Broom seeds, growing sorghum, its amazing properties, how to tie a broom

In the steam room, birch and oak brooms set the tone, and here they are unlikely to have competitors. Their fragrant spirit and pleasant texture have provided them with well-deserved fame and veneration among domestic and foreign bath masters. But in the dressing room and rest room, the sorghum broom plays the first violin. And no one cares about them! It has a different, and no less important purpose - maintaining cleanliness. Well, let's take a look and study the person involved.

Short course in botany

It has become a good tradition on our website to turn to various sections of fundamental science when considering seemingly simple everyday issues. Today's topic will be no exception. What kind of plant is sorghum? What are its morphological features and how do they affect the final product - a broom?

Sorghum is an industrial, forage, and in some regions also a food crop, which can be either annual or perennial. According to the modern classification, sorghum belongs to the Poaceae or Poa family. Its distribution area is extremely wide. It grows in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa and Australia.

An extremely useful feature of this plant is its ability to adapt to a wide variety of soils, including slightly saline soils. At one time, the poor chairmen of collective farms in the southern part of the USSR took advantage of this very successfully, when, as a result of thoughtless irrigation, the so-called “closure” of irrigation and groundwater occurred and the irrigated lands quickly began to become saline. Such a trivial, and, however, quite rational move made it possible to maintain the productivity of lands at an acceptable level, in the face of the loss of part of their fertile potential.

Sorghum is both a heat-loving and drought-resistant herbaceous plant. In an era of climate change, the transition of a number of once-abundant regions to the zone of risky agriculture, the ability of a crop to confidently withstand peak summer temperatures is a very useful quality. Cultivated varieties have several stems, about 200 - 250 cm in height, and a powerful, well-developed root system, the depth of which is often comparable to the height of the above-ground part. As they mature, the stems and leaves dry out. Only sweet sorghum remains green in its vegetative mass. By the way, the growing season for this crop is, in our conditions, a little more than 4 months.

The homeland of sorghum is equatorial Africa and there, to this day, along with India, this plant occupies an iconic place as the leading grain crop. In our country its significance is more modest. It is used as a fodder crop, and both green mass and grain can be fed. In conditions of even light precipitation, the vegetative part quickly grows back after mowing, which allows you to get up to 4 mowings per calendar year. The quality of the grain is close to that of corn, so it can be successfully used in the preparation of complete feeds and in the production of alcohol using traditional technology for its production. It is no secret that classic grain alcohol, for more than a century, has been largely produced not from wheat, but from corn. This makes more economic sense. With the proper approach, corn, in turn, can be replaced by sorghum as an attractive export item. However, let's move on to the purely technical side of the matter - the production of panicles.

Useful properties of sorghum

The plant has many useful qualities:

  • promotes the removal of salts from the body;
  • excellent antioxidant;
  • helps stimulate the production of hemoglobin; the seeds of the plant are often recommended to be included in the diet in the treatment of anemia;
  • has a beneficial effect on strengthening the myocardium;
  • normalizes blood glucose levels;
  • promotes appetite;
  • takes part in the production of glucose;
  • stimulates brain function;
  • helps in accelerating protein synthesis;
  • breaks down fats, improves metabolic processes.

Broom as a tool for putting things in order

In third world countries, a sorghum broom is the main one in the arsenal of cleaning equipment, along with brooms and brooms made from plants, which have similar consumer qualities. Even seed production has developed here, with the selection of special, crown varieties. Their peculiarity is the presence in the panicle of stems up to 120 cm long, which are grouped loosely and not around the central rods. In our latitudes, crown sorghum is also actively selected, and two of its separate subspecies have even been identified:

  • Western Eurasian - where the panicles are distinguished by less drooping, more elastic branches with a pronounced edge at the ends;
  • East Eurasian - whose branches are more drooping, flexible and significantly less elastic compared to their Western counterparts. This type of sorghum is commonly called Chinese sorghum and is not popular among domestic farmers and other producers.

To be fair, it should be said that for a long time in the traditional bath culture, birch and, to a lesser extent, oak brooms that had worked in the steam room were used to clean the bath area. Their branches were sorted out, the crown was formed in a new way and secured on a long, light wooden handle for greater ease of use. Indoors, such brooms were used with a shorter handle, or even without one at all.

For special cleaning, the stems of some fragrant herb, most often wormwood, were used. It was believed that such sanitary treatment would help get rid of bedbugs, cockroaches and mice. To remove cobwebs in corners, a broom is not needed as an ordinary one, but as a more delicate and sensitive tool. This role was most often played by a long, neat panicle of dry stalks of lake reed, which were massively harvested in villages just before the winter snowfalls.

