind of elixir of youth, as it helps tighten the skin and make it more elastic.

    Of course, coniferous brooms have the palm, but oak brooms also help ease breathing.

    Photo from the site

    Mistakes when visiting a bathhouse

    If you have never been to a sauna, do not rush to immediately get the full range of pleasures. Beginners make common mistakes that can turn them away from an enjoyable procedure once and for all.

    1 mistake - steaming at high temperatures

    In a Russian bath, the rule is 60 to 60, that is, with a humidity of 60%, the temperature in the steam room should also be 60 degrees. If you raise the temperature at the same humidity, there is a danger of heat stroke. At 60 degrees, the steamer sweats. At the same time, waste is removed from the body and the person feels comfortable.

    Mistake 2 – give in immediately

    Do not apply steam immediately before entering the steam room. First you need to get used to the ambient temperature. Otherwise, you may overheat and feel discomfort. So the desire to steam again risks disappearing for a long time.

    3 mistake - out of the frying pan and into the fire

    It is recommended to douse yourself with ice water and dive into the snow after the third entry into the steam room. The body must get used to temperature changes gradually.

    Error 4 – incorrect location

    When you enter the steam room, lie down on the shelves with your back. The head should be located where the heat is less. It will be easier for the body to tolerate high temperatures if you raise your legs to the top. This will relieve the heart and large vessels of the legs.

    5 mistake – steaming immediately after eating

    After eating, postpone visiting the bathhouse for a couple of hours. It will be difficult for the body to do two things at once - digest food and maintain optimal body temperature. Avoid unnecessary stress!

    Before entering the steam room, put on a felt or woolen hat - this will protect against overheating.

    The benefits of an oak broom

    Visiting a sauna or steam room using a broom made from oak branches has a beneficial effect on your overall well-being. Allows you to prevent exacerbation and development of a number of chronic diseases.

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    Oak broom has the following unique properties:

    • normalizes blood pressure;
    • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, eliminating acne and ulcers;
    • stops the development of varicose veins;
    • reduces foot sweating.

    Bathing procedures using a broom made of oak twigs lift your spirits, restore vitality, and have a calming effect on the nervous system.

    The benefits of a Russian bath for the body

    1. Improved blood circulation.
    2. Beneficial exercise for the heart and blood vessels.
    3. Improving blood clotting.
    4. Accelerating the removal of waste and toxins.
    5. Increasing breathing efficiency and developing lung capacity.
    6. Clearing the respiratory tract of mucus.
    7. Normalization of weight.
    8. Improving muscle function.
    9. Calming effect.
    10. Prevention of colds.
    11. Cleansing and moisturizing the skin.
    12. Revitalizing massage.
    13. Normalization of sleep.
    14. Improving the functioning of the thyroid gland.
    15. Prevention of cellulite.
    16. Acceleration of lymph outflow.
    17. Strengthening hair follicles.
    18. Improving the functioning of pores and excretory organs.
    19. Bactericidal effect.

    If you visit the bathhouse occasionally, the body may experience stress. Experienced bath attendants recommend introducing bath procedures into a cult. In this case, the body will get used to temperature stress, and the bath will benefit it. Irregular visits to the bathhouse lead to stress in the body. The benefit in this case is conditional. The reward will be stronger immunity, good health and mood.

    How to steam properly with an oak bath broom?

    Before starting the massage procedures, the broom is dipped in cool water: it must be wet.

    They steam like this:

    • perform a massage in the direction from the head to the feet;
    • capturing the steam with a fan, hold it above the lumbar region;
    • rub the body with a broom attached to it in different directions;
    • warm up the body by patting it with a broom.

    !Important! The main rule when using an oak broom is to avoid sudden movements with the fan. Otherwise, you may injure your skin. It is advisable that the temperature in the steam room does not exceed 60 °C.

    How to choose the right broom for an oak bath?

    Oak brooms are prepared in mid-July for Trinity. The collection of raw materials is carried out in dry weather, preferably in the first half of the day. For pruning, select branches located on trees located far from busy traffic routes. If acorns are already present on the tree, the deadline for collecting branches has passed.

    The broom you choose must meet the following criteria:

    • uniform green foliage color;
    • light oak aroma;
    • absence of damage, stains, or any inclusions on the leaves;
    • when trying to bend the branches should not break;
    • comfortable handle and light weight.

