Is a bath allowed for a runny nose and cough: recommendations and warnings

“A bathhouse cures a hundred diseases” - that’s what our grandfathers and great-grandfathers said, and it was in the bathhouses that they were treated. But you need to know how, when, and what to steam with. Unfortunately, this knowledge has hardly been preserved. Only fragmentary information, and the fact that someone tried something on themselves. However, some of the most common diseases can still be gotten rid of in a bathhouse today.

What is the therapeutic effect of the Russian steam room based on? On the gradual and uniform warming of the body, on the activation of sweating, the removal of toxins and decay products from the body through sweat. In addition, when body temperature rises (by about 2 degrees during the entire procedure), a protective mechanism is triggered and the production of leukocytes increases. And everyone knows that leukocytes destroy viruses and other pathogenic agents. A higher number of leukocytes means a faster recovery. The healing effect is based on this, and on the effects of medicinal herbs used during the procedure.


Is it possible to go to the bathhouse with a fever?

On this issue, all doctors agree: only a person with normal body temperature can take a steam bath. And the norm is considered to be from 35.5 to 37 degrees.

You can only go to the bathhouse with a normal temperature - no higher than 37°

Why can’t you go to the bathhouse with a fever? It's very simple: an increase in temperature means the disease has entered an active or acute phase. The body actively fights the disease by increasing the production of white blood cells. This is an increased load on all body systems. You yourself have probably felt that even at a not very high temperature, the pulse is clearly higher than normal, and even the simplest actions take a lot of energy. Being in a steam room also increases the temperature by an average of 2°. Just imagine, you have 37.5, after the steam room it will be 39.5. How will you feel? Hardly good. What if it’s even higher? This may already end in resuscitation.

Therefore, the answer is clear: at a temperature above 37, you cannot go to the steam room (bathhouse or sauna).

If a child coughs

A bath for a child with a cough and runny nose is a separate case. Children's metabolism is more intense than that of adults. Therefore, they generate more heat per unit time. Also, babies have less developed sweat glands, so the mechanism for maintaining body temperature is less effective. A comfortable and safe temperature for adults can be dangerous for a child.

Pediatricians generally do not recommend taking children under two years old to the bathhouse. From the age of two, a child can soar. Hot air at this age is not dangerous for them, but it is of little benefit either. It is possible to talk about the healing effects of steam procedures on a child’s body only after he reaches the age of seven years.

Bath for colds or flu

For any cold or viral disease, you can visit the steam room only at the very beginning, when you are not yet sick, but already have unpleasant symptoms: weakness, aching joints, nasal congestion, or some kind of unpleasant sensation. Then steam yourself using herbs, and the disease will either recede or pass quickly and in a mild form. The course of the disease depends, firstly, on the characteristics of the body, and secondly, on the moment when you “caught” it.

It is also important to carry out the procedures correctly. A special feature of treatment in a bathhouse for colds or flu is that hardening procedures cannot be carried out. Pouring or dipping into cold water in this state will have a negative, rather than positive, effect. After the steam room, you wash yourself with warm water, rest longer, wrapped in a terry robe or sheet (also preferably terry), and drink more.

You need to drink a lot, and preferably not just plain tea, but with herbs selected to suit your taste or disease. The best herbs are those that increase sweating. “The disease comes with sweat,” our grandmothers said and believed, and they tried to give us tea with honey and raspberry jam.

Raspberry jam is a proven remedy for improving sweating

There is a peculiarity in visiting the steam room itself. You need to pay more attention to your well-being than usual. The goal is to warm up well and at the same time not put too much strain on the body, which already has to fight a cold or virus. Therefore, do not rush to run to the steam room. We went in, undressed, sat for 15-10 minutes in the locker room, drank tea with medicinal herbs. Slowly go to the washroom and wash yourself with warm (not cold or hot) water. We sat again. You can also drink tea.

When the temperature in the room seems either comfortably warm or even cool, you can go into the steam room. And don’t sit near the stove there. Choose a place further away. You need to warm up gradually and evenly.

Shorten your usual stay in the steam room a little: it’s already difficult for the body. After leaving the steam room, take a warm shower, wrap yourself in terry cloth and drink tea. Little by little, you will feel better. But if you feel worse rather than better, stop the procedure.

One of the tricks that helps get rid of a runny nose is to apply a heated broom to your feet.