What should an ideal broom be like?

In its traditional form, the broom was formed a little over 300 years ago, when the peoples of China and Manchuria mastered the production of sorghum and special varieties of millet on an industrial scale. Gradually, technical culture moved west, and the technique and method of making panicles became part of a special profession - broom making. At the present stage, there is an industry standard OST for this product - 56.31.91. It regulates the basic technical conditions that must be met in the manufacture of a modern broom.

In principle, until now, in remote villages, nettle stems, millet panicles, young shoots of linden and birch are used as the main raw materials for making brooms for cleaning. This is not surprising, since they meet, to one degree or another, the requirements of environmental friendliness, flexibility of the working part, mobility and durability. But still, such ersatz brooms are inferior to sorghum brooms in terms of their complex of qualities, first of all, in terms of flexibility and at the same time strength of its stems. How can one not recall the famous parable “There is strength in unity,” when a wise father forced his sons to break the twigs individually, and then the whole broom.

Rules of application

The average service life of a sorghum broom is from 1 to 2 years. After this period, with frequent use, the stems begin to fluff, bend and fall out. However, if you use the broom carefully, without putting too much pressure on the handle when sweeping, this household tool will last much longer.

To make it easier to process hard-to-reach places, the working surface of the broom is slightly trimmed at an acute angle.


The broom is periodically cleaned with a saline solution (2 tablespoons of salt per 8 liters of boiling water), immersing it in the hot mixture for several hours. After this, the equipment is dried under load. Thanks to this procedure, sorghum panicles are cleaned of accumulated dirt and become elastic and elastic again.

The sorghum broom cannot be stored in a vertical position on a work surface: the sweeping part will quickly deform and become unusable. The ideal option is horizontal storage on a specially designated shelf in a dry place.

Growing brooms in the garden

Knowledgeable people argue that the production of brooms, if not a “gold mine,” is at least a very good way of doing business in the countryside, albeit with certain signs of seasonality.

Important! By choosing the right agricultural technology and sufficient production culture, from 1 hectare of usable area, depending on the season, you can get from 3,700 to 4,200 commercial brooms.

Our people do everything with inspiration with their own hands. Why not throw in a thread: do-it-yourself sorghum brooms? Moreover, from the moment of planting seeds in the soil to hanging the finished product in your own dressing room.

Subtleties of pre-sowing tillage

Indeed, this crop is unpretentious to the quality of the land on the site for its cultivation. It grows normally on loams and sandy loams, on chestnut soils and, naturally, on our legendary black soils.

Attention! A good practice is to grow sorghum on waste and virgin lands during their cultivation. Due to dense sowing, weeds are suppressed, and the massive root system perfectly preserves the fertile layer from wind and water erosion.

This plant responds well to the application of any organic and complex mineral fertilizers. That is, if you, as a zealous owner, have a compost heap left over from last fall, you can safely put it to work.

The depth of the main tillage in the form of autumn digging is in the range of 20 - 22 cm. The basic rule here is this. The lighter the soil structure, the faster the plant will develop in the first stage of the growing season.

As a rule, inconvenient areas are used for crops. A completely rational and logical move. Good areas will be used for potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers.

A word from Experienced! It is worth noting that shaded areas, wetlands or areas with a high groundwater level are not suitable for sorghum crops. By the way, the use of sorghum as a lighthouse inter-row crop should be considered a reasonable solution. Tall plants will serve as a kind of guide when dividing the garden into designated areas for each specific crop.

The main stages of cultivation of crown sorghum in the conditions of a personal plot

Let us outline the main milestones in the cultivation of sorghum as a technical crop on a personal plot and highlight the key and most fundamental points in agricultural technology:

