Model range and advantages of Harvia Legend 240 stoves

An elegant stove model. Harvia Legend 240 sauna stoves are the best models of products from a Finnish manufacturer that produces bath products. Over the course of 60 years, the company has gained experience in the production of wood stoves. Therefore, modern Harvia stoves can boast not only a luxurious appearance, but also high-level technical characteristics. The Finnish manufacturer has been improving its heating products for baths for years and now creates almost ideal heaters.

Harvia ovens are the flagship of the company, which is one of the leaders in its field. The products of the Finnish manufacturer meet international quality standards. In addition, Harvia products have a wide range, so you can easily choose a sauna stove that fully meets your requirements.

What types of sauna are there: Finnish, Russian, Turkish

The most common bath regimes in Russia today are the Russian and Finnish bath . The Turkish one lags significantly behind in this regard, since it bears little resemblance to what most associate a bathhouse with.
As for the first, both, roughly speaking, are nearby on the same temperature-humidity diagram . In order not to complicate understanding, we will explain everything “on the fingers”.

A person in a steam room is simultaneously affected by heat and steam . , the proportion of both is important .
That’s why choosing a stove for a steam room is so important. On a note! In order not to harm your health, you need to adhere to the rule: the more steam, the less heat there should be, and vice versa, the more heat, the less steam you let in.

Bath thermometer-hygrometer, measures air temperature and humidity

The bathhouse turned out to be akin to art precisely because the main role here is played by the skill of the steamer, a suitable stove and the ability to handle it. Because the heat can be different (soft and hard), and the steam can be different (heavy and light).

The conditions of a Russian bath are easy to remember - the temperature is about 55 degrees and the humidity is about 55 percent .

A Finnish bath (also known as a sauna) is a temperature of 90 degrees and above , but at the same time the humidity is 5-15 percent .

A Turkish bath (aka hammam) is a temperature of up to 40 degrees and almost 100% humidity .

As for steam, for a Russian bath you need light steam , which is formed when water is heated to a temperature above 100 degrees (this is only possible when the stones are strongly heated - up to 400 and above). In a hammam and even in a sauna, the steam can be ordinary, heavy - the same as you see in the kitchen when the kettle boils. This is acceptable, because there is too much of it in the hammam , and too little in the sauna , and the temperatures are such that it does no harm.

Accordingly, the stove you choose should be able to maintain the desired temperature and produce the right amount of steam of a certain quality. We analyze in detail the choice of electric ovens in another article. And here our task is to find the right use for the Harvia electric heater.

Harvia electric heaters: in which sauna is it better to install them?

Harvia Delta D23 oven. Harvia Photos

The ability of an electric stove to produce steam is very limited , but the reasons for this will be discussed below. At the same time, it has excellent capabilities for quickly heating the steam room to a given temperature and maintaining it using automatic means.

IMPORTANT! In other words, an ordinary Harvia electric heater, without additional accessories, is suitable exclusively for a sauna . There is no point in using it for a hammam at all. And if you want to set up a Russian bathhouse with such a device, you will have to purchase a model with a steam generator.

Wood burning stoves Harvia

Wood-burning stoves Harvia Legend (Legend) are mesh stoves, characterized by a large volume of stones, which guarantee a softer heat radiation. This is an excellent option for saunas - the temperature in the steam room in summer reaches the required values ​​in an hour or two: the company is famous for its excellent air convection in the stove. This has even become a reason for complaints - the air warms up and dries out too quickly. But the stove is designed for a sauna, where dry hot air is needed.

Wood burning stove Harvia Lgend 240 Duo

If you plan to use this stove in a Russian bath, you need a brick screen that softens and accumulates heat. To quickly heat up the stones, use a coarse fraction, place the stones sparsely so that the air circulates well.

Connoisseurs of the Russian bath, when laying stones in the “Legends” of any modification from Harvia (Harvia Lgend 240 Duo, legend 300, legend 150 - they differ in size, power and number of stones placed), insert metal tubes through which water is supplied to the heated stones. In this case, the steam will be light and well heated. If you simply apply water to the stones from above, the steam turns out to be “heavy” and wet. The situation will be a little better if you pour water onto the mesh from the side - here the layer of stones is smaller and the steam will be drier.

