Making scrub soap from coffee at home, recipes, beneficial properties

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In a world dominated by innovative technologies, the fashion for “handmade” has burst into a powerful whirlwind, sweeping away everything in its path. Beautiful young ladies sew, weave, knit, glue and sculpt, creating dizzying compositions. It would seem that there will be no demand for home masterpieces, since stores are full of all kinds of products.

However, handmade items break all records. It is quite difficult to single out the most popular branch in “hand-made” art, but we can confidently say that soap making holds the golden scepter of power. Why? This is elementary, Watson: scented soap created at home is different:

  • cheap - products can be purchased for pennies;
  • accessibility - the ingredients are sold in pharmacies, beauty shops, grocery stores, and grow in the garden, field, orchard, forest. That is, it won’t be difficult to get them;
  • effectiveness - homemade soap is incredibly healthy, since it contains a number of vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for beauty and health;
  • safety - there are no harmful substances (well, if the soap is not brewed for an envious friend or rival);
  • Easy to prepare - does not require special skills.

How to choose a recipe? It's simple, you need to start from the condition and type of skin. In addition, you should prepare several types of product - one for cleansing, and the second for scrubbing. For what? Did you know that scrub soap is a cosmetologist-magician who works miracles! No? Okay, first things first.

Beneficial properties of coffee scrub soap

Cosmetics made in production contain chemical components, while homemade cosmetics are environmentally friendly and safe. Coffee scrub soap has the following positive properties:

  • homemade soap is much cheaper than popular body and face care products. The ingredients used in home soap making are not expensive at all;
  • The components of a home remedy are quite accessible to everyone. The necessary ingredients are sold in stores or grown in the garden, in the forest, in the garden;
  • using scrub soap helps to effectively cleanse the skin by removing dead epidermal cells;
  • During scrubbing, the skin is saturated with beneficial vitamins, minerals, and oils;
  • In the process of making soap based on ground grains, only natural ingredients are used, so this cosmetic product is considered absolutely safe.

To make soap a coffee scrub, coffee particles are added to it, which contain a whole range of beneficial substances. Homemade scrub soap helps speed up blood circulation, activate metabolic processes in the body, and remove toxic contaminants. Coffee is often used to combat excess weight and cellulite.


Scrubs have enough positive qualities, but such products cannot be used by everyone. First of all, the scrub has a mechanical effect on the skin. Therefore, there are contraindications that you should be wary of before you start using them:

  • skin diseases (no matter what stage they are at);
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • allergic rashes on the body or individual intolerance to the components that make up the scrub;
  • minor scratches, cuts and other damage to the skin;
  • very thin skin, rosacea, vascular network, etc.

Such skin conditions require other cleansing methods or the selection of scrubs that will be as gentle as possible. You should use any of the scrubs carefully during pregnancy, as the skin during this period can become especially sensitive and receptive.

Tips for choosing ingredients

The transparent base will make the process of making soap easier.
Homemade scrub soap includes the following ingredients:

  1. Transparent base. Most often it is bought in specialized departments of stores, but you can make the base yourself using glycerin, alkali with water and oils. Of course, it is better to prepare a transparent base yourself, but it is difficult for novice soap makers to follow the exact recipe. In order to make the base correctly, you need to monitor the weight of each ingredient, temperature, and correct proportions.
  2. Homemade soap is often made with the addition of scrubbing particles, which help exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis. For these purposes, various products are used: ground oatmeal, semolina, millet, zest, dried plants, but the best option is considered to be natural ground coffee.
  3. Essential oil. Citrus oils, ylang-ylang, patchouli, lemon balm, mint and others are often added to cosmetic home remedies.
  4. The cosmetic product contains base oils that make the skin softer and smoother. In addition, oils prevent the finished cosmetic product from cracking and falling apart. The composition may include body milk, cream, full-fat milk, cream.

Base for making homemade soap

Various soap base manufacturers offer a wide range of their products. The basics differ according to the following criteria:

  • price;
  • hardening speed;
  • hardness.

Specialized stores offer organic bases that allow you to make a completely environmentally friendly product.

