Review of shelves in a bathhouse: their correct design, varieties for Russian baths and Finnish saunas, diagrams of frames, flooring, manufacturing videos

Care Tips

The first and most important rule that should be strictly followed is the mandatory drying and ventilation of the room after each session in the steam room.
This will help protect wooden furniture from the harmful effects of excess humidity. By the way, a sauna stove will help dry the room if you leave it running for some time after completing the water procedures. When ventilating the room, it is worth opening all doors and windows, while covering all water containers and tanks with lids.

A bathhouse is a room in which, like a bathroom, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness and carefully monitor internal hygiene. Of course, high temperatures protect the steam room from the appearance of all kinds of microbes and bacteria in it, but they are not able to protect the room from the appearance of dirt. Regular cleaning cannot be avoided. It will be necessary to wash away any remaining dirt remaining on the shelves after the procedures, as well as traces of condensation.

After completing the bath procedures, it will not be superfluous to wipe the surfaces with a dry towel, even if there is a backlight. This will not remove the moisture that has already been absorbed into the wood, but it will make it much easier for the outer surface of the shelves to dry, which means it will speed up the drying inside the wood.

At the same time, taking into account the specifics of the bath room, i.e. its mostly wooden design, chemical cleaning agents cannot be used in the steam room. The best option is simple laundry soap. It would be useful to use soft brushes. If there is heavy dirt on the wood that is not easy to remove, you can use sandpaper.

How to make shelves for a bathhouse with your own hands, see the following video.

Installation work

Before you make a bench for a bathhouse with your own hands, you must draw up a sketch, prepare the material and a set of necessary tools.

Tools for work Source

The latter include a drill with wood drills, a screwdriver with an attachment for self-tapping screws, a hammer, a hacksaw or a jigsaw. Additionally, you will need grinding devices, brushes with rollers, plugs for hardware, and possibly sealants.


Let's look at the basic rules on how to make a quality canopy in a bathhouse. To do this, you will need to properly prepare the wood. Workpieces must meet the following requirements:

  • absence of knots, nicks, cracks;
  • smooth surface and end edges;
  • treatment with protective compounds;
  • complete drying;
  • timber and boards from the same species.

How to make a bathhouse bench with your own hands as secure as possible needs to be taken seriously. The materials will be subject to changes in temperature and humidity, mechanical stress, and ventilation. These moments are considered aggressive operating conditions for wood.

To impregnate boards and timber, manufacturers offer a number of environmentally friendly compounds that are washed out and penetrate deeply into the texture. They have minimal thermal expansion, do not heat up, and are resistant to abrasion. These are antiseptics and fire retardants.

Antiseptic for baths Source

Next, the finished structure is additionally treated with short-acting compounds. These products are divided into 2 types: with a water or oil base. The release form can be liquid, gel or aerosol. The compositions are applied by spraying, painting or rubbing.

Frame assembly

Let's look at how to make a canopy in a bathhouse with your own hands, a step-by-step guide. The first step is to assemble the frame for the boardwalk. The support bars can be placed vertically or at an angle (braces). For fixation to the floor and walls, anchor bolts or long wood screws are used. Order is maintained from the top tier.

What should a bath shelf be like: design features

Most often in baths you can find two-tier structures. In this case, maximum functionality is achieved with the minimum area required for arranging the shelf. As a rule, the lower tier is used for sitting, and the upper tier is for lying. This design must be done correctly. A slight difficulty is that the width of the second floor must be sufficient to make it comfortable to lie on.

A comfortable stay in the steam room of a bath largely depends not only on the microclimate, but also on the quality and convenience of the shelves located

One of the most important criteria is the thickness of the structural components of the canopy - the log. The cost of the material depends on this indicator. The pattern in this case is as follows: the thicker the logs, the more expensive they are. However, it is not recommended to purchase products that are too thin, as they will sag under human weight.

Helpful information! To save on the construction of a bath shelf, it is recommended to place individual logs at a short distance from each other.

Before assembling bath furniture, you need to decide on its dimensions. The shelves in the steam room can have different sizes and shapes. However, there are traditional, most common dimensions. In accordance with this standard, the total height of the structure should be 70 cm. The distribution of sizes between floors is as follows: for the 1st tier - 40, and for the top - 30 cm.

The distance between the lags is a mandatory rule that should be strictly adhered to. However, you should not make the distance too large. If necessary, these products can be made independently, but to do this you need to have at least minimal wood processing skills.

It is advisable to leave a distance between the shelf and the ceiling of the steam room, in this case you can not only lie on it, but also sit comfortably

Before you begin assembling the bathhouse shelf, you should prepare materials, tools and make a drawing, according to which all subsequent work will be carried out. Its creation must be approached with all seriousness, since inaccuracies in the drawing will lead to installation errors.

You should take into account the number of people for whom the steam room was designed. The size of the room also plays an important role, so you should focus on them as well. As for choosing a location, it is not recommended to place shelves near the window opening. As a rule, this structure is placed along one of the blank walls, complementing the interior with benches.

Shelves in the sauna on the balcony!!!

A shelf is a wide bench (namely a bench, rigidly fixed, and not a movable bench), which can be made in one or several tiers.
Traditionally, no more than three tiers are used in the bathhouse - the higher the place is located, the higher the temperature load the visitor experiences. The dimensions of the shelf in the bathhouse, made with your own hands taking into account the dimensions of visitors, must meet the following requirements:

  • the length of the place exceeds the height of the tallest user by 5...15%;
  • width – 60…100 cm, optimal option 90 cm;
  • the thickness of the boards is selected taking into account the load from the maximum weight of users with a margin of 15...25%.

The height of the lounger is calculated taking into account the height of the steamers: to make it convenient to work with a broom, the horizontal plane is placed at the level of the middle of the palm of the lowered hand. The distance between this plane and the ceiling should be at least 110 cm, this will allow you to sit on the shelf and freely use a broom.

You can make a shelf in a bathhouse with your own hands from boards or beams of various sections. It’s worth noting right away that an array the width of the entire lying area will be unreasonably expensive; it is better to use prefabricated structures. The advantage of prefabricated sun loungers is also their better resistance to temperature deformation.

When creating a steam room as close as possible to Russian traditions, you should give preference to single-tier shelves located along walls without windows. The lying area is ventilated (with free access of air from below, gaps between the flooring elements are possible), with a slight slope outward for water drainage.

If desired, you can arrange a backrest - this will allow you to sit comfortably without the risk of burning your skin on the heated wall material. It is permissible to use shelves with a folding part as a backrest. The extended bed has a stationary and a movable part, the movable one reclines and is fixed on the wall. To increase the number of “seats,” additional pull-out shelves, footrests, and so on are also used.

If you are planning to make shelves for a bath yourself, you should choose a suitable tree (usually one species is used for sun loungers and wall decoration): linden, aspen or alder. It is worth noting that of these three species, alder has the most attractive appearance, aspen is most suitable in terms of performance indicators, and linden is the most budget-friendly solution.

The following are taken into account:

  • the expected number of visitors, their weight and dimensions;
  • size and shape of the steam room;
  • type of seats (stationary, reclining, retractable);
  • planned temperature regime (and humidity level);
  • the preferred option for staying in the steam room is sitting, lying down, with active treatment with a broom, supply of steam;
  • methods of preparing materials.

Below is a shelf in a bathhouse (drawing) with a side view and isometric view.

The indicated dimensions and heights of the shelves in the bathhouse are standard; they can be slightly changed in accordance with personal preferences.

The installation stages (how to make shelves in a bathhouse) are shown in step-by-step photos and a short video.

After choosing a design, you need to decide where to attach the shelf - on the wall (as in the step-by-step guide) or the floor. At the same time, we should not forget about the need for frequent cleaning.

