What are the best ways to purify pool water?

A clean swimming pool at your dacha is a guarantee of your health and the health of your loved ones. It is important to maintain cleanliness regularly so as not to deal with difficult blockages later. There is a myth that cleaning pool water with your own hands is very time-consuming and expensive. We will dispel this statement and tell you how to monitor the cleanliness of the reservoir on your site yourself and without much investment.

Pool water purification methods

They are divided into three types:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • electrophysical.

Let us immediately make a reservation that the last cleaning method requires the installation of special, complex and expensive equipment. For country pools, such a device is an unnecessary luxury. Therefore, I will talk here about the first two methods.

Mechanical method

This type of cleaning includes all known hand-type tools. With their help, bacteria or germs cannot be removed, but collecting debris from the surface, dirt and sand from the bottom is not a problem.

The following devices are usually used:

  • brushes used to collect leaves , poplar fluff , paper and other small debris ;
  • nets , which are used in exactly the same way as brushes, only they can also remove foam ;
  • a specially designed vacuum cleaner , the main purpose of which is to clean the walls of the pool and its bottom from dirt and sand.

It should be noted that all of the above devices and tools cannot collect silt, fine sand and dust. Although it is these tiny particles that lead to the darkening of the water, which violates the aesthetic side of the water.

Cleaning pool water from debris using a net Source lemmonhub.com

But you can fight these troubles too. To do this, special filters are installed in the pool system that are good at removing suspended matter. Today, manufacturers offer two types of filters installed in the purification system of artificial reservoirs.

  • Sand type. It received its name only because it is filled with quartz sand . He copes well with the responsibilities assigned to him. But at the same time it additionally purifies the water from iron . Today this type of filter is very popular. The reason is low price and effective water purification. The only drawback is periodic cleaning of the device with high water pressure. This is not possible at all dachas. Experts recommend installing sand filter devices on inflatable pools . The water in them just changes more often.

Sand filter for pool Source maja-dacha.ru

  • Cartridge type. It got its name because the design of the device includes a removable cartridge made of filter material. This type of filter is expensive, but it also purifies water more effectively than a sand filter. It is recommended to install devices of this type in a frame pool cleaning system. In addition to the high price, there is another drawback - replacing cartridges, which are not cheap. The latter cannot be washed and installed back into the housing.

Cartridge filter for pool Source letsstroy.by

Chemical method

So, let's move on to the topic - how to clean a swimming pool at the dacha, and move on to the most effective method - chemical. It is this method that can get rid of bacteria and other microorganisms that quickly multiply under the influence of sunlight, turning the water greenish.

Chemicals for swimming pools Source 2gis.ru

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in swimming pools and equipment for them.

Today the market offers several fairly effective chemicals that are very popular among summer residents. Let us add that they are presented in the form of tablets and powders.

  • chlorine-based cleaning products . They are popular, and there are two reasons: the low cost of the product and the quick disinfection of water . Side effect is a strong unpleasant odor . In addition, doctors do not recommend using them in pools whose owners are allergic . At the same time, chlorine dries out the skin and has a negative effect on the color of swimsuits and swimming trunks.
  • Products based on bromine . An excellent disinfectant that quickly cleans large volumes of water. At the same time, it does not emit odors.
  • Perhydrol . It is essentially a 37 percent aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide . All owners of country pools assure that a better solution cannot be found. First of all, it's inexpensive . Secondly, it not only kills microorganisms, it also cleans the bottom and walls of pools from mucus, and the water from turbidity. In addition, perhydrol enriches water with oxygen .

Perhydrol - hydrogen peroxide for purifying pool water Source sml-volgograd.ru
It must be added that the above preparations cannot cope with dirt and increased turbidity. For this purpose, other chemicals are used, which belong to the category of coagulants and flocculants. They act as a binder, that is, they envelop the smallest particles, collect them in peculiar colonies and fall to the bottom in the form of sediment. After which the latter just needs to be collected with a vacuum cleaner. A prominent representative of the coagulant is a product called “Aquadoctor”.

Electrophysical methods

Such methods reduce the amount of chemicals used. They are used to disinfect water and provide a long-lasting effect.


This method is based on the use of a special device - an ozonator. It acts on oxygen using an electrical discharge, resulting in the formation of ozone. This gas exhibits strong oxidizing properties. It kills viruses and pathogenic microorganisms.

The ozonizer purifies the water and gives it a fresh smell. During the ozonation process, individual particles coagulate into larger compounds. Most of the bound reagents are subsequently retained by the sand filter, and the oxygen is returned to its original state.

  • The disadvantage of this cleaning method is that installing an ozonizer is quite expensive.

Ultraviolet lamps

The use of UV modules is a fairly effective way to disinfect water and fight algae, which is used in combination with other methods. The use of such lamps allows you to reduce the frequency of cleaning and the consumption of chemicals without changing the pH value. The device operates from the electrical network.

The degree of water transparency is important. Therefore, such processing must be preceded by mechanical cleaning. It is not economically profitable to use a lamp in large pools. Another disadvantage of the ultraviolet irradiation method is the lack of long-term results.


