Tips from a cosmetologist on skin care for every day

Perhaps every girl dreams of perfect facial skin. Clean, smooth, radiant with health. And often it seems to us that achieving this is unrealistic. But, fortunately, this is not the case! Ideal skin requires effort: changing your diet, lifestyle, using the right cosmetics for care and many other conditions. However, the result is worth the time and effort! We have put together a few simple rules for facial care that will help you get noticeably closer to the skin of your dreams:

Basic facial skin care: advice from a cosmetologist

During the day, a lot of impurities accumulate on the surface of the skin, which may not be visible to the naked eye. Foundation, powder, and dust particles settle on the surface of the skin and clog pores. The skin glands secrete oil, which normally moisturizes the skin and regulates pH.

If the lipid balance of the skin is disturbed and skin care is not carried out competently every day, this can cause a number of problems:

  • clogged pores
  • inflammation and acne
  • violation of breathing and skin nutrition
  • decreased elasticity
  • the appearance of wrinkles, etc.

Proper daily skin care consists of several stages. The cosmetologist selects the products taking into account age, skin type, the presence and intensity of defects.

Reasons for the appearance and areas of localization of post-acne

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, and it has a complex structure. In addition to the epithelial cells that form the continuous skin, there are also hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands. It is the glands that secrete sebum and form a protective hydrolipidic mantle on the surface of the epithelium that suffer during the development of acne.

To begin with, it is important to understand why acne occurs. When the sebaceous glands malfunction, the epithelium in the area of ​​the ducts thickens, the lumen of the gland narrows and sebum cannot be regularly and fully released through the pores to the surface. Then the fatty secretion is retained inside the gland duct itself, which provokes inflammation with the participation of microbes that are constantly present on the surface of the skin, making up its microflora.

The process of acne formation goes through certain stages:

Initially, comedones are formed - an increase in the size of the sebaceous gland. Nodules form in the skin with an irritated opening of the sebaceous gland. As the process develops, black dots form in the center, and disturbances in the outflow of sebum, microbial activity, and the work of leukocytes during inflammation lead to the formation of purulent heads (pustules).

By themselves, these elements can leave behind scars and uneven skin, and if they are further injured, if you squeeze out blackheads or purulent heads, the inflammation only intensifies, and the purulent contents can spread to neighboring areas of the skin.

To prevent inflammation from spreading, to prevent damage to more and more areas of tissue, and to prevent pus from penetrating into neighboring areas, inflammatory changes form around the damage to the sebaceous gland.

Swelling occurs in the area of ​​the pimple, collagen production is stimulated, scar changes are formed: connective tissue elements are formed, new capillaries grow, which gives redness, the work of pigment cells is stimulated - pigment spots are formed - persistent and with uneven edges.

Especially often, problems arise on the face, mainly in the forehead, on the nose and cheeks, on the chest, they also appear in the décolleté or on the back.

Redness disappears over time, pigmentation becomes less bright, scars can atrophy, forming dimples, or, conversely, become convex and rough.

Why cleanse and tone your skin?

The main stages of skin care are cleansing and toning. They should be performed 2 times a day. Daily facial skin care at home depends on the condition of the skin.

Cleansing is an important stage of skincare procedures. Using makeup and cosmetics without first cleansing will be ineffective - the skin and pores are contaminated, which provokes the appearance of pimples and minor blemishes. Even if you don’t use decorative cosmetics, you still need to cleanse your skin.

Daily facial skin care at home cannot be complete without cleansing. During the night, the skin intensively produces sebum. Morning procedures will help remove excess sebum and prepare the skin for the use of day cream.

Proper daily facial skin care must include evening cleansing of dirt and makeup residues. After cleansing, the skin is able to absorb the nutrients contained in the creams. The main rule is to use special products to cleanse the thin skin around the eyes.

If everything is clear with cleansing, then why does the skin need toning? The normal pH of human skin is 3.5-5.5. The skin is covered by a lipid layer called the acid mantle. Washing disrupts the acidity of the skin, as products often contain alkalis. After some time, the skin itself is able to restore its pH, but a tonic will help speed up this process.

