What to take with you to the bathhouse - list of necessary supplies

A visit to the bathhouse is a unique opportunity to undergo a set of relaxing and wellness treatments at any time of the year.

This is a special ritual that requires proper preparation and compliance with all prescribed rules.

And in order to ensure maximum comfort and coziness, the bathhouse should contain a whole arsenal of necessary bath accessories and accessories.


When choosing accessories for a bath, first of all you should pay attention to their quality and functionality.

Modern bath accessories can be made of plastic, wood and metal. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages.


Bathroom accessories made of wood are aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly and safe. They are often made of oak, linden and cedar. When heated, such products emit a soft aroma of essential oils.

In order for wooden products to last for many years, it is necessary to provide them with proper care. They should not be doused with boiling water or cleaned with aggressive household chemicals.

To store such accessories, you should choose dry and well-ventilated areas, away from open heat sources, to prevent them from drying out and cracking.


Bath accessories made of plastic are more practical and durable than their wooden counterparts. They are resistant to aggressive influences, easy to use and do not require maintenance. Plastic products are made from heat-resistant and non-toxic polymers that are resistant to mechanical damage and overheating.


Metal bath accessories are becoming increasingly popular for use in modern baths and saunas due to their practicality, durability and wear resistance. Often, such products are used in dressing rooms or washing departments with moderate air heating temperatures.

To ensure the aesthetic appeal of bath rooms, it is recommended to choose accessories in the same style.

When going to the bathhouse, you should prepare the basic minimum of accessories that will be required for health procedures.

Drinks for the bath

Properly selected drinks in the sauna effectively tone up, replenish water balance and quench thirst.
This is especially important when visiting a dry steam sauna or infrared cabins. Drinks are drunk between visits and after procedures. The best options for the steam room are:

  1. Herb tea
    . Melissa, calendula, knotweed, thyme, chamomile, nettle - this is not the entire list of useful herbs that can be used to brew herbal tea. However, please note that herbs must be used according to the dosage. It is better to sweeten this tea with honey.
  2. Green tea
    . This tea should not be brewed with 100-degree boiling water. It’s better to wait until it cools down to +80-85 degrees. In this case, the drink will be more useful. Green tea contains a lot of theine, which has a tonic effect. It is also rich in tannins, which relieve inflammation in the body.
  3. Vitamin collection
    . To “feed” the body with vitamins as much as possible, you can prepare a decoction of green oats, rose hips, currants, sea buckthorn, strawberries, and raspberries. You can also add herbs to this composition: mint, cornflower, St. John's wort, oregano. A simplified recipe for vitamin collection includes lemon, cinnamon and ginger. This decoction is very good for the heart.
  4. Juice
    . It is very useful to drink fresh juices (freshly squeezed juices) from carrots, beets, and grapes in between procedures. Pasteurized and boiled juices are not recommended to be taken in a bathhouse. They will not bring the desired effect.
  5. Natural kvass
    . This drink is considered almost traditional for the Russian bath. Rye, bread, honey or berry kvass is perfect to quench your thirst. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself from water, rye bread, sugar and yeast.
  6. Mineral water
    . Perfectly quenches thirst, contains salts and minerals. However, only water without gas is suitable for a bath. It is best to bring hot drinks with you to the bathhouse in a thermos so that they retain their temperature, or brew them directly on the spot, if possible.

It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages in the bathhouse.
This can not only make the procedures useless, but also harm your health, because alcohol dilates blood vessels and, together with the influence of high temperature and humidity, puts a great strain on the cardiovascular system. This could even result in a stroke. Carbonated drinks are also not suitable for a bath. What to take with you to the bathhouse - watch the video: Selecting bath accessories is a serious process. Each individual accessory must be practical, natural and safe. Recommendations from experts and photos of the bath set will help you select all the components of the set so that your stay in the bathhouse is as comfortable, safe and healthy as possible.

Bath brooms

The key accessory of a Russian bath is a broom. Without it, it is difficult to carry out any wellness and relaxation procedures. Bath brooms can be bought in specialized stores, or you can make them yourself.

When buying brooms for a bath, you should consider the type of material from which they are made. This is what determines the therapeutic effect of products on the body.

