Open and closed heater: what is the difference and what is better to choose

Date of publication: September 17, 2018
Bath ceremonies in Russia have always been respected, and remain so today, despite any political and economic processes. To relax after a difficult day at work in the sauna, warm up, relieve stress and tension, get rid of thoughts, and at the same time carry out health prevention - every owner of a bathhouse or sauna has this opportunity.

Equipping your steam room with a good sauna stove is not at all difficult, the main thing is to decide what kind of stove you need - for example, a closed or open type of heater? Which is better? How does one type differ from another? In this article we will try to reveal the basic concepts and differences between the two types of heaters, their advantages and features.

To begin with, you need to define the heater itself. What it is? From the name it becomes clear that stones play a key role here. A sufficient volume of heat-conducting stones is placed in a special casing, in which they are heated and transfer heat to the steam room. This is the heater.

Why do you need a stove in a Russian bath?

Every Russian bathhouse has a stove.
Therefore, you should think about what kind of model you need to install in it. Electrical products will never replace a real oven. Many people prefer a metal heater or one made of brick. In any case, it must provide optimal temperatures and produce the required amount of steam. To get hot steam, the stones are placed in the oven on fire and thoroughly calcined. Then they are doused with water and the room is filled with hot, humid steam. Since there is no source of fire in the steam room, oxygen is not burned out.

This model most closely corresponds to the concept of a traditional Russian bathhouse, because it best conveys the atmosphere that is so necessary for a pleasant pastime.

In closed heaters, to transfer heat, the steam door is installed at the level of the top row of stone backfill or higher. When burning fuel, it remains closed, as a result of which smoke does not penetrate into the room. Before entering the steam room, the door is opened so that the room is thoroughly warmed up to a temperature of 45-60 degrees.

For such a heater to warm up properly, it takes a lot of time and fuel. They start heating it 2-3 hours before visiting the bathhouse. The high temperature in the steam room is created by heating the stones.

Depending on the operating mode of a stove with a closed heater, there are:

  • Periodic action.
  • Permanent (long-term) action.

Let’s remember what the different “baths” are:

  1. Finnish sauna (dry heat): t 80 – 140 °C, humidity from 1 to 15%.
  2. Turkish hammam (moist heat): t up to 45 °C, humidity up to 100%.
  3. Russian bath (golden mean): t 60 – 80 ° C, humidity 50 – 80%.

As you can see, for a guy in the Russian style, considerable humidity and temperature are required. You can get abundant steam without flooding the heater only with well-heated stones.

In the first black-style baths, the stones were placed in a direct path near the flame, had direct contact with it and heated up to a crimson glow. Of course, there is a lot of hassle and inconvenience with a black bath, so they are not often found in the vastness of the country.

An open heater does not come into contact with the flame. The temperature here is obtained by the stones from contact with the walls of the furnace and transferred to each other, gradually warming up. The larger the contact surface area, the better the stones will warm up. There are models of boilers in which the heater is shaped in such a way that the stones lie in it in a thin layer and almost all of them are pressed against one of the walls. The design does an excellent job of heating the room and generating steam!

Combined models have been developed, in which there are two heaters at once - open and closed. Purchasing such a device can quell the heated debate about which type of heater is better.

The ideal option is a closed heater that resembles an oven. While the process of heating and heating the room is ongoing, the door of such an “oven” remains closed and all the heat is transferred to the stones. Subsequently, when the time comes for the guy, they open the door and splash water into it.

It turns out that the first stage of bath procedures takes place at high temperature and low humidity, and the end - in heated air saturated with moisture.

There are two types of stove designs with a closed heater (closed type):

  1. Periodic action.
  2. Permanent action.

To put it simply, the difference between them is that the first one has smoke and partially flame passing through the heater, while the second one is isolated from fire and smoke.

Closed sauna stove

The designs got their names because an insulated heater can be used at any time while the bathhouse is heating and after that, that is, “continuously.”

And the periodic model does not allow the door to open until the fuel has completely burned out. This is done because of the soot deposit that covers the surface of the stone (if you splash water on such a stone, the soot will end up in the room, on the shelf and on people). In addition, carbon monoxide will also penetrate into the steam room along with the smoke.

Do not overdo the amount of stone in the open heater! The upper parts of the slide already warm up the worst, but if there is no contact with the walls, steam will not form, and you will fill the stove with water and get a hammam.

Features of choosing electrical options

It is necessary to give preference to a model of a modern design, that is, with two reliable housings, and such that the outer one cools the inner one, in which the heating element will be located. And it needs to be placed in the corner of the steam room, and it should be installed on a ceramic base and with a protective fence - to prevent injuries that can be caused by accidentally touching a hot surface.