Many soap makers use baby soap that does not contain fragrance. The block is grated with a grater, melted in a water bath and mixed with the rest of the ingredients.

Soap base may vary

Which coffee will be more effective?

Only natural coffee is used in soap making. Soluble sublimate is absolutely useless, moreover, its chemical composition can negatively affect the condition of the skin. It is advisable to add medium grind coffee beans to soap that will be used on the body. For feet and hands, it is better to use a product with the addition of coarse grinding.

Possible additives

In addition to the main components, the following ingredients can be added to home cosmetics if desired:

  • crushed oatmeal and almond seeds, coconut flakes, dried plants, citrus fruit zest;
  • natural honey in liquid form, dark or milk chocolate, cocoa powder, dairy products;
  • dyes (liquid or dry). Instead of ready-made dyes, many use natural products: turmeric, beet juice, curry;
  • For decoration during the soap-making process, small sparkles and other decor are added.

Safety precautions for soap making

Often beginners in soap making are afraid to work with alkali, but without it the saponification reaction will not occur and soap will not work.

When working with alkali, it is necessary to strictly observe safety precautions.

Necessary items for safety precautions when making soap
You will need long sleeves and protective equipment. You must work with an open window or the hood on, without the presence of unauthorized persons. It makes sense to keep an open bottle of vinegar solution on the table to rinse possible places where the alkali comes into contact with skin or clothing.

Necessary equipment

The production of a handmade cosmetic product is impossible without special equipment. You will need the following:

  1. Enameled pan (stainless steel is also suitable).
  2. Larger container (needed to make a water bath).
  3. Container made of plastic or glass.
  4. Whisk, measuring cup, spoons.
  5. Accurate kitchen scales (electronic).
  6. Spray.
  7. Various shapes for the final product.

Step-by-step instructions for making scrub soap with coffee

To make your own homemade coffee scrub soap, prepare the following:

  • clear soap base or baby soap (unscented);
  • a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil;
  • ground coffee (you can use coffee grounds);
  • boiled water;
  • sea ​​salt.

Let's start the soap making process:

  1. If you have little experience in home soap making, it is better to use regular baby soap as a base. Take 3 pieces (about 60 grams each), grate them on a medium grater. Place the resulting soap shavings in a saucepan and place in a water bath.
  2. Pour oil into the pan. Stirring continuously, pour in water in a thin stream, avoiding the formation of foam and lumps.
  3. When the mass becomes uniform in consistency, thick and dense, add salt and coffee (2 tablespoons each) to the pan.
  4. Grease the selected molds in advance. Fill them with the resulting mass, compacting thoroughly. Leave for 3 days to harden.

On a note! You should not add large amounts of coffee and other scrubbing additives. The soap may begin to delaminate, crumble, and lose its shape.

Related materials:

Handmade | Skin care | hand care | Vitamins for skin | scent with bergamot | deep skin cleansing | skin type | hand skin | skin color | without oil | no sugar | dry skin | blue color | delicate skin | oily skin | Skin glow | sea ​​salt | shelf life | Handmade | Skin cleansing | Essential oil | metabolism | tea tree | with your own hands | mixed skin | massage soap | massage oil | skin preparation | skin renewal | olive oil | cell renewal | Useful properties | body cleansing | Sensitive skin | tightening effect | Versatile scent | combination skin | regenerating properties | Balance | aroma | Bergamot | oranges | antioxidants | scrub | soap


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How to give soap an unusual shape

Those involved in home soap making pay special attention to the shape of the product. Everyone wants to end up with not a shapeless piece of soap, but an exclusive product with an unusual shape. For this purpose, special molds of a wide variety of shapes are used. The choice of molds is huge: animals, plants, geometric shapes, food, flowers. Instead of special molds for home soap making, you can take baking molds or even children's molds from sand sets. As for the material, it is preferable to choose a mold made of silicone or plastic. Rubber options are also suitable. It is better not to use glass and ceramics, because it is extremely difficult to get the soap mass out of such forms.

