Country bath complex: luxurious ideas and chic modern projects

Good day, dear readers!
Do you zealously follow trending discoveries in the fashion world? In this case, you should know that today His Majesty has the golden trident of power - Healthy Lifestyle! The deity who reigns on fashionable Olympus has many forms. Some people see it in the form of proper nutrition, others in the form of physical activity, others in the form of the absence of bad habits, and still others in the form of health-improving procedures.

But there is also a fifth category of people who see a Healthy Lifestyle in the form of a melodic composition of all existing guises. Where can you enjoy the beneficial image of the ruler of fashionable Olympus? In the steam room, of course. Bath and health facilities, as you know, work wonders on the body! Don't want to visit public baths? In this case, build the most amazing bath complex on your country plot!

Did your eyes light up with undisguised interest? Is the muse impatiently rubbing her palms in anticipation of entertaining work? Then, dear friends, I propose to consider the projects of breathtaking bath complexes!

Types of baths


They are divided into male and female. For most people, a public bathhouse is associated with a huge number of people, something unsterile. But this stereotype is a thing of the past. Modern baths are not much different from saunas and can accommodate a certain number of vacationers. Public baths are gaining popularity every year .

An important role is played by the fact that ideal cleanliness is maintained in these establishments. For the comfort of visitors, a separate locker is provided; you don’t have to worry about the safety of your belongings. Of course, one of the important advantages of public baths is their affordable price.


Also available for men and women. Private baths are ideal for large groups , family vacations, and romantic dates.

The advantage of this type of baths is that they do not require much space; many entrepreneurs build private baths right on their property. Current businessmen claim that opening a private bathhouse will require minimal investment. If you decide to install a sauna on your property, you will have to pay several times more for water - do not forget about this.


This type of bath came to us from Turkey. Hammam differs from other types in that the temperature in it does not exceed 50°C. Floors and walls are always heated to a comfortable temperature, humidity reaches 100% .

People who cannot tolerate high temperatures (like in a Finnish sauna) feel comfortable here. Interesting fact: visiting the hammam is recommended after a snack, but not on a full stomach.

Russian bath

A distinctive feature is hot, humid steam, thanks to which all toxins are removed from the body. After visiting this establishment, people note lightness, cleansing and cheerfulness . The steam room is a true love and tradition for the Russian people. A trip to a Russian bathhouse without a birch broom (oak, linden, etc.) is impossible.

The standard temperature is from 60 to 100°C, but for beginners who like bath procedures, it is necessary to stick to a temperature of 40–70°C.

Japanese sauna

The Japanese sauna is different from the rest. This is a small room with a wooden barrel and a couch. After all the procedures in the barrel, the visitor is invited to the couch where a relaxing massage is performed.

The water in the barrel is heated to 45°C - a comfortable temperature for relaxation. The barrel is 1.5 meters wide and 1.30 meters high. After the procedures, you are immersed in a special high box filled with beneficial herbs and sawdust.

It is useful for both women and men to go to the Japanese sauna, as immunity increases, the functioning of the musculoskeletal system improves, and the nervous system stabilizes. This bath treats diseases of the genitourinary system and prolongs life.

Finnish sauna

High temperature (up to 130 °C), minimum humidity (no more than 25%) are the distinctive features of the Finnish sauna. It is prohibited to use brooms or pour water on the stones. The benefits of visiting this bathhouse are that blood circulation improves, all harmful substances and toxins leave the body, and weight decreases. Contraindications are, of course, high blood pressure. Hot steam can make you sick.

Bath and health complexes: brilliant ideas from a design guru!


The bathhouse complex is an extremely complex structure, consisting of several objects that are united by a common infrastructure. That is, it implies the concentration of a certain number of structures within one object. Their combination may vary depending on the wishes and requirements of customers.


A bathhouse complex is a structure that can bring harmony to all spheres of human life. What I mean? A stunning composition, including various objects, is intended for:

  • fun festivities;
  • romantic dates;
  • business meetings;
  • healing procedures;
  • relaxing activities;
  • rejuvenating sessions;
  • meeting the right people.


Today there is a colossal number of different projects that are simply dizzying. Therefore, each person can choose the option that is most acceptable to him. Here, as they say, every bird has its own habits.