Ionizer is an electrolytic unit used to saturate H2O with Cu2+ and Ag+ ions. Inside the device are electrode chambers with copper and silver plates through which water passes. Silver disinfects, copper causes the death of algae, has an oxidative effect, and promotes the transformation of small particles into flakes.

The advantage of the method is the crystal purity of the water and the absence of a specific odor. Silver particles can remain active for several weeks. It is worth considering that water ionization does not affect all types of microorganisms. Therefore, you cannot refuse dry cleaning.

Household models are compact, but designed for small bodies of water (up to 60 m3). Devices for industrial use are capable of cleaning large tanks, but have impressive dimensions.

Chlorine generators

Highly effective and safe method. These units are designed to break down table salt (non-iodized) through electrolysis, which is previously dissolved in water. 3 kg of product is consumed per cubic meter of water. As a result of the breakdown of salt, chlorine is formed. The device is equipped with a flow sensor. If there is a lack of salt, the display will show error 91. The advantage of this method over conventional chlorination is the absence of an unpleasant odor. The device is connected to a filter pump.

A significant advantage of chlorine generators is observed only when used in relatively large bowls. Installing the device on pools up to 4 m in length does not give the expected effect.

How to properly care for your pool

In principle, there are no complex cleaning measures. Here are some tips to help you keep your pool in good condition. This applies not only to water, but also to the internal surfaces of an artificial reservoir.

  • install a filter in the pool .
  • Every day, or better yet twice a day, garbage from the surface of the water surface . Leaves that begin to rot under the influence of sunlight are especially harmful Pay attention to insects wasps , bees , bumblebees , earwigs and other equally dangerous insects are especially dangerous
  • Twice a week it is necessary to treat the water with chemicals . This is how you can protect a pond from water blooming.
  • If your pool is inflatable , then change the water in it at least once a week.
  • If children under 3 years of age swim in the pool, then the water in the pool must be changed more often.

I would also like to talk about rust. Or rather, about water that has a high content of iron salts. It is these salts that color the water yellowish and sometimes brown. You should not swim in such a pool. Iron in this form has a negative effect on the skin. Therefore, we need to get rid of iron.

Rusty water in the pool Source vseonauke.com

The simplest option is to let the water settle in some other tank and then pump it into the pool. You can use a special coagulant that is added to the filled bowl. The chemical binds iron salts, which precipitate as flakes. All that remains is to remove the last one with a vacuum cleaner.

Mechanical cleaning

The cleaning option involves the use of hand tools. Suitable for removing debris from surfaces. But this method is not used to remove germs and bacteria. Among the devices that can be used are:

  • Brushes to remove leaves, branches and debris;
  • Nets that can be used to remove debris and foam formed by flowering;
  • Vacuum cleaner for removing dirt from the walls and sand and dirt from the bottom.

This is the most popular method of putting a pond in order. It is carried out at least every other day.


Filters are a mechanical cleaning method. Thanks to them, you can remove small particles and clean all layers of pool water. It should be remembered that the filter must be selected taking into account that it has time to pass water through itself 2-3 times per day.

They need to be washed once every 10 days, and cleaned several times a year. Installation of filters should be carried out by a specialist.

There are many types of filters, each of which has pros and cons.

  • cheap;
  • are the most common, which is why they can be easily purchased
  • it is necessary to rinse every week, placing it under running water;
  • heavy weight and dimensions
Diatomaceous earth
  • cleaning from the smallest debris;
  • multi-stage water purification
  • rapid clogging;
  • cannot be washed;
  • you need to constantly buy new ones;
  • high price;
  • These filters should only be serviced by a professional
  • It does not require special care;
  • it can be washed under running water;
  • suitable for frame pools;
  • small size
  • does not allow the smallest particles to pass through

More details about filters: Filters

Use of chemical compounds

Once all debris has been removed from the water, you can begin to fight bacteria. Various chemicals are used for these purposes. But first it is necessary to normalize the acid-base balance of water using special compounds. Only at standard environmental values ​​of 7-7.4 pH, chemicals are able to destroy harmful microbes.

All water purification chemicals work on the basis of three elements:

  • chlorine-containing compounds are effective and the cheapest, but leave a characteristic odor and can also cause allergies and serious health problems;
  • bromine-containing preparations – leaves no odor, effectively purifies water, hypoallergenic;
  • products based on active oxygen are an ideal option for cleaning home pools (odorless, non-toxic, eliminate microbes by almost 100%).

You can find a huge number of pool cleaning products on store shelves. Moreover, in some cases it is not necessary to separately purchase compounds for disinfection and normalization of the alkaline balance. There are cleaning kits available that already contain everything you need.

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General care recommendations

Keeping the container clean takes a lot of time. Even when using a special awning, branches still fall into the pond, leaves, debris and dust are blown by the wind. If you do not clean the pool yourself, you will have to change all the water. To avoid this, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Filter installation;
  • Daily cleaning with a net;
  • Treatment of water with chemicals - once every two to three weeks;
  • Using an awning at night and in bad weather;
  • In winter, the pool must be thoroughly dried and covered.

If a small inflatable “paddling pool” is used, the filling should be changed every 7-8 days and the surfaces located inside should be washed thoroughly.

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