Taking a bath with a child: how to steam properly and not harm your health

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Since I went to the bathhouse while expecting my first child, it has become a way of life for me. I learned that even pregnant women and babies can go to the bathhouse. For pregnant women, babies and small children, special bathing techniques are used - very gentle, but with enormous health benefits.

Bath procedures strengthen the immune system, train the cardiovascular system, refresh the lymph nodes and blood vessels, relieve tissue swelling, cleanse the intercellular fluid of metabolic products, have a beneficial effect on internal organs, relieve stress on the liver and kidneys, help relax tense areas in the body, relieve spasms and tensions from the muscular system. Massage with brooms and fragrant steam of herbal infusions have an aromatherapy effect, heal and cleanse the respiratory system. The skin after a bath, especially after cleansing with salt, scrubs and moisturizing with nourishing ingredients, becomes smooth and glows! And, perhaps, the main effect of the bath is the state of mind: the soul sings with joy, the body is light, breathing deeply, all sensations are heightened, the head is clear, a feeling of fullness of life and a state of love for all living things!

Today I will talk about my experience in organizing family trips to the bathhouse, taking into account the features and safety precautions for pregnant women and children.

It is always necessary to start preparing for a trip to the bathhouse in advance. And remember that anything that is suitable for adults is completely unacceptable during family visits with pregnant women and children.

What absolutely should not be done

  • Under no circumstances should you overeat before going to the bathhouse. About a day in advance, you need to lighten your diet, remove animal proteins and heavy, deeply processed foods. Ideal nutrition - any dishes from vegetables, fruits, cereals. On the bath day and the day before, it is important to drink clean water as much as you want. It is also necessary to offer children drinks more often. You can make herbal tea or refreshing berry fruit drinks. It is advisable that your drink be unsweetened; sugar in drinks causes thirst and retains fluid in the tissues.
  • Alcohol consumption is prohibited in the bathhouse. There is such a wise saying: “For many thousands of years, children have never learned to obey their parents, but they have learned to copy them perfectly.” Therefore, it is important for adults to be conscious of the example they set for their children. Remember that the bathhouse is a traumatic zone, so adults must be sober, attentive, and vigilant, especially if there are women, expectant mothers and children in the bathhouse. In addition, alcohol together with high temperatures can have a catastrophic effect on the body.
  • Smoking is absolutely not allowed in the family bath: under the influence of steam and heat, the lungs are moistened, opened and the cleansing process begins. Therefore, if at this moment, instead of clean air, harmful substances enter the lungs, their absorption by the body will increase significantly. Well, don’t forget that a person, and especially a child, who is nearby, inhaling cigarette smoke, becomes a passive smoker and receives all the negative effects of smoking along with you. Remember that passive smoking is much more dangerous and harmful than active smoking.

Photo source: https://www.shutterstock.com/

Pregnant women and bath

If a woman is an avid bath attendant and does not complain about her health, then even pregnancy cannot prevent her from going to the bathhouse. Today there are even mothers' clubs where pregnant women come to chat with each other, swim in the pool and take a steam bath. However, not all localities have such societies of pregnant steam lovers. Therefore, the expectant mother should have a reliable travel companion in the world of sauna pleasures.

If the desire to visit a sauna with a steam room arose during pregnancy and the doctor did not find any abnormalities in health, then it is best to start conquering the peaks of saunas in the early stages of pregnancy. After seven months, this is no longer worth doing. But if the decision is made “there will be a bath!”, then an experienced bathhouse attendant should be nearby. It is also necessary to listen to your body and not conflict with it. Exercise extreme caution in everything: do not stay in the steam room for a long time, do not freeze in the pool, move carefully so as not to trip or fall. At the first discomfort, leave the bathhouse immediately.

If you visit the bathhouse weekly and be extremely careful, both the female body and the unborn child will benefit as a result.

How to steam properly

The steam room is the heart of the sauna. During soft steaming, we try to ventilate the steam room more often and maintain the temperature no higher than 60-70 degrees. If you come to the bathhouse for the first time, I recommend you the following scheme:

• To begin with, you go into the steam room 2-3 times just to sit and warm up, after which you can take a warm or slightly cool shower.

• After this, it’s good to lightly rub the body with salt: it will open the pores and increase the process of sweating; massage the salt over the entire body, including the head, hair, and don’t forget to thoroughly rub the feet. Rinse off the salt in the shower.

• Now you can come in for the first time with a broom. It is important that someone prepares brooms for you in advance (they should have time to steam properly, become soft and fragrant) and a steam room (ventilate, pour water on the stones and wait 1-2 minutes until the steam “sits”). Moving with a broom is an art. The wider the leaves of the broom, the greater the effect of pumping steam into the body; the smaller the leaf, the better the massage effect. At first, focus on your feelings, look for the most pleasant ones, experiment. As soon as you feel satiated with the procedure, go out into a cool shower to wash off sweat, leaves and prepare for deeper cooling. Then, if possible, slowly lower your head into the cold water bath and slowly come out of the water. If there is no font, basins of cold water are prepared in advance and poured over the head and body. Afterwards you go to rest for 5-10 minutes and drink tea.

• These sessions can be repeated as much as you like, gradually increasing the heat-cold difference, i.e., warming up more in the steam room and cooling down more in the font. Such “swings” provide all of the above beneficial effects of the bath, improve microcirculation of the capillary network and provide a lymphatic drainage effect. After each approach, it is important to rest, preferably lying down.

• Don't forget to take time to treat your skin and hair. Take a break from steaming, wash, take care of your body.

• A special pleasure is to steam “on a clean body.” You can make several passes - as your heart desires!

• It is important to always be attentive to yourself and your well-being. It's not scary to get hypothermic in the bathhouse! It's scary to overheat! Measure everything with your inner feeling.

