How to sew a bath hat from a terry towel


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We sew a turban for a bath from a towel.

What is a towel good for?

What is a towel good for?

It's not that we don't know anything about THIS, it's just that you can quickly and easily make small gifts out of towels. Needlewomen from different countries, for example, make them for Christmas, and for home comfort too.

Hair towel

And, really, what could be more convenient right after a bath? But the main thing here is not so much convenience as our neat and even cute appearance

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Well, tell me I’m wrong looking at the photo below?

And some ladies complicate the process by duplicating the towel with a lining - but it’s beautiful. Did you notice the button?

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SPA towel for procedures known to us, we also mean procedures at home;Found on;Found on

A towel with a hood for children is a convenient thing

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and this is a pattern for a children's cape with a hood

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And another children's model, decorated with fabric trim

Gift towel with applique. And pay attention to the snowflakes made from buttons - that’s how beautiful it can turn out

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Another convenient thing - for the kitchen HANGING TOWELS

And for children in the bathroom is also a good idea. And here is a master class for sewing it yourself

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And a variety of kitchen items:

A simple pattern to have a complete understanding of the process

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Cute gift ideas, creative dresses with imagination

How to sew a towel dress

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And if you have buttons lying around somewhere, you can make a towel with buttons by adding a colored insert to the usual waffle one.

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There is another clever way to trim a kitchen towel with ribbon or braid.

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Well, even in the life of the most ordinary kitchen you can add bright variety if you approach your everyday life creatively. And for gifts, these are definitely cute ideas. You've already noticed the prices of dull potholders in stores. Immodest ambitions for four seams :-))

Happy New Year, girls! Let's be happy!

How to sew a kilt for a bath and sauna in 15 minutes from an ordinary bath towel.

And it’s better if it’s a microfiber towel, I’ll explain why.

Firstly, this towel is very light and takes up little space in your bag.

Secondly, it absorbs moisture well.

Thirdly, it is easy to wash and dries quickly.

Fourthly, it lasts a long time, does not leave puffs and does not lose its color.

Fifthly, it is pleasant to the body, very soft and gentle to the touch.

Sixthly, a very low price (150-200 rubles)

In general, there are only advantages.

Let's start sewing a pareo, or, as it is also called, a kilt for a bath.

I took a microfiber towel, size 140 x 70. A regular terry towel is also quite suitable.

1st step: We wrap ourselves, see how wide the wrap we can afford to make, on average it turns out to be about 20-25 cm. We mark with chalk.

Step 2: Take tape, braid or cut a strip of cotton fabric for an elastic band 100-115 cm long. The elastic can be any, narrow or wide. Depending on the width of the elastic band, choose the width of the braid.

Step 3: Leave 1 cm from the top edge of the towel and attach our braid.

Step 4: Measure yourself with an elastic band, stretching it a little, cut and thread, securing the edges with a machine stitch.

Step 5: We sew Velcro onto the edge of the almost finished kilt. You can sew loops with buttons.

All! Our bath kilt is ready. Enjoy Your Bath!

Want to learn to sew? Then this book is a gift for you! Download for free and enjoy sewing!

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DIY turban for drying hair from a towel

A terry turban or turban for drying hair is a very convenient thing after water procedures. How do we usually go? With a huge towel wrapped around your head, very heavy, which also constantly tries to unwind? And our view, well, frankly speaking, is not very good. Let's try to sew a turban for drying hair with our own hands from an ordinary terry towel?

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A hand-sewn turban for drying hair from terry cloth is lightweight, dries hair well and does not fall off, as it is securely fixed with a button or elastic band. Yes, and it looks neat and pretty on the head.

The idea of ​​sewing a terry hair turban with your own hands from an ordinary terry towel came to mind when mine, which was once given to me along with a bath set, became worn out, for which I am very grateful to my friends. I really liked the turban for drying my hair; I couldn’t do without it after a shower.

Hair chapma is very convenient not only after a shower or bath, it is for all occasions: when applying masks on the head, instead of an insulating cap, also when applying face masks, so that the hair does not interfere, it is good to tuck it under a turban. But over time, my favorite turban for drying hair became worn out, and at that time I couldn’t find it on sale.