The most popular types of brooms are:

  • Birch – for traditional bath massage and muscle pain relief;
  • Oak – for strong steam, relieving emotional and physical stress, treating skin diseases;
  • Juniper and fir - for aromatizing the air and preventing respiratory diseases, strengthening the immune system;
  • Wormwood – for relaxation and relieving physical fatigue;

A broom for a bath is selected together with a special device - a steamer, which is a wooden container with a lid. The steamer is intended for high-quality and safe steaming of brooms.

Room layout

There are many possible planning solutions. It all depends on the size of the family budget and personal preferences. Some people prefer several multifunctional rooms.

And for some, a modest-sized room with a stove and a couple of shelves will be enough. A popular idea is a swimming pool. But here you need a drawing, which will significantly affect your wallet.

As for the dimensions of the sauna, each user should be allocated a minimum space of 3 cubic meters. m. However, experts advise abandoning an overly spacious room - it is difficult to warm it up.

Pile and buckets

All kinds of buckets, ladles and buckets, which will create a special atmosphere of comfort during bath procedures, will not be superfluous.


This is a special basin (barrel) made of wood, with a volume of 6 to 65 liters. It is used for ablution, and in some cases for steaming bath brooms. In private baths, it is recommended to provide each family member with a bath, taking into account the size and design of the product. In public baths, the number of wooden piles is determined by the area of ​​the washing area.


In public baths there are two buckets - for the washing room and the steam room. In the washing room, a large-volume ladle is used to collect water into basins or bowls; in the steam room, a small-volume ladle with a long handle is used for safely watering the heater. For those who like pouring, it is additionally recommended to purchase a 2-liter ladle.

The best option is a ladle made of wood or metal with a wooden handle. Plastic buckets are only suitable for wash bays.

Steam room frame

First you need to install and sheathe the ceiling. Only then do they move on to building walls. This algorithm ensures the reliability and rigidity of the corners of the room, and it is also the simplest.

  • Before you begin installing the frame, you need to measure the diagonals of the room - it must be strictly rectangular in shape. If this is not the case, it should be corrected.
  • For the frame, pine beams with a section of 50*50 are used. The installation option depends on how you plan to place the lining.
  • It is necessary to retreat from the wall at a distance equal to the thickness of the thermal insulation. The frame should be installed from the corners.
  • The outermost beams along the perimeter are fixed with long screws or anchors. For ease of installation of intermediate elements, a tensioned thread is used.

Since the stone stove is mounted on a ready-made wall structure, the embedded parts should be provided ahead of time - they must match the mounting holes of the heating device.

Don't forget the washcloth

When carrying out basic and auxiliary bath procedures, it is difficult to do without a washcloth. A washcloth is used to cleanse the skin and perform a light tonic massage.

In the bath you need to use washcloths made of natural materials - loofah, bast and sisal.

Such products help improve blood circulation, gently cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. For young children and teenagers, it is better to use natural sea sponge.

In addition to the traditional washcloth, you can purchase a massage mitten. With its help, it is more convenient to massage all areas of the skin.

When performing individual bath procedures, it is recommended to purchase a medium-hard massage brush with a long handle. It is quite effective for self-massage.

Requirements for ensuring epidemic well-being

These requirements imply:

  • monthly activities to exterminate rodents and parasites;
  • ongoing elimination of defects in floors and walls (as cracks form);
  • weekly general cleaning;
  • routine cleaning during the working day;
  • the final “promenade” of the cleaning employee at the end of the working day, the last cleaning is done with the mandatory use of disinfectants.

The SES will definitely check the disinfection log and the consumer’s corner in the sauna.

Hats and shoes

To protect the head from heat stroke during procedures, special headwear is provided - bath caps made of felt, flannel, wool, linen and cotton.

A properly selected hat should be soft and pleasant to the touch and not cause allergic reactions. Before visiting the steam room, the headdress should not be wetted with water to avoid overheating the scalp.

The hat needs to be washed periodically. Woolen and felt products are washed only by hand in warm water with the addition of a soap solution. You can twist the product with a terry towel and dry it in a well-ventilated area, flattened.

Slippers should definitely be included in the list of necessary accessories. A slipper for bath procedures can be made of plastic, rubber or foam. They are comfortable, practical and hygienic. It is better to choose models with a special grooved sole.