Do-it-yourself bathhouse curtains are made using wooden fasteners or fastened with metal parts so that they are hidden under the tree. Otherwise, the metal may severely burn your skin. Typically, self-tapping screws with plugs (wooden or plastic), corners “from the inside out,” oak or pegs made from the same wood are used for fastening.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Installing a stove in a bathhouse with an external firebox


  • Untreated, poorly dried, wood with knots or cracks cannot be used for shelves;
  • the material of the frame and the flooring must match;
  • the wall material at the attachment point must be processed no less carefully than the wood for the sun loungers;
  • The dimensions of the shelves in the steam room are selected individually, but with a focus on standards.

(Choose the one that suits you)

Here are more than 30 drawings (with dimensions) of shelves for a bathhouse, which you can make with your own hands

Typical mistakes when designing a canopy in a bathhouse - clearly illustrated by example

The author claims that he made this shelf in a week.

Material: crackers (this is a tree that has dried out or been uprooted under natural conditions). Aquatex 2 layers. The face is made of aspen, coated with ordinary bath oil using brushes.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a shelf for a bathhouse or sauna. Please note that the shelves are removable to allow cleaning under the benches.

Interesting!!!: In the comments to the video, a dispute arose that the author of the video sheathed the walls horizontally and that this was not correct, because This makes the water flow worse, according to the instigator of the dispute. However, he was immediately objected!!!

These are detailed and step-by-step 3D layouts on how to make two-tier benches in a steam bath.

The design of the frame and the features of nailing the boards are shown in detail here.

Here we will touch on how to make shelves in a small sauna on the balcony with your own hands, and at the same time consider the process of creating such a small steam room in an apartment. In general, reviews about saunas on balconies are mostly only positive; if you do everything correctly, then there should be no problems. The advantage of a bathhouse on the balcony is that

  • that the apartment will not be burdened with sauna ventilation aspects.
  • As for the cries about a fire, any purple household appliance (for example, an electric stove) can also start a fire in the kitchen. The same cable has the same probability of short circuit and fire. And on the balcony, if something suddenly happens, the author will even be able to pour it on more easily with a fire extinguisher.
  • This is a balcony. The apartment will be a little off to the side. In case of force majeure - extremely good.

Some advantages.


  • block off half the balcony with a wooden box,
  • block natural light,
  • leave the hood window in the direction of the glass (you’ll appreciate it in winter),
  • complete lack of ventilation on the balcony
  • A household extension cord was used as the power cable.

Here are collected layouts of bathhouses with 3 rooms: a steam room, a washing room and a relaxation room. Here you can see the approximate design of the shelves

(Click on photo to enlarge)

Surreal beauty

Here we created a floating shelf made of linden in a sauna steam room with our own hands. Please note that the lower supports are oblique, this is so that they will not be visible in the future, i.e. the effect of floating shelves is created. All walls are impregnated with special tikurill varnish for saunas, and the shelves are covered with shelf wax. He heated the steam room thoroughly and wiped off the remaining wax with a cloth. The author claims that the boards, of course, darkened a little, but after a day they brightened again

The steam room has a heated water floor and a heating radiator. When I decided to cover the shelves, I went into the steam room: with the oven completely turned off, the temperature in the steam room was about 40 degrees Celsius. I lit the stove and after 15 minutes it was already 60-70 degrees in the steam room!!!

Lighting at the bottom of the shelf is a 25W light bulb.

Notice the decor is made in the same dark white style as the shelves.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: DIY attic finishing options: the best ideas with photos

You can completely disassemble this shelf (down to the racks), take it out, paint it and reassemble it again. The author is of amazing skill. We advise you to watch his video at the link below the description, there are 5 parts and they are very long, but with detailed comments not only regarding the designs of the regiments, but also on carpentry in general.

If you want to make an inclined shelf in your steam room in the form of a couch, on which you can lean back and enjoy the steam, then here is a great option for you.

The photo shows the finished model from different angles and one photo of the frame design. Then everyone will guess for themselves what needs to be done.

Sliding shelf for a bath - video

Removable shelf in a bathhouse and sauna
A removable shelf is a separate shelf surface (sidewall or seat), which is not connected to the frame in any way and can be removed if necessary. The main reasons why owners resort to such a design are the features of the sauna room and layout, ease of cleaning and replacing equipment or lighting under the shelf. The grooves in the frame help fasten and fix the removable shelf, but the main load for holding the removable structure is provided by special fasteners. There are several types of fastenings for a removable shelf - read more - “Removable shelves in baths and saunas”

How to treat shelves in a steam room (sauna)

An important stage in creating a structure is its treatment with special protective agents. If you ignore this point, the wood will soon become unusable, become damp, and the mechanism will have to be reinstalled. Rot and mold are enemies number one, and it is better to prevent their occurrence than to waste energy on the fight in the future.

It is strictly forbidden to use traditional chemicals - varnish and drying oil - to treat the shelves in the bathhouse, because in such critical conditions these substances emit a sharp, unpleasant reserve, and contact with the skin of such vapors can provoke a severe allergic reaction.

You should purchase a special impregnation for the bath, which is based on natural oils that create a protective film. These products effectively counteract moisture and protect the surface of the shelf from premature “aging”. It is customary to treat only benches with such impregnation; for floors there are stronger mixtures that do not emit an unpleasant odor or harmful fumes.

Bath shelf care

The issue of hygiene and cleanliness in the bathhouse always remains relevant. And although the temperature in the steam room does its job, killing most bacteria and germs, you need to remember about dirt. Sweat also comes out of our body when taking bath procedures. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically wash it off the surface of the floor and the wooden structure of the shelf with ordinary warm water.

No newfangled detergents should be used to wash benches in the bathhouse. The most that can be useful for keeping the room clean is ordinary laundry soap. In case of severe contamination, you can always organize mechanical cleaning of the wood with an abrasive material.

The steam room has always been and will be the heart of the bathhouse. Climbing onto a warm shelf, you will forget about the hustle and bustle and fly away to the heights of pleasure. The shelves seem to have a very simple design. However, wood flooring is not so simple. Follow our tips and recommendations and you will know how to make bath shelves comfortable and reliable.

Accessories for a shelf in a bathhouse

After you have built the shelves in the bathhouse, you can install additional elements that increase the level of comfort. A headrest or pillow looks similar - like a footbox. “Pillows” can also be stationary in the form of a triangle attached to the bench or removable (headrests). The space between the levels of benches can be left open, but it is advisable to build backrests.

When a person is lying on a bench, he should raise his legs higher than his head, because this part of the body warms up slowly and additionally requires a temperature “load” to improve the outflow of blood. Stationary supports are beams placed on the wall, on which you should rest your feet. For convenience, they traditionally make a couple of steps. On a shelf in a bathhouse you can often see removable footrests - two wide boards that are connected to each other at an angle of 30-45 degrees. One side with the bench forms a right angle and acts as a support, while the other serves as a ribbed “slide” designed to position the legs.

All sorts of tubs, tubs and gangs will not be superfluous. You can, of course, get by with household plastic or metal containers, but wooden products create a special atmosphere and have a positive effect on the well-being and health of bath-goers. A variety of sauna ladles are also important - they are needed to supply water to the hot stones of the heater. Moreover, their handle must be long - otherwise the cloud of steam will cause a serious burn.

Mobiba folding shelves

Home Articles Mobiba folding shelves

Alexey Sychev, 07/19/2011

Let's talk about Mobib's folding furniture. When work began on the first Mobiba prototype in 2001, the question arose: What about the furniture? What to sit on and what to lie on in a mobile sauna?

And I won’t be lying if I say that this problem seemed to me almost more difficult than everything else put together. If I already had some ideas about the tent and stove, then what a folding bath shelf should be like was completely unclear to me. Someone will say: Just think! Invent a business shop!

But this is not just a shop! This is a folding bench, which should be quite compact and light in transport condition, and in working position have a height of at least 700 mm. from the earth. If it is lower, then the air temperature in the steam room is lower near the ground. And it would be desirable to put your legs somewhere else.

