How to make a toilet in a bathhouse: methods, tips and planning

A bathhouse with a bathroom is both a modern requirement for comfort, and in some cases an urgent need. Of course, toilet equipment creates a lot of additional problems associated with waste disposal, increasing sanitary standards, and most importantly, allocating space in a small building where the dimensions of all rooms are limited. When planning the construction of a bathhouse, you should correctly assess the need for a bathroom in it and the type of such establishment.

Bathroom in the bathhouse - a convenient option for a bathhouse and sauna separate from the house


Modern baths should include the following list of required premises:

  1. steam room;
  2. washing room;
  3. restroom.

Such a standard set will allow you to relax comfortably, and besides, the construction will not take up much space in the territory of the dacha or the local area of ​​a private house.

If there may be size allowances regarding the steam room and wash room (the whole group does not always steam at the same time), then the relaxation area should be spacious so that each guest has access to a free space.

If we talk about private baths, then it is most reasonable to choose projects for 4-6 people, commercial options - up to 10 people. Miniature building 3x3 sq. m contains a recreation room measuring 1.5x3 sq. m. Such a room is enough for a company of 4 guests.

Is the complexity of the project justified?

Of course, a bathhouse with a toilet and a shower will be more complicated than just a steam room and dressing room, but it will be much more comfortable to use. Imagine that you wanted to take a steam bath not in summer, but in winter, and the bathhouse was located 30 meters from the house. It is unlikely that anyone will enjoy covering this distance in the cold.

If, after all, a fateful decision is made, then you need to choose the appropriate type of toilet:

separate toilet in the bathhouse. The most comfortable option is provided at the design stage. Among the disadvantages, we can highlight the complication of the water supply system (it is necessary to organize the supply of water to the cistern), as well as the sewage system;

composting toilet - cheap and cheerful. An excellent option for those cases when during construction this detail was forgotten, but the problem needs to be solved somehow;

Ways to decorate a terrace

To create a cozy atmosphere, the terrace must be created in such a way that you want to relax on it. According to the method of designing a terrace or veranda, there are:

Fully open Glazed using double glazed windows, wooden frames, panoramic glazing or polycarbonate

Important! You can install removable closing elements that are removed in the summer, allowing you to make the space open. With the ability to close off the space from prying eyes and light breezes with screens or special fabric sheets.. In the photo below you can see bathhouses with a terrace and barbecue and other options for such structures:

In the photo below you can see bathhouses with a terrace and barbecue and other options for such structures:

Sewerage layout

The considered sewer elements are connected to each other by a pipe. It is laid in a trench (the diagram is shown in the photo), and always below the freezing level of the soil to ensure year-round operation. A cushion of sand and crushed stone is poured into the trench at the bottom. Currently, plastic sewer pipes have become most popular. They are placed on a cushion with a slope to allow water to flow by gravity. To prevent liquid freezing, it is recommended to insulate pipes using mineral wool or other thermal insulation.

Sewerage in a bathhouse is a necessary and obligatory element of the arrangement and must be carried out in accordance with all the rules. It is entirely possible to do it yourself, but it is necessary to take into account all the recommendations and standards.

Bathhouse on two floors

A two-story bathhouse is more of a residential building than a health building, since the second floor and most of the first floor are almost always allocated to vital premises that are needed even without a bathhouse on the premises. Very rarely, both floors are given over to the premises of the bathhouse and everything that may be connected with it.

The second floor can be built as a separate full floor, as an attic or as a residential attic space. In this project, this is an attic in which guests will relax. That is, the second floor of the bathhouse serves as a guest house. The number of internal partitions determines what rooms you will plan.

This could be one or two bedrooms with a relaxation room, or maybe just a large living room with a sofa for sleeping and relaxing after the bath. But it is not at all necessary to host guests for several days, and in this case, from the second floor you can simply make a games room with billiards or equip a chill-out with a home cinema. Two-story bathhouse 6 × 6 meters

Determining the location

Previously, bathhouses were built mainly without a toilet, since the toilet was located in the yard and everyone used it. There were no toilets in the houses either - they considered it something unnecessary. But modern man has become accustomed to comfort in everything and is no longer ready to put up with inconvenience even when visiting his own bathhouse. Therefore, installing a bathroom in a bathhouse is very relevant and in demand. The main nuance in this matter is the fact that the bathhouse, as a rule, is small in size, and it is not easy to allocate a space in it even measuring one meter by one meter.

