Linden bath broom: everything from preparation to proper use

A bathhouse broom is an important and useful accessory, without which a visit to the bathhouse would be incomplete. It has many useful benefits and is easy to use.

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The healing power of this unique tree was known many years ago. Even our ancestors in Ancient Rus' used brooms made of linden branches in the bathhouse.

Linden is a beautiful, slender tree that personifies femininity and grace. During the flowering period, an amazing and unique aroma emanates from this tree, gathering around itself a huge number of bees and other insects.

A linden broom is a good massage attribute; it perfectly cleanses the skin of impurities, toxins and impurities.

Useful properties of linden brooms

Linden is a valuable plant. Its leaves, bark and resin contain dozens of useful elements: tannins, essential oils, phytoncides, etc.

When used correctly, the linden broom has the following effects on the body:

Calms the nervous system and relaxes

Essential oils help relieve stress, soothe and relax. Sleep becomes stronger and healthier. Headaches and general weakness go away after a hard day at work.

Heals the lungs and bronchi

This effect is also achieved through essential oils. Linden broom is useful for people suffering from bronchitis and chronic cough.

Increases skin elasticity and fights cellulite

When used correctly, a bath broom has an effect on biological points, stimulates blood circulation, and helps tighten the skin.

Disinfects, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration

If there are wounds, scratches or other damage on a person’s skin, several procedures with a linden broom will help speed up the healing process. Essential oils will also reduce the risk of infection of wound surfaces. A linden bath broom is very useful for skin allergies, dermatitis and rashes.

Removes waste and toxins from the body

Essential oils, light massage and increased temperature in the steam room: all this together helps to expand pores and remove toxins.

Reduces temperature

Linden broom has a pronounced antipyretic effect. It can be used for colds.

By the way! Basswood brooms are highly durable. Thanks to this quality, they can be used more than once.

Linden brooms are universal. They are suitable for absolutely everyone: those losing weight, people who want to relax, get rid of toxins, get in shape, etc.

Basic mistakes and recommendations


  1. To quickly get rid of a cough or runny nose, you can breathe in the aroma from a steamed broom for 5–7 minutes.
  2. You need to start the massage with smooth movements, gradually accelerating.
  3. You can't make hard blows. They will not only cause pain, but will also leave marks on the skin.
  4. It is forbidden to dry products in the sun.

Eucalyptus is an exotic plant. The climatic zone of its growth is subtropics. Since the plant has many beneficial properties, bath brooms began to be made from it.


Any means have contraindications.
Brooms made from linden branches are no exception. Their use is prohibited in the following cases:

  • The presence of severe damage and open wounds on the skin.
  • Having an allergy to the plant.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Heat.
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

With special care, brooms are used for massage of pregnant women, as well as people with blood pressure problems.

The benefits of baths for men and women

Regular steaming is recommended for both ladies and gentlemen - this is a good way to strengthen the cardiovascular system, because blood vessels dilate, blood circulation improves, and with it metabolic processes and cell nutrition. The number of leukocytes in the blood is normalized, therefore, resistance to colds and ailments in general increases.

Since ancient times, representatives of the fair half of humanity have used the steam room as an effective SPA procedure. After a bath, women look prettier: clean, glowing skin, reduced swelling, blush, measured, smooth movements. By increasing blood circulation, opening pores and removing the stratum corneum with the help of brooms, washcloths and scrubs, the effectiveness of all cosmetic products is greatly increased.

Excess weight and imperfections, which are commonly called “orange peel” or cellulite, are another problem that the habit of taking a steam bath can help you cope with. In a steam room, all processes in a woman’s body go faster, excess fluid is removed, fat deposits are removed, and due to the opening of pores and normalization of blood circulation, the appearance and tone are noticeably improved.

How to choose a good broom in a store or market?

Not only the convenience of its use, but also its effectiveness depends on the quality of the broom.

If you want to buy a linden broom in a store or from hand, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

  • Smell . A good, properly prepared broom has a pronounced woody smell with light honey notes. If there are strong chemical odors, as well as the smell of mold, you should avoid purchasing. This indicates a violation of the procurement or storage rules.
  • Durability . Be sure to shake the broom in your hand. A good broom will retain its shape perfectly. If a lot of leaves fall from the broom, it was most likely dried incorrectly. This product is not suitable for high-quality bath procedures.
  • Flexibility . A properly prepared broom has elastic and flexible branches. If they crack when bent, break, or there are a lot of broken branches in the broom itself, refuse such a purchase.
  • Convenience . The broom handle should be well processed. There should be no protruding twigs or stems on it, which could scratch the bath attendant’s hand during use. The product should not be too heavy.
  • Color . The leaves of the broom should have a uniform color. They should not have a large number of dark spots or yellowness.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

Important! If you want to buy a high-quality linden broom, it is best to contact specialized stores or trusted people. You should not order brooms from unknown online stores, as in this case you will not have the opportunity to personally evaluate the quality of the product.

