Bath hat: purpose, types and features of use

The well-known expression “playing the fool” has a lot of interpretations. Ethnographers claim that the root of this aphorism lies in the ancient custom of Tver Karelians of pouring water and rolling their butts over winter shoots in order to radically increase grain yields; others insist that the expression came from fun with the stuffed soft toy Vanka, which was given to children. There are many versions.

The most interesting thing is that “fool felting” implies the process of unsuccessfully making a felt boot from wool using a wet method, and where, for a number of reasons, a felt boot did not work out, a hat for a bath was successfully obtained. Just like in one famous Soviet film - “there will be no steak... there will be pancakes.”

The need to use a hat in the bath

A trip to the bathhouse is organized to maintain excellent health. The Russian bath has long been famous for its strengthening and healing power. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for it with all responsibility. When buying bath accessories, no one will forget to take a towel, but not everyone remembers the hat, although the quality of the entire bath procedure as a whole largely depends on its quality.

A bathhouse hat is not a whim, not a tribute to fashion, but a necessity. Residents of southern countries, even in heat above +40 degrees, do not take off a warm hat from their heads. It creates a “thermos effect”, i.e. maintains a constant temperature, regardless of fluctuations in ambient temperature. The sun does not penetrate through the warm, fluffy fabric, and your head is always clear and fresh.

The weakest point of the human body in the steam room is the head, so protecting it from thermal shock is an important point when preparing for bath procedures. The air temperature in the steam room is highest at the top, therefore, the head is exposed to extreme heat. Many people leave the steam room due to overheating of the head, although the body and legs have not yet warmed up properly.

Each person has their own characteristics, and the body’s reaction to high temperatures is also different. The body is less sensitive to heat, so by putting on a sauna cap before entering the steam room, you maintain a stable head temperature, the same as before the steam room. This gives you the opportunity to steam longer and with pleasure.


The hat is strongly associated with the function of protection from the cold. It doesn't seem logical to wear it in a hot place. Ancestors did not use any hats in the bathhouse. In extreme cases, you can cover your hair with a towel. These are just some of the arguments that clients give in an attempt to abandon the attribute.

However, the hat is not a decorative item at all. It is designed to protect a person from aggressive thermal effects. Let's take a closer look.

Bath caps can be compared to oriental turbans and turbans.



The average human body temperature is 36-37C. In hot climates, the temperature outside is at least 40-45C above zero. Overheating of the body with such a difference is literally inevitable. The main blow will fall on the head, because it is responsible for thermoregulation much more than other organs. Thus, the fabric does not insulate, but, on the contrary, cools.

In saunas and baths the situation is approximately the same. Only the temperature of the external environment rises to 70-120C. The situation is aggravated by the ability of heated air to rise. It gets even hotter at head level. An ordinary scarf or towel can no longer cope with such indicators.

Neglecting a hat in the steam room has the following consequences::

  • pressure rise;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • fainting;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • general malaise, weakness in the limbs.

In addition, hot air significantly dries out hair. The bulbs are destroyed from overheating, burns form on the delicate skin, the length begins to break, lose shine, and fall out in clumps.

The purpose of a hat in a bathhouse is to protect the head from overheating, and we are also talking about protecting the hair. Exposing hair to high temperatures damages the outer layer, making it less smooth.

Special hats are made from dense materials, following the example of a “thermos”. Optimal body temperature is maintained inside; heat is not absorbed from the outside.

An additional bonus: the headdress absorbs sweat from the forehead, preventing it from flowing onto the face.

Bath hat shape

Bath hats do not have mandatory standards; their tailoring depends on imagination and abilities.
There are no special requirements for the shape of a bath hat; the main thing is that it should cover the back of the head and eyes from scalding steam and hot splashes. The back of the head is the most sensitive part of the head; about 50% of the fluid evaporates from the human body through it. Therefore, you should definitely close it in the steam room. Vital parts of the brain are also located in the parietal part and the crown.