In addition, the bathhouse is finished with natural wood and the building itself is also often built from wooden logs, so the owners fear that it will be difficult to organize ventilation. After all, wooden surfaces absorb odors very strongly, and the toilet can ruin any vacation. But not everything is so simple here. If you choose the right location for the toilet and comply with all the technology requirements, the result will be quite reliable and acceptable.

So, the toilet must be located so that the entrance to it is not visible from the rest room; it is better to organize such a “nook”. This will not only avoid drawing unnecessary attention to such a delicate issue, but also possible odors will linger. Also, when choosing a place for a toilet, you need to take into account the location of the sewer pipe or septic tank on your site, since you will have to drain the drain exactly there and the shorter the distance, the lower the costs.

It is also worth saying a few words in favor of completely abandoning the toilet in the bathhouse, because such an opinion is quite common and even occurs more often than a decision in favor of comfort. So, a toilet in a bathhouse will lead to the following inconveniences:

  • The area of ​​the building will have to be increased or the size of the internal premises reduced.
  • You will have to install a separate cesspool or obtain permission to tap into the sewer.
  • It will be necessary to supply water to the building and organize its safety in the winter, when the bathhouse is rarely used.
  • Purchase of plumbing and finishing costs.

But if all these problems don’t scare you, then let’s move on to the immediate description of the work.

The toilet in the bathhouse should be located so that it does not attract unnecessary attention.

Requirements for furniture for baths and saunas

Any country furniture is used in difficult conditions. Therefore, the requirements for it are higher than for interior items for city apartments. However, for furniture in a bathhouse or sauna, as you understand, the requirements are the highest. After all, it is always very humid here, there is a lot of steam and large temperature changes. Not all materials from which country furniture is made can cope with such operating conditions.

What are the basic requirements for furniture for baths and saunas?

  • Moisture resistance.
  • Protection against fungus and mold.
  • Resistant to large temperature changes.
  • Environmentally friendly - furniture should not emit harmful substances when heated.
  • Only reliable fasteners without chemicals - furniture should be fastened with nails or screws or soldered, like artificial rattan. Chemical fasteners (glue, liquid nails, etc.) release harmful substances when heated.

  • Furniture for steam rooms must be resistant to steam.
  • Furniture should be well ventilated, especially wardrobes.

Reset organization

Without solving the issue of collecting and disposing of sewage, it is impossible to create a bathroom in a bathhouse. The most reliable and safest in terms of sanitary standards is the construction of stationary septic tanks outside the bathhouse area. They are sealed wells of the required capacity, in which the discharged mass is accumulated and subsequently pumped out by sewer trucks.

In the toilet itself, a standard connection of the toilet bowl to the sewer pipe is provided using standard elements. Next, the pipe is laid in a trench with a slope to ensure gravity flow of liquid (at least 2 mm per meter of length). The depth of its installation must exceed the depth of winter freezing of the soil.

The sewer pipe is connected to a sealed storage tank. A septic tank, as a rule, is made of reinforced concrete well rings with a diameter of 0.9-1.2 m with reliable waterproofing of the joints on the outside. The bottom of the well is filled with concrete 20-30 cm thick and reinforced with steel rods. The top of the septic tank is covered with a concrete slab with a hole for a hatch.

Sewerage diagram for a toilet in a bathhouse with a septic tank and ventilation

When constructing an attached toilet, a cesspool is often used for drainage. The main requirement for it is the tightness of the bottom and walls. It can be made by pouring concrete, from sand-lime brick followed by plaster, in the form of a metal or plastic container. The construction of an attached bathroom begins with digging this hole and arranging it. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to lay sewer pipes.

nuance! When planning storage tanks of any design, it should be remembered that feces tend to decompose, releasing substances harmful to the human body.

To eliminate the risk of poisoning, it is necessary to provide a ventilation duct for the outflow of gases from the storage tanks, and the outlet should be raised above the roof of the bathhouse.

Bathhouse with barbecue and fireplace

An impressive and spacious bathhouse with a fireplace area located in your yard will emphasize the representativeness and good taste of the owners of the house.

The project includes a cozy barbecue area, a room with a fireplace, a spacious hallway and a direct bath area. If necessary, the room can be used as a guest house.

The layout of the bathhouse allows a person to move comfortably around the premises without causing disturbance to others. So, a large room with a barbecue is a walk-through room and is designed to accommodate a large group of people, while the steam room and fireplace room, if necessary, can serve as an excellent place for relaxation.

