Mobile sauna for harsh Russian conditions

Dreams of portable, mobile bathhouses began a long time ago. Even in ancient times, people appreciated the advantages of mobile baths over stationary ones, which were doomed to be in one place. By the way, a short name was invented for such baths - Mobiba.

But turning dreams into reality was problematic.

Firstly, there is a catastrophic shortage of materials. Secondly, the scientific and technical base was weak. Thirdly, even if such baths were put into production, the price for them was extremely high, that is, not affordable for a wide segment of the population.

Mobiba MB-10A

  • HIT sales - universal compact mobile sauna without vestibule
  • Quick installation
  • Possibility of upgrading the tent to a two-layer tent with a vestibule using a fly awning
  • Capacity: 3 people
  • Length: 1.9 m; Width: 1.9 m; Height: 1.9 m
  • Can be equipped with Mediana/KTs-3 stoves for the 'bath' mode or a Sogra stove for the 'heated tent' mode
  • Weight: 6.7 kg

price without oven 19,200 rub.

Mobile sauna mobiba

But only Mobiba can bear the title of a real mobile bathhouse. It does not need separate trailers; the steam room can be transported in a regular passenger car. This fully functional mini sauna is a polyester tent. The frame of the steam room consists of duralumin tubes. The wood stove is made of stainless steel; despite its modest size, it is quite powerful and equipped with a spark arrestor .

When used, the Mobiba mobile bathhouse has all the advantages of a regular bathhouse; temperature and humidity have the same values ​​as in a stationary steam room. Supply ventilation continuously supplies the room with the necessary oxygen. Special doors will allow you to retain heat when entering and leaving the mobile home.

The compact stove has high efficiency; the wood in it burns efficiently and without soot. The fabric of the awning retains heat perfectly, so you can steam even at a frost of -20 degrees .

Mobiba is assembled very quickly, literally within a few minutes, without the use of specific knowledge and with a minimum of tools. If you want to take a steam bath anywhere - in the country, in the forest, on the lake - your choice is a mobile sauna. The price for this amazing device ranges from approximately 20 to 100 thousand rubles.

Mobiba is significantly stronger than ordinary tourist tents.

  1. A polyester awning protects from the sun and moisture.
  2. The load-bearing frames, upper and lower, are secured with longitudinal stringers and transverse frames.
  3. The frame, made of D16T aviation metal, makes the structure strong, rigid, and elastic.
  4. The walls of the frame tubes are 3 times thicker than in traditional tents and amount to 1.5 millimeters.

There are several configurations of Mobib with different capacities. The lightest configuration of the MB5 weighs about 22 kg, and can be carried in just two bags. The price of this little one is only 25 thousand rubles. And the largest insulated mobiba MB542 will already cost 90 thousand.

Let's talk about the differences between a mobiba and a stationary steam room. We will not dwell on the price in detail; naturally, Mobiba is much cheaper than a regular wooden bathhouse .


  1. Of course, the main advantage of a mobile sauna is the ability to take it with you anywhere. It takes 2 bags and weighs only 20-40 kilograms including the stove and fits in the trunk of a car.
  2. Multifunctionality. Mobiba is a tent and can be freely used as such. The mobib can maintain room temperature, which is very important in cold weather. And if it rains, you can dry your clothes warmly and not be afraid of catching a cold.
  3. The mobile sauna is easy to assemble and take with you. This is relevant if theft is rampant in your holiday village, especially in winter.


  1. The mobib, of course, does not have interior decoration, wooden panels or shelves.
  2. Mobib needs to be assembled and disassembled, which requires time. But if you install a steam room in your country house, then you can use it as a stationary one all season long.
  3. A wooden sauna retains heat longer, but the mobiba warms up much faster .

Mobiba MB-10 Aquarium 1

  • It differs from the MB-10 mobile bathhouse by the presence of a large window made of transparent PVC on one of the walls of the tent
  • Window curtain included
  • Capacity: 2-3 people
  • Length: 1.9 m; Width: 1.9 m; Height: 1.9 m
  • Can be equipped with Mediana/KTs-3 stoves for the 'bath' mode or a Sogra stove for the 'heated tent' mode
  • Weight: 6.7 kg

price without oven 24,000 rub.

What types of mobile saunas are there?

Hiking steam rooms have been around for a long time. Our ancestors used stretched dense fabric, and instead of a stove and stones, they used cannonballs heated over a fire.

A modern mobile sauna works on similar principles, but now there is no need to build it from improvised means. Today there are high-tech options that can be used not only in the country, but also on any hike, fishing, or hunting .

Different companies produce mobile saunas on different bases. You can install a block container from a block house with a timber or log finish, or from profile metal sheets with a polymer coating. Also, a mobile bathhouse can be made from coniferous timber.

For finishing the steam room the following can be used:

  • timber covered with clapboard;
  • timber profiled as a “block house”;
  • planed timber.

Cladding, roofing, layout and capacity can be very different depending on the wishes of the customer. A turnkey mobile sauna is assembled depending on the complexity in a very short period - from an hour to one day .

Such a mobile bathhouse can be installed either on a base or on a wheelbase.

Mobiba MB-10 Aquarium 2

  • It differs from the MB-10 mobile bathhouse in the presence of two large transparent PVC windows on two walls of the tent
  • Window curtains included
  • Capacity: 2-3 people
  • Length: 1.9 m; Width: 1.9 m; Height: 1.9 m
  • Can be equipped with Mediana/KTs-3 stoves for the 'bath' mode or a Sogra stove for the 'heated tent' mode
  • Weight: 6.7 kg

price without oven 28,300 rub.

The origins of mobile baths

With the development of new technologies and the emergence of the necessary materials, an idea that had been in the air for a long time began to take on real shape. The first mobile baths began to appear.

At the moment they are already more accessible due to the cost (I can’t speak for the quality, I haven’t used them).

A mobile bathhouse (travelling) is a structure that provides the opportunity to take the same bathing procedures as in a stationary bathhouse.

Mobile sauna is a Russian sauna that can be installed anywhere, anytime. Its direct difference from the stationary one is mobility.

Mobiba MB-15

  • NEW for 2021 - universal mobile sauna-tent with increased capacity
  • Availability of a removable window 69*69 cm
  • Hinged door with built-in mosquito net
  • Capacity: 4-5 people
  • Length: 2.55 m; Width: 2.55 m; Height: 2.2 m
  • Equipped with a Parabomb stove for the 'bath' mode or a Sogra stove for the 'heated tent' mode
  • Weight: 10 kg

price without oven RUB 27,900

Relaxation with mobile saunas

When mobile bathhouses appeared, outdoor recreation changed dramatically. For once there is an opportunity to combine business with pleasure:

  1. Relax with family or friends
  2. Take bath procedures

Since the mobile sauna is compact, it has become popular among people engaged in active recreation. They can often be seen among hunters, fishermen and many others who cannot sit still.

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