Facial skin care every day includes toning. Tonics perform several tasks:

  • help neutralize the effects of cleansers
  • stabilize skin pH after cleansing
  • prepare the skin for applying the cream
  • improve the penetration of nutrients into the deep layers of the dermis

Daily skin care for the face and neck means using toners in the morning and evening. The toner restores pH and eliminates the feeling of tightness. The toning effect will not be long in coming - the skin becomes moisturized and velvety, skin pores narrow, and inflammatory processes decrease.

Benefits of honey face masks

By making masks from honey in a bathhouse, you increase their effectiveness several times. The skin is steamed, the pores open, and nutrients penetrate better. This is why spa treatments in saunas are so popular. The beneficial properties of honey face masks in combination with such steaming will not take long to appear:

  • Blood circulation increases, the effectiveness of nutrition and skin hydration increases.
  • Thanks to cleansing of toxins, beneficial substances penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin and are better absorbed.
  • The natural elasticity of the skin increases.
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • The skin acquires a healthy shine, the functioning of the sweat glands is normalized, and dry skin is reduced.
  • Blackheads are much easier to remove; you can even get rid of closed comedones.

But this positive effect applies exclusively to regular procedures! A one-time trip to the bathhouse with a honey mask will only bring a one-time effect and a pleasant feeling of cleanliness, but will not last.

How to cleanse and tone the skin?

What do you need for daily facial skin care? Choose your products wisely and know the step-by-step care regimen!

Cleansing is a prerequisite for normal skin functioning. This is the main procedure before applying all nourishing creams. Scientists have proven that cleansed skin absorbs the nutritional components of cosmetics 30% better than contaminated skin.

Don't neglect cleansing in the morning. Even if the skin is visually clean, this does not mean that the skin is not contaminated. All night the cells worked actively, bringing toxins and sebum to the surface. You should get rid of them to awaken your skin.

The main rules for daily cleansing and toning:

  • Cleansing is carried out in the morning and evening. The main stage of intensive cleansing should be in the evening, when the skin accumulates impurities during the day.
  • To cleanse the skin, makeup is removed with special products - first from the eyes, then from the entire face. Decorative cosmetics are removed with makeup products - mousses, foams, gels. They are selected according to skin type. Mousses and foams are suitable for dry and normal skin, and gels for oily skin.
  • All cleansers, without exception, must be washed off with water. Even light milk should not be left on the skin. The components included in cleansers gradually destroy the lipid membrane of the skin, reducing its protective abilities.
  • After cleansing, the skin is toned with tonic, lotion or toner depending on the skin type. These products remove residual chlorinated water, soothe the skin, and stabilize the pH. Every day facial skin care should not include alcohol-based toners. They have an aggressive effect on the skin, and subsequently stimulate hypersecretion of the glands.

Recipes for cleansing masks

To prepare your own cleansing bath masks, sour cream, coffee, baking soda, sea salt, olive oil, natural melted honey, yeast, oatmeal, and eggs are most often used. It is recommended to apply the cleansing mask regularly.

Recipes for masks that help deep cleanse your face:

  • Soak the oatmeal in water in advance, then add fat sour cream to it in equal quantities. Apply the oatmeal mask to your face, after 15 minutes, wash your face with water.
  • Beat one yolk of a chicken egg, pour in a teaspoon of sunflower oil, a tablespoon of yeast (preferably brewer's) and stir. Leave this mask on your face for up to 15 minutes.
  • Combine equal amounts of dry seaweed and fatty cottage cheese, then mix. Leave this curd mask on for about 20 minutes.
  • Add about 200 ml of melted honey to 250 grams of salt (preferably sea salt) and mix thoroughly. Distribute the resulting honey mask-scrub over the entire surface of the face and leave for up to 10 minutes, then carefully rinse the mixture from the face.

Honey for cellulite in a bath is also popular. Melted flower honey should be applied to problem areas and patted sharply with your hands.

Despite the fact that honey massage is a little painful, this anti-cellulite procedure perfectly helps to tone the skin and break down fat.

Other cellulite scrubs and masks are also made from honey.

How to care for your skin depending on its type?

Oily and combination skin suffers from intense production of sebum. The skin has a characteristic oily sheen, which is especially noticeable in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin.

