How to prepare a broom for use so that it lasts a long time

Signs about a broom in the house

Like a broom, a broom has always been considered an object that is often used in magical rituals. Therefore, it was sometimes perceived as a dangerous household item. But at the same time, in the past, a broom was also considered a talisman that protected the house. Nowadays, amulets in the form of brooms, which are decorated with various symbols, are common. Ordinary household items had the same meaning. Our ancestors created many superstitions about the broom and its place in the house. This cleaning item should be placed in a corner, handle down. This attracts money and also makes the energy part of cleaning more efficient. The fact is that the working part of the broom, when stored in this position, does not come into contact with debris, so you do not have to clean the broom every time or smear physical and other dirt on the floor while sweeping the floor. Of course, this item should be kept clean. The cleaner it is, the cleaner your home will be.

Short course in botany

It has become a good tradition on our website to turn to various sections of fundamental science when considering seemingly simple everyday issues. Today's topic will be no exception. What kind of plant is sorghum? What are its morphological features and how do they affect the final product - a broom?

Sorghum is an industrial, forage, and in some regions also a food crop, which can be either annual or perennial. According to the modern classification, sorghum belongs to the Poaceae or Poa family. Its distribution area is extremely wide. It grows in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa and Australia.

An extremely useful feature of this plant is its ability to adapt to a wide variety of soils, including slightly saline soils. At one time, the poor chairmen of collective farms in the southern part of the USSR took advantage of this very successfully, when, as a result of thoughtless irrigation, the so-called “closure” of irrigation and groundwater occurred and the irrigated lands quickly began to become saline. Such a trivial, and, however, quite rational move made it possible to maintain the productivity of lands at an acceptable level, in the face of the loss of part of their fertile potential.

Sorghum is both a heat-loving and drought-resistant herbaceous plant. In an era of climate change, the transition of a number of once-abundant regions to the zone of risky agriculture, the ability of a crop to confidently withstand peak summer temperatures is a very useful quality. Cultivated varieties have several stems, about 200 - 250 cm in height, and a powerful, well-developed root system, the depth of which is often comparable to the height of the above-ground part. As they mature, the stems and leaves dry out. Only sweet sorghum remains green in its vegetative mass. By the way, the growing season for this crop is, in our conditions, a little more than 4 months.

The homeland of sorghum is equatorial Africa and there, to this day, along with India, this plant occupies an iconic place as the leading grain crop. In our country its significance is more modest. It is used as a fodder crop, and both green mass and grain can be fed. In conditions of even light precipitation, the vegetative part quickly grows back after mowing, which allows you to get up to 4 mowings per calendar year. The quality of the grain is close to that of corn, so it can be successfully used in the preparation of complete feeds and in the production of alcohol using traditional technology for its production. It is no secret that classic grain alcohol, for more than a century, has been largely produced not from wheat, but from corn. This makes more economic sense. With the proper approach, corn, in turn, can be replaced by sorghum as an attractive export item. However, let's move on to the purely technical side of the matter - the production of panicles.

Bath broom: signs

  • You cannot use a broom to break branches from a burnt tree. Make sure that the tree for the broom is healthy and strong, without growths and other diseases.
  • It is also a bad omen to break branches from a tree for a bath, which is divided into 2 large trunks from the very root.
  • Do not torture the tree by cutting off a whole broom from one branch. So you will lose the favor of the bannik - the spirit of the bathhouse.
  • Ask the tree for forgiveness when you break its branches and cause pain to it. And then the broom will be softer.
  • Tie a broom during the full moon - that’s when the trees have more power, and the shoots have magical properties.
  • Brooms, which were prepared on July 6, are healing. It is on this day that the collected herbs and plants have special healing powers.
  • You cannot take someone else’s bath broom - this way you can take away his illnesses for yourself. By the way, it’s not just about signs. After all, if a person has skin diseases, then with a steamed broom you can easily transfer them to yourself.
  • The ancestors considered it absolutely unacceptable to use a broom that had previously been used by a woman. Since often in ancient times women were equated with witches.

Bath broom
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  • After visiting the bathhouse, leave the bathhouse with soap and water and a broom. Otherwise, he will be offended and next time he may scald you with boiling water or split a stone.
  • Tie the brooms well, as a broken broom means an imminent outbreak of disease.
  • If it’s time to throw away the broom, then unlike a regular broom, a bath broom can be easily thrown away and burned.
  • To remove the damage from yourself, after reading the “Our Father” you need to give yourself a good beating with a broom. Leave the broom to dry and burn it after a week.
  • For a successful life, a young family needs to be steamed with a broom of 7 branches, which should be plucked from different willows growing near the water.
  • After the bath, take 2 twigs from the broom and, after reading “Our Father,” put them under the pillow. The sleep will be very sound.


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When to buy a broom?