I decided to try to sew a turban for drying my hair with my own hands from terry towels, which are usually plentiful in the household. I figured it out - there doesn’t seem to be anything complicated about it, all you need to do is make one seam.

The hair turban pattern is very simple to make, I did it according to my old one. Although you could search on the Internet, there is now a lot of information on this topic. I have medium-length hair, and my turban for drying my hair fits my size, so I made the pattern based on it. For those who have long hair, it will be enough to simply increase the size of the pattern in length, and if necessary, in width.

I left 1.5 cm for seam allowances. Maybe for some it is not difficult to sew a turban for the head from terry cloth. But for me, sewing a turban from a towel for drying hair is less troublesome, since the border of the towel has already been processed and the entire sewing process will take less time. And old terry towels, which you wouldn’t mind sewing into a turban for drying your hair, will always be available to any housewife.

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I overlocked the edges of the product with an overlocker and stitched it on a sewing machine. If you don’t have a machine, it’s easy to sew a turban for drying your hair by hand. You need to overcast the edges of the terry cloth with small stitches, it will take a little longer than using a machine, but it’s worth it. Now you can iron the seams.

All that remains is to sew on the loop and button. A loop can be made from an elastic band and sewn on the narrow end, and a button on the other end of the turban, as shown in the photo. I sewed everything by hand. A turban is put on to dry the hair so that the button is on the back of the head, then the wet hair is wrapped in the turban, twisted on the forehead, and the end is fastened to the button on the back of the head.

Instead of a button with a loop, you can also sew a loop with a hook. You can also sew a rubber loop, stepping back 15-20 cm from the end, then the curled edge of the turban can simply be inserted into the elastic band and the turban will stay well on your head. Well, whoever likes it. My old turban had no loop or button at all, I just wrapped my hair and tied the curled end into a knot.

This is how easy it is to sew a turban for drying your hair with your own hands. By the way, this is a great idea for gifts. I think any woman will be happy with such a gift.

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How to sew a turban on your head from a towel without a pattern

If you want to learn how to quickly and easily sew a turban on your head from a towel, welcome to my master class! It will be a great thing for going to the sauna and bathhouse; you can wrap your head after applying the mask, and just conveniently dry your hair after washing. It is easy to sew, consists of one seam and I don’t need a pattern.

Friday, December 16, 2021

Turban (turban) for drying hair or going to the bathhouse/sauna. Master Class

  1. Draw a horizontal line AB 66 cm long at the bottom of your sheet of paper.
  2. From point B we lay off a segment BC 15 cm long perpendicularly upward.
  3. Along line AB from point B to the left we lay out a segment BE 30 cm long.
  4. From point E we lay up perpendicularly a segment ED 24 cm long.
  5. Connect points A and D with a straight line.
  6. We divide segment BE into segments 5 cm long, and from each division point we lay perpendiculars upward.
  7. On the perpendiculars in order, from left to right, we mark segments with lengths of 26 cm, 27.2 cm, 27 cm, 25 cm and 21.5 cm (these are the various numbers I got from my first turban))).
  8. We connect points D and C with a smooth line along the points marked on the perpendiculars. The pattern is ready.

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If you are sewing not from a towel, but from terry cloth (or microfiber fiber - maybe you have something like that on hand)), then you first need to process the edges on which the edge of the pattern will fit with an overlock or zigzag and hem it inside by 0.75-1 cm.

Having tilted the head down, we put on the turban with the wide part back, the narrow part forward, tuck the hair inside, twist the narrow part over the forehead and, bringing it up and back, fasten the button. By the number of turns when twisting, you can adjust the size of the turban and the tightness of its fit on the head.

Question: How to create a turban using a towel to dry wet hair?

Microfiber hair towel. How to dress correctly

MICROFIBER towel hat ► MICROFIBER hair towel from Aliexpress.

