Recommendations on what kind of firewood is best for Buleryan and how to properly heat the Buleryan stove

From the author: Hello, dear readers! The Buleryan gas generator stove is one of the wonderful devices that can give warmth to a home in the absence of a heating system. This equipment was created by Canadian craftsmen and was originally intended for lumberjacks who spent a lot of time in the forest and needed heating.

Over time, the device migrated to residential buildings. It heats the premises using hot air that comes from the firebox through several pipes. Naturally, in order for the result to meet your expectations, you need to know how to properly heat a Buleryan stove.

In this matter, every nuance is important. For example, the wrong choice of fuel can negatively affect the efficiency of the stove and even its durability. Let's take a closer look at exactly what approach you should take with this interesting device to get the most out of it.

Types of coal

The origin of coal is vegetable. This rock mainly consists of carbon and non-combustible impurities that form ash during combustion. Coals mined in different areas have different amounts of impurities. The sulfur contained in the rock, when burned, forms oxides that turn into sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. Lingite contains especially a lot of sulfur. Coal is divided into several types, depending on its characteristics.

  • lingite (used in power plants because of its friability and crumbling properties, the youngest type of coal);
  • brown coal;
  • coal;
  • anthracite (has the most ancient origin).

Humidity (H) and content of volatile impurities (VP):

  • lingitis
  • brown coal: B = 30 to 40%, LP > 50%;
  • hard coal: B = 12 to 16%, LP = 40%;
  • anthracite: B = LP = 5-7%.

Specific heat of combustion:

  • brown coal – 3-5 thousand kcal/kg;
  • hard coal – 5-5.5 thousand kcal/kg;
  • anthracite – 7.4-9 thousand kcal/kg.

Which stoves are designed for coal firing?

The combustion temperature of coal is higher than the combustion temperature of logs. Therefore, specially designed furnaces are heated with coal. Theoretically, ordinary brick stoves can also be heated with coal, but the firebox should have thicker walls and the grate should be located two rows lower. In addition, the design must have a separate exhaust system dedicated to coal, not connected to other systems.

Sometimes in furnaces, two boilers with water are installed inside the firebox, which serve to heat the room and protect the brickwork from overheating. In such structures, it is necessary to ensure that there is always water in the pipes.

The ash pan and the grate must correspond to each other in size so that there is no heat loss. To enhance draft, special nozzles are used on the stove.

A sauna stove can also be heated with coal if its wall thickness exceeds 35mm, otherwise it may collapse due to exposure to high temperatures!

Causes of smoke

  • Formation of blockage in the smoke riser or furnace ducts.
  • Cracks in the furnace masonry. Due to their appearance, the draft and temperatures of the exhaust gases decrease.
  • Destruction of the internal masonry of the furnace.
  • Strong cooling of the chimney and the entire furnace structure.
  • A stove can smoke if it is connected in parallel with another stove to the same chimney without a special divider (smoke damper).

Preparing the stove for lighting

Before lighting the stove, it is worth checking its serviceability and preparing it for kindling. This is especially true in country cottages, where the stove is used infrequently, upon the arrival of the owners.

  • Visually inspect the stove for cracks in the masonry. If they are present, smoke and carbon monoxide may enter the room; moreover, when heated, the crack may increase and further damage the masonry. If cracks are found, they are sealed with a mixture of clay and sand.
  • We check for the presence of whitewash on the pipe (in the attic and roof).
  • It is undesirable to place flammable, especially flammable, objects closer than half a meter from the hot walls of the stove. Also, do not stack dry firewood close to the stove.
  • It is recommended to clean the pipe 2-3 times a month (with constant use).
  • Before lighting, clean the stove. We fill the slag and ash with water and scoop it out with a poker, putting it in a specially designated place. The outer walls of the oven are cleaned of dust with a dry cloth. If this is not done, the dust will cause an unpleasant odor.
  • Do not use pieces of bitumen, household and construction waste, plastic, etc. for kindling.
  • Do not open both the vent and the oven door at the same time.
  • In order not to overheat the stove, it is heated several times a day, the duration should not exceed two hours.
  • Charcoal for kindling is chosen dry, medium size. Before loading into the oven, it is cleaned of dust. If the fuel is wet, then when heated, the moisture becomes steam, which turns into condensate, settling on the walls of the pipe, mixing with soot and cooling the structure.
  • Do not use flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline, etc.) for ignition.
  • You should not leave the stove unattended while lighting, especially if there are children and animals in the house.

How to light a stove with coal

  1. We clean the stove from ash and carbon deposits, prepare the coal.
  2. Place a layer of crumpled newspapers or paper on the bottom of the firebox, and a layer of small wood chips on top.
  3. We lay small dry firewood, such as birch, on top of the chips. To make firewood burning more efficient, they are laid in a “well” or “hut” (if the volume of the chamber in which the fuel is burned is sufficiently large), leaving space between the firewood for free air circulation.
  4. You can light newspapers with ordinary matches or a special spray can.
  5. Close the oven door. And we open the vent. With its help, we regulate the intensity of combustion - the greater the air flow, the stronger the flame in the stove.
  6. When the firewood burns out and a layer of hot coals forms, pour a layer of fine coal (about fifteen centimeters) into the oven.
  7. When opening the firebox door, the vent should be closed.
  8. After the added layer of coal flares up, it is increased to sixty centimeters (a larger fraction).