Family bath

(Fragment from the story “Quiet Country Life”)

Surin, in a state of “confusion of thoughts,” sat in his grassy shelter for some more time and only then, as if he had just arrived, did he appear before his wife and son. Lena's joy, caused by his unexpected appearance, immediately gave way to disappointment when she learned that he had to leave tomorrow to go on duty from Saturday to Sunday. At the same time, the wife behaved as if nothing special had happened ten minutes earlier, however, just like the son, who only said hello while continuing to work on the “plantation.” To the question: how are you, what’s new? Lena just waved it off:

- What could be new here... nothing, we’re working, and Irka is walking. I suppose you saw her?

This way and that, Surin tried to “encourage” his wife to explain, but she seemed to be completely sincere and behaved as if nothing had happened. She first fed her husband from the road, then went to finish the laundry. Ask directly: what kind of strange games did she start with her son, and what happened there... in the shower? For some reason he never decided to do this, although that was all he thought about.

After eating, Surin went to saw and chop wood, because it turned out that the weekly Saturday-bath day was postponed to today, Friday. The son patiently and resignedly collected the beetles, and Lena, after washing, hung out the laundry. Closer to lunch, Surin still asked a “leading” question:

- And Antoshka, so meek today, plows without straightening his back, doesn’t even get indignant?

— He was indignant, like, with the guys in volleyball, you see, he agreed. I took the fashion and disappears there every day. “I got my ass with a belt and stopped being indignant,” Lena answered completely calmly.

“Wow, that’s what they call it, but it’s not clear who is who… in the ass,” Surin thought to himself, unable to understand why his wife was hiding what happened from him and even more surprised at her not ostentatious calm. “Maybe she’s afraid to admit that she can’t cope with her son anymore? But no, it doesn't look like it. Does he really think that he shouldn’t know anything? Strange…"

For lunch, the whole family gathered in the garden at a table set under a spreading old apple tree. The children tried to swallow the food as quickly as possible: Irinka hurried to her friends, with whom they had agreed to go swimming in the pond, and Anton hoped that he would finally be allowed to go to the volleyball court. Lena didn't like this rush. She, already dressed in a robe and apron, displeasedly reprimanded her daughter:

- What a swim... can’t you see, it’s going to rain.

“What rain, the weather has been like this since morning,” Irinka objected tearfully, choking on a salad of radishes and onions.

- I know these baths of yours. You will show off in front of the boys. It’s too early to parade in swimsuits.

“What are you talking about, mom, we’re just... it’s hot,” the daughter blushed deeply.

“Have you already gathered all the Coloradoans?” the mother turned to her son.

- No... I didn’t have time... There are them on every bush, and almost under every sheet of masonry. Look, all my hands are yellow from them, I can’t wash them off,” Anton lamented guiltily.

- And who will finish... Pushkin, or what?!

- Come on Len. I’ll flood the bathhouse, and while it’s heating, I’ll walk through the rows. Is there a little left there? - Surin came to the aid of his son.

- Yes, dad... not much, four rows in total. “I’ll show you where I left off,” Anton babbled, looking gratefully into his father’s eyes.

After lunch, the children left the house as quickly as possible, fearing that their mother's mood would worsen. They were not lazy, they were children, and almost all children for the time being do not like homework, even those who later grow up to be real “plowmen”. Surin hoped that his wife would become more open when the children were not at home. But Lena seemed to have completely forgotten about what happened in the morning. She still behaved naturally, washed the dishes, swept the house, and again in a swimsuit went out to her husband’s potato plot.

Surin collected Coloradans in a jar and then burned them on an iron pallet. Lena stood nearby, and alternately turning to the sun with one side or the other, she talked about the scandal that happened the night before yesterday with the neighbors opposite:

“Can you imagine, it’s already about ten o’clock in the evening, we’re all watching TV, the window is open... Then suddenly someone rattles at the neighbor’s window.” I'm surprised it didn't break the glass too much. I go to the window, I look, man. Well, remember, I told you this Faina’s ex-husband. He knocks on her window and yells, swears at her, saying that the bitch got involved with a black-ass, now I’ll set you all on fire here... Well, don’t you remember, I told you that she now has an Azerbaijani living in Primak. Well, he screamed and screamed, but no one came out to him, as soon as the window was opened, he calmed down. I think this “black guy” gave him a drink...

Having “finished off” the beetles, Surin fetched water and flooded the bathhouse. Lena either went into the house or came up to him. But he never received an explanation, and did not dare ask himself. At about seven o'clock Irinka came from the pond. Her mother immediately rushed her to the shower to rinse off:

- Come on, come on, everyone swims in this pond, including dogs and all sorts of drunks, homeless people. Now wash it all off, I won’t let you into the bathhouse like that...

The daughter, with a dissatisfied expression, trudged into the shower, but there she splashed under the streams of water that had warmed up during the day until her mother kicked her out of there too. Out of breath and satisfied, Anton came running when the bathhouse was ready. The mother and daughter were the first to go wash in the still not very hot weather. Irinka could only be forced to take a steam bath by dragging her into the steam room by her hair. Therefore, Lena, having soaped and doused her daughter’s body, which was just beginning to round and bulge on her chest, hips and stomach, with water, sent her, wrapped in a terry robe, into the house.

- You can go now. Tell your father to go,” Lena admonished her, and catching her daughter’s sly glance at herself undressed, she immediately exploded, “I’ll shoot you with my zenith now, I’ll make fun of you, green snot, well, get out of here, the same for me, nymphet with soap.” factories!

“Well, what are you... I’m fine,” the daughter immediately became shy, her red round face in the hood of her robe looked like a nesting doll, and dodging the plump hand of her mother, who intended to slap her, disappeared behind the door of the dressing room.