Sometimes, if the timing is not the best, the pressure may drop sharply. In this case, if available, you can drink coffee. Afterwards you need to go home, but not alone, but with an escort. In general, you need to act depending on the condition. If it’s very bad, call an ambulance.

So, to summarize, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • The bath is useful for colds and flu; it is useful at the very initial stage, when you are not yet sick, but are no longer completely healthy.
  • The second time when you can visit the steam room is when the disease has already subsided. There is no temperature, only weakness remains. But even in this case, there is no need to rush: the disease may return.
  • You definitely can’t go to the bathhouse if the temperature is above 37° or if the disease is in an active and acute phase. Visiting the steam room during this period will only worsen the situation.

Steam, a broom, medicinal herbs - this is what a bathhouse treats

Ear congestion



26472 04 February


The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor. Ear congestion: causes, diagnosis and treatment methods.


Congestion in the ear or ears occurs as a result of a violation of sound perception and is characterized by various sensations, which may include deafness, a feeling of squeezing and heaviness, and the sound of one’s own voice being too strong. Ear congestion, regardless of the causes of its occurrence, is difficult for the patient to tolerate and, as a rule, requires the help of a specialist.

Types of ear congestion

Blockage in one or both ears may be accompanied by pain, tingling, noise or ringing in the ears, and dizziness. In some cases, congestion disappears after swallowing.

A dangerous symptom is ear congestion accompanied by fever, headache, discharge from the ear (purulent or bloody), and foreign body sensation.

Ear congestion does not always indicate a pathological process.
This condition can be caused by water getting into the ear, pressure changes
during air travel or diving to depth.
Sometimes too strong and incorrect blowing of the
nose from two nasal passages at the same time leads to a blocked ear (ears), which is associated with an increase in pressure in the middle chamber of the ear due to a sharp intake of air from the Eustachian tube.
Taking certain medications
(antibiotics, psychotropic substances) has a toxic effect on the ear, causing the development of congestion and hearing loss.

Diseases that can cause ear congestion.
blocking the ear canal. Attempting to remove earwax yourself using improvised objects significantly increases the likelihood of pushing the plug deeper into the ear and sticking to the eardrum (this increases the risk of injury to the eardrum, which leads to complete or partial hearing loss). In these cases, the condition of congestion in the ears is accompanied by excruciating pain, noise, dizziness and nausea.

Mycotic, or fungal, infection of the external auditory canal

. Infection with fungi can be complicated by narrowing or blockage of the ear canal with a feeling of fullness in the ears. The spread of fungi in the ear is aggravated by hearing aids, in-ear headphones, and inflammatory diseases of the ear. The main signs of the disease are itching, ear congestion and resulting hearing loss, and increased sound of one’s own voice in the affected ear.

Damage to the external auditory canal and middle ear structures

may be accompanied by hearing loss and congestion. Bleeding and the formation of a blood clot that blocks the ear canal lead to deterioration in sound transmission. In addition, injury to the eardrum is possible during cleaning of the ear canal, a sudden change in pressure, or a strong blow to the outer ear. In this case, sharp pain occurs, which is replaced by congestion, ringing, noise and hearing loss.

Acute inflammatory diseases

accompanied by swelling and sometimes the formation of purulent contents.
They can lead to ear congestion and hearing loss. In particular, with otitis media of the middle ear (tympanitis),
the tympanic cavity and auditory tube are involved in the inflammatory process. Swelling, which narrows the lumen of the auditory tube, and suppuration of the soft tissues cause ear congestion and hearing impairment. As a rule, the infection enters this sterile cavity from the Eustachian tube, which is directly connected to the nasopharynx.

In children of the first and second year of life, acute otitis may occur when breast milk or formula enters the nasopharynx during regurgitation.

In older children, otitis media and congestion can be caused by
inflammation of the adenoids
, the lymphoid tissue responsible for the local immunity of the nasopharynx and closing the openings of the auditory tubes in the nasopharynx. The anatomical proximity of the adenoids and the auditory tube ensures the rapid transition of infection from the nasopharynx to the ears. In addition, enlarged adenoids can block the openings of the auditory tube, which causes a feeling of stuffiness.

Allergic reactions

can also lead to acute inflammation and swelling of the middle ear.

Otitis externa

characterized by inflammation of the external auditory canal. Congestion in the ear in this case occurs due to swelling of the tissues of the ear canal.

