The best homemade bath scrub recipes. How to make it yourself and apply it correctly to the body?

The sauna climate promotes healthy skin and therefore naturally increases the effectiveness of many cosmetic procedures. And 2-3 times! The only thing is that such cosmetics have strict requirements - they must be as natural as possible. Few people would think of taking products that contain preservatives into the bathhouse. This will not improve your health! Another thing is to use honey in a bath as a health-improving cosmetic product. This product is initially natural, in addition, it has a very complex composition that has a beneficial effect on the skin and the entire body.

What it is?

A cosmetic scrub is a product in the form of an emulsion or gentle cream containing small abrasive particles. For facial care, scrubs containing small particles are used. To cleanse the body, harsher means are used.

Various exfoliating components are used to prepare scrubs:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • granulated sugar;
  • orange zest;
  • apricot kernels;
  • cereals;
  • coffee grounds;
  • or artificial granules.

The compositions are used not only to cleanse the skin, but also to achieve the effect of weight loss, whitening and rejuvenation.

Types of peeling products

You can make your own peeling product at home or purchase a jar of ready-made composition in a store. So, you bought a ready-made body scrub. How to use this product correctly and with what frequency? This information can be read on the packaging.

All products in this category are united by one feature - the presence of abrasive particles, which perform an exfoliating function. They come in different sizes. The larger it is, the harsher the scrub. This is important to know when choosing. To gently cleanse sensitive skin, it is recommended to use products with small particles. Otherwise, the skin can be easily damaged.

Today, many people use body scrub. We will tell you how to use it further. In fact, the very principle of applying the product does not depend at all on the size of the particles in it. They can be natural or synthetic. Since the first ones are salt, sugar, ground coffee, crushed fruit seeds, they can be quite aggressive due to their imperfectly smooth surface and different sizes. Synthetic particles, on the contrary, have a round shape without sharp corners. They are simply created for very delicate skin.

Cosmetics are made on different bases. For dry and sensitive skin, it is better to choose oil-based products. For normal skin and those with a tendency to oily skin, a gel base is recommended. Homemade scrubs are quite easy to make. Sour cream, olive oil, honey, and shower gel are suitable as a base. It is advisable to make such an amount of mixture that it is enough for one application.

Advantages and disadvantages

The result can be seen immediately after using the scrub. The skin takes on a fresh and healthy appearance. Cosmetics have the following positive effects:

  1. enrich the skin with essential nutrients;
  2. deeply cleanse the skin and prepare it for the use of moisturizers;
  3. stimulate the production of collagen, due to which the skin becomes more toned;
  4. activate metabolism and blood microcirculation in small vessels;
  5. accelerate the removal of excess fluid;
  6. are a means of preventing cellulite and improve the appearance of the skin;
  7. normalize fat metabolism in skin cells, reduce its fat content.

Unfortunately, bath scrubs are not without some disadvantages:

  1. small abrasive particles can injure the skin and cause inflammation or irritation;
  2. when used on injured or inflamed areas, may cause scarring;
  3. make the skin defenseless against ultraviolet rays and contribute to the appearance of age spots and sunburn;
  4. Frequent use causes roughening of the skin.

To ensure that scrubs do not cause harm to the body, you should carefully choose the products and use them in accordance with the recommendations.

Benefits and harms

The favorable, and so expected by all of us, consequences of using this aromatic product in a bath include:

  1. Penetration into the body through opened pores, saturation of the blood with microelements and vitamins;
  2. Providing a moisturizing, rejuvenating, smoothing, toning effect on the skin;
  3. Accelerating the healing processes of wounds on the body and damaged skin; preventing the development of inflammation;
  4. In addition, the vapors of this sweetness have a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs, and through them, on the entire body. A kind of inhalation that accelerates the process of the entry of healing elements into the blood.

As for the unfavorable side and those cases when you should refrain from using this product in a bathhouse, since they can cause more harm to the skin and the body as a whole than good.

Here it is necessary to note personal intolerance, all kinds of allergic reactions after application (rashes, redness, itching on the skin), or to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract (in the process of inhaling vapors, the following may appear: sore throat; difficulty breathing; runny nose; watery eyes, cough). People suffering from cardiovascular diseases or having problems with blood pressure are not recommended to rub their body in the bathhouse, as this can cause aggravation.