A hat specially designed for the bath will protect them from overheating. It is most likely that otherwise you will experience a headache, weakness, nausea, darkening of the eyes after bath procedures, fainting, or even more serious consequences of negligence.

The most popular forms of hats for baths: bell, budenovka, earflaps, helmet, like those of Russian heroes, Panama, helmet, cap, cocked hat. Hats of original, unconventional design: clown cap, “Cowboy”, “Fatherland”, “Viking”, “Pirate”, kokoshnik.

The latest model is especially recommended for owners of long, luxurious hair. A beautiful, original felted bathhouse hat can turn you into a funny character and add pleasure to going to the bathhouse with friends.

You can buy a bath cap, order it from a craftsman, or make an exclusive one with your own hands. As for stores, the range of bath caps of various shapes is very wide. You can, of course, take an ordinary knitted hat with you, but its shape is less suitable than that of a special bath accessory.

Bathhouse hat material

Inexperienced buyers do not pay attention to the material from which the bath cap is made, but this is a health risk. The most important thing in a hat is not the shape and the author’s unique design, but the material.

Features of choosing the material of a bath cap

For baths and saunas, it is best to use natural materials.
Synthetics are completely unacceptable because they do not protect the owner of the bath accessory from overheating and do not absorb moisture well. Wool, linen, cotton are suitable. Wool is especially recommended. It has excellent thermal insulation properties and will best protect your head from high temperatures.

All bath accessories are traditionally made from two types of materials, such as felt and felt. Each of them consists of natural wool fibers, is heat-resistant, and copes well with its protective function. They differ only in the way they are made.

Felt bath hat

Felt is a dense, thick fabric made from natural sheep wool by felting.
Felting is a technique for processing wool material to thicken it. People learned to make felt by felting many centuries ago; this is one of the first types of fabric. There are two methods of felting - dry and wet. Dry felting (filting) consists of compacting wool using a needle. This is a painstaking, complex process that requires skill. When wool is pierced with a special needle, its fibers intertwine, it becomes dense and shrinks.

Wet felting is similar to the principle of washing woolen items in hot soapy water. After washing, the material is subjected to mechanical processing - tinder, crumpling, rolling.

A felted bath hat has a porous structure; it perfectly allows air to pass through, which is an excellent thermal insulator and protects the head from the unwanted effects of the heat in the steam room.

The felt bath hat is quite voluminous. A layer of thick fabric is like felt boots, it can reach 1 cm. But its weight is small, since sheep wool is very light and soft. The thicker the felt, the better it protects your head from heat.

You can buy a bath hat at any specialized store. It’s good if it is not only stylish, but also when sewing it, high-quality material made from sheep wool and durable environmentally friendly dyes are used, but unpainted gray felt is preferable. In this case, you are guaranteed relaxation in the steam room and a healing effect from the healing vapors that permeate the felt.

The cost of the product depends on the material (woolen ones are more expensive) and on the model. A standard felt bath hat costs about 100-300 rubles. Prices for exclusive, unique hats, made from 100% wool, vary in the range of 500-1500 rubles. and higher.

Felt hats for baths

Felt is a refined type of felt.
Felt, like felt, is made by felting wool, but it is lighter, finely crafted, and without the specific smell of wool. “Noble felt” made from merino wool is of high quality. Firth is also made from more delicate rabbit or goat hair. Felt hats for baths or saunas are soft in structure and pleasant to the touch. In the assortment of bath accessories stores you can find felt hats in a classic, simplified version or decorated with embroidery and appliqués.

Cotton and linen hat

Linen and cotton are used less often for bath caps than wool, but such materials have their advantages.
Flax maintains a constant body temperature, which has a beneficial effect on it. The phenol contained in flax is harmful to fungi and bacteria, which can actively develop in the moist, warm environment of a steam room on the scalp. The value of cotton lies in its high hygroscopicity; it quickly absorbs and evaporates moisture. Cotton is a hypoallergenic, hygienic material, an excellent substitute for wool for those who do not tolerate it well.

Which hat is best for a bath?

