How to take a steam bath correctly: basic rules and subtleties

The Russian bath is characterized by a combination of relatively low temperature (about 50-70o C) and high humidity (about 45-65%). Such conditions allow you to deeply warm the bones and muscles, get rid of many diseases and cleanse the skin. Regular visits to a Russian bathhouse can save you from the need to visit the gym: one visit to the steam room is equivalent in terms of calorie expenditure to a couple of hours of working on exercise machines. But not everyone can withstand such loads. The main thing is to know how to take a steam bath correctly. Ignoring the rules for preparing and visiting the steam room can cause harm to the body.


General rules

Typically, a Russian bathhouse has at least two rooms: a steam room with a high temperature and a dressing room or washing room, where the temperature is much lower. In the steam room there is a stove on which stones are heated. As soon as they are heated, specially prepared herbal infusions are poured onto them.

But the main feature of the Russian bath is massage using a broom. Brooms are prepared from young shoots of different types of trees. They all have their purpose and action.

Types of brooms and their effects

The palm of popularity belongs to the oak and birch broom. Birch cleanses and soothes the skin, heals wounds. Oak broom has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, makes the skin elastic and toned. A broom made from juniper or fir needles is also used in the bathhouse. It can cure radiculitis and improve the condition of the nervous system.

There are many types of brooms; they are used not only for traditional massage, but also for aromatizing rooms and inhalations

Sometimes bird cherry is used, which has an anti-influenza effect. A walnut broom reduces varicose veins, heals small ulcers on the skin, and alleviates diabetes. Alder leaves adhere well to the skin, removing toxins from it, removing phlegm from the lungs during bronchitis and cough. Eucalyptus is a rather rare plant for our area, but a broom made from it will make the air in the bathhouse even more healing, make breathing much easier and improve your well-being. Brooms are also made from nettles. It is successfully used to treat high blood pressure and calm “disturbed” nerves, relieving pain in the joints and back.

To achieve maximum effect, brooms need to be properly prepared for the bath procedure: steamed. In addition, during use, it must be immersed in hot/warm water from time to time. And you need to work with a broom wisely: you can’t hit the body too hard, as you can burn or injure the skin. You need to lightly tap the broom on the skin, “stretching” the leaves a little.

When did the bathhouse appear in Rus'?

The history of baths in Rus' goes back more than one thousand years. In the works of the chronicler Nestor, references to its existence were found already in the first century after the Nativity of Christ. The chronicle describes the process of soaring with brooms, which captured the imagination of the Apostle Andrew.

Ancient manuscripts also preserve evidence that after military clashes, some ancient Russian tribes paid tribute to others with birch brooms. Bath procedures were so valued in our land.

Later, foreigners visiting Rus' were amazed that diseases such as ulcers and scabies were not common here. Even the plague epidemic in the 14th century bypassed Russia, although it destroyed half of the population of Europe. Historians believe that the Russian people were helped by their addiction to the bathhouse.

The reformer Peter the Great, who eradicated most of the indigenous Russian customs, had nothing against the bathhouse. On the contrary, he encouraged their construction and attached great health value.

In Rus', from time immemorial, almost every yard had its own bathhouse. According to one of the historical versions, the Russians borrowed the tradition of their construction from the Greeks or Arabs. But according to another version, the bathhouse is an invention of the Slavs. Foreign guests assured that they had not seen the ritual of washing with brooms, steam, pouring cold water and diving into the snow anywhere else.

The court doctor of Elizabeth Petrovna, Antonio Sanchez, praised the Russian bathhouse and compared it with the Turkish and Roman ones, which were clearly inferior in terms of receiving health-improving steam. He considered the process of generating steam from the heater itself to be an advantage. Only in a Russian bath, Sanchez assured, steam softens the skin, makes breathing easier and gives pleasant relaxation and calm.

The first baths in Rus' were heated “black”. The structure was a log house made of wood with an earthen floor, on top of which boards could be laid. In the corner, stones were placed in a special way, under which or above which a fire was lit. Now such baths are a thing of the past, and only a few enthusiasts build them.

