Bath hats are a key accessory for beginners and experienced bath attendants

A bath hat is one of the most important attributes necessary for health procedures. The main function of the headwear is to reliably protect the head from thermal effects.

In some cases, the head is covered with a towel or scarf, but experienced bath attendants always prefer a special hat. The product can be purchased ready-made, sewn or felted with your own hands.

The need to use a hat

Why do you need a bath cap? It provides effective protection of the scalp from exposure to high temperatures (from 70 to 120 degrees), and hair follicles from destruction.

Providing a “thermos effect”, the headdress helps maintain an optimal temperature on the scalp, which does not depend on the heating temperature of the surrounding air.

To ensure maximum protection, it is not recommended to visit the steam room with a wet hat, which can cause the opposite effect.

Let's emphasize individuality

But there are even cooler examples. This is already handmade. Below are the original works of Elena Fedoriv (if you wish, you can order such a wonderful thing from her). If you want to pleasantly surprise a person, this is your option.

Author's works by Elena Fedoriv

Well, what man wouldn’t be flattered if you gave him a hat with a bear or an eagle? Some people will be more pleased with a tiger or a wolf. It all depends on the character. And in the bathhouse wearing such a hat you will be in a better mood than ever.

Flatter your man by giving him such a hat.

For serious or dangerous...

By the way, there are also options for bath hats for women. You can't always joke with them and you can't guess how they'll react, but no one will be against such beauty. So as a gift for a girl, this is a win-win option.

Ladies' version of a bath cap

Requirements for headgear

It is difficult to imagine carrying out steaming or bathing procedures without a bath cap. But before you make a future purchase, you need to study the basic requirements for a headdress:

  • Protection. It reliably protects the head from overheating and burns, prevents hair from becoming brittle and the development of pathogenic bacteria on the skin.
  • Safety. The product helps preserve human health through the use of natural materials for its sewing.
  • Convenience and practicality. A high-quality product reliably retains its shape, does not change color or volume after washing, and dries quickly. It should also provide comfort and ease of use and fully correspond to the circumference of the head.
  • Attractive appearance. The headdress can have a classic or original design, but in any case it should provide aesthetic pleasure when worn.

When choosing a bath cap, it is recommended to take into account the shape, size and material from which it is made.

DIY bath hat

Hats are considered elementary products; in addition, perfect appearance is not so important for them. There is no need to go to the store and buy hats when you can easily make them yourself. Moreover, decorating hats is an interesting and exciting activity where you can fully demonstrate your imagination and sense of humor.

DIY bath hat: patterns, sewing instructions

The easiest way to make a hat is to sew it. This work is quite simple, so even those who do not have much experience can handle it. You can make a hat in just an hour.

Simple bath cap made of 4 wedges

To work you will need:

  • textile;
  • needle and thread or sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • tape measure;
  • paper and pencil.

First you need a bath hat pattern. For it, you need to measure the circumference of the head, divide the resulting figure by 4 and add 1 cm. The result will be the width of one wedge, there will be four of them in total.

Next, you need to draw an isosceles triangle on a sheet of paper with a base equal to the width of the wedge. The height of the hat may vary, depending on your preferences and wishes. Then you need to slightly change the shape of the triangle, rounding its corners.

Next, you need to cut out the pattern, attach it to the fabric and prepare four identical parts.

The last step is to sew the elements together to make a hat. The seams can be different, you can hide them on the back side or leave them on the front side. If you are making a hat from thin material, then it is better to seal the seams by folding them in half; you can quickly sew the hat on a machine.

If you choose thick felt or felt, then it is better to do everything by hand, as the machine can damage the materials. It is quite difficult to pierce felt and felt with a needle; it is better to use an awl. It is recommended to use strong wool threads for sewing.

It is recommended to make a loop on the top of the hat so that after bathing procedures you can hang it on a hanger to dry.

To decorate the hat, you can sew a braid around the edge, an applique, etc. A good choice would be various inscriptions on bath caps ; you can embroider them yourself or buy ready-made parts.

Shape and size of bath headdress

A bath hat is a stylish accessory that differs in form and functionality. There are no special requirements for tailoring a headdress, the only condition is that it must reliably cover the scalp and eyes from hot steam. After all, it is through the back of the head that over 55% of the fluid from the human body evaporates.

