We learn how to fire a stove correctly: from choosing and laying firewood to servicing it

Gas and electric furnaces are no match for a wood-burning or fireplace. The point here is not even the quality of heating or the cheapness of raw materials, but the special microclimate, the natural woody aroma that reigns in a room with a wood-burning stove. Many people enjoy the process itself, the sound of crackling firewood. But you need to know how to heat a stove with wood. The temperature of the resulting heat, the uninterrupted operation and safety of the entire procedure depend on the quality of the firewood, the ability to heat it correctly and quickly, and add it on time.

Preparing the stove for kindling depending on its condition

And only a brick oven that is lined, which is constantly used, and one that has been idle for a long time, have their own characteristics when starting up. Let's learn how to properly light a Russian stove yourself, depending on its condition.

Wet oven

Melting only a brick-lined stove should take into account the following nuances:

  1. The first fire is made with small wood and lasts no more than one hour.
  2. After this, the oven is allowed to rest for 3-4 hours. You should close the firebox door and the damper on the chimney pipe. The resulting heat from burning wood will be evenly distributed throughout the entire structure.
  3. Once the unit has completely cooled down, you need to heat it again for one hour. In this case, it is better that the firebox door is closed all this time and no firewood is added. This way, warm air will remain and be held inside the oven, preventing it from cooling.
  4. The stove is allowed to rest and cool again by closing the firebox door and the damper on the chimney.

A fresh stove needs to be heated in this way several times until condensation stops forming on the fresh masonry and the walls of the chimney pipe and the structure finally gains strength.

After a long period of inactivity

Photo: stacking firewood in the firebox
You need to be especially careful when lighting a wood-burning stove that has not been used for a long time. When igniting, black smoke may emit. To reduce the amount of smoke, it is better to first light a small fire of small wood chips so that the chimney warms up and reaches operating temperature. As soon as the smoke emitted becomes less and it becomes lighter, you can safely put in larger logs and heat them according to the accepted standard safety rules.

In working mode

Before the stove starts heating, you need to thoroughly clean the firebox and grates from burning and soot, clean the chimney if necessary, and seal all cracks in the brickwork with clay (this does not apply to metal stoves).

An important point is to check the quality of the raw materials for the firebox. It should be dry. This applies to both firewood and coal. Wet, damp firewood leaves condensation on the walls when burning, and the chimney becomes more quickly contaminated with smoke. A water plug may form inside the pipe, causing the draft to become worse.

The quality of the draft can be checked by inserting a burning match or piece of paper inside the firebox.

Having completed the preparation, you can start heating the stove as usual. You need to lay small chips and paper at the bottom, thicker logs on top and ignite. You can control the combustion process using the firebox doors, damper damper, ash pan, by adjusting the closing and opening.

Thematic material:

  • How to plaster a brick stove
  • How to install a chimney

Kindling rules

Of course, the instructions for lighting the stove are not limited to the choice of firewood. There are many important nuances, compliance with which is necessary both for high-quality heat transfer and for the safety of people living in the house.


If you do not use the stove constantly, but periodically, then you need to prepare for kindling after a break. The first thing to do is to carefully inspect the brickwork from all sides. Any gap or crack can become a source of carbon monoxide entering the room. And this poses a serious danger to health and even life.

If during the inspection you find any violations of the integrity of the masonry, they must be corrected immediately. To do this, gently take the clay-sand mixture and carefully cover all the cracks and cracks found with this composition. Then let the clay dry completely and only then proceed with further work.

The second step of preparation should be cleaning the inner walls of the oven. The soot accumulated on them significantly impairs the heating rate of the masonry. Accordingly, you will wait a very long time for heat, and it will take much more wood to kindle it than for a clean stove. When cleaning, pay attention to the grate - it also needs to be removed from combustion products.

The third step is whitewashing the outer part of the masonry. In principle, this action is not mandatory, but if the soul requires it, then it’s time to do it.

Fuel loading

An important point in igniting the stove is how much wood needs to be added when lighting it. Many people ask whether it is possible to completely plug the firebox so that the fuel lasts for a long time. This would, of course, be convenient, but the volume of logs laid should be approximately ¾ of the maximum possible.