How to make it yourself at home?

To cleanse your skin, you can purchase cosmetics in the store or prepare them at home from natural ingredients.

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With olive oil

A homemade olive oil scrub has hypoallergenic properties and is suitable for any skin type. It contains large amounts of vitamin E and moisturizing ingredients. The composition is recommended for cleansing and rejuvenating dry and sensitive skin. It is used during the cold season, when the skin needs to replenish its moisture supply.


  • olive oil – 4-5 tbsp. spoon;
  • cane sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • ground coffee – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.

The components must be mixed in such proportions to obtain a viscous mixture.

Apply the product to well-steamed skin with light movements and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse off in the shower.

Honey with salt

The coarse salt included in the composition helps restore the lack of potassium and magnesium in the body and normalize the water-salt balance. It has a drying effect, so this product can be used to cleanse oily and normal skin.

Honey is used as a base for cosmetic products. It promotes the removal of waste and toxins, enriches the skin with nutritional components, and has a healing effect. For a homemade scrub, you can use any scrub, even sugared one.

To prepare, mix equal parts of honey and table or sea salt.

The composition is applied to heated and steamed skin, gently rubbed in and washed off with warm water.

From coffee, with whitening effect

This is a good remedy for weight loss. It actively removes toxins from the body, promotes deep cleansing and restoration of skin cells. To prepare it you will need:

  • ground coffee – 3 tablespoons;
  • sour cream or heavy cream - 1 cup;
  • orange oil – 2-3 drops.

To achieve a whitening effect, use equal amounts of sour cream and ground coffee.

To prepare the scrub, you need to thoroughly mix coffee and sour cream and add orange essential oil. Transfer the mixture into a small container and place in a cool place.

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Before application, cleanse the skin and apply the composition with smooth massaging movements, rub well and rinse.


The scrub helps activate metabolism, gives skin elasticity, and makes the “orange peel” less noticeable.

To prepare it you will need:

  • honey – 1 tablespoon;
  • coffee grounds – 100 g;
  • liquid soap – 1 teaspoon;
  • essential oil of rosemary, cypress, bergamot, lavender - 15 drops.

How to cook:

  1. Melt honey in a water bath.
  2. Add coffee grounds and detergent.
  3. Mix all ingredients and dissolve aromatic oils in them.

What honey should I take to the bath?

The type of honey does not matter; the main condition for the therapeutic effect is real bee honey, and not a fake made from sugar or caramel. The ideal honey for bathing procedures is fresh, transparent, and easily flows down a spoon.

Melt the candied honey using a water bath or placing a jar near the stove so that the heat makes it liquid. You cannot overheat honey; at temperatures above 45 degrees, all beneficial properties are lost. If the honey has warmed up, but remains too thick to grate, you can dilute it with a decoction of medicinal herbs or just water.

How to use?

In order for a cosmetic product to have the expected effect, you need to not only carefully read its composition, but strictly follow all the rules of use.

Basic Rules

  • Before entering the steam room or sauna, you should rinse your body in the shower. This will prevent the toxins released during steaming of the skin from being absorbed through enlarged pores.
  • After the steam room, you also need to rinse with cool water to wash off all the dirt.
  • After this, cosmetics can be applied to cleansed and steamed damp skin, paying special attention to problem areas.
  • Then the scrub is washed off with water, a massage is done and masks are used for the face and hair.

Application order

The body cleansing procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The scrub is applied to a pre-steamed body, heating the composition. To do this, you can take it with you to the steam room.
  2. Rinse your body in warm water.
  3. Apply the product to the body. To do this, you can use mixtures of several types: for the face, body, different skin types.
  4. The scrub is applied in a circular motion along the massage lines, starting from the feet, and left for 10-15 minutes.
  5. The product can be distributed with your hands or a massage mitten. It is used no more than once every 7-10 days.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas.
  7. The product is washed off in the shower.

After this, you can apply moisturizing masks and creams.