If the disease is caused by a foreign body entering the ear canal

, then swelling and congestion are complemented by a picture of severe irritation. The patient complains of severe itching, pain, a feeling of fullness, and heat in the ear area. The pain intensifies with chewing movements.

For furunculosis

In the external auditory canal, the picture of the disease is aggravated by a closed space where the inflammatory process develops. Increasing pain in the ear is complemented by its irradiation to the corresponding half of the head. The patient cannot lie on the painful side. Due to severe swelling of the tissues of the external auditory canal, sound transmission into the affected ear is disrupted, and a feeling of stuffiness occurs.

Among the anatomical and postoperative defects

that cause ear congestion include deviated nasal septum, narrowing of the nasal passage due to hypoplasia of the nasal wings, and stenosis of the external nasal valve.

Impaired nasal breathing leads to frequent runny nose, infection of the nasal sinuses and, as a consequence, to the transition of the inflammatory process to the auditory tube.

Ear congestion in these cases appears on the side of the narrow nasal passage. The same consequences occur after operations in the nose area.

Sensorineural hearing loss

occurs due to damage to any part of the auditory nerve. Most often, this is an irreversible phenomenon, the symptoms of which include imbalance, dizziness, nausea, fullness and noise in the ear, and poor perception of low sounds. The causes of sensorineural hearing loss can be previous infectious and vascular diseases, tumor processes, injuries, and toxic effects of various substances.

Meniere's disease

is a non-purulent disease of the inner ear, which is accompanied by congestion. An increase in the volume of lymph in the labyrinth of the ear leads to increased pressure and attacks of progressive deafness, tinnitus, and sudden dizziness. In most cases, one ear is affected first. The disease begins either with attacks of dizziness or with deterioration of hearing, which is completely restored between attacks. However, after a few years, hearing loss becomes irreversible.

Myofascial pain syndrome, temporomandibular joint diseases

. Patients with myofascial pain syndrome, which is associated with disruption of the masticatory muscles and limited mobility of the lower jaw, may also complain of ear congestion. In addition, the disease is accompanied by headaches and facial pain, difficulty opening the mouth, and clicking in the temporomandibular joint.

The root cause of the syndrome is spasm of the masticatory muscles.
A similar clinical picture is also given by diseases of the joint itself caused by malocclusion. Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, increased blood pressure
. Congestion in the ears due to damage or narrowing of blood vessels is explained by a deterioration in the blood supply to all tissues, as well as impaired circulation in the area of ​​the inner and middle ear.

Vasomotor rhinitis, or runny nose during pregnancy

occurs under the influence of hormonal changes and is characterized by impaired vascular tone and the release of mucous secretion. With allergic rhinitis, the clinical picture of the disease is almost the same, but the provoking factor is not hormones, but a specific allergen. Swelling of the mucous membrane and narrowing of the nasal passages lead to obstruction of the auditory tube and cause ear congestion.

Tumors in the area of ​​the auditory canal, auditory tube and inner ear

– the most serious cause of ear congestion. Among them should be called cholesteatoma - a tumor-like formation that consists of epidermal cells impregnated with cholesterol. Cholesteatoma is characterized by slow but steady growth. Forming in the middle ear, it can spread to the outer and inner ear, causing congestion and a feeling of heaviness in the ear, purulent discharge, swelling and redness of the auricle.

Which doctors should I contact if I have ear congestion?

If ear congestion occurs, you should contact an otolaryngologist. In the future, you may need to consult a neurologist, cardiologist, or allergist.

Diagnosis and examinations for ear congestion

To diagnose the disease that caused ear congestion, a careful questioning of the patient, examination of the outer ear and ear canal to the eardrum, and an audiometric examination are necessary. The infectious nature of the disease is determined on the basis of the clinical picture, otoscopy data and culture of the discharge.

Bath for bronchitis

There are two variants of the course of the disease: viral and bacterial bronchitis. Viral is transmitted by airborne droplets, bacterial develops as a complication after viral diseases (influenza, ARVI, etc.). A doctor can answer the exact question “is it possible to take a steam bath with bronchitis,” but, in general, it is recommended to go to the bathhouse when there is no longer a fever, that is, the phase is no longer acute, but things are moving toward recovery. Uniform heating, medicinal herbs in the form of tea and inhalations will help you quickly defeat the disease and improve your well-being. They thin out the mucus, making it easier to cough up, and breathing much better after inhalation of medicinal herbs.