Construction of a cesspool

If the pit is made only for the bathhouse toilet, then it should not be very large. In this case, a pit with a depth of 2 m and a diameter of approximately 70-80 cm will be sufficient. You may think that this is too much, but believe me, this option will allow you to safely use the toilet without restrictions, and also resort to cleaning the pit as little as possible. In addition, such a pit takes longer to fill and cleans itself faster. The basic principles for creating a cesspool should be listed:

  1. The edges of the pit must be clearly vertical, this prevents fermentation of waste water.
  2. The bottom of the pit should be covered with a layer of gravel about 10-15 cm, so the water will drain faster and the pit will not deform.
  3. The pit must be closed with a special hatch (concrete or metal) with a lid on it. This will allow you to quickly clean it if the pit is full.

When a cesspool is installed for a residential building, concrete rings are installed in it, which ensures its reliability. But for a small pit designed only for a bath toilet, you don’t have to do this - you’ll only end up with significant extra costs. You can strengthen the walls of the pit with car tires. Once again, it is worth recalling that the drain pipe must enter the hole at an angle.

If the pit is made only for a bath toilet, then you can choose the simplest option

Which design do you prefer?

The design of the bathhouse inside can be very different, as you can already see from the photo above - and with the rest room everything is exactly the same. Ultimately, the nature of the decoration and interior design are entirely the prerogative of the owners. Which most often follow the lead of generally accepted practice is worth noting. Therefore, the classic Russian style is what can most likely be seen in the vast majority of modern baths.

Meanwhile, the space of options is not so narrow - and you may well choose something truly extraordinary and interesting for yourself. And we will help you with this. Keep a selection of photos with the best designs of a relaxation room in a bathhouse.


All bath toilets can be divided into 3 groups: outdoor attached, mobile and stationary. The choice of a particular option depends on many conditions: architectural nuances, climate, financial capabilities, personal preferences.

Outdoor attached

An attached outdoor toilet is a traditional option that has been used for a long time as the only correct one. And although modern doctors strongly do not recommend its installation, many bathhouse owners are still installing it. And this is not surprising, because such designs have a number of advantages:

  • They can be built at any time, both at the stage of assembling the log house and during the operation of the bathhouse;
  • Eliminates the possibility of unpleasant odors forming;
  • The internal area of ​​the premises is preserved;
  • The entrance to the toilet can be made from two sides;
  • There is no need to empty utility networks for the winter;
  • You can choose any size and design.

Modern technologies make it possible to equip such a toilet quickly and cheaply. And to ensure a comfortable microclimate, an economical heater is installed.

Why problems arise

First of all, you need to decide whether a bathroom is needed in the bathhouse. Maybe it’s easier to run to an existing toilet if necessary? This issue must be resolved taking into account all the features of the bathhouse itself and its comfort.

In most cases, the need for a toilet inside a bathhouse is quite urgent. As a rule, private areas are fenced off with an openwork or mesh fence, which does not allow you to run to the toilet undressed, and getting dressed and undressing spoils the entire bathing procedure. If the bathhouse is used in the cold season, then it is generally difficult to do without a warm internal toilet, especially during a leisurely process with relaxation in the relaxation room.

The bathroom is more suitable for a large bath or sauna with a relaxation room

What is the problem with placing a toilet in a bathhouse? The following circumstances can be highlighted:

  1. The need for a completely isolated area. Even taking into account the small dimensions of the bathroom, it is quite difficult to find additional space in a small bathhouse.
  2. Increased requirements for sewerage discharge. While wastewater from a bathhouse can be discharged into the soil through drainage wells, this cannot be done with toilet sewage. Feces must not be collected in pits or transported through chutes. They should be immediately collected in storage tanks or discharged outside through pipes. In this case, hydraulic locks are required that can eliminate odor.
  3. Ventilation. The role of ventilation is increasing, and in the bathroom it should have a forced exhaust character.
  4. Isolation. Water vapor should not penetrate into the toilet, which will condense on the structural elements. In addition, increased air temperature is also undesirable, because This all stimulates the spread of odors.

Possible designs

In principle, a toilet in a bathhouse can be of 2 types: mobile (portable) and stationary. If the bathroom is organized in an existing structure, then the first option is more suitable. In a small bathhouse built long ago, all the rooms are clearly laid out according to the required area, where there is no isolated “nook” for the toilet. In this case, lightweight standard partitions are installed and a local container is provided for collecting waste.

For an already built bathhouse without a bathroom, you can use a portable dry toilet, separating it with a partition

A permanent bathroom is included in the construction plan already at the design stage. It has its own permanent walls and door. The sewer drain is formed in advance and ensures the operation of the establishment. The option of an attached stationary toilet is possible, when it is built in close proximity to the bathhouse foundation, and the entrance to it is organized from the bathhouse room.