As a rule, the structure includes the following objects:

  • a bathhouse consisting of a dressing room, a steam room, a sink, a rest room and a utility room (and if you also add a kitchenette with a bedroom, you will get not just a steam room, but a bathhouse);
  • open terrace;
  • gazebo with barbecue;
  • swimming pool with sun loungers;
  • children's playground.

Any other ideas? Make them a reality. The more objects, the better the vacation!

Business plan for a Russian wood-burning bathhouse

Before starting any business, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan. Be sure to research the market in your city, as the situation may vary in each region.

If you decide to realize your dream and start a bath business, pay attention to these important points:

  • Demand and competition analysis
  • Choosing a place to build a bathhouse
  • List of documents required to open a business
  • Equipment and consumables for baths and recreation areas
  • Hiring
  • Additional sales or additional income items
  • Bathhouse advertisement
  • Starting investments
  • Monthly expenses
  • Profitability
  • Risks

Below we will look at each of these points in more detail.

Demand and competition analysis

There is competition in the bath business , but, as we wrote above, the demand for recreational leisure is growing every day. Probably only a few people don’t like going to the bathhouse. Most will happily spend time with family or friends for a pleasant and rewarding vacation. The target audience is diverse, it is impossible to segment it, since both young and elderly people visit the Russian bathhouse.

The following may compete with you:

  • Complexes. Water parks, spa centers, etc. Such companies offer their visitors a variety of additional procedures. But the prices in such complexes are many times higher than a visit to a Russian bathhouse - this is a significant disadvantage. You can offer visitors discounts, bonuses, loyalty cards, etc. is a proven way to win the client’s favor.
  • Small saunas and baths. Your task is to make sure that there are no direct competitors near your establishment. The profitability of your business depends on choosing the right location. Don’t forget to hold promotions, discounts, advertise - and you will be one step ahead.

Visiting the sauna - health benefits

Baths themselves are associated with nature. They are very often found near bodies of water and overgrown with trees, bushes and grass. And a person, after taking a good steam, leaving the bathhouse, nourishes his body with the environment. In other words, it achieves harmony with nature.

But many will certainly say that these are very abstract things. But what about the real benefits to the body?

  1. Blood circulation . While in the steam room, the blood vessels dilate and this helps stabilize the pressure. That is, the vessels become more flexible, thereby improving blood circulation in the extremities and reducing the level of pain in the joints.
  2. Skin condition . Through the blood, nutrients and oxygen enter human skin cells. And in the bathhouse blood circulation increases. Thus, the body quickly receives the substances necessary for normal metabolism. In other words, it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  3. Brain work . Spending some time in a steam room is very relaxing. After the bath you feel truly rested, and bath procedures also have a positive effect on your sleep. Thanks to this, the next morning your performance and psychological state will be much better than usual.
  4. Weight loss . It’s not for nothing that every fitness club has a sauna, because the “steam room” really helps you lose weight. All this works due to the same accelerated metabolism.

Choosing a place to build a bathhouse

There are several options. You can:

  • Buy land for construction;
  • Rent land;
  • Building on your own site is the most popular option.

A few important rules regarding point 3:

  • When building a bathhouse on your site, do not forget to allocate a place for additional rest. Additional services - satisfied customers who will come back to you again and again;
  • do not forget to register as an individual entrepreneur. Without official registration, large fines and visits from the tax office cannot be avoided;
  • make sure that the site can be used for commercial purposes (convert it). All information can be found in Rosreestr;
  • your bathhouse should accommodate up to 10 people;
  • The territory is hidden from prying eyes. Visitors should feel comfortable;
  • Consider being able to receive visitors 24 hours a day. Visiting a bathhouse is often a spontaneous decision;
  • stable electricity and water. If there are interruptions in water or electricity, clients will not return to you;
  • parking space for at least 3 cars;
  • additional conditions for recreation. Barbecue area, gazebos, etc.

Premises analysis

Bathhouse is a beauty - I like her

The queen of the bath complex is, of course, the steam room. To make it delight you with a favorable atmosphere and breathtaking design, you need to pay attention to the advice of specialists on the construction of cozy and beautiful baths.