Preparation - general knowledge

The most optimal time when it is better to prepare brooms for a bathhouse is considered to be the time of flowering of the grass. During this period, the leaf becomes tender, soft and fragrant, and also already strengthened.

Start preparing on the 49th day after Easter - Trinity Sunday, which usually occurs at the beginning of summer. The best time is the first half of the day after dew in dry weather. Finish on “Ilya’s Day,” August 2, since according to popular beliefs, after this day they no longer have healing powers, except for eucalyptus and oak trees.

Advice: make sure that the leaf holds well and there are no resin or thorns on the branches.

When you need to prepare brooms for a bath, also take into account the following factor; do not use growing raw materials:


In the photo - a finished broom made of birch branches


The most commonly used bathhouse brooms are birch and oak, which is no coincidence.

It is no longer a secret to anyone that birch has long been used in folk medicine and in modern medicine as a remedy:

In the vast expanses of our country, you can find birch almost everywhere; more than 100 species grow here. Steamers love it because of its small and soft leaves, which easily glide over the body during the procedure and can be used by everyone without restrictions.


May is the best time to prepare brooms for a birch bath, when young leaves appear on the branches. By Trinity, the shoots will have already collected the required amount of juice and the emerging foliage will reach the required size.

If you miss the moment when to prepare brooms for the bath, they will no longer give the expected healing effect, and the leaves from them will quickly fall off.


Birch branches are flexible and long, so they require certain knowledge and skills to use in a steam room. Sometimes, to make it easier to use, it is “strengthened” with several oak branches, which are placed inside. Now the “tool” will not be so flexible, but this will not affect the efficiency in any way.


It has anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic properties. A broom made from oak branches is more durable in use than a birch one, and is heavier, which allows it to produce more steam. Recommended for people with skin problems, such as hives or eczema, as well as those who suffer from excessive sweating of the feet and hands.

Do you have high blood pressure and don't know what to do? Use an oak broom in the steam room; naturally, before doing this, you should consult a doctor.


You need to know when to prepare oak brooms for a bath in order to fully benefit from their use. The best option is from June to September.

At the same time, when preparing oak brooms for a bath, you should take into account its weight and volume, so select the branches in such a way that they are convenient to use. Remember, due to their characteristics, they are much more difficult to use, especially after steaming.

Tip: if you want more humidity in the steam room and thick steam, take an oak broom with its broad-leaved branches.

Combined oak broom


The most Russian bath broom is made from linden.

The wood of this tree was also used in ancient times:

Note! The aroma of a linden broom in a bathhouse is reminiscent of the smell of an apiary, where there is fresh honey and propolis.

Healing properties of linden

Early spring is the period when it is the most appropriate time to prepare linden bath brooms. At this time, the plant begins to flower.

Ready linden broom


The end of summer - the beginning of autumn, the period when it is already possible to prepare a broom for a bath from eucalyptus. In this case, use only the twig-like type of plant. It helps with diseases of the respiratory system, neuralgia and joint pain, heals wounds well and reduces pain.

Two or three uses are enough. Plus, it's hard to find anything better for natural inhalation.

Tip: When using, reinforce the eucalyptus broom with oak branches to make it easier to use.

Eucalyptus broom for steam room


In the form of brooms, you can use shoots and branches of bushes or bunches of various medicinal herbs. For example, nettle, cherry, mint are suitable for this. Wormwood, currant and others. Prefabricated brooms are also made when they are excessively flexible, like eucalyptus or birch.

They are in no way inferior in their healing characteristics to similar options.

When making a choice, remember that the use of a broom depends on its flexibility and shape:

How to prepare brooms yourself?

Harvesting linden brooms must be carried out in accordance with strict rules. Otherwise, there will be little benefit from such a preparation.

So, first of all, you need to remember the following features:

It is necessary to cut the branches during the initial flowering period of the linden tree . This time falls in mid-June. Young trees under 15-17 years old do not bloom. Therefore, you need to look for places where linden trees have been growing for a long time.

Brooms should be prepared in dry, cool, windless weather . This way you can avoid leaf shedding. In addition, working in such weather is much more comfortable.

