Black soap for baths: composition, benefits, methods of use

Black bath soap is a fairly popular cosmetic product. It comes in the form of a traditional solid bar or gel-like mass. This product has a huge number of advantages: it can be used both to cleanse the body and to solve many skin problems.

Let's talk about how to choose high-quality black soap, and also look at its main advantages and methods of use.

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Reference! Black soap is a product that originated in West Africa. Its distinctive feature is its completely natural composition. Initially, the product was used for medicinal purposes to get rid of skin diseases.

What does it contain?

The composition of African soap may vary depending on the region of manufacture and the technology used. However, there are a number of certain ingredients that are found in most types of black soap.

These include:


This is the ash obtained by burning green banana. The substance gives the soap the appropriate color and also has a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin. Ash regulates sebum production and helps lighten age spots.

Coconut oil

Creates a protective film on the skin, well moisturizes and softens the epidermis. The oil also protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

Vitamin supplements

Most often, vitamins A and E are added to the mass, which protect the skin and help accelerate regeneration processes in cells.

Vegetable oils

You can add shea butter, wheat germ, grape seed, etc. to the soap. Each composition has its own unique healing effect.

According to the original recipe in African countries, black soap is prepared as follows:

  1. Prepare the soap base. To do this, they burn the bark and leaves of the palm tree. The resulting mass is the main component of the future soap.
  2. Various oils are added to the ash and the mixture is stirred for 24 hours. The result should be a homogeneous consistency.
  3. The resulting slurry is infused for several weeks until it acquires a solid consistency.

Modern black soap presented on store shelves is produced under industrial conditions. Its technology and composition are very different from the original. However, a good and high-quality product provides exceptional benefits for the body.

From the Soap Technologist's Handbook

Bath soap, the composition of which is determined by its consumer qualities and partly by the technology used, is a fairly technological product. The basis of modern, in our understanding, detergent and cosmetic products are mixtures of soluble salts of higher fatty acids, namely: sodium, potassium, ammonium salts of stearic, oleic, lauric and the like.

As raw materials, bath soap uses vegetable and animal fats and fat substitutes, which can be synthetic fatty acids, tall oil, rosin, etc.


At the first stage, the fat is heated in digesters to a certain temperature and treated with alkali, usually sodium hydroxide. As a result, a uniform thick sticky soap-like mass is formed in the container, which in industrial usage is called “raw” or soap glue. It is basically made up of unrefined soap and glycerin. The peculiarity of the resulting mass is that it hardens quite strongly when cooled. This is a direct method of making soap and the finished product can contain between 40 and 60% fatty acids. Its common name is glue soap.


It is also called the “indirect method” and it consists of electrolytic treatment - treating soap glue with solutions of sodium chloride or other caustic alkali. As a result, the mass separates into a “soap core” and “soap lye”. In the soap core, the fatty acid content steadily increases to 64%. All the main polluting components and the bulk of glycerin are collected in the soap lye. The finished product is called “sound soap”.


To produce the highest grade of soap, the soap core is intensively dried and passed through the roller system of a pilling unit, resulting in active grinding of the raw material. The resulting soap enriched with fatty acids is more resistant to negative external factors during transportation, storage, and use, has a harder consistency, a concentration of active acids of up to 74%, and is less rancid and deteriorates under the influence of moisture. It is pill soap that is the basis for the main varieties of high-quality laundry soap and such a product that interests us as bath soap.

What's the use of it?

Black soap can be used on the face, body and hair. The product has a lot of positive qualities.

Its healing properties include the following:

  • Strengthening hair roots and stimulating their growth.
  • Softens rough skin, including on elbows and heels.
  • Healing cracks and injuries on the skin.
  • Creation of a protective film on the surface of the epidermis.
  • Help in the treatment of skin diseases: fungus, eczema, dermatitis, etc.
  • Normalization of the process of sebum production.
  • Help in the fight against pimples and acne, etc.

In addition to the above, black soap is effective for treating dandruff. Regular use of the product helps eliminate dark spots on the skin, smooth out scars and scars, and moisturize the epidermis.

Black African soap is suitable for both men and women. The only contraindication for its use is individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.

User comments

In conclusion, I would still like to return to the opinions of other buyers who have already chosen black soap for their bath. Reviews often influence our decisions. If they are positive, we, without hesitation, give preference to one or another remedy.

Many buyers are satisfied with the quality of black soap. However, when purchasing this product, there is a suspicion that it will smell like tar. But this is actually not the case; black soap has a rather pleasant smell. It perfectly moisturizes the skin and feels like it contains oils. The soap is intended for baths, so it can be used at fairly high temperatures.