  1. Material. Various materials are used today for the construction of baths. One of the best is natural wood. If you want to build a steam room as quickly as possible, it is rational to use a home kit.
  2. Foundation. The role of the base is excellently played by screw piles or the classic “ribbon”.
  3. Interior decoration. As a rule, wood species are used to cover the steam room, rest room and dressing room, and tiles are used to cover the wash room. In general, wood is excellent for “dry” rooms, and ceramic tiles are excellent for “wet” rooms.
  4. Equipment and consumables. The bathhouse is equipped with the following devices:
  • stove-stove;
  • furniture with moisture-resistant coating;
  • sanitary equipment;
  • high-quality lighting, plumbing, and ventilation systems;
  • towels;
  • brooms;
  • herbs;
  • essential oils, etc.

Filling the rooms. In order for comfort and beauty to prevail in the health resort, you need to take care of the correct furnishings of the rooms. For example:

  • the steam room will embrace a stove, shelves, headrests, footrests, ladles, steamers for brooms, lighting fixtures that recreate a mysterious atmosphere;
  • the dressing room will be delighted to have a wardrobe, armchairs, table and mirror;
  • the washroom will accept donations of a font, shower stall, dousing bucket, sink, mirror, towels, washcloths, slippers, caps, bathrobes, shampoos, gels, etc.;
  • the relaxation room will delight you with a table, sofa, board games, bar and karaoke;
  • the utility room will take into its arms bath care products and everything that needs to be hidden from prying eyes.

To create a breathtaking composition, you need to use your imagination or look at photographs of projects from famous designers.

If you follow the above tips, then a standard steam room built of wood will delight you with its comfort, attractiveness and healing properties.

Outdoor terrace - enjoying the landscapes painted by nature

A bathhouse with an open terrace is by no means a fantastic idea. I think there is no need to describe the advantages of this design, since everything is already clear. Each of us, having closed our eyes for a minute, can imagine how nice it is after a steam room to go out into the fresh air, sit in a soft chair, take a cup of fragrant herbal tea, a glass of aromatic wine or a mug of intoxicating beer, and “drown” in the breathtaking landscapes painted by nature . Wow! Babble! You can do all this, of course, on the lawn in front of the bathhouse, but the terrace will delight you with an indescribably soulful atmosphere. And in general, we are still building a complex, and not a lonely structure.

I would like to note that steam rooms with an open terrace can have different layouts:

  • a small fence in front of the entrance to the bathhouse, where a table and a couple of chairs will fit;
  • a covered area along the long part of the bathhouse, where sofas, tables, a bar counter, barbecue, etc. will be perfectly located;
  • an extension over a pond, lake or river, which will perfectly accommodate lighting fixtures around the entire perimeter of the structure, airy curtains, amazing flowerpots with fragrant flowers, soft sofas, cute rocking chairs, lovely tables, etc.;
  • a platform with a swimming pool, where sun loungers, tables, a bar counter, etc. look great.

The open terrace is the highlight of this property!

Gazebo with barbecue – feast of the belly in comfort

Food cooked over a fire is not only incredibly tasty, but also extremely healthy. Therefore, the bathhouse complex will gladly welcome a charming gazebo and a functional barbecue into its arms.

Today there are several options for gazebos:

  • closed - a capital type structure, equipped with huge windows to get as close to nature as possible;
  • semi-open - a building with one main wall;
  • open - a structure characterized by the absence of walls.

In gazebos, metal, stone, and brick grills are appropriate. In addition to adding variety to the menu, the smokehouse and grill look impeccable in the cozy building. As for interior items, charming rocking chairs, functional folding tables, an original firewood rack, practical shelves decorated with fragrant spices, and dishes suspended from the ceiling will fit well into the gazebo.

A swimming pool is a luxury necessity

A bath complex without a pool is a sign of bad manners. In view of this, you need to take care of the presence of an artificial reservoir. Fortunately, the modern market offers a lot of models. Popular options are:

  • prefabricated pools are inflatable and frame structures that can be used both outdoors and indoors;
  • mini-pools made from composite materials or wood raw materials - bowls of various configurations;
  • Jacuzzi pools - huge bathtubs equipped with a hydromassage system;
  • stationary pools are structures buried in the ground.

What to choose? The best option is a structure equipped with a sliding roof or a wall that can be removed if necessary: ​​in cold weather, an indoor pool proudly displays on the site, and in warm weather, an outdoor one.

The perfect company for the pool includes flowerpots with wonderful flowers, comfortable sun loungers, small tables, a dance floor, a refrigerator with invigorating and ice-cold drinks and light snacks, karaoke, etc.

By the way, an alternative to a swimming pool is an open reservoir adjacent to the bathhouse complex. But in this case, you will need to clean the bottom of a river, lake or pond, fill it with sand, and install bridges intended for swimming. In addition, you will need to regularly check the quality of the water.

