How to make a broom for a bath - technology of preparation, knitting and drying

As you know, in our time people visit the bathhouse not so much to wash themselves, but to get a good sweat in the steam room and steam themselves with a fragrant broom. You can buy this accessory, essential for bathing procedures, but in this case you will never know whether the twigs were collected in a clean garden or along the road. Therefore, if you often visit the bathhouse, it is optimal to prepare the brooms yourself.

Having made a bath broom with your own hands, you will know exactly what it was made of and how long ago it was made.

Most often, brooms are made from branches of trees and bushes, less often from herbs. Many plants are suitable for this purpose. The main thing is that their branches are elastic, do not have thorns and do not evaporate harmful substances. Birch, oak, and juniper brooms have long become the most familiar to us. However, for these purposes it is quite possible to use maple, walnut, and linden branches. Sometimes, more often for medicinal purposes, brooms made from herbs, such as nettle, are used.

Regardless of what branches the broom is made from, it can be supplemented with various medicinal herbs, which will not only have a positive effect on health during steaming, but will also bring the incomparable fragrant aroma of summer fields to the steam room. Among such plants, tansy, yarrow, mint, lemon balm, and wormwood should be noted.

Also read: Features of working with the foundation.

When to prepare brooms for a bath?

Types of bath brooms.
It is customary to harvest brooms when young leaves have already appeared on the branches and have become stronger: at this time they contain the highest content of useful substances. As a rule, this is June-early July. It is believed that the preparation of brooms for the bath should begin on Trinity Sunday, that is, 49 days after Easter . It is worth mentioning that oak branches can be collected all summer, since the healing substances in them are not lost throughout the season. Another exception is coniferous brooms, which are not dried, but are used only fresh. Moreover, you can cut branches for them at absolutely any time, but according to popular wisdom it is believed that it is better to do this during the waxing moon.

The material is harvested in warm, dry weather, when the leaves have dried well from the morning dew. If it has recently rained, make sure the branches are completely dry. Remember that wet leaves will quickly darken and then fly off. However, despite this, it will be optimal if the tree from which you will cut the material for the broom grows in a fairly humid place. In this case, the branches and leaves will be more juicy, elastic, and therefore less damaged during drying.

It is important to choose side branches that are straight and thin, with a minimum number of knots. Take care of nature and do not cut too many branches from one plant, so as not to destroy it. Carefully cut off a few branches and move on to another tree. It is optimal to harvest branches 40-60 cm long, otherwise they will be inconvenient to use when tying them into a broom.

Beneficial features

Birch brooms are a storehouse of useful substances that easily exit through the leaves and penetrate through the pores of the skin into the body.

With their help you can:

Get rid of skin diseases of various etiologies, including viral, fungal and bacterial lesions. Where doctors and modern creams are unable to help, a birch broom can cope in several sessions.

Remove waste and toxins through the skin, which is facilitated by nutrients that, like a sponge, draw out all the bad things that are in the lymph. There is nothing more effective for cleansing the body than steaming in a bathhouse with a birch broom.

Relieve nervous tension and get rid of accumulated stress. A bathhouse with a birch broom is an alternative to going to a psychologist.

Reduce joint pain in chronic diseases, remove salts and relieve muscle spasms. The sauna works especially well for relaxation after intense physical exertion.

Strengthen hair, make it strong, manageable, and add shine. The water in which the broom is steamed is used as a head rinse.

Strengthen the removal of phlegm from the lungs, as well as increase local immunity on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.

Get rid of frequent migraines and insomnia.

The list of beneficial properties of birch broom can be endless, and all thanks to its biological composition. The foliage contains vitamins, micro and macroelements, which together have a restorative, tonic and relaxing effect on the human body.

How to knit a broom for a bath?

Technique for knitting brooms for a bath.
Knit a broom, following a few simple rules. First, the branches are cleared of leaves and twigs where the handle of the future broom will be located. When knitting brooms for a bath, the more powerful and thick branches are laid inside, and the more flexible and thin ones - around this base, bending towards the center .