A stationary toilet must be installed at the bathhouse design stage

Mobile structures include mobile cabins and dry closets. Mobile cabins are made in the form of light partitions, and disposable containers are installed to collect sewage, which are emptied after the bath procedure. One of the common options is a powder closet, or dry toilet. In it, the container is filled with sawdust or peat, which absorb sewage. To clean it outside the bathhouse, a sealed, storage septic tank is built, periodically cleaned by vacuum cleaners. This design does not have a sewer drain, but ventilation must be equipped. For this purpose, a ventilation duct with an exhaust fan is installed. Mobile booths are installed in the dressing room or rest room.

The dry toilet is filled with peat or sawdust

A more expensive, but reliable, modern version of a mobile bathroom is a dry closet. It is a mobile, ready-made stall with a toilet. There is no need to connect sewerage to it, because... Sewage is collected using a two-section container. Sections are arranged vertically. The upper compartment, connected to the toilet and water tank, is equipped with a pump that flushes feces into the lower section.

Structure of a dry closet

The lower part with a volume of 10-25 liters is designed to accumulate runoff. This storage tank is equipped with a valve and a pipe for cleaning the container. A chemical-type dry closet uses special reagents that break down solid components and eliminate odors. High-quality dry closets are equipped with tank full indicators. Regardless of the speed of filling the container, the effect of chemical reagents lasts for 12-14 days, after which you will have to clean the container and introduce a new portion of the reagent.

Special reagents are used to care for the dry closet.

The electric dry closet is considered the most effective. It costs more, but does not require the use of chemicals, and the filling cycle lasts much longer. In this design, the lower section is divided into 2 compartments - storage units for the liquid and solid fractions, and drying is carried out in the compartment for collecting solid waste. The liquid fraction, significantly diluted with water, can be sent to the drainage system of the bathhouse.

Electric dry closet diagram


If a bathhouse is a way of life or a commercial investment, then you can consider options with additional options that will enhance your pastime and relaxation. Combination options are also popular.

With terrace

If the rest room is an enclosed space, then it will be nice to go out onto the terrace to get some fresh air. In the summer, you can even move the recreation area outside, equipping it with comfortable chairs, a table, a hammock or sofas with armchairs. In winter you can go out to the terrace to cool off.

The size can also be customized. If the terrace is planned as an outdoor recreation area, then it can be made the entire width of the bathhouse, as well as with a turn. A spacious square open veranda on the same foundation as the bathhouse and under the same roof can be used as a gazebo at any time.

There is a possibility of installing a swimming pool on the large terrace

The canopy will not allow the water to heat up too much from the sun's rays, which is so important when you want to freshen up, and leaves and fluff will not fly into the pool in large quantities

With swimming pool

If you don’t want to install a pool on the terrace, you can do it inside the bathhouse. A separate room can be allocated for the pool, which can be accessed directly from the steam room, but more often there are projects in which the pool is located directly in the relaxation room.

A small 2x2 version with cold water can serve as a river ice hole. Heating will be needed for swimming pools. For a comfortable stay, a size of approximately 6x3 is suitable. For entertainment, you can install waterfalls, water cannons or a hydromassage system in such a bathing pond.

Contrasting dips can be achieved without complex pool installation. Small fonts that resemble a huge barrel are available in stores that sell bathhouse equipment. They do not require digging a pit, complex finishing or a filter system. For a comfortable dive, a ladder leads to the font.

With veranda

By combining a terrace and a recreation room, it is possible to save space on the site. The veranda can be glazed with sliding windows, which will close in the cold season and swing open in the summer.

This option is worth considering for those who are planning to build an object for summer use in the country. In addition, sliding windows can be equipped with mosquito nets, and in the summer this is the best salvation from mosquitoes, moths and flies.

With bathroom

For a comfortable stay in the bathhouse for several hours, it is worth thinking about arranging a toilet, especially for commercial projects. You will have to incur additional costs for arranging communications, but a bathroom inside the bathhouse is simply necessary, especially in the cold season.

With attic

There are a lot of designs for bathhouses with an attic floor. It can be used as a guest room - equipped with a bed, or you can install a billiard or tennis table, a plasma TV, armchairs or a sofa.

Small projects involve a layout where the first floor is occupied by a steam room, a washroom, and a terrace, and the second floor is a relaxation room.

Interesting options for bathhouses with an attic, which include a balcony. This way you can enjoy the view from above and arrange an additional seating area with chairs and a table on your balcony.

