Bamboo massage broom for a bath: benefits, contraindications, available massage techniques

A birch or oak broom is considered an essential attribute of a bathhouse. Meanwhile, experienced bathhouse attendants generally do not enter the steam room without taking with them a set of 6-8 brooms. It is not surprising, because each of them has its own functions and distinctive advantages.

The bamboo bath broom is still a relative innovation today. It is used infrequently, and, as a rule, as an exotic. However, it was not without reason that it was popular hundreds of years ago in Asia. Such a device can also provide an invaluable service to the body.

Features of a bamboo broom

The main difference between a bamboo broom and others is its purpose. They cannot steam in the usual sense. It is used only for massage. However, it also has its benefits.

Interesting to know! When growing bamboo, farmers water the soil containing the plant's seeds for three years. During this time, the root strengthens and reaches the groundwater. When this process is completed, the bamboo literally “explodes in growth” and stretches upward in 3 months.

Bath brooms, as in the old days, are made from young shoots. Smoking bamboo leaves are also used. In the first case, the sticks are simply tied together. And in the second, you get a broom made of narrow leaves that looks like a real one. However, this option is less common.

Contraindications for use

The benefits of bamboo brooms are obvious, but they also have contraindications. It is not recommended to use the bundle if you have the following diseases:

  • chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • tuberculosis, varicose veins, HIV;
  • acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis);
  • tumors of benign and malignant types;
  • frequent headaches, migraines and hypertension;
  • infectious blood and skin diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary and excretory system.

In the postoperative period, such a broom should also not be used.

Advantages of an unusual broom

Bamboo is a cereal plant that grows mainly in tropical areas of Asia. It is widely known to be the most environmentally friendly material used in construction and textile industries. Bamboo has this advantage because it grows in length very quickly.

In just one day it can stretch up to 5 cm. Therefore, unlike perennial trees, bamboo simply does not physically have time to absorb all the toxins from the atmosphere.

In addition, it contains silicic acid, and an impressive amount. It is reliably known that this substance has a positive effect on the skin.

Other beneficial effects include:

  • Relaxing effect. Massage with such a broom perfectly relieves fatigue from overworked muscles.
  • Anti-salt deposits.
  • Analgesic effect for joint problems.
  • Improving metabolic processes.
  • Improving blood circulation and functioning of the lymphatic system.
  • Fight cellulite and excess weight.
  • Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Creole massage

The peculiarity of the procedure is that it is performed to the accompaniment of folk Creole music. All tapping and rubbing are subject to the existing rhythm.

The massage consists of light (no need to apply physical force at all), but frequent tapping, carried out not in one place, but throughout the body. Their total number can reach 100 in one minute.

In order for all the sticks to move smoothly, moisturizing with oils is used. The effect is relaxation, relieving fatigue, eliminating cellulite.

How to get a bamboo broom?

Despite the fact that bamboo is an exotic plant for local latitudes, brooms are quite easy to get.
Today they are sold by almost all specialized bath stores. Few people know, but bamboo can be grown independently.

At home, common bamboo or polyfloral bamboo (Bambusa or Phyllostachus, respectively) are suitable for such an experiment.

Of course, the small space of the pot will not allow the plant to truly stretch upward. But for an apartment it’s even more convenient.

Basic prerequisites:

Bright place

Abundant watering

Nutritious soil with the addition of peat or humus

Potty "for growth"

It is better to grow bamboo in summer on the balcony or outdoors. In winter, you can also leave it on the balcony, but only if the latter is glazed. Bamboo will not survive severe frosts.

Young shoots are cut at an angle of 90°. After which the branches are aligned in length and collected with a broom. Bandaged for convenience.

For a small broom you will need 25-30 branches.

Acupressure massage

The technique assumes that stroking effects are carried out in combination with the activation of biological points on the body by tapping on them. Acupressure can be carried out in combination with medical measures and health-improving measures suitable for a person.

The duration of the massage, affecting certain points, which will not entail any negative impact on health, should be within the time frame of 30-60 minutes. Similar effects are carried out 2 times a week. A total of 15 sessions are recommended.