A bath cap can effectively prevent overheating of the head and all the unpleasant consequences associated with it - headaches, nausea and fainting.


The most popular and popular forms of bath hats:

  • budenovka;
  • earflaps;
  • bell;
  • helmet;
  • helmet;
  • Panama;
  • cap;
  • cocked hat.

Fans of non-standard solutions can purchase products made according to original designs in the shape of a cap, Russian kokoshnik, cowboy, Viking and pirate hat.


Hats made from natural materials are subject to slight shrinkage, so it is especially important to choose the right hat based on your head circumference.

To prevent the sauna hat from shrinking in size, it is recommended to follow the basic rules for storing it:

  • After the procedures, the product should be steamed in heated water and pulled onto a 3-liter jar.
  • For ease of stretching and drying, it is recommended to use ready-made rolling sheets designed for felt products.
  • The stretched cap is left on the base until the material dries completely.
  • Dried clothing is stored in a clean and ventilated place.

Taking into account hobbies and professions

There are many more interesting ideas for designing bath caps. Some are produced by various small factories, but there are also original works. Let's start with the factory ones. The well-known bell hats are no longer interesting. There's only something exclusive there, that's the inscription. But finding a bath hat that will hint (or shout) about another hobby of its owner besides bathing is already interesting. For example, there is a samurai set - a bamboo broom and a strange hat. Steaming with a bamboo broom is probably for the “advanced,” but a hat can bring a lot of fun.

A set for an oriental lover. An interesting bath cap and a bamboo broom - extreme, however

For football fans there are ball-shaped hats. For dandies who prefer jeans and wide-brimmed “a la cowboy” hats, there are also such options.

Knowing your friends’ hobbies, it’s easy to choose a bath cap

I found an interesting bathhouse hat in the shape of a knight's helmet, there is also one with pilot's glasses, a cap, a cap, a hat with bands. So there’s already room to roam around here.

These are no longer hats. These are bath hats

Features of the material for sewing hats

The material for sewing is no less important than the shape, size and functionality of the hats. It is worth giving preference to natural materials that quickly absorb moisture and do not overheat the head.

The best option is animal hair, which absorbs moisture well, provides effective thermal insulation, and maintains a constant temperature on the scalp.

A high-quality bath cap can be made from the following natural and safe materials.


Dense non-woven material (thread thickness 3–4 mm), which is made exclusively by hand from sheep wool fibers by felting. The thickness of the finished material, taking into account the functional purpose, may be different.

Despite the density of the material, ready-made felted bath hats have a fairly porous structure with high air permeability. The product is voluminous and light. Thicker walls of the cap provide reliable protection from thermal effects.


This is a more advanced version of felt material. It is made from the wool of mountain goats, merino and rabbits. Felt is made by felting, but it turns out thinner and does not have a pronounced smell of wool.

Felt headwear turns out to be quite voluminous, soft and delicate to the touch.


A material of plant origin, which is used much less frequently for sewing headwear, but is no less in demand. Due to the high content of phenols in the structure of flax, finished products have a positive effect on the scalp, destroying microorganisms and fungi.

Linen hats prevent brittleness, dryness and split ends.


A natural material that is quite environmentally friendly, hygroscopic and hypoallergenic. It promotes rapid absorption and evaporation of excess moisture from the surface of the head. This is the best herbal substitute for natural wool, which is suitable for allergy sufferers and people with hypersensitive skin.

For the bath, it is recommended to choose thick cotton hats that can hold the desired shape and provide reliable head protection.

Bath caps - away from boredom

A bathhouse is a place where we rest, relax, and receive positive emotions. And what better than humor and jokes to lift your spirits and improve your well-being? Yes, probably only my favorite things. And if you combine all this, can you imagine what the effect will be? And what kind of things can be in the bathhouse? Apart from a hat and a towel, probably nothing. So we will look for towel hats with humor...

In the design of towels, there were a few interesting ideas: there were only a pair of arms and legs that could be considered an interesting option, but only for men. But how much joy they will bring to friends... Not a bad gift, by the way, if you don’t know what to please a friend who likes to take a steam bath.

