Gorynych brand sauna stoves: review of models, operating instructions


Air movement pattern during the combustion process
The manufacturer assures the following:

  • The Gorynych sauna stove easily heats the entire area of ​​a bathhouse or sauna without additional installations in the form of radiators or boilers.
  • Suitable for any time of year.
  • It is designed so that the firewood can be laid from the dressing room.
  • The model is ideal for baths with separated washing compartments and steam rooms.
  • The partition between the steam room and the washing room should pass over the stove, dividing the installation in half.


Depending on the material used, sauna stoves are made of metal or baked brick.


A brick (or stone) stove is a classic of bathhouse buildings, but its construction requires certain experience and skills, compliance with safety regulations, knowledge of the technology for ensuring good traction and other important nuances, without which the proper functioning of the stoves is impossible. In addition, a stone structure requires sufficient space in the room, the creation of a separate foundation, and special compliance with fire safety rules.


Today, the most economical option is metal sauna stoves, which have a number of undeniable advantages.

  • Economical. The metal stove is compact, its installation does not take much time and space.
  • Huge selection of options. It is possible to choose a model suitable for a specific bath.
  • Ease of installation. In order to install a ready-made metal stove, no stove making skills are required.
  • Due to its compactness, a metal stove can be covered with a heater. This way it will keep warm for a long time and look like a classic sauna stove.

Design of the sauna stove Gorynych-3

As you know, for small bathhouses, the use of bulky stone stoves is not always the best option. The construction project often provides for the installation of additional heating devices, such as a convector or infrared heater. But can the heat from an electric heater compare with a living flame of fire? Of course not. This is why universal stoves for baths Gorynych-3 have become so popular.

The stove is a horizontal firebox on which a water tank and a container for laying stones are installed. And this is where the differences begin, making the Gorynych 3 stove not only universal, but also convenient for use in small-sized baths. The design of the furnace is such that the firebox window is located at the end.

The first difference between the fierce-character Gorynych 3 stove and others is how the body is made. The Gorynych 3 sauna stove has a body not made of straight steel sheets, but of shaped metal. The upper part is a semicircular shape. For the reason that it has a more rigid structure compared to traditional straight sheets.

The second difference is the dimensions of the oven. The large window of the firebox allows you to heat the Gorynych 3 stove with firewood with a diameter of up to 40 cm. But this is only the diameter, but as for the length of the log, the firebox allows you to add firewood up to 90 cm in length. For a compact sauna stove, this says a lot.

The third point lies in the design of the chimney. Nothing complicated here, just the right calculation. As well as knowledge of the principles of constructing heating boilers and long-burning furnaces. The chimney is installed at an angle to the firebox and rotated 180 degrees. The slope of the chimney pipe and its position allows it to be used as an additional volume for complete combustion of fuel.

Question answer

What length of logs can be placed in the firebox of Gorynych stoves?

Firewood up to 90 cm long is placed in the furnace firebox.

How much firewood does it take to heat a sauna?

To heat a bathhouse in a “Gorynych” type stove, 1 or 2 stacks of firewood are made.

What is the weight of the Gorynych camp stove?

The weight of the Gorynych camping stove is less than 7 kg.

How much do the bends of its chimney increase the efficiency of the Gorynych stove?

Due to the Z-shaped shape of the chimneys, the CPL of the Gorynych stoves increases by 30%.

Do I need to clean fire-resistant glass after each fire of the stove?

The fireproof glass of the firebox is equipped with a special blowing system, which allows you to keep it clean for a long time. There is no need to clean it after each fire of the stove.


Pre-sale preparation

Stoves for the Gorynych bathhouse with a tank made in Russia. In the city of Ufa, the production of several models for a real Russian bath has been established. It is important to understand that such a stove cannot be cheap.

Are the materials high quality? We will consider the technical characteristics in more detail below, but it is worth paying attention to the total weight of the structure – it is 190 kg. This parameter indicates the quantity and thickness of the material itself (8 mm steel for the firebox). Yes, as well as additional elements in the form of doors with heat-resistant glass and an additional air system.

Linear dimensions

When it comes to linear dimensions, the length, width, and height of the stove are usually mentioned. The Gorynych sauna stove deserves to begin the description with two parameters - metal thickness and weight. The first position, the thickness of the metal, indicates the reliability and strength of the entire structure. Since 8 mm heat-resistant steel is used here.

