We understand the features of Zhara brand sauna stoves

It is difficult to find a person who would not like to take a steam bath or take water treatments. They are necessary not only for maintaining hygiene and health, but also allow a person to relax and relieve stress.

And, undoubtedly, the bathhouse has the best qualities in this sense. In the steam room, various harmful substances are removed from the body along with sweat.

But this not only cleanses the body, but also calms the nervous system, which is especially important in our time. And if earlier, in order to build a bathhouse on your site, the services of a stove-maker would have been required, today Zhara sauna stoves will help in solving this problem; they are easy to install, easy to maintain and will very quickly bring the temperature to the required value.

Gas sauna stoves for saunas

Gas sauna stoves are heating equipment that runs on gas. Their design is very simple: the furnace consists of a base, a combustion chamber, a product body and a gas burner device. Such stoves are suitable for those houses that have a main gas supply. Unlike conventional wood-burning sauna stoves, gas stoves constantly maintain the optimal microclimate for the steam room; you just need to select the desired mode. The product burns fuel quite economically. A distinctive feature of Zhara stoves is the lowest cost in Russia and reliability ensured by the thickness of the firebox arch up to 10 mm.

Selection of oven

The choice of a gas stove for a home or bath depends not only on price and quality, but also on its visual appeal. Among our products, everyone will find a stove for their home. The range includes traditional classic models, as well as updated models in true modern and ultra-modern style. A classic sauna stove has familiar shapes. True connoisseurs can buy an original gas stove in several styles. We also accept individual orders for any stove, including gas sauna stoves.

Installation of stoves in a bathhouse

Installation is best left to professionals. They will tell you where and how to install the necessary equipment and connect it correctly. This is especially important if gas stoves are chosen. Because Incorrect actions when installing such a stove can lead to serious consequences.


How to choose correctly

You should choose stoves taking into account the installation location of the heater. For example, if a wood-burning stove will be located in a steam room, then the heater should have increased dimensions, and there should be no combustion tunnel. If there is not enough space inside the room, then you can choose stoves with a protrusion, which is created during the construction of the foundation. This will allow you to heat the steam room from the street. To lay fuel or stones, you must choose models that have a special combustion chamber.

It is important to take into account the thickness of the walls of the combustion chamber when purchasing. The thicker the material, the longer the Heat will serve its owner.

Gas sauna stoves for saunas

Gas sauna stoves are heating equipment that runs on gas. Their design is very simple: the furnace consists of a base, a combustion chamber, a product body and a gas burner device. Such stoves are suitable for those houses that have a main gas supply. Unlike conventional wood-burning sauna stoves, gas stoves constantly maintain the optimal microclimate for the steam room; you just need to select the desired mode. The product burns fuel quite economically. A distinctive feature of Zhara stoves is the lowest cost in Russia and reliability ensured by the thickness of the firebox arch up to 10 mm.

What to drown with

A heat sauna stove requires the correct choice of fuel, since this determines how long it will work, what the heat transfer and efficiency will be. It is recommended to burn with dry logs up to 100 mm thick and 50 to 100 mm long.

Before placing firewood in the firebox, you need to light the chamber. The following types of materials are suitable for this:

  • Shavings
  • crumpled paper
  • Split logs
  • Birch bark

The kindling material should fill the chamber only halfway so that the water in the tank boils gradually. Before lighting a fire, you need to check that there is water in the water tank, filling the container two-thirds full.

For kindling, do not use flammable mixtures such as acetone, gasoline, or solvent.

Wood-burning sauna stoves Heat

The models of stoves in the Zhara line have a fairly simple design. In essence, they are a structure welded from several pipes with thick walls.

The unique design of the Zhara stove is its chimney, made in the form of a coil, which prevents the heat from simply “flying out” into the street.

All models can be installed either directly in the steam room itself or in the dressing room. What models are included in the series:

Heat Malyutka 500

Metal sauna stoves Zhara Malyutka 500 are designed for small rooms with a maximum area of ​​4 to 18 cubic meters. m. The water heating tank is not included in the basic package, but can be installed at the customer’s request on a pipe or rear wall.

The number in the model name indicates the length of the combustion chamber. The maximum length of firewood is 470 mm. The weight of the structure with full stones is 134 kg. The expected service life is 10 years.

Heat Standard 650

Sauna stove Heat Standard 650 with a water tank - this model is more productive and can heat a steam room up to 32 cubic meters. m. However, there is no point in installing it in a bathhouse whose area is less than 14 m³.