Please note that for ignition you need not only logs, but also various flammable “trifles” - the most popular options for this are paper and birch bark, you can also load dry wood shavings or thin branches into the stash. It is strictly forbidden to use various chemicals for ignition: gasoline, diesel fuel, acetone, etc. This can most likely lead to a fire or burns to the person doing the kindling.

After the initial mass has flared up properly, you can load the main amount of firewood. At the same time, pay attention to the size of the firebox - if it is small, then too large logs must be split in two.

Features of stacking firewood in the firebox

Correctly heating a Russian stove with wood means being able to correctly place it in the firebox.

It is important to note here that:

  1. It is advisable to place the logs in the center of the firebox or a little closer to the door.
  2. Firewood should be placed in rows or in a cage. In both cases, the wood will burn out to the end, releasing maximum heat. It is important to leave a distance between logs of 8 to 10 mm. Small gaps ensure good air exchange and high-quality combustion process.
  3. The height of the firewood stack should be at least 20 cm less than the height of the ceiling of the combustion chamber. With a larger stack, the fire will enter the chimney and will not linger in the firebox.

It is important that the wood is burned in the firebox, ensuring its uniform heating and maximum heat transfer.

Some nuances of heating

  1. It is recommended to heat the stove with whole logs after one, or better yet, two batches of small-sized firewood have burned out. It is not recommended to use overly large logs: they form coals that smolder for too long, and most of the thermal energy from them simply goes into the chimney.
  2. During heating, it is recommended to move and turn the coals in order to get maximum thermal energy from them and optimize air flow.
  3. When burning wood, you need to make sure that the flame is uniform and all the wood is burning, not just individual ones. To do this, turn over poorly burning logs and use a poker to move them closer to the epicenter of the fire.

Choosing firewood for the stove

Depending on the type of firewood, different amounts of heat are released inside the stove, and the time and quality of combustion differ. Let’s take a closer look at which firewood is worth paying attention to and which ones are better to avoid.


You can get a well-heated rustic stove if you use aspen wood. Their properties are similar to alder, which will be discussed below.

The main advantage of aspen firewood is that it produces almost no smoke during combustion and helps clean the chimney of soot.

Black soot and soot accumulated on the walls of the chimney, under conditions of intense combustion, will begin to crumble inside the stove, thereby improving the release of gases and draft. But heating a stove with an aspen in a residential building or in a country house in winter is unprofitable due to the low heat transfer. It is used to heat baths and saunas. The aroma of firewood has a pleasant aroma and healing properties. An excellent option is to clean the chimney channels after burning with pine wood.

Willow, poplar

It will not be possible to heat a house with such logs in winter. Poplar and willow have low heat transfer, and dry firewood burns out quickly. Their only advantage is their low price. It is acceptable to use it in the fall and spring to warm up the garage and utility rooms, when it is not possible to order high-grade wood such as oak or maple firewood.

Apple tree

Apple and pear logs are an excellent option for barbecue, smoking meat and fish at home. Suitable for heating living spaces. Their heat output is high. When the fire is kept on for a long time, the room will be hot and a pleasant fruity aroma will appear. It can be used as the main solid fuel, or in combination with harder wood species (ash, oak, maple).


The best option for solid wood fuel. It has a hard, dense structure. It has maximum heat transfer, allowing you to retain heat in the room for a long time. Oak wood is easy to light a fire with. The heater will quickly gain temperature. In terms of heat transfer, oak is second only to ash. The consumption of wood for heating even large rooms is small. This is an indispensable type of firewood for cold winters.

Suitable for various types of furnace equipment with both open and closed fireboxes. When burned, oak releases a pleasant aroma. Among many wood species, it is the most valued and therefore expensive.


Birch firewood is a special type of wood. Most often used to flood a bathhouse. They give off wonderful heat. The aroma released during combustion is considered healing and beneficial for the respiratory system, strengthens the immune system.

It is important to take into account that birch firewood is suitable for burning in the first year; then it quickly becomes rotten and loses its properties.

Birch, its bark (birch bark) burns even when wet, so it is convenient to melt with it. The reason for this is the presence of tar in wood. The logs burn almost completely, leaving little ash.