Daily care for problem skin is based on the use of products with a mousse texture that are washed off with water. Such products do not disturb the balance of the skin. To care for problem skin, it is better not to use abrasive products - they aggressively cleanse the skin and injure the epidermis.

Every day care for problematic facial skin is based on the main rule - proper cleansing. You need to take care of your skin with gels and small scrubs. They eliminate impurities and dead particles of the epidermis, cleanse pores, and eliminate clogging of the sebaceous glands. Daily care for problem skin necessarily includes refreshing your face with tonic. Products should contain a lot of moisture, but not be too greasy.

Combination skin is characterized by a combination of two skin types. The so-called T-zone is distinguished by an oily sheen, often with inflammatory foci. There are dry areas in the cheek area. Combination skin becomes treacherously shiny in the summer heat, but dries out quickly in winter. What should be your daily facial skin care routine at home?

There is no need to use different products for different areas of the face! Today, cosmetics have been developed for mixed skin types. Daily facial skin care involves the use of soft toners and low-fat creams. Mattifying wipes can get rid of excess fat in the T-zone, and toner can normalize the pH of the skin.

Dry skin suffers from a lack of sebum and moisture. The skin looks thin, stretched and rough. Dry skin is prone to premature wrinkles. Products with an oily, rich texture will help restore comfort and beauty to your skin.

A cosmetologist's advice on caring for dry skin is based on hydration and nutrition. Daily care for dry skin at home involves the use of delicate products that have a mild moisturizing effect.

Daily care for dry skin should include soft milk, gentle tonics, and nourishing creams with herbal extracts. Such products will restore healthy radiance and beauty to the skin. Products containing irritating alcohol and abrasive particles should be excluded from daily care for dry skin.

Daily care for aging skin has its own characteristics. Often women aged 35+ experience loss of elasticity, the appearance of thin skin folds, dryness and sagging.

Daily facial skin care at 35 years old is based on replenishing the lack of collagen and elastin, stimulating cells to self-heal. Naturally, it will not be possible to stop the aging process. But they can be significantly slowed down. Daily skin care after 45 should consist of products containing hyaluronic acid and collagen. Anti-aging cosmetics will make the skin more elastic, tightened and nourished.

Moisturizing mask recipes

In a sauna at high temperatures, the skin is moisturized more effectively. Moisturizing bath masks are prepared on the basis of vegetables, fruits, rolled oats, dairy products, cereals and honey.

Basic cooking recipes:

  • Boil 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, then cool and combine the gruel with 1.5 teaspoons of liquid flower honey. During the procedure, the mass should be warm and should be left on the skin for up to 20 minutes.
  • Add 1.5 teaspoons of melted honey to 3 teaspoons of full-fat cottage cheese. For an extra fresh effect, add some natural carrot juice.
  • Beat the white of one chicken egg, then add 2 finely grated sour apples to it and stir. Leave this mask on for about 15 minutes.
  • Grate a small cucumber on a fine grater, add a little cream and citrus juice (lemon or grapefruit). Apply the mixture to the skin and wash off after a quarter of an hour.
  • Prepare 100 grams of flower honey and sunflower oil, add 2 beaten yolks to them, then mash well and heat the mixture. The mask must be applied in several approaches (up to 6 minutes interval). Remove it with a cotton pad, which should preferably be soaked in linden decoction.

What do you need for skin care every day?

The procedure for caring for facial skin changes every day as the body grows older:

  • 20+. During this period, the withering processes begin and the first signs of skin maturity appear. Daily skin care after 25 years is based on the use of moisturizers and antioxidants. The skin is still elastic and actively regenerates. Therefore, daily skin care after 25 is limited to the use of products to cleanse and nourish the skin.
  • 30+. At this age, the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen fibers significantly decreases, and the skin loses its elasticity. Fine wrinkles, traces of dehydration and sagging appear on the skin. A cosmetologist's advice on skin care after 35 is based on the use of antioxidant products and creams for ultraviolet protection, and anti-aging formulas with hyaluronic acid.
  • 40+. Daily skin care after 45 is a comprehensive fight against age-related changes. By the age of 45, signs of aging, pigmentation, changes in facial contours, and decreased tone are noticeable on the skin. Tips from cosmetologists for skin care over 45 years old: replenish your cosmetic bag with products containing retinol, peptides, and hyaluronic acid.
  • 50+. Daily home care for facial skin after 50 years should be carefully planned. During this period, hormonal imbalance is noted - collagen synthesis stops, skin tone decreases. At the age of 50+ you cannot do without compensatory care. A cosmetologist's advice for skin care after 55 years is to use anti-aging formulas with a powerful effect, aimed at replenishing the lack of moisture and collagen fibers.