In the first third of the 19th century, a gradual transition to ordinary heater baths and “white-style” baths began. Their structure has not changed to this day: a steam room, a soap room and a dressing room - a room for undressing and rest.

When and how long should you steam?

It has been experimentally established that the minimum time that you need to spend on bath procedures (if you want to achieve a healing effect) is 2 hours. There are different, often contradictory, opinions about when it is better to go to the bathhouse. Some bath admirers prefer the morning, while others prefer the evening procedure, ending with sleep.

Time in the steam room is an individual choice

But bathhouse experts are unanimous: bathhouses and bathhouse parties are completely different things and concepts. Going to a Russian steam room after having eaten or “warmed up” with a high-intensity drink is simply dangerous to health and life. Such trips often end in strokes.

Features of bath procedures for women

Healthy women are recommended to take a bath, but it is important to take into account some restrictions:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Menstruation.
  • Lactation.

Wellness procedures help to establish the cycle and eliminate inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary venous system. This is a wonderful prevention of specific female diseases, as well as diseases of the heart, lungs, musculoskeletal system and varicose veins.

In addition, each woman can choose the types of steaming that suit her, taking into account her own health and the ultimate goals of bathing leisure.

What to take with you to the bathhouse

Prepare a decent-sized bag: you will need a lot of things. Required:

a bathrobe (it’s not for nothing that they call it that) or a large towel (also a bath towel);

  • clean sheet;
  • change of linen;
  • head cap (woolen or special felt);
  • regular towel;
  • flip-flops or other rubber shoes;
  • shower gel and shampoo;
  • a hard mitten for rubbing the body;
  • broom.

The broom is selected according to the state of the body and soul))
You can also take with you products to make first a scrub , and then a mask for the face and body , and herbal infusions to pour on the heater. a drink with you : herbs brewed in a thermos, tea or still mineral water.


Which broom will help with joint pain?

People with rheumatic pain, as well as those who suffer from discomfort in muscles and joints that appear after heavy physical exertion, are recommended to steam with nettle brooms. The pain relief is explained by the local irritation effect, as well as the anti-inflammatory properties of nettle.

Is it possible to steam with a broom during pregnancy?

If there are no contraindications or prohibitions from the doctor, it is possible. Only when performing a massage with a broom, the movements should be light, stroking. The temperature in the steam room should not exceed 60 degrees.

At what age can a child soar with a broom?

You can take children to the bathhouse from 3 to 4 years old, only after consulting a doctor. The broom should be as soft as possible, linden or birch. The movements are gentle so as not to damage the delicate skin.

I like to steam with oak brooms, but after the bath my skin becomes irritated. What is the reason?

Oak leaves contain large amounts of tannins. Therefore, it is more suitable for people with oily skin. If the skin is dry, it is better to use a birch broom.

Steam wisely and follow the recommendations described. Then visiting the bathhouse will bring pleasure to the soul and give strength to your body.

How does steam work?

When the ambient temperature is above 36.6°, our body begins to actively secrete sweat, thus trying not to overheat the body. This feature is used in the bathhouse. The fact is that when sweat is released, harmful substances accumulated in the skin and subcutaneous fat are removed, thereby cleansing and healing the body.

The higher the ambient temperature, the more sweat is produced. At the same time, the pores open up. To prevent the skin (and the internal organs behind it) from overheating, blood circulation is activated, which is expressed in redness: its amount increases closer to the surface. This increase in blood circulation occurs in all internal organs. More blood brings more nutrients, improving the condition of the skin. At the same time, fluid with a huge range of microelements is released through the sweat glands.

Steam opens pores and activates blood circulation

That is why in the bath you need to drink, and drink a lot. There is no need to drink large amounts of liquid in one gulp. A few small sips, a break, and again. This way, the liquid is not excreted by the kidneys, but is distributed throughout the tissues and organs, restoring what was lost with sweat.

What, then, does diving into cold water give? Instant closing of pores. At the same time, the hot blood that was in the skin is squeezed into deeper layers by closing pores. Having received hot blood, these layers warm up. The next time you enter the steam room, they are included in the cleansing process. And this happens with each steam room cycle - cold water.