The combustion chamber can accommodate firewood up to 620 mm long. The thickness of the firebox walls is 8 mm. Heating the room to a temperature of 100 degrees is carried out within 40 - 60 minutes. The model provides the possibility of facing with bricks: 125 and 200 mm protrusion.

Heat Extra 400 and 400U

Iron sauna stove Zhara Extra 400 is popular among owners of small sauna premises. It is the optimal solution for installation in a steam room up to 14 cubic meters. It has a light weight of 35 kg, despite the fact that the heater can hold up to 60 kg of stones.

The combustion chamber is made of metal 5 mm thick, which makes it possible to use Heat Extra 400 for five years.

The Zhara Extra 400U stove has an almost identical design solution, but differs in that 8 mm steel is used for the firebox. The thickness of the metal affects both the weight of the product (44 kg, with a fully loaded heater 104 kg) and the service life (3 years of warranty service, the expected service life of the Extra 400U is at least 20 years).

Heat Malyutka 750

Bath stove Heat Malyutka 750 - used for baths with a total area of ​​8 to 20 cubic meters. m. The room is heated within 40 minutes. As an additional option, you can order the installation of a water heating tank with a capacity of 50 to 100 liters.

Advantages and disadvantages

“Zhara” stoves are produced at the Dobrostal plant, where developers create a range of this type of equipment. Its advantages include:

  • Works on modern technologies, taking into account the principle of operation of village stoves.
  • Safe and easy to use.
  • Has a high level of performance.
  • Long service life, which on average is 20 years. But if you buy budget models, they will work no longer than 10 years.
  • Use of high-quality and durable materials for pipes.
  • The firebox has a cylindrical shape, the chamber is equipped with a reinforced arch. The firebox parts are connected to each other with high-quality welding seams.
  • High heat transfer, which is achieved through the use of carbon steel.
  • The sauna stove comes complete with spiral chimneys, through which gases move like a “snake”, passing along the heater. This allows you to heat the stones, as a result of which fuel consumption is saved several times; the steam room heats up in an hour in the summer months, and in two to three hours in winter. The chimney is easy to clean, since the special damper assembly is removable.
  • “Zhara” stoves with a water tank are available in several modifications. They can be installed on the wall, on the chimney or on the stove body. You can invite a specialist to install a water tank, although this task can be easily accomplished without the assistance of assistants. Adding water to the tank does not require removing the container from its mounting location. It is recommended to use only original tanks to keep the heat in the steam room longer.
  • Each model has a grate type grate, which is developed at the factory.
  • Affordable price.

Diagram of the internal structure
The furnaces of the Dobrostal plant also have certain disadvantages, which include:

  • Lack of aesthetics, since the structures do not have a designer appearance. The stoves are painted with paint and enamel, which quickly peels off. You will have to look in stores for a special coating to protect the stove.
  • There is no protective shield, so you can get thermal radiation.
  • To improve the appearance, the owners create a special brick case around the “Heat”.

But these shortcomings do not in any way affect the performance and operation of the furnaces. Modern baths installed outside the city are perfectly combined with the operating mechanism of “Zhara”.

Design of sauna stoves from Zhara company

The design of wood-burning stoves produced under the Zhara brand is quite simple and is not complicated by additional components. The combustion process and control of the room temperature are carried out manually.

The water tank is not included in the basic package, but can be installed at the request of the customer. Depending on the model, the length of firewood used may vary. The depth of the combustion chamber is indicated by the numbers in the name of the stove; the abbreviation “U” indicates that the firebox is made of thickened steel.

The line of wood-burning stoves cannot boast of beauty, but the Zhara stove keeps the heat in the bathhouse for a long time (after full warm-up, it will still be warm in the morning) and heats the water well. A unique smoke removal system allows you to use combustion products as efficiently as possible, directing their heat to heat the room.

Review of “Heat” stoves for baths

The choice of stove for a bath depends on the volume of the steam room and the financial capabilities of the owner. These issues are successfully addressed by the Zhara range of stoves. Their main advantages are undoubtedly:

  • acceptable price;
  • simplicity and reliability of design;
  • durability. With proper use, the service life is 20 – 25 years.
  • Keeps warm for a long time, the water in the tank remains warm for 10 - 12 hours.

There are some disadvantages as a consequence of the simplicity of the design:

  • unattractive appearance;
  • very strong infrared radiation.

