Sauna on gas or wood – which is better, more convenient and cheaper?

Accessories for the bath The Russian people have preserved many ancient traditions. Some of them are gradually fading away, others, on the contrary, are becoming more widespread. One such tradition that has found a place in the modern world is the bathhouse. The benefits of baths for the human body have been known since ancient times.

It is believed that washing with water gives freshness, clarity of mind, vigor, strength, youth, health, beauty, cleanliness and a pleasant complexion to the skin. And all this can be achieved by regularly and correctly visiting the bathhouse. This is where many men and women gather at the end of the working week. Almost half of the birthdays and other special events are celebrated here.

Why has this type of recreation become so popular? How exactly is a Russian bath useful for men and women?

The cardiovascular system

Increased atmospheric humidity promotes vasodilation and a slight decrease in blood pressure. And the subsequent exit from the steam room, with or without immersion, increases vascular tone. In this way, the body trains to cope with such changes in environmental conditions, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and they become more elastic. And in combination with the removal of toxins through sweat, this procedure becomes a real healing session.

Bathhouse and cardiovascular system Source

Bathhouse reduces the risk of heart problems Source

Interesting! It is because of cardiovascular diseases that the largest number of deaths occur in Russia.


It is strictly forbidden to take a steam bath in case of aggravated chronic diseases, reflected by elevated body temperature. In addition, visiting the bathhouse is prohibited for people who have suffered a stroke, heart attack, or suffering from vascular inflammation. The ban applies to tachycardia, all types of hypertension with signs of heart or kidney failure.

Important! The list of cardiovascular diseases for which it is not recommended to visit the bathhouse can go on for a long time. However, it is better to consult a specialist.

Regular wellness procedures Source
The heart rate of a person in a bathhouse rises to 190 beats per minute. At the same time, the intensity of blood supply increases almost 2 times, especially when you are on the top shelf of the steam room, where the maximum temperature is observed. Swinging the broom increases the values ​​to even higher values. All this must be taken into account and compared with your body!

Criteria for choosing an infrared sauna

When choosing a cabin, take into account its dimensions, taking into account the square footage of the home; it can be a single model for an apartment, suitable for placement in a loggia, bathroom, or a four-seat version for a country residence.

Equally important are aspects such as configuration and design solutions. Wooden or glazed walls are offered, the design is supplemented with handles, platbands and other fittings that contribute to a beautiful appearance.

The interior of the room is finished with:

  • Siberian or Canadian cedar;
  • Pine without resin;
  • Aspen;
  • Alder;
  • Linden.

Pay attention to the type of heater, equipment, and additional functionality. The apparatus must have a clear and convenient management type.

All fasteners must be strong, there are no slightest cracks, the wood is treated with a special compound that increases service life, and a varnish coating is applied to the internal elements to resist stains.

The manufacturer and cost are not discounted; these parameters are related to the durability of the acquisition. Among the manufacturers, the Austrian company Sentiotec, the companies Tilo and Sawo have proven themselves to be excellent.

Musculoskeletal system

People over 50 years of age note that after just 15 minutes of visiting the bathhouse, its effect on the skeletal system is felt. It happens like this: heated skin warms up the muscles and joints, causing the latter to stop hurting and making themselves felt with discomfort. Therefore, such warming up is actively encouraged by doctors if there are no contraindications and the procedure is carried out correctly.

Warming up with oak brooms Source

Warming up the ankle joint Source

Specific Features

The radiation of infrared waves cannot be seen, they can be compared to the sun's rays, which we are used to feeling on the skin. They penetrate about 40 mm under the skin, warming up the joints and internal organs, which is several times greater than a simple bath (5 mm).

The temperature in such a device does not exceed 50 degrees, whereas in a regular steam room this figure reaches 110.


Speaking about the benefits of a bath for our skin, several factors should be noted: increased sweating, removal of dirt and bacteria from its surface, as well as a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body.

Compared to normal temperature and humidity conditions, when you are in a bathhouse, you produce 20-30 times more sweat. As a result, dirt particles, sebaceous deposits, and dried dead skin are removed. In this way, a kind of preparation and optimization of the surface for the growth of new ones occurs. Regular hardening has a positive effect on the functioning of capillaries that supply the skin with nutrients, which makes the skin silky.

Cosmetic masks in the bath Source

Regarding the indications for visiting the bathhouse, we can say that such procedures are recommended for the following diseases:

  • Eczema.
  • Atypical dermatitis.
  • Itchy.
  • Hives.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Ichthyosis.
  • Allergic or drug rash.

Important! It must be taken into account that if you have a number of skin diseases, visiting the bathhouse is contraindicated. Therefore, before exposing your body to heat stress, consult your physician or dermatologist.

Russian bath: benefits for women

The benefit of a bath lies in the effect of high temperatures on a woman’s body. Heat is obtained by splashing a small amount of hot water onto very hot stones. The air in the bathhouse warms up to 60-90°. Humidity is up to 90%. At this temperature, sweating increases, pores open, and along with sweat, harmful toxins and waste are removed from the woman’s body. Under the influence of high temperatures, the top layer of skin with dead cells is exfoliated, and the skin is enriched with oxygen.

Broom massage has a beneficial effect on the skin

The beneficial properties of the bath for women include a beneficial effect on blood vessels. They expand, thereby improving blood circulation. This promotes better nutrition of every cell in the body. By alternately dousing yourself with hot and cold water, you can perform vascular gymnastics, as a result of which you will be able to avoid their sclerotic lesions. There is faster healing of various types of injuries and restoration of damaged tissue.

