How compatible are bathhouses and menstruation? How to visit a steam room without health risks

Bath procedures have a positive effect on the entire female body. But what to do if a bathhouse is planned, but menstruation suddenly begins? Cancel the event? Is it possible to take a steam bath during menstruation? Many articles are devoted to these questions, but it is impossible to give a definite answer. It all depends on the characteristics of the woman’s body. Before deciding whether or not to go to the steam room, you need to listen carefully to yourself and weigh the pros and cons.

Doctors' opinion on visiting the sauna during menstruation

We all know what happens in the body during menstruation. Menstruation is a special period during which a woman may feel unwell and unwell. It's all due to increased hormonal levels. Often women complain of pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and other unpleasant manifestations of menstruation.

Almost all gynecologists say that a bath and menstruation are incompatible concepts, so during this period it is better to refrain from exposure to steam and high temperatures. The same gynecologists claim that after visiting a steam room, the duration of menstruation can be prolonged, and sometimes bleeding begins altogether. Along with this, there are also arguments in favor, the most significant of which is that under the influence of high temperatures, a woman can get rid of gynecological ailments, especially of an inflammatory nature. According to experts, this is not at all the case.

What are periods?

They occur when conception has not occurred. The body reacts to such situations by changing its hormonal levels. The uterus gets rid of the unnecessary layer of epithelium, which was intended to receive fertilized cells. In other words, it is as if the female body is self-cleansing .

In the bathhouse, the body is also cleansed, but it happens differently. When we go to the bathhouse, we sweat, the pores expand, and sweat is released, which contains waste and toxins. During this process, the functioning of internal organs improves , and the body also rejuvenates. When you have your period, a similar process occurs, but at a certain point. That is, these two processes are not interrelated, and it will be very difficult for the body to cope with both.

Menstruation itself has a strong impact on the body:

  • there is a heavy load on the circulatory system;
  • almost everyone feels pain in the lower abdomen;
  • With heavy exertion, shortness of breath appears, as a result of which it is recommended to limit physical activity on the body.

Therefore, during menstruation you need to take extra care of yourself.

When visiting a sauna, it is difficult to completely ensure sterility. During menstruation, the cervix opens, the entrance to it is similar to a wound from which blood flows. Therefore, you can become infected or catch an infection . Before you go to the bathhouse, think about whether it's worth it. Many gynecologists recommend not swimming in a river or sea during your period.

When is it permissible to take a steam bath?

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse during menstruation? You should not refuse to go to the steam room if your periods are painless. Only in this case can you find benefits from such a pastime. In the bathhouse, toxins will “go away” and the body will get rid of excess fluid. Hot steam can somewhat reduce painful spasms.

After visiting the bathhouse, your mood will certainly rise and improve, fatigue and negative emotions will go away. And this is exactly what is needed during critical days. And also during bath procedures, the functioning of the pituitary gland and ovaries improves, new strength and vigor appear.

If there are cramps in the lower abdomen or internal genital organs, a poultice of sand, salt, oats or flaxseed will help. But here it is important not to overdo it - you need to know when to stop in everything.

Benefits for women's health

First, let's look at the positive aspects of visiting a bathhouse during menstruation.

The female body is able to retain much more water than the male body, especially immediately before and during menstruation.

This is where the sauna creates many additional benefits, because during a session in the steam room you lose excess water.

And along with it, accumulated toxins that are formed due to illness, smoking, stress and from the environment are removed from the body. The steam has a therapeutic effect.

A bath can help relieve uterine cramps and back pain that often accompany your period. It also positively stimulates the work of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and ovaries. Some believe it helps increase fertility!

Don’t forget the benefits of visiting a bathhouse for the nervous system. Along with excess fluid, stress and accumulated fatigue leave the body. A visit to the sauna stimulates the production of endorphins and improves mood.

But the most important thing is that women who are accustomed to the bath feel great in it. The physical benefits to the reproductive, nervous and glandular systems are just a nice bonus.

What to watch out for after a sauna visit

We've sorted out the positive aspects. But there is also the other side of the coin, when a bath on critical days can only do harm. There are several reasons why doctors do not advise visiting the steam room during menstruation :

Risk of infection

There are usually a lot of people in these places of stay, which causes the accumulation of infection. During menstruation, the uterus opens and looks like a bleeding wound, which can easily become infected or fungus. Many people mistakenly believe that if they use a tampon, it will protect against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, but this is absolutely not the case. Soap is the same - it is not capable of sufficiently disinfecting.

Danger of bleeding

Heat dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow several times. Even if your periods are scanty, bleeding may occur at any time.

These are the main reasons why gynecologists do not recommend visiting bathhouses during menstruation. But if you still really want to do this, be sure to consult your doctor and ask all your questions to avoid negative consequences.