Coal is placed through the firebox door or through the shifted burners of a metal stove. The second option is more convenient and safer.

If after using coal there is coal dust left in the place where it is stored, then you should not throw it away; it is more economical to use it for heating.

For ignition, use a piece of steel pipe. Small firewood and a layer of coarse coal are loaded into it. The outside of the pipe is lined with wet fine coal. After this, the pipe is pulled out through the holes in the stove and the wood is lit. Fuel is added after the previous layer has burned out.


The process of lighting a stove is not as simple as it seems to many people who have little knowledge of the stove business. It is not enough to throw some wood, some paper and set everything on fire, like a simple fire. Everything is much more complicated. It is necessary to take into account the design of the stove, the type of solid fuel, and even fire safety.

General instructions

Buleryan's kindling scheme:

  1. Open the chimney gasifier regulator.

  2. Open the blower damper.
  3. First, lay down wood chips or medium/large-sized firewood, add some crumpled paper/newspaper;

  4. Light the wood, check combustion and close the stove door;

  5. Check for traction after 15-20 minutes;
  6. Approximately every 5 minutes you need to close the damper a little, but you cannot close it completely;

  7. Do not move away from the stove while lighting;
  8. When the temperature decreases, you can add the next batch of firewood (use only large, dry firewood);

You can also watch detailed video instructions on kindling Buleryan:

After some time of use, you will gain the necessary experience and melting buleryan will become a simple task.

What kind of wood to burn?

Before using the stove, you should figure out how to properly heat Buleryan with wood, because not everyone is suitable for this purpose. Any hardwood firewood is suitable for heating.

It is not recommended to use coniferous varieties ; they quickly clog the chimney. If you heat the stove with apple, pear, cherry, etc., little heat will be released.

Can I use other fuel?

  1. Coal. Buleryan stoves come with special operating and fire safety instructions. If you follow these instructions exactly, it is prohibited to heat the stove with coal alone; a large amount of heat from burning coal can melt the metal. You can use brown coal, but only together with firewood. Many sources on the Internet describe many ways to heat Buleryan with coal, but you should not rely on them, these methods may not be safe.
  2. Workout. According to the instructions, the waste cannot be used as fuel. Its use will lead to burnout of the pipes and failure of the furnace.
  3. Briquettes. Peat briquettes are an ideal type of fuel; they have good heat transfer and do not impair the performance of the stove. Briquettes are difficult to purchase in a store; they are usually ordered on the Internet, but suppliers mainly sell only in large quantities, which is inconvenient for personal use.
  4. Sawdust, wood chips and tree bark. Kindling with sawdust, wood chips and tree bark is not prohibited - this is a good way to save money, allowing you to reduce the use of good firewood. In order to use this type of fuel, you must first light the stove with wood, and then add wood waste.
  5. Pellets. The method of melting with pellets is similar to that used when melting with sawdust, wood chips and bark. Since pellets are made from wood, they are also suitable for buleryan, but before that a special mesh is installed.

How to properly stack firewood?

First of all, wood chips are laid for kindling. You can set fire using different ignition means. Afterwards the firewood is stacked. The furnace operates in normal mode or in gas generation mode. Continuous operation in normal mode reduces the service life of the boiler. It is important not to use wet firewood, as this will damage the chimney over time.

For a longer service life of the stove, it is necessary to periodically clean it; to do this, it is enough to burn special briquettes if the chimney begins to clog.

How to reduce consumption?

  1. Use dry firewood.
  2. Clean the chimney regularly.
  3. Heat the stove with wood from acacia, oak and aspen - they are the hardest.
  4. Insulate the chimney.

Optimal temperature

Before purchasing a Buleryan stove, you need to decide on its size. This affects how much area the boiler can heat. The period between laying firewood is long - 8-12 hours. To always maintain a comfortable temperature, it is enough to periodically add firewood.

The optimal temperature depends on the size, power of the stove and the volume of the firebox. The principle of operation is similar to a conventional potbelly stove, but the efficiency is higher, so the bullerian will quickly warm up a large room.

General fire safety rules

  1. Do not add too much firewood.
  2. During heating, do not move away from the stove, constantly check for draft.
  3. Do not use only coal as fuel, this may cause the metal to melt and spread the fire.
  4. Watch the stove closely while it is burning.
  5. Clean your chimney regularly.
  6. Please read the instructions carefully before use.

What to heat with?

A potbelly stove is efficient and small-sized, does not require special knowledge for its operation, installation is not complicated, and even a person who has never done this can handle the kindling. Unfortunately, not everyone can accurately answer the question: “What to heat with?” In principle, a potbelly stove is not much different from an ordinary stove and therefore can use the same types of fuel, namely:

  • the most popular are firewood;
  • in the second place you can place coal;
  • sawdust;
  • peat;
  • and even oil.

What to use besides firewood?

Yes, firewood undoubtedly occupies a leading position in use, but other types of fuel can also be used:


  • Coal, like firewood, is popular, but due to the fact that it is more expensive and not everyone can afford it, it is used less often. Although in terms of indicators it is higher than firewood. For example, coal burns longer and produces a high temperature, which means it has a high efficiency index. But it is precisely because of the increased heat that the chimney needs to be reworked.