We found out that the main purpose of a bath hat is to create comfortable conditions for the head when visiting the steam room.
Its protective function, according to the laws of physics, is explained by thermal insulation from external factors: direct sunlight, heat and wind. A bath hat made of wool - felt or felt - best meets all these requirements. So that later the product does not simply turn into a panama hat or a hat, beautiful and useless, let's find out which hat is best for a bath:

  • A dense, thick felt hat is good for a sauna; it allows less hot air to pass through. In a Finnish sauna the temperature can reach +120 degrees. A soft, comfortable felt hat - for a bath, where the air is humid and the temperature is lower than in a sauna. Approximately +70-100 degrees.
  • The best material for a bath cap is natural: felt, felt, linen, cotton. They allow air to pass through well, protect the blood vessels of the head from temperature changes, and protect the hair from drying out. Such fabrics absorb and evaporate moisture well.
  • The shape of the hat can be any, but it must fit the size of the head and be comfortable. She should cover the back of her head, ears, and eyes. The bell shape is the most advantageous. This hat does not come into contact with the head; the air layer serves as a good thermal insulator and maintains a comfortable temperature inside.
  • It is best to buy felted bath hats undyed, in natural wool colors, such as grey, white, black or a combination. If the hat is non-standard, model, then the paint on it should be waterproof and not fade.
  • The hat should be safe for the owner’s health, beautiful, and uplifting. People with problem skin will benefit from a large hat, reminiscent of a special forces cap. It covers the face up to the chin and protects it from dehydration when overheated for 5-10 minutes.
  • Synthetic hats are worse than natural ones. They retain moisture and do not protect hair well from heat, which can lead to dandruff and the development of seborrhea.

After 2-3 visits to the bathhouse, the cap must be washed.
This will not spoil a quality item, provided that the washing mode is selected correctly. It is better to wash by hand at a temperature no higher than +30 degrees. After this, the felt cap must be stretched, stretched, for example, over a three-liter jar, lightly beating with your hand, and dried without removing it from the jar. How to choose a hat for a bath - watch the video: Before going to the bath, choose a beautiful bath hat that meets the requirements of hygiene, benefits and your individuality. It will not only protect your head and hair in the steam room, but will also make the event unforgettable, bright and useful.


The felt hat began to shrink. Poor quality or improper care?

Natural wool hats shrink really quickly when exposed to high humidity. This is a normal course of events. It is important to take proper care: dry thoroughly after use, do not wash in a spinning machine. Every 2-3 trips to the steam room you need to stretch the product: first with your hands in different directions, then on a jar or rolling it with a special roller for felted products. It is extremely important to return the garment to its original shape while it is still wet.

When to wash your hair: before putting on a hat or after taking it off?

It is highly undesirable to wash your hair before entering a sauna or bathhouse. Water will create excess evaporation and worsen thermoregulation. It is better to carry out the procedure after the final entry into the steam room.

Is it possible to wear a wet hat? Do I need to moisten it?

Under no circumstances should you use a wet hat in the steam room. Not only will it not protect the body from overheating, but it can also significantly increase it.

What temperature is needed for washing?

For felted products, hand washing at 30C is ideal. Wool does not tolerate spinning, so the hat is wrapped in a towel and blotted with your hands. When excess water has come out, transfer it to a second towel or jar, stretch it and leave it until completely dry. Cotton and linen can easily tolerate 40C and light spinning. Suitable products include liquid washing powders with a minimum of fragrances and dyes, baby soap or laundry soap. After regular powder, an unpleasant odor often occurs.

I have a non-standard head size. What to do?

If store-bought options are not suitable in volume or do not accommodate the entire hair, you can order a hat from needlewomen, in a felt or weaving workshop, or sew it yourself from sheets of felt/felt according to patterns from the Internet to suit every taste.

There was rubbing on the forehead. Could this be from the hat?

Yes maybe. This happens if the size is small or the fabric is too rough for a particular skin. It is worth buying a softer, gentler to the touch option and experimenting with a larger volume.

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