Washing gels "Ginocomfort" - an ideal means of genital hygiene during menstruation

Thanks to a balanced composition, which includes tea tree oil, chamomile extract, bisabolol, panthenol, lactic acid and sodium lactate, as well as other components (for more detailed information on the composition of each product, see the product pages), Ginocomfort gels are completely hypoallergenic and harmless. Their use during menstruation provides gentle cleansing and moisturizing of the genital organs, and has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. These products were created by specialists from the pharmaceutical company VERTEX and have a full list of necessary documents and certificates.

Rules for visiting saunas and steam baths on menstruation days

If your period is not a barrier for you to visit the steam room, then at least try to adhere to a few simple rules:

  1. Listen to how you feel. It is better to spend the first days of menstruation at home and not expose the body to unnecessary stress. Next, you need to pay attention to your condition, and if nothing bothers you, you can safely go to the steam room.
  2. Take care of personal hygiene. Be sure to stock up on tampons and pads. The ideal option in this case would be soft tampons without a rope, Freedom, from the German manufacturer JoyDivision. These tampons, taking the shape of the body, remain completely invisible, and, due to the absence of a traction thread, do not allow moisture to penetrate into the body. For baths and saunas this is the most reliable and comfortable protection during menstruation.
  3. Do not drink alcohol during the procedure. Otherwise, it is fraught with headaches, heart pain, and dehydration. Drinking alcohol in the sauna is strictly prohibited, especially during menstruation. Give preference to healthy herbal tea or tincture.
  4. Monitor the temperature. During menstruation, it is better not to expose your body to increased temperature stress. The optimal value in the steam room and sauna is 80 degrees.
  5. Always avoid sharp contrasts. After the steam room, it is better to wait a little, and not immediately rush into a pool of ice water.

If you feel unwell, leave the bathhouse immediately!

Find out from the article at the link whether you can swim in the sea during your period.

How long can you steam?

We have already decided that it is possible to go to the sauna during menstruation (it all depends on individual characteristics), but only for a short time. How many minutes can you spend in the bathhouse? You can steam for a maximum of up to 25 minutes. But, if the temperature regime is observed (up to 80 degrees). If we are talking about a steam room or sauna, then this time should be halved and not exceed 10 minutes.

Don't stay in the steam room for too long. It is better to go there more often, but for short periods.

How to visit a bathhouse correctly

To visit the bathhouse, you must follow the rules:

  • check the availability of personal hygiene products;
  • take tampons and pads with you;
  • do not take off your underwear throughout the event;
  • carefully monitor your well-being during the park;
  • rest longer;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • give up cigarettes;
  • drink herbal teas;
  • drink more fluids.

From this video you will learn about the benefits and harms of a bath:

Experts do not recommend visiting saunas, baths or steam rooms during menstruation, since at this time the immune system is weakened and susceptible to bacteria and infections. It is better to postpone your vacation a few days later than to suffer from possible complications.

Safe days to visit the steam room

Do not go to the bathhouse in the first three days of the menstrual cycle. It is during this period that a woman loses the most blood, and the body is most vulnerable. The best time to go to the sauna is the fourth day of your period - the discharge is no longer so intense, which means the risks are practically reduced to zero.

This period can no longer be called critical. Most of the prohibitions are lifted, but you should not abuse the sauna or bath even on the last day of the cycle. Again, there is no need to steam at high temperatures and stay in the steam room for too long. Gentle tactics will have a beneficial effect on the body and will not cause harm.

Doctors' opinion

Specialists in the field of gynecology recommend taking care of your body during menstruation. It is better to reschedule the procedure for another time. To eliminate the symptoms of gynecological diseases while in a steam room, you can use poultices using wheat, flax or oats. Sea salt has an equally beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive organs.

The doctor gives recommendations regarding visiting the sauna and taking hot baths on an individual basis. A comprehensive examination is preliminarily prescribed to identify the presence of certain diseases and assess the condition of the body. In some cases, a bath is a suitable remedy for reducing pain and improving mood. A woman should be guided by her own feelings.

Absolute bans for baths

We figured out whether it’s possible to go to the bathhouse while on your period. But “these” days are not the only ban on visiting the bathhouse. Regardless of whether a woman is menstruating or not, under no circumstances should she visit the bathhouse if she has the following pathologies:

  • elevated temperature;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • oncology;
  • heart and respiratory diseases;
  • skin lesions;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and genitourinary systems, especially kidneys;
  • rheumatism;
  • varicose veins

High temperature can negatively affect the functioning of any organ. Therefore, when going to the bathhouse, you need to know about all your diseases and possible contraindications.

So is it possible to go to the bathhouse during and before menstruation? There is no strict prohibition and it all depends on how you feel. If your body is adapted to such stress and easily tolerates temperature changes, then, in principle, there cannot be a strict contraindication; the sauna is not dangerous. If you feel unwell, the bleeding is severe, and the pain is unbearable, it is definitely better to stay at home and not take risks.