Peat in briquettes

  • Peat, as well as sawdust, have one significant drawback - they require special storage conditions. Under no circumstances should briquettes be allowed to get wet, otherwise they will lose some of their properties and, in some cases, will not be able to burn. After the briquettes burn out, quite a bit of waste from their use remains in the ash pit, and during the combustion process an unpleasant odor is released.


  • Pellets – or in other words pressed sawdust. It would seem that the benefit is obvious, you can heat a stove from production waste, but unfortunately the price is not much less than firewood.

What can't you heat?

It is strictly prohibited to use liquid fuel in residential premises. This type is fire and explosive. In addition, after using it, it is necessary to clean the chimney more often, since due to the mixing of condensate and soot, a black tarry mass is formed, which is difficult to clean off. Even if you use liquid fuel in industrial premises or cabins, you must have good exhaust and good air circulation. Otherwise, burning mass may be released into the room.

Common Operation Problems

The main problem when operating a buleryan is the release of flammable gases, which cannot burn due to the moisture of the wood and are released in the form of condensate. To solve all operational problems, it is enough to use exclusively dry firewood, otherwise the released gases will settle on the surface of the pipes and form growths, leading to blockages.

Why does Buleryan smoke?

Buleryan may smoke due to the fact that there is no draft or the stove has not been serviced for a long time, i.e. the chimney was not cleaned; similar situations occur if the stove was still heated with wet wood. These problems can be eliminated by mechanically cleaning the pipes with a special metal rod or by cleaning with special chemical briquettes. After cleaning the chimney and if there is draft, smoke will not come out.

It can also smoke due to the fact that the damper is completely closed, i.e. there is simply nowhere for the smoke to escape. As stated in the instructions for heating the stove, the damper should not be closed, only slightly closed.

Can't melt it

At the beginning of operation, using Buleryan is a pleasure - it does not take up much space, warms the room well, and saves firewood. But, if over time the stove becomes more and more difficult to light, this means that the chimney may be clogged and needs to be cleaned. There are two ways to clean the stove: mechanical (use a special metal rod to break through the build-up that has formed in the chimney), chemical (heat the stove with special brackets, which remove the blockage during combustion).

When installing a stove, proper installation of external chimney pipes is necessary. If the pipes are installed incorrectly - there are hills nearby (trees or buildings), or the pipe does not rise enough above the roof of the house and the ridge, the smoke will not be able to escape through them, but will go into the room. It is impossible to light the stove under such conditions. Check that the chimney pipes are installed correctly.

Other problems

According to user reviews, the main problems with Buleryan stoves are the emission of smoke into the room and the release of carbon monoxide, which is harmful to health. Other problems may arise due to improper operation, use of wet firewood, or failure of the stove. As stated above, you cannot use coal as fuel to avoid burning the walls of the boiler.

At the beginning of use, smoke will be emitted from the paint, but after a few fires this problem will disappear by itself. In addition, external pipes have to be insulated for better heat transfer.

The Buleryan stove is very convenient and useful if you use it correctly. It does not accumulate heat near itself, but distributes it throughout the room. Such boilers can be used in a home, garage, industrial premises or greenhouse. All the tips presented in the article are most useful for people who use the stove all winter.

When choosing a stove, pay attention to the fact that Buleryan has a number of useful advantages - easy installation, cost-effectiveness, long service life, good heating (it is easy to maintain a comfortable temperature). To heat several rooms at once, it is necessary to lay additional pipes. But don’t forget that the Buleryan stove does not run on coal, only on wood fuel.

Combustion depends on many factors - outside temperature, fuel quality, wood moisture content, chimney height, so there cannot be exact instructions for heating. The main thing is to follow the instructions exactly so as not to harm people in the room and not damage the boiler.

Useful operating tips can be found in user reviews, but do not trust them 100% if they are completely at odds with fire safety rules and do not comply with the instructions.

Author: Igor Vernikov, published 07/03/2012

More articles from the section All about stoves

Everyone is familiar with Buleryan long-burning heating stoves. Having read so many positive reviews about them, I would like to add a little “from myself.” In addition, the heating theme is especially appropriate for the winter season.

The peculiarities of the Brenerans’ work are known to many. Having supported their knowledge about the furnace with positive reviews, our compatriots are happy to purchase this result of engineering. Expecting too much from him.

Question answer

Are there any restrictions when choosing a location for installing the Buleryan?

The steel body heats up to a high temperature, so placing the stove near gas cylinders, gasoline cans and flammable materials is dangerous. You can get burned by touching a heated surface, so the stove should be placed where it will not disturb anyone. It should not be placed in a room where children play or where there are pets.

A homemade stove looks unattractive. Is it possible to hide it by covering the body with something and leaving the upper part of the pipes?

For effective operation, the housing should not be closed - after all, it also gives off heat. One of the decor options that has little effect on heat transfer is beautiful forged grilles.

What should you consider when choosing oven parameters?

It will be necessary to take into account the volume of the room and how well it is insulated. If the insulation is weak and the windows and doors do not close tightly, more energy will be required to achieve a comfortable temperature.

Why are round pipes installed on all factory Buleryans? Are they better than rectangular ones?

In this case, the shape does not matter much, but in round channels the air flows more freely and evenly.

How to connect Buleryan to a water heating system so that it heats water in the radiators?

To do this, instead of air, you need to put water through the pipes for heating. A pressure manifold is connected to the upper openings, raising the coolant to the upper floors, then the water flows to the lower floors and basements. It enters the furnace through the return manifold, passing through all heated rooms.