Children's playground: caring for the flowers of life

To prevent kids from getting bored and distracting adults from having an amazing time, you should set up a playground. This is quite simple to do, since crumbs are unpretentious creatures. It is enough to build a sandbox, a slide, a carousel, a swing, put up an inflatable pool, scatter soft pillows here and there, large balls with horns, arrange a closet with a variety of toys on the shelves. You can also build a tree house!

Little whims will definitely appreciate such a playground!

Some more rooms

In addition to the above facilities, the bath and health complex will host the following facilities:

  • a presentable billiard room;
  • multifunctional kitchen;
  • a welcoming dining room;
  • lovely guest houses;
  • a tranquil spa;
  • comfortable gym;
  • a fashionable library;
  • a relaxing room for tea ceremonies;
  • amazing tennis court.

In general, dear friends, you can create a real masterpiece that will reward you with great health, captivating beauty, eternal youth, desired longevity and amazing mood!

List of documents required to open a business

The first step is to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If you are the only owner and there will be only one bathhouse in the foreseeable future, then it is recommended to register as an individual entrepreneur, with taxation under the simplified tax system.

To open an LLC you will need the following documents:

  • the decision of the sole founder or the minutes of the general meeting on the creation of the organization;
  • agreement on its establishment;
  • LLC charter;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • notification of transition to simplified tax system

The tax office may request information about your legal address (if you rent premises).

  • permission of local authorities;
  • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • fire service permit;
  • contract for sanitary treatment of premises;
  • waste removal agreement;
  • contract for washing and disinfection
  • liquor license
  • OKVED for retail trade

Bathhouse with a swimming pool: project and its main features

A sharp change in body temperature as a result of dipping a person into cold water after visiting a steam room has a positive effect on the body. Such a vacation not only improves your mood, but also strengthens your immune system. Therefore, in the photo of beautiful baths, along with a relaxation room, a bathroom and a washing room, you can see a pool or other body of water that optimally fits into the space and provides ideal conditions for complete relaxation.

Bathhouse project measuring 12.2 by 11.3 meters with a swimming pool and terrace

Compared to developing a project for a regular bath, planning a sauna with a swimming pool may seem more complicated. Therefore, it is advisable to entrust this work to professionals.

Not every room has the conditions necessary to create such a structure. Moreover, this applies not only to projects of bathhouses with a swimming pool under one roof, where a recessed structure is installed. Difficulties arise even when working with ground-based types of products. The fact is that the presence of a swimming pool in a room causes a significant increase in air humidity. In order for the operation of the bathhouse to be comfortable and completely safe, you will have to take care of complete waterproofing. Need protection from moisture:

  • walls;
  • floor;
  • ceiling;
  • electrical wiring.

Designing a bathhouse with a swimming pool is a rather complex task, so it is better to entrust it to specialists

Projects for bathhouses with a swimming pool made of timber deserve special attention, since wood without appropriate preparation quickly deteriorates under the influence of moisture.

Note! The pool is included in the planning at the project development stage. Once the bathhouse is built, it will no longer be possible to add it to the finished building, or this procedure will be too labor-intensive and expensive.

Features of the construction of a bath complex with a swimming pool

In the process of developing a project, it is imperative to think through such nuances as the type of pool, the type of foundation suitable for its construction, as well as the layout that will help create optimal operating conditions.

The construction of a bath complex must begin with a detailed layout

If a small pool in the form of a plastic bowl is used to equip a bathhouse, problems with construction usually do not arise. To install the structure, you will need to dig a pit of the appropriate size and place a sealed container in it. Most often, such products are equipped with removable communication systems, but there are also stationary varieties. Projects with cascading pools require the participation of highly qualified specialists, so in this case you cannot do it yourself.

Before making a permanent pool in a bathhouse, you will need to organize and connect its own water supply and sewerage system. It will no longer be possible to limit yourself to arranging a regular drain, as in a washroom. The task is further complicated by the fact that to build a local sewer system, you will need to obtain permission from the local administration.