Advantages of electric heaters

When choosing an electric oven, focus on the following parameters:

  • good heating rate with a high degree of safety;
  • the ability to flexibly adjust the temperature and the presence of other additional functions;
  • ease of maintenance and operation;
  • Possibility of use in an apartment.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • high cost of electricity;
  • use only in sauna and dry-air steam room mode.

There is an opinion that during operation such equipment produces electromagnetic radiation. But so far no one has provided convincing evidence of the validity of this point of view. And in any case, the heat generator does not produce a frequency above 50 Hz, at which the generated field could be harmful to health, so you can calm down.

Advantages of stoves with a closed heater

Compared to stoves with an open heater, stoves with a closed heater have many positive aspects.

  • The stove of a Russian bath with a closed heater is not heated from the steam room, so the entry of carbon monoxide into the steam room is completely excluded. Because of this, it is pleasant to be in the steam room, and the air is saturated with the aromas of a brewed broom or herbs that are steamed specifically to create steam.
  • A large number of stones are heated evenly, resulting in the formation of light steam, saturated with moisture from tiny droplets. This allows you to easily tolerate the high temperature in the steam room. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that too high temperatures are harmful to the health of the body.
  • Such designs are more reliable in terms of safety, because when adding liquid to the stones, the possibility of a burn from steam is completely eliminated. In addition, the combustion chamber itself is closed by a separate door.
  • As soon as the stones heat up to the required temperature, the stove should be stopped, because it will maintain the desired temperature for quite a long time due to the slow cooling of the stones inside it.

The main advantage of closed heaters, for which all the fuss is, is the deep heating of the stones. They reach high temperatures and create excellent steam.

Other positive aspects:

  1. Warm-up speed. The combustion process does not last for many hours. The stones heat up in an hour or two.
  2. Ability to keep warm for a long time. The sauna stays in working order for longer. You can use it throughout the day for different needs.
  3. The ability to better regulate the temperature in the bath. As soon as a person opens the heater door, an additional flow of heat escapes into the steam room. If it suddenly seems that it has become too hot, you can cover the heater and the temperature will drop slightly.
  4. They can be implemented in both metal and brick ovens.

If it turns out that the heater is flooded, just close its door. Internal heat promotes rapid evaporation and temperature restoration.

Questions and answers

Choosing a heater stove is a complex procedure, during which various questions may arise. Let’s answer the most common ones that arise for almost all users:

What is better, buy a heater or make it yourself?

If you have experience and certain knowledge, you can make a stove yourself. Moreover, some stoves (brick) are not sold ready-made. However, there are designs that you can only buy - these are cast iron heaters.

How to check whether stones emit radiation?

Radiation is a serious problem in many igneous rocks. You can check them using a portable counter. The average rate is 0.3 µSv/h (microsievert per hour). If the stones “sound” more strongly, it is better not to use them.

Which type of fuel is more profitable?

Experienced users recommend gas ovens. They do not require constant monitoring and replenishment of fuel in the firebox; they heat the room, water and heater most efficiently. However, for some hobbyists, the only possible option is wood-burning stoves, like the traditional type of sauna stove.

Which heater size is more practical?

Massive heaters give off heat longer, but require longer heating. At the same time, it is large heaters weighing 100-150 kg that are valued among specialists. They provide even heating and produce good, even steam.

Is it necessary to bring the mouth of the firebox into the common room of the bathhouse, or can it be placed in the steam room?

It is better to remove it so that there is no smoke or carbon monoxide in the steam room. Ideally, only the heater compartment should go into the steam room. However, if the space is small and the configuration of the bath does not allow it to be located outside the steam room, the stove is installed in the manner that is possible.


The following requirements apply to a heater for a Russian bath:

  • It provides the steam room with a high temperature, which should be 45 degrees at the floor and 80 degrees at the ceiling.
  • Humidifies the air by pouring water over the stones.
  • Does not emit smoke or carbon monoxide into the room.
  • Must be safe to use in the bath.
  • Saves fuel.

If the stove is metal, then it is equipped with an additional mesh heater. This container operates in a metal oven in the same way as in a stone oven. Only in this case the heater heats up much faster, because it is located directly above the firebox. This feature makes metal construction much more popular than stone construction, which takes more time to warm up and, accordingly, consumes more fuel.

Depending on the method of placing stones, stoves are divided into types that have a closed or open stove.

Principle of operation

Depends on the type of equipment selected. In gas models, fuel (most often propane), with a controlled supply, is mixed with air in the required proportions and releases heat during combustion. Thanks to this, the stone base quickly accumulates, and water poured onto it turns into steam.

In electric ones, heating elements located in the inner casing heat up the stones (with which they are lined). The latter, in turn, give energy to the air entering and exiting through special ventilation ducts. As a result, the room temperature gradually increases.

In wood-burning stoves, the fuel burns and gives off the generated heat to the heater or mesh casing. Due to this interaction, particularly soft vaporization is observed.