How to steam a broom?

To use all the beneficial properties of a bamboo broom, you should steam it properly.
Begin the procedure about half an hour before the start of soaring. During this time, the broom will definitely soften and will help during the massage in the best possible way.

Next you need:

  1. Rinse the broom under cool water (you can also use it in a container).
  2. Fill a basin or other vessel with hot water, but with a temperature no higher than 80°C.
  3. Dip the broom and hold for 10 minutes.
  4. Before starting the procedures, it is recommended to hold the broom over the hot stones for 1-2 minutes.

After such procedures, the bamboo branches will also steam and become softer and more pliable.

On a note! Some bath attendants do not steam the bamboo broom at all. Massage with dry twigs also brings excellent results.

What is good about this broom for bath procedures?

The popularity of a broom in baths is increasing due to the ease of its use. There is no need to carry out special preparatory measures with it, which increases the time that can be spent on complete relaxation.

After use in the steam room, simply dry the broom using a towel to remove excess moisture.

Steaming with a bamboo broom is allowed through a sheet , which is completely excluded if the procedure is carried out using oak or birch variations. That is why even a person who has never used brooms before can visit the steam room, since the force of bamboo in this case is low.

How to steam with a bamboo broom?

As noted above, a broom is not used in its usual form. It is only suitable for massage.

It is recommended to resort to it no earlier than the third time you enter the steam room. During this time, the skin steams perfectly and gets the maximum effect from the broom.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

Advice! It’s difficult to massage yourself with a bamboo broom. In this case, there must be quite long branches, which are not always possible to find on sale. Therefore, it is better to get help.

For preventive massage, 3-5 minutes of procedures are enough. If anti-cellulite massage is performed, the exposure time can be increased to 15 minutes.

Soar by following the following recommendations:

  • At first, just light strokes are used. At this stage, opinions are divided. Some people advise starting from the head and moving towards the legs, others vice versa. In both cases, you just need to stick to the chosen course and make all movements according to the chosen pattern.
  • Then change the intensity and lightly pat, moving the point of impact again in the chosen direction. In this case, it is important to use the main part of the broom - the branches. If you use the handle, the massage sensation may be a little painful.

  • You don’t have to put too much pressure on the muscles with the broom, holding it in an upright position. This will help them relax and then tone up.
  • You can use circular or fan-shaped movements, after which the intensity can be increased again.
  • However, strong exposure should not be allowed.
  • You need to finish the massage with light stroking again.

Attention! It is not recommended to strongly whip the body with a bamboo broom. In general, steamers recommend not using any broom so intensively. And given that bamboo has fairly hard branches, it is possible to leave bruises.

Bamboo can also be used on sensitive skin. Children can use a sheet. Massage through it will be less effective, but it will be quite suitable for a child.

Expert opinion

Yaremchuk Svetlana Sergeevna

The owner of a SPA salon knows everything about beauty treatments

On a note! The use of a bamboo broom is compatible with the use of oils and other cosmetics. Especially if anti-cellulite massage is performed.

After the procedure is completed, the broom is simply hung up and dried. Store it in a dark and dry place.

The wooden handle of a broom can quickly heat up in a steam room. For convenience, bath attendants recommend using gloves.

Types of massage with a bamboo broom

Before starting the massage itself with a bamboo broom, you should warm up the body with massage oil. This should be done carefully.

First you need to stretch the muscles with patting movements, only after that move on to a more intense massage. After the body is prepared, you can begin to massage with a bamboo broom. The following types of massage are available in the bathhouse.

Creole massage - to the rhythm of dance!

Rubbing and tapping with a broom is done to rhythmic music, thereby turning the process into a kind of dance. You should choose music that is pleasant and relaxing. This massage is done using gentle blows that resemble a shot: about a hundred blows per minute are applied, and thanks to the use of massage oil, you can achieve smooth movement of the broom over the body.

Ancient samurai massage - fires up the blood!

