Protective and decorative coatings for wood Aquatex - impregnations and paints

Features and advantages of Aquatex products. Review of preparations - impregnations for wood Aquatex

The construction market offers a huge number of impregnating compounds for wood. However, Aquatex impregnation invariably remains in the leading position among similar products. The reason is said to be formulations adapted to the harsh Russian climate. So time shows that Aquatex protective and decorative coating for wood can withstand environmental factors.

Among the advantages of impregnation are the following:

  • Versatile, they are suitable for interior wood processing and for protecting the material outside the building;
  • Antiseptic Aquatex and other products can be used for any type of wood; application to heat-treated material is allowed;
  • The compositions withstand weather conditions, protect the base from ultraviolet radiation and biological damage;
  • The products are certified, produced taking into account the quality standards adopted in Russia, and also have a EURASEC certificate.

Antiseptic Aquatex and other products can be used for any type of wood; application to heat-treated material is allowed.

Color range of Aquatex and Aquatex Extra

Aquatex paint has a wide color palette, there are bright colors. If you just need to update an old shade covered with this product, then a single-layer coating will cope with this task at the highest level.

Multilayer coating helps to increase protection against fading of the base; if the need to maintain color saturation is great, then it is better to give preference to tinted types of Aquatex paint for exterior woodwork rather than the transparent version.

Officially, the manufacturer allows mixing any colors of the product if you want to get an unusual shade. To make the tone lighter, you can add a transparent color. These products are used for painting flooring and walls.

Aquatex Extra impregnation for wood also includes many shades. Walnut, rosewood, pear, pine, white and other colors are available here. In total there are about 16 options.

You should not focus only on the monitor image of the color as it can distort the real shade.

Aquatex paint has a wide color palette.


Antiseptic Rogneda Aquatex and other products in this line stand out for their high-quality technical characteristics. It is thanks to them that the products are in demand in the construction market. The following properties are distinguished:

  • The composition contains an antiseptic substance that can penetrate deeply into the structure of the wood, and at the same time, other components of the product create a protective layer so that the antiseptic is not washed out over time;
  • Emphasizes the natural pattern of wood;
  • The layer does not disturb the pores, they remain free;
  • Creates a matte effect on the base;
  • For exterior finishing, a coating is created that lasts up to 5 years;
  • Receive a protective layer from ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures.

For exterior finishing, a coating is created that lasts up to 5 years.


“Aquatex” of this type is a solution of alkyd resins with coloring pigments added to it. This product also contains antiseptic, biocidal and components that increase light resistance and moisture resistance.

An air-permeable matte coating is what the Aquatex impregnation creates on a wooden surface. “Extra” may no longer be used after this, since the product already looks quite impressive. Its advantages, among other things, include the fact that condensation never accumulates under the film created by it. Very often, consumers coat wooden products with two layers of this product, which enhances its protective and decorative qualities.

Application area

Aquatex for wood and other products in this series can be used for different types of materials. Suitable for processing wood outside and inside the building.

Can be used to paint a new or old base to create reliable protection from external factors. After cleaning, it is allowed to cover the surface that was previously treated with drying oil.

Can be used for any type of wood, including chipboard, plywood, laminated veneer lumber, etc.

Can be used to paint a new or old base to create reliable protection from external factors.

Where can I use it?

Aquatex wood antiseptic is used for painting many wooden products. The most popular painting is considered to be the following surfaces:

  • Window, frame and door parts;
  • Verandas, balconies, porches, etc.;
  • Wall, floor, ceiling surface;
  • Home facades, wooden structures;
  • Furniture;
  • Chipboard, fibreboard, etc.

You can apply the product to a damp surface with a humidity level of up to 40%.

Aquatex wood antiseptic is used for painting many wooden products.


It is used for preliminary priming of wooden surfaces in order to increase the service life of the finishing coating by enhancing its adhesion and bioprotective properties, and also as an independent antiseptic coating.