However, at home Irinka, with the same ambiguous smile, told her father:

- Dad, mom is calling you to the bathhouse.

The father, unlike the mother, did not get angry.

“Yes, daughter... I’m coming now,” with these words he took a fresh birch broom that he had prepared in advance, because he loved to steam.

The bathhouse, no longer new, but still a strong log structure, consisted of three small sections: a dressing room, a washing area and a steam room. While the mother and daughter were washing, the steam room was not used. When Surin arrived... He immediately threw up firewood and climbed into the steam room on the shelf, right up to the ceiling, “ooscene”. So now he took a ladle of water. Warned:

- Len, I give in!

- Wait... now... - the wife supported her breasts, as if fearing that they were dangling too much, although for the same purpose it was possible to hold many other bulges of her solid body, milky white, where the swimsuit was attached, and various shades of dark pink, in other places... She jumped off the bench on which she was sitting and, with her knees drawn up with some semblance of fear, she closed her eyes and waited for the elastic wave of heat. Surin splashed and immediately grunted. Steam, accompanied by the hiss of the heater, filled the small space of the steam room.

“Eee!” Lena squeals and drops straight onto her round knees, and tilts her head with her flowing hair towards the floor

“Well, you’re just about to take a bow,” Surin laughed from above, starting to whip himself with a broom, while his wife was covered with drops of sweat right before her eyes.

- Well done, I survived today, come here and take a steam bath.

“No... I’m barely alive even here,” Lena answered, almost with the last of her strength.

Surin, all red, in tight cords of long “athletics” muscles, came down the steps from the shelf, and dipping a broom into a basin of cold water, began to lightly caress his wife along her relatively narrow back in soft folds, along her wide bottom... Lena squealed from below and asked to dip the broom more often in water. Finally, her patience reached its limit, she rose slightly and without risking straightening up completely, touching her husband with her soft buttocks, she squeezed past him and slipped into the washing department... Surin had enough time to examine her body without attracting his wife’s attention. But, no traces of the “morning incident”, nor any semblance of bruises could be seen on her, except for one on her right thigh. But he “placed” it personally, during the last bath, when she ran away from the steam room just like that, and he grabbed her deeply, held her and continued to soar until she slipped out laughing...

The real steam room began after Lena, having wrapped her head in a towel and put on a bathrobe, left and Anton came. Here the father immediately drove his son to the very top, gave in the steam and whipped him without any mercy. Surin also did not dare to ask Anton what kind of “struggle in his soul” he and his mother had.

How to hover small children

Following the diagram given above, we always focus on the child in the steam room.

  1. Having ventilated the bathhouse very thoroughly and set the temperature to a low temperature, we go into the steam room with the baby and be sure to cover his head.
  2. As soon as the baby shows the first signs of anxiety, you can go down to a lower level and offer the baby the breast. The temperature in the steam room is 60 degrees, and in the chest - about 37. It turns out that breast milk is a “soft drink” for the baby.
  3. As soon as the baby gets worried, we leave the steam room. We place the child on ourselves and go under a warm shower. You should never keep your baby in the steam room if he is crying or worried!
  4. Standing under the shower, we gradually lower the temperature to a level that is easily tolerated by the baby. Usually, “on mother” they willingly agree to “suffer” cold water.
  5. Next, we gently expand the child’s “comfort zone.” On average, if we go to the bathhouse with a child every week, after 1-3 months he can stay in the steam room for about 5 minutes and then calmly plunge “on his mother” into the font, receiving the maximum benefit from the bath procedures.
  6. Children have an innate reflex to hold their breath when water hits their head, forehead and face. The baby “pinches” his nose and mouth and holds his breath. By standing with the child under the shower and periodically pouring water on him from above, we stimulate the breath-holding reflex and train this skill. Very soon the baby will be able to dive underwater with us for a while.

And then... the endless and absolutely amazing story of infant swimming, but this is the topic of a separate article.

Rules for using the steam room for young visitors

Such components of a pleasant holiday as children and a bath will never conflict with each other if you follow a number of rules, namely:

  1. A visit to the steam room can be done if the child, like the soldier, gets up from the table slightly hungry. Overeating, as well as taking thermal procedures on an empty stomach, do not bode well.
  2. Entering the steam room should be preceded by the body getting used to it, gradually entering into thermal tone in a warm dressing room. This is especially true in the cold season in frosty weather.
  3. The steam room should be sufficiently illuminated by natural or artificial light. Firstly, it protects the baby from negative feelings, emotions and manifestations, on the other hand, it allows you to constantly visually monitor his well-being. Do not forget that heat injury in children develops more quickly than in adults.
  4. A mandatory attribute of a children's bath set should be considered a bath cap made of soft, delicate felt and slippers - slippers made of hypoallergenic silicone, with sufficient friction properties to avoid falling on a slippery floor.
  5. Before entering the steam room, you need to rinse your baby under a warm shower. There is no need to use detergents. Let your skin pores open naturally.
  6. It is useful for small visitors to the bathhouse to have a foot massage before the thermal part of the program. This will balance blood circulation in the lower body.
  7. Do not forget that the most optimal body position in the steam room is horizontal. A medium-pile linen or cotton towel, the size of which should exceed the user's arm span by 30%, will allow children to sit comfortably on the shelf.
  8. A children's bath may well be limited to two visits, and the second, in duration, may overlap the first by 12 - 15%, but no more.
  9. The bathhouse, children, brooms should be associated, first of all, with the linden tree. The structure of its leaf is the most delicate and does not cause negative emotions, unlike the use of birch or oak. At an early age, the use of broom therapy should be completely abandoned.
  10. Salts and flavorings should be used with great care. There is a very large range of synthetic drugs on the modern market. They can be successfully replaced by a decoction of classical, generally applicable and well-known herbs.