Design requirements

All sauna stoves have two compartments in their structure: a firebox (bottom) and a heater (top). On the outside, the unit has either a metal casing (if it is not made of brick) or a stone cladding.

For modern and simply better sauna stoves they are as follows:

  • manufactured from materials that can stably withstand heavy loads;
  • general safety of the device, reducing the likelihood of fire, poisoning and other risks;
  • balance between heating speed, cooling speed and humidity provision;
  • efficiency in terms of fuel consumption;
  • convenient sizes for use.

Shielding walls

In addition to the fact that a closed heater is required, it is also important to shield the flow of hard radiation coming from the metal walls. A number of manufacturers create double metal casings around the unit body that reduce convection.

For the same purpose, cladding with natural minerals can be used. Similar stoves are offered by many manufacturing companies, but since natural finishes are very expensive, the products cannot be called cheap.

If we are talking about a metal sauna boiler, then the walls of such a device are seriously hot! Infrared radiation comes out in a powerful stream, and if a person is at a short distance from such a unit, his skin will become very red, as if from a burn, and a burning sensation will appear.

This is also wrong from an economic point of view. Energy creates inconvenience for people and is consumed very quickly.

It would be much better to direct the radiant heat into a stone or brick screen.

What will it give:

  • softer warmth;
  • eliminating the possibility of burns;
  • fuel economy;
  • accumulation of heat, its gradual release.

Manufacturers offer ready-made screens made of natural stone, “cut” exactly for a specific model.

They take up much less space, have optimal thermal conductivity properties and look great! True, such screens are expensive and not everyone can afford them.

You can line the stove with brickwork yourself. Sometimes the screen is made with a small gap between the brick and the walls. A prerequisite is the presence of convection holes through which heat will freely escape into the steam room. If this is not done, the efficiency and properties of the stove will be like those of a brick stove.

And in order to be able to regulate the temperature, sometimes stove doors are inserted into the solid masonry.

Many boilers are made directly under the brick lining. They have ledges and a shape that helps secure the masonry.

Another option, if the firebox is large, it can be lined with fireclay bricks from the inside. This fireproof material will increase the heat transfer time and protect the metal case from burning.

Opposite the door of a closed heater, you will need to install a second door in the brick mass.

Steam source

Yes, no matter how strange it may sound, but stoves have different sources of steam, so stoves are divided into two types: conventional and with a separate steam generator. A steam generator is used when the oven does not produce enough dry steam, which is considered traditional bath steam, or you want to obtain finely dispersed steam.

Features of room heating

Your sauna stove can be cold or hot. It is generally accepted that cold ones are those whose walls do not heat up above 45°C, and hot ones are ovens with a wall heating temperature above 100°C. This is an important parameter, because the heat of your bathhouse is transferred through the walls.

Regardless of the type of fuel or material of your stove, all stoves are divided into two main classes - “cold” and “hot”. Let's find out the advantages and disadvantages of "cold" and "hot" ovens.

Let's start with "hot" ovens. Stoves of this type are installed in bath buildings that do not have any other heating option. In a hot stove, the outer surface heats up to 100o C. The main disadvantage is the risk of overheating the room. You can quickly change the temperature in the steam room only with the help of ventilation.

In a “cold” stove, the outer lining does not heat up to significant temperatures, so in winter such a design cannot sufficiently warm up the steam room. This is a model for baths that are heated in some other way.

The outer surfaces of a “cold” furnace are heated to a temperature of 40 - 50 C, which is the lower limit for producing steam. Any “cold” stove warms up the room for a very long time; the air is heated due to the fact that the stove “takes” cold air from the floor of the room, passes it through itself and comes out already warm.

Mistakes you shouldn't make.

  • Haste, as you know, is good only for catching fleas. But when choosing a sauna stove, there is no need to rush. Select several models, and from them already one.
  • It often happens that consultants do not talk about the stove, but advertise it. It may be that a criterion that the seller did not mention is important to you.
  • Do not neglect consulting a specialist.
  • If you require specialist advice, please contact us by phone... or in any of our stores. Our specialists will answer all your questions.
  • It is necessary to decide on the type of fuel used. This is important because it is the type of fuel that determines the power of the stove, and stoves with different types of fuel require different conditions and additional design elements.

Steam gun

The operation of a closed heater depends on how isolated it is from the walls of the unit and the state of the air in the steam room. The better these indicators are, the hotter the stones will be able to heat up. However, in this case there is a problem with how to supply water to the stones.

In order to obtain steam inside the heater, a system of tubes with holes is installed. A glass or funnel is attached to the outside and water is poured in. It flows down the tube down the unit. Such a device is called a heat gun. It got its name because the escaping steam makes loud sounds, reminiscent of a gunshot.