Photo: aspen firewood
In nature, there are up to 25 species of alder, and all of them are excellent for heating houses and baths at any time of the year. The use of this firewood was in demand even in tsarist times; it was alder logs that were used to heat the stoves in the houses of various nobles. Even damp firewood dries naturally if left in a ventilated, dry place.

An important advantage of alder is that it will not smoke when burned. Alder emits vapors that cause soot to lag behind the walls of the chimney, thereby cleaning the passage.

Alder is actively used to fire stoves and potbelly stoves in bathhouses, as it emits a healthy and pleasant aroma. gives good heat. Even after 2-3 years of storage, firewood does not lose its properties. Alder sawdust is an excellent raw material for smoking fish and meat.


In terms of heat transfer, it can only be compared with oak, having an indicator even higher. Rarely available for free sale, expensive. This is a tree with a very strong and dense structure. When harvesting firewood, you have to cut it into pieces several times.

Ash, like birch, is convenient for lighting a stove. Logs burn in the firebox even when damp, do not spark and do not emit a lot of smoke.

Ash wood is indispensable for heating a residential building or bathhouse. They will allow the room to heat up quickly and retain heat for a long time.


Linden wood burns quickly and produces a lot of heat. Linden is most often used for heating steam rooms and dressing rooms. The logs emit an excellent healing aroma, which helps strengthen the immune system after a cold and quickly cope with respiratory diseases. It is rarely found on sale in large quantities, therefore it is almost never used as the main fuel for residential buildings.

We recommend that you read the article: “Do-it-yourself firewood splitter.”

Stages and process of wood burning

Being able to quickly and competently light a stove is half the battle; it is equally important to know how to properly regulate the draft and ensure constant, even burning of wood.

The following help to monitor and make adjustments to the process:

  • firebox door;
  • ash door;
  • gate;
  • chimney damper.

Blower doors and fireboxes allow you to control air exchange, making it more or less. Using a valve and gate, you can control the draft inside the firebox.

First you need to open the firebox door and close the blower door, other valves must also be open.

Once the fire is well lit, the procedure is performed step by step in reverse order. The blower door opens and the furnace door closes.

You can easily tell whether wood is burning correctly by the color of the flame:

  1. White. There is a strong draft inside the firebox. It is better to close the blower door.
  2. Red with black smoke. You should hurry up and open the vent. The thrust is too low.
  3. Yellow or almost transparent. Optimal color of fire. The wood burns evenly. There is normal draft inside the oven.

The cause of red or white smoke from the chimney may be clogged ducts or a clogged chimney. An effective way is to let the oven reach a temperature of 90 degrees. Under the influence of heat, all accumulated debris inside the pipe will simply evaporate.

When is it necessary to add firewood to a stove firebox?

To determine when it's time to add more firewood, it's important to consider the following:

  1. A new pile of firewood should be done when good smoldering coals remain from the previous one. If you do this earlier, it is simply an uneconomical use of fuel.
  2. The logs need to be laid across the grate, slightly away from the furnace door (combustion chamber). After adding firewood, the firebox doors must be closed immediately so as not to disturb the normal air exchange in the stove.
  3. It is important to check and periodically clean the ash pit from accumulated ash. Excessive amounts of it can interfere with normal traction.

It is important to clean the surface of the furnace equipment from dust at least occasionally. After all, when heated to a high temperature, the dust on the surface will begin to burn and emit an unpleasant aroma.

We start with competent laying of firewood

It is necessary to carefully prepare the stove mechanism for the heating procedure.
In standard industrial furnace models, you need to work using three main components - a combustion chamber, a specialized smoke and burning system, equipped with a blower and a device for storing ash from firewood - an ash pan. It must be thoroughly cleaned of any remaining ash remaining from the time of the previous kindling - an excessive amount of this substance will interfere with the access of air to the stove. This will significantly slow down the ignition process. In most stoves, the ash pan is a small compartment, so cleaning it will not take much time and effort from the stove maker. After completing the preparation, you can proceed to the next stage - laying firewood.

When it comes to how to properly fire a wood-burning stove, working with the chimney and blower systems plays an important role.