A children's sauna should be based only on voluntary principles and the natural desire of the child to join this activity. Parental pressure, even if it is gentle, is not appropriate here. Everything has its time.

How to steam for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a physiological, that is, a normal state of a woman’s body. Therefore, during an uncomplicated pregnancy, I can recommend visiting the bathhouse, starting from the second half of pregnancy. There are few studies on the effect of baths on expectant mothers. Finnish scientists have not identified any negative effects on the fetus or the expectant mother if she visited the bathhouse (sauna in Finnish). Our doctors have established the positive effect of the bath on lactation and its pronounced calming effect.

For my part, as a practitioner, I will allow myself a number of simple pieces of advice:

  1. If you have never gone to a bathhouse, you can, in the absence of contraindications (consult your doctor), start in the second half of pregnancy.
  2. Adhering to the general scheme and guided solely by your own well-being, start gently and gradually. Consider your individual characteristics. It is better that you are accompanied by an experienced person at first.
  3. Go to the bathhouse in the morning. Drink a lot. After the bath, do not plan any activities; rest for the second part of the day.
  4. Usually, closer to childbirth, the body wants stress, as if preparing itself for the upcoming event. There is a wonderful saying that the mothers themselves came up with: “The longer the pregnancy, the higher the shelf,” meaning that the longer the pregnancy, the more a woman wants to climb higher in the bathhouse, where it is hotter, so that she can then dive into the icy plunge pool.

Remember that there are also contraindications for visiting the bathhouse, these include some heart and vascular diseases, some skin diseases - it’s better to be on the safe side and check with your doctor.

Tips for parents

The question of at what age a child can go to the bathhouse is very important. If the mother regularly steamed in the bathhouse both before and during pregnancy, then the baby, even at the intrauterine stage of development, was already familiar with temperature differences between the steam room and the dressing room, and high humidity. In this case, you can start visiting the bathhouse together from the moment the child reaches three months of age.

If during pregnancy the expectant mother refused to take a bath, then it is advisable for the child to begin bathing procedures only from the second half of life. Before going to the sauna with your child, parents should consult a doctor and get his permission.

Also, when visiting the bathhouse, you should follow some rules:

  1. Go to the bathhouse with your child no more than 1-2 times a week. High temperature and humidity are significant stresses on the body and you need to give enough time for rest and recovery.
  2. When visiting a bathhouse with a child of the first year of life, carefully monitor the condition of the fontanel. The appearance of its protrusion indicates overheating of the baby. In this case, it should be immediately taken to the dressing room and given water at room temperature.
  3. Do not allow your child on the top bunk. Children are only allowed to hover on the lower shelves. At the top, the temperature is much higher and this can lead to dehydration or heat stroke.
  4. Don't let your child out of your attention zone. Slippery tiles near the pool, hot stones, hot water - all this makes the bathhouse a place of increased risk of injury for children.

How to teach children to take a bath

Children can and should take toys to the bathhouse. In my family, we even make special brooms for children for little hands. I teach children to take a bath through games, observation, repetition of adults and - of course - praise! Children love to soar their little animals in the bathhouse. They enjoy playing in basins with different water temperatures, with different containers: spilling, pouring, bathing and washing toys. In the pool they play with balls, inflatable toys, and floating objects.

Those who like to dive under water love to dive and retrieve objects from the bottom - if the capabilities of the sauna allow this.

Photo source: https://www.shutterstock.com/

How to prepare a sauna and what to take with you

It is important that the bathhouse is prepared. First of all, it must be clean and safe.

  1. Non-slip, washable shoes are a must when going to the bathhouse.
  2. A headdress is required in a Russian steam room, preferably a special woolen hat. Babies are allowed a regular cotton cap at first, since they are not in the steam room for more than 2-5 minutes.
  3. You need a sheet or mat on the bench to sit or, better yet, lie down in the steam room. A family sauna involves both men and women steaming together, so we put on swimsuits or agree to alternate male and female visits to the steam room. The effect of steam and massage with brooms on a naked body is definitely better. Also, when exposed to temperature, swimsuits and swimming trunks can release harmful substances such as phenols (depending on what they are made of). This is another reason to steam naked or wrapped in a sheet or towel made from natural materials.
  4. There is always a relaxation area in the bathhouse where you can relax, drink tea, and chat. It's good to have a dry sheet to wrap yourself up in and stay warm.
  5. For safety reasons, we take plastic utensils and brew teas in thermoses with screw caps so that there is no danger of spilling the hot stuff on ourselves. Little ones always have all sorts of adventures, so paper towels and wet wipes will come in handy.
  6. Children always want to eat after a bath, the blood glucose level in children drops quite quickly, they simply need nutritious snacks: fruits, dried fruits, fresh juicy vegetables, crackers, crispbreads, dry foods and plenty of drink.
  7. In a bathhouse with babies, it’s a good idea to allocate a quiet, ventilated room where you can put the children who are probably already asleep and washed up to rest.
  8. We breastfeed our children in the bathhouse, and this is accepted by everyone as a natural and absolutely normal process.