As for the weight, it’s hard not to believe the manufacturer. Because the weight of the entire structure is more than 300 kg. But this is only the weight of the metal. Therefore, if you load another 100-150 kg of stones, it turns out that the Gorynych 3 stove can easily provide a comfortable temperature in a medium-sized steam room.

Speaking of the size of the furnace with the fierce character of Gorynych 3. For installation, the manufacturer offers a product with a tank measuring 65x30 cm along the top plane of the tank, this is approximately 100 liters of water by volume. As for the size of the basket for stones, it is slightly larger - 65x40 cm. This size is quite enough to accommodate 100-120 kg of stones.

When calculating the installation location, the manufacturer recommends taking the following oven dimensions as a basis:

  • Height from floor level – 1000 mm;
  • Body width – 775 mm;
  • Length – 920 mm;
  • The chimney diameter is 150 mm;
  • The height of the chimney from the foundation is at least 4.5 meters;


On the World Wide Web you can find many opinions about this product. The majority of buyers who purchased the Gorynych 3 stove were satisfied with their purchases. The furnace fulfilled all its obligations. I can't help but be pleased with the favorable price. Some users noted that buying a ready-made stove from a Russian manufacturer is much more profitable than ordering an individual assembly.

There are also negative reviews, although they are associated with the above-mentioned disadvantages of the model: heavy weight and size. Before purchasing, you must take into account the required minimum dimensions of the bath.

Next, see the review of the Gorynych 3 sauna stove.

Heating of the steam room, washing room and rest room due to the location of the stove in 3 rooms

“Diagram of the bathhouse when installing the Gorynych-3 stove, tank on the left”

“Diagram of the bathhouse when installing the Gorynych-3 stove, tank on the right”

Washing room Heating of the washing room due to the tank and the protruding part of the firebox

Steam room Kamenka takes up little space in the steam room

Seams on stoves from other manufacturers

Seams on Gorynych-3 stoves

Device and technical characteristics

The elongated spherical shape of the firebox goes into a chimney consisting of two elbows. The dimensions of the Gorynych-3 model range from one meter in height, length and width. The weight of the product is about 200 kg, which may be a disadvantage during transportation, but will be a definite plus for reliability and stability.

The cleaning hatch is located at the end of the chimney; the deep, voluminous heater can accommodate a large number of large stones - up to 100 kg. The stove is built into the wall in such a way that the partition runs along the surface of the stove. Depending on the layout of the bathhouse, the stove may have a different location of the tank and heater: on the right or on the left.

High-strength steel (8 mm) with double external and internal penetration ensures a long service life - at least 15 years. A water tank with a volume of 100 liters and dimensions of 30x70 cm does not take up much space and is the optimal container for heating water. Boiling water in a tank, diluted with cold water, is enough for the whole family or a large company.

The best manufacturers of sauna stoves

Russian manufacturers produce high-quality bath equipment . Let's look at the most popular of them.

Sauna stove “Heat”

Let's look at the key characteristics of Zhara sauna stoves :

  • Service life: from 8 to 20 years (depending on the cost of the model).
  • Heat transfer: increased level, which is achieved through the use of St20 steel.
  • The gate unit is dismountable, which makes it easier to clean the structure for removing smoke.
  • Cost: There are models of different price ranges available.

Among the disadvantages of the models is the short-lived coloring.

Bath stove "Gorynych-3"

Unique equipment heats three rooms at once: a washroom, a steam room and a relaxation room. Let's look at the technical specifications :

  • The thickness of the firebox walls is 8 mm.
  • Compactness (the size of the heater in the steam room is 40 by 70 cm, and in the washing room - 30 by 70 cm).
  • Service life exceeds 15 years.
  • Increased efficiency, which is ensured by a 1 meter long chimney with bends.


You can install the sauna stove yourself, as the package includes a technical data sheet and drawings. Before installing the stove, it is necessary to lay a concrete foundation. Do not use brickwork or metal: the latter may become deformed and this can lead to fires. As for brick, moisture and heaviness will lead to deformation over time, and the stove will tilt. The foundation must be poured in all rooms where the stove will be located, from all sides. To ensure that heat is distributed evenly across the floor, concrete the foundation at the level of the finishing surface.

