Turkish bath hammam: how it works, an overview of typical procedures and contraindications for visiting

What is hamam

Hamam is a Turkish bath designed in a traditional oriental style. The ancestors of the buildings were Roman baths, which the Arabs altered to suit their requirements. The term "ham" translated means "distributing steam."

The steam in the bathhouse is supplied not from a hot stove, but from special vats of boiling water. Moisture in the form of a dense enveloping fog is equally distributed throughout the room. Due to high humidity, all surfaces are covered exclusively with waterproof materials. The wood familiar to Finnish and Russian steam rooms rots in such an aggressive environment.

Traditional vacation spot Source mrrestavrator.ru

Thanks to the gentle conditions, Turkish baths and hammams are a space for communication and relaxation. Heated oxygen enters the room through holes made in the walls at a height of 1.5 m. The steam room has 100% humidity and moderate temperature (up to +60 C), which allows you to spend time comfortably and without overload.

Another distinctive feature is that all surfaces except the ceiling are heated. Stone loungers, chairs and the floor give off heat pleasantly, relaxing muscles and normalizing thermoregulation. To prevent condensation from dripping, the ceiling is shaped like a high dome. Water flows down the walls without disturbing the rest of visitors.

Stone, tiles and mosaics Source turkishbath.com.ua

The central place of the hamami is the steam room, around which 5 rooms are located, like fingers. In the first room the temperature was slightly higher than +35 C. Inside the Turkish bath there was a pool or waterfalls with different temperatures. After going through the entire structure, the person was physically and mentally cleansed and rested.

Gallery: photos of small built-in hammams that are easy to do yourself

When the area of ​​the steam room allows, installing a massage table is encouraged

The limited size of the room forced us to abandon the massage table

Loungers that follow the curve of the spine, another hammam tradition

This interior style is more reminiscent of ancient Roman baths than the baths of the East

A stone kurna, an anatomical lounger, a bench - all the attributes of a hammam fit into a small area

A small room is decorated with oriental ornaments

The original ceiling in the form of a wavy semi-arch makes the interior original

Rich decor with oriental ornaments creates the atmosphere of the East, and the anatomical lounger, turning into a bench, creates all the conditions for relaxation

Hidden lighting creates a feeling of mystery, the color scheme is calming

Distinctive features

In the cultures of many nations there is a custom of taking a steam bath, but hammam is strikingly different from other national options. The interior of a traditional and modern Turkish bath can be easily recognized by its cladding made of tiles, natural stone or mosaics. The design harmoniously combines colorful patterns and natural stone. No wood is used during construction and finishing.

Beautiful interior Source turkishbath.com.ua

The hammam maintains a special temperature regime. In a Russian steam room, the temperature rises to 100-110 C, in a sauna - up to 120 C. In a Turkish soap bath, the readings range from +35 to 55 C. The pleasant warm atmosphere does not burden the heart, blood vessels and veins, therefore it is liked by people who do not like heat.

Modern version Source onedeal.com.ua

The Turkish steam room maintains high humidity - 100%. In the sauna, the dampness does not exceed 15%, so the interior is dry, heavy and stuffy. The hot, wet air of the hammam opens the pores and relaxes the muscles. Visitors relax and socialize in comfortable conditions.

To get abundant steam in Russian and Finnish baths, you need to pour water onto hot stones or a stove. In Turkey, the humidity is maintained by huge cauldrons of boiling liquid. Waves of hot air evenly envelop the room, warming the beds, floor and walls.

The hammam is easily recognizable by its huge hemispherical ceiling, lined with stone or mosaic. The minimum height of the structure in a Turkish bath is 3 m, the optimal is 5 m. The moisture rises to the dome, cools and flows down the walls in the form of thin streams into the drainage system. Deviation from the traditional form will disrupt the proper functioning of the steam room, and condensation will begin to drip onto people.

Turkish bath Source lmosaic.ru

Hammam is not only a room for washing, but also a collection of various cosmetic procedures. Before visiting the soap shop, consuming fatty foods and alcohol is prohibited. It is not customary to walk naked in the steam room, so the body is covered with a sheet or sarong.

Carrying out work - step-by-step instructions

We begin the work with the installation of a sewer drain - we bring the sewer pipe to the installation site of the drain. We bring cables into the room to connect the lighting system, surface heating, water supply and ventilation.

We impregnate the surfaces of walls and ceilings with a water-repellent solution.