Both of them are easy to fix, because "Heat" can be used as the basis for any modern stove. It is enough to shield it, cover it with bricks and decorate it - as a result, you can get a rather interesting result. You just need to leave a hole for air circulation to avoid disruption of heat transfer.

New models of the Zhara stove are more improved and manufactured taking into account existing shortcomings. They are equipped with a heater , which allows you to retain heat longer and makes the process of bathing in the sauna more enjoyable.

Gas ovens from Zhara

Gas stoves from the Zhara company appeared on the market relatively recently. At the moment they are represented by three models:

Heat Malyutkagaz

Malyutkagaz - used for heating rooms up to 12 cubic meters. m. It has small dimensions of 400*725*575 cm. The power of the Malyutkagaz equipment is enough to heat 100 kg of stones, ensuring uniform heating of the room. The structure of the gas stove in the Zhara Malyutkagaz bathhouse can be equipped with a water tank.

Heat Standardgas

Sauna gas stove Zhara Standardgas - installed to heat a room with an area of ​​at least 10 cubic meters. m. Maximum heated area 24 cubic meters. m. The Heat Standardgas design allows you to heat the steam room from the dressing room, which increases the operating comfort. The bath is heated automatically.

Heat Supergas

Heat Supergas stove - the difference from the previous version of this model is mainly in the thickness of the firebox arch and, therefore, in the service life. The Supergas model is designed to operate for 20 years, compared to Standardgas for only 10 years.

Which Heat stove is best for a sauna?

There are many different opinions on this matter, but basically they agree on one thing: it all depends on the personal preferences of the owners and the technical capabilities of the building.

When making a decision, you should pay attention to the following:

Heat stoves, gas or wood-burning, are popular due to their consistent quality and simplicity of design. Although they do not have an elegant appearance like other analogues, and their design does not provide additional functions, they do an excellent job with the main task - heating the air in the room.



When choosing a Heat stove for a bath, you should take into account the internal area of ​​the room. The manufacturing plant produces various modifications of designs that allow you to heat baths ranging in size from 4 to 40 m3. All products are divided into two large groups - gas and wood. The range of wood stoves is represented by the following designs:

  • Budget models Extra. They have thin walls and are light weight, so they can be installed without building a foundation. Excellent for heating rooms up to 8 m3.
  • Thrifty Baby. Given its popularity among users, manufacturers produce several modifications of this model - 750T, 700, 600T. The products differ among themselves in the depth of the combustion chamber and weight. In these models, the thickness of each wall is 8 mm. The Malyutki 500 E and 600 E are more powerful and of higher quality in terms of heat transfer. You can heat baths with stoves of this series, the internal area of ​​which is 14 m3.
  • Standard. Also in demand among owners of country houses and summer cottages. In order to place them indoors, it is necessary to build a foundation. This will help to properly heat the bathhouse and place a structure weighing 120 kg on a supporting base. Steam rooms up to 20 m3 can be heated.
  • Exclusive. Such models are installed in bath complexes. The stoves have a wall thickness of 12 mm, which helps to heat a room up to 36 m3 in size. It is also necessary to make reinforcing foundations for these models.

Wood stoves operate on solid fuel and have different combustion chamber depths. The letters U or E indicate wall thickness. U is a reinforced firebox, and E is a firebox with thinner walls. Stoves of this modification are heated from the street, where the combustion mechanism (box) is installed, or from the dressing room.

Gas ovens

  • BabyGas. The most compact design from manufacturers, which can heat a steam room with an area of ​​up to 12 m2. Heating is carried out through an open stove, where stones must be placed. They are heated using a gas burner system.
  • Standard Gas and SuperGas. Suitable for heating baths up to 24 m3.

Gas sauna stoves “Zhara” are supplied complete with a water tank and a chimney. Heating is provided from the dressing room or washing room.

Wood-burning stove for a sauna at a competitive price!

Village baths have always been most valued. It is logical that it was in the villages that local craftsmen spent years inventing, testing, and searching for the most convenient and correct version of a metal sauna stove. And, naturally, they found it. Modern wood-burning sauna stoves are highly efficient, compact, economical, aesthetically attractive units that are easy to assemble and install. Such sauna stoves operate on solid fuel: wood, coal, sawdust, etc.