A story with my mother's friend in the bathhouse

A story with my mother's friend in the bathhouse

Download file - A story with my mother's friend in the bathhouse

When I was twelve years old, in the summer the whole family went to the village to visit my mother’s parents. It was necessary to travel almost a thousand kilometers by train, and then from the station another six kilometers on foot through the forest. The village was located in the middle of nowhere, there were no regular buses going there, you could only count on the occasional car or horse. We were unlucky with transport and went on foot. Mom and Dad were loaded with bags, and I had a small backpack. Halfway to the village we noticed a police UAZ in the bushes. When we caught up with him, two policemen got out of him. You will have to assist the operational authorities. So you and the boy sit in the car for now, and you, lady, please come here, to the hood. Dad and I got into the car. The policeman, who was next to my mother, pulled down her panties. Mom shifted her feet, raised them and rested her hands on the bumper, and the policeman lifted up her dress, unbuttoned and pulled down her trousers and began to stick his protruding penis into her. Gradually, he pushed it into her and began to move it evenly in mom. Then he twitched, groaned and moved away from her. Go, I'll watch for these. Max went to his mother, who stood straight up in front of the car. Mom sat down, and the murmur of a powerful stream was heard. She stood up, wiped her crotch with her panties and again rested her hands on the bumper. With the second cop she was dismantled, she began to moan and move her butt towards him. When they finished, the police let us out of the car. Your grandma enjoyed it. You saw how she moaned. But, however, you can write a statement right now, I’ll go and give it a go right away. Go and don't try, otherwise it will get worse. We loaded up with our belongings and trudged to the village. Finally, we reached our mother's home. It was an ordinary log hut in which lived grandfather and grandmother, my mother’s older sister Aunt Anya, her husband Vasily, who worked as a truck driver, their two seventeen-year-old twin sons - Denis and Dimka, and their fourteen-year-old daughter Tanya. Grandfather and grandmother lived in an extension to the hut; they had a separate entrance. Grandfather was very ill, he practically did not get out of bed, and grandmother spent all her days next to him. Only Grandma and Aunt Anya met us. Then gradually all the relatives came along. Mom and dad talked about the incident on the road, dad began to threaten that he would not leave this matter, but all the relatives unanimously advised him to quickly forget about what happened, because complaints would bring nothing but trouble. Now how do you prove that there was violence? We didn’t do a semen analysis, but where can we do it? In general, consider that nothing happened, it’s calmer. They are building all sorts of dachas and cottages. Many builders of different nationalities came. All men, give them women. They started harassing women. Moreover, girls are rarely harassed, there you can get charged with rape or there will be problems with pregnancy, so they attack mainly older women. They don’t go to the police, they’re afraid of publicity, they don’t know how their husband will react to this, or they’ll get divorced. And looking at all this, the local youngsters also began to misbehave. If a woman is alone in the forest, she will definitely be fucked, forgive the rude word. Val, forget about this matter. Now we’ll have lunch, and then we’ll go to the bathhouse together. Vasya, the bathhouse is behind you. We had lunch, the adults drank a little and began to exchange news and memories. In the evening, the parents went to the bathhouse and returned peaceful. But it’s still good, there’s some variety. Val, how is it compared to the cops? Dear Vasya, I gladly received him, but it was scary there, I didn’t know how it would all end. Let's not talk about this anymore. There was no room for us in the house, so we were sent to the attic to spend the night. There's plenty of space there, ten people can fit. In the evening at dinner, dad and Uncle Vasya gave in quite a bit, so dad barely climbed into the attic and immediately fell asleep. There was no light there, but we could still see everything before dark. I was assigned a place at one wall, and my parents had to sleep at another, two meters away from me. I lay down in my place, and mom lay down next to dad. About an hour later, someone began to climb up the ladder into our attic. Then my mother’s whisper was heard: Aunt Val, give me, I’m hard on you, touch it. Over there your husband is sleeping, if he wakes up you won’t think it’s enough. He and his dad gave in so much that they won’t come to their senses before lunch. Give me, Aunt Val, look at your thighs, but you don’t have any panties. What if Sashka wakes up? Give me your hand, see how he wants you? At first, only rustling was heard, then some squelching sounds, heavy breathing and muffled moans. When they finished, Dimka climbed down and Denis immediately climbed up into the attic. Everything happened again, then Denis left. The next morning, even though it was Sunday, after breakfast Vasily left somewhere in his truck. He said that the hack turned up. Mom went to the garden to rest in the hut that Dimka and Denis had built there. She lay down there on a rubber inflatable mattress, and Dimka and Denis took turns climbing towards her. Dad was watching TV, clicking the remote control. Aunt Anya was preparing something for dinner, then she said that she wanted to rest a little, and lay down on her bed behind the curtain. Tanya and I sat at the table and played cards. Dad turned off the TV and walked behind the curtain to Aunt Anya. They whispered about something, then a steady creaking of the bed was heard. I shook my head. She and I climbed into the attic. Tanya took off her panties, lifted the hem and began to stroke something in her crack with her fingers. Well done, he’s already standing. Only you still have it small. Come on, stick it here, below, you got it, now move it. Now you will feel good, and then you will experience a general buzz. Soon I twitched and came. Now let's go to the river, all our guys are gathering there. You will fuck Ninka Egorova. She's eleven years old, but she's already fucking young kids. It will be just right for you. This is how I got a permanent sex partner. Nina came to us, and she and I climbed into the attic, I came to them and we had sex in their garden, and more often we met on the shore with other guys and periodically went into the bushes. I tried having sex with other girls too. But Nina was jealous of me, and I tried not to offend her. The next morning, Uncle Vasya left for work, dad was going to the river to go fishing, and mom said that she would go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. “We’re walking around nearby,” my mother answered. She and I went into the forest. For some reason, mom wasn’t looking for anything, but purposefully headed deeper into the forest. We were walking along a wide path when three men appeared towards us. As they approached, it became clear that they were not all Russians, and you couldn’t understand what nationality they were. They stopped when they caught up with us. Let's go to that clearing over there. We came out into a small clearing. One of the men took off his shirt and spread it on the ground. Mom took off her panties, lay down on her shirt, pulled her sundress up to her waist and spread her legs. All the men began to take off their pants. One of them, stroking his penis, sank between his mother’s legs and rested his dick against her crotch. Mom herself directed his penis into herself, and he moved his butt. Soon the man groaned, increased the pace of his movements and came. The second one took his place. Mom began to understand him, she moved her backside towards him and lowered him. The same happened with the third one. The men got dressed and prepared to leave. “We won’t hurt you,” said one of them, and they left. Mom wiped her crotch with her panties. Sasha, don’t tell anyone about this, otherwise dad will be upset. All you have to do is watch your mother get raped. There's nothing you can do about it, son, physiology. During sex, a woman experiences an orgasm, a feeling of intense pleasure. Men too, you saw how they convulsed and moaned. When you grow up and start having sex, you will feel all this yourself. This is an important aspect of any person's life. You enjoy yourself and bring joy to your partner. They also pull on their mother. In the summer they hang out with the girls, and in the winter it’s boring here, so they have fun. At first she let them move between her buttocks, and then they penetrated into her vagina. But in general, the same man gets boring, you want something new, new sensations. I don’t feel any excitement when I take off my panties in front of your dad, but I felt nervous in front of these guys. It was a pleasant excitement. For this reason, I want to meet a new man. I had a lot of them. But dad doesn’t need to know about this, it’s unpleasant for him. The men themselves want to fuck a lot of women, but so that his woman belongs only to him. Just don't