Is it possible to use the surface of the Buleryan stove for domestic needs?

Yes. Its body temperature is high enough to be used for cooking. There are special models with burners.

What fuel is suitable for buleryan?

Most often, ordinary firewood is used. The stove can be heated with coal, peat, waste, which, when burned, do not emit toxic substances and do not damage the internal walls of the firebox. The oven can be adapted for waste automobile oils. To do this, a pyrolysis burner is attached to its body.

Buleryan with water circuit

The presented unit can be used for water heating, then the heat exchanger will contain liquid, not air. The Buleryan boiler has the same efficiency as gas heating devices. The Buleryan stove with a water circuit is relevant in dachas and industrial premises. Main features of aqua-buleryan:

  1. The surface of the stove with a water circuit does not heat up very much, so it can be installed in a small room.
  2. The boiler can be used provided there is natural circulation of the coolant.
  3. For most models, a concrete base-stand is made for installation.
  4. Inside the casing there is a combustion chamber. The pipes containing the liquid fit tightly around the chamber, which results in rapid heating.

Folk stove for a summer residence: the most inexpensive option on

How to heat your dacha if you don’t live in the house all the time, but only visit during the cold season? In such cases, experts advise considering simple and well-tested options. A steel wood-burning stove, popularly nicknamed a “potbelly stove,” is one of those simple and effective technological solutions that do not become obsolete over time, but are only improved through modern additions.

Country stoves - “potbelly stoves” - are widely represented on the market, and models of not only domestic but also imported ones are offered. You should not associate a modern stove of this type with a primitive device from old war films: the potbelly stove has long ago acquired a decent design, high efficiency and various options for additional functions for user convenience.

How does a potbelly stove work?

The firebox consists of a combustion chamber, where wood is burned, and a chamber for the ash pan, separated from the combustion chamber by a grate. In the upper part of the firebox there is a flue channel and a hole for connecting the chimney.

The ash pan box is designed to collect ash that pours into it from the firebox. In modern stove models, the ash pan door is equipped with a seal and plays the role of a combustion mode regulator.

The oven door is a box with a window made of heat-resistant glass, a seal and a latch. The simplest models may not have a window.

The chimney consists of steel pipes, single-walled or double-walled (so-called sandwich). In the space between the pipes of the sandwich chimney there is a heat-insulating material (for example, expanded vermiculite).

This technology increases the fire safety of the chimney by reducing the temperature in the places where it comes into contact with the structure of the house. The inner pipe of sandwich modules is made of stainless high-alloy steel, the outer pipe is made of mirror stainless or galvanized steel.

The chimney is equipped with a special rotary damper - a damper for manual draft adjustment.

The furnace body is assembled from heat-resistant steel and covered with heat-resistant silicone enamel or other decorative materials that can withstand high temperatures.

Modern stove models may have a special convector casing: cold air, entering it from below, is warmed by the walls of the stove and exits from above through special openings.

This simple technology can significantly increase the efficiency of the furnace.

Optional equipment . A hob for cooking can be mounted on the top cover of the oven. There are models with a built-in electric heat gun, as well as with the ability to install heat sinks to supply warm air to adjacent rooms.

Stove for a summer residence (potbelly stove): device


Fast heating and high efficiency . A metal stove begins to release heat into the room immediately after lighting. Due to the fact that thermal energy is not wasted on heating the furnace itself, high efficiency and fuel savings are ensured.

Compactness . A potbelly stove is the smallest of wood-burning stoves: the lightest models weigh about 30 kg, the weight of the heaviest ones rarely exceeds 80 kg, and overall dimensions are approximately 700x400x800 mm or less. This stove is the best choice for a small garden house.

Easy to install and dismantle . It is easy to install a potbelly stove in an already built house: it will not require significant alterations to the floor, ceiling and roof structures.

The small diameter of the chimney (up to 200 mm) eliminates the need to punch wide holes. Due to its light weight, it can be installed on light floors without pre-strengthening them.

Dismantling the stove is also not particularly difficult.

Low price , especially in comparison with “mainstream” brick kilns.

Low operating costs . A potbelly stove is an economical way to heat a house in comparison with electric and gas heating and brick stoves. And if in a holiday village there are periodic power outages and there is no connection to the main gas pipeline, it becomes no alternative.


Risk of burns from the hot oven body. Safety rules prohibit the construction of protective and decorative screens around the stove that could protect against accidental contact with the stove.

Quick cooling after heating. If the stove is not switched to slow burning mode, then after the wood burns out it cools down almost immediately.

Fire hazard due to improper installation or careless operation. The high temperature of the stove body and chimney structures requires particularly careful attention to safety of use.

Wood-burning stove for a summer house with a glass window

How to choose a stove-stove for a summer house

Power is determined at the rate of 1 kW per 10 m3 of room area. If you intend to use the stove only in the warm season (April-October), you can choose a device with a power less than the calculated one.

The dimensions are directly related to the size of the firebox and, therefore, the power of the stove, however, the dimensions of stoves with the same firebox volume may vary due to design features.

When choosing, keep in mind that the stove must be installed at a safe distance from surrounding objects: 500 mm on the sides and rear, 1250 mm in front and 1200 mm on top.

The maximum length of firewood used also depends on the size of the firebox.

