A well-forgotten linden bathhouse broom. Steaming with pleasure

Linden bath broom

Greetings to all lovers of hot healing steam!

Nowadays, birch or oak brooms are most often used in paired procedures. The linden broom is, as a rule, rarely used. And this is a big omission of current steamers. Even our ancestors in Ancient Rus' steamed with linden.

They built the same baths and houses from this wonderful wood. They made kvass and mead from linden, and, of course, they valued natural fragrant linden honey. For a long time, Russian people knew all the healing power of this beautiful fragrant tree. Let's take a closer look at why a linden bath broom is so useful.

The healing properties of linden and linden broom

Linden is a beautiful slender tree. It is not for nothing that among the ancient Slavs it personified feminine beauty and grace. Linden is very widespread, mainly in the western part of our country. It grows rarely in Siberia, although it is found in artificially planted parks and gardens. During flowering, it has an amazing smell that attracts a large number of bees and other insects. Linden honey is especially valuable at this time.

The linden aroma has a calming effect on a person. Thanks to the unique energy, people’s feelings of anxiety disappear, depression goes away, and their nerves calm down. Steam yourself lightly with a linden broom in the evening, before bed, and you will sleep like a baby. If you had a headache, it will also go away and you will feel lighter.

Linden has a very good effect on the lungs. Sputum is removed perfectly and the bronchi are cleansed. For colds, a couple of essential oils gently and effectively have a healing effect on the entire body. In addition, linden has an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect, which is essential for colds.

When taken orally, an infusion of leaves or flowers has a strong diuretic and expectorant effect. As a result, the kidneys and lungs are cleansed. Breathing becomes free, vigor appears in the body.

Decoctions and infusions also have a good effect on the skin and perfectly disinfect wounds. Hair will be pleased with increased growth and overall strengthening.

Cold method for nettles

The use of nettle broom is recommended for people with skin diseases and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Be sure to carefully follow the technology to avoid skin burns.

To steam nettles, place the bunch in a bowl of cold water for 5-7 minutes.

This must be done 2-4 times, it all depends on the pungency of the plant.

After such simple manipulations, the nettle is completely ready for use in the steam room.

There is also a method of processing nettles that can slightly reduce the stinging properties of the plant. To do this, the bunch is simply doused with hot water. Using such a broom accelerates blood and lymph. But be sure to warm up your body first to avoid severe burns.

How to steam a linden broom correctly

There is nothing complicated about this procedure. We can say that the actions are the same as with birch or oak. Pour warm (but not boiling water) water into a basin and place a linden broom in it. Wait 20-30 minutes. When the branches and leaves become soft, you can safely begin paired procedures.

Linden blossom

Linden in nature

Splash the water in which you steamed the linden broom onto the heater and off you go. If the leaves of a broom begin to fall off, it means that it was not prepared at the right time or you are using very hot water.

If the linden bath broom is fresh, just cut, then it does not need to be steamed at all. Rinse it with warm water to wash away the dust and just keep it in the steam room. High temperature and fresh essential oils will immediately show themselves. The steam room will quickly fill with the pleasant aroma of linden.

Steaming in a basin

The method is good for quick steaming when a trip to the bathhouse was not planned.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Take two deep metal basins that are large enough to accommodate a broom.
  2. Pour boiling water into the bottom of one basin.
  3. Place a grate or some kind of support on top and lay out a broom.
  4. Place the basin on the stove so that the hot water begins to boil and release steam.
  5. Cover with a second basin on top to enhance the greenhouse effect.
  6. In 5-7 minutes the broom will be completely ready.

To further speed up the process, before steaming, an oak broom can be soaked in very cold water for 5 minutes.


  • Fast and efficient
  • The broom becomes soft, but retains all the beneficial substances on the surface
  • The foliage does not get wet or fall off


Care must be taken to ensure that the leaves do not come into contact with boiling water.

When to prepare and how to store linden broom

Linden brooms should be harvested in May-June. At this time, the tree is preparing to flower and there are a lot of healthy juices in it. You need to cut young light shoots about 50 cm long, being careful not to damage the rest of the tree.

It is best to harvest on a dry, cool day. These are optimal conditions for harvesting brooms. In this situation, the sheet will stick well and the broom will withstand several trips to the bathhouse.