It is worth noting that many buyers use black soap not only as a body care product. You can wash your hair and even your face with it. Black soap is a multifunctional product. After using soap, as customers note, hair becomes not only clean, but also soft, it acquires a healthy shine. Men also use black bath soap, reviews of which are positive, because it can be used as shaving foam.

How to use?

Black soap is a universal product. It can be used in its pure form or added to various creams, masks and scrubs. Its efficiency remains at a high level.

For face

Important! Those with dry skin should use black soap on their face with extreme caution, as the product can dry out the epidermis and cause peeling.

You can use facial soap as follows:

  • Apply a little soap to your palms or a washcloth. Whip into thick foam.
  • Apply foam to steamed face and massage for a couple of minutes.
  • Rinse off the foam with cool water.

This method of washing will cleanse and tighten pores. You can also make a mask from soap. To do this, add a little honey to the mixture and spread it over your face. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes and wash off.

For hair

This product has a number of significant advantages that distinguish it from conventional shampoos. For example, it does not contain aggressive sulfates and alkalis.

The ash contained in the soap gently cleanses the skin of impurities and excess oil. At the same time, hair growth is stimulated, it becomes softer and shiny.

Important! For people with hypersensitivity, replacing shampoo with black soap can cause increased dryness of hair, so you should use a moisturizing balm along with black soap.

For body

Black soap is recommended for people suffering from the following problems:

  • Eczema.
  • Fungus.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Dermatitis.

Soap gently cleanses the skin, stimulates tissue regeneration processes, and also has a pronounced antibacterial effect.

Expert opinion

Yaremchuk Svetlana Sergeevna

The owner of a SPA salon knows everything about beauty treatments

It is best to use black soap on steamed skin. In this case, the effect of its use will be more pronounced. Before use, the product must be well foamed and the resulting foam must be used for washing.

About pH

All chemicals that contain water molecules have their own pH. The reaction of the medium (pH) up to 7 is acidic, 7 is neutral, from 7 to 14 is alkaline.

Both soap and human skin have a pH, and each skin type has its own pH.

  • Normal skin has a pH between 5.2 and 5.7
  • Oily skin has a pH between 4 and 5.2
  • In dry skin, this indicator ranges from 5.7 to 7

Chemistry is an exact science, there is no point in arguing with it. Our skin has an acidic environment, and the sweat and sebaceous glands influence its pH.

African black soap has a low pH - it is less than or equal to 7, that is, the soap’s environmental reaction indicator is neutral. This soap is perfect for any skin type, unlike ordinary varieties that have a pH of 9, 10, 10.5.

What is important to remember

Black soap is a product unique in its properties and benefits.

However, when choosing it as your main skincare product, it is very important to remember a number of rules:

  • You should not use soap to completely replace shampoo. It is enough to use the composition 1-2 times a week. Otherwise, instead of the desired result, you will get dry hair and dandruff.
  • Do not rub the soap into your skin for too long. The composition cleanses pores well, but it can dry out the epidermis. It is enough to massage the skin for 2-3 minutes, then rinse off the foam with water.
  • Use foam to cleanse your skin. To do this, the soap is first foamed in your hands or using a special soft sponge or washcloth. This rule applies to both solid and gel soap.
  • Remember that African soap is a concentrated product. That is why it should be used in moderation.

The product must be stored under the conditions described on the packaging. You should not leave bar soap in a bathhouse at high humidity, since as a result of such an oversight it may lose its shape and “go limp.”

Your first recipe

There are recommendations to start by making soap from baby soap, but you can try to master the recipes for beginners and from the base. For example, create an unusual transparent soap with olive oil.


  • 60 g clear soap base;
  • green mother of pearl on the tip of the knife;
  • ¼ teaspoon of olive oil, many people have it in their kitchen;
  • 5 drops of mint essential oil, the fresh aroma of which will complement the summer color of mother-of-pearl.


Step No. 1. Prepare everything you need for work, lay it out in a convenient order so that you don’t have to look for anything.

Step No. 2. Cut the base into pieces of equal size. This will ensure even melting. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will melt.

Step No. 3. Place the chopped base in a microwave oven or in a water bath, where it will melt, but the base cannot be brought to a boil - this will cause it to become unusable.

Step No. 4. Add mother of pearl and stir, breaking up lumps.

Attention: mother of pearl must be protected from moisture; always keep the container closed. Even steam from a water bath will lead to the formation of lumps that are difficult to stir into the base.

Step No. 5. Pour in olive oil. Mix.

Step No. 6. Wait a little, drop mint essential oil into the cooled base - essential oils do not like very hot temperatures and quickly evaporate. Stir.

Step No. 7. Pour the base into the mold.

Step No. 8. If air bubbles appear on top, spray alcohol on them to make them disappear.