To attract money and protect yourself from diseases and troubles, you need to buy a broom correctly. Before purchasing a household item, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  • It is advisable to make the purchase on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday);
  • it is advisable to buy from a male seller without haggling;
  • you should not make a purchase in August;
  • It is best to buy on the days of the waxing moon;
  • when the seller hands over the goods, the buyer should make a wish that will certainly come true;
  • Having brought it home, immediately place the broom in the corner with the rods up;
  • According to legend, if you buy a broom on New Year's days, the purchase will be a strong amulet and attractor of wealth.

To attract wealth, it is advisable to choose a large one with a dense and thick handle. A purchase made on Monday promises financial well-being, on Tuesday - health, on Thursday - good luck. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday are neutral days. It is believed that an unmarried girl who makes a purchase on Wednesday will soon get married. But you shouldn't buy on Sunday.

Is it possible to give a broom?

Opinions about a broom presented as a gift are perceived differently. Many people do not like such a gift, despite all the favorable signs and superstitions regarding this household equipment.

Contrary to popular belief, you can give such a useful thing as a gift. Moreover, the gift is made with the best intentions. After all, a broom is known not only as a reliable amulet, but also as a money talisman.

If an item is given as a gift for good luck and wealth, it is decorated with ribbons and banknotes. Sometimes they even make figures out of money. A strong, large broom can be given to newlyweds. This is a good omen; after such a gift, a happy life of prosperity and prosperity awaits the newly-made family.

If a single girl receives a broom as a gift, this is a sure sign that she will soon get married.

The magical properties of a broom

  • In Rus', the broom was treated with respect and distrust at the same time. After all, on the one hand, a broom is the same broom, which is a means of transportation for all witches, but a broom can also sweep away evil spirits, negative energy and dirt from the house.
  • Also, the magical properties of the broom have long been used to resist demons. By placing the broom with the handle down, the path for the penetration of evil forces was closed.
  • If the guest, in the opinion of the owners, had an eagle eye, then after leaving they would throw a broom after him.
  • A broom also helped with quarrels and disappearances in the house, for which someone else’s brownie was blamed. They just needed to knock on the threshold.

The magical properties of a broom

  • The magical properties of the broom also contributed to the treatment of diseases. Especially if this broom is a bath broom. In Russia, the most popular was a birch broom, which was prepared on Trinity Day. Such a broom was not only a talisman, but also an excellent healer in the bathhouse.
  • In Ancient China, by the way, there was a goddess of the broom, who, according to the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, commanded the weather.
  • The Aztecs also worshiped the goddess Tlazolteotl, who, in their opinion, swept away all vices and sins from their homes.
  • In England, houses are not swept after sunset. Because people believe that in this way they sweep good luck out of their homes.

The magical properties of the broom have been known for a long time. People believed that this instrument served witches and witches as a means of transportation. And folk healers attributed to him the ability to remove illnesses and evil spirits from the hut.

A broom helps get rid of ailments

Types of bamboo massage

There are several types of massage that are performed with a bamboo broom:

  • Creole. All basic massage movements: tapping, rubbing, patting - are performed to the accompaniment of calm music, which promotes maximum relaxation of the body and mind. The beats resemble a drum roll and can reach 110 beats per minute. To ensure that the sticks glide gently over the body, natural massage oil is used. It is recommended to combine the procedure with honey anti-cellulite rubbing.
  • Samurai. This technique is aimed at improving lymph flow and blood circulation, accelerating metabolism and warming up the upper layer of the epidermis. The procedure is carried out with a special knit up to 35 cm long. Rhythmic patting with preheated sticks is carried out strictly along the massage lines, with a gradual increase in the frequency of movements.
  • Acupressure. It involves light stroking with thin sticks from the feet to the collar area. At the same time, the broom gently affects the main points that are located on the human body and are responsible for the functioning of individual organs.

A bamboo bath broom is an original tool for influencing the human body when carrying out health procedures in a steam room. Thin and durable bamboo sticks are endowed with amazing healing powers that can relieve many diseases.

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What is truly exotic for a Russian bath are newfangled bamboo sticks tied together. Fans of city public steam rooms, seeing this unusual item on their neighbors’ shelves, are very surprised and secretly suspect that such a device can only cause injury. But, having looked closely at the process itself and the completely satisfied face of the “tortured” person, the very next day they are looking for how to acquire something similar for themselves. But how should a bamboo bath broom be used correctly, and why is it so good? Now we'll figure it out - patience.

Where to throw away an old broom

The old broom should be wrapped in a bag so that it is not visible, otherwise people who come across you may perceive the passing of the old broom past them in a negative way. It’s better that no one sees your old broom. Further. You should not throw away a broom near your house. But it’s also not good to bring it into your neighbors’ yard - after all, people living in the neighboring yard may think that someone’s problems have been brought to them. Therefore, we are looking for some kind of garbage container on the outskirts that is not under anyone’s window, door or house. On the last day of the problem month, we take the old broom out of the house and throw it in the trash container we had chosen the day before.

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