    !Important! if the foliage is covered with yellow or brown dots and looks withered, such signs indicate a violation of the technology when assembling and preparing bath brooms. A product with such defects is not suitable for use in a steam room.

    How to properly steam an oak broom for a bath?

    Freshly picked brooms cannot be steamed. They will show maximum beneficial properties in the steam room. They can be immediately used for bathing procedures. Brooms collected several weeks or months ago need the following preparation:

    • place the broom with the handle up in cold water for 10-15 minutes;
    • after the above time has passed, transfer it to hot water for 2-3 minutes, closing the steamer with a lid;
    • immediately before use, keep the broom over a hot heater for another 1.5-2 minutes, turning it evenly.

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    The remaining water after steaming is not thrown away. You can spray the walls of the steam room with it. As a result, the room is provided with a rich aroma of oak.

    Steaming procedure

    Steaming is a type of massage that is used to warm up the body and relax ligaments and muscles. Before steaming, a person lies down on his stomach, and a professional bathhouse attendant, friend or relative begins by lightly stroking the feet with brooms, and gradually reaches the head and hands. Then brooms lead in the opposite direction. They are passed along the sides using stroking movements. The procedure is repeated three to four times. Each lasts about a minute. After stroking movements, they begin lashing strokes. They cover the back from the shoulder blades to the lower back, then the legs. The quilting ends at the heels. The duration of the procedure is 1 minute.

    The next step is more intense stroking movements that go over the back and legs. After they are completed, the person soaring turns over onto his back. The partner repeats the described techniques while maintaining the sequence of actions.

    After stroking and quilting movements, begin light compresses using a broom. First the back is treated. The brooms are slightly lifted, as if capturing air, and 2-3 whip them over each part of the body separately. The brooms are lowered onto the body with the side that was facing upward and became hotter. The broom is pressed against the skin for 2-3 seconds. The procedure is performed over the entire surface of the body, starting with the shoulder blades and ending with the shins. Such compresses relax tense muscles, relieve their tone, and improve blood flow.

    Following the compress on the feet, brooms are applied to the lower back and at the same time slowly directed in different directions like scissors - to the head and feet. The reception is carried out 4-5 times. The person soaring turns over onto his back and this technique is repeated again. After the fifth time, the body is allowed to rest. In subsequent visits to the pair, the procedure can be repeated if desired. It doesn't hurt to use aromatic substances that can be sprayed on the shelves. The mixture is made up as follows: 20 aromatic drops per 3 liters of water. The bath attendant is not a stoker. He must be able to control brooms, steam and heat. In this case, the healing effect is enhanced many times over.

    How to properly store an oak broom after a bath?

    You can use the same broom made of oak branches 1-2 times. After each trip to the steam room, rinse the broom in cool water. Then the liquid is shaken off and the broom is thoroughly dried away from direct sunlight.

    The dried broom is wrapped in cotton cloth to be stored in a bag or box placed in the attic or mezzanine. In villages they follow traditions and store brooms in haystacks. Suitable for storage in a dry dressing room, balcony or barn. The place where brooms are stored should not be damp. The room must be ventilated, but drafts are not allowed.

    You can buy high-quality and inexpensive bath brooms in our online store “BroomsBeniks”. Delivery throughout Russia.

    A noble oak broom for body and soul

    What broom to use? This question is akin to the problem of who to go on a visit or watch a movie with. Having carefully calculated all the advantages and disadvantages, experts in bathing matters name the undisputed leaders - birch and oak. The choice between them depends only on the person’s personal sympathies and those ailments against which he is going to bring down all the power of the steamed foliage. Let's find out how an oak broom copes with bath procedures.

    Why were oak and brooms made from it especially revered in the old days?

    Since ancient times, oak symbolized supreme power, vitality, endurance and longevity. Now few people remember this, but the ancient tribes living in Europe considered this tree a gift from the pagan gods. To this day, it is revered more than other plants, as a symbol of physical and mental strength, endurance and longevity. The ancient Slavs dedicated a powerful tree to Perun, the thunder god, ruler over all.

