Rating of bath stones: which stones to choose for a bath?

To obtain pleasant and light steam, building a sauna is only half the battle. It is equally important to properly equip the heater - to select durable minerals that accumulate heat well and give off heat for a long time, preferably with a healing effect. This article is an overview of the best bath stones, both natural and artificial. By studying their properties, advantages and weaknesses, you reduce the risk of encountering compounds harmful to your health to almost zero and will be able to buy stones with the desired characteristics.

Criterias of choice

Whatever mineral you choose for the steam room, it must meet the following requirements:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • homogeneous structure. The presence of inclusions may be beautiful, but heating will occur unevenly, which leads to gradual cracking and destruction of the stone;
  • no cracks. The surest way is to tap the stones with a hammer. A clear sound indicates that there are no defects;
  • approximately the same size. The heater will heat up evenly;
  • absence of carbonates. A sign of the presence of this compound is white spots that are easily scratched with a needle;
  • absence of asbestos (it looks like clearly visible fibers on the surface);
  • no dust. A prerequisite is the cleanliness of the stones. Therefore, they are washed before laying, even if the dust is invisible during inspection;
  • attractive appearance;
  • acceptable price. The question of how much it will cost to equip a bathhouse worries most people.

Many buyers ask the question: which stone is better: polished or chipped? The choice depends on the individual preferences of the steamer. For experienced bathhouse attendants, the split option is preferable, since the area of ​​contact with water is larger, and, therefore, steam generation is stronger. Polished stone takes longer to warm up, but the air circulation in the steam room is much better. Due to their high hardness, individual minerals are difficult to process and are therefore sold only in crushed form.

Heat resistance. The sauna heater is subjected to quite severe tests: first it is heated to maximum temperature. When pouring water, it cools down. Therefore, as the heat resistance of the material increases, the risk of cracking due to sudden temperature changes decreases. The following strength test is possible: heat the sample to a high temperature and dip it in cold water. If it doesn't crack, that's the best evidence of its heat resistance.

Heat capacity. This indicator means the ability to warm up quickly and release heat slowly. High heat capacity is one of the most important requirements for heater materials. As a rule, these are minerals with a homogeneous structure and high density. Buying such a stone is a great success. There is a high probability that the steam room will turn out excellent.

Dimensions of stones. The size of the bath stone largely depends on the type of stove. Here the focus is not on aesthetics, but on practical properties:

  • large stones (70-150 mm) are suitable for a wood-burning stove;
  • for electric furnaces, the best option is smaller pebbles (50-70 mm).

Environmental Safety. Some minerals, even those with ideal performance properties, are unsuitable for baths because they release harmful substances when heated. Therefore, before giving preference to one or another option, you need to carefully study the properties of both the mineral itself and possible impurities.

Mine or buy? Good minerals for a sauna heater are far from cheap. Therefore, sometimes people engage in “gathering.” For example, sea or river pebbles are stones that can be found in abundance along the banks of reservoirs. Pebbles collected from fresh lakes or along the banks of rivers are more durable and heat-resistant than sea pebbles. Collecting rocks yourself requires skill and knowledge about minerals. Otherwise, this is not just a thankless, but also an unsafe task. In particular, if you collect pebbles from a railway embankment, you risk paying for your own health. Treated with chemicals, stones emit a harmful odor when heated. And the fumes from them are completely dangerous. Not to mention the fact that the purpose of a railway embankment is somewhat different than the supply of stones for a private bathhouse. Another advantage of buying in a specialized store is the opportunity to purchase minerals of the desired type, and not just something that came to hand by chance. The set of stones “from the store” is balanced not only in chemical composition, but also in size. The samples are treated with special environmentally friendly compounds that destroy harmful microorganisms.

What to look for when purchasing

The main mistake of novice bathhouse attendants is that when selecting them, they focus only on appearance. But besides this, it is important to know some requirements, because this is the only way to buy a durable model.