  1. Sowing of seeds begins when the soil warms up to a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius. In some cases, seeds are subjected to an aging procedure, that is, kept at elevated temperature and humidity for 3-4 hours, but it is worth saying that this technique somewhat increases the germination of the seed. When growing industrial crops in a small area, it is more reasonable to consider increasing the seeding rate by 8 - 12% if the quality of the seeds raises questions.
  2. The sowing method is horizontal with a row spacing of 35 - 45 cm. The seeding depth is 3 - 4 cm. The distance between seeds in a row when sowing is 2 cm.
  3. As confident shoots appear, it’s time to carry out the first weeding.
  4. When seedlings develop to a height of 5–6 cm, in order to avoid lodging of crops, they should be thinned to a density of 5 cm between neighboring seedlings. At the same time, a second weeding is carried out.
  5. When the plants reach a height of 12 - 15 cm, a third weeding is carried out, which should combine with the operation of corrective thinning. In this case, weakened, underdeveloped and incorrectly formed or spatially oriented specimens are removed.
  6. The collection of panicles is carried out at the beginning of the period of waxy ripeness, that is, the grain is already fully formed, does not release milk when crushed, but at the same time its structure has not acquired the mechanical strength of ripe grain. The panicles are cut to a length of about 100 cm, approximately to the first stem node. The stems themselves can overwinter in the garden until spring, successfully and completely free of charge, performing the function of snow-retaining curtains.
  7. The panicles must be cleared of grain. As you know, everything ingenious is simple. Cleaning is done by placing a whisk between the handle and the edge of a metal bucket. The handle is pressed, and the whisk is pulled towards itself with a sharp, confident movement, ensuring that the seeds fall as completely as possible into the bucket.
  8. The cleaned panicles are hung in a well-ventilated place, protected from sunlight, for drying, which lasts for 14 to 20 days.


Place in crop rotation. When cultivated for grain, sorghum is placed in field crop rotation; when cultivated for green mass, hay and silage - in the fodder area near the farm. The best predecessors are winter and spring cereals, legumes and row crops. When continuously sowing for green fodder and sorghum hay, it is advisable to place it in the last fields of the crop rotation, preceding the fallow. This is due to the fact that a long stay of the crop in the field greatly dries out the soil in the upper horizons. Sorghum tolerates continuous cultivation better than other crops without reducing grain productivity.

Soil cultivation. Due to its slow growth in the first period of life, sorghum requires fields free of weeds; this must be taken into account when cultivating the soil.

Stubble peeling, simultaneously with or after harvesting the predecessor, is carried out to a depth of at least 7-8 cm, and in fields clogged with perennial root shoot weeds - 10-12 cm. Sorghum responds positively to an increase in plowing depth from 15-20 to 25-30 cm. Further increase in the arable horizon does not lead to an increase in yield.

Pre-sowing tillage includes early spring harrowing and two or three cultivations at different depths: the first to a depth of 10-12, the second 5-6 cm. The third cultivation is carried out in years with a cold, long spring, when favorable conditions for weed growth are created.

In areas of insufficient moisture, the soil is rolled after the first cultivation. This technique promotes more intensive germination of weeds and their destruction during the second cultivation. Post-sowing rolling is also effective, which promotes earlier emergence of seedlings.

Fertilizer. Characterized by high yield potential, sorghum removes many nutrients from the soil. Replenishing them is one of the main conditions for obtaining a high yield. Sorghum is responsive to organic and mineral fertilizers, especially when cultivated in an irrigated area. For basic processing, 15-20 tons of manure are applied per 1 hectare. Complete mineral fertilizer is applied in a dose of 30-45 kg of nitrogen, 45-60 kg of phosphorus and 25-50 kg of the active substance potassium per 1 ha. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used in the fall for plowing, nitrogen fertilizers are used in the spring for pre-sowing cultivation and when feeding. When sowing, row application of granulated superphosphate in an amount of 25-50 kg per 1 ha is effective.

Preparing seeds for sowing and sowing. Before sowing, the seeds are sorted, subjected to air-thermal heating, treated with fenthiuram and enriched with nutrients, soaked in solutions of manganese, cobalt, and molybdenum. Sorghum is sown when the soil at the seeding depth warms up to a constant average daily temperature of at least 14-15 °C.

The main sowing method is dotted with row spacing of 70 cm and a row distance of 15-20 cm (STSN-6A seeder). When cultivating for grain, square-cluster sowing is practiced according to patterns of 70 × 70 cm and 90 × 90 cm; when cultivated for green fodder - continuous row sowing. The plant density when sowing for grain is 40-70 thousand, for silage 60-100 thousand, for green fodder 80-120 thousand plants per 1 ha. The weight norm for dotted sowing is 10-14 kg, for square-cluster sowing 6-10, for row sowing 20-25 kg per 1 ha. The optimal seeding depth is 4-5 cm; if there is a lack of moisture, it is increased to 7-8 cm.