  • Before starting work, open both channels to fill the combustion chamber with oxygen.
  • While interacting with the smoke exhaust duct, open the shaft damper leading from the combustion chamber to the roof outlet.
  • Prepare the required amount of fuel to start work, as well as to complete the entire heating process.
  • The initial mass of firewood for kindling should be at least one third of the total volume of the stove chamber.
  • Only good quality firewood must be used.

Examples of loading firewood:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

The first ignition is a responsible event. You should not try to light a stove with raw wood - all material for heating the stove must be easily and quickly flammable. Otherwise, there is a risk of wasting a huge amount of it, but not achieving the desired goal - to light the stove so that it is warm.

It is necessary to ensure that the base of the combustion material is well dried. At first, it is good to lay thinner wood logs first. It is possible to use various auxiliary means - dry paper from old books or newspapers, well-dried tree bark before starting work.

What other materials can be used to fire the stove?

As an alternative to wood, the stove can be heated with other raw materials. Suitable for the firebox:

  1. Briquettes, pellets from peat, sawdust, sunflower seed waste. The raw materials are thoroughly dried, mixed with a viscous mixture, poured into molds, pressed and exposed to high temperature. Such briquettes do not burn, but smolder, so they can be placed in the oven overnight, and in the morning there will still be coals left. It is inexpensive, and the ash will also serve as a good fertilizer.
  2. Gorbyl. This is waste from processed logs, tree trunks, most often pine trees. A croaker's car doesn't cost much. But the disadvantage of such fuel is that it burns out quickly, releasing a lot of tar, and smokes. The chimney will have to be cleaned more often. The heat from it is several times less than from firewood or briquettes.
  3. Processing of machine oil. Used for quick lighting of the stove. If you pour oil on even damp wood, it will start to burn. The downside is an unpleasant pungent smell. This is an auxiliary fuel, not a primary one.
  4. Coal. Suitable for heating stoves. They can be used to heat all day or night. In warm weather, you can take breaks. The stove will continue to give off heat from the coals for a long time, but coal costs even more than wood.

  5. Boards, sawdust and other waste from the woodworking industry. Suitable for heating a room. They are not suitable for heating in winter - they burn out quickly.
  6. Dry mullein, dung. Lights up easily and produces a lot of heat. This fuel option is found in villages where there is a lot of free land and the owners keep large and small livestock. Combine with firewood to reduce wood consumption and provide better heat.

Paper, hay, straw, and branches of dry trees are used for kindling.

Fuel types

For kindling, the type of fuel for which the stove is intended is recommended. When choosing or independently building a fireplace, you need to take this factor into account. It is better to make a device that can be melted in different ways.

The most high-calorie type of fuel is anthracite coal. When it burns, 7200 Kcal is released. For comparison, hard coal is up to 7000, brown coal is 4000-4500. Firewood produces the smallest amount of heat, only 3000 Kcal/kg. But they are absolutely environmentally friendly. It is worth considering that well-dried firewood produces more heat - up to 4500 Kcal/kg, raw firewood - half as much.

How to light the stove:

When lighting with coal, you need to take into account that coal powder burns just as long as large pieces of coal. Therefore, you need to add it gradually, 1-2 packets at a time.

As already noted, firewood remains the most environmentally friendly fuel, despite the development of modern technologies for the production of fuel for stoves. The demand for wood-burning hearths continues to this day. Therefore, information on how to properly heat a stove with wood is still relevant .

Furnace firing depending on the time of year

Taking into account the temperature outside and the weather outside the window, the stove is heated differently.

In summer

In summer, a wood-burning stove is used for cooking, heating water, preserving and performing bath procedures, so there are no strong restrictions on the amount of firewood. Even breeds with low heat transfer are suitable. This practice is a rare occurrence, but it still occurs among grandmothers in villages.

in autumn

With the onset of cold weather, it is already necessary to heat the room. In the fall, one or two stacks of firewood are enough to heat up the house and stay warm until the morning. The main thing is to follow safety precautions, otherwise you may get burned.

in winter

In severe frosts, you need to take only hard wood (maple, oak, ash), lay logs in a timely manner, and observe the loading interval depending on the volume of the firebox. Before winter, you should thoroughly clean the chimney of soot and do not forget to periodically clean the soot from the vent.

in spring

In spring, as in autumn, it is enough to heat the building once a day. You need to load the firebox well and let the wood burn slowly.