Precautionary measures

Like any cosmetic procedure, honey masks must be done taking precautions into account. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve the desired positive effect.

  • If you have blood vessels located close to your skin, you should refrain from any cosmetic procedures (especially warming ones!) in the bathhouse.
  • If there are inflammatory processes or irritations, it is better to postpone such care until they pass.
  • People who are allergic to honey are prohibited from such spa treatments. It will also have a negative effect on the body when used externally.
  • In between trips to the steam room, be sure to drink plenty of fluids to restore your water balance and avoid dehydration.

Honey masks for the face and body work much better if used in a bath. Pores open, beneficial substances penetrate deeper, toxins are eliminated. But such useful procedures also have their contraindications and precautions that must be observed.

Contraindications for use

Despite their high efficiency and a large number of beneficial properties, the use of cosmetic scrubs is not always possible. Their use is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components included in the product;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • psoriasis;
  • lupus;
  • pemphigus;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • the presence of small scratches, rashes or wounds on the skin;
  • after visiting the solarium;
  • close location to the surface of blood vessels and the existing vascular network.

We recommend: How to make your own coffee body scrub at home? Recipes and rules of use

Using cosmetics when visiting a bathhouse helps you get rid of excess weight and cellulite, give your skin a healthy look, and also feel more energetic and self-confident.

Benefits of honey face masks

By making masks from honey in a bathhouse, you increase their effectiveness several times. The skin is steamed, the pores open, and nutrients penetrate better. This is why spa treatments in saunas are so popular. The beneficial properties of honey face masks in combination with such steaming will not take long to appear:

  • Blood circulation increases, the effectiveness of nutrition and skin hydration increases.
  • Thanks to cleansing of toxins, beneficial substances penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin and are better absorbed.
  • The natural elasticity of the skin increases.
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • The skin acquires a healthy shine, the functioning of the sweat glands is normalized, and dry skin is reduced.
  • Blackheads are much easier to remove; you can even get rid of closed comedones.

But this positive effect applies exclusively to regular procedures! A one-time trip to the bathhouse with a honey mask will only bring a one-time effect and a pleasant feeling of cleanliness, but will not last.

Coffee mask

In previous articles on bath procedures, you probably read about the benefits of a bath. About how, thanks to steam and heat, the skin is cleansed, it becomes easier to breathe, the body is immersed in a state of bliss and relaxation.

Indeed, the benefits of a bath for healing the body are obvious. But you can enhance the effect by using scrubs and masks for the face, body, and hair. Open pores on the skin and general relaxation contribute to the deep penetration of beneficial substances into the skin. The use of scrubs helps to increase perspiration, cleanse dead skin flakes and prepare the body for the application of nourishing or moisturizing masks used in the bath.

In turn, masks saturate the skin with useful substances, making it soft, tender and beautiful.

We invite you to watch a video about rejuvenating bath procedures.

If you apply scrubs and masks before visiting the steam room, there will be little benefit from this. The best option is to use the scrub after the first or second steam, and apply the mask after cleansing, washing your hair and body.

You need to adhere to the following approximate sequence of bath procedures to maximize the benefits of masks and scrubs:

  • first entry into the steam room to pre-warm the body,
  • rinsing with water,
  • for amateurs and those who feel good - a second visit to the steam room,
  • washing head and body,
  • applying scrub,
  • rinsing the face and body with water,
  • applying a mask,
  • general rinsing.

Remember, be sure to drink enough fluids and rest between procedures!

This sequence will help the body warm up, cleanse itself of toxins and receive a full set of nutritional components.

The modern human body is exposed to various types of stress every day. Exhaust gases, atmospheric emissions from industrial enterprises, medicines, synthetic clothing, general “chemicalization” of food and household goods.

Help yourself avoid additional exposure to preservatives and dyes. Let your body rest. Use homemade scrubs and masks in the bathhouse. Fortunately, the range is extensive and the components are available.

The bath itself promotes the removal of toxins and weight loss. To increase the effect, you can do a preliminary light body massage before the bath. Or take a steam bath with a broom in the steam room.