    From the depths of centuries came the custom of lashing the body with steamed tree branches. Russian peasants used what they found near their home or could buy at the nearest fair. The most accessible were birch and oak brooms; traditional medicine highly appreciated their healing properties.

    The benefits of such a broom are obvious even now, although many medicines have appeared for those skin diseases that previously only oak healed. But the effect of aromatic steam, tart hot water and tight leaves on the body cannot be replaced by any pill. Bath procedures with it have a beneficial effect on a person, perfectly performing the functions of cleansing and healing massage.

    How to prepare it correctly

    Natural oak forests with an admixture of beech and maple once occupied 90% of the territory of broad-leaved forests in Europe and Rus', but little remains of their former greatness. Among trees aged 50–150 years, in some places there are still 300 and even 2000-year-old specimens. One cannot even raise one’s hand to cut branches from such relics; they are listed among natural monuments and are protected by the state.


    Another problem is the high location of the foliage, which is most suitable for brooms. The oak thicket is gloomy, and you just want to quickly get out of it into a clearing or the edge of a forest. The branches there grow closer to the ground, and the leaves produce more nutrients in the bright sun. A biologist would give this advice. Experienced harvesters note that at the edge the leaves are smaller, in the thicket they are larger and not so hard.

    Main recommendations for preparation:

    • Go deeper into the forest canopy and select well-leafed young trees 3-5m tall.
    • The raw materials that meet the requirements are most likely taller than human height, so you will have to climb a tree.
    • Cut down suitable side branches entirely, trying to cause as little damage to the oak as possible.
    • In some regions, this type of activity will require permission from the forestry department.
    • Disassemble the cut branches on the ground, cut off suitable ones and leave them to wither.

    What period is best for collecting branches?

    There are summer and winter subspecies of common oak (Quercus robur) in the forest and forest-steppe zones of Russia. The first leaves bloom in April and fall off for the winter. On the second, leaves appear 2–4 weeks later and may not fly around in winter.

    Young trees, from which brooms are more fragrant and stronger, differ from old trees by almost smooth bark

    It is believed that from mid-June to mid-August the wood is still quite flexible and the leaves have accumulated a lot of nutrients. Brooms from the summer variety are harvested precisely in these months, then they will be soft. The leaves of the winter oak are more durable; its branches are cut off in August and September.


    There are several general rules, let us recall them:

    1. Harvest twigs from trees and medicinal herbs in the morning, in clear, dry weather.
    2. Cut branches after dew or raindrops have dried on the leaves.
    3. Be careful not to cause too much damage to trees or clumps of medicinal herbs.
    4. Harvesting should be akin to thinning, pruning, when the remaining shoots receive more light and grow better.
    5. Good flexibility of branches in a green state is one of the criteria for choosing time and wood when preparing bath brooms.

    How to properly tie and dry?

    The collected raw materials must first be sorted and dried. They knit an oak broom, laying the branches with the curved part up, making it look like a fan or a shovel - flat, but not too dense. In this case, wide leaves should not overlap each other too much.


    With another manufacturing method, the broom resembles a round wedding bouquet. The branches are collected into a loose bundle, formed into a handle and hung to dry. Such a “ball” takes up more space during storage and transportation than a flat “fan”.

    Dry them in the attic or barn, where there is good air circulation and no direct sunlight. Place for storage in boxes placed higher from the floor. If the time for preparation is chosen correctly, the raw materials are well dried, then the green attributes of bath procedures will bring a lot of pleasure.

    Benefits to the body from hovering with an oak broom

    Oak leaves are a real storehouse of nature for cleansing procedures and rejuvenation. The components listed below help with various skin diseases, making it fresh and velvety:

    • Tannins have a bactericidal effect and thicken the body, which is especially important for people with loose, porous and oily skin.
    • Quercetins act similarly to vitamin P: they strengthen and increase the elasticity of capillaries (substances that are unstable in air and are destroyed when heated).
    • Malic acid has a bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.
    • The phytohormonal substance sitosterol increases skin tone.

    A broom made of oak branches acts on the surface of the body and on deeper organs due to a rapid increase in temperature. Microcirculation increases, metabolism in general is more active. Profuse sweating helps to more completely remove toxins from the body. Tapping the body with steamed branches alleviates atherosclerosis and nervous fatigue.

    Birch or oak?