The Harvia Legend wood-burning stove is available in several modifications for steam rooms of different sizes. All models have an external firebox, are made of heat-resistant steel and covered with a thick layer of protective paint. DUO models are equipped with a wide-format door with glass, allowing you to look at the fire - as if combining a stove and fireplace. Despite all this, the glass remains clean and no soot settles on it - this is one of the company’s secrets.

Harvia produces stoves of various designs with different technical characteristics. Pictured is Harvia 20 ES Pro

Wood-burning stoves Harvia 20 Duo and Harvia 36 Duo are options for saunas from 8-20m3 to 14-36m3, respectively. They also have a remote firebox, a large door with fire-resistant glass (the door can be hung on the right or left side, whichever is more convenient for you). It is possible to retrofit the stove with a hanging water tank made of stainless steel. According to reviews, the Harvia 20 Duo stove heats a 6.8 m3 steam room to 100°C in 40-50 minutes (in the warm season); thanks to the thick steel in the upper part (10 mm), the stove does not deform during heating.

The wood-burning stove Harvia 20 sl is a heater with a boiler for a small steam room (up to 20 m3), the Harvia 50 sl model is suitable for large industrial volumes - it heats up to 50 m3.

Wood burning stove Harvia 20 Duo

All modern Harvia models are distinguished by a large combustion chamber volume, which can easily accommodate large logs. In addition, there is no need to chop them: they burn well whole (this applies to all stoves of the latest modifications and to Harvia Legend and Harvia 20 Duo and Harvia 36 Duo, and Harvia GreenFlame 20 GF). They even burn too well - the stove heats up very quickly, often to a red color, and emits harsh radiation. To avoid this, you need to choose the right fire mode and not add a large amount of firewood.

The best option is to install a brick screen around the stove. Some bath lovers advise laying a sheet of steel on top of the screen, leaving small gaps for convection. With this screen arrangement, the heater turns out to be almost closed, the stones are heated to high temperatures and the resulting steam is light and finely dispersed.

According to reviews from those who have had Harvia stoves installed for a long time, the stove is easy to clean - the ash spills through the grate into a special tray (ash pan). All that remains is to take out the container and shake out the unburnt remains, of which, by the way, there are very few left: Harvia has developed an optimal convection scheme, thanks to which any wood except frankly damp wood burns.

Arrangement option Harvia Lgend 240 Duo

There are some inconveniences when installing a chimney: the diameter is non-standard and, if you do not take a branded pipe, you have to make a chimney to order, which is inconvenient and at times risky. Here, in fact, is all that we managed to collect from the forums about Harvia wood-burning stoves.

How the electric heater "Harvia" works

The design of any stove determines its capabilities. Let’s briefly look at the design of the Harvia electric sauna stove, taking into account that many electric heaters are designed in a similar way.

So, an electric stove is a hollow body with heating elements installed inside .


In turn, a heating element is a hollow tube with a spiral inside . Under the influence of current, the spiral heats up, the tube serves to protect it. ( Tubular electric heaters are the most common.)

This is what the heating element for the Harvia electric heater looks like

Heating elements are very fragile and do not withstand pressure, bending and contact with water. Therefore they often fail.

Carefully! The manufacturer does not consider cases where this occurs as a violation of operating rules to be a reason for warranty repair. For example, you accidentally tilted one of the elements and it broke.

If one of your heating elements has burned out, you can replace it yourself or with the help of a specialist. The main thing is to write off the markings, including the code and power , so that the store can select the right replacement model for you. Or you can take the burnt-out heating element with you.


The Harvia electric heater does not work without stones. More precisely, it doesn't work for long . Heating elements must transfer heat to stones, which have a high heat capacity and prevent the heating elements themselves from overheating.

Stones for the Harvia electric heater on the manufacturer’s website

According to the manufacturer’s own experts, only crushed stones with an uneven surface are suitable for use in heaters. They do not recommend using boned ones, since they have less surface area. In addition, it is important to follow the rule of free laying, with gaps between the stones; this is only possible if there is uneven chipping.

Attention! The manufacturer claims that there is no place for ceramic, talc and smooth stones in its heaters.

For his part, he offers crushed stone measuring 5-10 cm, which is suitable for small and medium-sized heaters. Stones from 10 to 15 cm are suitable for either wood-burning or high-power electric heaters (for example, Symphony (not produced) and Forte: AFB4, AFB6 and AFB9).

