Turkish bath hammam: history, visiting features, prices

Turkish bath hammam

The Turkish bath, or as it is called in Turkey, “hamam,” is a national entertainment that you should definitely try when traveling around Turkey. Local bath procedures have a unique character and are performed in a certain sequence.

Hamams are very popular not only among locals, but also among tourists, because here you can not only wash yourself, but also relax physically and emotionally. About the history of Turkish baths, features of visiting, the construction of hammams and prices - in our article.

The most popular and famous hammams in Istanbul

Turkish baths, as hammams are called, look more like luxurious palaces than a place where people come to wash themselves.

Actually, ablution is only part of the process, and the rest of the time people here relax, communicate, and harmonize not only the body, but also the soul.

Visiting steam rooms has become an ancient tradition, since the Prophet Mohammed declared them obligatory, saying that “Cleanliness is half the faith.”

The hammam in Istanbul, as in any other city in Turkey, is a kind of temple where the physical processes of the body are cleansed and renewed, and the metaphysical ones come into balance.

For those who have never been there, it is difficult to understand and appreciate the entire attractiveness of the process. To do this, you need to visit the steam room at least once, but not for 45 minutes, but dedicating at least a couple of hours to it, so that you can relax to your heart’s content without haste and understand with every cell of your body that this is heaven on earth... it is still possible.

Bathhouse project with hammam for a private estate

The customer for whom we created this project focused not only on the mandatory presence of a Turkish hammam bath. Those who like to take a steam bath in a jar are different: some like that same oriental damp coolness, while others like it hotter and more extreme.

Therefore, in our project there was a place not only for a delicate Turkish steam room, but also for a traditional Russian bathhouse with a humidity of about 70% and an air temperature in the range of 60-80 degrees. A double-sided fireplace stove is responsible for heating and steam in this steam room.

And that's not all. Next - more details about the location of the premises in our project of a bathhouse with a hammam and a steam room.

What is hamam?

Hamams in Istanbul
In the East, Turkish baths have always been considered a source of true bliss. Groups of people have come and come here to spend time, combining business with pleasure.

Colleagues and partners discuss projects and plan important matters in a relaxed atmosphere. Relatives of the newlyweds come here to get to know each other better and settle the issues of the upcoming ceremony and the future of the newlyweds.

The birth of a child and other important events are celebrated here. Families and friends come to the steam room simply because it has become firmly established in their way of life and has become a pleasant habit.

If we literally translate the word “hammam”, it will be “hot water”, “bathroom” or the more familiar concept to us – “bath”.

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The large hammam, standing on a hill above the Golden Horn, was built (1557) by the architect Sinan as part of the kulliye of the Suleymaniye Mosque. The Suleymaniye Baths, also called Dökmeciler Hamamı, are considered one of the most beautiful hammams built by Sinan and have survived to this day in good condition.

Since the baths were originally intended mainly for the numerous inhabitants of the religious complex of the mosque, only a men's bath section was provided in them. However, now the main clients of the hammam are foreign tourists. Therefore, this is perhaps the only hammam in Istanbul that men and women visit together.

Suleymaniye Hamam is a unique tourist site on the map of Istanbul. By using its services, you will not only enjoy and benefit from a pleasant and healing procedure, but also touch the centuries-old history of this place. This event will definitely be unforgettable for you!

How did Turkish baths appear?

Hammams appeared thanks to ancient baths (caldariums), and they, in turn, are rooted in Ancient Greece, but in any era they remained the center of public life.

Hamam is a whole trend in Eastern culture. Every visit to the hamam turns into a real ritual. Visit a hammam with 500 years of history and plunge into a world of relaxation.


Hammam is not only relaxation for the body, but also a treat for the eyes. This is a real ritual that begins with the changing room and ends with tea.


Leave all the problems and bustle of the city behind the threshold of the hammam. For a couple of hours you move into the realm of relaxation. Relax your body and soul, enjoy the warm air and massage with scrub.


If initially the baths were built on natural thermal springs, then later they began to use a huge vat of water for heating, which was heated, and the steam spread along the walls thanks to special channels.

Comparing Roman and Turkish steam rooms, one can see a lot in common, namely, marble and ceramic mosaics are used in the interior for decoration, the room is heated by steam, and the temperature of 35–60 degrees Celsius and high humidity create a comfortable atmosphere.

History and legends

The hammam was commissioned by Sultan Suleiman, ruler of the Ottoman Empire, between 1520 and 1566, on a hill overlooking the Golden Horn. The construction was carried out by the famous Turkish architect Mimar Sinan. According to legend, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent himself loved to relax here, always occupying the same place in the corner.

Initially, the bathhouse was intended only for men, but over time it became available for women. Now its clients are mainly foreign tourists.

Author's tours in Turkey

This is a trip for those who:

  • Doesn't want to spend time on a tourist bus
  • Tired of package deals
  • Doesn't want to overpay for a vacation
  • Wants a vibrant program in a small group
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