We make the subfloor: we lay 14 mm thick LSU sheets over the joists in two layers. If there are no lags and no insulation of the floor, we level the base soil, fill it with sand or small crushed stone, and use a tamper. We make support posts measuring 250x250 mm, the height depends on the height of the base of the house, from solid brick with a 1x1 meter lattice. We lay the logs with the cranial bars attached, and make the first subfloor from a moisture-resistant material. We install a moisture-windproof membrane; lay insulation (according to calculations); cover the insulation with a foil vapor barrier, attaching it to the joists and insulation using a construction stapler.

A superdiffusion membrane, insulation and foil vapor barrier are laid sequentially on the subfloor

We install the subfloor of the hammam from LSU sheets in 2 layers, with the seams staggered, and remove the sewer pipe. We make a slope to the ladder from a cement-sand mortar with a thickness of 10 - 25 mm (5%).

Installation of equipment

We install a steam generator in the technical room, connect it to the water supply system, supply power from the electrical network, and lead the steam supply pipes to the steam room.

The steam generator is installed in an adjacent room or no further than 15 meters from the hammam

We install a surface heating power supply system, install a regulator and temperature sensor.

Benches and sunbed

We make a frame from 50x5 corners for benches, fasten the frame to the walls and floor with expansion dowels with thermally insulated heads to avoid cold bridges. To make an anatomically shaped lounger, we prepare a circle from LSU boards or sheets, make a frame from the corner using the circle, and install the structure in place. We connect the steam supply pipes to the outlet of the steam generator and the steam supply nozzles, which are located under the seats.

Diagram of steam supply in the hammam: turquoise arrows - steam, red - heating surfaces

We sew up the sunbeds, bench and massage table with sheets of glass magnesite on self-tapping screws, while simultaneously installing steam outlets under the seats of the benches.

A wet LSU sheet is attached to a pre-made frame

Please note: LSU sheets have different surfaces - one is smooth, with an acrylic finish, the second is rough. To increase adhesion with subsequent layers, we sew with the rough surface facing up.

Glass magnesite sheets have surfaces of different textures: one side is rough, the other is smooth


The arched vault, made in a circle, is mounted in place. To install it, support guides made from 50x5 corners or glass-magnesite sheets in several layers are first attached to the wall.

The wet glass-magnesite sheet can be easily bent to the desired shape according to a circle pattern

A wet sheet bends without much effort

Vapor barrier

We install a vapor barrier layer on all surfaces: walls, sunbeds, benches, ceiling. We fasten the vapor barrier sheets with special vapor barrier tape, with an overlap of 10 cm.

Vapor barrier sheets are mounted overlapping, the joints are glued with special heat-resistant vapor barrier tape

Heating system

Heating elements are fixed over the vapor barrier on all surfaces except the ceiling and connected to the electrical cable.

The cable heating system is installed on all surfaces of the room except the ceiling

We connect a temperature sensor and a thermostat to the heating system, and power the entire system from the power supply.

The thermostat can be mounted in an adjacent room


Apply a layer of waterproofing plaster over all surfaces, then apply a layer of primer to increase adhesion.

Coating waterproofing 6–7 mm thick will protect structures from excess moisture

Finish lining

Sheets of mosaic tiles are attached to a layer of heat-resistant adhesive.

Mosaic tiles are sold with the front side glued onto special paper, which is removed after the tiles are placed on the glue.

Clean floor

Ceramic floor tiles are laid on a layer of heat-resistant adhesive.

After laying the tiles, the seams must be sealed with a fugue.

They install the equipment, kurna, lamps, and connect the crane.

You can buy a ready-made kurna, made from ornamental stone. Such bowls look especially decorative

The hammam is ready to receive visitors.

How does a classic hammam work?

A public Turkish bath is a huge building, all rooms of which are heated by one boiler. Hot air is supplied through pipes hidden under the floor, so visitors wore wooden slippers in the hammam. Steam escapes through holes in the walls.

Arrangement in Turkish style Source statusmen.ru

The traditional bathhouse in Turkey was built in the shape of an open palm. The steam room consisted of 5 rooms, which were built in the form of rays around the main room:

  • Jamekian. A locker room was set up in the dressing room.
  • Peshtemal. The room was used for showering.
  • Chebek. Room with hot beds. The structures were made of natural marble.
  • Hararet. Thanks to the massage surfaces, the steam room combined functions with a treatment room.
  • Keif. A room with tables and chairs for drinking tea and relaxing.