In the steam room, be sure to monitor how the body reacts to changes in temperature; at the first suspicious sensations, it is better to abandon this idea and spend the rest of the time in the relaxation room. I wish you good health and a pleasant time!

Possible negative consequences

Being vulnerable to temperature changes, a woman may lose consciousness while in a steam room. If she visits the bathhouse alone, the risk of injury increases. By increasing blood circulation in the pelvic area, the duration of menstruation may increase. In this case, there will be more bloody discharge than usual. Being in a steam room can cause increased pain in the abdomen. Some women experience headache and nausea.

High risk of heatstroke

On critical days, the body weakens, which increases the likelihood of heat stroke.

If a woman decides to go to the sauna when her period begins, she needs to spend most of the time in the dressing room, which will help protect the body from stress that occurs against the background of general overheating.

If this recommendation is not followed, there is a high risk of increased bleeding or cessation of menstruation. This situation can provoke hormonal imbalance, which in the future will require long-term drug therapy.

Rules for visiting the steam room

To avoid problems when vaping during your period, it is important to follow several rules:

  1. You can only go to the steam room on the 3rd day of your period. The intensity of discharge is noticeably reduced, which reduces the risk of bleeding.
  2. To visit high-temperature rooms, you need to prepare a special hygienic tampon with a gasket. You can take disposable sheets with you so as not to stain the shelves with blood.
  3. The temperature in the steam room should not exceed 80 degrees. If the steam level is higher, you cannot heat up.
  4. Prolonged overheating of the body on critical days is unacceptable. It is recommended to drink tea or herbal decoction between visits to the steam room.
  5. It is important to prevent the occurrence of sudden temperature changes. You should avoid jumping into an ice hole or a cold pool. The cooling process for women should be gradual. You can take a warm shower.
  6. You need to warm up in the sauna room gradually. You should start from the lower tiers. Once you get used to the temperature level, you can move to the middle and top shelves. You cannot overheat, so you should not stay in the steam room for more than 5 minutes.
  7. You should stop drinking alcoholic beverages, as this threatens to dilate blood vessels, which increases the load on the heart.
  8. In between visits you need to drink herbal teas. The drink can be prepared from chamomile, thyme or nettle.
  9. Doctors do not recommend visiting a sauna if you feel unwell, since if exposed to high temperatures, you can lose consciousness and the benefits of steaming will be reduced to zero.

Why is vaping dangerous during menstruation?

Vaping during menstruation can be not only beneficial, but also dangerous.

This is explained by the following facts:

  1. During menstruation, the uterus enlarges. The cervix opens to open a free passage for bloody discharge that is “unnecessary” to the body. Menstruation makes the female genital organs vulnerable to the penetration of bacteria and infections. There is no protection at this stage.
  2. Under the influence of high temperature, blood vessels in the body expand. During menstruation, human blood channels work at their maximum limit. Because of this, after a steam room, bleeding may increase, and the duration of menstruation may increase to 14 days. A woman’s body will lose a lot of blood, which can cause the development of various pathologies, for example, anemia due to iron deficiency.

During menstruation, a woman is not recommended to go to the bathhouse, as this can cause serious complications.

How do sudden temperature changes affect

Washing in a bath while having your period is a dangerous activity, as there is a risk of complications and deterioration in overall health. Sudden changes in temperature also affect completely healthy people, causing some discomfort.

Bathing in a sauna increases your heart rate

Regarding girls during menstruation, temperature primarily affects the circulatory system:

  • blood vessels dilate;
  • heart rate increases;
  • the internal temperature of the organs increases;
  • the intensity of biosynthesis increases;
  • detoxification improves.

The tandem of such changes in the female body negatively affects the course of menstruation. In addition, cases of severe bleeding in girls in the baths with subsequent hospitalization have been reported. If you notice the following symptoms, you need to leave the steam room:

  • dizziness;
  • sharp pain in the abdominal area;
  • deterioration of health;
  • feeling of heavy discharge;

Being in a bathhouse or sauna can cause abdominal pain

  • darkening of the eyes.

Doctors do not recommend attending bath procedures during the menstrual cycle, as this leads not only to complications, but also to disruption of the functionality of the reproductive organs.

Activation of inflammation

Visiting a sauna during menstruation requires the mandatory use of pads or tampons, and the absorbed blood is an optimal environment for the growth of bacteria. However, you can swim with a tampon, unlike pads.

Increased temperature during menstruation can create favorable conditions for the active life of pathogenic microorganisms already present in the vagina or organs of the genitourinary system.

During menstruation, the cervix opens slightly, which increases the likelihood of infection entering the reproductive organs. As a result, inflammatory diseases may develop that will require mandatory treatment.

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