Naturally, you need to take rest breaks between cycles. During it you need to drink medicinal herbal infusions. Green tea is also healthy, but you need to be careful with it: a cup of strong drink contains more caffeine than good strong coffee. And since the loads in our steam room are already considerable, there is no need to unnecessarily load it.

Relaxation after the steam room: you can also go outside

By the way, it is very easy to explain the red or pink spots on the skin after visiting the steam room (the skin becomes marbled, with streaks or spots). It’s just that the pores closed differently in different areas. After a few hours the color will stabilize.

Briefly about choosing a broom

A mandatory accessory for a Russian bath is a broom made from tree branches.

Choose a broom depending on the result you would like to get and the characteristics of the skin:

Broom of currants, rowan and cherries

The branches of these plants contain a lot of vitamins and have a unique aroma. They are quite flexible, so they are good for light massage of a steamed body. It gives energy and a surge of strength. Aromatic vapors, penetrating the respiratory organs, have a preventive effect and prevent the occurrence of colds.


The leaves of this tree contain substances that promote the healing of small wounds on the epidermis. It has a pleasant aroma, making a visit to the steam room an aromatherapy session. A bird cherry broom is very soft, so it is especially in demand among women.


This exotic option is rarely used in Russian baths, but contains many essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the body. However, not every person can withstand the rich eucalyptus aroma, so experienced bath attendants advise adding only a few branches of this tree to birch or oak brooms.


The most affordable and popular option. Birch branches are flexible, the leaves are wide and hold well during drying and after steaming. Birch broom has excellent cleansing properties, collects sweat efficiently, and helps with joint diseases and radiculitis.


Contains tannins that help lower blood pressure and relieve inflammation of the skin. An oak broom is good for bringing steam onto the body - this property is used by those who want to thoroughly warm up and steam.


Broom for the treatment of rheumatism and the respiratory system. But people with sensitive skin should not use these rather thorny branches.


The best option for treating skin and respiratory diseases. It has a gentle effect, so even children can vape with it.


Deeply massages the skin, relieves inflammation, stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

So that any of the brooms does not lose its aroma, it is first dipped in cold water to saturate it with moisture, and then quickly transferred to the hot pebbles of the heater. Once heated, the leaves will begin to release aroma into the steam room.

How to steam properly

The bathhouse is a place for relaxation, and everything should be done here leisurely. The first rule of good vaping is don't rush. Everything has its time. You shouldn’t immediately rush to the steam room upon arrival. The body has not yet warmed up and relaxed. Undress, steam the broom.

First, stand in a warm shower (do not wet your head), gradually increase the water temperature. Once warmed up, you can go into the steam room (putting a hat on your head).

You cannot enter the steam room without a hat.

First entry into the steam room

You need to start steaming from the lower shelves. Sit or lie down and warm up. From the second or third approach you will be able to climb higher, but for now don’t rush.

If you lie down, your legs should be positioned higher than your head. This makes it easier for the heart to work, and you will know that it is actively working by the increased heart rate. The duration of the first entry into the steam room is no more than 5 minutes. When you leave, be sure to take a warm shower. With sweat, many toxins that have accumulated in the body are eliminated. Leave them on the skin and they will be absorbed back.

After the shower, if you want, go to the dressing room, relax, drink hot tea with herbs.

Next visits to the steam room - work with a broom

Then you can use brooms. Now you need to pour specially brewed herbal infusions onto the hot stones several times. Hot steam will rise from the stones in powerful jets, so be careful. When you achieve the required temperature and humidity, you can start working with a broom.

Working with a broom in a bathhouse

It’s more convenient to steam together, taking turns whipping each other with a broom. “Single” use is also possible, although the back is then poorly worked.

First you need to lie with your back up. They begin to lightly pat the broom, moving from the legs to the shoulders. With each pass, slightly intensifying the blows.