Why are bath masks so effective?

The period of validity of masks in the bathhouse is limited to 10 – 15 minutes

In the bath, the skin is exposed to high temperatures, so the pores expand as much as possible, revealing their ducts. The resulting sweat cleanses the epidermis of all toxins, waste, sebaceous plugs and other contaminants accumulated in it. All substances arriving at this moment will be absorbed into the skin as quickly and deeply as possible, providing it with invaluable benefits in the form of:

  • improving complexion;
  • acceleration of recovery and regenerative processes;
  • improving cellular respiration and cleansing pores;
  • tightening the contours and oval of the face;
  • restoration of cellular structure;
  • regulation of sebum production.

What does daily facial skin care consist of?

Daily care for different skin types includes several mandatory procedures:

  • Cleansing. Cleansing products are selected individually based on its type. It is better to give preference to products with a neutral pH without surfactants (alkalies).
  • Exfoliation. Tonics, due to their mild chemical action, dissolve dead cells on the surface of the skin, renew the skin, and restore radiance and freshness to the skin.
  • Hydration. The remedies work in two ways. And, as a rule, modern creams combine both options. The first method is water retention. Glycerin and hyaluronic acid in creams retain water molecules. The second method is to “lock” the water. Oils and silicones create a protective film on the surface of the skin that prevents water from evaporating. Step-by-step daily facial skin care, regardless of its type, necessarily includes the use of creams. The texture of the moisturizer depends on your skin type. The drier the skin, the denser the cream should be. It is also worth considering the advice of a cosmetologist on caring for the skin around the eyes. The skin in this area is thin and requires delicate care.
  • Protection. Taking care of your skin every day involves using products with ultraviolet protection. They are applied before going outside to exposed areas of the body.

Nourishing mask recipes

This type of mask is necessary to actively supply the epidermis with the necessary vitamins and microelements. To improve the result, you can use regular nourishing creams in parallel.

Methods for preparing bath nourishing masks:

  • Beat one egg yolk with a tablespoon of sunflower oil, pour in a few drops of lemon juice (can be replaced with liquid honey). Distribute the mask over the entire surface of the skin, remove it after 20 minutes. Ideal for people with sensitive skin.
  • Pre-boil the potatoes, make a puree from it, to which add beaten yolk and a little milk. Leave this potato mask on your face for up to 20 minutes.
  • Heat the milk a little, add about 20 grams of yeast and dilute it to a thick sour cream until several bubbles form. Apply to facial skin for 15 minutes.
  • It is recommended to apply a scrub based on ground coffee and honey as a mask. To do this, mix coffee grounds with honey in equal proportions. Add a few drops of any citrus essential oil to them. Rub the resulting mixture of coffee and honey well into the skin until slightly reddened. Rinse off after leaving the steam room.

The benefits of nourishing masks are that they make the skin elastic, soft, tone it, eliminate redness and chapping.

How often should you use a scrub and why?

The main thing in facial skin care is cleansing. Without this procedure, it is useless to use other cosmetics. The scrub is able to thoroughly cleanse the skin, making it soft and tender.

But your daily facial skin care routine shouldn't include a scrub. The intensity of use of this product depends on the type and condition of the skin, its sensitivity, age and time of year. Often, a deep cleansing scrub is used no more than once a week.

The rules for daily facial skin care do not include the constant use of scrubs. This is undesirable from the point of view of skin functioning. The skin is programmed with a natural exfoliation process. Therefore, normally it is enough to support these processes.

In order not to harm the skin, you need to use scrubs with small spherical or hemispherical particles. The products are applied in a circular motion, which helps to gently remove dead skin cells from the epidermis. Rough scrub particles can injure and scratch the skin. Some scrubs contain particles that dissolve during application. This cleansing is more effective due to the enzymes contained in the scrub.

