How to remove a pregnant belly after a caesarean section

After a cesarean section, you can go to the bathhouse no earlier than 2 months after a planned operation and 3-3.5 months after an emergency operation. In order to get ahead of when to lift restrictions on thermal procedures, you need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound. In case of a complicated course of the postoperative period, this is especially important, since one cannot focus only on well-being and the absence of pain and discharge.

Women should not visit the bathhouse or sauna if they have hypertension or chronic inflammation in the acute stage. Before allowing thermal procedures, you need to weigh the pros (stimulation of the immune system, acceleration of healing, antidepressant effect) and cons (risk of pressure drop, bleeding).

When can you go to the bathhouse after a caesarean section during a normal recovery period?

You can take a steam bath after a cesarean section no earlier than 2 months later. This only applies to normal recovery and planned delivery.

By this time a woman should not have:

  • bloody discharge from the genital tract or mucous membranes, purulent with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • redness and swelling of the outer seam.

In case of emergency cesarean section, the healing period of the postoperative suture on the uterus is usually delayed and lasts up to three months. Since in the vast majority of cases the operation is performed in the presence of concomitant diseases (gynecological or internal organs), it is recommended that before lifting restrictions on thermal procedures, an examination by a doctor. It is important to visit a gynecologist, and, if necessary, a therapist or neurologist.

We recommend reading the article about when you can take a bath after a caesarean section. From it you will learn what day you can wash after a caesarean section and how to properly shower after a caesarean section. And here is more information about how to lose weight after a cesarean section.

Historical reference

Our ancestors were well aware that the unpleasant little things associated with motherhood should not affect the healthy and well-groomed appearance of the woman in labor. Therefore, our great-grandmothers in Rus', after the birth of a baby, literally moved to live in a bathhouse. This was the place where close relatives came with gifts, and also where the girl bathed and fed.

Ethnographic materials are excellent evidence that new mothers spent all their time in the bathhouse in order to calm pain, improve appearance and self-awareness, drive out lochia, and also keep evil spirits away from the child. After a strong load on the muscles and bones that occurred during pregnancy and childbirth, the bathhouse provided rapid recovery of the body and accelerated the outflow of bloody discharge, which is normal in the postpartum period. However, in modern practice, the following trend has been noticed: if a girl very rarely visited a sauna or steam bath before artificial childbirth, then doctors recommend delaying high-temperature treatment for several months, since in this case it will not bring any benefit.

What are the benefits and harms of a bath after a caesarean section?

The benefits of a bath after a cesarean section include temperature training of blood vessels and improved blood circulation, including in the pelvic area.

It helps:

  • accelerating uterine recovery;
  • healing of sutures;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • prevent postpartum depression;
  • activate immune defense;
  • improve blood composition;
  • cleanse the body;
  • reduce the risk of extensive adhesions.

A bathhouse is harmful if recovery is incomplete and there are concomitant diseases, as the risk increases:

  • softening and divergence of the seam;
  • addition of infection;
  • exacerbation of inflammation of any localization;
  • a sharp drop or increase in blood pressure;
  • bleeding, especially with fibroids.

Fluorescence colposcopy

Fluorescence colposcopy allows to detect the malignancy of a cervical tumor in 98% of cases. This type of colposcopy is performed using a special dye and UV rays.

After treating the cervix with fluorochrome, the cervix is ​​examined under UV rays and the doctor evaluates the resulting glow:

  • Normally, the unchanged mucous membrane has a violet or dark blue glow;
  • in the early stages of a malignant tumor – the mucous membrane has a crimson, light green or bright yellow glow;
  • in the later stages of a malignant tumor, the glow goes out.

Is it always possible to go to the bathhouse after a caesarean section?

Not all women can go to the bathhouse after a caesarean section, even if enough time has passed since the operation; steaming is prohibited if:

  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the blood vessels of the heart, brain;
  • varicose veins;
  • heart failure or rhythm disturbances;
  • severe pathologies of the kidneys, liver, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • tumor or suspicion of it (until a full examination);
  • vascular complications of diabetes mellitus, decompensated course;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic inflammation in the acute stage.

When to abstain and not go

There is no need to go to the bathhouse during a complicated postoperative period; you should refrain from overheating if:

  • bleeding;
  • anemia (decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin);
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • inflammation, swelling, weeping of the scar;
  • mucous, purulent or bloody discharge from the vagina.

Taking medications

  • If you experience pain after the biopsy, you can take acetaminophen (Tylenol®) as directed. If you have previously been diagnosed with liver disease, consult your doctor before taking acetaminophen.
  • Avoid taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain relief for 24 hours after the biopsy.
  • If you take a blood thinner (such as aspirin or another blood thinner), you can take it after the procedure as long as there is no heavy bleeding at the biopsy site. Contact your doctor if you have questions.
  • For more information about these medications, ask your doctor or nurse for the resource Common Medicines Containing Aspirin and Other Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) or Vitamin E.
  • to come back to the beginning

    Sauna after cesarean

    A sauna after a caesarean section is easier to tolerate than a classic bath, since it is heated with dry steam and it is easier to regulate the temperature. This may be important in case of unstable vascular tone. Therefore, if you are prone to fainting or heart problems, a sauna is preferable. All other contraindications and restrictions for women are no different.

    Simple colposcopy

    During a simple colposcopy, the doctor examines the surfaces of the walls of the vagina and cervix under magnification. Then, using a tampon, the discharge is removed and the examination is repeated.

    Using a simple colposcopy, the doctor can roughly assess:

    • shape and size of the cervix and external os;
    • relief and color of the mucous membrane;
    • the severity of the vascular pattern;
    • boundaries of flat and columnar epithelium.