There are many different designs of aluminum tables that everyone has seen in travel stores. But these tables are shorter. After all, you also need such a length that a person can lie down on this bath bench to steam while lying down. But the most difficult thing is how to ensure, with a height of at least 700 mm and a length of almost two meters, such strength that the bench does not fall apart on the first day under the weight of its owners.

Imagine for yourself, if we give people a bench with a length of, say, 1900 mm, then rest assured that they will sit on it not just two, not three, but four or even five. If the length allows, then it is imperative that as many people enter it, as many will sit down. After all, people use Mobiboy during picnics with friends. It’s good if it’s five dystrophic people or five students on a diet. What if these are big MEN, like from a beer commercial? Khan then this shop!

Again, let's not prevaricate and let's not be hypocrites... It's a matter of everyday life, as they say. If there is a beach, there is a hot bath on the beach, there is a starry romantic night with a moonlit path on the water, there is a beloved friend, then you yourself understand what situation can happen... In technology, in sapromat, this is called cyclic, dynamic loads. I myself would be glad, as a designer, to turn a blind eye to this, they say, this doesn’t happen... But if people buy a mobile bathhouse from me and at the most interesting moment of their relationship, dig through this bench, because it will fall apart under them... What will they tell me then? ? What words will they say to me?

So my brain was racing. I drew hundreds of sketches, picked up textbooks on strength of materials, and remembered problems from the institute about sealing and torques. However, I did not have time to invent the perfect bath shelf in time for the first exhibition in February 2002. There was very little time, and the task was extremely difficult. And then, in a panic, I invented a rather bulky mega-shelf weighing more than 100 kg, consisting of two independent halves, which were assembled separately, then pulled together to form a long bench. It was a heavy structure made of steel pipes, but durable.

At that time, we worked together with Konstantin Bessonov, who invented the Termofor brand and is now the owner of the sauna stove factory of the same name. Konstantin, like me, is a former aircraft builder. And he always very simply checked all the bath shops that I invented. He climbed onto them with his feet and began to dance the hopaka. And since he is not a small man and, frankly speaking, not puny, the bench had to be really strong to support him. Frankly speaking, he always took risks, because not all of my inventions passed this rigorous test. One day he dug up one of the prototypes with such a loud noise that the building shook! The stretch marks could not withstand the force and burst. I had to keep inventing.

But that first shelf made of steel pipes was heavy, but extremely strong. With the first mobile bathhouse and this regiment, I went on the “Winter Tale” train to Mountain Shoria for a presentation. And when the bathhouse stayed overnight, tourists repeatedly tested it with cyclical loads. I came in the morning and saw that the bench had been pressed into the snow, but nothing was broken, it held up! The photo shows not exactly this historical shelf, but another similar one made a little later. But the photo gives an idea of ​​what a monumental structure it was.

Then there were many years and dozens of different versions of other folding shelves. Every year I made this design lighter. But it was still not possible to make it quick-assembly.

Here is a rather interesting version of the 2003 model. These are already aluminum profiles. Quite durable, but installation on wing nuts took some time and they always tended to get lost.

Then for several months I used a short, non-collapsible wooden bench for the MB-5. There was no worthy technical solution for a bath shelf yet, but I already wanted to use Mobiba.

Finally, in 2008, I came across an idea for a massage table design. And we made something similar from wood. But it was not a high enough bath shelf and not durable enough. In addition, I wanted to reduce the number of parts in it.

The first intermediate samples of a square pipe with a central support appeared.

But this was not entirely satisfactory either. I wanted the same strength, but even lighter and more convenient.

And in 2009, a power frame design was finally invented, which, in my opinion, best meets our needs, and is still being produced to this day.

This design has already undergone four upgrades. Today we can say that it has already been developed quite well and we are not ashamed to offer it for sale. A lot of work was done with contractors to bring the assembly and painting to a high quality. Now the best plywood for the shelves is taken and impregnated with a special Finnish impregnation for saunas. Our shelves are manufactured carefully and responsibly. That's why they are not cheap. But, although expensive, it’s nice. And such a shop will serve faithfully for many years.

Is it durable? Well, here’s a photo for you as an example.

This is a standard steam room MB-103 and it contains our folding shelf PS-350. In the photo there are five adults and two children in the steam room. Five people are sitting on the bench. Two of them are children. But even if these were also adults, she would not have broken. You can believe that in two years and thousands of regiments produced, not one has yet broken down. There have been no such precedents yet. And you can be sure that they are mercilessly loaded. When there is a big sauna picnic, four men can sit on such a bench, and four women can sit on their laps and it can stand it. And according to rough calculations, this is a load of 700 kilograms of live weight!!! Do you know of any travel table that can withstand 700 kg of load? And these seven centners will not sit quietly on it, they will crawl, push, kick, and sway.

That's why it was so difficult to create this design. Therefore, it requires careful manufacturing. That's why it's quite expensive. Because everything there is done in an aviation-like manner, reliably, although it looks delicate. We tighten the production screws on quality so much that it simply cannot be cheap. But you don’t want the bench underneath you to crumble inside the steam room, do you? The stove is hot there, and you can get injured if you fall. This is not a joke. If you want to have a “toy” that can be easily carried by one person like a suitcase, and then a crowd of guests will sit on it and he will endure it – then buy our branded shelves.

Here I must inform you that this bath shelf was previously called PS-350. The number 350 meant the permitted load in kilograms. Previously, we deliberately lowered it by half the maximum safe load. We played it safe. Now this shop has a new name PS-700. And the number seven hundred now no longer means the load, but the height of the working surface from the ground. This decision is due to the fact that we have introduced a new product into the product line. Folding shelf height 350 mm. That is, PS-350. Please love and favor!

This new product, like everything that Mobiboy invents, is multifunctional. Firstly, this is the first level of the bathhouse shelf (shelf). Not to be confused with the word "canopy", which means "curtain".

The second level is where people sit, and the first level is where they place their feet. So, PS-350 is the one where you put your feet, where you stand with your feet. It is as durable as PS-700. And you can stand on it, walk on it, it won’t break. At the same time, its geometric dimensions are adjusted so that it seems to be inserted under a high bath shelf, and it gets jammed there. To create a single, stable structure that will not tip over if you stand on it or walk on it with your feet. This is important and we have taken this into account.

If you noticed, then every little detail is carefully thought out. Because we do not steal other people's inventions, as intellectually weak organizations often do, we independently invent unique things. Unique technical solutions not only for Russia, but also for the whole world. Search the Internet, you will not find anything like our shops. We set the technical fashion in this direction. Let Russians be considered stupid abroad, drunkards, whatever. We are not like that and we will prove it!

Sometimes, when I am abroad, in a private conversation they sometimes begin to “sympathize” with me and say: “Well, yes, in Russia people all drink vodka and are lazy.” To which I reply: “Look at me, I don’t drink vodka and I’m not lazy. My employees also don’t drink vodka and work just as hard as you. Who told you that we all got drunk there and forgot how to work? If we in Russia are stupid and lazy, why are we the first in the world to launch a man into space?” They have nothing to answer to this!

But let's continue the conversation about our new PS-350. Like the PS-700 product, it can be used not only inside the steam room, but also outside as a bench on which to sit at the table. In this case, the PS-700 is covered with a tablecloth, and you get a large, extremely durable, stable table that does not tip over in the wind or from a careless touch, like ordinary aluminum tables. When we have such a table at our disposal, we eat only on it. We use regular tables only for auxiliary purposes. Look what our usual picnic now looks like when the PS-700 and PS-350 are used simultaneously. It is very comfortable!

If funds allow, you can purchase one PS-700 and two PS-350. Then you can put two benches on both sides of the table and thus seat 8 people at once. And two more will sit on folding chairs at the ends. Also look at how a sauna stove is used in the “kitchen” version. Potatoes, soup and tea are boiled on it. The stove is placed at a distance, and the pipe is secured with guy wires so that it does not sway from gusts of wind.