A brick oven will give off heat for at least 12 hours, even when the logs burn out.

This is enough to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house during the spring season.

If you have a steel stove

With the exception of models with double walls, stoves made of heat-resistant steel are generally not intended for constant heating of residential buildings with wood, but as an additional source of heat and comfort they have no equal.

Steel fireplace stoves, air heaters, models with hobs, due to their low weight, do not require a separate capital foundation and quickly warm up cooled rooms.

In order to extend their service life and maximize heat transfer from firewood, it is recommended:

• Monitor the condition of the walls and eliminate the risks of their deformation and overheating. Small portions of firewood are placed in metal stoves (no more than 2/3 of the volume of the firebox or the value specified by the manufacturer); the heating time for models with thin walls is limited to several hours.

• Ensure a sufficient flow of oxygen into rooms with air-heated metal stoves such as “Buleryan” or “Pobelly stove”. When planning to use such models for constant heating of residential buildings or frequent use, a method for laying additional air ducts and ventilation ducts in wooden walls is thought out in advance.

• Preheat very cool metal chimneys before adding the main portion of splinters and wood chips for ignition.

Tip: When installing a new metal kiln, the first firing is carried out outdoors if possible. In addition to checking its operation in a safe place, this action protects the walls and premises of wooden houses from absorbing the unpleasant odor of burning thermal paint.

Features of the combustion chamber of stoves made of different materials

The material of the furnace equipment determines the characteristics of the unit and whether combustion will take place in it correctly.


A classic version of the Russian stove. With skillful installation it will last 100 years or more. Brick retains heat for a long time and gives off heat. There is no risk of getting burned on the walls of the equipment. It has large dimensions, so the consumption of firewood is quite high. It is installed both in bathhouses and residential buildings of different sizes.

In order for a cooled brick oven to heat up and begin to give off heat, it will take up to 3-4 hours of intensive heating. Then you can load the firewood and leave it to smolder just to maintain the desired temperature level. An oven with a stove is convenient to use for cooking and heating water.


In recent years, a metal stove has become a worthy alternative to a brick stove. It is placed in country cottages, small houses, baths. It is compact, heats up quickly and begins to give off heat immediately. It is important not to overheat a metal structure, otherwise this will significantly shorten the service life of the metal and can lead to a fire. For kindling, it is better not to use flammable mixtures that are sold in stores, especially if the stove is installed in the middle of the house. Some of the toxic odor will still remain in the room and residents will have to breathe it in, so it’s better to take paper and matches.

The walls of such a stove heat up to a high temperature, so children need to limit access to it so that they do not get burned.

Along with rapid heating, the oven also cools quickly. You need to ensure that firewood is loaded into the firebox in a timely manner.

To keep the room warm longer, you can build a brick screen around the stove.

There are many types of stoves available for sale with varying power and combustion volume. To start using it successfully, you need to buy it and install it correctly.

Cast iron

A more reliable alternative to a metal stove. Capable of serving for decades. Heavy. The metal will not burn or rust. Cast iron retains heat well and gives off heat for a long time. It is important to simply close the ash door and always keep the fire door closed.

When laying firewood, it is important to open the damper and close the ash pan, otherwise smoke will begin to pour out of the stove into the room.

Cast iron stoves are often equipped with a stove top for one or two burners. This is convenient because you can cook food without wasting gas or electricity.

How to properly heat a sauna stove

The main rule for lighting a sauna stove is to ensure that there is no carbon monoxide or smoke in the room.

To do this, you need to adjust the opening/closing of the dampers. There must be good air exchange.

It is better to extinguish the coals remaining in the firebox in a container with water. You should not use coniferous wood for the firebox, as they emit resin. It is better to give preference to deciduous species - oak, ash, linden, alder.

It is important to comply with safety requirements, especially for wooden baths. The floor around the stove for 1.5 m should be covered with a sheet of metal to avoid fire. The same applies to the section of the ceiling around the chimney.

Additional material: “Choosing stones for a sauna stove.”