Cool bath towel - funny for friends

Taking into account hobbies and professions

There are many more interesting ideas for designing bath caps. Some are produced by various small factories, but there are also original works. Let's start with the factory ones. The well-known bell hats are no longer interesting. There's only something exclusive there, that's the inscription. But finding a bath hat that will hint (or shout) about another hobby of its owner besides bathing is already interesting. For example, there is a samurai set - a bamboo broom and a strange hat. Steaming with a bamboo broom is probably for the “advanced,” but a hat can bring a lot of fun.

A set for an oriental lover. An interesting bath cap and a bamboo broom - extreme, however

For football fans there are ball-shaped hats. For dandies who prefer jeans and wide-brimmed “a la cowboy” hats, there are also such options.

Knowing your friends’ hobbies, it’s easy to choose a bath cap

I found an interesting bathhouse hat in the shape of a knight's helmet, there is also one with pilot's glasses, a cap, a cap, a hat with bands. So there’s already room to roam around here.

These are no longer hats. These are bath hats

Let's emphasize individuality

But there are even cooler examples. This is already handmade. Below are the original works of Elena Fedoriv (if you wish, you can order such a wonderful thing from her). If you want to pleasantly surprise a person, this is your option.

Author's works by Elena Fedoriv

Well, what man wouldn’t be flattered if you gave him a hat with a bear or an eagle? Some people will be more pleased with a tiger or a wolf. It all depends on the character. And in the bathhouse wearing such a hat you will be in a better mood than ever.

Flatter your man by giving him such a hat.

For serious or dangerous...

By the way, there are also options for bath hats for women. You can't always joke with them and you can't guess how they'll react, but no one will be against such beauty. So as a gift for a girl, this is a win-win option.

Ladies' version of a bath cap

We felt bath hats with our own hands

Now a little practice for those who want to try their hand at felting hats. In general, it will be possible to make not only hats, but also mittens, oven mitts, even bath slippers. The main thing is to master the technique. And then everything is limited only by your imagination: both the technique and the material are very flexible and literally anything can be done.

For the first time we will make a simple round-shaped hat. If desired, the edges can be made longer so that they can be folded upward when finished. They can also be made in a different color.

This is the process of felting

What is necessary

The technique of wet felting is easier to master. Products can be customized in shape and size. In order to make a bath hat with your own hands, you will need some simple accessories:

  • Special wool for felting. It comes in different colors - whatever you want, buy it. The color transitions are interesting. At first, you won’t get a masterpiece, but you may well get a nice thing through transitions.
  • Liquid (dissolved or commercial) soap and warm water. We will use them to moisten the wool so that it falls off faster.
  • Two pieces of bubble wrap (packaging).
  • A piece of thick plastic film from which you will need to cut a pattern.
  • Towel or soft cotton cloth - to remove excess water.
  • Synthetic mesh - a piece of an old nylon curtain will do, so that there are no large holes, and the base itself is mesh. You can use a piece of plastic film - it will be a little more difficult to work with, but the quality will not change.
  • Large rolling pin, wooden roller massager, etc. - but this is optional. These devices just help speed up the process and make it less taxing on your hands.

The set is simple, the only thing you need to spend money on is wool. Everything else can be found on the farm or from friends and acquaintances.

Hat pattern

For felting, a pattern is a relative concept. The product itself, when wet, is very plastic; you can give it any shape, stretch it a little or, conversely, shrink it. But still, we can’t do without a base for a hat.

Measuring and creating a pattern. For a felted hat, it then needs to be increased by 1/3

We measure the circumference of the head above the ears, and also measure the distance from the ear to the top of the head. How to do this - look at the photo. Our hat is simple, with a round crown. Therefore, we make a simple pattern, without any frills. Our wool will fall off, which will lead to a decrease in size. That’s why we make the pattern a third larger.

The height of the pattern for a bath cap is the distance you measured from the tip of your ear to the top of your head, increased by 1/3. If it is, for example, 15 cm, then you need to add another 15/3 = 5 cm. The total height of the pattern is 15 cm + 5 cm = 20 cm.

And this is the simplest option, which is the best one to start with.