If there is no eucalyptus or rosemary, you can use aromatic oils

The rules for visiting the steam room here will be the same as for a cold: do not overheat. Drink more and beware of drafts, and no hardening procedures: they are good for healthy people.

What is prohibited to do

You can visit the bathhouse if you have a cough, but you should avoid contrasting procedures - do not douse yourself with cold water and do not dive into an ice hole. The coolness of the dressing room will be enough. You should always take into account the weakening of the body and immediately leave the steam room if your health worsens.

If you have a cough, you should not drink alcohol in the bathhouse. Ethyl alcohol in combination with high air temperatures increases the load on the heart, and this can lead to a heart attack.

You should not take a steam bath just before going outside. You should visit the steam room for the last time half an hour before so that your body is dry and cool.

Prolonged contact with cold air is harmful, because temperature changes can cause a new round of disease.

Bath for a runny nose

It’s easy to catch a runny nose in our climate: your feet get wet, there’s a draft… and then you can’t breathe. If you have such a problem, you need to visit the steam room. A runny nose can be treated perfectly in a bathhouse, especially if you give it the right fragrant medicinal steam. This results in inhalation for every cell of the body, while the nasopharynx warms up perfectly.

It is best to use the following herbs to treat a runny nose in a steam room: eucalyptus, juniper, thyme, chamomile, mint, conifers (pine, spruce, cedar, etc.).

How to use medicinal plants in a steam bath

Steam in a bathhouse is good, but if it contains oils and phytoncides from medicinal herbs, it is even better. How do you usually get steam in a sauna? Water is poured or dripped onto the heated stones of the inner heater. But if the stones are very hot, the oils burn instantly, and nothing but a burnt smell will appear in the air. That is, herbal infusions also need to be administered correctly. And here's how: add a little clean water a couple of times, and on the third, when the stones have cooled a little, infusion.

In some ovens, in addition to a closed heater for hot steam, there is an open one, just for aromatherapy. In them, the stones do not heat up to prohibitive temperatures. And on these stones the oils evaporate rather than burn. Infusion or water with dissolved aromatic oil can be poured onto such open stones immediately.

You can saturate the air with healing aromas by spreading herbs in the steam room

You can immediately apply the herbal infusion onto stones placed on top of a metal stove. This is done when a screen is erected around a metal stove: the top of the stove is open, and in order to cover this source of hard radiation, a mesh is laid on the walls of the screen, and bath stones are placed on it.

Evaporation using a stove is far from the only way to make the air healthy. You can also do this:

  • Wipe the shelves and douse the walls with the same infusion. They are also quite hot, but not nearly as hot as a stove. They will evaporate slowly and gradually. But just note that infusions that have an intense color will stain the wood. If your hair is light, it is better not to use this method.
  • If there are fresh herbs or pine needles, they can be laid out in the steam room.
  • You can steam dry herbs like a broom and place them in a steam room.
  • Pour a few drops of essential oil into a bowl of hot water.

How to steam herbal infusions for healing steam

The fact is that the preparation of herbal tea and steam infusion is different. Other dosages and exposure times are needed. Some infusions can be prepared for storage. Alcohol is then added to them.

To obtain medicinal steam, you need to brew the herbs correctly

Linden steam Pour 250 g of dry linden blossom with a liter of boiling water, close the lid, wrap and leave for 6 hours. Strain before use. If the infusion will be stored, add 250 ml of alcohol to it.

This solution is concentrated, it must be used diluted: 1 glass per 3 liters of water. This is the steam that helps treat colds in the bathhouse. It is also useful for a runny nose.

Linden is one of the best cold fighters

Eucalyptus If someone has a eucalyptus broom, you can use it for colds, viruses, runny nose, cough, helps with sinusitis and sinusitis, etc.

A eucalyptus broom does not need to be cooked for a long time. Place in hot (but not boiling) water for a couple of moments, then place in cold water for 3-5 minutes. Finally, pour boiling water over it. If you do this procedure in a steam room, then just from steaming the broom, a characteristic aroma spreads throughout the room. The water left over from steaming can be poured onto the stones - the effect will be even better than with oils.

If there is no broom, use aromatic oils. Add 5-6 drops to 3 liters of hot water, and pour this solution onto the stones. Thyme and oregano

Thyme is an excellent anti-inflammatory and expectorant, and also has a very pleasant smell.

