How to properly steam in a hammam, visiting rules

Visiting the hamam has long been overgrown with a number of prejudices and legends, so some strongly advise visiting a Turkish bath as a cure for all diseases or, for example, for weight loss, saying that you can magically lose weight just from visiting it. Forgetting that the effect of losing weight is temporary and is directly related to the loss of fluid in the body, which comes out through sweat. Drinking plenty of water then replaces the weight. But there are still those who are ready to spend all their free time here in the hope of being transformed. Is it really safe?

Contraindications to visiting the hammam

The Turkish bath is rightfully considered the most delicate, but nevertheless, in some cases it is worth refraining from going to the hammam. These include:

  • cancer, especially in the last stages;
  • last months of pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • epileptic abnormalities;
  • skin diseases, skin disorders;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • open form of tuberculosis.

If you have any of the listed problems, you should consult with your doctor in advance about the possibility of visiting a Turkish bath and strictly follow his recommendations. It is also worth informing the bathhouse attendant about this if you nevertheless decide to break the ban and reduce your stay in the hammam to a minimum period, rather as in the form of an excursion.

What rooms does a modern hammam consist of?

In a modern standard Turkish bath, three rooms with different air temperatures and different purposes are provided for visitors:

  • The first room, called jamekan
    , is the dressing room, where there are lockers for clothes, a locker room, and a cash desk where you can pay for all services. Here visitors receive towels, wooden slippers, and sheets. Here you can chat and drink tea.
  • From the jamekan, the visitor goes to the second room - sogukluk
    . There are showers and toilets here. This room has a special temperature regime of 30–35°C, which prepares the human body for the higher temperatures of the steam room. After taking a warm shower, you can move to the next room.
  • The warmest third room is hararet
    . Here the temperature ranges from 40°C to 55°C. In its center there is a marble “belly stone” - a special elevation with a firebox that maintains the desired temperature. There are also marble beds on which massages are performed and a kurna - a large bowl of water for ablution. Here you can take a steam bath and take wellness treatments.

How often can you visit the hammam?

The hammam is more comfortable in terms of temperature and is not as aggressive in its effect as the Finnish sauna or Russian bath, Japanese baths Ofuro and Furako, so you can go to the hammam more than once a week (as recommended for previous types of baths), but more often. But even if a person does not suffer from any of the listed factors, one should not forget that abuse of the hammam can have a detrimental effect on health, while a reasonable visit has a positive effect on health, guaranteeing a healing effect and relieving fatigue. In general, the recommended frequency of visits is 1-3 per week. This is quite enough to remove accumulated waste and toxins, activate the genitourinary system, and cleanse yourself through profuse sweating. Although once a week will help relieve stress, cleanse the skin, relax muscles, restore healthy sleep...

Relaxation in Turkish: immersion in luxury

The Turkish bath differs significantly from the Russian steam room and Finnish sauna:

Air temperature. In the hammam it is much lower than in the sauna - from 35 °C to 55 °C. The air here does not burn your lungs, but caresses your skin with pleasant warmth. You cannot get heatstroke in the hammam.

Humidity. In a Turkish bath, this figure is 100%, thanks to which the steam can not only be felt, but also seen - white clouds float imposingly around the room. In a Russian steam room, the humidity is lower - 70–80%, and in a sauna it is generally 10–15%. There is much more steam in the hammam, but due to the low temperature it does not put any pressure on the skin and lungs.

The situation. If the sauna and Russian bathhouse are distinguished by their laconic interior, 90% of which consists of wood, then the hammam is a real palace in miniature. When decorating the walls of the Turkish steam room, mosaics made of natural marble are used; the sun loungers are also made from the same material. Touching warm marble with your skin is pure bliss. Relaxation comes instantly, which is why beauty treatments in the hammam are so effective.

The hammam of the Face&Body wellness club is small but very comfortable. There are two anatomically shaped marble loungers (chebek-tashi) for relaxation and massage treatments. Four people can sit down and enjoy the embrace of warm, humid air, and two can lie down. It is convenient to relax here with a small group - the insinuating twilight and the haze of steam lazily floating in the vaulted ceiling of the hammam are the perfect setting for intimate conversation.

