Sauna stove - Tunguska: with and without a water tank above the heater - Review and Types and which one to choose and install + Video

If you need a good stove for a bath, you don’t have to look for it on foreign websites or in foreign companies, you can find it from domestic manufacturers.
The Tunguska stove products now have a good position on the market. There is also an improved “Showcase” stove, it has a wider door, thanks to which firewood can be stacked crosswise in the stove. The Tunguska sauna stove is often used in the Finnish sauna. Well-heated steam comes out from behind the stones. The convector casing is designed to cool the walls of the furnace itself and at the same time distributes steam throughout the room.

Most often the door is made of cast iron or steel.

Technical specifications

Tunguska stoves with a heater are designed for baths.
Separate models of heating systems for baths:

  • Tunguska classic. It has a light weight, not exceeding 50 kg. Its thermal power is quite enough to heat a steam room with a volume of 15 m3. If the last door is left ajar during operation, the Tunguska sauna stove will warm up the entire room in one hour.
  • Tunguska XXL. It is considered a more powerful model, designed for 20 m3. Its weight is 62 kg, thermal power is about 22 kW. In such a heating device, the volume of the heater is increased by 30%. The oven can operate at maximum power for a long time.

The dimensions of both installations are 41.5x79.5 cm. All products are made from alloyed heat-resistant steel (thickness exceeds 0.3 cm).

You can also purchase the XXL version with a larger screen of 43 cm - Tunguska Vitra.

Features of operation

An inverted pyramid allows you to heat a large number of stones. It heats up to a temperature of 500 C. To clean soot and soot from the stove itself, you can use a powder specially designed for this. You can also sprinkle it on hot coals. Before applying the powder, thoroughly clean the Tunguska from everything foreign.

The range of models is very wide. The classic model weighs up to 50 kg, but is not inferior in power to its analogues. The stove can heat a bathhouse in an hour, even with the door open. The stove weighs 62 kg, is more powerful and heats a room of more than 20 cubic meters.

Before using, make sure everything is in place. When you light the stove for the first time, leave the door open, fill a full tank of water, heat for an hour, but remember that the heater must be empty. After the fire goes out, pour the water out of the tank and ventilate the bathhouse. Wait until everything cools down well. Now you can lay the stones, wash them well first. There are special stones for the Tunguska stove; ordinary ones may not be suitable.

The main advantages are

  1. Long service life.

  2. Beautiful view.
  3. When using firewood, it does not harm nature.
  4. The furnace design provides soft steam.
  5. You can carry out the installation yourself.
  6. Convenient shape and small size allows you to place the stove anywhere.
  7. If the firebox is not located in a steam room, this will reduce the level of carbon monoxide.
  8. There is no need to purchase additional heat shields, since the oven already has a special coating.
  9. Good heat dissipation.
  10. You can use any materials for the firebox: from firewood to coal briquettes.
  11. Stable and reliable design.
  12. High level of security.

The main disadvantage is the pricing policy. The best materials used to make the stove cost accordingly, so be prepared to pay a pretty penny for the stove.

Safety regulations

The basic rules include:

  1. Do not place anything near the oven.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to dry things, even when the oven has almost cooled down.
  3. Do not store flammable substances nearby.
  4. Be sure to clean your chimney several times a month.

Design Features

The stove can be installed in 2 rooms - one will have a firebox, the other will have a heater. The
sauna unit can heat up quickly, heating the entire room to 100 C° in 40 minutes, which is an excellent indicator.

The effective operation of such a design is easily explained by the internal filling. The heater and chimney duct are made of heat-resistant steel, to which chromium (13%) is added. This significantly increased the strength of the entire structure.

The walls of the firebox are only 0.2 cm thick, so they heat up instantly. Due to the outer casing lining, a gap is formed between the parts of the unit. A certain volume of air is in a confined space, so it quickly warms up and leaves, and a cool flow takes its place.

Also, the purpose of the casing is to transmit infrared radiation emanating from the flame. At the same time, thermal efficiency increases even more rapidly.

The gas ducts are located in such a way that the combustion products ignite completely. An air channel is connected to the latter, which significantly intensifies the flame.

Installing a Tunguska stove in a bathhouse with your own hands

Before starting work, learn a few rules:

  1. The fittings for constipation should be ¾ in size.
  2. Place the water tank 0.3 m higher from the heat exchanger.
  3. Install the pipelines at an angle of 30 C, and remember that they should not sag.
  4. Place a faucet on the heat exchanger through which the remaining water can be drained. This is necessary so that freezing does not occur during the winter period and your stove does not deteriorate.
  5. Do not use flexible rubber or plastic hoses. They will simply melt.
  6. A distance of 125 cm is required between the door and the wall.
  7. Leave at least 120 cm between the ceiling and the stove.
  8. The chimney pipe should be located at a distance of 50 cm from the wall.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main positive aspects of the Tunguska stove are its long service life and attractive appearance. Additionally worth noting:

  • The environmental friendliness of the equipment eliminates environmental pollution when using firewood.
  • The soft steam emanating is excellent for a sauna.
  • The equipment does not require complex installation and is almost ready for use. All you need is a connection to the chimney.
  • The oven is equipped with a heat-insulating coating.
  • The compactness of the device allows it to be placed in any type of room.
  • Significant thermal output.
  • There is no restriction on a specific type of fuel.
  • Long service life.
  • Stable and reliable operation, maximum safety.

