Features of the Finnish sauna and rules for its use

One of the components of good health is keeping your body and body clean. To do this, you need not only to eat right, but also to maintain personal hygiene. From this point of view, a Finnish sauna can be considered a good way of healing and rejuvenation. Thanks to its positive effect on the body, restorative and cleansing effect, it has become quite popular and beloved among residents of Europe and Russia. In addition, you can even organize a Finnish sauna in your apartment.

In Finland itself, the sauna has been known for more than 1000 years. Initially, it was used not only as a method of hygiene, but also as a place for childbirth and treatment of diseases. Nowadays, for Finns, this is a great way to relax and hold a business meeting.

The number of Finnish saunas in Finland is about 3 million

Features of the Finnish sauna

Low humidity, “dry” hot air is the hallmark and recognizable characteristic of a bathhouse in the harsh climate of the country. It is the combination of heated air with cooled water that gives the desired effect. The internal temperature of the room can be around 100 degrees and the water remains lukewarm. An important feature of the Finnish sauna is low air humidity, which does not exceed 20%. Thanks to these indicators, the creation of dry steam with healing properties is ensured.

Finnish sauna with shelves Source 0532.ua

A Finnish sauna is a low wooden room with several sun loungers. The built-in thermostat regulates the temperature inside the room. The combination of high temperature and low humidity causes sweating, and with it, harmful bacteria and accumulated toxins leave the body. After a quick warm-up, people plunge into an ice hole (artificial or real). This ensures effective hardening and reduces the risk of colds.

Three towels on a shelf Source dekoriko.ru

How does a Finnish sauna work?

Since this type of sauna has high temperatures and significantly reduced humidity, this is easier for the human body to tolerate than the opposite combination. Such procedures are of great benefit to the soul and body. Being in a steam room is beneficial for the immune and nervous systems, allowing you to fully relax and recuperate. After such steaming, energy returns and performance increases significantly.

Wooden shelves Source wishspace.com.ua

In terms of the way it affects the body, the Finnish sauna is very similar to the Russian bath. The difference is that a lower level of humidity implies rapid evaporation of sweat from the skin, due to which overheating of the body is completely eliminated. By forcing our body to intensively produce sweat, exposure to steam thereby accelerates thermoregulation and leads to a therapeutic effect from staying in the bathhouse.

Sauna with a broom Source laznya.kiev.ua

Corner with heater Source laznya.kiev.ua

A natural continuation of the steaming process is cooling the body. They take a dip in a pool with a low temperature of water, an artificial or real ice-hole, or simply pour a tub of ice water over themselves. The choice of type of cooling depends on the person’s health: you should also consult with a therapist about the possibility and duration of stay in the steam room.

Shelves in the steam room Source ozerovita.com

Recommendations and precautions

In addition to the ban on alcohol and hearty meals in the sauna, it is worth taking note of a few sensible tips:

  1. Do not go to the sauna if chronic diseases have worsened or there are signs of infectious diseases.
  2. Sweating is great, but you need to rehydrate. Without water, the body can quickly overheat; signs are rapid pulse, palpitations. Therefore, in between visits to the steam room, be sure to drink water or other healthy drinks. You should avoid not only soda and alcohol, but also too hot/cold drinks.
  3. The body and skin will be grateful if incense sticks with healthy essential oils are placed in the sauna, and wraps and masks made from honey and herbs are used.
  4. Gymnastics in the sauna is not necessary at all. Movements should be smooth and unhurried.
  5. The best time to take the procedure is in the morning. Visits to the steam room can be made longer, and after rest the body will be completely ready for mental and physical stress. But in the evening, a steam room will relieve stress, fatigue, and pain.

Experts advise visiting the sauna once a week. But if your body is healthy and you are full of energy, your hiking regimen can be increased. In public institutions, it is better to refuse the offered accessories and bring slippers and a sheet with you. And to protect yourself from burns, you should not come close to the stove, sit on bare shelves and stand close to the heater when steam is supplied.