Video taken from channel: BuyBest

Turban for drying hair

Video taken from channel: Fiodor Copiiov

How to choose a towel for curly hair? How is regular microfiber different from Deva Towel?

Faberlic turban towel for drying hair!

Do-it-yourself turban for drying hair//master class

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Sew a turban for wet hair

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What and how to sew a turban, turban with your own hands: ideas, patterns

Famous designers increasingly began to create new and vibrant images, the main focus of which is the turban. After all, such a headdress is a lifesaver if you don’t have time to style your hair or want to add a touch of femininity and sophistication to your look.

And if you don’t want to waste time twisting the structure every time, then you can immediately sew a turban that will not need to be tied. There are several variations, which we will talk about now.

What fabric can be used to sew a turban?

  • Before jumping into the process of sewing a turban, it is important to choose the right material. Most often, Muslim women used silk or brocade, but you can use absolutely any fabric that you like. The only condition is that it must be soft. It can be delicate silk, cashmere or velvet.
  • If you are making a turban for the cold season, then give preference to wool blend fabric. But you should not take fabrics that are too rough or thick, otherwise all her femininity and tenderness will be spoiled.
  • You should also not choose linen fabric, because... it is too rigid and will form unsightly and rough curves. Felt is also not suitable; at a minimum, the headdress will look ridiculous and cheap.
  • And the knitted material is too thin and will stretch out very quickly. Although it is quite often used as an accessible analogue.
  • Wool, corduroy or cotton are great because... These materials are quite dense and will hold up well.
  • For winter cold, you can even use short-haired fur.

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With such a headdress you will always be feminine

Turban towel: an essential element of women's personal care

A hair turban towel is an alternative to a regular bath towel. This accessory will appeal to all women, without exception, who are tired of wrapping an ordinary towel around their head, constantly expecting it to slide off.

Scope of application of the turban towel

Why do women even wrap a towel around their heads after washing? This question probably worries all men. The answer is more than simple: women “wrap” their hair in a towel so that it absorbs excess moisture and water stops flowing from the hair. As you understand, a towel cannot instantly cope with this mission, so women are forced to walk around with a “turban” for some time. The time depends on the length of the hair and its structure - it can be either 5-10 minutes or half an hour.

In order to make life somewhat easier for the weaker sex, modern manufacturers have begun to produce turban towels, which are already rolled up properly and are ready to be securely fixed on your head at any time.

In addition, a turban towel can be used not only for drying hair, but also for caring for it. For example, many people use a turban after using a mask or hair conditioner. Agree, this is much more convenient than waiting a certain amount of time near the bathtub in the desire to quickly rinse the liquid from your hair.

To summarize all of the above, the most important advantages should be highlighted:

  • By using a turban towel, you take care of your hair because you protect it from aggressive environments and harsh mechanical influences.
  • It is convenient for you to walk and move with a turban towel on your hair, since you are not afraid that any incorrect movement will cause the structure on your head to collapse.
  • You can quickly and easily put washed hair into a turban - it won’t take you a lot of time to create a secure structure on your head, as is the case with a regular towel.

What materials can a turban towel be made from?

The most common options are terry, a classic of the genre, and a more modern representative - microfiber. Let's talk about each type in a little more detail.

  • Microfiber – Microfiber turban towels are quite comfortable to use. They dry quickly on their own and dry out your hair quickly. Some manufacturers even give exact numbers, claiming that their microfiber hair towels can dry hair 5 times faster compared to other analogues. A significant advantage of such turbans is that there is no need to mechanically wring out the hair and try to dry it.
  • Terry fabric - Terry towels are, in general, very common in their product segment. They are durable, exhibit their moisture-absorbing qualities well, but over time they can become quite hard, which leads to a loss of their functional qualities.

How to sew a turban: a simple way

  • You need to take a piece of fabric with a processed bottom edge and bend it in half along its length, so that you get a rectangle of 60 by 30 cm. That is, the initial length of the product should be at least 100 cm. You need to fold the fabric with the right side inward.