Every day care for oily skin and the use of scrubs should be agreed upon with a cosmetologist. For example, if there are purulent rashes on the skin, the scrub will only increase inflammation and lead to the spread of infection.

The essence of mechanical facial cleansing

Mechanical, or manual, manual facial cleansing helps get rid of problems in the deep layers of the epidermis: it is effective in the fight against acne, black and whiteheads, clogged pores.

Manual cleaning is a traumatic procedure; it causes unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations. Because of this, many avoid it, replacing it with ultrasonic or laser cleaning. Manual technique does not require special knowledge in the field of medicine and cosmetology - the dermis is cleaned using a Uno spoon (a device that allows you to remove everything that contaminates the skin from the pores by pressing) or manually.

It happens that mechanical facial cleansing is carried out in combination with hardware cleansing procedures or chemical peeling, but, as a rule, this is a separate service. By the way, you can do cleansing manipulations manually not only on the face, but also on the shoulders and décolleté.

How to avoid age spots?

When it comes to preventing age spots, the order of daily skin care and the protection of the epidermis from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation are important.

Products for daily facial skin care must include creams with SPF factor. The products must be used all year round on exposed areas of the body. In the summer heat, it is recommended to use SPF products above 30, in other months - creams with an SPF of at least 25.

During the period of active sun, products with retinol and vitamin A should be excluded from your beauty cosmetics bag. They provoke redness and irritation of the skin.

How to remove acne spots with Fermencol gel

A specially developed Fermenkol line will help remove post-acne spots, aimed at correcting skin texture, normalizing color and restoring healthy tissue. All Fermenkol products contain 9 active collagenase enzymes, which “eat up” the destroyed vascular endothelium, improve local capillary circulation and, as a result, even out skin color.

Fermenkol also eliminates deformed collagen and, penetrating the dermis, acts only on pathological tissue, without affecting intact (healthy) areas of the skin. The result: clean, smooth skin without pigmentation.

To enhance the cosmetic effect, experts recommend using Fermenkol together with phonophoresis. The course of procedures can be completed either in a clinic at your place of residence or at home with a portable Reton device for phonophoresis. You can purchase Fermenkol products by placing an order online on the official website or in pharmacies in your city. Before use, consult a specialist; he will prescribe the optimal number of procedures. It is easy to get a consultation from a practicing doctor; to do this, you need to click the “doctor” button, describe your situation in detail and attach a photo of the damaged area.

Fermenkol products have already helped many people get rid of acne spots, here is just one of the reviews:

Remember! The sooner you start the course, the faster you will achieve the desired result and will again be able to enjoy healthy and beautiful skin.

Why is it necessary to use serums?

Daily skin care includes the use of serums. But today they remain a mysterious remedy for many. The range of possibilities of serums is huge:

  • moisturizing and nourishing the skin
  • fight acne and age spots
  • eliminating signs of wilting, etc.

The serum contains a concentrate of active substances that can solve many skin problems. The main feature of the serum is that the depth of penetration of its components is much greater than that of any cream.

Daily skin care products differ in their action:

  • Moisturizing. Eliminate inflammation on the skin. Such serums are necessary for sensitive and dehydrated skin. They will be especially useful in hot weather, when the skin suffers from a lack of moisture. Typically, moisturizing serums contain hyaluronic acid and glycerin. They should be used 2 times a day.
  • Calming. Suitable for sensitive skin. The serums contain herbal extracts, niacinamide and other active substances.
  • Exfoliating. Eliminate dead epidermal cells. Serums are made on the basis of lactic, salicylic and other acids. They are used only in the evening.
  • Anti-aging. Tightens the skin, eliminates sagging and wrinkles. Serums contain retinol, vitamin C, antioxidants.

Precautionary measures

Like any cosmetic procedure, honey masks must be done taking precautions into account. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve the desired positive effect.

  • If you have blood vessels located close to your skin, you should refrain from any cosmetic procedures (especially warming ones!) in the bathhouse.
  • If there are inflammatory processes or irritations, it is better to postpone such care until they pass.
  • People who are allergic to honey are prohibited from such spa treatments. It will also have a negative effect on the body when used externally.
  • In between trips to the steam room, be sure to drink plenty of fluids to restore your water balance and avoid dehydration.