To improve the quality of feed, sorghum is sowed in a mixture with leguminous crops. The best legume component for sorghum is soybean. It is recommended to place sorghum and soybeans in one nest or row, sowing 15-20 kg of sorghum and 20-40 kg of soybeans per 1 ha. Row spacing is 45 cm.

Caring for crops. The most effective combination of pre-emergence harrowing and harrowing in the phase of four-five and six-seven leaves. In the fight against weeds, chemical measures are used: in the phase of three to six leaves, crops are sprayed with a solution of herbicides of the 2,4-D group in a dose of 0.9 kg; Before emergence, propazine is used at a dose of 3-6 kg per 1 ha.

The first inter-row treatment is carried out when the seventh or eighth leaf appears in sorghum to a depth of 10-12 cm, the second - 7-10 days after the first to a depth of 7-8 cm and the third - in the phase of the beginning of booting to a depth of 4-5 cm.

Harvest. Sorghum for grain is harvested in the phase of full ripeness using converted grain combines. When the grain moisture content is above 20%, separate harvesting is used with a sorghum harvesting machine SM-2.6. Harvesting sorghum for silage begins when the milky-waxy stage occurs and ends when the grain is waxy ripe. When growing sorghum for green fodder, the best quality mass is obtained 7-10 days before heading. This also makes it possible to obtain a full second, and sometimes third, cutting.

Principles and methods of knitting brooms at home

In this section we will take a detailed look at the question of how to knit a broom from sorghum.

As a rule, the raw materials are dried within 2 - 3 weeks, however, if the weather is humid and windless, the procedure can take 30 days or a little more. Well-dried panicles lose moisture, but retain their elasticity. The old masters checked the readiness in the following way: they rolled the twig into a ring and broke it. If a break was made, then the raw material was ripe; if the bend was simply dented, then the panicles still needed to hang under the canopy for at least a week. Next, proceed to the actual production of the broom:

  • The panicles are laid out on a flat surface in such a way that powerful large stems are located on the outside, and small ones are laid inside;
  • Next, you will need a device to tighten the bunch of stems as tightly as possible. The device is simple, if not primitive. It consists of 2 - 2.5 meters of synthetic twine, with a diameter of about 7 mm, and a wooden block, 600 mm long and with a cross-section of 50x50 mm, which is tied to the lower end of the twine. The upper end of the twine is fixed to some kind of crossbar, of sufficient strength to withstand the diligent pressure of the foot of a well-fed adult;
  • The first important phase is as follows. In place of the first ligament, we throw a loop of twine and securely fix it by pressing the beam with our foot. At the same time, rotate the bundle half a turn. We pass a strong nylon thread - “knitting” in coronary slang - through the middle of the bundle, wrap it tightly and tightly and tie it in a straight knot, after which we repeat the operation in the opposite direction. We trim the free ends of the threads as needed. The same windings are made further along the outgoing part of the handle of the future broom;
  • Upon completion of the formation of the handle, the excess length of the stems is cut off with a special knife - a cleaver. Due to its absence, any well-sharpened knife with a hard blade will do;
  • The most common and durable sorghum broom is pierced. Therefore, for further firmware we will need another simple device. Two slats made of a wooden block with a cross-section of 30×50 mm are overlapped at the end with a piece of rubber cut from an old car inner tube. Holes with a diameter of 8 - 9 mm are drilled along the edges of the slats, and tightening bolts of the appropriate diameter are drilled. With the help of this device, the working part of the panicle is formed and “fluffed” for stitching;
  • We place the upper third of the sweeping part of the broom into the device, level it on a plane and tighten it with the device, securely fixing the bolts. Next we need synthetic thread and a shoe awl with a hook. We lay out the thread from the bottom of the broom, pierce the broom, hook the thread with a hook, pull it up, make a loop and tighten the bottom thread. These stitches are used to stitch the entire row in the selected area. The loose ends are tied into a loop knot and hidden in the broom array. A row of stems below the rack retainer is sewn in a similar way.

By the way! In connection with the development of polymer technologies, the broom handle is tightened using a heat-shrink tube. It is stretched in the chosen place, and then heated with a construction hairdryer. By contracting, the polymer sleeve reliably fixes the stem set. And this solution looks quite aesthetically pleasing, holds up well and is completed quickly.

Growing sorghum (soriz, broom, panicle). Varieties, types, varieties. Application

What is sorghum. How it is used. What are the main characteristics and features (10+)

Agricultural technology of sorghum - Varieties


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Every year, summer temperatures rise higher and the amount of precipitation rapidly decreases. All these weather conditions negatively affect the quality and quantity of forage crops. Therefore, farmers are now paying more attention to cultivating crops that can easily tolerate high temperatures and do not require high soil moisture. One of these is the forage crop sorghum - this is an excellent option for concentrated feed for livestock and poultry, horses, sheep and even pond fish.