Entering the hammam, the visitor immediately found himself in a jamekian. Then he moved along the corridor into a huge round hararet. After the procedures, the person went into other rooms in which their temperature was maintained. The visitor could choose a comfortable temperature regime. Moist steam emanated from the surfaces, scented with fragrant oils.

Dome in the hammam Source sauna-parilka.ru

Communications were moved outside the rooms. Passing through the pipes, hot air transfers heat and humidity to the walls and floor. They steam in the hammam lying down, so a wide bed or platform with narrow models was placed in the center. The structure was made of marble or covered with tiles (mosaics). The height of the “furniture” is at least 80 cm.

Minimum amount of free space

Since the steam generator must be located in a separate room, it becomes necessary to allocate space for it. 1 square meter is enough , but the technical room also requires isolation from the steam room.

A comfortable steam room for 1-2 people can be arranged on an area of ​​3 square meters.

Experts also recommend thinking about a relaxation room, but this is more likely just a wish, and not a prerequisite.

Indications for use

A stay in a Turkish bath takes 1.5-2 hours, during which visitors relax, recuperate and socialize. The enveloping moist air helps you relax. To prevent the hamam from harming you, you need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the steam room.

The benefits of a bath

Visiting a Turkish bath strengthens the immunity of healthy people. The hammam alternates between different temperatures, hardening the body. Traditional foam massage with rough washcloths improves blood circulation. Aromatic oils have a positive effect on the nervous system.

Turkish bath in green Source stonewm.ru

Periodic visits to the hammam will help cope with problem skin. The enveloping warm moist air opens the pores. Gentle peeling removes dead particles, blackheads, and restores the proper functioning of the glands.

It is recommended to visit a Turkish bath if you have a cold, but without a high temperature. The specific atmosphere relieves discomfort and eases symptoms. Hammam reduces pain in joints and muscles. Due to humid air, mucus is better removed from a runny nose and cough. Inflammation in the body slows down and natural regeneration begins.

If bronchitis has entered the recovery stage, then a steam room will help you get rid of the disease faster. During the procedure, it is recommended to drink warm herbal teas, which help the body to warm up from the inside. To clear the lungs of phlegm, they breathe deeply and frequently in the steam room. It is forbidden to dive into a neutral and cool pool, otherwise the disease will return.

Treatment room Source odessa.moremotions.com.ua

A Turkish bath is useful for sinusitis. Steam reduces the secretion of mucus, removes swelling of the membranes in the nose, which helps recovery. The hammam is visited a couple of times a week during the recovery period, when fever and intoxication are behind us. To prevent the procedures from causing harm, you should not stay inside for more than 30-45 minutes.

During intense physical activity, a Turkish bath will help relieve muscle discomfort. Treatments in the hammam remove discomfort after active sports activities. In the steam room:

  • inflammation disappears:
  • lactic acid is neutralized;
  • the circulatory system is normalized.

A Turkish bath will help you safely lose weight. If you combine a steam room with a massage and herbal teas, you can lose 2-3 kg per session. It is recommended to supplement a visit to the hammam with dietary nutrition. In a humid, warm atmosphere, metabolism accelerates, which breaks down fat. At a temperature of +55 C, the pores open, so sweating increases and excess water leaves the body.


Finally, I would like to remind you that every procedure, even the most pleasant and extremely beneficial for health, has limitations due to health reasons.

Unfortunately, hammam is contraindicated for those who suffer from asthma, varicose veins, epilepsy and thyroid dysfunction.

And even if you are absolutely healthy, be careful: if you experience dizziness, darkness in your eyes and other alarming symptoms, leave the steam room and seek help from the establishment’s staff.

Enjoy Your Bath!

How to make a hammam

The modern oriental bathhouse is a lightweight version that is no longer built according to the palm principle. The design retains the Turkish flavor, but changes the number of rooms or reduces the parameters of the room. The hammam can be placed on a country plot or in an apartment.

Primary requirements

Turkish baths are installed in a space with a high ceiling (from 3 m). The larger the steam room, the easier it is to create a comfortable relaxation area. A room or building connected to water supply, sewerage and electricity will do. The supplied hood will facilitate operation in high humidity conditions.

If the bathroom is rebuilt into a hammam, then all changes are approved by the authorities. Turkish bath equipment (steam generator, lighting, ventilation) consumes a lot of energy. Networks in new buildings can handle the increased load; transformations are prohibited for old buildings.

Surface preparation

Insulation is an important stage in the construction of an eastern steam room. A thorough primer will protect floors and walls from mold and mildew. Electrical wires for lighting are brought into the room. A frame made of a metal profile will allow you to quickly create a structure of any complexity (arches, protrusions).