We arrived at the beach, fresh air - everyone was hungry. Next, the following scenario occurs: The men take things, camp furniture, and dishes out of the trunk. They install a cooking stove and go to set up a tent. At this time, the women begin to prepare dinner. This takes a little time because the water on the Mediana stove boils quite quickly. We ate, but by this time the stove had already burned out. If it is still hot, you can pour water over it, take it by the arms and carry it into the steam room. Place stones on it and now it begins to work like a sauna stove.

While the steam room is warming up, you can still sit on the shelves and drink tea. Then they are folded in two movements and brought into the steam room. First we install the PS-700, and slide the PS-350 under it. By that time, the stones on the stove have warmed up, the air in the steam room is hot - you can begin to operate the sauna complex in the “sauna” mode.

But, as we often say, that’s not all! PS-350 is not just the first level of a bath shelf, it is not just a bench for sitting at a table during a picnic, it is also an expedition bed! You heard right! We always try to invent multifunctional products. Although they are not cheap, they are so useful in different situations that you don’t mind paying for them. Because they will pay for themselves a hundred times over.

Those who are familiar with camping life first-hand, who have had to sleep in tents, know that the issue of a bed in the field is a responsible thing. As you rest at night, you will work later during the day. And if you catch a cold, you will be good for nothing.

In our opinion, the issue with expedition beds has not yet been adequately resolved by anyone. Maybe we are the first who were able to invent something really smart in this direction?

There are any number of air beds, there are all sorts of folding beds of hundreds of different modifications. But they all have major flaws. For example, an inflatable bed - it swings like jelly. One of them tosses and turns at night, everyone else nearby is rocking on the waves. So they don’t let each other rest in peace. And regular folding beds have a soft fabric top. They cannot be placed side by side and get the maximum sleeping surface. After all, their surface is pressed through, as if on a stretcher, forming a depression.

And now I will enlighten you a little about how the sleeping area in a tent for one person is calculated. It is generally accepted that in a tent without heating for one person you need to have a sleeping area measuring 1900 x 600 mm. Width 600 mm. here it is assumed that people in a cold tent will be forced to sleep in sleeping bags. They will need more width at the shoulders. And in heated tents this width is taken to be 500 mm, because thanks to the stove it is warm in the tent, and people can sleep in ordinary clothes.

Folding beds are approximately 600 mm wide. If you put them next to each other, then this will not increase the sleeping area. Because they do not form a smooth surface. But everyone knows that if you sleep, say, on the ground, on blankets, then in an ordinary double tent with a width of 1200 mm. in fact, three people can easily settle down. And when we were students, four of us slept at this width, if two boys and two girls. You just need to cuddle well or sleep on your side.

For example, when we were drafted into the Soviet Army as students, at the assembly point no one allocated a width of 500 mm for conscripts on common bunks. for a comfortable sleep. Everyone there slept on their side and turned over on command. Our Soviet government “loved” us very much and created Spartan living conditions for us during our service. It was there in the Army that I got to experience what it was like to sleep in a soldier’s tent in October without heating in Siberia. But even there they understood that they couldn’t sleep on the ground. Because everyone will quickly end up in the medical battalion.

You can sleep on the ground during a camping trip in the summer. You can sleep on the ground in winter in sleeping bags. But this is not very long. And if you serve and work for weeks, months, you cannot sleep on the ground. The reason is that even if it is good to lay a bedding underneath, which will prevent the soil from quickly drawing heat out of a person, the bottom air is still always colder. A layer of cold air always hangs above the ground. And in a tent, its height should be conventionally taken as 300-400 mm. Place the beds below the height of 300 mm. not recommended because the body will give up its heat to this cold layer of air. Therefore, soldier's beds have a height of more than 350 mm. and folding beds are designed with the same height. That’s why our product PS-350 has the same height of the bed from the ground.

To get a comfortable sleeping place for several people, you need to have several PS-350 regiments. For example, you can take three pieces, place two longitudinally and one transversely. Then you can get a double bed. But it is much more profitable to purchase four PS-350 pieces. Then, from them, you can create a plane on which four people can sleep in cramped conditions, but not in any way.

This will give you a rigid overall surface that won't sway at night like an air bed and will be located high enough above the ground to keep people warm above the layer of cold bottom air. Even if the soil is uneven, by pressing the legs into it up to the crossbar, all four beds can be assembled into a single surface. If you throw a couple of blankets on top, you couldn’t think of a better place to sleep! But when assembled, these four beds take up a modest space in the trunk of a car. For example, I personally now always carry at least two folding shelves with me in the trunk of my car during outings. In addition to the mobile bathhouse itself, things, firewood and food.

But that's not all! If you have not four, but eight PS-350 units, then we calculated that you can sleep up to 10 people for the night! Here is an example of the arrangement of eight PS-350 units inside the MB-44. At the same time, there is still room to place the oven. That is, with the help of our tent and our folding shelves, we can provide a warm overnight stay for ten people at once.

In this case, various things and luggage can be located under the sleeping surface. Comfortable? Super convenient!

This is the news we have for you! Now the issue with bedding on expeditions has been resolved reliably and effectively! The era of awkward, uncomfortable sleep in the field is behind us!

Sincerely, Alexey Alexandrovich Sychev, 07/19/2011

Material selection

When arranging a bathhouse with floors, you need to exclude metal, plastic and glass from the list of possible materials. Shelves made of these materials will not withstand the special microclimatic conditions of the bathhouse, and will quickly become unusable. The only right choice is natural wood. However, there are also some requirements for it:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to the negative effects of moisture and high temperature;
  • wear resistance;
  • uniform and dense wood structure;
  • absence of resins and pungent aroma.

Due to the presence of the latter requirement, some tree species are excluded immediately. We are talking about coniferous wood and cedar. They cannot be used for shelves in a bathhouse.

Linden shelf for a bath

Linden wood is considered one of the most optimal materials for arranging sunbeds in a bathhouse. This is explained by a number of advantages:

  • wood processing is not difficult;
  • the linden tree is almost completely free of knots;
  • wood heats up slowly;
  • in humid conditions, linden practically does not absorb water and dries quickly;
  • When heated for a long time, it emits a light, pleasant aroma.

In addition, the healing properties of linden have long been known. The resins contained in its wood have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

The only nuance that needs to be taken into account when choosing linden as the main material for shelves in a bathhouse is that in conditions of high humidity and temperature, the wood can darken quite quickly.

Aspen shelves in the bathhouse

Aspen wood is considered one of the most budget-friendly options for finishing a steam room and creating shelves in a bathhouse. It perfectly withstands the rather difficult conditions typical of a steam room. Aspen shelves do not absorb water and are not subject to rapid heating.

In addition, aspen has gained popularity due to its low number of knots and cracks. This allows you to design fairly complex and massive structures.

When heated, aspen releases a light, pleasant aroma. The resins contained in wood have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Thanks to the special chemical components contained in the resin, after visiting the steam room a person will experience an emotional uplift, a pleasant state of health and a good mood.

The only disadvantage that aspen has is the possibility of the tree rotting from the inside. Visually the wood will appear flawless, but inside it may be damaged. This is why experts recommend cutting several boards when purchasing aspen to check the quality.

Alder and black alder

Lately, alder has become popular. This tree species has gained recognition due to its unique qualities:

  • ability to withstand significant mechanical loads;
  • the special structure of wood, due to which it does not absorb water, is characterized by an excellent level of wear resistance;
  • low level of thermal conductivity, due to which the wood heats up very little;
  • absence of deformations and cracks for a long period of time, even after several years the external attractiveness of the wood will remain at the same level.

If the project involves arranging shelves in dark colors, then you can use black alder. This is a special type of wood that has a darker texture, gives a pleasant aroma when heated and is practically not susceptible to rotting.

Due to the fact that the thermal conductivity of alder is minimal, using this material for shelves in a steam room would be the most ideal option. There are no knots in the wood, so lying on an alder bench will be pleasant and safe, as it will not heat up.