The walls above the stove need to be laid with heat-resistant bricks; there is no need for fire-resistant bricks. You cannot use facing bricks, as they do not have the required heat resistance. You can install a chimney yourself only if you have special skills; in other cases, it is better to trust a specialist. If you violate the rules for installing a chimney, you can damage it and allow incorrect slopes.

Under no circumstances should a reduction in diameter or large numbers of bends be allowed; it is prohibited to use asbestos-cement pipes. The maximum permissible tilt is 45°.

After the stove is installed, carry out a test fire and evaluate the following nuances:

  • how the chimney works, is there any smoke?
  • Is the room heated well?
  • what is the heating level of the wood.

In this case, a strong pungent odor is acceptable; it is necessary to ventilate the room. During the test fire, the final hardening of the enamel occurs, and the heat-resistant coating becomes as durable and reliable as possible. There is no need to preheat the oven to a very high temperature for the first time; the room should be ventilated during the process.


Multiple Workflows

Having received the model, you need to take care of the base before installation. For 200 kg only concrete will do. Metal, brick on a frame, etc. – it’s best to leave all this for light stoves. Having placed the stove on the base, they immediately check the corners with a building level. Yes, minor deviations are inevitable, but that's okay.

After completing the installation and measurements, be sure to cover the contact plane between the concrete and the furnace itself. And not just cement, but a specialized composition with fire-resistant properties.

Facing masonry does not include a facing type of brick. Only solid, ceramic. When purchasing these materials, it is advisable to consult with the seller, who will definitely convince you of purchasing yellow (fireclay) or red solid ceramic bricks.

The chimney also requires attention. Here it is better to hire an experienced worker. It is worth considering that the manufacturer has already taken care of the diameter of the chimney, so reducing it is prohibited. It is also worth taking care of the health of users and not installing asbestos cement at all.

About the manufacturer

The Bashkir brand “Thermosphere” has been offering products on the domestic market for more than four years. The company specializes in the manufacture of stoves for baths, fireplace doors, solid fuel boilers and heating equipment. The main office of the company is located in Ufa.

The Gorynych sauna stove model is considered one of the most popular from the above brand. Since entering production, it has maintained its leading position, remaining in demand. The furnace is equipped with a longitudinal combustion system. The company uses durable, thick-walled and reliable materials, due to which the products can boast a long service life.


Our company has existed for more than 10 years. During this time, we have developed and sold a huge amount of heating equipment. All these years, the main efforts have been made to improve the quality of products. The Gorynych-3 sauna stove is the main and best model in our production. When developing this stove, it was possible to combine such important parameters as heating three rooms and a service life of more than 15 years. If you have a bathhouse with a separate washing area, then I recommend that you install this particular stove. Attentive approach and competent staff at your service!

Head of Thermosphere LLC, Georgy Evgenievich Kostin

Rules for choosing a sauna stove

“Gorynych-2” and “Gorynych-3” are created from the same materials, using modern technology. Therefore, when determining which one is better to buy for your own bathhouse, it is better to focus on your needs.

If the building is large and divided into 3 compartments (washing room, steam room and relaxation room), which need to be heated efficiently, “Gorynych-3” is perfect.

Judging by numerous reviews, this stove will also be the best option if there is a need to get rid of the problem of cold floors in different rooms.

"Gorynych-2" is cheaper, but it is capable of warming up only 2 compartments - a spacious steam room and a dressing room.

What is a three-room bathhouse?

Previously, the most common layout of a bathhouse was a division into a dressing room and a steam room. The first was used as a relaxation room, and the second was used for steaming and taking water treatments. Nowadays it is customary to separate the washing department into a separate room. How functional and convenient is it?

For a bathhouse designed for a large number of visitors who will steam in batches, this is a definite plus. The “conveyor” will move faster, you can choose the optimal time interval between visits to the steam room. If there are only two compartments, there is a high probability that while you are in the rest room you will not only cool down, but also have time to freeze while waiting for your turn.

For a private bathhouse designed for two to four visitors who can fit in the steam room at the same time, this will also be a big advantage. The main condition for comfort is an optimal microclimate. In the steam room the temperature can exceed 60 °C, in the washing room it should not exceed 40 °C, and in the relaxation room - from 26 to 30 °C.

Regulating the temperature in different rooms is much easier than achieving its correct distribution in one room. Many owners of private houses make universal steam rooms that can operate in Russian bath and Finnish sauna modes. In the latter case, the temperature contrast should be even higher, and you cannot do without dividing into separate rooms. All of the above applies to humidity management.