Impregnation Aquatex "Grunt antiseptic" is used to prime wood before subsequent application of finishing coatings for the purpose of:

  • enhanced protection of wood from biological damage (rotting, mold, fungus) and insect pests;
  • increasing the adhesion of finishing coatings;
  • reducing the consumption of finishing coatings;
  • leveling the absorbency of wood;
  • temporary protection of wood from biological damage without subsequent application of finishing coatings during storage and shrinkage.

Product range

The line includes four types of oils, which are universal. Each is available in several shades, up to 16 colors. You can mix tones if necessary to get the desired coverage option. The only thing is that the first two tones cannot be mixed with other colors.

You can mix tones if necessary to get the desired coverage option.


The impregnation is environmentally friendly; it uses wax and natural oils. Capable of deeply impregnating a wooden base, creating a matte layer that repels water. Protects the base from rotting processes, the appearance of cracks and burnout. The service life of the coating can reach five years; if you additionally coat the surface with Aquatex primer for wood, the durability will increase to seven years.

Impregnation is capable of deeply saturating a wooden base, creating a matte layer that repels water.

Protective and decorative impregnation Extra

The composition also contains wax, but the layer has a semi-matte effect. It creates protection against biological processes and can also resist damage that has already begun. A barrier is created against pollution, sunlight and moisture.

It is acceptable to paint an untreated base or one previously covered with drying oil. It is advisable to prime the surface before processing. The service life reaches 10 years.

It creates protection against biological processes and can also resist damage that has already begun.

Oil glaze

It is distinguished by the creation of a pleasant decorative coating. A semi-matte effect appears on the surface, emphasizing the natural grain of the wood. Provides protection from external factors.

It is distinguished by the creation of a pleasant decorative coating.

Oil for garden furniture

Suitable for painting any type of wooden products, the layer is wear-resistant and creates a barrier against mechanical stress. You can use the products not only for furniture, but also for other wooden bases that are subject to mechanical shock.

Suitable for painting any type of wooden products, the layer is wear-resistant and creates a barrier against mechanical stress.

Processing technology

Surface preparation

  1. Treat darkened areas of wood with WoodMaster bleach.
  2. Clean the surface of old paint, remove dirt, thoroughly sand and sand.
  3. Treat the facade and other external surfaces of the log house with Aquatex antiseptic primer.

Application of impregnation

Before painting, the oil must be mixed well.
Impregnation can be applied with a roller, sponge, brush or spray. The best tool is a brush with natural bristles.

The oil should be applied in a thin layer in the direction along the grain. No later than 40 minutes, unabsorbed impregnation residues are removed with a rag.

Indoors, it is recommended to treat with 1-2 layers of oil. External surfaces must be impregnated at least 2-3 times to increase service life.

Useful properties of the drug Aquatex Extra

Aquatex Extra has various beneficial properties and includes a new type of antiseptic substance that copes with protecting bases from many negative factors. A vapor-permeable layer is created, the color of the coating is bright. The following characteristics are also highlighted:

  • Quickly penetrates deep into the wood;
  • Protects against ultraviolet radiation and high temperature exposure, for example, in saunas;
  • Does not require pre-cleaning of the base from old coatings;
  • Protection from natural factors is more effective; the layer will last up to seven years.

A vapor-permeable layer is created, the color of the coating is bright.

Useful tips

Before painting the surface, the manufacturer advises treating it with an antiseptic. Small wooden products can be painted with Aquatex Extra by dipping. However, in this case, the product will most likely have to be diluted a little with white spirit. If necessary, the texture coating of this brand can be applied not in two, but in three layers. It is not recommended to apply more. Otherwise, the wood grain may be hidden. “Aquatex Extra” is a product that can not only protect wood from fungi and bacteria, but also stop the destruction of fibers that has already begun. However, it is still worth cleaning the heavily affected areas before using it.

After completing all work, brushes and rollers can be cleaned with kerosene or solvents 646 or 647. White spirit can also be used for this purpose.