Larch shelves in a bathhouse

Larch is traditionally considered the best option for arranging shelves in a bathhouse. However, it is found only in large buildings, as it is characterized by a fairly high cost.

Wood of this species is popular due to its minimal level of tangential swelling. The value of this parameter does not exceed 0.3%, which in comparison with other types of wood is considered an excellent indicator.

In addition, the wood is resistant to decay and practically does not absorb water. Larch is characterized by one feature: when completely immersed in water for a long period of time, the wood only becomes stronger. Due to this, larch is often compared to oak.

Beautiful floating shelves in a linden bathhouse photo

Although the main quality of a steam room is its effectiveness and convenience, appearance also matters. That's why:

  • All elements are finished taking into account not only safety and comfort, but also aesthetics. High-quality surface coatings, including oil-wax, can reveal the texture of wood and emphasize the laconicism of thoughtful forms;
  • the use of one or more harmonizing types of wood for decoration increases the attractiveness of the interior. When choosing materials, it is important to consider the correspondence of the color scheme of furniture, walls (ceiling, floor) and stove;
  • Correctly selected lighting (hidden or semi-hidden lamps of a suitable style) and a rational choice of accessories will help make the procedures more enjoyable.

(click on the picture to enlarge)

Some advantages.

Tags: bath, folding, loop, shelf

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The correct dimensions of the bath shelf

Three-level shelves - the most common option in Russia

Such options are not suitable in a Russian bath - they disturb the steamer. It is advisable to make shelves on one level. To make places comfortable for sitting and lying, you should focus on the following proportions:

Shelf height in a Russian bath

The height of the shelf should correspond to the height of the soaring person. To prevent the steamer from having to bend down or, on the contrary, work with his hands at an uncomfortable height, the shelf should be located at the level of the thumb bone of the lowered hand. On average, the height is 70-80 cm.

It is advisable to leave a distance of at least 110 cm between the shelf and the ceiling of the steam room; in this case, you can not only lie on the shelf, but also sit comfortably.

Lenght and width

The shelf should be comfortable for lying on, so the length is at least 220 cm, so as not to rest your head against the wall and prevent your legs from dangling. Width – about 90 cm.

Shelves and benches in the steam room are placed along walls without windows, spanning the entire width of the wall. The number of shelves depends on the size of the steam room. If space allows, the width of the main shelf can be made for two - these will already be chambers.

If space is limited, the “compartment” option is used - the bench and shelves are adjacent to one wall, the shelf folds back and is fixed for the convenience of sitting on the bench. If necessary, the shelves return to their original position. Another option: the lower bench is retractable, and the shelves are attached permanently.

Layout of users in the steam room


I - heater; 2 - fire insulation; 3 - fence; 4 - support bar; 5 — shelves; 6 — bench; 7 - ventilation; 8 — dowels; 9 - cranial block; 10 - back; II - support post.

Before choosing a method for making curtains in a bathhouse (a shelf in a bathhouse), you should understand the main options for its use, user preferences and the possibilities of placing sunbeds in a limited space.

Traditionally, in a Russian bathhouse, users lie down, but the size of the loungers is chosen taking into account the ability to sit. A useful option is one with stops that allow you to raise your legs: this makes it easier to perceive the heat and humidity of the steam room. If bathhouse visitors prefer to sit and do not use brooms for skin cleansing and massage, the size of the shelves can be reduced in length and two or three tiers can be arranged in the room.

It is also important to consider the air movement pattern in the room. Usually it corresponds to that shown in the illustration, but depending on the layout of the bath there may be differences.

The distribution of temperatures and the position of places for lying and sitting are interconnected: a sitting person is more susceptible to overheating of the head, a lying person experiences uniform heating.

The layout of the room is related both to the location of the stove and door (these areas are not used), and to the planned number of visitors. Typically, small steam rooms are equipped with one or two shelves, located side by side (letter G) or in two tiers. Large rooms are equipped with two or three-tier places for users, which occupy 2/3…3/4 of the perimeter of the room.

To save space in small areas, use a “P” arrangement of tiers at different levels, as shown in the illustration. At the same time, each place allows you to sit and lie, although the convenience of this layout is limited.

Common shelf shapes

When making shelves for baths, take into account several shapes that can be given to them:

  1. Stepped shelves. They are placed along one wall using the principle of steps. Massive benches with several tiers are being constructed. Those occupying the upper shelves feel a higher temperature. The heat in the steam room is always concentrated in the upper part.
  2. Varieties of corner shelves. The advantage is its compact size. A large spatial volume is not taken up. Installing corner structures is an ideal solution for small baths. The shelves are arranged in such a way that the upper and lower parts are adjacent to one partition. The intermediate part is attached to the adjacent wall.
  3. Designs of prefabricated models. They are convenient for small steam rooms. Most often, the installation of removable shelves occurs at the bottom and top of the structure. When the shelves are dismantled, warm air accelerates. In turn, this allows all wooden elements in the steam room to dry much faster.
  4. Shape of folding shelves. The second name they have is compartment shelves. The design of the compartment shelves in a railway carriage is similar. The design works simply. The upper shelf can, if necessary, be raised and installed vertically to the wall surface. This functionality is beneficial. The design of the folding shelves allows you to save space in the room.

It is necessary to competently equip the resulting structure, equipping it with all the necessary components.

Pull-out shelf

Retractable shelves in a bathhouse are a type of folding ones. Also a way to save space. Another advantage of these folding structures is noticeable when the bathhouse is frequently used by an uneven number of people.

At any time, all unused shelves can be pushed back and protected from unnecessary moisture. This way they retain their fresh appearance of natural wood longer.

A retractable shelf does not require such specific fittings as a folding one. It's much easier to do. If we take into account that the shelves in modern baths are arranged in steps in height, then there will always be a place for a sliding panel.

The good thing about collapsible shelves in a bathhouse is that they can be easily replaced with new ones. This option is implemented when the steam room should look fresh and presentable. Convenient pull-out shelves meet these criteria fully. With frequent use, you can make several spare canopies in advance - in reserve.

Care Tips

The first and most important rule that should be strictly followed is the mandatory drying and ventilation of the room after each session in the steam room. This will help protect wooden furniture from the harmful effects of excess humidity. By the way, a sauna stove will help dry the room if you leave it running for some time after completing the water procedures.

When ventilating the room, it is worth opening all doors and windows, while covering all water containers and tanks with lids.

A bathhouse is a room in which, like a bathroom, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness and carefully monitor internal hygiene. Of course, high temperatures protect the steam room from the appearance of all kinds of microbes and bacteria in it, but they are not able to protect the room from the appearance of dirt. Regular cleaning cannot be avoided. It will be necessary to wash away any remaining dirt remaining on the shelves after the procedures, as well as traces of condensation.

After completing the bath procedures, it will not be superfluous to wipe the surfaces with a dry towel, even if there is a backlight. This will not remove the moisture that has already been absorbed into the wood, but it will make it much easier for the outer surface of the shelves to dry, which means it will speed up the drying inside the wood.

At the same time, taking into account the specifics of the bath room, i.e. its mostly wooden design, chemical cleaning agents cannot be used in the steam room. The best option is simple laundry soap. It would be useful to use soft brushes. If there is heavy dirt on the wood that is not easy to remove, you can use sandpaper.

How to make shelves for a bathhouse with your own hands, see the following video.


The decorative side of the shelves is no less important. Benches made from wood of different shades (dark and light) look interesting.

The choice of lighting color is individual. Red makes the steam room visually even hotter, green – relaxes, blue – gives calmness.

It is allowed to install spotlights on the ceiling directly above the shelves. This will make the room seem larger.

You can approach the decoration of corner seats creatively by designing a carved or wavy backrest.

There are benches that resemble the shape of a chaise lounge or where the upper tier very smoothly transitions into the lower.

Seats with separate backs and corner carved fasteners for hanging towels look good.

If the room allows, then a separate stand for slippers and shelves for soap products are equipped.