Model overview

All models of metal furnaces of the brand are made of heat-resistant steel. Double penetration of seams: from the inside and outside. To increase the efficiency, a non-standard chimney bend was created. There are no combined type ovens in the line, so there is no need to use gas. The Gorynych models are presented in 2 variations.


Suitable for large area steam rooms, very reliable, compact mini design. Main characteristics:

  • a screw-type chimney with an imitation of a brick Russian stove;
  • cylindrical firebox, 8 mm;
  • type of fuel combustion – longitudinal;
  • unusual design, complemented with forging elements;
  • Efficiency – the highest;
  • deep type heater, you can place about 120 kg of stone;
  • equipped with a hatch for cleaning soot;
  • the firebox allows you to lay long firewood;
  • it is possible to adjust the combustion level;
  • service life is at least 15 years, maximum period is 20 years.


Suitable for baths with partitions, it warms up the entire structure well, including the steam room and sink. Does not require installation of additional heating devices. It is compact in placement, can be built into a partition and placed in a washing room and steam room with a firebox and heater, respectively. The tank is located in the washing compartment. Main parameters of the model:

  • water tank 30 by 70 cm;
  • dimensions 1000 by 755 by 920 mm;
  • weight – about 200 kg;
  • Efficiency – up to 90%;
  • maximum weight of stones – up to 100 kg;
  • firebox in the shape of a sphere;
  • there is a hatch for cleaning soot;
  • equipped with an oxygen supply regulator;
  • fuel combustion system – longitudinal;
  • suitable for baths with an area of ​​8 to 18 m2;
  • 3 year warranty, service life at least 15 years.

Both of these models are made from similar materials using innovative technologies. Therefore, the choice depends on personal taste, preferences and the layout of the future bathhouse. For a large bathhouse with 3 compartments that need heating, the Gorynych-3 model is suitable.

This variation also perfectly solves the issue of cold floors, but it is also more expensive. The “Gorynych-2” variation is more budget-friendly, but it is quite sufficient if the bathhouse has no more than 2 compartments.


The Gorynych 3 model has the following technical characteristics:

  • dimensions are 1000x775x920 mm;
  • weight – 200 kg;
  • Efficiency – from 80 to 90%;
  • weight of stones inside the oven – 100 kg;
  • chimney diameter 150 mm with a minimum height from the stove foundation of 4.5 m;
  • The model is designed for steam rooms and washing rooms, which have from 8 to 18 m³.

The company provides a minimum warranty of three years of service under intensive use conditions. If you use the oven twice a week, this period will be about 15 years. The firebox is made in a spherical shape. This plays an important role in service life. The structure of the chimney consists of two elbows that go around the heater, thanks to which the efficiency increases. Their total length is 0.9 meters. The cleaning hatch is located at the end of the chimney.

Due to the spacious and open heater, a large volume of stones can be placed inside without any problems. They will maintain the required temperature in the bath for a long time.

The oxygen supply regulator is located under the door. There is no need for grates thanks to the longitudinal combustion system.

Disadvantages and advantages

Let's start with the positive:

  • The container for the heated liquid of the Gorynych stove is located in the washing room, which is very convenient for heating.
  • Compact sizes. Very convenient in planning and location. When dividing rooms into a steam room and a wash room, it ideally saves space when compared with other designs in the industry.
  • Heating of the rest room due to the exiting firebox of the Gorynych stove. This is optimal when compared with the firebox that is located inside the bathhouse itself.

Of the minuses:

  • Significant weight of the structure is up to 200 kg. You can’t deliver, transport, or install on your own.
  • To install, the door to the bathhouse must be at least 67 cm wide.

Here you can configure a stove to suit the parameters of your bath

Stove capacity: ✓ Steam room size up to 5 m2, ✓ Steam room size from 5 to 8 m2, ✓ Steam room size from 8 to 13 m2, ✓ Steam room size over 13 m2

Heater: ✓ closed, ✓ open, ✓ closed with a steam generator.

Door: ✓ metal, ✓ with small glass, ✓ with large glass and thermal sealing cord.

Additional heating: ✓ System of forced circulation of hot air up to 30 m2, ✓ System of convection heating of the rest room up to 15 m2, ✓ Without additional circulation.