It is recommended to store linden brooms in the same way as birch or oak brooms. An attic space is the best option. Shade and a little breeze are all you need. The maximum storage time for brooms is three years. After this period, all medicinal properties are lost.

Finally, I would like to say that the linden bathhouse broom was simply forgotten. Today it is rarely used, and this is not entirely good. After all, the unique healing properties that linden has cannot be replaced by anything. Use them more often and you won’t regret it. And in conclusion - an interesting video: a royal bathhouse...

Quote of wisdom: The main property in any art is a sense of proportion.

What water should I soak in?

Bath brooms are soaked in hot, warm or cold liquid. The water temperature depends on the type of bath accessory used. For example, before going to the bathhouse, birch or oak products must first be soaked at home in cold water for 30 minutes. After this time, they need to be turned over to the other side and waited for half an hour. This time is enough for the rigid branches to acquire additional flexibility and elasticity.

It is advisable to soak overdried accessories in cold liquid, then hold them over hot steam, while slightly shaking the leaves to prevent them from sticking together.

For steaming a pine broom, different rules apply. Such products should be used only fresh - dried ones are not suitable, since they will be very prickly and, when dried, will lose some of their healing properties.

The main difference between products made from pine needles and deciduous ones is the need to steam them in hot water. To do this, you need to take a new broom and boil it in boiling water. The high temperature of the liquid will soften the needles and evaporate the aromatic essential oils. To prevent these substances from evaporating, after immersing the product in liquid, the steamer must be covered with a lid.

TOP 3 mistakes that lead to damage to the steamer

To increase moisture resistance, broom steamers are treated with beeswax.

We do not prepare the tank for steaming. Before each use, pour warm water over the wooden vat, rinse and then add moisture to steam the brooms. Many people do not dry the steamer, but place it in a humid environment. No one has canceled the processes of decay! Each time after use, we rinse the steamer, wipe it and place it in fresh air so that the boards can “breathe.” We store it open, do not fill the inside with objects. Replacing the steamer when it gets dark. In fact, changing shade is a natural process, especially after “interacting” with oak brooms. It is worth changing the steamer once a season or when it has already started to leak

Don't pay attention to the dark color!

If microcracks appear in the steamer, and you do not have the opportunity to quickly replace it, follow this rule: pour cold water inside and leave for a few minutes. The boards will swell and the cracks will close.

Procurement time

Along with oak and birch brooms, today linden brooms are also increasingly being prepared for bathhouses. The Slavs have known about their benefits since the times of Ancient Rus' and used them along with other bath products

Modern research has established that such attention of our ancestors to the linden tree is completely justified. It turns out that the leaves of this beautiful tree contain about 30 flavonoids belonging to the group of polyphenols, and these are strong antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances of natural origin.

Linden is also rich in glycosides (tiliacin and hesperidin), phytoncides, carotene, essential oils and saponins.

Linden leaves effectively intensify the process of removing negatively active substances from the organs, especially during colds or intoxications. It has been established that carrying out three or four steaming procedures leads to interesting results.

The level of immunity increases noticeably, which is extremely important during seasons of frequent manifestations of colds. The tone of the body and its general well-being significantly improves, since toxins are intensively eliminated. Minor injuries and abrasions heal much faster. Acne on the body disappears, since pathogenic microorganisms die and their reproduction stops. Vapors of essential oils improve the functioning of the respiratory system, which is important for asthma or bronchitis. Pain in the muscular and joint systems is reduced. Sports doctors know about this and effectively use this property of linden in practice. Linden also successfully eliminates the manifestations of pain syndromes due to rheumatism and ailments of neurological origin. A linden broom really lifts your spirits and tames the development of depression and migraines.

Linden twigs are usually collected in the northwestern part of the country, but linden often grows in the northern regions of Russia. Linden is a long-liver; the tree lives up to 400 years.

It is during these periods that the brooms are harvested, because during flowering the most intense sap flow occurs in the growing branches, where various microelements are present in abundance.

Fake “massagers” are prepared following a number of rules.

  1. The collection of twigs begins in May and ends in early July.
  2. On the eve of harvesting, rain is undesirable. Choose days that are dry and not very hot.
  3. Carefully break or cut young and small branches of light shades, no more than 50 cm long. Next, after drying or fresh, they are knitted.