Purpose . To heat several rooms separated by solid partitions, you need a stove with the ability to install heat sinks: flexible hoses are connected to them to remove warm air to adjacent rooms.

Please note : chimney elements are sold separately from the stove, since its configuration is selected individually and depends on the characteristics of the house.

How and with what to heat a potbelly stove?

Fuel . Steel stoves are designed for wood heating. You can also use sawdust-based fuel briquettes, which are sold in construction shopping centers. Stoves designed to fire coal are made of cast iron.

Operating modes . Most stoves of this type can operate in one of two modes: intense combustion and temperature maintenance.

For intense combustion, after adding firewood and closing the oven door, open the ash pan drawer to ensure that the maximum amount of oxygen enters the firebox.

To switch the stove to slow burning mode (maintain temperature), add firewood again and close the ash pan drawer. The slow burning time depends on the design of the stove and can reach 8 hours for models equipped with afterburners.

The draft is adjusted using a damper: if there is excess draft, the damper is partially closed.

Remember : you can use the stove in intensive combustion mode for no more than 2 hours a day!

To extend the service life of the stove, experts recommend heating the stove intensively for 15-20 minutes after the slow burning mode: this is necessary to remove soot formed during slow combustion of fuel.

How to properly install a stove in a dacha?

Attention : installation and first firing of the furnace is carried out only with the participation of a specialist from the manufacturer or supplier!

The stove can be installed on a foundation or directly on the floor.

When installing the stove on a wooden floor, lay out a platform at least ¼ brick thick; its size should be such that the distance from the stove to the edges is at least 250 mm.

A cement screed or metal sheet is laid on top of the brick. It is necessary to have a metal sheet under the combustion door. It is strictly forbidden to install fences around the stove that impede air exchange.

Distance to flammable materials:

  • From the back and sides of the stove: at least 500 mm
  • Door side: 1250 mm
  • Top: 1200 mm.

The distance on one of the sides can be reduced provided that the flammable material is protected by brickwork ½ brick thick with a gap of at least 30 cm from the combustible surface. In this case, the distance from the other side of the stove to flammable materials should be 1 m or more. It is not permissible to reduce the safety distances behind, above or at the front of the oven!

Chimney . It is recommended to use thermally insulated sandwich modules in combination with single-wall pipes.

The internal pipes of the sandwich are connected by inserting the upper element into the lower one, the external ones - vice versa: the upper segment is pushed onto the lower one.

Remember: sandwich modules are under no circumstances installed at the base of the chimney, where it comes into contact with the stove; a single-wall pipe is installed in this place.

Where the chimney passes through the ceilings, a steel ceiling trim must be installed. The cutting thickness should be 70 mm greater than the thickness of the overlap.

The gaps between the grooves and the floor structures are insulated with stone wool, expanded clay or other non-combustible materials. A special roofing passage unit is installed in the roof.

When venting a chimney onto a roof made of flammable materials, it is necessary to install a spark arrester on the pipe.

The height of the chimney from the grate is at least 5 m.

The distance to flammable structures from the inner surface of the pipe is at least 500 mm. It is allowed to reduce the distance to 380 mm, provided that combustible structures are protected with a metal sheet on asbestos cardboard (8 mm) or plaster (25 mm) on a metal mesh.

The height of the chimney depends on its location and roof configuration.

  • At a distance of less than 1.5 m from the ridge or parapet - at least 500 mm from the top point of the ridge or parapet.
  • At a distance of 1.5 - 3 m from the ridge or parapet - not lower than the ridge or parapet.
  • At a distance of more than 3 m from the ridge or parapet - not lower than a line drawn from the ridge downwards at an angle of 10° to the horizon.
  • Above a flat roof - 500 mm.

We will allow the chimney to exit not through the roof, but through a wall made of non-combustible materials, subject to all installation rules. In this case, for normal removal of combustion products, the chimney pipe must be installed at an angle of at least 45° upward; horizontal placement of the chimney is unacceptable.

It is possible to heat the second floor by using heat from the chimney pipe. To do this, sandwich modules are installed only in places where they pass through the ceilings, and a single-wall pipe is installed in the heated room.

Potbelly stove in a country house

Maintenance and repair of wood-burning stoves

After several fires it is necessary to clean the ash pan. The chimney requires regular cleaning to remove accumulations of soot and soot; This is best done with the help of a special log (for example, “Chimney Sweep”), which can be purchased at a construction supermarket.

Do not disassemble the chimney to clean it yourself!

Furnace repairs are carried out only in specialized service centers by specialists with appropriate qualifications.

Basic rules of use

To avoid unnecessary problems, you should carefully study the operating instructions for the Buleryan stove and follow its recommendations . So:

  • For better air circulation a foundation with a height of 20 centimeters ;
  • The distance from the outer surfaces of the chimney to the rafters and other roof elements must be at least 10 centimeters ;
  • Before lighting, the power regulator is set to the fully open position;
  • After intensive heating of the fuel during the first 15 minutes, it is necessary to close the regulator at least halfway;
  • It is prohibited to light the stove with flammable liquids and operate it with an open firebox.

Improved combustion process

The intensity of fuel combustion in the stove is regulated by the volume of air entering the fuel compartment. You can properly regulate the air exchange in the firebox using a blower and a viewer.