Cleansing scrubs will help increase sweating, further improving blood flow and speeding up metabolism. With sweat, toxins and substances unnecessary to the body disappear. Containing salt, coffee or sugar, scrubs give a lifting effect and promote weight loss.

Masks using products that speed up blood flow, such as mustard, apple cider vinegar, pepper or cosmetic clay, also help burn fat.

In my opinion, it is preferable to use soft products - honey, sour cream, yogurt, etc. They nourish and at the same time tighten the skin.

Cleansing scrubs that contain salt, coffee, sugar, bread, cinnamon or oatmeal are best suited for a bath.

Natural moisturizing and nourishing ingredients are preferred for masks:

  • sour cream,
  • yogurt,
  • kefir,
  • cottage cheese,
  • egg white or yolk,
  • honey,
  • pulp of berries or fruits,
  • lemon,
  • chocolate, etc.

Surely, dear readers, many of the listed products can be found in your kitchen. You can use different combinations of components, resulting in compositions with different properties.

  • It is not necessary to use only fresh berries or fruits. Frozen fruits are perfect.

Vegetable oils are often a mandatory component for masks and scrubs. They are best purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores.

The following oils can be used:

  • olive,
  • flaxseed,
  • almond,
  • apricot,
  • burdock, etc.

There are masks containing vitamins B, A and E. Additional components are simply introduced into the usual mask and make its effect more effective.

You can also use any natural ingredients that suit your skin type, if available. Each of us has heard and knows about the benefits of familiar products. Try mixing, use ready-made recipes or come up with your own.

For inspiration and development of a creative approach to bath procedures, I provide several recipes for scrubs and masks for the bath. I will share those that I have checked and tried personally.

As we found out above, scrubs perform a cleansing function. With its help, we rid the body of dead skin flakes and unclog pores, which makes the use of masks more effective.

However, even without masks, the effect of scrubs cannot be underestimated. After all, cleansing the skin is an important process. As a result, your face and body look fresher and more attractive, and you look younger.

Salt and honey scrub in a bath

A very simple but effective recipe. Good for fighting cellulite, tightens the skin, cleanses and saturates it with microelements.

Take sea salt; if you don’t have it, you can use regular table salt. Mix salt with honey in a 1:1 ratio.

Apply to body and face in circular movements. Be careful not to damage delicate skin!

Honey and sour cream scrub

Cleansing, tightening and nourishing at the same time.

Mix honey and sour cream 1:1. Rub the body and face. Let it soak in for a few minutes. We wash it off. Enjoy the velvety feel of your skin.

Toning coffee bath scrub

It not only cleanses the skin, but also tones it. After use, the complexion of the face and skin in general improves, and the body acquires a light tan color. In addition, the aroma during the procedure is wonderful.

For this mask you can use coffee grounds; I like freshly ground ones. Choose according to your taste.

For dry skin: mix 1 tbsp. l. coffee grounds with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. You can add a pinch of cinnamon if it is well tolerated.

For normal and oily skin: 1 tbsp. l. Mix coffee with yogurt or sour cream. Carefully rub the mixture over your body, enjoying the aroma and your own beauty.

Bread scrub

Excellent proven recipe. Cleanses and saturates the skin with vitamins.

For dry skin: grind half a loaf of bread made from wheat flour in a meat grinder or coffee grinder. Add ground oatmeal 1:1 and fine sea or table salt 1 tbsp. l.

For oily skin: grind the dried half of a loaf of rye bread, mix with 1 tbsp. l. salt and 1 tbsp. l baking soda.

In the bathhouse, take a little mixture, add water to make a paste, and apply it to the face and body with gentle movements.

The composition can be prepared in advance, stored for up to three months, and used as needed. By the way, washing your face with it in the evenings is also useful.

Applying a mask to cleansed and steamed skin is a useful and pleasant procedure. There are different types of masks: moisturizing, nourishing, toning, whitening, rejuvenating, tightening, etc.

Each one deserves attention. We will look at proven and popular recipes.

Moisturizing bath mask

Kefir or yogurt 2 tbsp. l. mix with 1 tbsp. l. raspberries or strawberries, add 1 tsp. honey.