The plant adapts very easily to growing conditions and is undemanding to soil quality. Scientists have noticed interesting behavior of sorghum, for example, during an unfavorable dry period, the plant seems to hibernate, its growth and development stops, but as soon as the bad weather subsides, the active life of the plant resumes.


is a crop of arid and semi-arid regions. The homeland of sorghum is considered to be the lands of North-East Africa, namely Sudan and plantations in Ethiopia.

Sorghum is an extraordinary plant. It belongs to the family of cereal crops. Africa and India are considered its homeland, as this plant loves warmth very much. For him, dry, hot weather is even preferable to a little shade. Because sorghum can survive in the heat and without water for a long time, it is also affectionately nicknamed “camel.” In African countries, this plant was considered bread for residents, since many residents in arid regions survived thanks to it. This plant has been known for a very long time. But it was “forgotten”. In Russia and Ukraine, this plant began to be grown relatively recently, and even then, mainly in the southern regions.

Caring for a broom during use

The rules are simple and clear, and their implementation guarantees the use of the broom for a longer time:

  1. A new broom must be steamed in a weak salt solution. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of table salt into 8 liters of boiling water, mix well and immerse a broom in it. The instrument is kept in the solution until it cools completely, and once every 30-40 minutes it is necessary to invigorate the panicle in the water with smooth but energetic movements. This is followed by good shaking to remove excess water and drying under a small, 1-2 kilogram load, in a horizontal position at room temperature.
  2. To avoid breakage and deformation bending of the sweeping part, the broom is stored horizontally. If this orientation of the tool is not possible, it is held on the handle, vertically, with the working part up. By the way, according to knowledgeable people, a broom in this position protects the house and its household from the evil eye and dashing people. The same people assure that it is in the broom that the brownie or bannik finds temporary shelter, therefore one must treat this cleaning instrument with restraint and respect.


—Quote book

: “...In 1985, after two operations, I was discharged from the Moscow Oncology Clinic and sent back.

Warm summer and spring days have only one drawback - nasty insects that...

We all age with time, but who said that in addition to age we should receive a bouquet of bo.

1 kg carrots 1 tsp salt 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar 1 head of garlic 2 tsp coriander 1/2 cup.

The beneficial properties of patchouli oil have been known for a long time. In India it was used to flavor linen.


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Do a little magic

Even if you don’t believe in miracles, you need to treat magic with caution! In fact, who knows, maybe wizards and witches hide so cleverly that they never catch the eye of ordinary people. After all, just in case, every person has some item that he tries to save: for good luck, for happiness, for “let it just be.” These are amulets and amulets, which often do not have much material significance, but are valuable as a memory of something good and happy. You can make a broom-amulet with your own hands if you want. He will become a talisman of love for his home, hard work, and the ability to see beauty. And it can actually become a talisman for your beloved home and everyone at home.

When to sow Kochia?

Kochia is propagated by sowing seeds directly into the ground from early May to mid-summer. If you want to grow seedlings, sowing can begin as early as April. By the way, it reproduces well by self-sowing, and its seeds remain viable for no more than 2 years, keep this in mind.

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What plants are brooms made from?

An outdoor broom is often called a broom. It is usually made from thin branches and twigs. There are practically no secrets here. Young one-year-old shoots are cut about a meter long. These are the plants that are good for a broom:

  • Willow shoots.
  • Birch.
  • Boxthorn.

    This is what a regular and synthetic broom looks like

These are common ones. But they are also made from other bushes or tree branches. Even annuals are used: wormwood, kaoliang (a plant very similar to millet or sorghum), kochia.

A certain number of branches are collected in a bundle, aligning them along the cut. The upper part is pulled together in two to four places. This tie forms the handle. But, firstly, the handle is too thick, and secondly, to clean it on the street, you will have to stand for a long time “in an inclined position.” Therefore, the broom is attached to a wooden or plastic handle. The diameter of the handle is not too large to be comfortable to grasp with your hand. The load is small, so 3-4 cm is enough. The holder is often switched from an old broom to a new one.