When deciding to build a bathhouse with an attic floor, it is better to choose projects in which the roof is gable and sloping. This increases the usable space. In addition, you should consider a thermal insulation system between levels

This is important for maintaining a better microclimate in the steam room


If a one-story building is just a bathhouse for the sake of a bathhouse, then an object with a second floor can proudly bear the title of bathhouse-house. Increasingly, just such buildings are growing on private dacha and suburban plots. The cost of constructing such a facility is less than the construction of two separate buildings. United by one roof and standing on the same foundation, the bathhouse and the house have their own characteristics.

The first floor is usually occupied by a steam room, a washroom or shower, a kitchen with a rest room, a bathroom, and a vestibule. On the second floor there is a hall and two bedrooms. The size of such a building with the optimal number of rooms is 6x6 m. The layout may provide for additional premises: a terrace, a firebox, a dressing room, a utility block, a firewood shed, and a balcony.

Water supply

If you have already decided on the location and know exactly where the toilet and plumbing will be located in it, then you need to think about how to supply water to this location. This must be done at a stage when plumbing has not been installed and finishing work has not been carried out. If the bathhouse already has a shower, then the problem is reduced and you will only need to redistribute the water supply from this room. But if there is no water in the bathhouse at all, then there will be more worries.

The first thing that needs to be decided at this stage is how the bathhouse will be used in the winter. If you rarely visit it or it is located in a country house where no one lives, then the water will have to be drained from the system in cold weather. Otherwise, the water in the system will freeze and the entire structure will become unusable. If you don’t want to drain the water, or the bathhouse is located near the house, then you need to think about the heating system. In large baths, which are often used and in which a lot of time is spent, traditionally, a classic heating system is installed.

If there is no heating in your bathhouse, then you can simply insulate the water supply pipes; for this, special insulating sleeves are put on them at the installation stage. They are sold today in any hardware store. Of course, you can wrap the pipes with insulation and fix it, but this is very labor-intensive. In addition, special couplings will not only protect the pipe from freezing, but also prevent the formation of condensation. Therefore, there is no point in experimenting, especially since such couplings are very inexpensive.

It is most convenient to add water to the bathhouse toilet during the construction stage

The installation of a water supply must be approached responsibly and carefully, since the entire operation of the bathhouse will depend on the quality of the water supply. For water supply to the bathhouse, you need to use a plastic pipe with a diameter of 3-4 cm. When purchasing the necessary materials, you also need to purchase plastic corners and fittings that will be needed to connect the system. The plastic water supply system is connected using a special pipe soldering iron, so if you don't have one, it's worth thinking about where to get one.

Design solution

Information. The design of the building must be taken into account in the project. And this is understandable, because today a bathhouse is not only a room for performing hygiene procedures. It is also a place designed for relaxation and wellness treatments.

This means that the aesthetic appeal of a bathhouse complex is as important for a modern person as the functional side of a bathhouse. How to decorate the interior space and what to cover the exterior walls with is a purely individual question. However, there are also projects that are suitable for everyone without exception.

With bay window

What can harmoniously fit, for example, in a small 5x4m bathhouse with a bay window?

  1. Pairs department;
  2. Pool;
  3. Restroom.

Construction stages

The construction of a bathroom occurs in several stages:

  • Determining the type of toilet and method of drainage.
  • Choosing a location, drawing up a toilet project.
  • Laying sewerage in accordance with technological features.
  • Installing a toilet, connecting the sewer pipe to the toilet.
  • Interior arrangement.
  • Selecting the type of ventilation, location and installation.

The final stage will be finishing. It is better to use ceramic tiles - they are resistant to moisture and do not change appearance when exposed to household chemicals.

A correctly installed toilet increases comfort when taking bath procedures, but when installing it it is important to follow the technology

Advantages of a bathhouse with a terrace, veranda

A veranda is a small open or closed structure with a roof. It is part of the bath structure, located on the same foundation. The veranda is built together with the bathhouse or later. The terrace has its own foundation, another foundation raised above the ground. Such a platform is closed, open, universal. The latter option is suitable for full use both in summer and winter.

A bathhouse with a veranda or terrace has many advantages:

  • on the area in front of the bathhouse you can organize barbecue, barbecue, and grilling;
  • friendly gatherings, family lunch or dinner are also convenient here;
  • a huge selection of modern building materials and design solutions allows you to create a building in any style;
  • the extension can be located either on the side of the bathhouse or between the house and the bathhouse, so that you can relax without going far;
  • plants in tubs and flowerpots will be beautifully placed on the site;
  • competently executed construction allows you to comply with the chosen concept of landscape design as much as possible, without making the architectural ensemble disjointed;
  • since there is no need to build a separate roof over the recreation area and the washing area, as well as to connect them with paths, the savings in time and building materials are obvious;
  • from the open terrace or veranda you can admire the sunset or sunrise over a cup of tea, wrapped in a soft blanket;
  • The outdoor pool can easily be located right on the terrace.