  • Strength. The stone should not crack due to sudden temperature changes, much less crumble. If this happens, the person purchased a low-quality product. The stability of the product is easy to check; just split it and place it in water.
  • Heat retention. This parameter is considered one of the main ones when choosing. It is advisable to buy models that have sufficient density. In addition, they must be heavy.
  • Uniformity. The structure should not have foreign inclusions or impurities, because this indicates a low-quality mineral. The option will last 12 months. But this is not the only drawback; another one is harmful to health. Therefore, it is important to approach the choice correctly.
  • Form. For a bath, it is advisable to buy flat products. The peculiarity of this design is that the stones retain heat well and air circulation increases. Also, the peculiarity of this form is that it is convenient to lay, and its appearance is attractive. It is advisable to select large stones.
  • Environmental friendliness. The last but important point that will help you buy a safe product. It is important to know that some rocks can be collected near the road surface; they cannot be used, because they are often impregnated with chemicals that are harmful to health. When purchasing in a store, attention is paid to reading the packaging, where there should be a mark indicating that the product has passed radiation control.

The best inexpensive stones for a bath

Stones for sauna, jasper, boned, 10 kg

A semi-precious mineral that has a positive effect on the body.
Normalizes sleep, cleanses the blood of harmful impurities, promotes wound healing. Improves the condition of the cardiovascular, nervous, and reproductive systems. Increases stress resistance. Specifications:

Type: bunded;

Size: medium;

Quantity per package: 10 kg;


  • improves the condition of the whole body
  • high degree of heat transfer
  • increased strength
  • durability
  • resistance to high temperatures


  • high price

Raspberry quartzite

Very beautiful dark crimson color, withstands high temperatures, minimal radioactivity. Heats up quickly and gives soft warmth. According to reviews, it helps against respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. It consists of 93% quartzite, heats up smoothly, and releases heat evenly. Suitable for long-term use, often used in public baths. There are many copies with cracks, you need to control this when purchasing.


  • record low radiation levels
  • Maintains room temperature for a long time
  • beautiful colour
  • is not destroyed by chemical reactions with liquids
  • high hardness
  • withstands temperatures up to 2700 degrees


  • Often there are copies with cracks in boxes


The natural base is silicon oxide, called silica. It contains iron, an admixture of calcium oxides, and magnesium. It is of volcanic origin and comes in black, gray or greenish tints. As a material, it has good heat capacity, which is useful in arranging a steam room. But it does not have great strength, like, for example, jadeite. All minerals belonging to the type of polyminerals have this disadvantage. Uneven heating of the components leads to ruptures and destruction of the rock. Porphyrite will last stably for 2-3 years. Sometimes the rock contains sulfites, which will not please the buyer at all. A visual inspection reveals their presence. They are identified by veins or the presence of special inclusions that have a metallic shine. In some cases, sulfites look like small golden crystals. If there are such “patterns” on more than 5% of the surface of the material, it is better to refuse it. If the material contains a lot of sulfites, it can cause a stinging sensation in the eyes, a foul odor, and a sore throat. Typically, reviews write about the suitability of stone for building a stove in a bathhouse, since it is affordable. It is possible to obtain light vapor from it, but for those who have something to compare with, the sample will not be the best. If you have a sulfur smell, you don’t have to worry: it goes away after a few days of bathing. It has a composition of metal oxides and silica, but sulfites negatively affect strength, reducing service life to 2-3 years. The mineral is safe from an environmental point of view, there is no radiation in it, the steam from it is not thick, but it is light. The material will be ideal for rare visits to the bathhouse, and when buying it, you need to monitor the veins, their number should not exceed 5%.


  • low cost
  • does not heat up for long
  • has good heat capacity
  • gives light steam
  • has a low level of radioactivity


  • contains sulfites
  • does not have high strength

White quartz

It is aesthetically attractive, will delight the eye with its beauty and translucent appearance, and the construction of a quartz heater will look unusual. It has a peculiar glow, for which it received the nickname “hot ice”. Quartz is an oxide of silicon from a chemical point of view. When the rock is exposed to heat, ozone begins to be released. This fact is the reason that the mineral is preferred among true connoisseurs of the bath procedure. With constant thermal exposure to stones, they begin to burst. This requires the owner of a stove made of this material to be attentive and patient. If the material is cracked, it must be replaced. A sample of white shades, with a dark base color gives a good visual effect. It can be used in a sauna where there is no strong heating, for example, in a swimming pool or in a fitness center.