Honey masks for the face and body work much better if used in a bath. Pores open, beneficial substances penetrate deeper, toxins are eliminated. But such useful procedures also have their contraindications and precautions that must be observed.

When should you start using anti-aging products?

Daily skin care at home largely depends on age. But the question arises: when should you start using anti-aging cosmetics? You need to take care of youth and beauty of your skin from an early age. The first “bell” to use anti-age cosmetics is the appearance of creases and loss of elasticity.

Often, the aging process starts at the age of 25. This does not mean that the skin will suddenly lose its fresh appearance and become covered with wrinkles. Aging is a gradual long-term process and depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But it is easier to delay the aging process than to fight profound age-related changes.

The rules of daily skin care are individual for everyone. There is no universal figure for starting to use anti-aging care. Daily facial skin care after 25 should be based on the recommendations of a cosmetologist. The main advice from a cosmetologist on skin care after 35 years is the use of products aimed at moisturizing, protecting from ultraviolet radiation and maintaining tone.

If you use anti-aging creams prematurely out of fear of “aging prematurely,” then these treatments will be useless. Anti-aging cosmetics work where their work is needed. If the skin is young, anti-age cream will nourish and moisturize the skin, but will not perform its direct functions. Anti-aging cosmetics should be used according to indications and always in a timely manner.

Daily skin care after 35 should not be chosen independently. A cosmetologist will prescribe products that are optimal for your age and skin condition.

Benefits of bath masks

While in the steam room, the pores open as much as possible, making it possible for beneficial natural microelements to penetrate deeply into the epidermis. Making masks under such conditions has the following properties:

  • Deep cleansing of skin pores.
  • Removal of toxic substances and oxidants.
  • Getting rid of comedones (blackheads).
  • Acceleration of skin cleansing from acne and other rashes.
  • Deep hydration and saturation of the epidermis with vitamins.
  • Smoothing the surface of the dermis.
  • Increased skin tone.
  • Improving the functioning of the vascular system.
  • Elimination of swelling and redness.
  • Giving the skin youth and freshness.
  • Evens out skin tone.
  • Eliminating the effects on the face from depression and regular fatigue.

Bath masks can improve the overall condition of the facial skin, keep the dermis in tone, and also avoid the appearance of skin diseases.

Doing a massage with a towel

There are a variety of options for home massage. I will tell you about a technique using a terry towel, the size of which must be chosen based on the size of your face: the towel should almost completely follow its contours. Take two bowls of water. Pour cold water into the first and add 1/2 tablespoon of salt, and hot water into the second. Fold the towel lengthwise and soak it in cold water, wring it out a little and lightly pat it on your chin, then apply it to it and gently pull it towards your temples. Stay in this position for 3 minutes. Next, repeat the same manipulations with hot water. The procedures need to be done 3-5 times.

Tips for making and using masks in the bathhouse

If you want the masks to bring the expected effect, you should adhere to these rules and recommendations.

  1. You need to prepare the compositions immediately before leaving home, and also test them in advance for an allergic reaction.
  2. It is best to put them not in plastic, but in glass jars, tightly closing the lids.
  3. Apply masks to facial skin washed with water and soap, avoiding the area near the eyes and lips, only after completing all procedures and not in a steam room, in order to avoid unwanted consequences in the form of burns, redness, and rejection reactions.
  4. The period of action of masks in the bath is limited to 10 - 15 minutes, after which they must be thoroughly rinsed with cool water and wiped dry with a disposable paper towel.
  5. Such procedures are contraindicated for those who have extensive areas of inflammation on their facial skin, as well as rosacea (vessels and capillaries located close to the surface).

Persons with hypertension, problems with the cardiovascular system and asthma are not recommended to go to the bathhouse!

“Pumping up” the muscles

Gymnastics for the face, like exercises for the body, should be done daily, only in this case the effect is guaranteed. If regularity is not your thing, look for another way to deal with jowls. There are a lot of exercises to work out the vulnerable zone, for example, you can alternately pronounce the drawn-out sounds “U” and “I”, do at least 10 repetitions. Another way is to try to reach the chin with the tip of your tongue. The minimum number of repetitions is 10 times.

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