When using this device, it is recommended not to limit yourself to a single tube - it is better to make a branched version at the bottom, which will evenly distribute the liquid throughout the stove and bring it to the hottest zones.

Good light steam is finely dispersed steam that is formed in a split second. You can only get it from very hot stones. If you splash water on stones that are not hot enough, the moisture from them will evaporate slowly, and a damp fog will hang in the steam room, difficult for a person’s lungs to tolerate.

Since the stones at the bottom of the pile, in contact with the combustion chamber, are the hottest, this is where I would like to splash some water, but how? By installing a steam gun or steam generator.

Its designs may be different, but the essence is the same - it is a pipe, the upper part of which rises above the stove, and the bottom goes deep into the stone pile. At the end there may be branches and holes through which water is supplied.

Steam generator for a bath

The device received the name “gun” for its muzzle-shaped shape and the clap, like a shot, with which steam escapes.

Many manufacturers produce guns of a certain model that fit their boilers. But you can make a device from scrap materials with your own hands.

The best models of generation guns go down to the very bottom of the pile and have a valve at the top that will prevent the steam, while still heavy, from escaping through the top of the pipe. Moisture should rush down to the bottom of the heater and, passing through the holes, wash the stones, and only then enter the room.

If you apply water with the addition of sea salt to hot stones, the steam will be hotter and will also have a disinfecting effect. It is best to feed boiling water into a steam cannon.

How to choose the optimal design

In essence, we have already answered this question in the previous chapter, but the answer referred to the specifics of a particular bath.

Let's look at the defining points again:

How to calculate the required volume of container? Assume that one washable item requires at least 10 liters of water.

How are adjacent rooms supposed to be heated? If there are no other options, you can use a remote tank for this purpose. It goes without saying that in this case it should not be thermally insulated. Another option is to use a furnace to heat the antifreeze in a separate heating system.

Are you ready to create forced circulation? If yes, then there are no obstacles to choosing any of the described designs. In this case, you will receive not only a shower, but also, if desired, heating through radiators. True, you will have to organize the system according to all the rules.

We recommend reading:

Construction of a bathhouse from timber

For example, do not forget about the need to install an expansion tank, which absorbs excess fluid in the system.

Batch oven with closed heater

It is considered one of the most popular stove designs for Russian baths, retaining heat for a long time (for 1-2 days). The stones are located in the middle of the brazier and are heated by the blazing firebox or by the smoke that is directed through them into the chimney. This design heats up the stones very well. The bottom layer can heat up to a temperature of 1000 degrees, and the top layer - up to 650 degrees.

Due to the fact that the stones are exposed to smoke, they become covered with soot. therefore, the sauna can be used immediately as soon as the fuel has completely burned out. Such a high heating temperature of the stones ensures that the soot particles on the stones burn out completely. Otherwise, the steam room will fill with carbon monoxide, which is poisonous. It should take 3-5 hours after lighting the heater before the first steamers enter the steam room.

This design consists of a blower, firebox, stone backfill and chimney. In this design, the stones are heated by the walls that separate them from the firebox. The stones can heat up to 400-500 degrees, and the steam room begins to warm up from them. The body of the continuous heater is made of fire-resistant sheet steel 4 mm thick.

A continuous stove with a closed heater has its own characteristics. Since the outside of its body heats up very strongly due to the small thickness of the firebox masonry, it is placed in a metal casing. Between the body and the screen, air circulates, heated from the walls of the furnace, which is heated to the limit.

Usually the bathhouse is heated in such a way that the fuel products do not burn completely and soot settles on the stones. When the stones begin to be watered, the steam that enters the steam room takes soot particles with it. The air in the steam room becomes polluted. To prevent this from happening, stones in continuous ovens with a closed door are fenced off from the smoke with a steel or cast iron plate.

Features of choosing a gas oven

To install it, you need to obtain special permission. A good model is quite expensive, so this type is relatively rarely preferred today. And in vain, because in the long run it pays for itself many times over.

Advantages and design features

The body is equipped with a gas burner, above it there is a pipe for removing combustion products and a tray with stones. Usually there is a thermostat and a fuse that stops the fuel supply when the flame disappears; an additional water heating tank can be added (or even included in the kit).

The gas model has the following advantages:

  • the temperature is adjusted automatically;
  • the steam room heats up evenly and in a short time;
  • there is no need to periodically load fuel - it is supplied without your participation as it is consumed;
  • Maintenance is as simple as possible - in particular, there is no need to empty the ash pan.

And this is with constant gas availability and comparative safety of the design.

Installation requirements for gas models

  • Such equipment must be placed on a flat and solid base, separated from the foundation - for stability.
  • The walls must be protected from thermal effects by separating the heating unit with insulating material (graphite fiber or asbestos).
  • If gas will be taken from a common line, it should be connected to it using a reliable hose. If from a cylinder, then it is important to protect it from temperature influences, for example, place it outside the steam room.
  • It is also necessary to organize ventilation, place additional devices and accessories (such as a water tank) and integrate a control system.