By playing with the shape, design of the benches, and their placement, the steam room can be decorated in both antique, high-tech or modern style.

Methods for arranging regiments

There are many schemes for arranging regiments. Your choice should be based on the size of the steam room, the presence of windows and other features of the room. Before making shelves in the bathhouse, it is recommended to study various drawings and diagrams of arranging interior items in the steam room, and then choose the most suitable one from all the options. As a rule, the shelves are located:

  1. As a single linear structure along one of the walls in one or several tiers.
  2. An L-shaped design along the adjacent walls of the steam room will help make the most efficient use of the usable area. There are a great many options for how to make corner shelves in a bathhouse, among which you can find the right one.
  3. Several separate shelves on each wall. Often, low and high linear benches are installed along a long wall, and shelves at medium height are mounted along the adjacent wall.

Options for the arrangement of shelves in the steam room

This way you can see the mistakes made in time and eliminate them at the planning stage. In addition, accurate measurements and calculations will be needed to purchase the necessary materials.

How to arrange shelves

To build a shelf in a bathhouse with your own hands, you will need drawings, and you should also make all the necessary calculations. A small plan of the room is drawn, dimensions are indicated, equipment installation locations, the location of windows and doors are noted.

It is very important to remember that you cannot place shelves near walls with glazed windows. Under the influence of hot steam, glass may burst and fragments may fall on people.

Therefore, in steam rooms with windows there are not many options for arranging shelves in the bathhouse. They can only be placed along walls where there are no windows or glazed ventilation vents.

There are several shelf layouts:

  • Along one wall in 1-3 rows, placing shelves on top of each other.
  • Design in the form of the letter G with various options for the number of degrees. For example, 2-3 along each wall, the top and bottom shelves along the long wall, and the middle one along the adjacent short one.
  • Two parallel structures located along opposite walls, similar to a compartment in a train carriage. Structures can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Correct design

And how many people who install a bathhouse in their yard think that the correct design of the shelves is associated primarily with the characteristics of steaming, as well as the moisture and temperature regime characteristic of a particular national bathhouse tradition?

We dare to assure you that everything is exactly like this, so let’s distinguish between the structure of shelves in a bathhouse and a sauna.

For Finnish sauna

Finns steam while sitting . What happens in a dry air bath? Oxygen-saturated cold air is fed down to a red-hot metal stove, where it almost instantly heats up and rises. The ventilation device in the sauna is such that air exchange occurs quite quickly - the entire volume changes up to 5 times per hour! In this case, the hottest air, as it should be, is at the top .

Shelves in the bath: a design typical for a sauna

Steaming in such a sauna occurs without the participation of steam. Humidity usually does not exceed 5-15%, but the temperature is around 90 degrees. In such an atmosphere, you can only sweat - the body tries to cope with overheating by secreting sweat, which cools it. Of course, it is better to sweat while sitting.

This is actually why the Finns make rather narrow shelves - their width does not exceed 50-60 cm, which is convenient for a person to sit on, and the shelves in the bathhouse most often have a three-tier design, so that lovers of high temperatures can climb higher, where it is highest.

For Russian steam room

In Russian doubles the principles are completely different. The temperature is lower, and there is much more steam (at 45-60 degrees, humidity is 50-60%). It is due to special, superheated steam , the structure of which is different from what you see above a boiling kettle, that soaring occurs.

Superheated steam from the stones rises to the ceiling, forming a so-called “steam cake”. From there it is scooped up with a broom and lowered onto the body. It is best when the person being steamed lies on a shelf, and another person hovers him .

So, the Russian shelves in the bathhouse are designed in such a way that the person steaming can lie on them, and the one who is steaming does not experience any discomfort.

Therefore, as for Russian shelves in a bathhouse, their correct design involves one or two levels (but not three!), greater width, height, taking into account the convenience of the steamer.

For example, in a video by the Kuban Bath Association, Konstantin Bely says that the height of the shelf should be 10 centimeters higher than the level of the stove. Here is the video:

Another source suggests calculating the height according to the level at which the knuckles of the soaring fist are located - we count from the floor or the first tier on which the soaring person will stand, to the knuckles of the freely lowered hand.

Of course, it is better to start from the height of a particular person. And if you need to focus on several people, then take the arithmetic average (the sum of all measured heights divided by the number of people).

One way or another, this value is somewhere in the region of 70-90 cm. As mentioned above, it is quite acceptable if the Russian steam room has a single-tier shelf . It usually comes with footstools.

Design elements of bath shelves

The bath shelf has another name - a bench. The benches come in different heights and are arranged according to a certain pattern.

They consist of two main elements:

  1. The frame, which is the base to which the flooring boards are attached. The flooring can be fixed or dismountable. The most common is a frame made of support posts that resemble bench legs, connected by wooden crosspieces. There is also another option, when the frame is made as a stair stringer, to which the steps of the shelves are attached. Sometimes the frame is built in the likeness of the frames in a sauna. In this case, there are no supports, and the frame looks like a railway shelf fixed to the walls of the steam room.
  2. Flooring made of well-polished linden or aspen planks. There should be a small distance of 1-2 cm between the planks. The flooring is either fixed to the frame or consists of separate elements. Loose flooring can be taken outside to dry. It can also be used as a seat, a couch or a podium for the bath attendant. In the same way as the flooring, the backs and sides of the shelves, headrests, and devices allowing you to lie down so that your legs are located at head level or higher are made. You can make a headrest for a bathhouse with your own hands, drawings are available.

As a rule, a steam room is small in size, since it is easier, faster and more economical to heat a small room to the desired temperature, so the shelves have a simple rectangular shape (read: “What are the optimal sizes of a steam room”). Usually the shelves in a steam room look like a staircase with 2-3 degrees. Such steps can be similar to chaise lounges or corner sofas with a rounded shape. However, something like this can only be done in a large steam room.

Regiment options

In addition to the above variations in height and number of tiers, you can also vary the location of the shelves relative to the walls. Parallel and angular placement is possible, as well as several options for attaching the decking, which make it removable, folding or retractable. Let's consider everything listed sequentially.


A frequently implemented design. at least one sitting and one lying place perpendicularly

When you watch videos that talk about installing the frame of a corner shelf in a bathhouse, pay attention to how the joint is created in each specific case.

Useful video

The options may be different, but we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the flooring can be made either cut at 45 degrees , which gives a beautiful angular combination of boards, but is quite demanding in terms of accuracy. Or you can not bother and do it simply - bring the slats of one seat to the wall, and bring the perpendicular ones to the intersection. It will look as if you placed one bench next to another.

However, today's masters do everything they can. Both for the flooring and for the parts covering the height of the shelf, they have prepared relatively complex patterns that play off, say, the different colors of wood. If you wish, you can try something similar.

Shelves in the bath: corner option


One way to free up space, make it easier to clean the floor after procedures, and speed up the drying of shelves is to make folding . In this case, they will inevitably be attached to metal hinges.

We can offer you a couple of our own options for how you could implement a folding shelf in a bathhouse. Look at the picture - you see that the legs can also be secured with loops, you just need to cover the edge with a protrusion. Such a shelf rises up and is fixed to the wall in one way or another, for example, with a latch or hook somewhere on the edge.

In addition, we recommend watching the video we filmed, from which you can borrow a slightly different design of folding shelves.


“Retractable” can be understood in different ways. A bench that can be pulled out and pushed under the top shelf can also be considered one. Moreover, we would say that this is even the most acceptable option. (See diagrams above)

The fact is that it is still not worth using any materials other than wood in the steam room. And if the idea came to your mind to make guides, for example, in the form of a conventional “ tenon-groove ” connection with free sliding, then abandon it immediately

The fact is that the tree in the steam room will not have the same dimensions all the time. It either swells from moisture or shrinks back. Therefore, wooden guides are not a solution. Although... linden changes its dimensions to a minimum when wet. But she has another drawback - she is too soft a breed.