It is necessary to choose trees growing far from the city and factories . It is also not recommended to collect branches from linden trees growing along railroad tracks, highways, and those with traces of disease on the foliage and bark. The plant must be completely healthy!

Use garden pruning shears to collect . No need to break branches with your hands. This will damage the tree and knock off most of the leaves and flowers from the branches.

Important! The flowering period of linden is very short, approximately 1.5-2 weeks. During this time, you need to have time to stock up on brooms. If you collect the branches later, the benefit of the broom will be less; in addition, the branches themselves will become stiffer and not comfortable to use.

How to choose the ideal branches?

To make the broom durable, strong and useful, you need to pay attention to the choice of branches:

Cut only young branches. They are light in color and have good elasticity. The thickness of such branches is small.

The optimal length of the cut branch should not exceed 50 cm. If the broom is too long, it will be inconvenient to use.

Take branches without damage, with healthy leaves and bark. Branches damaged by insects or disease are absolutely not suitable for use.

The first stage of preparation: drying

This is the first stage of harvesting a linden broom.
Drying allows excess moisture to evaporate from the raw material. As a result, the branches become softer and more elastic. Working with them becomes much easier. To do this, the branches must be placed in a dark, dry room with good ventilation. You can dry it either in a suspended state or by spreading the raw materials on dry boards or newspapers. The duration of the procedure is 24-48 hours.

Important! There is no need to overdry the branches, as the foliage may fall off during the process of tying the broom.

Stage two: assembling the broom

When the branches have dried well, you can begin assembling the linden broom.

To do this you need:

  • Clear the bottom of the branches from knots and other irregularities that could scratch your hand or cause discomfort during use.
  • First, collect a “bouquet” of thin branches. They will be the center of the broom.

  • Around the “bouquet” of thin branches, place the thickest branches available. They will act as a frame. The strength of the structure depends on them.

  • Gather the broom tightly and tie the bottom with twine.

  • Align the bottom of the finished broom. If necessary, trim branches that are too long.

Try shaking the finished broom: it should lie comfortably in your hand, retain its shape and not fall apart.

How to prepare?

In order for a bath broom to bring only benefits and serve its intended duration, it must be properly prepared. The first and main rule is the right gathering place. You should not go for raw materials within the city limits, to an area replete with factories and factories, in areas where waste is dumped from enterprises. The best place for gathering will be a clean forest with sunny glades. Birch grown on your own plot is even more suitable.

The optimal time for procurement of raw materials is June. It is during this period that the maximum concentration of nutrients is observed in the foliage. Experts recommend weeping birch, which can often be found near water. As for the choice of branches, you need to cut off those that are closer to the ground. Branches must have at least a couple of branches. It is better to choose leaves that are not too large - this will make the broom more flexible. In addition, they must be dry.

Checking whether the foliage is suitable is quite simple. Run your finger along the leaf, determining its roughness. If the raw material is rough, such leaves should not be taken. But smooth, pleasant-smelling specimens can be immediately taken home. The color of the leaves should be bright, green, and have a matte tint.

After collecting the raw materials, they must be properly prepared. You should not tie all the leaves into one large broom, as the middle may begin to rot. It is better to distribute the branches into small bunches, and you do not need to press them tightly together.

The brooms are tied with twine, and the strongest specimens are placed in the middle. The bundles are then hung upside down to dry.

It is important that their upper part is completely free of foliage

When a week has passed, the bundles are carefully removed from the rope. Next, you can form them into brooms of the desired size. The resulting products are placed in a dry room, devoid of moisture. There they are turned over daily to give the desired shape. When the brooms are formed, they can be stacked on top of each other, but you also must not forget about turning them over, otherwise the products may begin to mold. They are not stored in this position for long.

Rules for storing linden brooms

To prevent the broom from rotting and retain its beneficial properties, it must be stored correctly.

To do this, remember six fundamental rules:

  • Choose storage areas with good ventilation.
  • Protect the broom from direct sunlight.
  • Keep the product away from substances with strong odors: gasoline, paint, acetone, etc.
  • Do not let the broom get wet.
  • A small distance should be maintained between stored brooms.
  • If traces of fungus or mold are found on one broom, discard it immediately.

If you follow simple rules, linden brooms can be stored for 3-4 years without losing their properties. One broom can be used for 2-3 bath procedures.

Is it possible to steam with a fresh linden broom?

If you have the opportunity, use a fresh broom.
It has many more advantages than dry. The most significant of them are:

  • Pronounced linden aroma . A fresh broom exudes a delicate herbal-honey aroma that quickly spreads throughout the steam room.
  • Preservation of nutrients . No matter how careful the drying is, in the process the broom loses quite a lot of useful substances.
  • Fast steaming time . The time to prepare a fresh broom is reduced by 2-3 times.