What to consider?

When building a bathhouse, you need to take into account many nuances. The building must be located on the site at a distance from other structures. You cannot install a bathhouse close to a fence, and you also need to take into account that it is located without disturbing the neighbors. Otherwise, problems are possible that will entail fines and dismantling of the bathhouse.

If possible, it is better to install such a structure in a quiet place, away from the road, surrounded by greenery. It's great if there is a body of water nearby. It is worth considering in advance the installation of all communications. The area should be level, clean, with dense soil. If there are no such conditions, then the surface needs to be prepared: cleared, leveled.

There are many options: wood (logs, timber), various blocks (foam concrete, aerated concrete), brick. When choosing a material, you need to focus on its price, durability, aesthetic and performance qualities. And, of course, the structure must correspond to the general style of the entire site. It is advisable to build a bathhouse from the same material as the main house.

Layout of a small bathhouse with sink and steam room

That’s right, a cleverly designed small bathhouse is in no way inferior in comfort to larger ones. The only thing, of course, is that if you do everything to the minimum, then only 1-2 people will be able to steam in it at the same time. But sometimes that's exactly what you need.

When the size of the room is small, the question arises as to whether it would be cost-effective to divide it additionally with a partition, making a separate bathhouse with steam room and sink. But even for the smallest options, there are also bathhouses with a washing room and a steam room, both together and separately. Therefore, we will give both options.

3x3, sink and steam room together

Here you need to decide how you plan to use the second room, which is a natural “vestibule” between the combined washing room and steam room, and the street. If you want to put some kind of sofa and table, then it is better to divide the total area equally (see plan). And if it is just a dressing room, something like a hallway where you can undress, then its size can be reduced to an acceptable minimum.

Layout (plan) of a 3x3 bathhouse, sink and steam room together.

Please note that the stove in such a small steam room must be of appropriate power so as not to overheat it. And then a rather intractable contradiction awaits you.

The fact is that a sauna, also known as a “dry air”, as those who have a negative attitude towards it like to call it, requires low humidity - no more than 15%. In the washing room, the humidity is usually higher. The temperature in the sauna is from 70 to 90 degrees (this is in the humane version). This temperature will not be comfortable for washing.

You may argue that you didn’t intend to build a sauna, but the problem is that with such dimensions you simply do not have the opportunity to make a full-fledged Russian bathhouse, where the stove should be either brick or in a brick/stone lining, and even with an internal heater.

An option is to either at least slightly increase the area of ​​the steam room in order to make a brick lining, even for a minimal homemade metal stove, or use a steam generator to steam like in a normal Russian bath, or somehow adapt to control the stove so that you have the right temperature while washing .

3x4 sink and steam room separately

What will happen if the previous plan is increased literally by a meter? You will have the opportunity to divide a single bath and washing space into two separate rooms.

Layout (plan) of a 3x4 bathhouse, washing and steam room separately.

As you can see, in this case, no more than a meter is allocated for washing (and you remember, yes, that we do not take into account the thickness of the walls), but the steam room acquires normal dimensions, which, even with large areas of the entire bathhouse, rarely increase much.

Again, note that if you wish, you can easily increase the size of the steam room due to the width of the relaxation room. If it is nothing more than a dressing room, feel free to reduce its size in order to gain in the dimensions of the steam room and washing room.

ATTENTION! Remember, yes, that the door from the steam room always opens outward so that it can be knocked down if necessary. And always, if possible, the door from the steam room leads to the washroom, and not to other rooms.

Choosing the type of sewer system

To improve the bathhouse, it is possible to use three types of individual sewerage:

  • non-pressure;
  • pressure;
  • connected to a centralized city drainage system or to the existing sewer system of a private house.

Gravity system

Gravity sewerage

The non-pressure method of drainage is otherwise called gravity. This is the simplest and least expensive type of sanitary sewer system. Its main advantage: energy independence. Installation of a free-flow system requires careful adherence to the slope of the pipes (1-1.5 cm per 1 linear meter) and is impossible if the terrain of the site is difficult.

Sewer slope

To transport wastewater, pipes of a larger diameter are required than when installing a pressure system. Straightness of the highway is highly desirable. If the pipeline diagram includes turning points, inspection wells are installed in these places. This rule is relevant for any type of sewer system.