Wood-burning sauna stoves. Choosing a stove style

To choose a stove for your home or bath, you need to pay attention not only to price and quality, but also to its visual appeal. Among our huge assortment, each buyer will be able to choose a stove that suits all his requirements. We produce both traditional classic models and updated modern models. Classic wood-burning sauna stoves have familiar shapes. For true connoisseurs, original stoves have been developed in several styles, including stoves made from pipes. In addition, we regularly manufacture custom-made stoves and water tanks.

Safe oven installation

It is safest to leave the installation of the stove to professionals. They will tell you exactly where to install the equipment and connect it correctly. The owner of the premises will be able to install classic wood-burning stoves for a bathhouse or a stove made of pipes if they strictly follow the instructions or have similar experience.

Sauna stove price


What happy equipment owners say

Although there are still a limited number of reviews of the Zhara sauna stove, none of them are negative. Those who have already become the owners of such products claim that they have been using them for more than one year and are satisfied with everything. They don't have any major complaints about the devices.

Sauna stoves of the Zhara brand, reviews confirm this provision, warm up the steam room very quickly. The tank, although removable, is equipped with a lid, which allows you to fill it with water without dismantling it. They also note the fact that even the next day after the bathhouse is heated, the water in it remains warm, which is very comfortable, especially in the cold season.

Wood-burning stove for a sauna at a competitive price!

Village baths have always been most valued. It is logical that it was in the villages that local craftsmen spent years inventing, testing, and searching for the most convenient and correct version of a metal sauna stove. And, naturally, they found it. Modern wood-burning sauna stoves are highly efficient, compact, economical, aesthetically attractive units that are easy to assemble and install. Such sauna stoves operate on solid fuel: wood, coal, sawdust, etc.

Wood-burning sauna stoves. Choosing a stove style

To choose a stove for your home or bath, you need to pay attention not only to price and quality, but also to its visual appeal. Among our huge assortment, each buyer will be able to choose a stove that suits all his requirements. We produce both traditional classic models and updated modern models. Classic wood-burning sauna stoves have familiar shapes. For true connoisseurs, original stoves have been developed in several styles, including stoves made from pipes. In addition, we regularly manufacture custom-made stoves and water tanks.

Safe oven installation

It is safest to leave the installation of the stove to professionals. They will tell you exactly where to install the equipment and connect it correctly. The owner of the premises will be able to install classic wood-burning stoves for a bathhouse or a stove made of pipes if they strictly follow the instructions or have similar experience.

Customers' opinions about Zhara stoves

The most important thing that users of Zhara sauna stoves are unanimous about is the excellent quality of work. The manufacturing plant in this sense has an impeccable reputation. Welding work is carried out conscientiously, high-strength materials are used. practically absent.

An excellent unit, the welding seams are almost invisible, you can feel the hand of a professional.” What I especially liked about “Heat” is the ability to heat from the dressing room, I heat it, and the guests wash.

Vasily N.

In terms of heating capacity of a room, “Zhara”, in my opinion, simply has no competitors.
But the water does not have time to warm up during the same time. Perhaps I selected the wrong volume of the water tank. Denis

What to look for when choosing a gas stove for a sauna

If you decide to purchase a gas stove for a bathhouse, you need to focus on several basic selection criteria. And the main thing, of course, will be the required thermal power.

How to determine the power of a gas sauna stove

The stove must, according to its characteristics, be able to cope with its direct task - creating and maintaining the required temperature in the steam room. That is, we are talking about the thermal power of the purchased unit.

It is usually accepted as an axiom that for one cubic meter of steam room volume, about one kilowatt of furnace power is required, regardless of the type of fuel used. It would seem that everything is simple: multiply the linear dimensions of the room by height, length and width - and the desired value is “in your pocket”. However, this issue also has its own nuances.

This approach is justified only if the steam room has complete thermal insulation, carried out in accordance with all the rules and based on thermal engineering calculations, including with the recommended reflective vapor-proof material such as penofol. Then the internal lining made of natural wood will not require additional heat.

Insulating a steam room is a task of special responsibility!

High-quality thermal insulation of this room is necessary for obvious reasons - it is necessary to maintain a high temperature there, without leading to a senseless waste of fuel or electricity. In addition, thermal insulation must be able to withstand the “pressure” of high concentrations of water vapor. The optimal solution: the use of foil insulation for baths - read about this in a special article on our portal.

But in practice, there are areas in the steam room, and sometimes very significant ones, that become “gaps” in the thermal insulation. They must also be taken into account by making appropriate adjustments.