Stove capacity: ✓ Steam room size up to 5 m2, ✓ Steam room size from 5 to 8 m2, ✓ Steam room size from 8 to 13 m2, ✓ Steam room size over 13 m2

Door: ✓ metal, ✓ with small glass, ✓ with large glass and thermal sealing cord.

Heater: ✓ closed, ✓ open, ✓ closed with a steam generator.

Additional heating: ✓ System of forced circulation of hot air up to 30 m2, ✓ System of convection heating of the rest room up to 15 m2, ✓ Without additional circulation.

Types of sauna stoves "Gorynych"

The structure is made of heat-resistant steel. The seams are welded inside and out, double welded. To increase efficiency, the design provides a special chimney bend. All Gorynych furnace structures are divided into 2 types.

"Gorynych-2" for large doubles

Reliable, economical stove with a helical chimney, cylindrical firebox (8 mm) and longitudinal burning of wood. It has an interesting design: all forged elements fit perfectly with the overall style of the bathhouse.

Photo 1. Schematic representation of two options for the location of the Gorynych-2 model stove with an external firebox.

Very easy to use and maintain. Its open deep heater can hold up to 120 kg of stones. There is a special hatch through which soot is removed from the chimney. The firebox is very elongated, which allows you to put good lengths of firewood into it and independently regulate the burning intensity. You can heat the stove from the washing compartment or dressing room. The service life of the structure is up to 20 years.

"Gorynych-3" for baths separated by partitions. Drawing

This model allows you to warm up a complete bath structure, in which the washing compartment and steam room are separated from each other by a partition. In this case, the installation of heating radiators or an additional boiler is not required.

Photo 2. Scheme of two installation options for the Gorynych-3 sauna stove with drawings, top and front views.

"Gorynych-3" is located very compactly. Part of the firebox is located in the washing compartment, the heater is located in the steam room, along the wall. And the water tank, measuring 30*70 cm, is on the wall in the washing room. It is heated from the rest room, which is convenient.

Important! But to fully heat this room, you need to install an air heating system on the stove. Then the warm-up procedure in winter will be reduced from 40 minutes to 30-35.

Two-headed fire-breathing monster: Gorynych 2 and 3, longitudinal combustion sauna stoves

Bashkirskaya has been operating on the Russian market for more than 4 years.
Its head office is located in Ufa, its division is in the city of Reutov (Moscow region). The company specializes in the production of doors for fireplaces, solid fuel boilers, as well as heating and sauna stoves. Increasing the service life of all products is achieved through the use of special thick-walled materials and the use of innovative technologies. One of the best sauna stoves from Thermosphere is the Gorynych model, which has a longitudinal combustion system.

Typical design mistakes

To check how correct and controlled the microclimate will be, you need to not only complete construction, but also test the bathhouse at different times of the year. Due to design errors, a typical problem often arises, which is described as follows: “I bought a stove for a three-room sauna, but it can’t handle the heating. There is frost on the walls in the rest room.” The person begins to scold the manufacturer, leaves angry reviews, and demands a refund from the seller.

Of course, this description of the problem lacks details, so the following reasons for its occurrence can be assumed with equal probability:

  • Insufficient oven power for three rooms. The heating capacity of the equipment must correspond to the volume of the heated part of the building. A lack of heat may be caused by choosing a low-power model that cannot cope with all tasks at once. In the product passport, the manufacturer always indicates its maximum value. If we are talking about a wood-burning stove for three rooms, then the actual power indicators depend on the species, humidity and other indicators of the quality of the wood.
  • High heat loss. Some novice builders believe that a log frame is a ready-made wall. Others make adjustments to the design, based on their own ideas about facades, and make panoramic glazing. The sufficient size of the bath window is 40x40 cm, there is no need to do more. This leads to additional energy losses. One of the conditions for the functioning of a bathhouse is a well-made insulation cake with optimal vapor permeability. This topic must be carefully studied at the design stage, consult with professionals who have experience in the construction of log cabins and frame baths.
  • Inappropriate layout. The owner of a private home often has to be tied to the area and configuration of the free territory on the site. In some cases, only a long, narrow building with passage rooms arranged in succession emerges. It is almost impossible to heat three bath compartments with one stove, especially in severe frosts. You have to consume a large amount of firewood to heat the rooms, periodically open the steam room door, and this leads to a drop in the temperature inside. Owners of such problematic bathhouses often solve the heating issue by installing additional electric heaters.