The herbs are different, but the recipe is the same. 250 grams of grass are poured with a liter of water. Bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for about 5 minutes with the lid closed. Turning off the heat, leave to infuse for 50-60 minutes. The resulting infusion is filtered.

To obtain therapeutic steam, take ¼ cup of infusion per three liters of hot water. For long-term storage, add 250 ml of alcohol to the concentrate.

Steam with thyme is useful in a bath for coughs, and for radiculitis, a gruel from steamed plants is applied to sore spots. Oregano is good for bronchitis. If the mixture of these smells does not irritate you, you can use the mixture to relieve bronchitis and treat a runny nose. Chamomile, currants, sage, nettle, raspberry, lemongrass, fireweed. They are all prepared according to the same recipe. 200-250 gr. Pour the herbs into a liter of cold water, bring to a boil, and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. Leave for an hour under the lid. Then strain. For steam, use ¼ of a glass per 3 liters of hot water.

Test: Is your lifestyle causing lung disease?

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Since almost all of us live in cities with very unfavorable health conditions, and in addition to this we lead an unhealthy lifestyle, this topic is very relevant at the moment. We perform many actions or, on the contrary, we remain inactive, without thinking at all about the consequences for our body. Our life is in breathing, without it we cannot live even a few minutes. This test will help you determine whether your lifestyle can provoke lung diseases, and will also help you think about your respiratory system health and correct your mistakes.

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You lead the right lifestyle

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym, or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, and be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations; it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in advanced stages. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

It's time to sound the alarm!

You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immunity as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

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Does your lifestyle involve heavy physical activity?

  • Yes, daily
  • Sometimes
  • Seasonal (eg vegetable garden)
  • No

How often do you undergo a lung examination (eg fluorogram)?

  • I don’t even remember when was the last time
  • Every year, without fail
  • Once every couple of years

Do you play sports?

  • No
  • Yes, professionally and regularly
  • It happened in the past
  • Yes, amateur
  • Yes
  • No
  • When I'm sick
  • Sometimes

Do you treat acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other inflammatory or infectious diseases?

  • Yes, at the doctor's
  • No, it goes away on its own after some time
  • Yes, I self-medicate
  • Only if it's really bad

Do you carefully observe personal hygiene (shower, hands before eating and after walking, etc.)?

  • Yes, I wash my hands all the time
  • No, I don't follow this at all
  • I try, but sometimes I forget

Do you take care of your immunity?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Only when sick
  • I find it difficult to answer

What drink

Tea from medicinal herbs is brewed according to different rules. Take a couple of spoons of herb and pour in hot, but not boiling, water. Cover the cup with a saucer. After 10 minutes the infusion is ready.

You need to brew herbal tea not with boiling water, but with hot water.

But it is not always possible to brew tea in the bathhouse. Then you can take the drink with you in a thermos. The flask is rinsed with hot water, herbs are added at the rate of 2 teaspoons per glass, and hot water is poured. By the time you get to the bathhouse, the tea will steam and be strong and aromatic.

Almost everyone knows which herbs to use for diseases, but few know which ones increase sweating. So, in order to “sweat” more actively, you need to drink linden blossom, or brew elderflowers; Chernobrivtsy is also good. Everyone knows that raspberry jam also has a diaphoretic effect, but it is interesting that tea from raspberry stems has almost the same effect as raspberry jam.

Brooms in the bathhouse for illnesses

This procedure is the original invention of our people. Choosing and steaming a broom correctly is an art. The most common ones in our country are oak and birch, and pine needles and eucalyptus are also useful for diseases. Many lovers of bath procedures specifically add several branches of medicinal herbs to the broom and hide a couple of branches of pine needles and juniper in the middle - not every skin can withstand such a massage in its pure form. And hidden in the foliage, they perfectly stimulate blood circulation without delivering particularly acute (literally) sensations.

Without brooms, a bathhouse is not a bathhouse, but when treating a cold, it is also a medicine

Brooms can be used to treat the following diseases:

  • birch - to remove mucus from the bronchi, to improve the appearance of the skin;
  • nettle broom has expectorant properties and has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • eucalyptus - general antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, facilitate breathing, help unblock the nasopharynx;
  • juniper, fir - antibactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, improves breathing;
  • linden - antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect, cleanses the bronchi;
  • Alder broom is an excellent remedy for colds and coughs - it facilitates the removal of phlegm.

The linden broom can be found infrequently, but in vain - it perfectly helps with colds and runny nose

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