Do not mix Aquatex Extra, as well as antiseptics and impregnations of this brand with products from other manufacturers.

Application and drying

To obtain an effective protective coating, it is important to prepare the base well. The old finish is removed from it, as well as any types of dirt. The product mixes well, usually a two-layer coating is sufficient. The layers should not be made very dense.

Each layer must be dried, for the first layer the drying time is 12 hours, experts recommend extending the drying to a day. The 2nd layer is dried for 24 hours if the temperature is 20 degrees.

The layers should not be made very dense.

Characteristics of oils


Despite the fact that oil impregnations have universal use, each product has a specially selected composition, the recipe of which was developed in the Rogneda company’s own laboratory.
The impregnations are based on natural oils (tung, linseed and other vegetable oils), natural microwax and mineral additives.

In addition to the ingredients listed above, impregnations contain:

  • hard-to-rinse antiseptics;
  • light-resistant nano-pigments;
  • UV filters (UVA and UVB);
  • UV absorbers.

Drying time

The average drying time for Aquatex impregnations at a temperature of 18-22 degrees is from 8 to 12 hours. After this, you can begin applying the next layer.

Complete drying of the coating occurs no earlier than after 24 hours; some impregnations require at least 2 days for final drying.

Oils are not recommended for use at temperatures below +5 degrees and humidity exceeding 80%. The permissible moisture content of wood during painting should be within 15-20%.


Oil consumption is affected by a number of factors, in particular:

  • condition and type of wood;
  • type of lumber;
  • impregnation application technology;
  • layer thickness.

In this regard, the manufacturer has established a fairly wide range of consumption values.

When applied in one layer, the consumption is:

  • for planed wood 25-60 ml per 1m2;
  • for sawn wood - 60-200 ml per 1 m2.

More precise values ​​are given in the instructions for each product.

Life time

Aquatex oil impregnations have a long service life. To extend the repair-free service, it is recommended to do a two-layer treatment of internal surfaces, and apply at least 2-3 layers to external structures.

If the application technology is followed, the manufacturer guarantees the service life of the coating inside the house for more than 15 years.

Renewal of external surfaces coated with Aquatex oil can be done no earlier than 5 years after the previous painting.


The composition can be frozen; the impregnated jar should be stored at a temperature range from -40 degrees to +40. It is necessary to close the container tightly so that the properties do not lose their quality.

Consumption when processing planed timber is 1 liter per 10-15 sq.m., for sawn wood 1 liter per 5-8 sq.m.

It is necessary to close the container tightly so that the properties do not lose their quality.

What benefits do you get by ordering home decoration from our company?

- official dealer of Aquatex. That is why it is very profitable to order house painting with Aquatex oil from our company. We offer favorable conditions to all our clients: when ordering home treatment with impregnations from this manufacturer, you can buy all materials at dealer prices.

Our advantages:

  1. We guarantee high quality work and excellent service.
  2. The work is carried out by teams of experienced and qualified craftsmen of Slavic nationality.
  3. We use professional German and Japanese equipment.
  4. We take on any volume.
  5. We provide the customer with photo and video reports on the progress of work every day.
  6. A personal manager is in touch with the client seven days a week.
  7. We work strictly according to technology.
  8. All calculations are made after the work is completed.
  9. We accept payment in any way convenient for you.
  10. We work in Moscow, the region and all neighboring regions.

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Errors when applying Aquatex oil

In order to properly process a wooden base yourself, you should not forget about the standard mistakes that beginners make. Professionals highlight the following points:

  • Poor grinding of the base;
  • Using different products for one product;
  • Excess oil is not removed at the right time, as a result the layer will be uneven;
  • Creating a layer that is too thick.

If excess oil is not removed in time, the resulting layer will be uneven.

Aquatex products are high-quality products for coating wooden structures. If the treatment is carried out correctly and the surface is well prepared, the coating will protect the base from harmful factors for several years.

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