How to make a pool yourself: project development

When designing a pool in a bath complex, it is necessary to take into account some important points:

Project of a bathhouse complex with a swimming pool and an outdoor barbecue area

  1. Pool area. The water container can be installed inside the bathhouse, outdoors, or in a room specially designated for this purpose.
  2. Terms of Use. If the pool will be used by elderly people and children, you need to carefully consider its depth, as well as the presence of such elements as a convenient descent and handrails.
  3. Capacity. In bath complexes, small containers are most often installed. The optimal dimensions of the pool are 2x3 m, 2x2 m and 3x3 m.

The decision on the choice of shape, as well as the ratio of the sizes of the bathhouse and the pool, is made by the owner, based on personal preferences. The water container can have raised walls, a corner-type design, or be placed in a bathhouse with panoramic windows from which you can observe the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

When designing a pool, you need to take into account the placement area, operating conditions and its dimensions.

Depending on the type of placement, swimming pools can be either outdoor or indoor. The choice of design largely depends on the dimensions of the bath. Even in a compact building you can build a small pool, but for this you will still need to provide a separate room in the building design. The decision depends on whether the owner of the site is ready to reduce the internal area of ​​the bathhouse. Otherwise, it would be more advisable to install a pool outside the building.

Helpful advice! If you intend to install the pool internally, it is advisable to choose a room for its installation that is minimally distant from the steam room. This is done so that the path from the heated room to cold water takes as little time as possible.

Types of pools: photographs and design features

Existing types of pools can be divided into two categories. Some structures are mobile (so-called portable hot tubs), others are stationary. Portable products are characterized by a simple installation system. To produce such bowls, plastic with an increased safety margin is used. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, the structures are completely airtight.

Swimming pools are divided into two categories: stationary and mobile.

The range of such products is quite diverse. In the manufacturers' catalogs in the photos of sauna pools you can see plastic bowls of various depths, shapes and sizes. If desired, the owner can rebuild such a structure into an artificial heated pond. Special equipment is provided for these purposes. Water is heated by electric heating elements. Such equipment is usually accompanied by instructions, where the manufacturer gives recommendations regarding installation.

A veranda is suitable for arranging an outdoor pool. It is allowed to use a separate area for these purposes, but provided that it is located in close proximity to the bathhouse. As for stationary structures, the installation process is more complex. Stationary systems contain:

  • skimmer;
  • return nozzles;
  • filter system and other elements.

The pool can be installed indoors, as well as on the veranda or terrace

Without experience and relevant knowledge, it will be very difficult to install a stationary pool in a bathhouse. Before you begin arranging such a structure, you will definitely have to draw up a detailed project that will reflect all the characteristics. And both the pool itself and the bathhouse as a whole.

Important! It is advisable to set up a heated mini-pool with your own hands indoors. If such a structure is located on the street, the cost of heating water will increase significantly.

How much will it cost to build a turnkey bathhouse project with a swimming pool: the price of finished buildings

Many construction companies offer ready-made solutions to owners of summer cottages. When ordering the creation of a turnkey bathhouse with a swimming pool from such a company, you can count on high-quality and fast execution, as well as a guarantee that the structure will last long enough and will comply with all standards and safety requirements.

Average cost of finished projects

Project nameDimensions of the building, mArea, m²price, rub.
Project of a bathhouse with a swimming pool and a relaxation room9.44x5.9245,6571500
Bathhouse with pool and porch5.5x12.255,24611400
Bathhouse with relaxation room and porch6.4x11.868737600
Bathhouse with two entrances9.4x11.874796000
Bathhouse project with a pool and terrace8.7x14.7117,23911400
Corner bath12.2x13.5121,1925000

Equipment and consumables for baths and recreation areas

What can no bathhouse or sauna exist without? This is of course:

  • a room where you can change clothes;
  • shower;
  • rest room;
  • a plunge pool with cool water or a swimming pool is desirable;
  • steam room

As for technical equipment: a stone stove is best suited for a steam room ( costs about $2000 ). There are gas and electric ovens ( the price is less, around $1000 .)

If you decide to build a swimming pool on the territory of the bathhouse, you will need a lot of additional equipment: pumps, filters, heaters, transformers, lamps, steam generators (cost about $850). Some pools install thermal curtains and doors, which are also expensive. We must not forget about ventilation and drainage systems.

Don't forget about furniture : sofas, benches, tables, equipment in the lounge, bar. This also includes: dishes, refrigerators, display cases and other kitchen appliances. You will also need such trifles of the bath business as: thermometers, brooms, basins, ladles, brushes, etc.