Stoves with closed and open heaters

Metal heaters are practically no different from ordinary brick heaters. Their main difference is that they heat up much faster, since the metal itself is thinner than brick.

In bathhouses with metal stoves, steaming begins within 30-40 minutes after the start of the fire. But if such a furnace heats up quickly, it also cools down quickly. This is where its disadvantage lies. Just like stone stoves, metal stoves can have open or closed heaters.

All metal sauna stoves with a closed or open heater function as long as someone is in the steam room.

Advantages of such designs

A traditional wood burning stove with a water tank has the following advantages:

  • Ergonomic and compact. Wood-burning sauna stoves with a tank, especially those with a remote container and the samovar type, take up minimal space and at the same time provide people in the steam room with everything they need: heat and hot water.
  • Good aesthetic qualities. The finished stoves look very attractive and have a beautiful finish.
  • Autonomy. They don’t require any settings, just add water and melt.
  • High efficiency. One or two stacks of firewood are enough to warm up the bathhouse and heat the water, provided that the power of the heating equipment is correctly calculated.

Care of the heater

Regardless of which heater was installed, closed or open, it should be regularly inspected and the stones sorted. Some stones may crack or break when exposed to high temperatures. In this case, the cobblestones should be replaced.

The walls of the heater constantly expand and contract during the operation of the bath. As a result, the brickwork gradually collapses. If cracks or crevices are found, they should be immediately covered with a clay solution, otherwise carbon monoxide may enter the steam room along with smoke.

If you constantly monitor the heater, there will be no problems, and it will only delight you with its excellent steam.

Shuvalov Pyotr Vasilievich

Design features and functionality

The variety of models (TMF, Grill'D, Vesuvius, etc.) of sauna stoves complicates the choice of a suitable heater. Let's consider the main structural elements that affect the functionality of the heating unit.

Combustion tunnel

Combustion tunnel of a sauna stove:

  • ensures the flow of oxygen into the firebox from adjacent rooms, making it easy to breathe in the steam room;
  • eliminates the steam room from debris and dirt accompanying fuel loading;
  • makes it possible to admire the flame through the viewing window.


Special holes in the upper part of the steel casing of the heater promote intensive movement of air masses in the room, due to which the steam room warms up quickly and evenly. The “cold below, hot above” effect is eliminated, which adds comfort.

Water heating tank

A tank built into the stove or connected to the chimney allows:

  • maintain air humidity in the steam room at a comfortable level;
  • always have a supply of heated water for a warm shower;
  • increase the efficiency of the heating unit.

Built-in heat exchanger

The heat exchanger built into the sauna stove makes it possible to use the thermal energy of the stove to heat water for showering in a hanging storage tank. The heat exchanger can also be used to heat a shower room or rest room by installing a circuit with forced circulation.

Chimney location

Heaters are offered with a central location of the chimney outlet and with an offset one relative to the center. In the second case, access to the stone backfill is more convenient; in addition, due to the displacement of the chimney, the smoke path increases and the heat transfer of the stove increases.

Door design

Heater stoves are equipped with firebox doors in different designs:

  • deaf;
  • with heat-resistant glass insert;
  • with a large translucent heat-resistant screen.

The design of the door significantly affects the design and cost of the sauna stove.

Closed heater - how it works

Before moving on to how to build a sauna stove with a closed heater with your own hands, you need to understand what a Russian steam room is.

The difference between a sauna room and a dry steam room is different air parameters. In the bathhouse there is high humidity in the range of 50-70% at a temperature of 45-70 degrees. Such a big difference is possible for the reason that all people have different preferences, and in the Russian bath there are several modes. Typically, visitors begin to warm up when the air reaches 45 degrees, and pour water on the stones at higher temperatures.

This regime obviously developed for the reason that the baths were heated by stone stove structures, and other methods of steaming were not available. According to the findings of scientists, it is these indicators that contribute to improved health. And currently, a brick oven is considered the best option for a bathhouse. However, not everyone can afford it, and for this reason, metal units are most in demand, of which there are a huge variety.

They are presented in different options and price categories. Many of them have an open heater, which is why the stones are constantly in contact with air. They are not suitable for Russian baths, since they cannot provide the required regime. The large heat transfer of the metal body leads to the fact that the air is significantly overheated.

An open heater also does not allow you to obtain steam of the required condition - it must be at a high temperature and consist of tiny droplets. It was called “easy” because after visiting the steam room there is no pain in the head, and the body feels light. Such steam does not form if the heater is open. It turns out heavy and wet, followed by a headache. Therefore, it is preferable to use a sauna stove with a closed heater.