Step No. 9. Since the mold is plastic, you need to let the soap harden and cool completely. This will take at least half an hour.

Step No. 10. Remove the finished soap. To do this, gradually press on the sides and bottom of the mold so that air gets between the plastic and the soap. You can put it in the freezer for a while, but do not freeze it.

The soap is now ready for use. To store, wrap it in cling film, otherwise it will dry out, and put it in a dry, dark place.

How to choose a quality product?

When choosing African soap, you should pay attention to the following parameters:


Soap can be solid or gel-like. Its consistency is selected depending on the person’s preferences. For example, a gel-like mass is much easier to apply to hair, and solid bars are less demanding on storage conditions.


Real African soap is a completely natural product. There should not be any synthetic components in the composition. Also pay attention to the smell. A sharp, chemical aroma indicates the presence of synthetic fragrances.

Best before date

Any product, including soap, has an expiration date. If the soap's shelf life has come to an end or has already expired, you should refuse to purchase it.

When choosing soap, be sure to study the list of ingredients. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients contained in the product.

Popular manufacturers

The market offers a huge range of black soap from different manufacturers.

The most popular brands are:

Nubian Heritage

The brand offers natural black soap from Africa. The product has the appearance of a dense bar. The soap foams well and is suitable for caring for the face, body and hair. Has a pronounced antibacterial effect.

Grandmother Agafya

Soap from this manufacturer has a gel texture. It can be used as a base for preparing various masks and scrubs. The product contains more than 35 extracts of beneficial herbs and plants.

Natura Siberica

The brand's line includes black soap based on activated carbon. This product is ideal for people with sensitive skin.


The brand's line includes Moroccan Beldi soap, which contains herbal extracts and natural clay. Soap has an antibacterial effect, helps tighten pores, and prevents acne.

When choosing African black soap, you should not skimp. Give preference to products from trusted manufacturers, always carefully study the composition of the product. High-quality black soap will make your skin radiant and well-groomed.

Tools, containers and accessories

First of all, the main ingredient is taken for the process - a whole bar of soap, which requires remelting or soaping. It is advisable to take the latter in large quantities so that there is enough material for comfortable work. For example, accumulate remnants over a long period of time.

In addition to the main component, it is worth taking additional additives to make the soap healthier.

A detailed table will help you understand them:

Additives to soap during remeltingWhat are they for?
Essential oilsFor a pleasant aroma and healing effect. Great for any soap, such as citrus oils.
Base oilsThey make soap healthier for the skin. You can take both olive and almond, walnut, and grape seed. Sea buckthorn oil makes soap especially useful. It also slightly colors the finished piece.
Alcohol solutionIt should be poured into a spray bottle. This solution is needed to remove air bubbles from the surface of the melted mass and obtain a perfectly smooth, beautiful piece of soap.
DyesFor coloring finished soap. It is best to use safe food colorings. For example, you can buy them in specialized confectionery stores.

In addition to special additives, you need to prepare the following tools/utensils/devices:

  • a grater, which is needed for grinding soap (it is best to take it in the shape of a cone);
  • a melting container of a suitable size and made of a safe material (for example, glass or ceramic);
  • molds for pouring soap mass and hardening it (if it is not possible to buy special professional ones, children’s ones for the sandbox or silicone ones for baking are also suitable);
  • accessories for mixing the mass.

Instead of special forms, it is allowed to take even any shallow containers for food. For example, boxes of processed cheese and sauces. It is best to use them in different sizes.

It is most convenient to mix the mass with a wide spoon or spatula. It is recommended to choose them from durable, high-quality plastic. These accessories may also be ceramic.

Question answer

At what age can black soap be used to wash children?

Thanks to its natural composition, black soap is suitable for washing children almost from birth. However, it is important to be careful, as the product can provoke the development of an allergic reaction on the skin.

Which is better: black soap in solid or gel form?

Both options are equally effective. When choosing a form, much depends on the preferences of the buyer himself. However, before purchasing, do not forget to carefully study the composition.

Can black soap be used for daily care?

It all depends on what purpose the soap will be used for. For example, as a daily care product, it can be used to wash your hands and body. To wash your hair and face, it is recommended to use the product no more than 2-3 times a week.

Is it possible to make face masks from black soap?

Yes, you can. However, such masks are not recommended for people with dry and very sensitive skin.

Can black soap be used after the expiration date?

No, using natural soap after the expiration date may not be safe for your health.

Black bath soap: price

If we compare other companies that produce bath products, Grandma Agafya’s black soap is in the middle price category. A 500 ml jar of black soap costs about 300 rubles. Siberika offers its consumers soap weighing 120 g for 500 rubles. The cost of the product from Grandma Agafya starts from 350 rubles. It is safe to say that the price fully corresponds to the quality of the product.

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