Many steam lovers cannot do without bath procedures in the summer. The most common problem in such cases is the heat in the washing room and dressing room. This is a natural phenomenon, and it can only be minimized by good ventilation. This system should function well at any time of the year, since it serves to regulate the climate during bathing procedures and to remove excess moisture from the premises after their completion.

It is almost impossible to heat three sequentially located bath compartments with one stove, especially in severe frosts - the layout must be thought out in advance.

Design of the sauna stove Gorynych-3

The family of sauna stoves made by Ufa craftsmen is not limited only to the Gorynych 3 stove model. The range also includes a Gorynych 2 stove. The difference between these models is as follows. The Gorynych 3 stove is intended for installation in buildings with 3 separate rooms - a steam room, a washing room and a rest room.

The family of models for heating 3 rooms provides for the placement of a basket for stones and a water heating tank, depending on the wishes of the customer. First of all, this is the right-sided or left-sided placement of the tank. There is no such arrangement for the Gorynych 2 stove. But here you can order a model with an installed steam generator. Unfortunately, this feature is not provided in the 3 Series models.

Each of the models is presented in three types of façade wall design. The simplest option is metal firebox doors; such a stove is reliable and durable, but inferior in design beauty to other models.

More interesting models have inserts made of heat-resistant glass in the design of the firebox door. The average, budget option offers a small-sized glass insert in the door. Although the glass is really small in size, it allows you to see what is happening in the firebox.

The most interesting finishing option is facades with doors with the largest glass sizes. In these models, glass occupies almost the entire space of the door. During the burning of wood, through such glass you can clearly see everything that is happening in the firebox; this is the most successful option for decorating the facade of the stove.

When considering options for installing sauna stoves using natural fuel, the Gorynych 3 stove will always look like a favorite in the rating. First of all, it should be noted that this two-headed fire-breathing monster with a fierce character turns out in practice not to be as voracious as its cast iron and steel brothers and sisters.

The fact is that its efficiency reaches 80-90 percent due to the angular location of the chimney. Complete combustion of fuel ensures less firewood consumption with greater heat transfer and burning time. It is also important that 90 cm long logs can be used for the firebox. This not only makes it easier to prepare firewood, but also increases the burning time of the logs.

Two-headed fire-breathing monster: Gorynych 2 and 3, longitudinal combustion sauna stoves

Bashkirskaya has been operating on the Russian market for more than 4 years . Its head office is located in Ufa , its division is in the city of Reutov (Moscow region) .

The company specializes in the production of doors for fireplaces, solid fuel boilers, as well as heating and sauna stoves.

Increasing the service life of all products is achieved through the use of special thick-walled materials and the use of innovative technologies .

One of the best sauna stoves from Thermosphere is the Gorynych model, which has a longitudinal combustion system .

Rules for choosing a sauna stove

“Gorynych-2” and “Gorynych-3” are created from the same materials using modern technology. Therefore, when determining which one is better to buy for your own bathhouse, it is better to focus on your needs .

If the building is large and divided into 3 compartments (washing room, steam room and relaxation room), which need to be heated efficiently, “Gorynych-3” is perfect.

Judging by numerous reviews, this stove will also be the best option if there is a need to get rid of the problem of cold floors in different rooms.

"Gorynych-2" is cheaper, but it is capable of warming up only 2 compartments - a spacious steam room and a dressing room .

Check out the video, which shows the option of installing a Gorynych sauna stove lined with brick.

Why choose Gorynych stoves?

Gorynych stoves are in great demand among buyers, and for good reason. They are excellent in quality and affordable. They are cheaper than structures made to order from brick by a craftsman, and they warm up the necessary rooms almost as well, if not better.

Other advantages of the models include:

  • production from thick material that can withstand heavy loads;
  • durability ( at least 15 years , more often longer);
  • fast warming up and maintaining room temperature;
  • low fuel consumption (this allows you to significantly save on its purchase);
  • excellent design with heater;
  • a simple cleaning system that allows you to cope with the process almost in the blink of an eye.

The list goes on, as different people have their own unique requirements for the quality of structures. But in any case, the manufacturer strives to fully satisfy the needs of each individual client and is ready to fulfill additional customer needs.

As for the disadvantages of the Gorynych bath stoves, they can only include the large weight of the structures. He weighs 190 kg .

This is 2 - 3 times more than that of longitudinal combustion furnaces created by other manufacturers. However, according to experts, this, on the contrary, is good.

use more metal when creating furnaces , the devices are more reliable and durable. And this is undoubtedly a plus.