The solution could be a furniture rail . Finding it and adapting it to extend the shelf is not an easy task. If only because you need a stainless and at the same time durable metal. You are still going to sit on this shelf, right?

Of course, there are rails for safes, and they may be suitable for your task. But think for a second: maybe it’s not worth building a garden when the simplest option won’t require any searching or engineering effort. Is it enough to just make a bench, a bench that would fit under the top shelf, and then just pull it out and push it in as desired?


The shelves in the bathhouse folded only if the bathhouse itself is mobile. And yes, it is quite possible to buy such a structure in any online store that sells goods for mobile baths. There are both one- and two-level models.

Is it possible to install something similar in a stationary bathhouse? But anything can happen. For example, someone puts a mobile bathhouse on the site for a while until they install a normal one. So it kind of turns into a stationary one for him.

On the other hand, there is no reason to buy folding shelves for a regular bathhouse - they will cost more than ordinary ones made from scrap lumber.

However, it is possible that someone will call folding shelves something from what we just described above - a folding or pull-out variety. In this case, everything has already been said, all that remains is to apply it.


But this variety is common , many bathhouse attendants love it. Because removable shelves in the bathhouse provide both normal drying (and therefore the durability of the shelves) and still free up space for cleaning. In general, a practical thing.

To ensure that the removable decking does not move, grooves or protrusions are usually made in the frame and fastening of the decking that secure the decking. Let's take the following diagram as an example:

Without stands / without legs

Well, here some people call it what they call it - “without racks”, “without legs” - but the meaning is the same. is supposed to be mounted on a triangular bracket , which in this case is best made from wood.

Another article on our website already talked about how to make a bench in a similar way. The technology for making a shelf in a bathhouse without racks is no different from making a bench. You may need to slightly adjust the drawings to fit your dimensions. We provide drawings here, and if you need instructions, take a look at this page.

Sketches of brackets for a shelf “without legs”

Concluding the review, let’s turn to readers who have experience in choosing or making shelves themselves - comment on which design you consider the most and least successful. Reasoned opinions are welcome!

What to make better from: choosing the material

What is better to make? It is clear that it is made from wood, to which, in fact, there is no alternative, but which species are most suitable? We have already written about this, so now it will be very brief.

Coniferous species should absolutely not be used in a sauna where the temperatures are high, in a Russian bath - if desired, and in mixed modes it is also not worth using at all.

Cheap aspen and linden are worthy competitors of expensive abash, because in addition to low thermal conductivity, it is not highly resistant to water, mushrooms, etc.

You can experiment with other hardwoods, taking into account their thermal conductivity (the higher the density, the higher the thermal conductivity - the easiest way to decide by eye), resistance to rotting and other characteristics. For example, oak is dense, but does not deteriorate in water. Like larch, which, by the way, does not emit resin.


It's time to get specific. So, what exactly does any shelf consist of? There are two main structural elements in it: the frame and the flooring.

Above it was said about the fundamental difference between the width of the shelves and the number of tiers for the Russian and Finnish steam baths, so we will give diagrams of the regiments in the bathhouse for each case. Since the difference is only in the frame, the flooring separately - it is the same for both types .

An important point about any frame: among experienced bathhouse attendants there is still debate about whether the frame can be attached directly to the wall or must it be free-standing?

The main argument of those who are in favor of a free-standing frame is that when mounted on a wall, the joint soon begins to rot.

However, we know of a compromise option in which the mounting on the wall is done with a gap - you install bushings, for example, ceramic ones, which are used for the same separation of thermal insulation slabs from the wall.

Frame in a Finnish sauna

The frame of the regiments in the Finnish bathhouse looks something like this:

As you can see, in this case it is proposed to start from the specific height of the ceiling in the steam room, because the countdown is carried out precisely from it. At the same time, it is precisely this height that suggests a very common mixed form - this is when both steam is generated and the temperature is high, as in a dry-air bath.

CAREFULLY! The combination of high temperature and humidity is difficult for the human cardiovascular system!

In general, the layout of shelves in a bathhouse can be easily distinguished precisely by their height and width . The height of the step, if it is intended for sitting, will be about 45 cm. And for the approach of the steamer, 70-90 cm are needed. Therefore, either one of the steps will be narrow/folding/portable, or this is a sauna option, not intended for one person was lying, and the other was floating.

Another characteristic feature of a sauna shelf in a bathhouse is that the frame is covered in height with clapboard. This is done because the Finns do not need to leave space for the soaring person to freely position his legs - his feet with their toes go slightly inside, under the shelves, while achieving the very correct vertical position of the soaring body.

BY THE WAY! It is a common belief that if you cover the height of the shelves with clapboard, this will significantly reduce the volume of the steam room that the stove heats (and accordingly, increase its power). There is truth in this, but only in the case of hermetically sealing the space under the shelves. And this is bad - how to ventilate? And if you ventilate, then there will be no “volume reduction”.

Scheme in a Russian bath


Here there is one interesting point: two-tier Russian shelves can look like three-tier ones ! This is due to the deceptive footstool that is placed near the high shelf. This bench can be mobile or stationary. But it’s still better to have a mobile one.

An ordinary two-tier shelf consists of an upper shelf, intended for hovering, and a lower one, on which the hovering person stands with his feet. At other times, the lower one can be used as a seat.

Below we present several more options for shelves in the bathhouse, showing their possible location (having one stationary shelf and two sliding ones, or all three sliding ones, we get the following options):


Let's talk briefly about flooring. Despite the fact that the most common option is a processed strip laid along or across the long side of the seat with a smoothed edge and a gap of 1 to 5 cm between the elements, you can find options without gaps at all or made from boards with irregular geometry (unedged sanded board or croaker).

A log shelf looks exotic, but how long will it take to dry?

ADVICE! Whatever guides you when choosing a flooring design, take into account the fact that you need to dry it after each procedure. And the gaps are made not for the sake of beauty, but for the sake of ventilation and speeding up the drying process.


A useful, although not obligatory, element for regiments. In general, the railings in the steam room are used in two cases: as a fence for the stove - so that visitors do not accidentally approach it at a dangerous distance and touch it. This applies to steam rooms with metal stoves without brick or stone lining.

The second use of railings is for rigging shelves. They create additional convenience for steamers when ascending and descending, and also make staying on the top shelf safer. And also, if they are placed parallel to the shelf, then while sitting on the shelf you can put your feet on them, this adds convenience and your feet receive more warm air and steam.

Such railings look something like this:

Choosing the type of wood for making benches and deck chairs

To determine suitable raw materials, consider the following:

  1. The use of softwood lumber is contraindicated. Otherwise, when heated, resin begins to release, which sticks to the body.
  2. The wood must be resistant to conditions of high humidity, constant temperature changes, and have high-quality antiseptic protection. Otherwise, the shelves will rot and quickly become deformed.
  3. There should be no chips, burrs or other defects on the surface.
  4. Low thermal conductivity of the material is necessary so that the benches do not heat up and this does not cause discomfort for vacationers.

Let's look at the properties of the most popular breeds that are suitable for shelving in a Russian bathhouse.


Very popular among residents of the private sector due to the availability of raw materials and low price.

Other benefits of aspen include:

  • resistant to moisture;
  • does not rot;
  • does not deform;
  • has healing properties;
  • cleans the air of bacteria and germs;
  • does not require maintenance.

It is generally accepted that products made from aspen restore strength, give vigor, and act as a neutralizer of negative energy.

From constant exposure to moisture, aspen can change its shade to grayish.

Thermal aspen

Thermal aspen is wood that has been treated with high temperatures (over 200 degrees) and steam.

Resulting in:

  1. The humidity of the raw materials has decreased.
  2. Essential oils evaporated from the structure, which means the material became more resistant to fire.
  3. Density has increased. Therefore, thermoaspen absorbs less moisture.

Thermal aspen does not swell, does not rot, and lasts a long time. This material is considered a reliable decorative option for finishing bath rooms. Thermal aspen shelves and furniture look very beautiful.