From the hammam you can access other areas: a sauna, a hydromassage complex and a swimming pool with a countercurrent.

Spend time benefiting your body and soul in the hammam of the Face&Body wellness club

How often to visit the hammam on vacation?

It is recommended to go to the hammam at the very beginning of your vacation. After all, it includes peeling with a Kese glove, which gently cleanses the skin and quite successfully acts as a scrub, delicately removing dead skin cells and preparing the skin for tanning and sunbathing.

At the end of your vacation, it’s also worth visiting the hammam to anoint your skin with essential oils, having previously cleansed it of the sun-scorched upper layer of the epidermis, relieve stress and once again enjoy the subtle wisdom of oriental culture.

Turkish bath - what is it?

Eastern culture has its own characteristics and the sauna in this case is no exception. Visiting a steam room of this type is a kind of ritual. If people initially went to the Russian bathhouse solely for the sake of cleansing, and only now it has become a kind of ritual and an opportunity to have a good time in a pleasant company, then visitors initially came to the hammam to spend time and communicate with other people. The procedures themselves faded into the background.

However, they are no less pleasant than any other and can significantly improve a person’s health, as well as improve his appearance.

Hamam traditions in history

For Turkish culture, hammam has long become an established tradition. It was not only a means to cleanse the skin, part of hygiene, but a health event that became part of the social life of society. It was a kind of outing for Anatolian women who lead a rather secluded lifestyle. Once a week, women came to the hammam and spent the whole day there in bliss, talking from morning to late evening. Everything necessary (scrubs, oils, soap, washcloths, kese mittens, bedspreads, tea, snacks, sherbet) was collected by women into special “bokhcha” knots, which reflected the woman’s status and position in society. The richer the bokhcha, the higher the status of the woman.


As mentioned earlier, the benefits of hammam for the body are beyond doubt. Thus, the procedures have the following effects:

  • Cleansing. Under the influence of temperature and high humidity, pores open, through which impurities, fat plugs, impurities and toxins are removed, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized. As a result, oily shine and excessive dryness of the skin are eliminated.

  • Hydration. Moisture has a positive effect on hair, nail plates, and skin. With regular visits, the skin becomes firmer, its elasticity and tone increases, and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Losing weight. The steam room helps to destroy subcutaneous fat deposits. Decay products are eliminated by the body along with sweat and other natural methods. As a result of visiting the bathhouse, the appearance of cellulite decreases and the skin surface becomes smoother.
  • Acceleration of blood circulation. The steam room helps improve microcirculation and supply cells with oxygen.
  • Boosting immunity. The unique microclimate of the steam room helps strengthen the body. As a result, it effectively prevents viruses.
  • Muscle relaxation. Steam room and massage eliminate lactic acid and soreness resulting from intense training. That is why athletes often visit the bathhouse. In this way, it is possible to achieve higher performance and speed up the recovery process.
  • Strengthening blood vessels. The procedures increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen their walls. At the same time, cholesterol plaques are eliminated. This improves blood flow.

The Turkish bath provides relief for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, musculoskeletal system, etc. It relieves depression and insomnia, relieves fatigue and emotional stress.

Frequency of ritual visits to the bathhouse

If we talk about the frequency of visiting the hammam, then we should not lose sight of its ritual significance. Historically, there has been a tradition of visiting the hammam on such occasions as:

  • pre-wedding cleansing for the bride;
  • hammam for the groom;
  • cleansing of a woman in labor after the fortieth day of childbirth;
  • hammam for boys who have undergone circumcision;
  • hammam for people who have finished mourning for deceased relatives

To summarize, we can note that regular visits to the hammam are a medicine for the body, which, if abused, turns into poison! Moderation is good in everything!

Rules for visiting the Turkish sauna

In order not to cause harm to your health, you must follow a number of tips when visiting the hammam. They are:

  1. First, just sit or lie down so that the pores open and sweat begins to form. This takes 15-20 minutes.
  2. Remove all dead particles from the epidermis that clog the sweat glands. To do this, use a special brush or hard sponge. But you can't use regular soap.
  3. During the procedure, it is allowed to use only special soap made from purified vegetable oils. Preference is given to peach and olive. With the help of procedures, the epidermis becomes smooth, soft and saturated with useful minerals. It can also be used on hair to avoid over-drying. Hair will be healthier and shinier.
  4. After washing off the soap, massage is performed. The procedure is performed by specialists who know how to properly treat the skin. He is quite tough and unusual. A person has a feeling of lightness, flexibility and restored youth.
  5. After all procedures, they move to a room with a lower temperature. The body is soaked with a sheet and a special nourishing cream is applied.
  6. Afterwards, be sure to sit, cool down and drink herbal tea. This will help you avoid dehydration. Only after cooling down can you get dressed and leave.