With some brooms you need to “stretch” the leaves a little in the final stage (the last 2-3 passes). Usually they stretch with birch, oak or alder brooms, but this can only be done if there is no damage to the skin. The procedure is repeated by turning over on your back. Please note that you need to pat your stomach much lighter than your back.

When to stop entering the steam room and how to rest during breaks

Listen to your own feelings. As soon as you feel tired or it gets hot, it’s time to go out and rest. For almost any person, 10 minutes in the steam room is enough. You need to lie down in a cool washroom or dressing room, but not immediately after leaving the steam room. You need to walk around a little, taking deep breaths, then stand under a warm shower. Now you can lie down.

To maintain water balance and body temperature, you need to drink hot tea or herbs in small sips. The rest becomes longer the more visits you have already made. The duration of rest cannot be less than the time spent in the steam room.

After 3-4 visits to the steam room, you can rub yourself with a hard mitten, and before the last visit, you can apply a mask to your body (preferably homemade). In the steam room, wait for profuse sweat to appear, then rinse everything off under a warm shower.

Total visits to the steam room are 5-7. Less is no point, more is too much stress on the body.

Swimming in an ice hole after the steam room

Compliance with safety regulations

In order to take a steam bath without harm to your own health, you must follow the important rules of steaming:

  • It is better to visit the bathhouse in a good mood and well-being. You cannot overeat or be hungry, drink alcohol or take drugs.
  • The first entry into the steam room requires preliminary preparation of the body for thermal procedures.
  • Your stay in the steam room should not be long - from 2 to 6 visits, 10 minutes each. Overheating the body can lead to heatstroke.
  • You can only be in the steam room with dry hair. It is better to protect your head with a bath cap or towel.
  • Drinking plenty of water in the bathhouse is a necessity. The best choice is green tea, herbal infusion, natural juices, mineral water and fruit drinks.
  • You cannot wear jewelry, accessories, or decorative cosmetics on your face in the steam room.
  • After completing the bath procedures, proper cooling of the body is ensured - a warm shower, dry rubbing or dousing. If the steamer feels unwell, you should limit yourself to a short rest and a change of clothes.

Contrast procedures

After each entry into the steam room, the body requires cooling. For seasoned bathhouse regulars, even diving into an ice hole or swimming in the snow will be normal.

But if you are a beginner, you should not subject your body to much stress. It is quite enough for you to stand under a cool shower or plunge into a warm pool. Not icy and cold, but warm. After a few months, when your body and cardiovascular system become more trained and accustomed to heat/cold changes, you can try more contrasting sensations.

Rubbing with snow after the steam room

Self-massage techniques with a broom

It is not recommended to visit the bathhouse alone for safety reasons.

But if there is no one to steam you with a broom, you can do it yourself:

  1. Start soft stroking movements with a steamed broom from the feet. Cross your legs and move along your feet 4 to 5 times. Then change legs and repeat the movements.

  2. Switch to calves and thighs. Move the broom from your feet to your buttocks 5-6 times on each leg.
  3. Next, proceed to processing the body. Raise your left hand up and stroke the inner surface from the palm down to the shoulder, then further along the left side from the armpit to the thigh. Slowly repeat this movement 4-5 times. Place the broom in your left hand and massage the right side of the body. The entire procedure should take about 1-1.5 minutes.
  4. Now he will stroke the abdomen, chest, shoulder girdle and arms. Take the broom in your right hand, your left hand pressed to your body. Stroke the body crosswise, starting from the stomach and moving towards the head. Then transfer the broom to your left hand and repeat the movements. The duration of the body massage is 1 – 1.5 minutes.
  5. To massage your back and buttocks, you need to sit down. Iron each side in turn. Dexterous and flexible people can do this with two brooms at the same time.

How to end a trip to the bathhouse

Every time you enter the steam room, listen to your own body. As soon as you feel dizzy or nauseous, feel “feeling” or feel lethargic, you need to take small steps, holding on to the walls, and leave the steam room. If you have friends nearby, ask them to help. In the coolness of the dressing room, come to your senses and relax. The trip to the bathhouse can be considered over. This time for sure. If the situation repeats, you should avoid the bath altogether and also undergo a medical examination.