Step-by-step instructions on how to quickly light the stove

Kindling is done like this:

  1. Pieces of crumpled paper are placed in the firebox, with chips of logs, dry tree branches, and birch bark on top. After that, several large logs are placed - the firebox should be only a third full - and set on fire. The damper damper and the blower door must be completely open. The firebox door closes.
  2. As soon as the fire is well lit, you can load the firewood by laying it in a cage pattern across the grates. There should be at least 10 cm left to the top. The blower door, the gate is closed a little.
  3. The combustion process must be controlled and regulated by furnace valves. The fire in the stove should be yellow.
  4. It is better to use logs of the same size for the main stash. There will be no risk that the fire will go out, and the wood will burn evenly.
  5. To complete the fire, the coals are pulled to the center, wait until they burn out completely, and close all the dampers.

When closed, the oven will retain and release heat for several more hours.

Furnace Maintenance

To make the stove last longer, you need to follow several recommendations:

  1. Before the start of the heating season, seal cracks and gaps on the brick surface.
  2. Before and after winter, thoroughly clean the chimney. If the pipe becomes clogged more often, then do this as necessary.
  3. Do not forget to clean the grate and remove ash from the chamber before lighting.
  4. Do not use old things, bags, or plastic containers for the fire, which stick to the grates and emit acrid smoke.
  5. Clean chimney ducts from soot in a timely manner.

Keeping the stove clean allows the combustion process to occur as efficiently as possible.

Use the advice and recommendations of professionals

Our specialists are always happy to provide competent advice on the best methods for using heating devices, including techniques for lighting stoves. The contacts section contains current information; you can contact us in any way convenient for you. When choosing and purchasing stoves, fireplaces or fireboxes, managers will provide the client with all the necessary information on the correct use of the equipment based on both their knowledge and experience, and the recommendations of a specific manufacturer.

also provides a full range of services for delivery, installation, commissioning and maintenance of heating products and chimney systems.

How to keep your home warm longer with less wood consumption

You can achieve economical consumption of firewood and heat in your home if you do not open the vent too often.

Having added a new portion of firewood, when combustion is stable, you need to cover the ash pit and keep it in this position until a new addition. The temperature will be kept at the desired level and the wood will burn slowly and evenly.

Safety precautions: how not to get burned by the stove

The main dangers of stove heating are toxic carbon monoxide, the risk of fire and burns. To avoid this, it is important to follow a few tips:

  1. Check the condition of the stove and chimney ducts before starting the fire.
  2. Do not use gasoline or other flammable mixtures for kindling.
  3. Try to always finish heating a few hours before bedtime.
  4. Do not accelerate the oven above the permissible temperature.
  5. When installing the stove, adhere to fire safety.
  6. Keep children away from the stove equipment. Do not leave them alone with a hot oven.
  7. Do not place furniture or interior items near the stove that can quickly catch fire.

By adhering to basic safety rules when operating the stove, you can avoid irreversible consequences and not put the health of loved ones at risk.

General information

The designs of most types of furnaces have a centuries-old history; they are created in such a way that minor mistakes of inexperienced stokers cannot cause significant harm. The main threats remain:

  • excessive fuel consumption and financial losses;
  • danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.

The energy efficiency and safety of liquid and gaseous fuel stoves are directly determined by the design features of the models and do not depend on the skill of the owner.

The design of gas-fired furnaces does not allow increasing their efficiency by adjusting the stroke Source bestpechi.ru

The combustion process of solid fuel proceeds differently, so a competent firebox can significantly reduce the cost of heating rooms (up to 40%). It consists of several phases:

  • at the first stage, thermal decomposition of organic matter occurs with the release of flammable gases;
  • pyrolysis gases ignite, releasing energy that heats the carbon base of the fuel;
  • the carbon base heated to the ignition temperature produces the remainder of the total heat inherent in a particular type of fuel.

The correct course of the gasification process is most important for firewood, since the pyrolysis gases released during their combustion form a significant proportion of the heat given off by the material as a whole. They are able to easily activate its carbon base, but quickly burn out, and the stove does not have time to absorb all the energy produced by the fuel. As a result, heat evaporates into the pipe, and the structure is subjected to deformations, contributing to its premature wear.

A stove that could not withstand regular violation of operating rules and the destructive effects of time Source pyromasse.ca

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