Beginning of work

  • Now you need to make a slight rounding on the upper right corner.
  • Baste the top and side edges and then stitch. Please note that the thread should not be cut. It is also useful for tightening the product to form folds. By the way, it is more convenient to carry out this manipulation directly under the foot of the sewing machine.
  • Now, for convenience, pull the hat onto the jar or mannequin, turning it right side out.

Making folds

  • Step back literally 3-4 fingers from the intended middle of the headdress (somewhere at a height of 10-12 cm from the edge) and begin to form folds. As you can see in the photo above, the fabric needs to be laid out in a herringbone pattern on top of each other. Go through as many rows as folds will form.
  • Their size also plays a role - the larger the grip, the fewer folds will be required. Fasten with thread to secure them.
  • Cut off the remaining tail. Just remember to leave 2 cm for processing. This edge needs to be carefully hidden in the folds and hemmed.

Finishing touches

  • Next, you need to turn the product back inside out and process the back of the head, carefully assembling it. Adjust seams and gathers if necessary.

How to quickly sew a turban?

  • This option only requires two sizes and basic sewing skills. Measure the volume of your head - we will take 52 cm as an example. Now you need to measure the length from the depression between the nose and forehead to the 7th vertebra, that is, the bottom of the cervical spine. You need to go with the tape across the forehead, the contour of the head and the back of the head - 47 cm.

Important: You can do it even simpler - take the size from the 7th vertebra to the jugular cavity. When you sew the hat, all that remains is to pull it off at the front and decorate it with a brooch. If necessary, you can slightly adjust the product at the back, creating a small screed.

  • If your fabric is too thin, then fold it in half. But in this case, the length of the product must be taken 2 times longer (47*2). Next, as shown in the pattern below, fold the fabric in half widthwise and make a curve from the corner to the middle.

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  • Cut it out and stitch along the trimmed perimeter. But we don’t cut the thread, but use it to tighten the segment. Tighten until we get a small hole 1-2 cm in diameter. You won’t be able to turn it inside out, so you sew the stitch as close to the edge as possible. Fasten the corners to make a ring.

Tighten to the desired size

  • Cut the jumper in the shape of a rectangle, but round the edges. And also fold the fabric in half, right side inward. Don't stitch through the middle! This hole is necessary to turn the product inside out. Afterwards you can flash it. If the fabric does not fray, then this is not necessary.
  • Insert the jumper into the middle of the hole and turn the seam inside out. Hand stitch along the cut edge, securing the jumper itself at the same time. Return to the front side and tie the ribbon beautifully, creating beautiful petals.

You can choose the decoration at your discretion

Note: Using this principle, you can make a turban hat with a rim. To do this, you just need to sew a bandage, which is equal to the circumference of the head, to the assembled base. You can also use contrasting scarves for decoration.

An elegant option on how to sew a turban

For the pattern, we need the volume of the head, which in our example is 52 cm. The width of the product itself is proposed for consideration at 20 cm, but you can take from this value up to 50 cm. Then there will be more folds, and the headdress will be more voluminous. And one more thing - the length of the product in the example is 70 cm, but the longer the “tails” of the hat, the more turns you will have.

Important: The figure below shows only the pattern diagram. Therefore, take into account the proportions when composing it and do not forget about the smooth rounding.

Note: You can bring out and tie a cute bow in front.

Making a turban with your own hands is quite simple and quick. This product is a must have in every woman's wardrobe. Even if you didn’t have time to do a beautiful hairstyle, then put on an elegant turban in which you will always look elegant and feminine.

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Why is there a hat in the bathhouse? Features of a bath cap

Many people wear a hat to the bathhouse just for fun, because a person usually looks funny in it. But in reality, a hat is necessary. The steam room has extreme conditions (high temperature and humidity), and the closer to the ceiling, the more aggressive the environment. Staying in a steam room for a long time can lead to overheating, and a person may experience headaches, nausea, or even heatstroke. To avoid overheating and protect your head from high temperatures, bath caps are exactly what you need.

In addition, exposure to high temperatures has a detrimental effect on the condition of the hair. They become overdried, brittle and begin to split. A bath cap will help protect them.

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