The intensity of combustion can be determined by the color of the flame. Too much air results in a white flame and a humming furnace, while too little air results in a red flame and black smoke.

Normal combustion mode is an orange or golden flame with transparent smoke.

To improve the fuel combustion process, it is necessary to adjust the chimney view. Insufficient opening of the view leads to the penetration of carbon monoxide into the room, excessive opening leads to heat loss and poor heating of the heating equipment.

The selection of the optimal combustion mode is carried out taking into account the operational characteristics of the stove or boiler, as well as the type of fuel.


Although this brand cannot boast of a long history, consumers have managed to fully appreciate the merits of its products. First of all, we are attracted by the simplicity of the stove’s design and its maintainability: the entire unit is made of ordinary structural steel, so it can be repaired in any workshop.

The advantages of Buleryan include its safety: carbon monoxide will go into the pipe in any position of the damper, and the body does not heat up above 65 degrees. As users testify, the air in the room really warms up very quickly.

At the same time, it is impossible not to note a significant drawback of Buleryan: due to the fact that it operates in a low-temperature mode, condensation intensively forms in the chimney, which is extremely toxic. Due to its toxicity, it is not even allowed to be poured into the ground near a vegetable garden or garden. To avoid accidental poisoning, they try to place the vertical part of the chimney only on the outside.

If Buleryan is used in a greenhouse with edible plants, it is operated without an economizer and in full combustion mode. In such conditions, the furnace’s service life is exhausted in a couple of seasons (the walls burn out), but no toxic condensate is formed. But in greenhouses and flower beds the stove can be used as intended by the developer, that is, in smoldering mode and with an economizer.

Some users even use condensate to water flowers, after filtering it first. By the way, Buleryan stoves are often called greenhouse stoves.

We drown safely

If the kindling was carried out correctly, the coal will quickly heat up to intense gasification and combustion of amorphous carbon, after which it will be necessary to adjust the working stroke.

Adjustment of air supply and combustion product output is carried out as follows:

· for a heating stove - for maximum thermal efficiency;

· for a bathhouse - for immediate combustion of pyrolysis gases or exhaust into the chimney (not economical, but safe).

Since burning coal produces little visible flame, the progress of the furnace is monitored by the sound, which is clearly audible through the slightly open ash pan door: intense combustion of fuel is accompanied by a hum. If you hear it, cover the damper and vent until it turns into a rustling sound - this is a sign that the heating furnace is operating correctly.

If there is no sound at all, check the fuel combustion. It doesn’t go out—there’s not enough air—we open the vent slightly. It doesn’t help - we do the same with the gate. We repeat this cycle every 2-3 minutes until a positive result. In a sauna stove, where saving on fuel is secondary, we add more air.

To completely stop the furnace operation, you will need to provide maximum air with minimum draft. To do this, open the ashpit completely, close the damper and allow the coal to burn out. Here you need to control the color of combustion: the flame should not be blue. Unburnt remains are poured with water.

For intensive combustion of coal, the flow of oxygen is very important; for this purpose, Teplodar furnaces and boilers have an air circulation and afterburning system.

For intensive combustion of coal, the flow of oxygen is very important; for this purpose, Teplodar furnaces and boilers have an air circulation and afterburning system.

Combustion theory and disadvantages of the Buleryan firebox

If you understand the operation of heating stoves with long-term heat release, the so-called Buleryans (Brenerans). These are simply ordinary, unremarkable potbelly stoves with increased efficiency due to the large heat transfer area. Firewood in Buleryan does not burn, but rather rots, and this process has a lot of disadvantages - more on that later.

At the moment the device is ignited, the wood flares up, warming itself up, it heats the chimney pipe, thereby, as it were, “turning on” the draft in the stove. When wood burns, volatile gases immediately begin to be released. It is these gases that ensure a constant combustion temperature of the firewood in the firebox.

With further combustion, heavy fractions of flammable gases are released. In a good way, these gases should burn in the afterburner. But in practice, due to the humidity of the firewood, there are too many of these gases and they cannot burn, because there is simply no air, and without it there is no combustion. You need to buy dry firewood - this is the first disadvantage.

Many believe that the problem is solved with the help of afterburning tubes, but designers design the furnace so that it saves fuel and does not burn the stacked stack in minutes. This means the tubes are ineffective.

If you do not use dry firewood, then the second disadvantage follows from the first. Rising up the chimney, oily gas fractions adhere to the surface of the pipe. In the cavity of the pipe, drops of condensate flow down and form peculiar growths of tree resin. Which, without burning, freeze and “block” the path of rising exhaust gases until they completely block the chimney. This means the second disadvantage is that the oven often gets clogged.

Why does smoke appear from a coal stove?

The stove is a complex structure that requires constant care, inspection and cleaning. This is a guarantee of safety and reliable operation of the stove, however, despite all efforts, troubles occur in the form of smoke. The main reasons for this situation may be a number of reasons:

  • blockage in the smoke riser;
  • the formation of cracks in the masonry, leading to a decrease in draft and temperature of exhaust gases, letting them into the room;
  • quite strong cooling of the chimney;
  • incorrect stove design;
  • wear of the internal masonry.

What is better to choose regular firewood or euro?