IMPORTANT! Turning on the Harvia electric sauna stove without stones between the heating elements is strictly prohibited.

As for breeds suitable for an electric stove, then anything that is generally suitable for a bath will do. We have written a lot about bath stones, take an interest. But Finns usually sell branded soapstone for their stoves. Here it’s up to you to decide whether to take it or another stone. The main thing is to take a smaller fraction than for a regular wood-burning heater.

Useful video

Watch a Finnish video about how to place stones correctly (if you need more details, we have a whole article about laying stones in electric heaters):

Electric sauna stove Harvia: power supply

Since the “fuel” for the stove in our case is electricity, then we need to talk about the requirements for the electrical network . Because not every heater can be connected to a regular 220 volt network . You need to think about this in advance.

Despite the fact that electric heaters are undemanding to the foundation, do not require chimneys and firewood and have other advantages, the voltage of the network and the quality of the wires can become a source of unnecessary headaches.

Grounding is required!

First, let's be clear: on sale you will find 220 and 380 volt stoves. The former are connected to a regular single-phase network, the latter require a three-phase one.

3 phase

Where can I get three phases? Well, everything here is simple and complicated at the same time. Each house , including urban high-rise buildings, receives three-phase power , which is then distributed among consumers in the form of single-phase with a voltage of 220 volts. In other words, in principle it is possible to extend three phases into an apartment or house , but this issue needs to be settled.

But at home you will need more powerful wiring - a wire with a larger cross-section, preferably made of copper.

By the way! Sometimes, if the power is not too high, a 380-volt Harvia electric sauna stove can be connected to a 220-volt network, and it will work!

Yes, such stoves vary greatly in power. The higher it is, the greater the electricity consumption and the higher the requirements for the electrical network. In the review of electric sauna stoves "Harvia", we indicated models with high voltage. Be curious.

Electric sauna stove 3 phase Harvia Globe GL 110 on a high stand. Harvia Photos

Characteristics of various models of Legend 240 stoves

Decorative fence for the heater
The Harvia Legend 240 heater is produced in three different configurations.

The stock version of the Legend 240 heater is intended for medium-sized rooms, but its power is no lower than that of other models. In addition, it is equipped with adjustable legs, which creates additional convenience when placing the heater.

The Legend 240 SL sauna stove has all of the above functions, but has an external type of heating chamber. This modification affected almost all products of the Finnish manufacturer, since the remote firebox allows you to heat the heater from another room (sink, dressing room). This creates a lot of convenience when firing the stove. In addition, this type of heating will make the steam room as safe as possible.

The Legend 240 DUO model is the most expensive, since the volume of its heating chamber is increased. This design solution increases the efficiency of the heater, but at the same time you will have to forget about fuel economy. This stove has adjustable legs and a remote firebox.

Reviews of stoves from the Finnish manufacturer “Harvia” testify: Harvia heaters have long won the hearts of our compatriots. The reason for this is the high quality of the company's products. Most reviews from owners of heaters from a Finnish manufacturer have enthusiastic intonations.

Of course, the cost of products differs significantly from the prices of domestic stoves. But no modern manufacturer will give such a guarantee of reliability as Harvia.

When creating the stove, high-quality steel is used, to which a large amount of chromium is added. This is the key to ensuring high-quality performance of heaters with a high level of safety.


The Finns, as already mentioned, are trying to sell not just stoves, but a complete set of everything a steamer needs - from a finished sauna to a fence for the stove.

We list the main accessories that are offered to the client:

  • remote controls;
  • water dispenser;
  • color lighting;
  • speakers are waterproof;
  • wooden fencing;
  • steam generator.

The latter deserves a few words.

Harvia electric heater with steam generator

Heater models that come complete with a built-in steam generator are labeled with the word Combi, for example, Harvia Club Combi: K11GS, K13.5GS and K15GS .

In addition to the built-in ones, there are also separate steam generators , but they are supplied as equipment for steam cabins - completely insulated, in which humidity conditions of up to 100% are achievable, while the heating element is the steam generator itself. So the Finns created something like a hammam , because the temperature in the cabin does not rise above 45 degrees. Steam cabins are advertised as a means of muscle relaxation and fighting colds.

Thus, the only option to artificially reproduce the conditions of a Russian bath is to buy any of the electric heaters with a Harvia brand steam generator, set the temperature to 55 degrees and try to get light steam from the steam generator using electricity.