What is the difference between a Finnish sauna and a Russian bath?

The construction method and structural elements of these two rooms are quite similar. In both cases there are places for relaxation, steam rooms, sinks and stoves with stones. After steaming, people cool off in the shower or pool. The main differences between the Finnish sauna and the Russian bath:

  • Finns prefer dry, hot air, while Russians use more humid rooms. In a Finnish sauna, temperatures often reach 100 degrees with a humidity of about 20%. Russian steam rooms imply heat of 50-80 degrees with significant humidity, reaching up to 70%. The ratio of these indicators must be selected very carefully so as not to harm the body.
  • Also, the Finnish bathhouse differs from the Russian one in the features of its firebox. In the first case, the stones are heated using a special oven, which can run on wood or electricity. Water is not used for this so as not to provoke an increase in humidity. In the Russian steam room there is a heater, into which water often falls to create steam.
  • Finnish saunas imply the absence of brooms and other usual bath accessories. In hot, dry air, using a broom is not entirely appropriate and can even cause negative consequences - leaving burns. For this reason, such procedures have not gained popularity among Finns.
  • Russian people are accustomed to strong temperature contrasts, so after steaming in a hot bath, they plunge into a pond of cold water or wipe themselves with snow. The traditional end of bathing procedures has long been a jump into a snowdrift. Finns, on the contrary, prefer to rinse off after visiting the sauna with slightly cool water from the pool or shower.

Wooden sauna Source niagara.kiev.ua

Contraindications and harm

Dry hot steam can not only heal, but also harm. Too much heating and frequent visits to the steam room for older people can result in vascular pathologies. People with diseases should limit or completely exclude the sauna:

  • heart, blood vessels;
  • high blood pressure;
  • for inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • with asthma, tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • glaucoma;
  • with exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • varicose veins, atherosclerosis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • stones in the kidneys, urinary, gall bladder.

The sauna is strictly prohibited for epileptics and people with mental instability. It is better for expectant mothers in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as women during menstruation, to refrain from visiting the steam room.

Even a normally healthy person can “overheat.” Therefore, the slightest deterioration in vision or tinnitus should be a signal to leave the steam room.

How to visit a bathhouse correctly

To get the maximum benefit from visiting a Finnish sauna, you need to follow simple recommendations that are designed to prevent possible harm to the body.

  • Do not eat 2-3 hours before visiting a steam bath.
  • Do not spend more than 15 minutes in the steam room.
  • Take a warm shower immediately before visiting the steam room.
  • It is better to lie down and relax in the steam room. Afterwards, sit for a minute and then go out.
  • If you feel thirsty, drink plain water at body temperature or warm herbal tea.
  • After completing all the procedures, it is useful to plunge into the pool or take a cool shower;
  • The next visits to the Finnish sauna can be made longer by dividing them into several short sessions;

Interior made of wood Source svyatogorsk.clubhoteloskol.com

Benefits of visiting a sauna

The Finnish sauna is a unique procedure for healing all body systems - from respiratory to cardiovascular. Thanks to staying in the steam room, blood flow accelerates, blood vessels dilate, and the condition of the skin improves. The bath can help with such common problems as psoriasis, eczema and urticaria.

Steam room with shelves Source brd24.com

The low humidity and high temperature of the Finnish steam room are very beneficial for the condition of the human body. The respiratory tract and lungs are effectively cleansed, and the mucous membranes are treated. Exposure to heat causes intense sweating and accelerates metabolic processes in the body, resulting in slight weight loss.

Bucket made of wood Source subscribe.ru

The Finnish steam room is also useful for the nervous system, since hot steam promotes relaxation, calmness and relief from anxiety.

High temperatures quickly kill any bacteria and germs, so visiting a Finnish sauna is an excellent prevention of flu and other infectious diseases.