Width is half the circumference of your head, also increased by 1/3. Let the head circumference be 56 cm. One third of it is 56 cm/2/3 = 9.3 cm. It can be increased by 9 cm. So, the width of the pattern is 56 cm/2 + 9 cm = 37 cm. Draw a domed pattern according to the received sizes and cut it out of a piece of thick plastic film.

Laying out wool

Now we lay a piece of bubble wrap and place the pattern on it. We take wool for felting. It is sold in tape form. We pinch off small pieces from it. It turns out that one side is denser, the other is thinner. Lay it out so that the thick part is on one side and the thin part on the other. Straighten it so that there are no folds or voids.

You can start from the top of the head or from the fields - it’s not so important. Having laid out one row, slightly moving it up or down, they begin to lay the second. Try to keep the thickness the same. So, gradually, the entire pattern is closed.

Felting wool is available in different colors

Please note that there is some fur protruding beyond the edges. This is normal - we need a single piece without a seam, and then we will bend these protruding strands to the other side. They will ensure the connection between the two halves, so that it is not only possible, but also necessary to “climb out” beyond the contour.

Having finished laying out one layer, place another one perpendicularly (across the fibers of the bottom row). The next layer is again at an angle to the previous one. There must be at least four layers in total. For a bath cap, more is possible, less is not.

Now it’s the turn of liquid soap. We dilute it in warm water. The warm composition speeds up the matting of the wool. The solution should be soapy to the touch, but should not foam.

This is what the laid out wool looks like on the pattern

Pour the resulting solution over the wool, pressing it with your hand from above. For now, lateral movements cannot be made - only from above, so as not to displace the fibers and create holes. When all the wool is wet, it, together with the template film, is turned over to the other side. The strands sticking out are wrapped in film. Now the wool is laid out in exactly the same layers on this side, after which we wet it again with a soap solution.

Felting a hat

The wet wool is covered with a second piece of bubble wrap or mesh, ironed well, crushed and begins to felt. Felting means pressing tightly with your palm and moving it a little. With such movements, the scales that are on the wool fibers adhere to each other. At the same time, there is a gradual decrease in size.

Turn the soaked wool along with the pattern over and repeat the procedure.

To avoid rubbing your hands too much, you can use a rolling pin or roller massagers. Someone places the already slightly matted product on a bamboo mat, rolls it into a roll and rolls it several times in this form. Therefore, unfold it again, straighten it, roll it up and ride it.

Felt until the hat becomes dense to the touch. Now you can cut a thin strip at the bottom - along the brim of the hat - and take out the plastic pattern. She stopped two parts of the hat from falling off, but she doesn't need it anymore.

Now the product is given the required shape. Now the wet felt can be stretched, or vice versa, nailed. give it the desired look. You can put a wet hat on your head and pat it down to fit. The last stage is drying. To prevent the shape from changing, take an oval-shaped inflatable ball and inflate it a little. When it becomes close in size to the hat, insert the ball inside and bring it to the size of the hat. This way the hat will not change its size or lose its shape.

DIY sewn bath caps

For those who know how to use a sewing machine, it is probably easier to sew than to bother with felting and wool. Here everything is exactly the same, only the seams are made either externally or the fabrics are joined end-to-end using a zigzag or other similar stitch.

The peculiarity lies in the choice of material. It can be felt, thick wool, no less dense linen, but folded several times. The principle of choosing fabric is simple: the denser the better. Next, use the pattern to cut out the parts and grind them down. Whether seam allowances are needed or not depends on how you plan to connect the pieces. If it is butted, allowances are not needed, cut exactly according to the pattern. If the seam is external, its height is no more than 5 mm. Accordingly, set aside this distance.

Four-blade. Here are some cute bath hats you can get from such a simple pattern

Photos of the patterns are located below. You will adjust the sizes based on your measurements.

This is an eight-piece with a lapel

Hat - skullcap

Budennovka pattern

What can replace a hat?

Situations are different, and it happens that the hats may simply not be with you at the right time. In such a situation, a terry towel folded into a turban can always help you out. In this case, it will be very convenient for the female half to make a hair mask at the same time. It is enough to lubricate your hair with a product suitable for you and wrap it in a towel. As a result, you will get a great result.


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