Fuel briquettes are no different from other products on the market, and they also have both advantages and disadvantages. If we compare briquettes with firewood, the former have the following positive aspects:

  • Increased burning time compared to wood. They take 4 times longer to burn completely than regular firewood. Therefore, such briquettes are very economical.
  • After combustion of fuel briquettes, a very small amount of ash is formed relative to the original weight - no more than 1%. Firewood is different in this regard - if you heat a stove with it, then after combustion it forms coal, which makes up about 20% of the initial volume of the material. Some owners use the ash obtained after burning Eurowood for their own benefit. This is an excellent fertilizer for the soil. As a result of its application to the site, seedling growth improves due to an increase in potassium content.
  • Euro firewood provides more thermal energy - about 2 times.
  • Modern fuel briquettes emit heat during almost the entire combustion process. In the case of conventional firewood, the heating power never remains constant and decreases over time. After about 15 minutes the coals are completely extinguished. Euro firewood emit the same amount of heat until it is completely converted into ash, and even when it has turned into coals, it burns for about 1 more hour. This fuel is ideal for those people who often go outdoors with a barbecue.
  • If you heat the stove with briquettes, you will not get sparks, smoke or unpleasant odors. Therefore, the use of Euro-firewood does not harm the environment, as well as people who sit next to the heat source.
  • The combustion process of Eurowood is not accompanied by the formation of substances hazardous to human health. This is explained by the presence of fungi and mold in ordinary firewood, which are not found in fuel briquettes. Microorganisms cannot withstand high temperatures and die, creating toxic smoke.
  • When using Euro firewood, no soot is formed, so the chimney walls remain clean.
  • Small sizes of Euro firewood. Thanks to this quality, they can be rationally placed in a small area, saving a lot of free space. They are offered to customers in the form of neatly stacked stacks. In contrast, firewood has different shapes and sizes, so it will not be possible to stack them neatly even if you want to. Everyone is familiar with the situation when firewood is delivered to the customer: it is simply dumped out of the truck onto any free space on the site. Then everything depends entirely on you - you will have to spend more than one hour to move them to the barn and put them in the order you need.

Even though fuel briquettes have a lot of advantages, the main one should be considered efficiency. Although for some buyers other useful qualities of European firewood will be of no small importance. This includes cleanliness and order. In the case of ordinary firewood, which many owners use to heat their stoves, a large amount of dust, chips and other debris is often formed. When using briquettes, the owner solves all these problems at once. However, is it only right to choose briquettes for this reason?

What not to do?

When burning coal in a stove, the following is prohibited:

  • use pieces of bitumen, plastic, construction and household waste as kindling material;
  • leave the vent and combustion door open at the same time;
  • When lighting, use gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, and other flammable substances.

It should be remembered that adults should constantly monitor the combustion process and under no circumstances transfer this function to children.

To ensure maximum heat transfer, it is necessary that the coal be in the form of not too large pieces. It is not recommended to use excessively wet fuel, since during combustion a lot of steam will be released from its surface, which will significantly reduce the efficiency of the combustion process.

Fuel for Buleryan

The reliability and efficiency of depends on the correct :

  • First of all, the raw materials for kindling must be well dried . Its humidity should be less than 20 percent ;
  • Do not coal or chipboard waste into . Chipboard and its analogues, when burned, release that are harmful to health. Pine and other conifers, during the process of burning and smoldering, release a lot of resin into the air;
  • It is best to use dry oak, poplar, aspen and birch pieces, wood or cardboard waste, and peat briquettes;
  • Firewood made from ash or hazel is more difficult to melt , but it is less humid and easier to dry;
  • Cedar logs are good for a long smoldering process ;
  • Expensive beech , which has excellent calorific value, burns quickly and emits a pleasant aroma, is more suitable for bathhouse owners who use the unit only on weekends;
  • Dried poplar and birch burns well and will allow you to sleep peacefully at night for six hours without monitoring and adjusting the operation of the stove;
  • Alder burns beautifully, emits little smoke, has a pleasant smell, but is more expensive;
  • Aspen also does not emit much soot and serves as a good fuel;
  • The optimal heating option for Buleryan is charcoal .

Metal furnace design

If you are going to burn with coal, pay attention to the design of the stove: the grate should be made of gray cast iron, and the walls of the combustion chamber should be made of thick sheet.

produces two series of sauna stoves that are ideal for heating with coal. Thus, the Kuzbass and Kuzbass Optima stoves are made of 8 mm thick steel. In addition, we have developed replaceable four-millimeter inserts that take the brunt of the thermal shock and protect the stoves from burning out. The thermal characteristics of the furnaces ensure complete combustion of fuel and removal of flue gases.

Two working modes

First, paper, cardboard, and small wood are loaded into the chamber and set on fire. The door closes tightly and the air damper swings open completely. During the process, small logs are added so that the firebox flares up to full power. At the same time, the temperature in it reaches 700-800 degrees, and air begins to intensively pass through the heater, heated to a temperature of 130-140º.

Working in this mode is unproductive, and the efficiency is low, so what follows is a transition to the normal long-burning mode. To do this, logs are placed in the firebox for the entire length, and the damper is closed, limiting the access of oxygen.

Stove specialists recommend putting logs in the “Buler” that are 10 cm shorter than the length of the firebox. In this case, it is better to split the log into only 2 parts. You can learn more about the firebox rules by watching the following video.