Having collected the required amount, tightly rewind the broom handle with twine. Cotton or hemp rope is ideal for these purposes. It would be a grave mistake if you tie a broom with wire, which will heat up in a hot bath and begin to mercilessly burn your hands.

In addition, rough wire can easily scratch the skin, so it is better not to use this material.

The thickness of the butt is chosen so that the broom fits snugly and comfortably in the steamer’s hand, without slipping out or causing inconvenience. The final stage of forming the main bath accessory will be trimming the edges of the handle with garden shears - this will give the broom a finished look and protect it from possible scratches.

What are they: characteristics

A sharp and fragrant broom is a must-have attribute of any bathhouse.

They are:

RowanaceaeBird cherry, etc.

The healing capabilities of bath attributes lie in the physical effects and pharmacological effects of various active substances. Popular sauna attributes can be made from any wood or grass. Important conditions: the elasticity of the finished broom and the absence of harmful substances.

The effect of a broom directly depends on the material. This can be stimulation of blood circulation, relaxation, and cleansing of the skin. The use of a bunch of branches in a bathhouse is strictly prohibited on a full stomach and for people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

The process of massaging with a bunch of branches in a steam room can have an excellent relaxing effect. This helps strengthen the immune system and slow down the aging process of the skin. It is necessary to whip with a damp, pre-soaked broom. It is possible to use additional aromatic oils for soaking.

Drying brooms

Fresh, newly formed brooms are sent to dry. They should dry in the shade, under a canopy, in a well-ventilated place. Under no circumstances should brooms be left in the sun or under a metal canopy, as in this case they will inevitably dry out and become unsuitable for use. The most practical and simple option is to hang them in the attic or in utility rooms on thick twine or sticks. To obtain high-quality brooms, make sure that they are hung at a sufficient distance from each other: this will give them the opportunity to dry and ventilate well. If dried in a suspended state, the brooms take on the appearance of a panicle. Often brooms are dried on the attic floor. You can look at the projects of bathhouses with an attic if you want to repeat this trick.

Drying bath brooms should be done in a well-ventilated place, in the shade.

If you want to get a fan-shaped broom, which is considered more convenient for bath procedures, then you will need to dry it in a different way. To do this, the brooms are laid out on a flat surface and turned over every day, giving them a flattened shape. After they have dried a little, they are stacked and rearranged from time to time, that is, the bottom, middle and top are swapped. The damper brooms should be on top. In this way, they not only dry well, but also put pressure with their weight on the underlying branches, gradually flattening them. Brooms dried in this way, along with their beautiful appearance, are able to retain their beneficial, medicinal properties for a long time.

It is worth mentioning another method of preparing brooms: chopped fresh branches are immediately placed in a sheaf, where they are stored all winter. As needed, they are taken out and tied into a broom. This method is highly valued due to the fact that the leaves and branches retain their original, fresh appearance well. The branches taken from the sheaf look almost as if they had just been collected.

Classic way

It is used only for oak brooms, and in birch it causes profuse leaf fall.

  1. Pour cold water into a deep container and soak the broom for 20 minutes.
  2. Next, drain the water and add hot water, but not boiling water.
  3. After 5 minutes, the broom can be used for its intended purpose.

The oak leaf becomes soft and elastic, but does not lose its elasticity and does not tear off the branches in the process. The tannins included in the composition will saturate the water, so for health purposes it can be used to wash your hair and body.


  • The sheet does not become limp, keeps its shape, does not come off
  • Nutrients are preserved
  • Relatively not long
  • Suitable even for dry brooms


  • None

Expert opinion

Sumskikh Stas Viktorovich

Bath attendant with 10 years of experience

The procedure can be performed directly in the steam room, but under no circumstances pour boiling water over the broom. This will destroy all beneficial substances and also cause leaf shedding. The broom will be ruined, and you will have to steam with a prickly residue.