Harvia Club Combi electric heater with steam generator. Harvia Photos

Take a look at our review of Harvia products - Combis are also present there.

Review of the Harvia 20 SL sauna stove

Basic parameters of the furnace

My husband and I installed a log house for a bathhouse made of logs with a diameter of 22 cm a year and a half ago for standing, and we only finished finishing it now.
In order to buy a stove for a bath, we studied the market for a long time, consulted with neighbors and ultimately bought a Harvia 20 SL - a stove with a remote firebox. Specifications

Weight - 70 kg Weight of loaded stones - 40 kg Dimensions (width, height, depth) - 43x76x51 cm Firebox extension - 22 cm Safe distance from the side, back and front - 50 cm Safe distance from the top of the stove to the ceiling - 120 cm Chimney diameter - 115 mm The thickness of the steel above the fire is 10 mm. This thickness guarantees long-term operation of the stove. The thickness of the steel from which the firebox is made is 6 mm

How did the oven perform?

Our stove is designed for steam rooms with a volume from 8 to 20 cubic meters. m.

You can heat from the room adjacent to the steam room. Our stove is in the steam room, and the firebox is located in the rest room. This is very convenient because you don’t have to carry firewood into the steam room through the washing room, take off your shoes, or open and close doors. The steam room in our bathhouse has dimensions of 220 by 240 cm with a ceiling height of 210 cm. The oven heats it up to a temperature of 110 degrees in an hour. We measure the temperature at a distance of 70 cm from the floor, the heat lasts a long time. Now, at a daytime temperature of + 12 degrees and a night temperature of +8, after yesterday’s evening fire, it’s still hot in the steam room. But this, of course, is largely due to the well-caulked log house. The pine log walls release their aroma when heated, and an extraordinary atmosphere arises in the bathhouse.


And in the relaxation room, sitting in a chair opposite the firebox, we enjoy the beauty of the fire through a cast-iron door with a glass insert. The top of the stove on the steam room side is trimmed with a stainless steel strip. Heating stones are loaded on top. Case color – black graphite. The design is one of the most durable among stoves in this class and ensures excellent circulation of hot air in the room. Thanks to the remote firebox, this stove is ideal for log baths.

According to fire safety requirements, the stove was lined with brickwork at the required distance from the sides and top. In the steam room, a thermal protective screen made of stainless steel with a mirror surface was installed on the wall located close to the stove, providing reliable protection.

The length of firewood for heating in a stove of this modification should be no more than 40 cm. This turned out to be not very convenient for us, because in our private house logs up to 53 cm long are loaded into the fireplace stove. Therefore, for the bathhouse we have to chop logs separately, of shorter length. This is perhaps the only drawback. Eurowood is convenient for heating this stove; its longest length is 25 cm. The energy intensity of Eurowood is higher than that of conventional firewood, and during combustion almost no soot is formed. We have already prepared firewood for this winter, and for the next season we plan to buy Euro briquettes for the bathhouse. Then there will be no more problems.


We are happy with our stove. The main role in the choice was played by the fact that our neighbors’ stove from such a company has been working conscientiously and without problems for 5 years, heating the steam room quickly. True, their steam room is much larger than ours, and the stove, accordingly, is also larger - Harvia 20 Duo. On the firebox side there is a beautiful stainless steel screen with the company logo. The screen, of course, is very beautiful, but the price of this Harvia is almost twice as high as ours.

Confidence in the right choice was also strengthened by the fact that the Finnish company Harvia has been producing sauna stoves for about 60 years, which are very popular in our country because of their efficiency and reliability.

Is it possible to pour water on the Harvia electric heater?

Yes, you can pour water, but in limited volumes (see model data sheet), especially if the number of stones is small - 20-40 kilograms. The reason is that with so many stones you can easily flood the heating elements and damage them .

If the heater is larger in size, and the heating elements are securely covered with stones , then you can give in more. The main thing is not to overdo it. The steam will be heavy from an open heater, and the temperature in the steam room will most likely be more than 60 degrees. Take care of your heart!


In parting, we suggest you watch a simple video in which the guys show the device of one of the models:


We hope that the article helped you figure out whether a Finnish electric furnace is suitable in your particular case. Customers who prefer to opt for domestically produced products should familiarize themselves with the range of electric heaters made in Russia.

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