How to make an outdoor broom from plastic bottles

They also make a broom out of plastic bottles. The process is quite simple and everyone has bottles. They are cut into strips, inserted one into the other, and secured. Making it is no more difficult, and probably even easier, than using traditional materials. So, here's the procedure:

  • Cut off the bottom of the first bottle.
  • Cut the “body” of the bottle into thin strips. Do not cut 4-6 cm to the neck.

    You can make a broom or broom from plastic bottles

  • For everyone else, we cut off both the neck and the bottom. We cut off the neck 2-3 cm below the place where the thickening begins.
  • We cut it into thin strips and put it on the first piece - the one with the neck.
  • In total, you can insert 5-8 pieces one into the other.

    Cut into strips, forming a “sweeping” part

  • We cut off the neck of another bottle like the others. Cut off 2/3 from the bottom. We put the remaining 1/3 with the neck cut off onto the broom blank. This will be a “case” that gives the plastic broom its usual shape for a broom.
  • Somewhere in the area where the thread for the lid is cut, we pierce a hole with an awl. This is for attaching to a broom handle.

    We attach it to the handle

  • The edge of the holder must be sharpened so that it fits into the neck of the bottle at least 5 cm.
  • We insert the holder and screw the screw through the hole.
  • Now we squeeze it at the bottom of the “case”, forming the flat part of the broom.

    Firmware for a broom made from plastic bottles

  • We take a coarse thread or wire, scissors or an awl. We pierce the “cover” in at least two places, but more often. We thread the wire through the holes, tighten it, and twist it.

The broom made from plastic bottles is ready. You can make it two-level. Or three-level. Thicker and more powerful. We just make a few “packages”. Exactly as described above. We put them on one holder, one under the other.

Sources used:


Where to buy ready-made and how much does it cost?

The ability to make sorghum broom yourself may only be needed by residents of remote villages who live on subsistence farming and practice barter exchange, or simply out of interest. Citizens purchase this equipment at a hardware store, supermarket, or order it online.

The cost of a simple sorghum broom varies from 50 to 150 rubles. depending on the type of raw materials and the quality of the firmware. Sorghum panicles with long wooden handles are more expensive - up to 1,500 rubles.

Interior designers are happy to use natural materials, including sorghum, to create their objects. Therefore, on sale you can find real works of broom art made from selected sorghum of the highest quality on carved handles made of precious wood.

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It took a long time to classify the culture. This was influenced by the following factors: several centers of origin; diversity; the presence of transitional forms; The first division was into species: perennial and annual. In 1969, Soviet botanist E.S. Yakushevsky proposed his own classification. The method is based on division according to use in the national economy, without taking into account the structural features. There are four types:

  • grain;
  • sweet sorghum;
  • herbal;
  • broom

Cereal or bread

People have been using the seeds for food for several centuries. In Africa, during dry years, sorghum was the only plant that could be hoped for harvest. In industrial production, grain is used to produce starch and alcohol. Bakery and confectionery products are baked from flour.

Since grain flour does not contain gluten, it is used in a mixture with wheat flour. Starch is used in many industrial sectors, particularly in medicine. Many plant varieties are superior in starch content to corn.

Growing the crop and processing it is much more profitable than cultivating corn. Adding sorghum grain to the poultry diet promotes rapid weight gain and growth of young animals. Adding fish to the diet increases its body weight by a third. The variety of grains is Dzhugara.


An interesting crop is included in the diet of domestic animals. Serves as a raw material for the food industry. The juice of the plant contains no less sugars than sugar cane. Due to the starch content in juice, the technology for producing solid sugar is unprofitable. Therefore, it is used to prepare syrups and molasses.


This category includes a significant number of species that are common in nature, but people have chosen only two varieties of plants for industrial cultivation.

  1. Sudan grass. A widespread cultivated plant used as livestock feed. Used in agriculture since 1909. It tolerates drought well, is not demanding on soil quality, and produces predictably abundant harvests. Breeders have developed a number of hybrids with characteristics superior to donor varieties that are capable of growing back after mowing.
  2. Variety Shchedroe. The fruit of long labor of British and Indian breeders, the main difference from Sudan grass is its powerful stem. It has a long ripening period, is unpretentious, and disease resistant.


Technical varieties are used for knitting familiar brooms, widely used in everyday life. The most common variety is kaoliang, although not all of its representatives are valued equally. The best varieties are considered to be those with smooth, elastic stems of equal length. Varieties with red panicles are of less value.

The stems of this variety are very hard and brittle. Some technical varieties are suitable for weaving baskets and folk crafts. It is a raw material for paper production. It is also used as biofuel.

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