    The problem with choosing one or another broom is not new, only a resident of a modern city or village, compared to the owner of a bathhouse in a village, has less knowledge and experience in this matter.

    Birch or oak? Is it painful to steam with pine needles? Finding yourself in the forest in the summer, it is difficult to resist the temptation to prepare everything at once. But this is physically impossible. Therefore, they are often limited to the first two options. This is correct, because plants complement each other’s benefits.

    An oak broom, unlike a birch one, produces a powerful wave of hot steam. Not everyone can withstand this pressure coming from wide leaves. This one is more suitable for hardy bathhouse attendants. And the attribute itself can be called “stoic”, the leaves are stronger, hold on better, and do not fly apart.

    Oak broom - body and health are in order, and the steam room is clean!

    Those who don’t want or can’t prepare them themselves often ask how much they cost. Prices for oak brooms range from 55–80 rubles, they are slightly more expensive than birch brooms. It is also noticeable that the numbers are higher when adding herbs to tree branches.

    How to steam with an oak broom?

    In order for a bath attribute to fully reveal its healing capabilities, it must be used correctly. Steaming oak and birch brooms is almost the same, only large leaves require more time to saturate with hot water.

    Helpful Tips:

    When steaming fresh twigs, do not use boiling water, just pour warm water over the broom.

    1. Do not immediately pour hot water over dry leaves.
    2. Rinse the dried broom with warm water for 4–5 minutes, then with cold water. Transfer it to a vat of heated water and after 5 minutes add water at a higher temperature. Close the lid so that the broom steams for another 10 minutes.
    3. Hold a steamed broom over hot stones; it will release the aroma more strongly.
    4. Oak leaves become especially soft by pre-soaking them in cold water for 5–8 hours. After this, rinse the broom with warm water and steam to your health.
    5. Please note that large and dense leaves pump hot steam towards the body more strongly than small-leaved or coniferous species do.
    6. Due to its high strength, an oak broom will serve in a steam room 2-3, or even 4 times. After the bath, shake off the water from the branches and leaves and hang them to dry.
    7. If the leaves begin to spread in your hands, then it’s time to change the broom.

    To increase the healing and health potential, powder is made from leaves collected separately. Apply green crumble in a bathhouse and steam on top of this green slurry. They also add mint, chamomile, and thyme flowers.


    Decoctions from plants are a mandatory attribute of a real Russian bath. They are prepared in a small container: pour boiling water over it and heat it on the stove. Steamed oak leaves are useful for skin diseases, itching, and varicose veins. You can pour the diluted decoction on your body and rinse oily hair after washing.

    Here it is, a useful oak broom!

    You can learn how brooms are prepared and knitted from this video.

    Brooms for a bath: we prepare, knit, store, steam

    In our culture, a bathhouse and a broom are not just inextricably linked - they have long been parts of one whole. We say “brooms” - we mean “bath brooms”. According to experts, two million dollars worth of brooms are sold every year in Moscow alone. What makes people whip their bodies with a bunch of flexible rods with leaves - after all, you can just sit on a shelf, warm up the bones, and breathe in the steam? Why is there no real pleasure or real benefit from a bath without a broom? And how to choose or knit a really good broom yourself, which will allow you to fully experience all the joys of a bath?

    • What are the benefits of a bath broom
    • Broom harvesting time
    • How to cut branches
    • How to tie a broom
    • Dry rather than dry
    • Storage methods
    • How to steam with a broom correctly
    • How to choose a broom

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    What are the benefits of a bath broom

    The answers have long been found, and they lie in the field of biology, physiology and human hygiene. Steaming with a broom has a complex effect on the body: massages, improves blood circulation, enhances metabolism, causes profuse sweating, expands pores - harmful microorganisms and toxins are released!