  • If there is a window in the steam room, then in any case it contributes to heat loss. In this case, you need to add 3 kW (or 3 m³ to the volume of the room, as is convenient for you) for each m² of window if it has one glass, and 1.5 kW if the window is double-glazed or double-glazed.

The presence of a window in the steam room requires increasing the power of the sauna stove

  • Brick (stone) sections of walls, or surfaces lined with ceramic tiles, have a high heat capacity, and for each m² of such a section another 1.2 kW is added.
  • Log walls (or walls made of timber) have a very high heat capacity, but in order for the desired microclimate to be created and maintained in the bathhouse, they must be heated. If a bathhouse in a log house does not have internal thermal insulation lining, then the nominal volume of the steam room (that is, the power of the stove) should be increased by one and a half times.

The log walls of the steam room will require a very significant amount of heat to fully warm up.

  • An uninsulated door (thin wooden plank or even a newfangled glass door) will require an increase of another 1.5 kW.
  • When the fuel window is located in an adjacent room, heat loss through this “bridge” is inevitable. Therefore, it is necessary to make an adjustment for this circumstance, on the order of an additional 10 percent.

Whether we like it or not, the fuel window of the stove placed in the next room (in the dressing room) is also a very “effective bridge” for the loss of heat generated by the device

The total amount can add up to a very significant increase in volume. And when choosing a stove, it is recommended to consider models such that the calculated total value is approximately in the middle of the power range (or steam room volume) indicated in their passport.

And one more nuance: there may be one stove model, but it can be equipped with burners of different power - this is also worth paying attention to.

Other criteria for choosing a gas furnace

  • Steam rooms, as a rule, do not have a large area. And in order not to reduce the already cramped space, it is worth choosing a stove of proportionate dimensions so that its presence does not restrict the free movement of people.
  • The best option would be a stove with an extended, remote fuel channel. That is, all control actions will not be carried out in the steam room, gas equipment will not “steal” space, the safety of operating the stove and taking bath procedures will increase sharply. Most modern models have exactly this layout.
  • The data sheets of many models indicate approximate gas consumption. Of course, the lower it is, the better, the more efficiently the device works, that is, the higher its efficiency.
  • Be sure to focus on what type of gas is acceptable for the stove. The fact is that some gas burners that are equipped with furnaces are designed exclusively for natural network gas, while others allow the gearbox to be reconfigured and the nozzles to be changed for liquefied bottled gas. Don't lose sight of this to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation.
  • As already mentioned, many stoves have versatility - they can also work with wood when changing the fuel block. This can be beneficial in cases where gas has not yet been supplied to the house, but such an opportunity is visible in the near future. So that the bathhouse does not sit idle in vain, and in order to avoid unnecessary costs, such a model will be just a godsend - over time, it will be possible to simply install a gas burner instead of the loading window.
  • You should probably think in advance about how the water in the bath will be heated, and purchase the appropriate tank that matches the model you choose. Well, if you want to save as much space as possible in the steam room, then it is better to take the container into the washing room, and for the steam room, purchase, at a little extra cost, a modification of the stove with a built-in heat exchanger.
  • Be sure to carefully check all the documentation of the purchased stove - the store manager is required to present quality and safety certificates, the manufacturer's passport of the product with marks of technical control upon request. If there is some confusion with the documents, or there are none at all, then you should refrain from purchasing.
  • It is never a bad idea to carefully inspect the device for external damage. Anything can happen during transportation, loading and unloading - but you need a quality stove!
  • Important - as a rule, stoves are not equipped with stone filling, but the passport always states how many stones the baskets are designed for. These are not empty numbers, since the rated capacity of the furnace is designed specifically for the specified amount of minerals. And making your own adjustments to this issue is not recommended.
  • You should not rush to cheap models from completely unfamiliar brands. There are cases where such accessibility is achieved by completely unacceptable savings from unscrupulous manufacturers on quality materials. This will then certainly affect the operation of the device, and in the worst case, the safety of operation.

It is best to purchase gas stoves from proven, completely trusted manufacturers. By the way, this is precisely the case when there is no need to chase imported equipment. Russian companies produce excellent gas stoves - these are the already mentioned above, Teplodar, KUTKIN, Ermak. Many of them use components for gas automation from the world's leading brands.

Gas stoves made in Europe are also very good, but their cost is usually significantly higher than domestic ones, with essentially equal characteristics and functionality.

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