Important! The use of iron products is strictly prohibited, as an unexpected chemical reaction may occur during which the product will become hazardous to health.

Recipes for coffee scrub soap with various additives

Banana paradise

For banana scented scrub soap you will need:

  • ripe banana;
  • half a glass of natural yogurt without sugar and fruit fillers;
  • ground coffee - one and a half spoons;
  • half a glass of clean water;
  • one and a half tablespoons of oil (preferably olive);
  • 1 bar of baby soap;
  • 2 drops vanilla aromatic oil.

Let's start preparing “banana heaven”:

  1. Pour boiling water over the coffee powder and leave to steep for an hour.
  2. Mash the banana and grate the soap using a grater.
  3. Mix banana puree, natural yogurt, olive oil, soap shavings and coffee liquid (without grounds). Heat the saucepan with the mixture over low heat for five minutes.
  4. Remove the pan from the stove, close the lid, and leave for 30 minutes.
  5. When the mixture in the saucepan has cooled, add coffee grounds and vanilla oil.
  6. Mix everything well and place in prepared molds. After 2-3 days, the banana scrub product will be ready.

The soap has exfoliating, moisturizing effects, nourishes and restores the skin.

Coffee soap with honey and cocoa butter

  1. Melt baby soap, grated or very finely chopped. Be sure to stir the mixture with a wooden spatula so that it does not burn.
  2. Add a tablespoon of liquid honey to the saucepan, stir and wait until the honey-soap mixture melts until smooth. Do not bring to a boil!
  3. Remove the pan from the stove, pour in a spoonful of butter (the recipe suggests using cocoa butter).
  4. If desired, you can add any aromatic fragrances for a pleasant smell.
  5. Grease the molds with oil and pour the soap solution into them. Sprinkle ground coffee on top, which, as it hardens, will be evenly distributed throughout the entire soap bar.
  6. Gently stir the contents of the molds with a wooden spatula.
  7. Let the molds harden. When the mass hardens, carefully remove the finished product.

Coffee soap with cocoa nourishes the skin, saturates it with essential microelements, while gently exfoliating the dead upper layer of the epidermis.

How to make scrub soap at home

As already mentioned, you can also make your own scrub soap without a base. A piece of baby soap can easily replace a store-bought base, as this master class proves. The main thing is to choose soap without dyes and with a minimum amount of fragrances.

Ingredients for making homemade scrub soap

To make scrub soap you will need:

  • baby soap – 1 piece;
  • olive oil – 30 g;
  • dried coffee grounds - 1 heaped tablespoon;
  • ground oatmeal - 1 tablespoon;
  • dried tea rose petals - 1 tablespoon;
  • soap molds - 2 pieces;
  • wooden spoon for stirring;
  • utensils for melting soap.

Manufacturing method: Step 1. Cut baby soap into small pieces and place in a bowl in which you will melt it. An old cup will do for this.

Step 2: Place the cup of soap in a metal bowl of water and place the bowl on the heat. Melt the contents of the cup, stirring with a wooden spoon. Soap does not melt as well as a special base, so its consistency will be similar to very thick sour cream.

Step 3. Add oil to the cup of soap.

Step 4. Stir soap and oil until smooth. If you find unmelted pieces of soap, don’t be upset, they will dissolve later when you add the scrub.

Step 5. Divide the resulting soap into two portions. Add coffee to the first one and stir thoroughly. Quickly pour into a mold (if you don’t have a special mold, a plastic cup or yoghurt box will work fine for this, but not glassware).

Step 6. Add tea rose petals to the second portion and stir.

Step 7. Add ground oatmeal there and quickly pour the future scrub soap into the mold, stirring as you go. Speed ​​at the last stage is needed so that the flakes do not have time to swell.

Step 8. Place both molds with soap on the windowsill until they cool completely.

Step 9. Before removing the soap, put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, after which it will easily come off the mold. As a result, in a short time you will prepare two wonderful scrub soaps with your own hands from a piece of baby soap. Improvisation during soap making is encouraged, so based on all of the above, make scrub soap with pleasure and imagination.

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