tell anyone anything. You give it to them yourself. I watched porn, but in real life it’s even more interesting. Where did you see porn? Since you've seen them, and you've become a man yourself, we'll ask her to show us a few films. But you’re right, when you experience all these worries in reality, it’s much more interesting. Tomorrow we’ll go in the other direction, otherwise we’ll meet the same men, but I want new ones. When we returned home, Aunt Anya was hanging washed clothes on a line in the yard. Mom went into the house, and I stayed in the yard. It was hot, Aunt Anya’s robe was unbuttoned, and when she raised her hands, hanging up the laundry, her hair-covered pubic area was completely exposed. I walked up to her and stood opposite her. When she raised her hands and the floors of her robe parted, I reached out and stuck my fingers into her slit. She shuddered at first, then spread her legs wider and continued hanging the laundry. Sasha, stick your fingers deeper, feel for a hole there and stick your fingers in there, your whole hand will go in there. Now I’ll hang up the laundry, and you and I will do one thing, I’ve been wanting to try for a long time. She hung up her laundry, and we went to the bathhouse. There she lay down on the bench and began fingering and rubbing her fingers in her crotch. I really wanted to try it, but I didn’t have anyone with me. If I ask my husband to lick me there, he will rip my head off. And you are an advanced boy. Then you will leave and forget everything. Now lick me. Look, this tubercle is called the clitoris. If you lick it for a long time, a woman may have an orgasm. You push your tongue deeper into the vagina, and then move it to the clitoris and lick it. I'll tell you when enough is enough. She bent her knees and spread them wide apart. With her fingers she spread her labia wide. I stuck my tongue in the vagina, moved it there, began to move it towards the clitoris and licked it. I continued my lesson. I liked the tart smell coming from her crotch. I began to vigorously lick her swollen clitoris. Soon she moaned and her vagina became moist. You also know what, in the film they also licked anuses, well, holes from which poop comes out. It's clean, I washed it. She knelt down, rested her forehead on the bench, and spread her buttocks with her hands. I saw her anus, which looked like a chicken tail. I started licking it. Aunt Anya moaned softly. Don't tell anyone what we did with you. It’s a pity that your pussy is still small, otherwise I would have given it to you with pleasure. I know that you use Tanya. Did anyone fuck the mother in the forest? Otherwise, why did she go into the forest? Were you interested in watching her get fucked? I myself sometimes go into the forest to catch a leftist. All our women are quietly serving these builders. Well, let's go, you can lick me again tomorrow. My father came home from fishing and began to complain that someone had crawled into his pants and bit him. Now he has a terrible itch there. He took off his pants, mom and Aunt Anya carefully examined the blister on his thigh next to his balls. Anh, where is your first aid station? Aunt Anya explained how to find the first aid station. If she is not there, then her house is on the same side, the third from the first aid station. When we arrived at the first aid station, a pretty young woman with a disproportionately large butt was sitting on a bench next to it, husking sunflower seeds. While fishing, some creature bit him on an interesting spot, and now he is itching there. He's afraid it might be a tick. You sit here, and you, the patient, go into the office. Mom and I sat on a bench. “Come on, son, look what they’re doing to him,” my mother asked. I entered the room. There was a small waiting room with a coat rack and benches along the walls and then a plywood door to the office. Muffled moans were heard from behind the door. Without opening the door, I saw through the crack that Irina was lying on the couch, and her dad was perched on her and vigorously moving his bare bottom. I went outside. Soon dad and Irina came out onto the porch. But you need to observe for a few days. He will walk until you get tired of him. Irina looked at her mother in surprise and did not find what to answer. The next morning, my mother and I went into the forest again. This time we were stopped by local boys. Two were about eighteen years old, and two more were about thirteen or fourteen years old. Take off your panties and get on all fours. They, apparently, had seen enough porn films, that’s why they chose this position. While one was moving his dick inside mom from behind, the other from the front was putting his dick in her mouth so that mom would suck it. Mom did not like this visit to the forest. They stink so bad it's disgusting. This is science for you too. Before meeting a girl, be sure to wash your penis, especially under the foreskin. The waste products of your organ remain there. If they are not removed, they will rot, smell bad, and can even make you and your partner sick. Sasha, yesterday I saw how you stroked Aunt Anya between her legs when she was hanging up her laundry. You pleasantly surprised me. Not every adult man can treat a woman this way. Why did you go to the bathhouse with her later? You know all my secrets. I will not tell anyone. Aunt Anya said she saw it in porn and wanted to try it. Forcing a child to satisfy his lust. So, how did you like licking the clitoris and anus of an adult woman? And she smells nice. Well, let Anka teach you to lick these places, and when we come home, you can lick me. I really want to try it too. After lunch, my mother rested in the hut, where Dimka and Denis visited her, and in the bathhouse I licked everything between Aunt Anya’s legs. Then Nina came, and she and I climbed into the attic. I fucked her twice and she went home. Dad began going to the medical center for procedures twice a day. My mother and I went to the forest every day, but now my mother was well versed in it not from the point of view of mushrooms and berries, but from the point of view of meeting decent men. She asked Vasily about local construction projects, and we now went to construction areas. The contingent there did not evoke negative emotions in my mother. According to my calculations, about forty new men have already visited my mother. She somehow looked younger and became more energetic. One afternoon I was trying to make a wooden spoon from a piece of linden board and seriously injured my hand. Mom dragged me to the first aid station. When we entered there, dad was lying on Irina with his bare bottom. Mom and I went out into the hallway and sat down on a bench. Dad conscientiously completed the act and came out to us, buttoning his fly. We entered the office. Irina was sitting at the table. One visitor asked for medical help, but with us it came down to sex. Someone reported to his wife. She came running, raised her voice, and rang the bell throughout the village. He knows that I have had a lot of men. Morals were free at the medical school. But he thinks like this: Well, if you get caught, then get it in full. What are the entertainments here in the village? Sometimes you catch a leftist - that’s all the joy. Same with your husband. I think the person is a newcomer, he will leave and end up in the water. And now you will open my husband’s eyes. I am very glad that my husband was able to relax on vacation with such a charming woman. Let him come to you until you get tired of him. We come to you on another matter. My son seriously injured his hand, help. The boy is suffering, and we are talking about all sorts of nonsense. Come here, give me your hand. Yes, the wound is deep, but it's okay. Now we’ll disinfect it, bandage it, and in three days only a small scar will remain, and then nothing at all. She did everything she said she would and soon I was sitting there with a fresh bandage on my arm. Mom and I got ready to leave. The husband, feeling his guilt, will try to make amends for it, will become affectionate and attentive. Then, I’ll tell you a secret, I also like to roll somersaults with a fresh guy. And here you have such opportunities. Here a new person appears every hundred years. I went into the forest several times and each time three or four people raped me. Of course, there was no violence, because I did not resist. And when they felt that I liked it, we parted as friends. I’ve tried several dozen men here in three weeks. I’ll go into the forest for two hours now. Which direction is better to go to be sure? Mom indicated directions and landmarks, and they parted as best friends. The next day, my father did not want to go to the medical center, but my mother convinced him that he needed to continue treatment. Her father listened to her incredulously. Then he said that he would go there only because his mother insisted on it. Nina came to me, and she and I climbed into the attic. Then I licked Aunt Anya. On the last day before leaving, my mother and I went into the forest twice. On our first visit, we saw four men of unknown nationality jostling around Irina, who was standing doggy style. This trip largely determined my position in life. Sorry for the style of presentation, well, I’m not a writer, and the brevity of the story. These events are not