True, a Russian steam room may also have a metal stove. It is desirable that it have not only an external, but also an internal closed heater with a large volume. If the design of the unit is exactly this, the stones heat up to 500 degrees, sometimes even higher, whereas in an open heater no more than 200-250 degrees. When water hits a hot surface, a light, almost transparent steam is formed, which is appreciated by fans of the Russian bath.

Types of stones

Since the heater as a stove element is a volumetric storage of stones heated by the heat of the firebox and used as a steam generator, it is of great importance what rocks are used to perform these tasks.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

It is necessary to immediately take into account that it is rocks of igneous origin that are required. Sedimentary types - limestone, sandstone, etc. - will not work.

Due to sudden temperature changes when heating and supplying water to create steam, such stones will quickly crumble into sand. In addition, these stones are too loose and do not have sufficient heat capacity (cool quickly).

Among connoisseurs, the following breeds are most preferred:


This is solidified lava that erupted from a volcano. It is considered the best option for a bath. There are subtypes of basalt - dolerite, anamesite, diabase;


The most durable stone - even under conditions of daily use, it retains its working qualities for up to 10 years;


The best option for a bath is wax jasper, which has a uniform structure. It is not recommended to choose multi-colored (beautiful) jasper, as it can be destroyed due to the difference in thermal destruction of the layers;


A good and inexpensive stone for a bathhouse, capable of maintaining working qualities for a long time. It is necessary to choose stones without sulfites so that they do not emit any odors when heated;


This rock is formed at great depths under high pressure conditions, which makes the stone strong, durable and heat-intensive. Suitable for the bottom of the heater and for filling the entire compartment;


A very good stone for a bath. There are many legends about him, but many of them turn out to be reality when tested. This type of stone rarely comes to the surface, therefore, jadeite is expensive.

It is not recommended to use:


This stone is completely unsuitable for a bathhouse, as it has a grainy structure and quickly begins to crumble;

white quartz

It is credited with a lot of beneficial properties - skin rejuvenation, air ozonation. However, these are all myths. White granite quickly collapses and is practically unsuitable for use in a bathhouse;


This is a stone that is sold by many companies. Various healing qualities are attributed to it, but you should not purchase a coil - it does not possess any useful qualities and is completely unsuitable for use in a heater.

You should choose a stone based on the basic requirements:

  • high hardness, density;
  • homogeneous structure, absence of inclusions;
  • medium size, the ability to tightly pack stones in the compartment.

If the stones are heavy, have a uniform color and split with great difficulty (or do not split at all), then they can be used for a heater.

Variegated beautiful stones should be discarded immediately - they will quickly crumble. In addition, we must remember that some rocks emit radiation, therefore, it is recommended to choose the material meticulously and carefully.

Manufacturers of metal units for baths

If the question arises, what are the best stoves for a sauna with a closed heater, then it is worth talking about the most popular and proven products. They are present in the lines of the following manufacturers: Vulcan, Teplodar, Termofor (read: “How to choose and install a Vulcan stove for a sauna”). There are also devices with a closed heater from Finnish companies.

Manufacturers who are in the top four have already earned a positive reputation - customers speak of them as reliable manufacturers.

Buying a sauna stove - which one to choose and what does the price say?

Attention, a solid price does not always indicate excellent quality. The amount may be overestimated due to the popularity of the manufacturer or due to the fact that the model has just entered the market and is a new product, a fresh hit of the season.

But the low price tag should immediately alert you. Usually it is a characteristic feature:

  • made from not the highest quality material;
  • too thin walls of the body/firebox;
  • minimum configuration;
  • execution using obsolete technology.

So you shouldn’t blindly chase after cheapness - excessive savings may result in the need to prematurely replace heating equipment.

We tried to comprehensively review sauna stoves; the review includes all the important parameters of their choice - decide, buy, install, use and enjoy your health.

EasyStim ovens

These units are made from stainless steel 4-6 millimeters thick, the chromium content in them is 17%. In order to reduce the number of welds, the firebox and container for stones are formed by stamping and bending. To strengthen the walls of the firebox, special stiffening ribs are used, and to improve the heating of the stones and reduce the load on the bottom, it is made round in shape.

To prevent flames from entering the chimney, a flame breaker is installed in the firebox. The chimney channel is curved in order to more efficiently use the energy obtained during the combustion process. As a result, the flue gases go around the container filled with stones from all sides, which leads to their high-quality heating.

In order to regulate the operation, there is a handle at the top of the unit that changes the location of the thermostat damper. When the gap is open, intense heating of the room occurs, and if it is closed, the stones are heated.

Such closed-type sauna stoves have steam generators installed inside, namely systems consisting of tubes with holes that are located in the heater. The water that enters there falls on highly heated stones, and is then distributed over a large area due to the presence of a system of holes.