Using a broom in a bathhouse, you can get great benefits from self-massage. After such exposure, the skin becomes elastic, silky and young. It also helps get rid of joint pain and radiculitis. A broom made from birch has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

When using an oak broom, the oils it releases are absorbed into the skin through the pores, and the body is cleansed. This broom is used for high blood pressure and is a good choice for women with oily skin. Linden broom helps to calm down and is used for diseases of the bronchi, liver and kidneys.

The sauna helps relieve stress, relax muscles and clear the mind. This is especially useful for hot-tempered, emotional women, since a steam room is the simplest and surest way to combat stress and neurosis.

Nervous system

From the point of view of a neurologist, a bathhouse can play both a positive and negative role for human health, that is, it can further aggravate the current condition. The meaning of the procedures is that under the influence of hot vapors, blood flows to the organs and blood flow to the brain decreases. The result is physical and mental relaxation, promoting restorative cycles. This is confirmed by the fact that many people, after visiting the bathhouse, note a decrease in headaches, excitability, and muscle fatigue.

Changing the functioning of the nervous system has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. However, it must be taken into account that prolonged sitting in the steam room will not only lead to improved well-being, but will also cause increased heart rate, disrupt sleep, and cause spasmodic headaches.

Important! It’s not for nothing that a sense of proportion is called the main rule of proper soaring.

Restoration of the nervous system Source static.tildacd
The nervous system is a sensitive substance that can instantly respond to improper behavior during bath procedures. The human body expresses its negativity in a number of cases: insufficient ventilation, the presence of carbon monoxide, temperature violations.

Advantages and disadvantages

Product advantages:

  1. The body warms up evenly and deeply.
  2. The session can take place at any time.
  3. The unit is easy to operate and portable; it can be installed and dismantled many times.
  4. Safety, impossibility of getting burns.

The devices are characterized by good tolerability and short procedure duration. Only if the rules are violated can you encounter negative manifestations, the blame for which falls on the owners.

You can avoid this by monitoring your power reading, consulting with your doctor, listening to yourself, and leaving the chamber at the first sign of dizziness or a burning sensation in your nose.


In the bathhouse, the volume and natural ventilation of our lungs increase due to the fact that oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide emissions increase. The process is intensified due to the effect of hot moist vapors that we inhale. This saturation is reflected in the mucous membrane, accelerating metabolic processes and promoting increased gas exchange.

In the same way, hot steam acts on the bronchi, clearing them of mucus concentrations. The result is frequent and deep breathing.

Special mention should be made of the fight against the spread of acute respiratory diseases. Most microbes and viruses of the group are not able to withstand high temperatures of vapors, leading to their death.

Hardening and prevention of colds Source

Types of infrared saunas

The focus is on the emitter, the wavelength of which is 9-14 microns. Based on the materials used, it can be:

  1. A ceramic product with a nichrome spiral in a tube.
  2. Incalloy, in which iron, chromium and nickel are used in the alloy.
  3. Film device with special foil.
  4. A carbon look that won't get burned.

The price tag depends on the composition. Power and temperature can be controlled by a regulator or set to automatic shutdown. For operation, a stable voltage of 220 V is sufficient, as for household appliances. Permits for installation are not required.

Endocrine system

The benefits of the bath also affect the functioning of the endocrine system. This is reflected in changes in the composition of a number of fluids in the human body and a moderate increase in the number of red blood cells. In addition, the number of leukocytes increases and blood clotting increases, which is explained by an increase in platelets. Sudden sweating in the steam room causes a decrease in salt concentration in the blood and skin.

Positive changes occur in the functioning of the thyroid gland. As a result of anabolic effects, the following processes are observed:

  • Improvement of oxidative reactions in tissues.
  • Increased protein synthesis.
  • The gas and acid-base balance in the blood changes.

A family leading a healthy lifestyle Source

Structure of an infrared sauna

Externally, the design is similar to a thermal bath, the only difference is in the heating element, it includes:

  • Metal carcass;
  • Infrared lamp;
  • Screen reflecting wave flows;
  • Thermostatic gasket;
  • Reflector that emits energy;
  • Thermostat.

The cabins are presented in ceiling, floor, and wall variations in rectangular, corner and round formats.

Electrical safety^

The emitters used in infrared saunas have a high degree of electrical and thermal protection, but if used incorrectly, they can cause injury. Therefore, the following rules must be observed:

  • Dismantling and installation of heaters can only be done when the power supply is turned off ;
  • The emitters must not be exposed to shock loads ;
  • electrical appliances must be reliably grounded ;
  • installation of an RCD (residual current device) is mandatory;
  • electrical wiring and socket must be designed for a current of at least 16 A ;
  • in the sauna, children, the elderly and disabled people should not be in the sauna unattended.

As a rule, the maximum effect from visiting an infrared sauna is achieved if you simultaneously engage in any kind of sport. The most effective here are aerobic training, in particular running. Read the article How to breathe properly when running to make your workouts as effective as possible!

And also about a healthy lifestyle. What to do if you quit smoking and it becomes difficult to breathe? Useful information is in this article, take care of your health!

Positive properties ^

  • Infrared rays gently warm the body, dilating blood vessels and thereby improving blood circulation;
  • during the procedure, lactic acid is removed from the muscles, and, therefore, pain after physical activity is reduced;
  • It is much easier to take a procedure in an infrared sauna than in a regular sauna, because the visitor breathes normal, not overheated air containing a normal level of oxygen;
  • Even people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia ;

Prohibited ^

  • use infrared emitters in conditions of high humidity ;
  • allow electrical cables to come into contact with hot surfaces;
  • remove protective grilles from heaters;
  • place foreign objects behind the protective grille;
  • pour liquid onto the surface of the heaters;
  • Use homemade fuses or faulty circuit breakers;
  • Use incandescent lamps with a power of more than 100 W .
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