The main disadvantage is the high price of the Tunguska stove. This is explained by the fact that all components of the device are made from high-quality, expensive raw materials.

Criterias of choice

The Carbon model heats a room up to 18 square meters.
m When selecting a sauna stove with a heat exchanger, it is recommended to pay special attention to the following points:

  • Water tank volume. It is better to calculate the required capacity in advance (on average 10 liters per person).
  • Heating unit color. There are models of stoves in different colors in stores, which makes it possible to choose an option according to your taste preferences.
  • Product power. It is selected based on the building materials used in the construction of the building.

The thermal insulation of the building is important. For a building made of bricks, it will be necessary to increase the volume of thermal fluid by 1.2 m3 for 1 m2 of non-insulated surface.

Features of choice

When you want to purchase a stove, pay attention to:

  1. The capacity of the water tank is 10 liters per person on average, and about the same amount for brooms. If there are more of you, then the volume should be larger.
  2. What color stove do you need? Now there are many different options on sale, and you can even make a custom one.
  3. Since baths can be wooden, brick, etc., the power of the equipment should be different. Look at the insulation. For a brick bath, you need a more powerful stove.

User manual

To operate the stove, it is necessary to install a chimney and fence off wooden walls.
When using the Tunguska stove for a bath, you must follow the following rules:

  • On the eve of the first connection, check that the installation complies with fire safety requirements.
  • During initial startup, it is enough to warm up the equipment and remove industrial lubricants from the internal area. Therefore, the furnace is turned on at maximum power. When exposed to high temperatures, the oil coating burns and harmful gases are formed. You need to open the door to get rid of the presence of harmful substances in the room.
  • The first launch is done only to set up the furnace. Then the room is ventilated and the water is drained from the tank.
  • Stones are placed only after the equipment has cooled, so as not to get burned.
  • Water is added at a certain distance to avoid damage from hot steam.

It is prohibited to leave children unattended in a bathhouse, sauna or steam room.

Advantages of "Tunguska" for a bath

Among the many stove devices, the Tunguska bath stove stands apart. First of all, because of its great popularity among bathhouse lovers. There are several main reasons why the Tunguska stove, according to dealer reviews and unofficial ratings, is considered the best-selling stove in Russia:

  • The stove was created to burn wood at the highest temperature. Thanks to its compactness and high power density, the stove turned out to be very light and powerful;
  • The furnace design uses chromium-alloyed heat-resistant steel. Therefore, the furnace does not deform and does not burn out under extreme heat flows.

The high temperature of the firebox allows for maximum intensification of the combustion process, while the relatively small side surface of the Tunguska is capable of transmitting 3-4 times more heat into the air than cast iron or steel furnaces made of ferrous metal. Thanks to the specific design of the furnace, the niche with stones warms up twice as quickly as in conventional steel furnaces.

Important! The sauna stove is not afraid of using coal briquettes and even special fireplace fuel based on solid paraffins. At the same time, the probability of carbon monoxide or products of incomplete combustion being released and entering the bathhouse in the Tunguska design is reduced to the minimum possible.

Popular models of Tunguska stoves

The following sauna stoves are in great demand:

  • Tunguska 2011 Carbon. The firebox and heater are made of structural steel material (4 mm), heat-loaded areas are thickened to 6 mm. Due to technical improvements in the housing, maximum shielding of infrared radiation has been achieved.
  • Tunguska 2011 Inox. The firebox and heater are made of heat-resistant steel material (up to 3 mm). This model differs from the previous one in the firebox material and the design of the fuel channel. The Tunguska 2011 Inox stove can operate in intensive or economical combustion mode.
  • Tunguska 2021 Carbon. An improved model that retains all the properties of previous ovens: intense heating of the steam room, independent soot removal, efficiency, attractive design. Some shortcomings have been eliminated: the location of the chimney has become central, the heater has become rigid, the firebox has been transformed into a solid-bent one.

The Termofor Tunguska stove has received positive reviews from consumers due to the advantages of the heating unit, which outweigh the few disadvantages. A modern and reliable heating unit will last for many years.

Specifics of materials in models of different generations

The Tunguska stove is a new generation unit, different from its predecessors. For manufacturing, only the best materials are used, which only a few manufacturers can boast of.

The internal part of the equipment is made of steel with the addition of 13% chromium. This indicator is extremely important to ensure good heat resistance. In order not to purchase a low-quality fake, you must first study the technical documentation to ensure the reliability of the equipment. For example, if the chromium content is reduced or increased, then it is probably a fake.

You shouldn't judge the quality of a device by its appearance. For some users, just looking at the shiny appearance of the stainless steel is enough to make them immediately purchase this model. But shine does not guarantee resistance to high temperatures.

The Tunguska stove is a new generation unit, different from its predecessors

Previous models of units were very different from modern ones. First of all, this can be said about the materials used. In the old days, they used black steel, which at 400 degrees became covered with scale - the formation of small bubbles. If you use such a stove very often, the equipment will very soon fail. Modern models are protected from such troubles and can withstand temperatures up to 750 degrees.

It is important for buyers to know that the manufacturer intentionally refused to use shiny materials during assembly. Therefore, the stove cannot be distinguished from cheaper units made of black steel. The fact is that a good material that can withstand high temperatures when heated and without “sparkling” will cost 50% of all equipment. Therefore, manufacturers decided not to force users to overpay for a bright appearance.

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