First use

The polymerization process produces a strong odor. Upon completion, the heat-resistant coating will achieve maximum strength and reliability. For the first time, you should heat the stove in a thoroughly ventilated area; do not heat it up too much. You can increase the temperature for subsequent use. It is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the structures adjacent to the stove, as well as the chimney. Assess the condition of wood cladding and other products.

The first use will indicate whether the installation of the equipment was carried out correctly.


Kindling is done with dried firewood. For this it is better to use deciduous trees. It is undesirable to use coniferous raw materials, since the resin fumes from coniferous wood will quickly clog the chimney.

When raking out the ash, it is necessary to leave at least a few millimeters - this will serve as a thermal layer between the concrete base and the burning wood.

The diameter of the chimney is quite large, so if used properly, cleaning will be required no more than once every three years.

The cleaning hatch is located at the rear of the oven. If you plan to completely cover the stove with bricks, you must plan access to the cleaning hatch in advance.

When lighting, the tank must be filled with water. After using the sauna during the winter months, the remaining water in the tank must be completely drained, since at low temperatures the solidifying water can tear the metal.

Features of operation

The first heating of the furnace is carried out to low temperatures. Its purpose is to check for smoke. If it is detected, the defects are corrected and the operation of the furnace is rechecked.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

The oven is heated to the maximum temperature only if there are no comments after checking it.

The first two fires are carried out with the windows and doors open in the bathhouse.

When operating furnaces, several other mandatory requirements must be met:

  • Gorynych stoves can only be heated with dry wood. It is ideal to use logs made of deciduous wood for these purposes. When pine logs are burned in a firebox, resin fumes are released, which, over a short period of operation of the stove, clog the chimneys with soot.
  • When cleaning the firebox from ash, you should always leave a thin layer of it in it. It forms a thermal seal between concrete and fuel. A small amount of soot should also be left on the walls of the firebox. This improves the combustion process.
  • The large diameter of the stove chimneys, with the correct selection of firewood for the firebox, allows the structure to be cleaned of soot once every 3 years.
  • When installing stoves, access to their cleaning hatches must not be blocked.
  • Water is poured into the tank intended for it only after the fire has started. In severe frosts, it must be poured out to avoid cracking of the seams when the water in the tank freezes.

Model specifications

Dimensions of the furnace, its compartments in diagrams

Oven without tank900x775x950 mm
Weight190 kg
Steam room (its volume)8-18 cubic meters
Washing compartment (volume)8-18 cubic meters
Mass of stonesUp to 100 kilograms
Chimney (diameter)15 cm
PaintingBlack enamel
Firebox wall thickness8 mm steel
Cost without tank and delivery30 thousand rubles
Tank cost6 thousand rubles
Heat-resistant glass door (small)5 thousand rubles
Equipping an additional air heating system for a separate room (for relaxation), as well as a washroom with an installed glass door33 thousand rubles

All bath rooms are heated thanks to a pipe through which burning gases pass. The pipe is located in the heater. The floor with the washing compartment will be heated from the tank and the lower planes of the firebox.

The firewood is laid from the rest room; accordingly, its heating will occur due to the metal plane of the stove. When this part of the bathhouse serves exactly its intended purpose, it is more correct to install air heating (additional kit). It works like this: fresh air from a large room is drawn into the air ducts of the installation, where it is heated. After this, the air, already heated, tends to return.

The advantage of this addition is that even severe frost in a cold bath will disappear in 30 minutes. While the water is heating up, the locker room (aka rest room) will feel like home.


Among the variety of modern stove products for baths, it is worth highlighting the domestic metal sauna stove. The company specializes in the production of steel stoves and solid heating boilers and over several years of operation has positively established itself in the Russian market. Customer reviews are mostly positive: they talk about the high quality of the products, ease of installation and ease of use of the products.

One of the most popular models from the manufacturer today is the Gorynych sauna stove. The product is made of heat-resistant steel, has a longitudinal combustion system and a helical chimney. It is presented on the market in two types.


The model is designed for large rooms with a combined steam compartment and sink.


This configuration is designed for separate steam room and washing room. The product is installed in the wall between rooms, heating the entire structure. The design is compact and functional: the heater is located in the steam room, the water tank is in the washing room, and the stove is lit from the dressing room.

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