  • fast heating
  • slow heat release
  • white shades look beautiful
  • pleasant aroma
  • good heat dissipation


  • bursts when exposed to high temperatures
  • if the stone is cracked, sharp corners may remain


This type of volcanic stone is similar in appearance to dark-colored marble, it is durable and has low water absorption. It is mined in Karelia, where the environmental situation is good. When heated, it expands evenly, takes a long time to heat up, but cools down quickly enough. Gabro-diabase for baths is one of the most inexpensive types of stones. This is due to several factors:

  • It takes a long time to heat up and cools down quickly.
  • When overheated, it begins to emit a specific, rather unpleasant odor. As for essential oils, they are not used because carbon deposits immediately appear on the stones.
  • Gabbro-diabase must be sorted out frequently and damaged specimens must be removed, which begin to release sand and clog the furnace grates.


  • low price


  • This stone has no decorative or medicinal value.

Which ones should not be used?

You should always pay attention to health safety. You cannot buy stones from a manufacturer that does not provide a certificate of conformity. And if you collect pebbles yourself, then it is better to check them with a dosimeter. The rock that emits radiation is usually found in nature on the territory of mines, shafts and dumps. These varieties include granite and marble.

You cannot decorate steam rooms with stones collected near railways and roads. They are full of exhaust fumes, creosote and road dust.

Soft rocks are not strong enough. They do not warm up well and transfer energy. These include sandstone and limestone.

Cracked stones are dangerous for humans. With sudden changes in temperature, they split and can injure the person in the steam room.

The best stones for premium saunas

Ceramic 10kg, Kerkes

An environmentally friendly product that does not contain any harmful substances. After water enters, healing steam is formed, which affects the human body and eliminates harmful bacteria. Ceramic products are highly clean and can be used in various baths, including home baths. When heated, no gases are released, which is an additional advantage.


  • Good heat retention and transfer
  • Unusual appearance
  • Long service life
  • Reliability
  • Sold in convenient packaging


  • Not detected

Fire stone Jade cubes 10 kg

A monomineral rock that has good properties and has a beneficial effect on the human body. High viscosity is the main advantage of the rock, while the product cannot be split manually, only using special equipment. Strength is comparable to some types of steel. Today this material is difficult to find in a regular store, but you can always order it online.


  • Good cleaning properties
  • Skin becomes more elastic
  • Metabolism improves
  • Increased muscle tone
  • No harmful substances
  • Safety


  • Price


Pyroxent is a popular material used in the construction of baths. It, like jadeite, retains heat well, has high strength and aesthetic appeal. The word “jade” brings up associations with green tones, but what matters is the impurities in the solution. If jade has a pink tint, it contains magnesium, black iron. The stone gets its green tones due to the presence of chromium impurities. Among the inhabitants of the East, jade was called the “stone of health”; it is considered a cure for many diseases. The purchase of material should be made from time-tested companies. Purchasing from a random dealer may be fraught with consequences for the future owner, who may sell a coil instead of the required material. The sample does not have healing properties and a long service life. The main difference is durability and high thermal conductivity. The stove heats up quickly and purifies the steam, which promotes relaxation and has a beneficial effect on metabolism. It can be used for the construction of various heaters, but it has a disadvantage - high cost. Due to its cost, the stone began to be often counterfeited. Original jade is difficult to split with a hammer, and to get pieces of stone, it is cut.


  • use on open fire
  • has high heat transfer
  • has high strength indicators
  • softens steam
  • long service life (about 10 years)
  • fast heating


  • price

Soapstone chlorite

Ideal for any bath and sauna. Has several shades of gray. The sample has high strength and thermal stability. It accumulates perfectly and holds heat. The rock heats up quickly, its heat capacity is at the highest levels. The resulting steam has all the positive properties. Before use, the material is thoroughly washed and hardened. This natural mineral is taken from rocks. It is processed and then it hits store shelves. The sample is highly resistant to high temperatures and does not crack. This stone can be used to cover not only the heater, but also the walls. The steam is produced with a soft and gentle effect. Useful for children.