But the presence of chronic diseases may be a contraindication to visiting, so you should first consult with your doctor. In other cases, benefits will be obtained.

Useful properties of hamam

A unique temperature regime is created in the hammam, and certain procedures are performed. This allows for benefits for the human body. When it comes to how a Turkish sauna is useful to visitors, here it is worth listing the possible effects:

  • inflammation is eliminated, the skin becomes clean and healthier;
  • The secretion of the sebaceous glands is normalized. This occurs on the scalp;
  • toxins are removed from the body, metabolism accelerates;
  • microcirculation and blood circulation improves;
  • inflammation in the nose and throat area is relieved;
  • the respiratory system begins to work much better;
  • the digestion process proceeds correctly;
  • prevention of diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system;
  • irritability and fatigue disappear;
  • the person’s emotional state improves.

In general, visiting the hammam has a beneficial effect on the body of any person. The main thing is to follow the rules and know the features.

Our company is engaged in professional finishing of hammams. You can get high-quality finishing for your hammam by contacting our company; we employ qualified specialists who know their stuff and have extensive experience behind them. leave a request on the website or call by phone.

Hammam, peeling + wrap

Duration of the procedure:

2.5 hours.


from 5 thousand rubles.

Valeria Barinova, photo service of the Lifestyle section

“This was my first time undergoing such a procedure.
Now my only regret is why I didn’t try it earlier. The feeling of lightness and peace both during and after it did not leave me. After I changed, I was immediately taken to the rest room, where I could drink tea and lie on the couch while I waited for the procedure to begin. Exfoliation in the hammam turned out to be a very pleasant ritual. First, you are washed with warm water, then the entire surface of your body is smoothly scrubbed using a special mitten. The whole procedure lasted about 30 minutes. The wrap is an ideal continuation of the hamam. I chose chocolate, so I enjoyed the sweet aroma for another 30-40 minutes. Men, of course, may doubt that they need a chocolate wrap, but they have the opportunity to choose less sugary options - seaweed, clay, jasmine and even pepper.

This is interesting:

wraps tighten, smooth and “youth” the skin, improving lymph flow and nourishing skin cells. Hot wraps help dilate blood vessels and increase blood circulation, thereby creating a warm effect. In the process, the pores expand well, through which all harmful toxins and wastes that poison our body come out. The cold type of wrap is intended to improve the tone of sluggish and sagging skin, eliminate stretch marks, swelling, and remove excess fluid from the body.”

Photo: Valeria Shugurina, “Championship”

How can you recover?


You don't have to sit in the lotus position to relax. Physical discomfort may join the tireless train of thoughts in your head and you will definitely stop thinking about recovery. Therefore, you can meditate while lying on the sofa or sitting on a comfortable armchair or chair with a backrest, so as not to strain your back muscles and spine, but always with pleasant music in the background.

Low-intensity workouts (yoga, stretching, barre)

It is not necessary to tie your legs in a knot and try to have time to repeat all the exercises after the trainer. There is a special relaxation yoga that includes breathing practices and meditation. Such workouts will help you get rid of muscle pain, relax your body and effectively “clear” your head.

Les Mills Barre: 5 Facts About a New Workout You Should Try


This method can hardly be excluded from the list, because a sufficient amount of sleep has a positive effect on our well-being. After a full eight-hour rest, we feel much better. But you can’t get enough sleep, so don’t overdo it. Prolonged sleep can, on the contrary, lead to various disorders in the body and lethargy.

Larks vs owls: how to make your morning really good


Definitely the best option for relaxation, so in our series of materials #Salvation

we'll tell you how to rejuvenate with a spa, where to go for the best service, and which treatments are actually worth the money.

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