This type of massage helps improve blood circulation, restore the body's metabolism, stimulate the skin, and significantly speed up the transport of trace elements and oxygen in the human body.

For this massage you will need a broom with sticks no longer than 30 centimeters. It should be warmed up well before starting the procedures. The massage itself is simple: you need to start with quick and rhythmic pats on the body, increasing their tempo. However, it should be remembered that the person should not be in pain.

Questions and answers

If you grow a plant at home, what length of shoots is best to cut for a broom?

The optimal length is 25-30 cm.

Is it normal that a bamboo broom does not smell after steaming?

Yes, such a broom will never have a lasting intense aroma. For aromatherapy, you can combine it with essential oils.

Why can’t you use a bamboo broom before bathing procedures?

It is possible, but the greatest effect of the massage is achieved after the skin has steamed.

Can I use a bamboo broom if I have a rash on my skin?

It is possible, if the rash is of an allergic nature, it will not aggravate it in any way, since it is hypoallergenic. On the contrary, a broom will calm a rash of a different nature.

Will there be injuries after using such a broom?

If you calculate the force correctly, no. Tapping with medium strength is enough for an effective massage.

What is it made of and what does it look like?

A bamboo broom is made from young bamboo. The plant is characterized by increased strength, so the broom does not crack during use . The process of collecting and preparing this broom is very different from traditional bath brooms.

It consists of several dozen thin sticks connected together. The main difference is the complete absence of leaves, so in the steam room the broom is not used for its intended purpose.

It is used for therapeutic or relaxing procedures of oriental medicine. Ecological purity, achieved due to the high growth rate of bamboo, the lightness and strength of the material and aesthetic beauty have made the broom in demand in the baths of our country.

Interesting: in rare cases, thin bamboo rods or leaves of this plant are used for production, but in most cases, specially treated shoots are used.

Subtleties of use

Even the best bamboo bath broom will not be able to help you find the desired relaxation if you do not know about some of the intricacies of using this accessory. So, before proceeding directly to the massage, you should steam thoroughly so that the pores on the skin open. It is better if you take a shower immediately afterwards. If you don’t want to waste time on what you think are stupid things, then you can simply dip the broom in boiling water - after five minutes, take it out and feel free to use it.

To achieve maximum effect, it is optimal to use two brooms . Movements should not be sudden; it is best to use two forms of influence - tapping with soft claps. You should start with low intensity, and then gradually increase the tempo while simultaneously increasing the amplitude of the blows.

This is the sequence in which you need to massage using a broom made from bath sticks: feet - torso - neck - arms and hands - feet again .

If you want to enhance the impact of the procedure and the possibility of massage oil, then use it for your health!

True, women like such piquancy most of all, while men traditionally prefer the good old “hardcore”.

Pros and cons of using

Surprisingly, this accessory has fewer drawbacks than the usual birch broom, which we have all become accustomed to for a long time, but, apparently, the power of tradition makes itself felt. However, first about the undeniable advantages:

  • no need to waste time on steaming - almost immediately ready for use;
  • does not break during use, does not leave leaves on the human body - the overall hygiene of the bath procedure increases;
  • lies gently on the body, which is ideal for those people who have overly sensitive and vulnerable skin;
  • ideally combined with massage and peeling;
  • can be used without contact with skin;
  • does not release any substances during steaming and is therefore absolutely safe for allergy sufferers.

As for the outright disadvantages, we can confidently talk about only one thing - fragility .

Yes, if you want to heartily hit your neighbor on the back, as you are used to doing with an ordinary birch broom, then, most likely, you will either break the neighbor or break the broom. Still, it has a certain reserve of rigidity, so you need to apply it gently - this type of delivery ideally relaxes both the body and the brain.

Are there any contraindications?

Alas, but not without it. Despite all the positive effects of a broom made from bamboo sticks, it has a number of very specific contraindications:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of various types;
  • respiratory infections;
  • kidney and gallstones;
  • respiratory related diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • sinusitis, etc.

In general, if you feel bad, then it’s better not to go to the bathhouse. Well, or use ordinary accessories the old fashioned way.

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