Nourishing mask

Mix 1 yolk with 1 tbsp. l. olive/almond/apricot oil. You can add 1 tsp. honey.

Whitening mask

Grate 1 cucumber, add a few drops of lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. cream.

Toning mask

Mix 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice and sour cream, add 1 yolk.

Rejuvenating mask

Oatmeal 1-2 tbsp. l pour hot milk so as to cover them. We wait until the mixture swells and cools. Add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 yolk.

Firming sauna mask

Mix 2 tbsp. l cottage cheese with 1 protein, add 1 tbsp. l cream or olive oil. We apply the mixture after leaving the steam room, otherwise the protein will not give its tightening effect. It is necessary that the composition dries slightly on the skin.

Hair treatments are much more effective when done in a bathhouse. Opened pores on the scalp facilitate deep penetration of all components of the masks. Hair becomes healthier, becomes shiny, strong and beautiful.

Bread hair mask

Take 3-4 pieces of rye bread and knead. You can dry it and grind it in a meat grinder. Add kefir until you get a paste. Apply to damp hair for 10-15 minutes.

Perfectly nourishes the scalp. Hair becomes shiny and silky.

Mask of oil, honey and yolk

Mix olive and burdock oil, 1 tbsp each. l., add 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 yolk. Apply the mixture evenly from roots to ends.

An excellent healing, strengthening and nourishing mask.

Kefir mask

In this case, kefir or yogurt is suitable. Take half a glass and apply to hair.

The composition moisturizes and nourishes.

Dear readers, we have reached an important point. When using masks and belongings in the bathhouse, be extremely attentive to yourself and your feelings.

To illustrate the consequences of thoughtless procedures, I’ll tell you a story that happened to me not so long ago.

We decided to test the new mask in the bathhouse. It was necessary to mix the ground, unrefined oat grains with other ingredients. All the components were familiar, but an unexpected reaction occurred.

When I applied the mixture, I felt severe itching and irritation on the skin. As it turned out, it was an allergic reaction to the scales covering the grains. Rolled oats were perceived well, but whole grains were not.

To ensure that your bath procedures are beneficial, follow a number of rules:

  • Always test a scrub or mask if you use it for the first time. Mix a small amount of ingredients, apply to the back of your hand near the elbow and wait 10-15 minutes. If the testing goes well - there are no allergic reactions or skin irritation - you can use it,
  • Apply the beneficial composition to pre-steamed and cleansed skin,
  • be careful when applying scrubs and masks, do not damage the skin,
  • drink more water or other liquid (except alcohol),
  • remember that it is better not to undergo the procedure if you are in doubt or not very healthy, than to do it and then pay with poor health.
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural honey.
  • 1 egg.
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oils.
  • 5 drops of lemon juice.
  • 100 ml of homemade yogurt, sour cream or sour milk.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Fighting cellulite

Orange peel needs to be dealt with actively: a good massage is necessary so that the fatty deposits that have accumulated in the deformed cells seep through their walls. Therefore, we pay increased attention to such “problem” areas, kneading them well. Compositions for anti-cellulite scrubs are usually multi-component. In the bath they act in the most active way - the temperature of the surface layers of the skin is increased, which activates metabolic processes.

Here are some cellulite scrubs that can be used in a steam room:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of dry ground coffee and salt. Grind a little half a glass of oatmeal, mix with coffee and salt. Add citrus oils - 6 drops, rosemary - 4 drops, cinnamon - 3 drops. Add some water. Rub the skin in problem areas for 7-8 minutes, then spend about the same amount of time in the steam room.

50 grams of salt and sugar, a tablespoon of ground coffee. In another bowl, add 4 drops of citrus oils to 2 tablespoons of honey. Mix everything and rub the body. Just be careful: the composition turns out to be tough, do not injure the skin. You need to massage for 3 minutes, then 5-10 minutes in the steam room. Rinse with warm water, then cool.

Cellulite recedes faster in a bathhouse

Brooms are very helpful in the fight against cellulite and also stimulate weight loss. This is a kind of massage that activates blood circulation. Read about what types of brooms there are and how to steam them in the article “How to steam a broom for a bath”

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