  • not afraid of large temperature changes
  • high heat capacity
  • heat is released over a long period of time
  • does not react with liquid
  • is inert to odors


  • service life from 3 to 5 years
  • takes a relatively long time to heat up

Top popular cheap versions

Soapstone Bath things, bunded

A good option that retains all the necessary beneficial properties and does not deteriorate from constant use. Warmth is maintained throughout the entire time of use. The steam produced is dense and soft, and has a beneficial effect on the body. With proper care, the products will last a long period and will not deteriorate.

The average cost is 790 rubles.

Soapstone Bath things, bunded


  • Classic version;
  • Form;
  • Appearance;
  • Good steam generation;
  • Efficiency.


  • Not found.

Fire stone porphyrite

The rock is a volcanic mineral. The main feature of the product is resistance to high temperatures and reliability. No sudden temperature changes will spoil the external condition of the product. Cracks and crumbs will not appear even after two years of constant use. Steam relieves headaches and tension, and also cleanses the skin well.

Sold at a price: from 660 rubles.

Fire stone porphyrite


  • Quality;
  • Healing properties;
  • Reliability;
  • Long service life;
  • No harmful impurities.


  • Not found.

Atelier Saun Raspberry quartzite 20 kg

A good option that is suitable for every person. An attractive appearance will decorate the bathhouse. In addition, the product has high mechanical strength and does not deteriorate from daily use. Withstands sudden temperature changes. The product is completely universal and is suitable for use in both wood-burning and electric heaters.

Average price: from 400 rubles.

Atelier Saun Raspberry quartzite 20 kg


  • Crimson;
  • Strength;
  • Durability;
  • Life time;
  • Does not crack;
  • Form.


  • Not found.

The best stones for a mid-segment bath

Cast iron stones

Cast iron is used in the form of kernels or cones, placed at the very bottom of the furnace “on the butt”. Cast iron heats up well, 5 times faster than stones. Afterwards it holds the temperature for a long time. The elements are usually the same in shape and take up less space. Suitable for quickly heating up baths, environmentally friendly.


  • heat up very quickly
  • durable
  • long service life
  • no harmful impurities
  • keep warm for a long time


  • the steam is dry and hot

Harvia Jadeite Khakassia 20 kg

Large crushed stone, which is sold at an affordable price. Despite this, there are no harmful substances in the composition, so the products are completely safe for health. Sold in a convenient plastic bucket. Heating does not take time, and the product does not crack and retains its properties for a long time. It is convenient to place in the oven, but at first it will be unusual, since there is no shape as such.


  • Long service life
  • Reliability
  • Doesn't crack
  • Price and quality
  • Popular manufacturer
  • Convenient bucket


  • Not detected


The cost is quite high, since it is considered semi-precious and has a greenish color. The main advantage is the highest strength. Sold in three different variations: ground, boned and chipped. The first type is the most expensive. It looks a little like jade. Service life is about 5 years. Emits soft heat waves and maintains temperature for a long time. This mineral is often used for cladding. On sale you can see tiles made from jadeite. However, this mineral should not come into contact with open fire.


  • high strength
  • fast heating
  • You can make decor from the polished version
  • excellent heat capacity
  • Maintains temperature for a long period of time


  • high price

BONED CHROMITE bucket, 10kg (Russia)

A mineral with a high heat capacity.
Heats up quickly and cools down slowly. It has a long service life. It is resistant to cracking. Withstands high temperatures and temperature changes. Improves the condition of the reproductive system, prevents the occurrence of colds. Specifications:

Type: bunded;

Size: medium;

Quantity per package: 10 kg;


  • high heat capacity
  • durability
  • crack resistance
  • does not contain harmful impurities
  • has a positive effect on the body


  • high price

Dobroparov Tumbled soapstone, medium, 20 kg

A mineral with increased strength and high heat capacity.
Retains heat for a long period. Does not crack due to high temperatures or temperature changes. Saturates the body with vitamin D, which prevents the occurrence of colds and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Specifications:

Type: tumbled;

Size: medium;

Quantity per package: 20 kg;