Disadvantages: fragility and high price.


It is characterized by increased resistance to moisture. Has a strong solid structure. It is chosen for the manufacture of furniture, decoration in saunas, open verandas and gazebos.

Alder (black alder)

Alder is the optimal raw material for making steam room benches yourself.

Its advantages:

  • high strength;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability;
  • wear resistance;
  • does not deform;
  • does not change color even after years;
  • perfectly tolerates temperature changes and constant humidity.

More expensive than linden. The structure is uniform.

To contrast the colors in the steam room, you can assemble racks of light and black alder.


Linden is often used to decorate steam rooms. It has a pleasant aroma that has a relaxing effect on a person.

Among the advantages of raw materials:

  • it is convenient to handle;
  • a light weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • smooth surface;
  • even over the years it does not lose its attractiveness;
  • tolerates temperature changes and humidity well.

For homemade shelves, it is recommended to take thoroughly dried linden, otherwise the structures will begin to darken.

Linden is more expensive than alder, but in terms of quality and properties these species are almost equal.


It is distinguished by soft and easy-to-work wood. Solid poplar has a light brown, sometimes white tone. Light in weight.

In terms of resistance to moisture and temperature changes, it is inferior to other breeds.

It is customary to make furniture and carved decorative elements from poplar.


The main advantage of maple is its strength. Products made from this raw material are difficult to break or damage, they do not crack.

Other advantages:

  • long service life;
  • ease of processing;
  • affordable price;
  • resistance to moisture, wear;
  • homogeneous structure.

Examples of maple with a beautiful texture are the “sugar” and “bird’s eye” types.

Abacha (abashi, abash)

Abash has gained wide popularity in recent years for finishing and making furniture for baths and saunas.

This is the name of African oak. It differs from other breeds in a lot of advantages:

  1. The raw material tolerates temperature changes well.
  2. Due to its strength, it can withstand heavy weight loads.
  3. Looks beautiful.
  4. Lasts a long time.
  5. Does not rot, does not crack.
  6. When heated, abash emits a pleasant odor, which has a positive effect on the human respiratory system.
  7. Wood without knots. It is easy to handle. The surface is smooth.
  8. Even over time it does not lose its original appearance.

In the absence of high-quality ventilation in the steam room, the abash begins to darken in places. This is expensive material.

But benches made from budget alder or linden will look no worse and last a long time.

Determination of location and design

How to properly make a canopy in a bathhouse is a set of timely decisions that will allow the work to be completed efficiently with a high degree of reliability. The first step to this is choosing the location of the benches. The criteria are operating conditions and recommended parameters. The first include:

  • installation along a solid free wall;
  • lack of windows and doors;
  • distance from the ventilation system, vents and oven with any protective fence.

How to make a bench for a bathhouse is a simple task, but to solve it you need to draw up a project plan (diagram, drawing or sketch). To do this, you will need to measure the bathhouse, mark in the figure the position of the stove with the heater, all technological openings and openings. Before you start sketching the shop structure, it is worth considering the recommendations of the craftsmen:

  • the width of the lying area is 40-60 cm, the length is the full height of a person, preferably with outstretched arms (180-220 cm);
  • the lower tier is 40-90 cm wide, 45 cm high from the floor, the next one is plus another 55-80 cm (110 cm is considered optimal from the base);
  • top shelf at a distance of 120-130 cm from the ceiling;
  • There is a gap of 5-10 mm between the boards.

An example of a cross-sectional diagram Source
The next step is the choice of a design solution. There are three standard versions:

  1. Steps. The key feature is the tiering. This can be 2-3 shelves, which are located within acceptable limits. The solution is optimal for a large steam room.
  2. L-shaped design. Here the bench can have one or two tiers. Installation is carried out along two open walls without windows, doors or ventilation opposite the stove. The height is selected individually within the range of recommended heights. The optimal solution for compact spaces.
  3. Coupe. The name of the design is given by the method of installing recumbent benches in a comfortable carriage. They are hung on opposite walls, 2 pieces each. The lower one can be fixed to the floor. To save space in a small steam room, the upper shelves are equipped with a folding mechanism.

It is worth considering 2 more points. If the tiers do not have backs (except for the top one), then under the benches it will be convenient to place bath accessories (basin, bathtub, tub). It is recommended to leave free space under the lower canopy to allow unhindered cleaning of the room and to effectively ventilate the steam room.

Practical execution of the canopy Source

Material selection

The concept of how to make a canopy in a bathhouse with your own hands includes the correct choice of materials. More often, owners decide in favor of samples identical to the internal lining of the walls and ceiling. As a rule, these are hardwoods:

BirchA traditional material for interior decoration of baths, but today it is in little demand. This is justified by its lower resistance to moisture and rotting than, for example, aspen. The disadvantage is also that tar is released. This leads to blackening of the wood, but has a positive effect on skin diseases (including infectious ones).
OakThis breed is distinguished by its high hardness and aesthetics, and tolerates changes in humidity and temperature well. But they use wood for the dressing room, since the material gets very hot. Another disadvantage is the high price.
LindenHas healing properties. Does not change color over time when exposed to steam. Has a homogeneous structure. Virtually no heat. The only downside is that it gets dark over time.
LarchUnder the influence of high humidity, the material gains strength. With proper care, the service life is several decades. At the same time, color and texture are preserved. The disadvantage is the high cost.
AspenAn inexpensive material that does not rot and has good resistance to changes in humidity. Has a positive effect on health. The main advantage is that it is not susceptible to fungal attack if pure wood is purchased.
AlderHas a dense structure. When heated, it releases a pleasant smell and beneficial esters.
PoplarA tree with a uniform structure. As it dries it becomes harder.

They are less susceptible to cracking when heated and do not release resin. The advantages also include the high density of wood and low thermal conductivity. The latter practically eliminates the occurrence of burns from direct contact.

An exception to the coniferous species is cedar. Here, due to the increase in temperature, the resin appears in small quantities. But phytoncides are released, which suppress the development and kill bacteria and fungus. It is useful for people with respiratory diseases to go to such a steam room.

Cedar boards for canopy Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the construction of baths

Item sizes and additional consumables

It is difficult to determine the moisture level and quality of wood on trading floors. Manufacturers carry out internal classification for this purpose. Thus, groups “A” or “Extra” include workpieces with low humidity without cracks, chips and knots. The best option is considered to be boards with a polished surface and corners. Regarding the cross section, the optimal width is 4 thicknesses (no more).

For the racks, timber with a cross section of 50*70 or 65*150 cm is used. Such a support will serve for a long time without cracking or squeaking.

To fasten individual elements, it is important to use only galvanized hardware. They will not be corroded for a long time by high humidity. During installation, the heads of nails and screws are recessed into the wood and covered with decorative plugs. The boardwalk is attached to the frame only with wooden dowels (tenons), which are inserted into pre-prepared holes.

What elements do the shelves consist of?

The main ones in this design are:

  1. Frame. Often this is a frame made of timber into which boards of permanent or collapsible flooring are fixed. The thickness and shape of the parts resemble the legs of a bench, which are connected to each other by transverse bridges. May have a stepped structure.
  2. Flooring. It consists of boards that are fixed in increments of 1–2 cm. They are laid on top of the frame. Performs the function of a couch, bench. It can be removable or stationary. In the first case, it is convenient to dry it before each use of the steam room. For convenience, it is equipped with a backrest and a stand under the headboard.

There are a number of requirements for shelving in a bathhouse:

  1. Low level of thermal conductivity. The material should not become very hot at a constantly high temperature. Therefore, the main raw material from which shelves are usually made is wood.
  2. Wooden racks are designed with rounded corners to avoid injuries during operation.
  3. The strength of the frame is very important so that the supports can withstand significant weight loads.
  4. The surface of the bench must be free of any elements made of iron or other metal. Because metal heats up very quickly and can cause serious burns.
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