Intensive combustion stops, the wood slowly smolderes from the firebox door to the very end, which takes about 6-8 hours, or even more. Combustion products rise, go around the partition and go into a horizontal chimney. In the second chamber, formed by a partition, the gases are periodically burned, but this process is inconsistent and unregulated.

The statement that Breneran stoves are gas generators is a myth. One of the specialized companies conducted a study with the introduction of video cameras into the upper flue in order to detect the process of afterburning of pyrolysis gases. Only rare flashes were noticed and nothing more, which means that the Buler is an ordinary two-pass oven.

In normal mode, the temperature in the combustion chamber drops to 600 ºС, the air passing through the air heater drops to 60–70 ºС, and the external temperature of the housing becomes equal to 50–55 ºС. It turns out that if you are careless, it is even difficult to get burned on the unit. Although manufacturers in the Breneran brand model for residential buildings install protective screens on the body.


Buleryan heating stoves are produced by different factories in different countries. There is a plant in Ukraine. They produce heating “Bullers” and sauna stoves; there are also heat accumulators compatible with some models.

Ukrainian version. "Bullers"

The technical characteristics of Buleryan convection ovens manufacturer are summarized in the table.

Technical characteristics of Ukrainian-made Buleryanov (click to enlarge picture)

Thermal accumulators are used mostly in greenhouses, where there are almost no walls that accumulate heat in conventional buildings. The hinged panels are made of painted steel plates and completely follow the shape of the stove, so each modification has its own heat accumulator. The device is hung on the tops of the heat exchange pipes and rests on their lower ends. They can be filled with any solid heat-intensive material: broken brick, large crushed stone, pebbles, etc.

Canadian Bulerjan. Models of different power

Canadian Buleryan stoves are also represented in Russia. Their characteristics are summarized in the table. As you can see, the design is different, but the characteristics are the same.

Canadian Bulerjan. Technical specifications (click to enlarge image size)

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The air warms up quickly and is distributed through air ducts.
  • The room warms up evenly.
  • Ease of operation and installation, minimal fuel consumption.
  • High efficiency of furnaces.
  • The oven can operate at full capacity for up to 12 hours.
  • The oven body heats up less than other types of ovens.
  • An insulated pipe is required.
  • Fire safety requirements complicate the location. There must be at least 1 meter from the body to the wall.
  • Condensation from soot, water and tar forms on the pipes. When burning, an unpleasant odor enters the room.

The advantages and disadvantages of Buleryan indicate that an effective device needs to be monitored. Pipes must be cleaned of condensate at least once a year. The placement features of a convection type oven will not cause any particular difficulties during installation. Thanks to the fast heating of the room and the low price, many are ready to buy a Buleryan stove. The Canadian stove is an inexpensive option and fits into any interior.

How long can you heat continuously?

Several factors influence the duration of the fire:

  • the house's ability to retain heat;
  • what type of fuel is used;
  • if heating is provided, then what kind;
  • and finally the owner himself, and his preferences for indoor temperature.

If the winter is not very cold, then a house measuring 6x6 is enough to heat once a day, and the temperature will be within 20°C. For example, having lit the stove in the morning, the house will be hot (about 24°C), but by the next morning it will drop to about 18°C.

Why compare cheap firewood with expensive briquettes?

For residents of regions rich in forests, where wood processing enterprises are located, such a comparison is irrelevant. Firewood and sawdust in those parts are inexpensive or available for free. But we decided to compare them with briquettes for the following reasons:

  1. There are practically no forests in the southern and desert regions. Hence the higher price of firewood purchased by owners of country houses and dachas.
  2. In these areas, it is advantageous to press any type of combustible mass - coal dust, agricultural waste and peat. Thanks to the development of such production, the cost of briquettes is reduced and they become an alternative to firewood.
  3. It is more comfortable to heat with pressed products than with wood raw materials, as our experiment will show.

The last reason is conflicting reviews from homeowners about various fuels on thematic forums. A user who does not understand this issue is unlikely to be able to figure out which types of briquettes are best to use for a stove, fireplace or boiler. We will present conclusions and expert opinion on this matter.

In which ovens can you burn coal?

Since, as a result of combustion, coal produces a higher temperature than wood fuel, stoves for combustible stone (black gold) are slightly different from wood-burning designs.

Although, you can burn with coal using an ordinary brick oven, but only with thickened walls and a 2-row grate. Plus, such a heating structure must be equipped with an additional hood that would not be connected to other channels.

There are designs with two water boilers in the furnace, with the help of which not only the room is heated, but also the brickwork is significantly cooled. Such devices require special supervision, since they must constantly contain water.

Plus, the dimensions of the grate and ash pan must be identical, otherwise there may be significant heat losses.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )


The unit has a weight of 60 kg and dimensions 455x620x555 mm. Designed to heat a room with a volume of up to 100 cubic meters. m.

Cost: 8 thousand rubles.

This category includes models with power from 6.2 to 34.7 kW.

They are designed to heat rooms with a volume of 100 to 1000 cubic meters. m.

The smallest oven has dimensions 640x436x605 mm (weighs 52 kg), the largest - 950x676x1505 mm (weighs 235 kg).

Cost: from 8.3 thousand rubles. up to 35 thousand rubles.

The line includes models with a power range from 6 to 35 kW. The dimensions of the smallest are 700x450x650 mm (weighs 57 kg), the largest are 1030x770x1200 (weighs 160 kg).

Average cost – 41 thousand rubles.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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