    This procedure is performed without prior preparation of the patient. It takes little time, is absolutely safe and painless.

    To obtain a more detailed clinical picture, our clinic may prescribe other more informative types of colposcopies.

    How to steam properly after childbirth

    After childbirth, you need to steam with caution, so at first you should follow the rules:

    • enter the steam room for no more than 5 minutes;
    • the body must remain dry;
    • rest for 10 minutes in the dressing room after each visit, take a cool (not cold) shower;
    • immersion in cold water is prohibited in the first six months;
    • the number of visits to the steam room should not exceed 4-6 times;
    • you need to drink herbal tea, fruit juice, and water in sufficient quantities to prevent dehydration.

    It is important for women that when visiting a bathhouse or sauna there is a person nearby who, if necessary, can provide first aid in case of fainting, since even those accustomed to temperature changes can experience unusual reactions.

    Why is cervical colposcopy performed?

    The main purpose of colposcopy is aimed at determining the boundaries, malignancy or benignity of the pathological focus. During the research process the following can be determined:

    • border of pathology;
    • differentiation of the tumor process;
    • identification of the inflammatory process;
    • the need to perform a tissue biopsy from the pathological focus;
    • exact area of ​​tissue for biopsy.

    After analyzing all the data obtained, the results of colposcopy allow the doctor to draw up a plan for further effective treatment.

    What water procedures are allowed after cesarean section?

    Immediately upon returning home, a slightly warm shower is allowed, while the stitch must remain under the bandage. The temperature may gradually increase, but at least a month must pass before using hot water. Baths are prohibited for at least 8 weeks, and visits to the pool and swimming in ponds should be avoided for 4-5 months.

    We recommend reading the article on how to remove belly fat after a caesarean section. From it you will learn about the causes of a large belly after surgery, what it can look like depending on the period after the CS, how long it takes to recover, how to remove the belly at home, and also with the help of surgery. And here is more information about tattoos on a cesarean scar.

    A bath after a caesarean section is allowed no earlier than 2 months later. In case of complications or emergency surgery, the period of restrictions increases. To accurately predict whether there will be undesirable consequences, you need a doctor’s examination and an ultrasound.

    Colposcopy of the uterus

    Colposcopy of the uterus is a diagnostic procedure that is performed using a colposcope (a special optical instrument with a lighting device) and is aimed at examining the walls of the vagina and the visible vaginal part of the cervix.
    During the examination, the doctor may:

    • perform a biopsy of certain areas of the cervix for subsequent histological analysis;
    • collect the necessary material for subsequent laboratory diagnostics of bacteriological and cytological smears;
    • enlarge the image 2, 5, 7, 10, 15 or more times for a more detailed study of the structure of tissues.

    In our clinic, this diagnostic procedure is performed using an expert-class colposcope. Its results will allow the doctor to identify pathology at the initial stage of its development, draw up a detailed picture of the disease and prescribe an effective course of treatment.

    Can there be a false positive pregnancy test with an ovarian cyst?

    Gynecologists answer this question in the affirmative - an ovarian cyst can indeed be the cause of a positive test in the absence of pregnancy. But usually the second stripe in the test appears weakly, not bright enough.

    However, if you understand the problem, it usually turns out that this result is not caused by a cyst, but by a cystoma - a hormonally active tumor on the ovary. Ultrasound cannot distinguish a cyst from a cystoma, which produces hormones that may well distort the test result, so the doctor who performed the ultrasound examination calls any large cavity formation a cystic formation in the conclusion. And in common parlance it is most often called simply a cyst.

    However, if an ultrasound reveals a tumor, and against this background, a pregnancy test after a missed period shows a positive result, this is a serious indicator that the woman should undergo additional examinations to rule out suspicion of a malignant tumor.

    In addition to the cystoma, other factors can affect an incorrect test result:

    • Incorrect application of the test
    • Using test that has passed its expiration date, is damaged in packaging, or has been improperly stored
    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Irregular menstrual cycle (if there is no set period between periods, then you should not seriously consider using the test as a method of determining pregnancy)
    • Use of contraceptives
    • Ovarian dysfunction

    Can there be a delay in menstruation with an ovarian cyst?

    Delayed menstruation is also one of the main symptoms of ovarian cysts. Associated symptoms for the diagnosis of ovarian cyst can be found in the previous section of the article.

    In general, women often experience irregular menstrual cycles, which can be due to many reasons. Typically the cycle length is from 21 to 35 days. It is believed that a delay of up to 5 days is not a cause for concern; beyond this time, it is already a recommendation to consult your gynecologist.

    Very often, menstrual irregularities and delayed menstruation are caused by functional ovarian cysts (follicular and corpus luteum cysts). The fact is that the cells that make up these cysts produce the hormone progesterone. If it is produced in too large quantities, then its effect on the body in the second phase of the cycle is prolonged until menstruation is delayed (the hormonal background cannot ensure timely rejection of the endometrium) or, on the contrary, bleeding (due to uneven rejection of the endometrium of the uterus).

    Often, delays in menstruation begin to occur several months before the appearance of the cyst, when the pathological process of formation has already begun. Therefore, gynecologists often predict the early detection of an ovarian cyst if menstruation begins to be delayed for no apparent reason or health problem. And the delays do not have to be long - 7 days are already considered a dangerous signal.

    That is why, at the slightest suspicion, it would be a good idea to undergo a gynecological examination. Do not be afraid if your doctor recommends surgical removal of an ovarian cyst. It is better to do this in a timely manner using a gentle laparoscopy method and preserve the functionality of the ovary and reproductive function than to ignore the problem and develop health problems, the least of which will be infertility.

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