Bath stoves Vesuvius: design features and review of manufactured models
Tula has been producing sauna stoves under the Vesuvius brand since 2004. The designers of this enterprise previously
How to choose an electric stove for a sauna, which is better, rating, how to install, calculate, connect
A traditional Russian bathhouse must be heated with wood. This axiom, indisputable for many amateurs and experts,
Stove "Varvara": approved by many connoisseurs of the Russian bath!
Good fame sits behind the stove, but bad fame runs around the world (popular proverb). Hello, dear
How and where to properly install a stove in a bathhouse: diagram and step-by-step installation instructions
In the cold frosty winter, bath procedures are much more relevant than in the summer. This is a great opportunity
Jet stove: step-by-step instructions for making a homemade design
The rocket stove is a modern analogue of the Kan and Ondol heating devices, invented many years ago.
Bathhouse with internal chimney
Which chimney is better for a bath - stainless steel, ceramic or brick?
Choosing a design The first thing you need to decide when choosing a chimney is its installation location.
Bath stove heat 500 technical specifications
Material The furnace firebox is made of structural steel grades Steel 10 and Steel 20. Thermal conductivity
Which sauna stoves are better: cast iron, steel or stainless steel?
The material from which the firebox is made determines the most significant parameters of a wood-burning stove: from the service life
Operation of cast iron stoves "Vesuvius" for baths and reviews
Most of us think that lighting a stove is very simple. He threw wood, put paper, set it on fire
Repairing a brick stove yourself: useful tips
When talking about repairing sauna stoves, we most often mean brick devices. As is known, their masonry
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