  • crack resistance
  • positive effect on the condition of the body, especially children’s
  • not afraid of high temperatures, temperature changes
  • increased strength
  • good heat capacity


  • takes a long time to heat up
  • serves little purpose


The name of the stone contrasts with the word "serpentarium", which suggests that it has something to do with snakes. This feeling has a basis in truth, since the material is otherwise called a coil. The green shades and texture are similar to snake skin. The shape resembles a flattened snake head. The sample is rich in metal ore impurities; it contains olivine, carbonates, talc and garnet. Shades can be not only green, but also gray. The material has an attractive appearance and is vaguely similar to jadeite. Due to this similarity, unscrupulous traders pass it off as jadeite. When used to lay out a stove in a bathhouse, it will not withstand high temperatures and will crack. But this does not mean that it is not suitable for a bath; serpentinite is suitable as a facing material. They can be used to finish bath walls and even the stove itself, if the tiles do not have cracks.


  • rich in impurities of metal ores
  • attractive appearance


  • not found

Tips and tricks

  1. Before use, specimens sorted for defects, without foreign deposits on the surface, are soaked in a weak salt solution for 1 hour and washed thoroughly, then dried at room temperature.
  2. The stone backfill in a ratio of 1:50 to the volume of the steam room (or the weight in kg indicated in the technical specifications for a particular model of purchased stove) is placed in the combustion chamber of the stove according to the principle: at the bottom, at the grate - the smallest caliber, at the top - the largest.
  3. Heat over low heat until the bottom row appears red and harden, followed by culling - water with cold water.
  4. Every three months they are cleaned and washed to remove carbon deposits and soot.

You can purchase bath stones packaged in 10-20 kg buckets, bags or boxes in specialized online stores (with delivery throughout Russia) or from retailers of bath accessories and accessories.

Simply fill out the application form on the website and send it to the selling company.

The cost of the order depends on the type of stone, country of origin and type of processing (chopped, sawn into cubes, polished):

NameJadeNephritisJasper wax
Price: rub./10 kg1080 – 21503500 – 57001400 – 1600

Bath stones will make your bathing procedure complete, and a visit to the steam room will give you relaxation, health and a boost of energy!

How to use

It is important to carry out regular cleaning and inspection. The need to replace the stove filler may be indicated by the appearance of an unpleasant odor, minimal heat transfer, or poor steam formation. In regularly used saunas, minerals are inspected every month. Care instructions:

  • Clean off dirt with a metal brush.
  • Rinse in a container with clean water without using soap solution or powder.
  • A clean stone should be left in water for up to 1.5 hours until it becomes slippery.
  • It is recommended to dry the minerals in a well-ventilated area, otherwise fungus will begin to form on the surface.
  • Each element should be lightly tapped with a hammer. A loud sound indicates durability and serviceability, a dull sound indicates the need for replacement.
  • Cracked specimens must be removed, filling the oven with new ones.
  • Oil stains are practically impossible to remove, so the stones are placed with the clean side up.

For a pleasant aroma inside the steam room, you can hang bouquets of lavender and mint on the walls, fill a container with water and essential oil and hang it over the stove.

Operating rules

Before laying out, the specimens are thoroughly washed and dried naturally. Next, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the smallest ones are placed at the bottom, the cheap ones in the middle, and healing stones on top;
  • small portions of liquid are poured frequently, not once and generously; it is advisable to do this with hot water;
  • when using essential oils, periodic cleaning of deposits is necessary;
  • The stones for the steam room are placed in the bathhouse quite tightly, but with relative freedom.

Going overboard with their quantity means waiting a long time for warming up. Simple maintenance consists of systematically examining the cause of defects and replacing failed minerals.

For the aesthetic appearance of the heater, multi-colored combinations are used, they cover the exhaust pipe with samples, and place them in the pool or rest room.

Bath relaxation is a technique known since ancient times for the prevention of many ailments, especially in Rus'. Taking into account the specific nuances of “steam generators”, you can gain an enviable vitality and optimistic attitude.

The healing effect increases significantly if you know which bath stones should be preferred for the benefit of the whole family, having become familiar with their characteristic differences.

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