The water begins to evaporate, falling on the hot stones. The steam that is formed rushes up, bypassing the stones towards the outlet located above. As a result, the steam is broken into small particles, heats up more and becomes almost transparent.

This company presents five lines on the market. Four of them are for baths of various sizes: Sochi, Yalta, Gelendzhik, Anapa. “Cherepovets Blast Furnace” is offered for professional service. A special feature of EasySteam products with a closed heater is the side door, designed for convenient maintenance of the heating unit. It may be on the left or right, so this point needs to be discussed when ordering.

Furnaces are produced either protected by a brick screen, or lined with slabs of coil or soapstone. Technical parameters differ for different models. Those that have lining are characterized by large size and weight, as well as a significant price. The weight of the facing material can reach 250 kilograms.

Such a closed heater for a bath, such as “Sochi”, “Gelendzhik” and “Anapa” has the same device inside. They differ in power, and accordingly, are suitable for steam rooms of various sizes. Modifications in the same line have differences in the size of the compartment for stones, and based on this, the thermal inertness of the furnace.

The greater the number of stones, the longer the steam room warms up, but at the same time it allows you to get a larger amount of steam. Its inertia is also ideal for drying the steam room, since the stones release the resulting heat for a long time.

A new product among the EasyStream line, “Yalta,” has a different design, which is a kind of mesh oven. But it is quite unconventional: a closed internal heater is located around a chimney, which is surrounded by an open and ventilated heater.

Additional selection criteria

There are two more parameters that are not paramount, but are also important when choosing a stove:

Ease of maintenance and operation

Be sure to look at how convenient it is to supply/load fuel into the selected model and remove residual combustion products from it.

Design and dimensions

As you know, the greater the mass of the coolant (which is often achieved by a spacious heater), the longer it retains heat. Therefore, if you choose the Russian steam room option, you need to calculate its area and foundation in advance (in the case of cast iron and brick options).

As for the external design, now on the market you can find a wide variety of stove shapes, in height and width, with or without a mesh for stones, as well as various lining options.


When choosing stones, follow the following rules:

  • The breed is resistant to high temperatures and changes.

When used in a bathhouse, stones endure a heavy load: first they are heated to maximum temperature, then they are poured with water, which leads to uneven cooling. Not every breed is able to withstand this without losing its original appearance. The higher the heat resistance, the less likely it is to crack and chip. You can check the density yourself: by tapping the surface with a hammer or by placing it in cold water after heating it. If in both cases it has retained its integrity, you have a quality copy in your hands. The appearance of cracks indicates low heat resistance.

  • Ability to retain heat for a long time.

Fast heating and long-term heat transfer are the main requirements of bathhouse attendants for stones. As a rule, they are distinguished by their large mass and homogeneous structure. High density and homogeneity of the rock is half the success in a steam room, since it quickly warms up and cools down for a long time, giving off heat; resistant to temperature changes.

  • Dimensions.

When selecting the necessary species, do not forget that for each type of stove certain sizes are preferable. Stones should be selected based not on aesthetic principles, but on practical ones. Large stones from 7 to 15 cm are ideal for wood-burning stoves, but for electric stoves the best option is small stones from 5 to 7 cm.

It is not necessary to fill the heater with stones of the same type; more intense and useful steam can be achieved by mixing representatives of different properties. It is recommended to fill the lower level with pebbles, crimson quartz, and basalt. Peridotite and soapstone are perfect for the upper part. How to properly arrange the rocks in the heater?

Water heating tank

It is required for two reasons:

  • so that you have something to wash yourself with while taking a warm shower;
  • to raise the humidity level in the steam room and maintain it at the desired level.

It can be built-in (combined with a heater and firebox), mounted, connected to a heat exchanger or directly to the chimney, but in any form it increases efficiency, so its installation will definitely not be superfluous. The modern version is presented in the catalogue.

Stove Enchantress for baths

These units are manufactured in Russia. The Enchantress is not the only model range; the company also produces cast-iron products Kalita and cast-iron-steel Sudarushka.

The Enchantress is made from heat-resistant steel AISI 439. The outside is decorated with fireclay refractory bricks or natural minerals.

A special feature of the products of this line is a two-chamber firebox. In this case, fuel combustion occurs in the lower one, and flue gases are burned in the upper one due to secondary air. Because of this, the stoves have high efficiency and do not require a large amount of fuel - thermal energy is almost entirely used to heat the heater.

They have a large heater. The flame covers it from five sides, heating the stones to a high temperature, but the top remains open, which is undesirable for steam baths, but good for saunas. In the case of the Enchantress, you can purchase a steam accumulator, which is like a lid for a heater, which also makes it possible to lay stones. It should be taken into account that any stove from this line has sufficient power to heat an additional portion of stones.