After your last visit to the steam room, you need to sit and cool down. You should not dry yourself with a towel - sweating will only increase. After your body temperature and pulse have returned to normal, you can get dressed. Before, there is no point: everything will instantly become soaked in sweat.

It’s nice to relax in the coolness of the dressing room after the steam room

Various broom massage techniques

Soaring with a broom is not a simple and thoughtless whipping of each other.

There are a number of specific movements that have a beneficial effect on the body in various diseases:

  • Quilting . It is performed with quick quilting movements using the end part of the broom. First along the back in all directions, then the lower back, pelvis, thighs, calves, feet. The duration of the procedure is approximately 1 minute. They finish this technique with stroking, but faster than at the beginning.
  • Stretching . Recommended for pain in the sacrolumbar region. Both brooms are placed on the lower back and at the same time spread to the sides: one to the feet, the other to the back of the head. Similar movements are carried out in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and knees.

  • Compress . The brooms are lifted up, they capture hot air, lowered onto the lower back and pressed with your hand for 1-3 seconds. The compress is especially useful for injuries, muscle pain after physical activity, and radiculitis.
  • Rubbing . With one hand, take the broom by the handle, and with the palm of the other, lightly pressing on the leafy part, gradually rub the entire body. The torso is processed in all directions, limbs - lengthwise.

  • Whipping is a stronger subsequent massage technique. The broom is lifted up, hot air is captured and sharply lowered, making 2-3 whips over all parts of the body. The procedure is combined with a compress. To do this, lift the broom up and, capturing hot air, make 2-3 blows to the body, lift it again and press it to the body for 2-4 seconds - make a compress. It is especially useful for muscle pain, radiculitis, and gout.

  • Plowing . Provides steam flow to the body. The broom is lightly waved, barely touching the body. They pass several times along the body from the legs to the head and back on both sides. At the same time, a pleasant hot breeze is felt. If you need to warm up the body more, periodically lift the broom up, where the air temperature is higher, and shake it. The heated broom is pressed for 2-3 seconds alternately to the lower back, shoulder blades, feet and knee joints. If it is very hot on the shelf, the broom is periodically cooled by immersing it in water.
  • Stroking . The movements are performed simultaneously with two brooms. Slowly pass along the body from the feet to the neck and back several times. If the air temperature is very high, the broom should not be lifted from the body and raised up. In the opposite direction, one broom should slide along one side, and the other in the other direction, then along the sides of the pelvis, thighs and calf muscles to the feet. This is repeated 2-3 times.

Who should not go to the bathhouse?

Unfortunately, not everyone will benefit from visiting a bathhouse. There are also contraindications. First of all, this is any purulent disease. Even a small pimple with a purulent head will become large and painful. Not to mention more serious processes. If there is purulent inflammation somewhere, you cannot warm yourself. This is clear. So many conditions and diseases immediately disappear. In addition, going to the bathhouse is contraindicated for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • tumor diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute conditions in diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, pneumonia in the acute stage);

You cannot take children under 4 years old to the steam room. There are also restrictions for older people. This procedure is also contraindicated for them. Doctors do not recommend visiting the steam room during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but many neglect these recommendations.

Expectant mothers ignore doctors' advice not to visit the steam room

Finally, watch a master class on steaming in Russian baths. A lot of useful information in this video.

Indications and contraindications for baths

Regular visits to a Russian bathhouse allow you to combat:

  • Osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.
  • Headache and migraine.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Hypertension and hypotension.
  • ARVI.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Diseases of the heart, respiratory and nervous systems.

There are diseases that are at risk when health procedures are prohibited:

  • Oncology.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Heart and kidney failure.
  • Acute respiratory diseases.
  • Internal bleeding.

Pregnant women, elderly people and small children under 3 years of age are also prohibited from visiting the steam room.

To get a powerful rejuvenating and therapeutic effect, you need to know how to properly steam in a bathhouse. To do this, it is recommended to follow the basic rules of bath procedures and take into account the physical condition of the body.


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