After preparing “massagers” from linden, it is recommended to store them for no longer than three years. After this period, they will no longer give the expected effect. Proper preparation allows you to use one broom 2-3 times. The linden broom itself is soft, so it is better to add some oak or birch branches to it.

Selection principles

When choosing a linden broom in a store or market, you need:

  1. Sniff the bunch. If you smell rot, you need to continue looking for a better option.
  2. Try to bend the broom. If the branches begin to crack and break, the raw material procurement technology has been violated.
  3. Shake the bundle by the handle. If a lot of leaves fall off, it means the branches were dried incorrectly.

You also need to pay attention to the handle. It should fit comfortably in your hand without rubbing your skin.

Tips for use

Experts recommend that you familiarize yourself with some tips before going to the bathhouse with a linden broom.

  1. If the water in which a linden broom was steamed is poured onto a hot heater, the resulting steam will not only be aromatic and pleasant, but also have beneficial effects: calming, relaxing, and making breathing easier.
  2. A linden broom will help heal minor skin damage: wounds, scratches, cure rashes.
  3. This bath accessory can only be used from the second time you enter the steam room. And also do not forget that it should always be wet, so you should dip it in a bowl of warm water more often.
  4. To avoid burns, you need to be very careful when blowing up steam with a linden broom.
  5. You cannot whip a broom in the chest area (only light stroking is allowed).
  6. It must be remembered that a linden broom is not intended for whipping and dispersing blood, as many people mistakenly think. The function of a bath broom is that it should help circulate hot steam (sometimes the broom doesn’t even touch the body), release essential oils and serve as a light massage tool.

By following these recommendations for preparing, storing and using linden brooms, you can enjoy visiting the bathhouse and improve your health.

The following video shows the manufacturing process and describes the rules for storing linden bathhouse brooms.


  • https://SaunaPerm.ru/raznoe/lipovyj-venik-dlya-bani.html
  • https://tvoya-banya.ru/banshikam/lipovyiy-venik-dlya-bani.html
  • https://banya-v-derevne.ru/veniki/lipovyiy-venik-uspet-zagotovit/
  • https://banya-guru.ru/chem-polezen-lipovyj-venik-i-kak-ego-pravilno-zagotovit-dlya-bani/
  • https://stroy-podskazka.ru/veniki/lipovye/
  • https://sauna-aivengo.ru/veniki/lipovyj-venik-dlya-bani-polza.html
  • https://probani.guru/aksessuari/lipovyj-venik/
  • https://o-vannoy.ru/veniki/lipovye/
  • https://VenikiBeniki.ru/kogda-i-kak-zagotavlivayut-lipovye-veniki-dlya-bani
  • https://stroy-podskazka.ru/veniki/osobennosti-lipovyh-dlya-bani/

Terms of use

Before you start using a linden bath accessory, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some important rules.

  • If the water remaining after steaming a linden broom is splashed onto hot stones in a bathhouse, the steam released will have a pleasant aroma and can have some beneficial effects for a person: calming, relaxing, helping to breathe easily.
  • A linden broom should be used during repeated visits to the steam room. It should always be slightly wet, so it should be periodically dipped in a bowl of warm water.
  • You need to be careful when creating steam with such a broom, as you can get burned.
  • It is not allowed to carry out whipping movements in the chest area; light stroking should be used.
  • A linden broom is not intended for sharp whipping on the body, but for the movement of hot steam in order to release essential oils, being a light means for massage.

Massage with the help of a linden accessory should begin by taking a horizontal position, stroking the legs from the foot and up to the pelvis, repeating the movements 3-4 times. Then the transition is made to the chest area. First, stroking is carried out, starting from the hips and moving up the stomach and chest, heading to the side parts of the body (5-7 times), then movements are made across the body (4-5 times).

Then the transition is made to the hands. Having lifted them up, you need to make 4-6 movements in the direction from the hand to the shoulder. Then, using a similar method, taking a sitting position, you should steam your back and neck.

Next, quilting is carried out in the same sequence. The process ends with rubbing, which is performed by the leafy part of the linden broom.

Now, having an idea about the linden bath product, it will be easier to make a choice.

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