Any broom needs pre-steaming!

How to steam a linden broom?

To properly steam a broom, you must follow a certain sequence:

Before steaming, rinse the broom with cold water. This way you will wash away all the dust and debris that has accumulated during storage.

For steaming, use boiling water at a temperature above 90 degrees. A dry broom is kept in boiling water for 15-20 minutes, a fresh one - 5-10 minutes. You should not keep linden branches in boiling water for longer than the allotted time, as they can become slippery and inconvenient to use.

After steaming, the broom must be shaken well. Otherwise, remaining drops of liquid may cause severe burns.

Healthy! Do not discard the steaming water. It can be poured onto bath stones. The result is aromatic steam enriched with vitamins and nutrients.

How to properly use a linden broom

It is necessary to use a linden broom on a steamed body. It is best to do this during the second entry into the steam room.

You must also remember the following rules:

  • The broom should always be wet. Don't forget to dip it in warm water from time to time. Otherwise, all the leaves will remain on the body, and the massage itself will cause discomfort.
  • Do not use a linden broom for harsh blows. If handled carelessly, linden branches can leave marks and abrasions on steamed skin.
  • Be careful when creating steam. Otherwise, you may get burned.

Massage with a linden broom

A linden broom is designed for a light, relaxing massage. All procedures are performed in a horizontal position.

The massage itself can be performed as follows:

  1. Start by stroking your feet with the leafy part. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times for each foot. Gradually move up the body until you reach the chest area or shoulder blades if the person is lying on their back.
  2. Alternate movements along and across the body. Repeat each action 4-5 times. Avoid sharp blows and painful whippings.
  3. Move to the sides and also carefully iron them with a broom. After the sides, you can move on to the arms. During the massage, your arms should be raised up.
  4. The neck and shoulders are steamed in a sitting position.
  5. After stroking, repeat the same sequence, but with light quilting.
  6. Complete the massage by rubbing the body using the leafy part of the broom.

Do not use force during the massage under any circumstances. When used correctly, a linden broom helps to cope with many problems.

How to collect correctly?

The correct collection of linden branches for a bath is done when the most active growth of trees is observed - it is at this time that productive circulation of microelements occurs throughout the body of the plant. It is better to collect on a sunny day - the bright rays of the sun increase the intensity of the photosynthesis process and the amount of useful components in the tree. You should not tear branches - it will easily damage the plant. You need to collect young branches that appeared this year. They are cut off at the base and then laid out to dry.

The actual collection factor is not only the timing, but also the place where the branches are harvested. We recommend choosing groves located away from roads. If the plant grows in a summer cottage, it can also be used.

The maximum amount of microelements necessary for the body is found in linden leaves and inflorescences, collected during flowering periods of the tree. It is quite possible to combine the collection with the process of thinning the crowns of park and garden trees, carried out during the same period.

The cordate linden species usually blooms for two weeks in June–July

Too hot days shorten the flowering period, and this is important to take into account when planning harvesting work. For harvesting, days are specially chosen when most of the flowers have bloomed or a small number of them still remain in the budding phase.

Of course, we must avoid collecting branches affected by pests and phytopathogens, as well as branches with ripening fruits. Raw materials that are wet after dew or rain become very dark during drying.

When preparing brooms, you should not cut down trees or large large branches, causing irreparable damage to these noble plants.

Question answer

Is it possible to soar children with a linden broom?

Children over 3 years old can be brought to the steam room. In this case, you can use a linden broom to lightly massage and rub the baby’s skin. This procedure should not cause discomfort to the baby, and the time should not exceed 5-10 minutes.

How many times can you use the same broom?

A linden broom can be steamed 2-3 times. However, it is necessary to pay attention to its condition. If most of the foliage has fallen off and visible bare branches, the broom is disposed of.

If mold appears on a broom, what should you do with it?

If mold appears on a broom, it must be disposed of immediately. It's best to burn it. It is unsafe to use such a broom, since mold spores can cause respiratory diseases and provoke the development of allergies.

Is it possible to store linden brooms at home in a box?

You can store well-dried brooms at home in a cardboard box. However, even in this case, it is important to ensure good ventilation.

Is it possible to use a linden broom that has been stored for more than 3 years?

Yes, you can, if the broom is in good shape and has no damage or traces of mold or mildew. However, it is necessary to understand that the benefits of such a broom will be minimal.

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