    And a lot also depends on the type of broom: the leaves contain essential oils that have a special effect on the body: they kill germs, destroy bacteria, rejuvenate the skin, and improve its condition. Adherents of the modern Russian bath use about 80 types of brooms; they can be monofloral (from one type of plant) or mixed from two or more types. Here are the beneficial effects of the most popular varieties:

    Birch. The most popular broom, alpha, omega and spiritual anchor of the Russian bath. Birch produces a large amount of essential oils that treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, cleanse skin pores, stimulate kidney function, relieve pain in joints and muscles, and slow down inflammatory processes. Doctors often recommend that smokers and people suffering from asthma take a steam bath with birch brooms. Oak. An oak bath broom heals abrasions, improves skin condition (doctors recommend it for hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, excessive porosity and acne), eliminates signs of allergies, asthma, relieves inflammation, headaches and lowers high blood pressure). Lime. It calms, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, cleanses the bronchi, treats colds, has a beneficial effect on the lungs, accelerates regeneration processes - people often notice how wounds and scratches heal after a bath with a linden broom. Alder . Alder leaves contain substances similar to acetylsalicylic acid in their effects on the body; They are used for severe pain in joints and muscles, arthritis, rheumatism, gout. Aspen. It is used for exacerbations of rheumatism and gout, strengthens the immune system, makes it resistant to viruses, and has a positive effect on the nervous system. Eucalyptus. Has an excellent inhalation effect. Eucalyptus broom is indispensable for diseases of the bronchi, larynx and trachea, and for the prevention and treatment of colds. Rowan. In a sense, it is an “anti-broom”, it does not relax, on the contrary: it mobilizes the body’s resources, puts it in a state of vigorous concentration, increases attention, tones, stimulates mental and physical abilities for fruitful work. You need to know this, and don’t worry about it before bed.

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    Bath brooms are made from bird cherry, juniper and hazel; St. John's wort, oregano, bird cherry, raspberry, sweet clover, coltsfoot, and tansy are added to them. Our ancestors loved to steam with fragrant elderberry brooms, they used cherries and currants - but only fresh, they could not be stored for future use or even steamed. The shelves were covered with herbal mixtures, and bunches of grass were hung from the ceiling.

    Aromatherapy in the bath

    Natural aromas have a beneficial effect on human health. Aromatherapy treats pulmonary, cardiovascular, and psychosomatic diseases. Some fragrances are used for preventive purposes.

    For a healing effect, it is recommended to use no more than three aromas at a time. In this case, everyone’s individuality will be felt.

    The procedure should be properly organized as follows. Three bunches of different aromatic plants are taken and placed as high as possible in a corner away from the stove. When water hits the heater, wet steam is formed, and it rises to the ceiling, envelops the plants and steam distillation occurs, as a result of which the steam releases phytoncides and distributes them throughout the steam room. Thus, the resulting aroma is absorbed through the lungs and body of the steamer, and he receives healing pleasure.

    Secret: freshly picked plants will not give the desired effect, and therefore they are first dried. In this case, the concentration of nutrients in them reaches its peak. Some types of flora do not accept “competition”, for example: mint, wormwood, eucalyptus are placed in the steam room in a single form. That is, the first time the steamer breathes mint, the second - wormwood, the third - eucalyptus. Otherwise, the herbal cacophony will not bring pleasure. Eucalyptus brooms can additionally be placed under the head as part of the procedure. This will enhance the beneficial effect of aromatherapy.

    Among experienced bath attendants, the sweet clover plant is held in high esteem. Due to its composition, it is considered a herbal massager, since its vapors are actively absorbed into the blood with a good healing effect.

    Lavender is used in the steam room as a calming and relaxing agent. A few drops of lavender oil can be dissolved in a small glass container and placed on the top section of the shelf.

    Precautionary measures

    The inhalation effect can be so strong that it is better for people with heart problems, allergies, hypertension, and children to refrain from an aromatherapy session.

    Chemical fragrances should not be used to avoid poisoning. If you decide to use store-bought essential oils instead of plants, look for a quality product with good reviews. Natural essential oil is produced using expensive equipment and is not cheap, while a cheap product will be useless at best.

    The herbal infusion must be strained before pouring onto the heater. If this is not done, plant particles will smoke when in contact with hot stones, forming toxins. An unpleasant smell should also alert you. If the combination of aromas results in a “strange” odor, irritation or discomfort, get rid of the mixture and leave the steam room for a while.

    If essential oils come into contact with your eyes, immediately rinse them with plenty of water.

    Do not use fragrances if you have allergies, in childhood or during pregnancy.

    Follow the instructions. You should not drop essential oil onto your eye. Excessive amounts of the drug increases the risk of allergies even in healthy people.