The line includes models called “Russian Steam”. They are better suited for Russian baths, since they initially have a closed heater with a lid designed to facilitate maintenance. Opening/closing the lid switches heating modes. If it is open, the steam room heats up more actively, and if it is closed, the stones heat up intensely.

If you supplement the Enchantress with a steam generator, with the exception of the MK modification, you get a similar effect. The MK mesh heater from the same manufacturer is equipped with a closed heater. The stones in it are also heated by the chimney.

Thus, the Enchantress stoves can function in Russian baths with some modifications, namely, with lids and cast iron ingots, replacing some of the stones with them. Russian Steam models already have a closed heater, so they produce light steam, and the lining copes excellently with hard radiation.

User reviews about the Enchantress units:

  1. My stove is lined with fireclay. Works well, but the steam was a little heavy. But after I equipped the heater with a lid, and also partially installed cast iron instead of stones, it became much better. After this, the steam became wonderful, there is enough of it, and the temperature in the steam room reaches 70-75 degrees.
  2. Perhaps the walls of the oven are thin. I have been using the Enchantress stove for several years, and during this time the top of the stove has sagged by several centimeters, and the walls have become slightly bent. But as for steam and heating the bath, there are no complaints.

How to make a choice

The nature of the functioning of the stove depends on its design and the characteristics of the bath itself.

Answers to the following questions will help you make the right choice:

  • how often and intensively the sauna is planned to be used;
  • how quickly it should be ready for procedures, or whether the quality of the steam is more important;
  • What fuel are you planning to use?

The ovens differ from each other:

  • by productivity;
  • the type of fuel used;
  • according to the material of manufacture;
  • according to the operating principle;
  • by design;
  • by vaping method;
  • design.

If you purchase a model that is not powerful enough, it simply will not be able to heat the room properly. If you take an overly bulky design, it will be inconvenient to use and will take up too much space.

By fuel type

Perhaps the main classification criterion is the method of generating heat. According to this principle, all heater stoves are divided into wood-burning and electric, as well as gas (although much less common).

  1. The most popular stoves for private use are wood stoves. Their design includes two compartments: a firebox (bottom) and a heater (top). The outside of the stove has either a metal casing or a stone lining. Wood is burned in the firebox, and the heat from its combustion is transferred to the stones and further (through convection and radiation) to the steam room and the objects and people in it.
  2. Electrical. They are easy to install, safe and autonomous.
  3. Gas. Due to their compactness, ease of use and the ability to adjust the microclimate in the steam room, they remain popular.

According to the material of manufacture

When installing sauna stoves, metal (an alloy of different composition) or stone, of both natural and artificial origin (the same brick), is used.

When choosing which stove to put in your sauna, be sure to look at what it is made of. Factory models are made of metal: the simplest ones are made of carbon steel, but these burn out quickly, within 4 years. Higher quality ones are made of stainless steel alloyed with chromium. The most durable material is cast iron. Combined versions are also available, in which the firebox is made of alloy and the body is made of stainless steel.

Depending on the type of material, sauna stoves come from:

  • carbon steel with a wall thickness of 1.5-3.0 mm (the most economical option), as well as 6.0 mm; 8-12 mm;
  • stainless steel with wall thickness 2 mm and 4 mm (steel AISI 430/439);
  • boiler room;
  • cast iron;
  • brick and/or natural stone.

For a Russian bathhouse, the best option would be a brick stove, but it is difficult to find a true stove professional, and the cost of his work will be high. This requires expensive maintenance, although such a stove will last a long time.

The advantages of materials stem from physical characteristics. So, it will take up to 5 hours to warm up the stone, but it will cool down for a day. Metal gives heat to the room within 30-120 minutes (on average), but it also conducts heat quickly, so you will have to periodically add firewood/supply gas/turn on electricity into the firebox.

There is also such an important point as reliability. The same structural steel is often used, since it is relatively cheap, but it burns out and rusts quickly enough. Cast iron is much more durable, especially if you do not subject it to various “tests” such as mechanical stress or pouring water on it in a hot state.

Our production

Single wall chimneys

Double wall chimneys

Mounting elements

Buying a heater: the low price trap

You shouldn’t skimp on a sauna stove. A low price tag for a heater usually means that:

  • low quality metal used;
  • the thickness of the walls of the firebox and body is minimal;
  • the equipment is meager;
  • manufacturing technology is outdated.

But an excessively high price does not always indicate impeccable quality. The price tag is inflated due to the popularity of the brand or advertising costs when promoting a new product to the market.


When buying a steel heater for a bath, you should also pay attention to:

The quality of welds - this indicates the strength and reliability of the structure;

On the shape of the bottom of the combustion chamber - if there are bevels, this means that the walls will not burn out from the coal remaining after burning wood;

For fastening a glass door - if there is a frame around the perimeter of the glass, cracking is practically excluded.

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