Products made of felt, felt, bast, sisal, straw and even wood are suitable for saunas. Caring for such shoes is the same as for hats - they must be washed in warm soapy water.

State Fire Supervision Requirements

At the design stage, familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of the PPB. They should be taken into account both when planning premises and the alarm system in them, and when choosing sauna cladding; for example, the use of resinous wood is strictly prohibited. Deciduous trees are preferred.

Premises requirements

The walls of the steam room are made of durable material (brick or concrete, that is, type I fire partitions are installed), the ceilings are made of type III (reinforced concrete). A separate exit from the dry heat room to the street is required (not to the reception, staircase or somewhere else).

The volume of the dry heat room is strictly standardized:

  • 8-24 m3;
  • with a height of -1.9 m.

An electric heater (heater) is selected based on the volume of the sauna, provided that it consumes no more than 15 kW. Permitted continuous operation is eight hours. After this, the electric heater should turn off automatically.

Additional requirements for it:

  1. The control is mounted in front of the steam room.
  2. All cables are made with the maximum degree of protection and heat resistance.
  3. The heater is installed at a distance of 0.2 meters from the wall to avoid fire.
  4. A shield with a 5-centimeter gap from the ceiling is mounted above the heater. The shield material must be fireproof and prevent overheating and destruction of the ceiling.

The maximum permissible temperature in the sauna is 110°C. The steam room is under no circumstances sealed. You need to leave a gap of 3 cm between the floor and the door. This allows for a flow of dry, hot air into the room.

PPB: basic requirements

The dry heat room itself (steam room) is equipped with a deluge (dry pipes connected to the water supply system are installed around the perimeter of the “steam room”). The control is installed before entering the dry heat room. Some designers propose to “close” the steam room with “sauna” type heat sensors with a PTLM wire; this system is triggered at 150°C.

Showers can be classified as rooms with wet processes. They do not install AUPS. Smoke detectors must be installed in locker rooms, administrative and service rooms. In these rooms, it is prohibited to use coating materials that are easily flammable and highly smoky.

The following fire extinguishing systems are acceptable for saunas:

  • foam;
  • water;
  • gas.

The presence of additional, more stringent requirements may be due to the large throughput of the enterprise, the presence of additional premises (billiard rooms, stores of related products, cafes).

Personnel requirements

It is unacceptable to allow persons under 18 years of age to operate sauna equipment. All workers servicing sauna equipment must be trained in safe working techniques and know the safety regulations.

They must know:

  • rules for turning on/off equipment;
  • main types of problems;
  • their actions if any malfunctions are detected;
  • their actions in the event of a fire.

Additional recommendations

Use air heating sensors that automatically turn off the electricity supplied to the heater when overheated as a supplement to RCDs and automatic machines. Use basalt/mineral board as thermal insulation material. Treat wooden surfaces with fire retardants at least twice a year.

Fire extinguishing systems in saunas can be manually started. The first ones are not very good due to the human factor, the second ones are prone to false alarms. To correct the situation, it is recommended to use not only smoke detectors, but also temperature detectors and flame detectors in conjunction with them.

To avoid fire in the sauna it is prohibited:

  • install homemade heating elements;
  • leave the heater running unattended;
  • use additional heaters in the steam room;
  • use electric ovens that are not equipped with thermostats;
  • close the gap under the steam room door;
  • dry clothes on the heater.

During the design process, check to see if there are separate safety regulations developed for saunas in your region.

Towels and washing accessories

For procedures, it is recommended to take two bath towels. One towel is used for lying down, the second for rubbing the body.

You can also use special towels with hidden Velcro as bath clothes. Such clothing is aimed at men and women; it may have special protective straps and patch pockets.

When carrying out any bath procedures, it is impossible to do without auxiliary accessories - soap, shampoos, shower foams, brushes, sponges and oils.

Soap and shampoo

When choosing cosmetic bath products, it is recommended to pay attention to their smell and quality. Bath cosmetics should not contain dyes or fragrances. It is better to give preference to completely natural ingredients that will not cause allergic reactions. The best option for a bath is tar, birch and milk soap. If desired, soap can be replaced with soft gel or shampoo.

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