    Use nature's pharmacy without fanaticism. Listen to your body and do not neglect the recommendations of doctors.

    Oak broom for a bath

    It has long been noted that using a broom doubles the benefits of a steam room. Each king of the bath business has his own strength and characteristics. Each is applicable to the treatment of different diseases. The oak broom is not inferior in popularity to the birch broom.

    If the birch is considered a symbol of the Russian soul, then the oak is a symbol of Russian strength. For the ancient Slavs, the oak was a holy tree. In Rus' there was a belief that Nikola Duplinsky lived in the hollow of a large, huge oak tree. And if you pray to him earnestly, he will fulfill any desire. A magically strong tree gave us such an oak king of the steam room.

    Of course, such a broom differs from a birch broom - the leaves are denser and wider. Therefore, it is stronger than mother birch, more voluminous and stronger. And if you are a fan of steel heat, then this broom is definitely for you. It is so convenient for them to pump steam into the body that you will feel the strength of the oak tree to the last bone.

    Therefore, it is worth finding out what is the use of the strongest broom?

    Two words about our oak

    For many peoples throughout human history, oak was considered the personification of longevity, wisdom and strength. The Romans dubbed him “handsome,” and made wreaths made from this tree a reward and a badge of honor. The ancient Greeks and Slavs did not lag behind the Romans and revered it as a sacred tree. And in Germany, a leaf of this tree has long and firmly taken the place of one of the national symbols...

    But oak is not only the name of a tree, it is also the name of a whole genus of trees from the beech family, which, according to the website of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in the UK, contains almost six hundred species of this plant.

    On the territory of Russia, only one of the species has become widespread - English oak , but in two variations: summer and winter. Although the difference between them is only in the flowering time: one blooms two to three weeks earlier than the other.

    In addition, in the Far East and in certain areas of the Amur region, Mongolian oak is found, and even more rarely, jagged oak. Sessile oak lives on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, but all these species are not widespread. Therefore, today we will consider the benefits of the pedunculate or otherwise summer, ordinary, English oak, which is close to us.

    The benefits of an oak broom

    Oak bark and leaves contain a huge amount of essential oils and tannins. Tannins prevent rotting and have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. That is, they influence our skin in such a way that it becomes firm and elastic.

    An oak broom is very suitable for people with problematic and oily skin. Because this king of baths does not soften the skin, but vice versa. And because of this, profuse sweating is inhibited.

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    The healing power of oak is very great. Broom is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties. Indispensable for hypertensive patients and heart patients. It will help calm the nervous system and stabilize blood pressure. Oak decoction is no less useful; it is used to treat bedsores, wounds and skin diseases.

    If you want to solve the problem of sweating feet, then foot baths with decoctions of oak bark, fresh birch leaves or horsetail will definitely help you.

    But this is not the only thing oak bark is famous for. Its infusion is taken for diarrhea, as it has a strong astringent property.

    And how can we not say about the essential oils contained in oak leaves! They will give you such aromatherapy! The aroma in the bathhouse is simply unearthly! Inhaling the aroma of oak forest will help cope with headaches, pain in the heart, relieves irritability and normalizes sleep.

    When are oak brooms prepared?

    It is better to start preparing bath brooms at the end of August, beginning of September. By this time the leaves will have gained summer strength.

    A good broom will come from a tree that does not shed its leaves for the winter. The tree is chosen away from roads and human habitation. A thin, diseased tree will not give you a good bath heat ruler. There is one more sign: choose a tree near which huge burdocks grow.

    How to dry a broom? An oak broom should be stored and dried in the same way as a birch broom.

    Sometimes you don’t have the opportunity to prepare a bath assistant yourself, but you really want to take a steam bath and breathe in the oak aroma! This is where retail or market stalls come to the rescue...

    Where to get a fresh broom

    In our northern regions there are no problems with forests, birches, willows, rowan trees and other deciduous and coniferous trees.

    In villages and summer cottages (where most city residents have bathhouses) away from city smog, this is the best place to choose a fresh broom.

    I know bathhouse lovers who specially plant a birch tree next to the bathhouse so that the fresh leaves of the broom will delight them all summer.

    And there are also bathhouse attendants who find it easier to stop by the nearest store and buy a ready-made, dry broom.

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