fantasies; this incident actually took place, albeit quite a long time ago. I grew up in a tiny village, not even a village, but a farm. I had a best friend, classmate Seryoga. His mother died long ago, his father, leaving him with a woman, married a second time. Seryogin’s father was a military man; he served at that time in Cuba, in some contingent there. He came to Sergey for the last time when we went to the w, despite the fact that I am already and besides, I am also a man and how the morning I would like to start with the fact that after taking the bathtub to go out with a towel on my head, to approach to Mirror, apply makeup, paint eyelashes, bring your eyes and eyebrows, put your nails with a file, make a pedicure and manicure. While the nail polish dries, make styling. To wear a bra and a belt for stockings, then the stockings themselves, thin dark brown color with a seam in the back and a high heel Karina went to our school at the beginning of the year and studied for a class older than me. We met at one of the school events. When it ended, I saw how she leaves school and decided to catch up with how it turned out we lived not far from each other. So we began to communicate more and more often. Sometimes we spent time together in companies of common friends, we kissed several times, but this was not the case. She was not one of those shy girls, rather the opposite, and often flirted with me, as I, like Marge, played with her friend. The city of Springfield, a small and quiet town in the north of the United States, but sometimes there are things that are better not to think about. For example, they rape some student, and maybe they will kill someone. But the murders are not our genre, let the detectives write them better, and we love the old, good strawberry. But recently, there is no variety in this style of authorship, all writers are somehow fixated on banal genres in this style of writing. But our good generation, the molestation in public transport is more interested in erotic stories. The first time I decided to write a story, and even about myself. A little about myself at the moment is 21 years old. Recently, BDSM, humiliation with subordination and everyone in this kind, which became simply obsessed with this. So I decided to describe everything that happens to me and was happening, maybe someone will become interesting. My appearance is quite bright, large breast size 4, dark brown eyes, light brown hair below the shoulders, an appetizing elastic round priest. When I was after graduation, I could not go to the institute for the daytime department, there were not enough points, and I had to, retraining one exam, submit documents for the evening department. After the credit, I, like other comrades in misfortune, had to look for work. It seemed to me that in our time to find a job is easier. But how to find it if for ten years, except the writing pen in his hands, he did not hold anything. And that what to do with your own hands is nothing to say at all. Why did I come here at all? So I thought, standing against the old wooden wall. There was once a small university sports hall here, but as far as I knew, he had not been used as anyone for five years. Just a piece of paper brought me here. A rectangular ticket, with a perforated separation line. The decision to pull the door handle was with difficulty. I still have not completely believed that what has been said on the ticket could be true. A holiday that was not. Prologue is one of those many stories that are born on the Internet in all kinds of chats, messengers and other things called foreign words. In our case, it was the well -known 'ICQ' AKA ICQ. Two colleagues he and she is from two branches of the same organization located in different cities and even countries. They met 2 months before this conversation at some big event of their organization. We saw 5 days, of which only one last minute paradox or the chronobility of the XPSA3 galactic sector spoke. However, it always happens at the wrong time, but now at the wrong time. Everything in the XPSA3 star system happens at the wrong time. That's already fed me with school practice! Half classes went into space by young people on research ships, but only I asked for this damned system with her physics of the DV, everything began with the fact that during sex with my girlfriend she offered to lick my ass, I indifferently shrugged my shoulders. But I did not know that it would be so great, I stood on all fours and Anya abundantly lubricated my anus with her saliva. Then she quietly brought her finger and inserted it into me. I realized what happens only when the index finger was completely in me. With mine, I don’t even know what to call a friend, cohabitant or civil husband, as it is more correct, we have lived for two years. They seemed to be quite good, but how it became boring and sluggish. He did not call for the registry office, he did not ask for children, he just lived and said that everything was already good. And what's good here? It seems not to be strangers, but it seems to be free. And then a new employee got to us in the department, a young, unmarried and attentive. Further more, they began to linger after work sometimes, it seemed like it was accidental, nothing vulgar, this story is based on real events. It happened when I was about 20 years old, it was a thin, slender brunette of short stature. It so happened that when I studied at the university, I had to live with my uncle for a while. He has three children, my aunt about 40 years old, did not stand out with particular attractiveness and therefore later my attraction to her was a complete surprise. Although it is possible and expected because at an early age in years I felt an insurmountable desire to have sex with adulthood, my old acquaintance somehow called me with a request to fix the computer. At one time we had a relationship with her, but because of, in my opinion, a too strong desire to control me, we broke up. In principle, I knew that she did not mind converging again. Therefore, I decided for myself that nothing would happen. I stupidly watch a computer, I make a diagnosis, I get it. Okay, we will lower the no interesting details to anyone. In general, we are sitting at my house, I pick up on my computer, she is trying to make a warm spring day I met my beloved sister from the train and we went for a walk in the city. In the afternoon, the weather was very deteriorated and pouring rain went. I invited her to go to me, just her parents went to the wedding to friends and left a wonderful two -story house to me. Upon arrival home, we warmed up tea and it all started with the fact that I went for an interview - cases described by me in the story 'burned at work'. It took 1 month after the interview on which I was forced to suck my boss. There was a call to the mobile. I picked up the phone and a serious male voice came from there - Hello Vasily! You came to an interview in our company! Your candidate has been considered and your name is for further training in our companies! Hello, my name is Alik, I am 30 years old, I work in a state institution, a good position and salary. The very tight physique, pretty and high. In general, I want to tell you one story that happened to me last year. Well, one fine day of summer, I sat at work, the day passed as usual my username in the agent Mail Ru was online since I always communicate with colleagues and friends. Together with her, crushing into small units, a single mighty colossus of Aeroflot ceased to exist. The stupor from the loss of the breadwinner was short -lived. On the former outskirts, dynamic companies began to grow, rapidly and widely scattering route networks. In one of these post -Soviet airlines I worked. And a girl was working for us, a stewardess named Jeanne. Jeetta was distinguished by growth, breastfed, simplicity in communication and independence of views and opinions. Having hung in my arms apparently so as not to run away, in joyful excitement, the sisters brought me home, or rather an apartment in Anina. At first I was asked to wait on the couch in the hall. I took advantage of this time to call Kolyan and say that the move is canceled. He was even upset, as he lost his drinking companion. Tanya appeared, and I was sent to the kitchen, where an exquisite table was laid on one person. Salads, snacks, fried chicken my favorite dish, and all this splendor crowned today flew out of Bulgaria. A week without a wife, of course, is given to a peasant and already when taking off on an airplane, my penis also began to gain a height. I don’t know this reason for the difference in pressure or pretty Bulgarian stewardesses, but I could not hide my erection from one pretty stewardess. Smuffle, protracted into uniforms, but with large rings in beautiful ears, in appearance of 23 years. Noticing me, smiled, exposing her neat teeth. Then she carried drinks when you have a choice, but you do not make it, this is the choice itself. We are faced with this every day. We change our fate depending on the decision. We ourselves believe our life, our future. And, if the choice still somehow depends on us, then the consequences are completely unpredictable. It was necessary to get so much. The wife drove off her parents with her child for only two weeks and already on the second day