Insulation of the room Source anticafe-sandbox.ru

The domed ceiling is made of moisture-resistant plasterboard. The finished structure in the form of a cone made of tension fabrics looks beautiful. To allow condensation to drain, a slight slope towards the drain is provided on the surface.

Calculation of material requirements, necessary tools

Calculation of the need for materials can be done by focusing on a specific hammam project, since it directly depends on the area and volume of the premises. To build a steam room with a plan size of 1.99x2.2 meters and a height of 2.5 meters inside a habitable residential building with film heated surfaces, the following materials will be needed:

  • Brick for laying the base of the bench and deck chair;
  • Moisture-resistant, non-corrosive material for the subfloor, arched ceiling, shelves of benches and deck chairs; cement-bonded or glass-magnesite sheets are best suited;
  • Cement-sand mortar;
  • Ceramic floor tiles;
  • Ceramic or glass mosaic for cladding walls, sun loungers and ceilings;
  • Tile adhesive;
  • Wood to create a circle for the arched ceiling and the anatomical profile of the lounger;
  • The door is fully equipped;
  • Pipes for supplying steam from the steam generator;
  • Pipes for supplying sewerage to the drain;
  • Hydrophobizing solution for wall surfaces;
  • Foil vapor barrier;
  • Waterproofing material for the floor (2 layers);
  • Fastening elements - self-tapping screws and dowels.

It is possible to make sunbeds on a frame made of rolled metal; in this case, bricks will not be needed, but the consumption of glass-magnesite sheet (SML) will increase and a 50x5 corner will be added.

All metal elements must have an anti-corrosion coating, pipes and electrical cables must be heat-resistant.

Hammam equipment:

  • Steam generator;
  • Infrared films for heating surfaces and monitoring and control system;
  • Bowl - qurna;
  • Plumbing - taps, drain;
  • Ventilation system;
  • Waterproof lamps and LED strip.

If desired, this list can be supplemented with an aroma generator, a color and music system and a “tropical shower” shower head.

Required Tools

The set of tools for performing the work also depends on the chosen design and materials. To set up a steam room with sun loungers made of glass-magnesite sheets on a metal frame and lining the room with mosaic tiles you will need:

  1. Level;
  2. Yardstick;
  3. Trowel;
  4. Smooth and serrated spatula;
  5. Drill;
  6. Screwdriver;
  7. Jigsaw;
  8. Milling machine;
  9. Container for solution and glue;
  10. Roller and brush;
  11. Scaffold.

Algorithm for working on walls, ceilings and floors

  1. We install waterproofing over the entire area;
  2. we insulate with special materials that are not afraid of moisture;
  3. We put foil insulation on top for optimal heat retention in the room;
  4. we install basic communications;
  5. we make screed on the walls, ceiling and floor;
  6. carefully plaster the surface;
  7. we apply the final waterproofing using the membrane mentioned above;
  8. We do the finishing with ceramic tiles or natural stone;
  9. You can additionally decorate the walls with wood carved bath panels, but it is important to choose the right pattern in order to logically fit into the oriental theme.

Projects for constructing a Turkish bath and photos with the best examples

Before you begin the practical embodiment of your blue dream, it is definitely worth working on a project drawing, which will reflect all the main nuances regarding communications, as well as the distribution of functional areas in the steam room.

Of course, any drawing is just a draft version of a particular project, and nothing prevents you from making the necessary changes to it later.

We offer a selection of ready-made plans with drawings and photos that will allow you to design the hammam in your bathhouse as successfully as possible.

Features of visiting the hamam at the Face&Body wellness club

Owners of subscriptions or single tickets for a three-hour visit to the aqua zone can immerse themselves in the warm embrace of a Turkish bath (if desired, you can spend the entire allotted time in the hammam). Bonus visits to the hammam are available to all clients who have paid for a block of personal training, regardless of the type of classes and the chosen instructor. They can visit the aquazone for free for an hour after each workout, relaxing after physical activity.

Hammam is a great way to pamper your body. Discover the bliss of oriental bath traditions!

Why visit spas?

Spa today is not so much a cosmetic procedure as a whole ritual aimed at getting rid of toxins, rejuvenating and improving the condition of the skin, and activating metabolic processes in the body as a whole.

There is a wide variety of spa treatments. This includes hair, body, face care, massage, and wraps. Many salons offer comprehensive programs, after which you can leave as a completely new person.

Photo: istockphoto.com

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