Massages and spa treatments

Spa treatments and massages will help increase the effect of steaming. You can order both individual services and a comprehensive program for healing and rejuvenating the body. We offer traditional Thai massage with different techniques:

  • aroma-oil with therapeutic and preventive aroma effects on all body systems;
  • traditional with an incredible rejuvenating effect;
  • massage with herbal bags, which have a beneficial effect on
  • nervous system and helps to completely relax;
  • sports to relieve pain and swelling.

Spa programs:

  • chocolate wrap combined with scrubbing and massage;
  • hemp wrap with a rejuvenating effect;
  • healing baths in barrels “Cleopatra”, “French chocolate”, “Mead”;
  • unique “maral baths” for male strength.

Choose our recreation center with a bathhouse and immerse yourself in an atmosphere of complete relaxation, forgetting about the hustle and bustle and everyday problems! Impeccable service, centuries-old cultural traditions and reasonable prices - we are ready to pamper you with the best!


If you decide to build a sauna on your property, it will be enough to hire two bathhouse attendants who will work in shifts, interact with clients and, of course, provide maintenance.

Many entrepreneurs who have opened a sauna business on their site prefer to work independently, thus significantly reducing costs.

If you open a bath complex, you will need to hire employees such as: administrator, bath attendant, stoker, cook, kitchen assistants, security guard, electrician, cleaner.

When the business starts to grow, you will have to increase your staff and hire: a bartender, a massage therapist, a cosmetologist (spa treatments will bring good additional income).

Bathhouse advertisement

The most important thing in the bath business is to create a positive reputation. Of course, the most effective advertising is word of mouth.

All aspiring entrepreneurs maintain a page on the social networks of their business, target advertising to the target audience, and collect positive reviews. No matter what anyone says, social networks work if you know how to promote your business.

You can contact a specialist and order a website and set up advertising on it. When asked in a search engine, people will see your site - accordingly, the influx of customers will increase.

Other options: advertising in the media and on radio.

Businessmen are advised to cooperate with restaurants and cafes that are located near you. For example, you order food and drinks from them, they tell their guests about you.

Starting investments

Calculating the starting investments for opening a bathhouse business is one of the most important tasks of an entrepreneur.

For a sauna on your own site, the initial investment is not bad.

  • open an individual entrepreneur - 5000;
  • taking into account all the nuances of your site: parking spaces, small swimming pool, recreation area, barbecue - 25,000;
  • transfer of land to commercial use (contact a specialist, save a lot of time) - 10,000;
  • advertising expenses - 30,000;
  • SES and fire service. To install everything you need, you will need about 50,000;
  • set aside money for additional expenses - approximately 100 - 150,000;
  • equipment and furniture - 350,000;

Of course, if you decide to open a bath complex, the starting investment will increase several times.

The control body imposed a fine on the owner

The city administration conducted an inspection and discovered that the site was not being used for its intended purpose: while the owner was supposed to use the land for individual residential development, business activities were carried out on it in the absence of information about the owner. Meanwhile, the Internet contained advertisements about the operation of the hotel and bath complex.

The state inspector for the use and protection of land brought the owner to administrative responsibility and imposed a fine of 10 thousand rubles. The district court indicated the legality of the decision and upheld it.

Monthly expenses

  • Taxes on commercial real estate - 1.5% of the cadastral value. To avoid wasting your time calculating taxes, hire an accountant to work remotely - 5000;
  • payment to the pension fund - 5000;
  • electricity, water, firewood - about 7000;
  • monthly advertising expenses - 18,000;
  • salary to employees (if you still decide to hire) - 40,000;
  • fire alarm maintenance - 2000;
  • additional expenses - 10,000 (amount varies).

Total: 87,000 rub. But this amount may change from month to month, everything is individual. For example, if you don’t hire employees and work yourself, you will reduce costs by 40,000 rubles.

Business profitability

On average, an hour of visiting a bathhouse costs 200-300 rubles, that is, one company costs from 800 rubles per hour. Rental duration is from 3 hours or more. If 30 visitors come to you in a month, at the end we will receive: 800 * 3 hours * 30 = 72,000 rubles.

  • If you give up staff and work yourself, you can save a lot;
  • purchase of firewood - 3000-4000 per month;
  • electricity - about 2000.

Total: 72,000-5000=67,000 rub.

But, as we said above, you need to take into account advertising costs, etc.

Additional sales help increase income: renting out necessary equipment, selling bath accessories.

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