Storing dried brooms

After the brooms have dried, it is necessary to create the right conditions for their further storage until they are needed. In rural areas, the most common storage option is to hang brooms in pairs in any outbuilding on poles or twines. Often, bunches of all kinds of medicinal herbs are hung here, gradually transmitting their aroma to the entire room, including the brooms. We bring to your attention projects of two-story baths, where the second floor is also often used for storing brooms. A good way is to store it in a haystack. In this case, the safety of branches and leaves is at the maximum level.

Brooms can also be preserved well in urban environments. To do this, they are placed in plastic bags and placed in the refrigerator or taken out to the balcony. Remember that only if you strictly follow all the rules for harvesting and drying, will your brooms retain their properties for two years.

Often asked

After reading the article, sometimes questions arise. We will list the most popular of them and give answers, summarizing the experience of professional bathhouse attendants and bathhouse lovers.

Where is the best place to collect herbs for brooms?

Herbs for bath brooms should be collected in meadows, fields and wooded areas, away from roads, highways and industrial enterprises.

Can dried grass broom be reused?

Brooms are a fragile thing. And even more so, herbal ones. Therefore, alas, the herbal broom is only suitable for one-time use.

Is it possible to steam children with herbal brooms?

No, you should not start vaping your children on your own. You should first consult a pediatrician: there are cases when doctors approve of steaming and covering children with herbal brooms, for example, for diathesis.

Is it true that you only need to collect brooms before Trinity? There is such a belief among people...

This is nothing more than superstition. The collection of raw materials for brooms depends on the specific plant, the timing of its growing season, the flowering period, etc. It happens that we collect some herbs before Trinity, for example, when young nettles are needed.

Is it possible to hang several different herbal brooms in a steam room?

Can. But it is better to create combinations based on your condition and the properties of specific plants. And be sure to focus on your well-being and the body’s reaction to such aromatic mixes.

How to steam a bath broom?

So, the dried broom is ready, but how to use it? In order for dry branches and leaves to straighten and gain elasticity, it is necessary to soak them in water immediately before bathing procedures. It will be correct if you first dip the broom in cold water for 10 minutes, and then in hot water. The tied branches should be steamed for at least 15 minutes - only then will you get a real broom, which will be convenient for performing a bath massage. This method is only suitable for brooms made from deciduous trees. If pine branches were used, then they are immediately steamed in hot water for 15-20 minutes.

We present to your attention a short film on the topic of brooms:

Remember that a bath with a broom is twice as beneficial as just one steaming procedure . But preparing a broom will not take much time and will not be difficult! Follow the simple rules outlined in our article, and the invariable attribute of bath art, made yourself, will give you a lot of pleasant sensations. In any case, your own broom will be more valuable and expensive to you than a purchased one.


The steam should be light and the broom should be fragrant!

Having steamed to your heart's content in the sauna for the rest of the day, you feel a surge of vigor, health and strength. And if the broom was also knitted with your own hands, with due diligence and accuracy, then the bath procedures will be a real pleasure! The video in this article is ready to share information on these issues, watch it!

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Common Mistakes

It is not always possible to make a broom the first time. If the structure quickly fell apart, or the leaves flew off during use in literally two blows, then an error was made during the preparation of the product or its storage. The main reason for the occurrence of such consequences is a lack of experience or a negligent attitude towards the procedure for creating a birch broom.

Common mistakes include the following.

  1. Choosing the wrong time to collect twigs in the forest. You can determine the optimal time by looking at the leaves. If the collection is made ahead of time, the leaves will quickly fall off. Experienced craftsmen recommend choosing the period from mid-June to mid-July. During this period, the tree only gains strength and does not bloom.
  2. Incorrect drying organization. A bad option for creating a broom would be to dry it in the sun. Brooms should be stored in dark rooms with optimal humidity and constant ventilation.
  3. A bunch of damp branches. After collecting the rods, they must be dried before knitting. When using fresh or not completely dried twigs, the brooms will acquire an unpleasant rotting smell, and the twigs themselves will become stiff, literally turning into ropes.

In the next video you will learn how to prepare a birch broom for a bathhouse.

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