Pressure system

General scheme of pressure sewerage

The pressure sewer system provides for the forced transportation of wastewater, which is provided by a pump or pumping station. The equipment can be installed both indoors and outdoors. A pressure sewerage system for a bathhouse is built if for some reason it is impossible to make a non-pressure one. Features of this type of sewer:

  • pressure is more expensive than non-pressure;
  • volatile;
  • requires insulation of equipment in winter.

Inset sewerage system

A less labor-intensive, but most troublesome way is to connect to a centralized sewer network. This method is not possible for all bathhouse owners. Therefore, it makes no sense to consider it in all details.

Connection to a centralized sewer network

More often, it is used to connect the wastewater system to an existing septic tank on the site. However, in this case, you will have to choose the type of drainage system (pressure or gravity).

Connection to a septic tank


Regardless of the type of foundation chosen, you should consider in advance the presence of a centralized water drainage system. It will not be superfluous to carry out a soil analysis before construction to understand what type of foundation is most suitable. The foundation must be strong and frost-resistant.

Timber is a lightweight material that does not require a solid foundation. But for two-story baths, it is worth choosing a strip foundation with a depth of up to 0.5 meters; the base of the bath should be above ground level.

Quite often, a columnar foundation is used - these are concrete beams made of blocks and bricks, erected to a certain height. They are installed at a distance of 2 meters from each other along the entire perimeter of the future bathhouse, at the intersections of load-bearing partitions, in the place where the sauna stove is installed. However, it is not recommended to install it on clay soils.

Steel tubular supports with a propeller blade are screwed into the ground below its freezing level with the same pitch as in the previous version. It can be installed even on a steep slope.

Optimal steam room sizes

There are quite a large number of projects and layouts of bathhouses of all sizes available on the Internet, ranging from mini-houses to full-fledged complexes with a swimming pool.

There is plenty to choose from, but it’s not so problematic to independently develop a layout to suit your “wants”, rather than deal with adjustments.

It is much wiser to take a pencil and paper (or the appropriate program) and, having thought it through, draw a PLAN of the bathhouse than to cram all the necessary premises into the general dimensions taken from the ceiling.

The starting point when designing a bathhouse is the dimensions of the main room - the steam room, the calculation of which takes into account several factors.

The area of ​​a steam room, as well as a private bath, in general, is not regulated by standards, solely by common sense and one’s own capabilities. But it is believed that comfortable bath procedures are possible if at least 1 m² is allocated for each person in the steam room. Again, if the household is large, the square footage is clearly not enough for them, and it is better to allocate 1.5 or 2 m² per visitor.

In addition to the number of steamers, the dimensions of the furnace equipment are also taken into account. Modern sauna stoves are mostly compact, but there must be a safety zone around, the size of which depends on the type of structure. This is 500 mm on each side for a brick stove (metal in a brick frame) and 1 m for a metal stove.

The operating mode refers not only to the intensity of use of the bath, although this factor is also important, but also to the preferences of the steamers. If sitting three people can take a steam bath in a 2x1.5 m room, then lying down, and even with a broom, you won’t fit in a three-meter steam room, and it will be at least 2.4x2 m. As for the ceiling height, it varies in within 2-2.5 m, the optimal height is considered to be 2.1 m. This value is enough for the majority of visitors, with the expectation of swinging a broom, if there is no “Uncle Styopa” among the household members or friends who may come to the bathhouse.

Step-by-step process for constructing a toilet

We strongly advise the owner of a country bathhouse, who has decided on how to install a toilet in it, not to neglect complex options and give preference to a stationary bathroom with a septic tank. Let's look at the rules for its construction.

Laying an external sewer line

Laying an external sewer pipeline to a septic tank located at some distance has its own specifics. By analogy with a stationary water supply, the main route should pass below the depth of seasonal freezing of the soils containing the system. This mark must be found out by contacting the local weather service, or found in a collection of standards for building climatology.

To build a trouble-free sewer system, we will follow the technological requirements:

We fill the trench with the sewer branch first with expanded clay, then with the previously selected soil.

Interior arrangement of the bathroom

We pass a drain pipe through the hole in the foundation and attach an angle joint to it to connect to the toilet outlet; it is better if it is a corrugated pipe. Thanks to the use of corrugation, the toilet itself can be slightly shifted or rotated relative to the drain pipe.

From the common water storage tank we lay a plastic line into the toilet or connect a flexible hose. The container for the bathroom can be separate. Before the water supply enters the tank, install a valve to shut off the water supply. Finally, we fasten the toilet according to the type of its design, using the required number of anchors.

