From time immemorial, after a hot steam room, visitors to the traditional Russian bathhouse hurried to cool down, and did so
Is it possible to take a steam bath or sauna without removing contact lenses? With coming
For many people, the bathhouse represents a whole philosophy. In this place you can combine business with pleasure
General characteristics So what is a waterfall for a bath? This is a wooden bucket held together
Not every owner of a home bath can afford to use an abash for a bath. Exists
A clamp for lining is a kind of fastening bracket, which is usually made from spring or
Fireplace glass is not only a beautiful accessory, but also a very convenient device that allows
According to the requirements of SNiP and SP, a bathhouse on an individual housing construction or SNT site should be located on
The laid first row of timber. How to lay timber on the foundation when building a house from it,
For a long time, the bathhouse was used for its intended purpose. That is, a man came, washed,