Indoor sauna Source sanforos.com

Despite the large number of advantages, the Finnish bath also has some contraindications for use:

  • Chronic diseases of internal organs of an inflammatory nature;
  • Oncological diseases and recovery after surgery;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Acute period of diseases of the skin, respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • Fever and elevated temperature;
  • High blood pressure, epilepsy, tuberculosis;
  • Elderly age over 60 years;
  • Small children under 4 years old.

Sauna with lighting Source youtube.com
To get the maximum health benefits from bath procedures, you need to be attentive to your own body and constantly monitor its well-being. If the slightest signs of discomfort appear, you should immediately stop exposure and cool the body with water. In order for the Finnish sauna to bring only positive emotions, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before visiting it. He will take into account possible contraindications and give recommendations on the time spent in the steam room.

Sauna with heater and bucket Source vsykosmetika.ru

Dependence of the digestive system on bath procedures

The influence of increased temperature conditions leads to the outflow of blood from the internal organs, but at an insignificant level. This is reflected in a reduction in the level of gastric juice, while its concentration increases. Due to this effect on the body, it is not recommended to eat while warming up in bathhouse conditions. In this situation, protein products are absorbed worse than others, while fats are absorbed well. This principle of absorption can negatively affect the condition of the liver and stomach. The influence of fats and their harm can be minimized, for which it is advised to drink more water and other liquids. A dry sauna has a positive effect when you need to lose weight, the reason is greater consumption of moisture and energy.

The process of getting rid of excess mass is affected by the following:

  • level of humidity and temperature indicators;
  • duration of exposure;
  • level of fitness of the body;
  • individual characteristics, health status.

The level of weight loss can be adjusted by drinking fluids while visiting the sauna.

Finnish sauna traditions

The mentality of the people of Finland is difficult for foreigners to understand. An important part of national culture is visiting a Finnish steam room together. To participate in this event and fully appreciate the benefits of bath procedures, you need to remember some important features of the ceremony:

  • If you are invited to take a steam bath together, this is a sign of great respect, so you cannot simply refuse. There must be a valid reason for declining the invitation.
  • The Finnish sauna has no hidden meanings, so everything that happens there is commonplace for Finns. For example, being naked with strangers does not bother anyone and is perceived as absolutely normal, as a completely natural thing. Despite this, no one will condemn a person’s desire to wear a swimsuit or cover himself with a towel.
  • In Finnish culture, it is not customary to drink alcohol while in a sauna. The Finnish steam room is a place where it is easy to get injured while drunk, and alcohol can negatively affect your well-being during the procedures. For this reason, a feast is usually held immediately after the end of the exposure.
  • Friends or colleagues visit the Finnish sauna separately from women, but members of the same family can do it together. But this rule is not always strictly adhered to. Usually, before going to the bathhouse, they agree in advance on the organization of the process.
  • The Finnish sauna does not involve the use of candles and incense; here you can rarely see the attributes familiar to Russians. Typically, the steam room has dim lighting and is completely free of foreign odors. You can detect a light woody aroma, complemented by birch brooms.
  • As a rule, the air in a Finnish sauna is quite dry and the atmosphere is hot. However, it is not necessary to adhere to this tradition. You can pour as much water on the stones as a particular participant likes.

Bath with stones Source diy.obi.ru
The Finnish sauna is created for a fun time with family and friends. There are no mandatory rules or strict ceremonies here; everything happens very simply and naturally. The main purpose of the Finnish sauna is rest and relaxation, so everyone decides for themselves how to carry out their bath procedures.

Bath accessories Source bukovel-elena.com.ua

Sauna with wide shelves Source therme.sk

Bucket near the towels Source laspi.ru

Mirror in the sauna Source freelancejob.ru

Wooden steam room Source vektor-v.ru

Sauna in the building Source zeleniyturizm.com.ua

Sauna with a broom Source mir-hotels.com

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