Ventilation is an important component of the bathroom

In order to not be disturbed by unpleasant odors and air pockets in the pipeline, the internal sewer system must be equipped with a ventilation system. You can position the ventilation riser:

The first option is easily feasible at the bathhouse construction stage, if the installation of a toilet was included in the project. The second is quite acceptable if the toilet was built after the construction of the building. It should be remembered that the ventilation riser installed inside the bathhouse must rise 70 cm above the intersection point of the roof.

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It should not be installed near a smoke exhaust duct, or near window or door openings. To construct ventilation for a bath toilet, a plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm is suitable, which is considered sufficient for a rarely used bathroom.

How to decorate a bath toilet?

Despite the general high humidity traditional for a bathhouse, it is recommended to decorate the toilet with moisture-resistant tiles, because it will need to be washed using disinfectants. Moisture in general, and even more so water with household chemicals, has an extremely negative effect on wood.

Ceramics are laid on a wooden floor using a floating pattern, i.e. the screed is poured on top of the plastic film without adjoining the walls of the bathhouse. The resulting gap is finally closed with a plinth. A floating pattern is also used for laying tiles on wooden walls.

First, a “moving” frame is constructed for the installation of plasterboard sheets. They will act as a rigid base. The walls can be finished fragmentarily or completely, it all depends on the personal preferences of the owners.

Information about the rules and technological principles of constructing a toilet in a country bathhouse will be useful for both independent craftsmen and owners who have turned to the services of a team of builders to monitor their actions.


Laying the foundation

The reliability and longevity of a home depends on the foundation. In the place where the extension is planned, the foundation of the dwelling is opened. At the same level, a new foundation is laid.

The optimal foundation option for a 1-story wooden house is a monolithic strip foundation. Its depth is 0.5 m. The width is 300 mm.

Interior decoration of the bath

For a brick and block house, a full-fledged foundation is created that can withstand heavy loads.

The base parameters depend on:

  • wall structures;
  • bearing load;
  • type of building materials.

The stages of foundation construction look like this:

  1. Determine the location of the bathhouse.
  2. Drive pegs around the perimeter.
  3. Using the pegs as a guide, stretch the construction twine.
  4. Set aside the width of the foundation.
  5. Install cast-off.
  6. Stretch 2 lines of twine.
  7. Check the diagonals and the accuracy of right angles (it is advisable to use a range finder and laser level).
  8. Dig a trench in accordance with the markings. If the house will have a central sewer system, then the trench needs to be drawn to the closest connection to the pipe. Otherwise, it is carried out to a drainage pit, which is arranged separately from the home.
  9. If the soil is sandy, install temporary formwork. It helps prevent the walls from falling to the bottom. The internal walls of the formwork are laid with roofing felt or film.
  10. Install a pipe into the trench under the communications and fill it with sand and soil. The trench under the base is filled with sand (coarse-grained) and crushed stone (2/3). Then you need to moisten the backfill with water and compact it well.
  11. Place tied rods of reinforcement into the trenches, secure the frame with clamps made of plastic.
  12. Pour concrete, level, dry. Waterproof with roofing felt or bitumen mastic.

It is advisable to lay the foundation in summer or early autumn. It should dry well and stand for 3 weeks.

In winter, screw piles are used to construct the foundation.


The ideal building material for a bathhouse is a rounded log, profiled or glued beam. The speed of construction of a building from these materials is high - this will allow you to start using the premises within a short period of time after the start of construction.

A rounded log is much more durable than a regular log. This is explained by the processing technology: after rounding, the sapwood is removed from the trunk - the wet part of the trunk located under the bark. What remains is the hard core of the tree, it is impregnated with resins or tannins, is almost devoid of moisture and lasts much longer than an ordinary log. The workpiece has a cut on one side of the log that perfectly matches the convex part of the other. In addition, such a structure has a very beautiful appearance and does not require external or internal finishing.

Profiled timber simplifies construction so much that assembling a small structure can take 1-2 days. Such a beam has a profiled surface that connects the material into a lock. There is no need to waste time fixing connections. The pressure on the walls eventually closes the beams into a monolith. Finishing all sides does not require wall paneling unless for decorative purposes.

Log houses made of laminated veneer lumber are becoming increasingly popular. A distinctive feature of this material is its high resistance to aggressive atmospheric influences. Its cost is quite affordable, the walls do not require additional insulation. A structure made of laminated veneer lumber is not subject to shrinkage, so the bathhouse can be used immediately after construction is completed.

A frame bath is the most budget-friendly solution. Construction of this type will cost much less than construction from logs or timber. Experts advise using materials that have undergone chamber drying in the construction of a frame bath - this minimizes the effects of shrinkage, which can affect the integrity of the walls. The structure will require careful antiseptic treatment and good insulation. Moreover, the frame structure has high fire resistance.

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