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You need to go to the bathhouse with a special attitude. There should be no negativity, swearing, or litigation in the bathhouse. Any issue can be resolved in a positive way by agreeing on rules and boundaries. There can be no obligation or coercion in the bathhouse. Everyone takes responsibility for their actions, decides what to do based on their own well-being - this is respected and accepted by everyone. This creates a wonderful, very warm and sincere atmosphere of support, friendly, positive communication, which in itself has a healing effect.

In addition, if your overall health is good, then going to a good family bath has huge health benefits. Both large and small bath attendants get sick much less often and tolerate diseases more easily, especially seasonal colds and viral infections. They have strong immunity, a hardened body, a cheerful spirit, which is what we sincerely wish for everyone!

Objective contraindications for bathing procedures for children of all ages

It can be considered good manners to have consultations regarding a child from a specialized doctor. The benefits of the bath for children are determined by the absence of contraindications. These unconditionally include:

  • Respiratory diseases associated with the rapid development of their course, accompanied by an increase in body temperature above 37.6 degrees;
  • Persistent nasal congestion. Exposure to elevated temperatures can provoke swelling of the mucous membranes, which will further aggravate the course of the disease;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances, of any etiology:
  • Asymptomatic changes in blood pressure;
  • Nosebleeds, regardless of their nature;
  • Neoplasms of any nature;
  • Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye.

Attention! This list of diseases is not exhaustive, so we repeat once again that qualified consultation with a specialist for health problems of any nature is mandatory.

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